Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing
Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing
Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing
ISSN 2229-5518
Cloud computing, also called as on demand an application, that gives common resources and
computing. it is an internet based computing that data to computers and other devices on demand.
provides resources on a pay per use basis. Due to The essential characteristics can be elaborated as
the advantages of high computing power, low follows:
services cost, better performance, scalability,
• Broad access to network: Cloud computing
accessibility as well as availability it has become
assets are available over the network, supporting
a utility. It is broken down into application,
dissimilar client platforms such as mobile devices
storage and connectivity segments. Each segment
and workstations.
serves for various purposes and provides products
• On demand self service: Users can have access
for businesses and individuals around the world.
to their required resources and software. They
Without installation and access their personal
don’t need to interact with cloud computing
files at any computer, it allows consumers and
service providers. Mostly done through a web
businesses to use applications with internet
based self service portal.
access. Virtualization is a foundational element of
• Calculating service: It is important features of
cloud computing. It is software that separates
cloud computing is use of services and resources.
physical infrastructures to create various
Only pay for what you actually used.
resources. It is a fundamental technology that
• Rapid expansion ability: Cloud is flexible and
powers cloud computing. Multiple operating
scalable to get your business needs. You can
systems and multiple applications are run on the
easily extend more resources, software etc.
same server at same time by virtualization
Resources are provided on demand.
1.2 Types of Cloud Computing
1.1 Cloud Computing Characteristics
IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 2
ISSN 2229-5518
Cloud computing have four types i.e public, a public action and several organizations with
private, hybrid, community cloud which are nearly common needs share their resources and
shown in fig1. services and integrate a cluster cloud[1].
• Public Cloud: This cloud is available for public
use for a large industry group and is kept by an
management selling cloud services. In fact, it is
an open state for public access and protected
through firewall and is entirely hosted and
managed by the providing company. Therefore, it
has low security. This cloud is ready for public
use without much control over the infrastructure.
• Private Cloud: This cloud computing
infrastructure is used with in a particular company
and not shared by any other company. private
cloud may be handled by particular company. In
fact, private cloud is a infrastructure which is Figure1: Existing layers in cloud computing.
created by an organization for its substance usage.
1.3 Cloud Computing Services
Private cloud grants more control over all
It gives different services which relates with
implementation layers of cloud. The main
platform, software and infrastructure. Cloud
advantage of private clouds is high security which
Computing have 3 basics service models. These
results from the placement of equipment within
are Software as a service, Platform as a service,
the organization and inadequate communication
and Infrastructure as a service.
with the outside world.
• Software as a service(SaaS): This service is
• Hybrid Cloud: This cloud is aggregation of
defined as software that is deployed over the
public and private mode whereas public and
internet. SaaS model provides application
private clouds keep their identities, In this model
software and it is installed on cloud and accessed
they act as a unit.
by users from cloud itself. Then it is not
• Community Cloud: In the organization of same
necessary to install and run application on user
group this cloud share the computing
computer. SaaS is growing in market very
infrastructure. This cloud is generated wherever
several organizations have similar uses and
• Platform as a service(PaaS): This model
explore benefits from cloud computing profit by
provides platforms like development tools,
sharing the infrastructure. Since the cost is split
database, web server. For develop high quality
among fewer users than public clouds, this option
applications its mainly focus on effectiveness of
is more costly than public cloud but it provides
cost and dynamic environment. It is a computing
higher layers of privacy, security, and agreement
platform that allows the web applications creation
with policies. In other words, it is a community
cloud. In fact, this type of cloud is ready to serve
IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 3
ISSN 2229-5518
simply and instantly. There is no need to purchase optimization algorithm has been used that reduce
and maintain the software. the makespan.
• Infrastructure as a service (IaaS): In this, In the paper “A Review of Metaheuristic
various hardware resources such as processing Scheduling Techniques in Cloud computing”,
element, storage space or network are provided as Efficient performance in scheduling was
services on need from a large resource pool [2]. discussed by Mala Kalra et al [5]. The objective
The rest part of paper organized as follows. of scheduling is to map tasks to convenient
Section 2 represents task scheduling description. resources that optimize one or more targets. In
In section 3 Literature Review is presented. In cloud computing, scheduling belongs to NP-hard
Section 4 concluded the paper and describe some problems that take large space. It is preferable to
future work. find suboptimal solution. Meta-heuristic based
2. Task Scheduling techniques have been proved to achieve near best
In cloud environment, task scheduling is very solutions within acceptable time for such
important issue. It is used to schedule tasks for problems. In this paper, a survey and comparative
better utilization of resources by allocating certain analysis of many scheduling algorithms for cloud
tasks to particular resources in particular time. and grid environments based on meta heuristic
The main aim of task scheduling algorithm is to techniques such as: Activity based costing
improve the performance and quality of service (ABC), ACO algorithm, Genetic Algorithm (GA)
and also maintaining the efficiency among the and PSO has been provided.
tasks and reduce the cost. In task scheduling In the paper “Credit Based scheduling
available virtual resources are optimally used. By Algorithm in cloud computing Environment”,
efficient resource scheduling high achievement of Task scheduling algorithm was discussed by
cloud computing. various parameters that are Antony Thomas et al[6], which was based on
considered in scheduling algorithms are priority of user and length of task. No any special
completion time, task completion cost Task importance given to high prioritized task when
scheduling is an NP-hard problem in cloud they arrive. Min-Min algorithm was used by
computing, that is evaluated using some heuristic considering the task length to reduce makespan of
approaches such as particle swarm tasks. The proposed credit based scheduling
optimization[3]. algorithm considered all the factors like task
length, makespan, resource utilization.
3. Literature Review In the paper “Design of dependable Task
In the paper “Makespan Improvement of PSO
scheduling Algorithm in cloud Environment” [7]
based Dynamic Scheduling in cloud computing”,
the authors provided a new heuristic algorithm for
Optimized task scheduling was discussed by
dependable task scheduling, which was designed
Azade Khalili et al[4]. The authors focused
to decrease the time period of scheduling and
mainly on matter of mapping and scheduling.
compared the results with class of scheduling
Tasks were assigned to resources in the manner
algorithms- Modified Critical Path (MCP),
that help to minimize execution time and
Earliest Time first algorithm (ETF) and Dynamic
maximize utilization. The particle swarm
IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 4
ISSN 2229-5518
Level Scheduling (DLS). The proposed heuristic these things. From the literature reviewed, it is
algorithm reduced the execution time of task and clear that lot of factors had already been covered
high speed. in the area of task scheduling like execution time,
A paper on task scheduling has been presented cost, response time, flow time, throughput, and
by Dr. Amit Aggarwal et al[8]. The authors average resource utilization, etc. but still
provided a priority algorithm for powerful improvement required in some areas like make
completion time of task and compared with First span, Time/space complexity & execution cost.
come first serves and Round robin scheduling So, Optimization based task scheduling may be
algorithm. The result gives better performance. further considered for achieving more effective
A paper on Dynamic task scheduling task scheduling.
algorithm has been presented by Shital Patil et REFERENCES
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ISSN 2229-5518
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IJSER © 2016