Bca Part III Sem V and Vi

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Shivaji University Kolhapur

BCA Part III Draft Syllabus w.e.f. June 2024-25

BCA-III (Sem-V) NEP 1.0

Course Title of Paper Credit Internal External Total

CC 501 Java Programming 4 20 80 100
CC 502 Data Warehousing and Data Mining 4 20 80 100
CC503 Dot NET Technology 4 20 80 100
DSE 504 Elective-I
1. Web Content Management 4 100
(WordPress/Joomla) 20 80
2. Emerging Trends in Data Base
3. Linux
GE 505 Elective-II
1. Digital Marketing 4 20 80 100
2. Management Information System
3. E-Commerce
SEC SB 506 Skill Development IV 2 50 50
CCL 507 Lab Course-IX Based on CC501 2 - 50 50
CCL 508 Lab Course-X Based on DSE504& 503 2 - 50 50
26 150 500 650
Course B.C.A Part-III (Sem-V) Credit:-4 Marks 100
Code: NEP 1.0
CC 501 Java Programming
Total Hours of Teaching: 60 External :80 Internal:20
Course The student will be able to:
Outcomes: 1. Understand the features of Java Language
2. Demonstrate Object-Oriented Programming using Java
3. Develop Multithreaded and Networking applications
4. Design GUI applications using AWT and Swing.
Unit No. Description No. of
Java Fundamentals
Introduction to Java, History and Features of Java, C++ vs Java, Simple
1 Java Program, Internal path seting, JDK, JRE, and JVM (Java Virtual 15
Machine),JVM Memory Management, data types, Unicode System,
Operators, Keywords, and Control Statements, methods, constructor,
STRING Manipulation,Array,
Inheritance, Polymorphism and Encapsulation
Inheritance in Java, Is-A Relationship, Aggregation and
2 Composition(HAS-A),Types of inheritance, this & super keyword 15
Polymorphism in Java, Types of polymorphism, Static and Dynamic
Binding, Abstract class and method, Interface, Encapsulation in Java,
Getter and setter method in Java.
Package, Multithreading and Exception handling
Defining & create packages, system packages, Introduction of Exception,
3 Pre -Defined Exceptions, Try-Catch-Finally, Throws, throw,User Defined 15
Exception examples, Multithreading- introduction, Thread Creations,
Thread Life Cycle, Life Cycle Methods,
Synchronization, Wait() notify() notify all() methods
Introduction and Components of AWT, Event-Delegation Model,
4 Listeners, Layouts, Individual Components Label, Button, Check Box, 15
Radio Button, Introduction Diff B/W AWT and SWING, Components
hierarchy, Panes, Individual Swings components J Label, JButton,
JText Field, JTextArea
Reference Books:
1. Java - The Complete Reference-Author – Herbert Schildt, Latest
Edition – 11th Edition, Publisher – McGraw Hill Education
2. The Complete Reference-Herbert Schildt
3. Core Java An Integrated Approach (Black Book)- Dr. R.
Course B.C.A Part-III (Sem-V) Credits:04 Marks: 100
Code: NEP 1.0
CC502 Data Warehousing and Data Mining
Total Hours of Teaching: 60 External :80 Internal:20
Course After completion of this course students will be able to
outcome 1. Define the Data warehouse architecture and its Implementation.
2. Describe the Architecture of a Data Mining system.
3. Understand the various Data preprocessing Methods.
4. Perform classification and prediction of data
Unit No. Descriptions No. of
Data Warehousing:
Introduction to data warehousing, Data warehousing components,
Building a data warehouse, Difference between database system and 15
1 data warehouse, Data warehouse architecture-3 Tier architecture,
Warehouse schema design, Data extraction, Cleanup& transformation
tools, Multi-dimensional data model, Data cubes- Stars, Snowflakes,
Fact constellations, Concept hierarchy, Online analytical processing-
Data Mining:
Introduction of data mining - Definition and functionalities Issues in
2 DM, Applications of data mining, KDD process. 15
Data Pre-processing: Data Pre-processing, Data cleaning, Data
integration and transformation, Data reduction, Discretization and
concept hierarchy generation, Data mining Tasks
Data Mining techniques:
Frequent item - set and association rule mining: apriori algorithm, use
of sampling for frequent item- set tree algorithm, Graph sampling :
3 frequent sub graph mining, tree mining, sequence mining 15
Classification and Prediction - Issues Regarding Classification and 15
4 Prediction – Classification by Decision Tree Introduction – Bayesian
Classification – Rule Based Classification
Prediction – Accuracy and Error Measures.
Cluster Analysis:
Types of Data in Cluster Analysis, A Categorization of Major
Clustering Methods, Partitioning Methods – K-Means and K-Medoids
1. Kimball, Ralph & et al, The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit,
John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
2. Jiawei Han and MichelineKamber : “Data Mining Concepts and
Techniques”, 3rd Edition,Elsevier,2012.
3. Arun K. Pujari, "Data Mining",University Press.
4. PaulrajPonnian, “Data Warehousing Fundamentals”, John Willey.
Course B.C.A Part-III (Sem-V) Credit :04 Marks:100
code: NEP 1.0
CC 503 DOT NET Technology
Total Hours of Teaching: 60 External :80 Internal:20

Course After completion of this course student should be able to-

Outcomes 1. Understand features of C# DOT NET
2. Implement various server controls for website development
3. Apply validation and state management for interactive website
4. Design and develop dynamic web application using ADO.Net
Unit No. Description No. of
1 Introduction to .NET Framework 15
Overview of .NET, Features of .NET, Managed and unmanaged
code, Meta Data , .NET types and .NET object and name spaces
Architecture of DOT NET Framework: CLR, CTS, MSIL, JIT,
CLS, FCL , Types of JIT , Visual studio .NET IDE
2 C# Basics 15
Introduction to C# , Entry point method, command line arguments,
Different valid forms of main(), Difference between .Exe and .DLL,
Parameter Passing mechanism, Out parameter
Data types , Type Casting, Boxing & Unboxing, Partial class and
implementation, Control structures

3 ASP .NET 15
Asp.Net Server controls , Web form lifecycle, Validtion controls,
Navigation controls , Response.redirect, server.response,, Cross
page posting , State Management
4 ADO.NET 15
Data Controls in ASP.Net, ADO.Net Classes-Connection, Command,
DataReader, DataAdapter,Dataset, Connected and Disconnected
architecture, Data binding using ADO.net , Report generation, simple
and parameterized reports
Books Recommended:
1. ASP .NET-The Complete Reference Tata MacGraw Hill
2. ASP.NET 4 Unleashed by Stephen Walther, Kevin
Scott Hoffman, Sams Publishing
3. Bill Evjen, Professional ASP.NET 3.5 in C# and VB,
Wrox Publication
4. Kogent Solutions, C# 2008 Programming covers. NET 3.5
(Black Book), Dreamtech Press
5.Microsoft ASP.NET 4.0 Step by Step - George Shepherd,
Microsoft Press
6. Mastering ASP.Net - BPB Publication
7. ASP.net – The Complete Reference- Tata McGraw Hill
8. ASP.NET Programming – Murach
9. ASP.NET 4.0 Programming- Joydip Kanjilal
Course code: B.C.A Part-III (Sem-V) Credits: 4 Marks:100
DSE 504.1 NEP 1.0
Web Content Management (WordPress/Joomla)

Total Hours of Teaching: 60 External:80 Internal :20

Course By the end of this course, the students should be able to:
Outcomes 1. Understand different CMS platforms and its applications
2. Apply themes and customize design for the websites using
3. Understand the essential concepts of Joomla and its features
4. Develop and manage a web site using Joomal Modules and
Unit No. Description No. of
Introduction to Content Management System and Wordpress
Unit 1 Introduction, Features, Advantages, Disadvantages, Types of CMS and 15
its Applications, Basics of Blogging, Comparison with other web
technologies , Introduction and Installation Introduction of WordPress,
Advantages & Disadvantages of WordPress, WordPress.com vs
WordPress.org, Installation of WordPress, Directory ; file structure
Overview of Wordpress
Unit 2 Dashboard overview, working with page, category, post, tags, and 15
media, User Roles and Responsibilities, Modifying Settings (General,
Reading, Writing, Discussion, Media, Permalinks), Database Structure,
Overview of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Installing new themes,
Using CSS to move and position web graphics, Blogging with
WordPress, To setup Blogging site
Unit 3 Joomla Basics, Installing WAMP Server, Installing Joomla on Web 15
Server, Joomla Admin, Joomla global configuration, Article manager,
Archive manager, FrontPage manager, Section manager, Category
manager, Media Manager, Menu manager, Component manager ,
Content Manager, Extensions manager, Module manager, Plugin
manager, Template manager, Understanding the concept of joomla
positions, Changing the layout structure by changing the module
Joomla Frontend
Understanding Basic Joomla Template, Customizing joomla template-
Unit 4 Building Custom Joomla Template, Understanding Template details.xml 15
File, Creating Templatedetails.xml File using tmpl_builderLinking Css-
Linking JavaScript-Understanding Include-Displaying Content in xhtml-
Creating Template installation Package-Creating Custom Forms
Changing the Form Appearance using CSS
Reference Books:
1. Dr. Andy Williams, WordPress for Beginners 2020: A Visual Step-
by-Step Guide to Mastering WordPress
2. Lisa Sabin–Wilson, C WordPress All–in–One for Dummies
3. Brad Williams, David Damstra, Ham Stern Professional WordPress
Design and Development
4.Using Joomla ! Author: Ron Severdia, Jennifer Gress.
5.The Official Joomla! Book Publisher: Pearson Education
Course code: B.C.A Part-III (Sem-V) Credits: 4 Marks:100
DSE 504.2 NEP 1.0
Emerging Trends in DataBase
Marks:100 Total Hours of Teaching: 60 External:80 Internal :20

Course By the end of this course, the students should be able to:
Outcomes 1. Differentiate between SQL and NoSQL database system.
2. Analyze given data using MongoDB.
3. Understand the different types of Cloud databases
4. Identify emerging trends in database management:
Unit No. Description No. of
Introduction to NoSQL
1 Introduction to NoSQL database, Types of NoSQL database, 15
NoSQL data modeling, Benefits of NoSQL database, Comparison
between SQL and NoSQL database system, NoSQL using MaongoDB.

Working with MongoDB

2 Introduction to MongoDB shell, Basic data types, Running the 15
MongoDB shell, MongoDB Client, ,Basic operations with
MongoDB shell, Arrays, querying with MongoDB, find function,
OR queries,
Types specific querying, Aggregation in MongoDB.
Cloud databases
3 Introduction, Types of cloud databases- Relational cloud databases, 15
NoSQL cloud databases, In-memory databases, Working of cloud
Database, Benefits and challenges of cloud databases
Emerging trends in database management:
Self-driving databases, Augmented database Management systems,
4 Analytic databases, Graph databases, Bridging SQL and NoSQL 15
Reference Books
1. Professional NoSQL, Shashank Tiwari, 2011, Wiley
2. Teach yourself NoSQL with MongoDB in 24 Hours, Brad
Dayley, Sams
3. MongoDB Data Modeling and Schema Design by Daniel
Coupal, Pascal Desmarets, et al.,
4. MongoDB Applied Design Patterns: Practical Use Cases with
the Leading NoSQL Database (Greyscale Indian Edition) by
Rick Copeland
Course code: B.C.A Part-III (Sem-V) Credits: 4 Marks:100
DSE 504.3 NEP 1.0
Total Hours of Teaching: 60 External:80 Internal : 20

Course By the end of this course, the students should be able to:
Outcomes 1. Understand the basic components of Operating Systems and their
2. Explain the structure and functions of operating systems along with their
components, types and working.
3. Understand the basics of File, Device and Disk Storage Management in Linux
4. Learn Shell Programming through Linux

Unit No. Description No. of

Introduction to Operating System
1 Operating system, Types of operating system, Functions of operating 15
system, History and development of Linux, Features of Linux , Login ,
logout procedure, Concept of shell, kernel, Kernel-shell relationship

Handling files and directory’s

2 Concept of file, types, file system tree, Different GPU ( clear ,cal , date, 15
wc, who ), file handling- ls ,cat ,cp, mv , rm commands , listing file
names, using meta characters ( * , ? ,[ ] ), Concept of directory , home
directory , directory handling commands- cd , mkdir, rmdir,pwd.,
Basic file attributes, change file/directory, chmod command, Filters-
cut, paste, sort, unique, head, tail, grep commands., Command linking
using pipe (|) operator, command substitution.
VI editor
3 Vi Editor, use of VI , features of VI, Different modes and working with 15
VI editor , Command mode -cursor movements( k,j,h,l), delete(
character, line, word), Screen up , down, use of repeat factor , joining
lines (J), searching for pattern ( / and ?), Input mode- switching with (
I,o,r,s,a,I,O,R,S,A), ex mode – saving ( w, x, q)
Simple Shell programming
Concept of Shell Script, running a shell script, Statements – read ,
4 echo, test , if, case , exit., Loops- while, until, for Command line 15
arguments, Exit status of a command
Reference Books
1. Unix concept and applications Sumitabha Das
2. Unix shell programming- Yashwant Kanetkar
3. Linux programming- Foreword By- Alan Cox
4. RedHat Linux By Bill Ball , David Pitts
Course Code: B.C.A Part-III (Sem-V) Credit: 04 Marks:100
GE505.1 NEP 1.0
Digital Marketing
Total Hours of Teaching: 60 External :80 Internal : 20
Course At the end of the course the student should be able to:
Outcomes 1. Learn the applications of Digital Marketing
2. Analyze the different digital marketing avenues.
3. Examine digital marketing tools.
4. Build real life problems in the domain of digital marketing
Unit No. Description No. of
1 Digital Marketing:
Introduction, Definition, Meaning and Scope, Advantages of digital
Medium over other media, Digital Marketing Plan. Digital Marketing 15
Strategy-POEM framework, .Digital consumer behaviour.
2 Search Marketing :
Introduction, Meaning, Types ,Basics of Search marketing, SEO-
Working, Search Engine marketing (SEM) 15
:Introduction, Meaning, Types of SEM, Difference between SEO and
SEM, Overview of Google Ad words, Keywords research and
analysis, Tracking the success of SEM Search Engine
3 Types of Digital Marketing
1. Mobile Marketing: Different kinds of mobile marketing ,mobile
marketing ecosystem
2. Social Media Marketing: Different social Media Channels, Social
media for various businesses B2C& B2B,Measuring social media ROI
3. Content Marketing: story telling in Social media 15
4. E-Mail Marketing: The basics of Email marketing
5. Display Marketing: Different Kinds of Display
marketing , The display Marketing ecosystem
4 Affiliate Marketing:
Introduction, Meaning, Types of Affliate Mktg., 15
Future of Digital Marketing, Technological advancements in Digital
Marketing, Practical Applications of Digital Marketing.
Books Recommended:
1. Gupta Seema.-Digital Marketing, McGraw Hill Education(India) Pvt. Ltd.
2. AhujaVandana-Digital Marketing, Oxford University Press, 2015.
3. Mohammed R.,—InternetMarketing, McGrawHill,NewYork,Vol.4,2001
4. Krishnamurthy, S. & Singh,N. (2005), The International E-Marketing Framework(IEMF)
Course code: B.C.A Part-III (Sem-V) Credit:04 Marks:100
GE505.2 NEP 1.0
Management Information System
Total Hours of Teaching: 60 External :80 Internal : 20

Course Outcomes After completion of this course students will be able to-
1. Understand the fundamental principles of information systems
2. Describe the types of management and decision making
3. Demonstrate different types of IS used in business.
4. Explain various applications of MIS
UNIT No. Description No. of
1 Introduction to Information System
Introduction to systems- definition, need, types, characteristic,
Definition of Information, Classification of Information, Need
and importance of information system, Definition and 15
Characteristics of information system, Role of information system
in business
2 Decision Making
Decision Making Concepts, and Process, Types of Decisions,
Behavioral Concepts in Decision Making, Organizational 15
Decision-Making, MIS and Decision Making
3 Types of Information System
Introduction, Operational and Knowledge Level- TPS
(Transaction Processing System), OAS (Office Automation
System), KWS (Knowledge Work System), Management and
Strategic Level-,MIS (Management Information System-need
characteristics DSS (Decision Support System)-need, 15
characteristics, components, ESS (Executive Support System)-
need, characteristics
4 Applications of MIS 15
Financial Information System, Human Resource Information
System, Production Information System, Marketing Information
Reference Books:
1. W. S. Jawadekar, Management Information Systems, 4th edition, McGraw
2. Ramesh Behl , James O‟ Obrien and George M. Marakas, Management
Information Systems, 10th edition, McGraw Hill edition.
3. DR. Milind M. Oka. , Management Information Systems , Everest Publishing
Course code: B.C.A Part-III (Sem-V) Credits: 4 Marks:100
GE505.3 NEP 1.0
Total Hours of Teaching: 60 External:80 Internal :20

Course After completion of this course students will be able to-

Outcomes 1. Understand the various concept of E-Commerce
2. Know the different e-payment systems
3. Analysis E-Security options
4. Examine the different Security Solutions

Unit No. Description No. of

1 Unit-1- Introduction to E-Commerce
Concept, Definition, Goals, Components and functions, Advantages 15
and Limitations, Challenges and opportunities, E-Commerce models-
C2C, C2B, C2G, B2C, B2B, B2G, EDI- Concept, components,
Working mechanism of EDI
Advantages and disadvantages of EDI.
2 Electronic payment System
Concept of e-payment, Difference between traditional and electronics 15
payment system, Digital cash, Credit and Debit card system, Smart
Card, Prepaid, post paid and instant payment system, Electronic funds
transfer, Concept of e-banking
3 E-Security
Concept of E-security,Security threats- concept and types , Malicious 15
code, Phishing and identity theft , Hacking and cyber vandalism ,
Credit card fraud/Theft , Spoofing , Denial of service (DoS) ,Firewall
and proxy server

4 Security Solutions
Concept of encryption and decryption, Symmetric and asymmetric
key encryption, Cipher text, Digital Envelopes , Digital certificates, 15
Security socket layer (SSL), Limitations of encryption solutions.
Reference Books
1. E-Commerce- Kenneth C.Laudon and Carol Guercio Traver
2. Internet marketing and E-commerce-Ward Hanson and Kirthi
3. E-Commerce Concepts , Models , Strategies by -- G.S.V
4. E-Commerce by --Kamlesh K Bajaj and Debjani Nag
5. Electronic Commerce by --Gary P. Schneider
6. E-Commerce A Managers Guide, Ravi Kalkota
Course code: B.C.A Part-III (Sem-V) Credit:-2 Marks
SEC SB506 NEP 1.0 50
Skill Development IV
Marks:100 Total Hours of Teaching: 30 External: Internal: 50
Course After completion of this course students will be able to -
Outcomes 1. Reflect on the importance of Professional behavior.
2. Articulate and adapt the various facets that make up one’s personality.

UNIT No. Description No. of

1 Soft Skills: Introduction and Importance; Difference between Hard
skills and Soft Skills; Need of Soft Skills at the Workplace; Soft Skills
for Professional Excellence: Communicative Skills, Critical Thinking
and Problem Solving Skills, Team Work, Attitude- steps to build a 15
Positive Attitude, Leadership skill, Time Management- Pareto’s
Principle; Stress Management
2 Personality Development: Introduction and Importance;
Discovering Oneself, SWOT Analysis; Developing Interpersonal
Relationships- ways to build Strong Inter Relationships; Etiquette and
Manners- Professional Etiquette, Email Etiquette and Telephonic
Etiquette ,Dressing, Grooming and Body Language; Group Discussion- 15
Expectations of the Panel, Do’s & Don’ts in a Group Discussion:
Differences between Group Discussion and a Debate ; Resume
Building; Facing The Personal Interview
Reference Books:
1. Andrews, Sudhir. How to Succeed at Interviews. 21st (rep.) New Delhi.TMH, 1988.
2. Heller, Robert. Effective leadership. Essential Manager series. Dk Publishing, 2002
3. Hindle, Tim. Reducing Stress. Essential Manager series. Dk Publishing, 2003
4. Lucas, Stephen. Art of Public Speaking. New Delhi. Tata - Mc-Graw Hill. 2001
5. Mile, D.J Power of positive thinking. Delhi. Rohan Book Company, (2004).
6. Dr.K.K. Ramachandran and Dr.K.K. Karthick, From Campus to Corporate, Macmillan
Publishers India Limited, New Delhi,2010.
7. Smith, B . Body Language. Delhi: Rohan Book Company. 2004
8. Essentials of Business Communication - Rajendra Pal and J. S. Korlhalli - Sultan Chand &
Sons, New Delhi.
9. Personality Development and Career management: By R.M.Onkar (S Chand Publications)
10. Managing Soft Skills For Personality Development---B.N. Ghosh, McGraw Hill Education
11 Personality Development, Interpersonal Skills and Career Management
Dr. C.S.G., Krishnamacharyulu and Dr. Lalitha Ramakrishnan Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
12. Personality Development –R.C. Bhatia, Ane Books Pvt.Ltd.
13. Soft Skills: An Integrated Approach to Maximise Personality, Gajendra Singh Chauhan, Wiley

Nature of Internal Evaluation

Mock Interview 10 Marks
Role Play 10 Marks
Group Discussion 10 Marks
Written Assignment 10 Marks
Listening Activity 10 Marks
Course code: B.C.A Part-III (Sem-V) Credit:-2 Marks 50
CCL 507 NEP 1.0
Lab Course IX based on CC501
Total Hours of Teaching:30 External : 50
Course 1. Implement the Concept of OOP in Java through simple
Outcomes: programs.
2. Implementation and Evaluation of concept related to class and
inheritance, concept of Multiprogramming and Exception
List of Programs (Note: Students should certify & enclose minimum 10 programs in journal.)
1 Java programs based on branching and looping statements.
2 Java programs based Type Casting
3 Java programs based on command line arguments
4 Java programs based on constructors
5 Java programs based on inheritance
6 Java programs based on method overloading
7 Java programs based on method overriding
8 Java programs based on interfaces
9 Java programs based on packages
10 Java programs based on multithreading
11 Java programs based on exception handling
Course code: B.C.A Part-III (Sem-V) Credit :02 Marks: 50
CCL 508 NEP 1.0
Lab course-X Based on CC504 and CC503
Course Outcomes After completion of this course student should be able to-
1. Design console applications using C#.
2. Design web application using ASP.Net
Sr. No. List of Practical’s based on CC503
Consol applications
1. Write a program to display even no and odd no using C#.
2. Write a program to demonstrate parameter passing mechanism and out parameter.
3. Write a program to demonstrate type casting.
4. Write a program to demonstrate partial class.
Web Applications
5. Create web page using server controls- Textbox, List Controls, Calender,
Imagebutton, Linkbutton

6. Develop ASP.Net Application through which user upload Image and that Image
should be displayed in Image Control.

7. Write a program to create a web page showing use of following validation controls
a. Required field validator
b. Range validator
c. Compare validator
d. Custom validator
e. Regular expression validator
f. Validation summary
8. Write a program to create a web page passing multiple values between asp.net pages
9. Write a program to create a web page showing use of response, redirect and server
10. Write a program to create a database for Medical shop system and represent data
using Gridview.

11. Using ADO.NET, create a student database and perform operations like- insert,
update and delete records.

12. Develop ASP.Net application for uploading Image.

13. Develop a ASP.Net application for recording Registration details using different
controls & validators
14. Create application for displaying different reports.
At least 10 practical’s based on CC504
Course Code Title of Paper Credit Internal External Total
Marks Marks Marks
CC 601 Python 4 20 80 100
CC 602 IT Security 4 20 80 100
DSE 603 Elective-I 4 20 80 100
1. Internet of
2. Android
3. R Programming
GE 604 Elective-II 4 20 80 100
1. IT Management
2. Cloud
3. Knowledge
SEC SB 605 Skill Development 2 50 - 50
CCL 606 Lab Course XI 2 - 50 50
Based on CC 601
CCL 607 Lab Course XII 2 50 50
Based on DSE 603
CCL 608 Major Project 4 20 80 100
26 150 500 650
Course B.C.A Part-III (Sem-VI) Credits: 4 Marks:100
Code: CC 601 NEP 1.0
Total Hours of Teaching: 60 External :80 Internal :20

Course Students of this course will be able to :

Outcomes 1. Acquire programming skills in core Python.
2. Develop Python programs with conditionals and loops.
3. Understand advance datatypes in Python Programming.
4. Develop problem solving skills and their implementation
through Python.
Unit No. Description No. of
1 Installation, Spyder IDE, Python Interpreter, History Of Python,
Python Features, Applications Of Python, Data Types, Types Of
Operators, Operators Precedence, Expressions, Statements, Functions, 15
Comment, Strings - Accessing Values In Strings,
Updating Strings, Escape Characters, Built-In String Methods, User
2 Conditionals: Boolean Values And Operators, Conditional (If),
Alternative (If-Else) ,Chained Conditional (If-Elif-Else)
Looping-While Loop, The Infinite Loop, For Loop, Iterating By 15
Sequence Index, Using Else Statement With Loops, Nested Loops,
Break, Continue & Pass Statement. Functions: Function
With Arguments, Lambda Functions
3 Lists-Create a List, Get and Set Items ,Add and Remove Items, List
Slices, Different List Methods
TUPLES - Creation and Accessing Values, Updating Tuples, Deleting
Tuple Elements, Basic Tuples Operations, Indexing, Slicing
DICTIONARY- Accessing Values in Dictionary, Updating Dictionary, 15
Delete Dictionary Elements, Properties of Dictionary Keys, Built-In
Dictionary Functions and Methods.
SETS -Concept of Sets, Creating, Initializing and Accessing the
Elements, Sets Operation.


The Import Statement, Modules (Datetime, Calendar,Math Module)
Files I/O: Text Files, Reading And Writing Files 15
Introduction To GUI In Python
Reference Books:
1. R. NageswaraRao, “Core Python Programming”,
2. Practical Programming: An introduction to Computer
Science Using Python, second edition, Paul Gries, Jennifer
Campbell, Jason Montojo, The Pragmatic Bookshelf.
3. Programming with python, A users Book, Michael
Dawson, Cengage Learning
4. O Level Programming and Problem Solving Through
Python Language: Made Simple :Paper back by Prof.
Satish Jain (Author), Shashi Singh
Course B.C.A Part-III (Sem-VI) Credit:-4 Marks:100
Code: NEP 1.0
CC 602 IT Security
Total Hours of Teaching: 60 External :80 Internal:20
Course The student will be able to:
Outcomes 1. Understand the concept and need of IT security.
2. Identify different security threats to information systems.
3. Describe security controls used for IS security.
4. Understand provisions in IT Act 2000 and Design Security policy for IT Enabled
Unit No. Description No. of
1 Introduction to IT Security 15
Definition of Information System Security, Basics– Introduction, Need,
Significance and Challenges of IT Security, IT Assets - Physical Assets (Servers,
Workstations, Peripherals, Smartphones, Networking Devices, Information
Technology Equipment, Storage Devices, Supplies, IT Personnel) and Logical
Assets (Software, Data and Information). Information security dimensions-
confidentiality, integrity and availability.
2 Security Threats 15
Introduction and types of security threats, sources of threats, Cyber Crimes.
Security Attacks- Passive attacks (Network Analysis; eavesdropping; Traffic
control), Active attacks (Phishing, Sniffing, spoofing, Denial of service attack),
Malicious Code (Virus, Malware, Worm, Trojan horse), Keyboard loggers, Web
tracking, Perpetrators (Hackers, Crackers) Other Security Threats- Natural
disaster, environmental hazards, Theft, User error, Hardware and Software failure.
3 IT Security Control Measures 15
Identification, Access Controls/Authentication: Password Protection, Biometric
verification, Intrusion detection and prevention system, Multilevel authentication.
Antivirus, Recovery software and services, Data backups, Malware detectors,
Logs. Cryptography-Types of Cryptography, Digital signature and certificate.
Firewall System, Deception Technology, Control Measures for Internet Security.
4 IT Act and Security Standards 15
IT Act 2000 and features of IT Act, Amendments in IT Act, Cyber-crimes under
Information Technology Act 2000, Legal issues and challenges. Cyber security
standards. IS Audit and Security Policy.
Reference 1. Mark Stamp's Information Security: Principles and Practice (WIND) Paperback – by
Books: Deven N. Shah, Wiley.
2. Information Systems Security: Security Management, Metrics, Frameworks and Best
Practices by Nina Godbole, Wiley, 2nd edition
3. Michael T. Simpson, Kent Backman, James Corley ―Hands‐ On Ethical Hacking and
Network Defenseǁ,2016
4. Steven DeFino, Barry Kaufman, Nick Valenteen ―Official Certified Ethical Hacker
Review Guideǁ,2015
5. William Stallings, ―Principle of Computer Securityǁ, McGraw Hill Education, Fourth
Edition, 2016.
6. AtulKahate, ―Cryptography and Network Securityǁ, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003
7. Essential Computer Security: Everyone’s Guide to Email, Internet and Wireless security”,
by Tony Bradley, Syngress Publication 2006
8. “Cryptography & Network Security”, by Behrouz A. Ferouzan, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
9. Information & Network Security for GTU, I. A. Dhotre V. S. Bagad, Technical
Publication, Edition 2018
10. Cyber frauds, cyber crimes and law in India by Pavan Duggal.
11. Cyberlaw: The Law of the Internet and Information Technology, Brian Craig.
12. Information System Audit and Control by Ron Weber
Course Code: B.C.A Part-III (Sem-VI) Credit:-4 Marks 100
DSE 603.1 NEP 1.0
Internet of Things(IoT)
Total Hours of Teaching: 60 External :80 Internal : 20

Course outcomes-
CO1 Understand the fundamentals of Internet of things.
CO2 Identify different components in IoT environment
CO3 Demonstrate Hardware and Software configuration for IoT using Arduino
CO4 Differentiate between different types of IoT applications using Arduino
Unit Description No. of
No. Periods
Fundamentals of IoT
Overview of basic electronics and basic components used in electronics lab:
Resistors, Capacitors, Diodes, Transistors, Overview of digital electronics:
1 15
Logic Gates and Families, Arithmetic circuits, Decoders, Multiplexers, flip
flops, Shift Register, Integrated Circuits, Overview of Microprocessor and
Microcontroller, Common features of Microcontroller.
IoT Environment
Introduction to embedded system: History, Classifications and applications
2 of embedded systems, Design principals of IoT architecture, Outline of IoT
architecture, Various platforms of IoT, Key features of IoT, IoT Hardware,
IoT Software, IoT protocols, Real time examples of IoT, Advantages of IoT,
Challenges of IoT.
Introduction to Arduino
Arduino Uno architecture, Pin configuration and architecture, Device and
platform features, Concept of digital and analog ports, Familiarizing with 15
Arduino Interfacing Board, Arduino IDE Interfacing basic hardware
components with Arduino, Software and Libraries.
IoT Application Development
Arduino data types, Variables and constants, Operators, Control Statements,
Arrays, Functions, Arduino i/o Functions: Pins Configured as INPUT, Pull-
4 up Resistors, Pins Configured as OUTPUT, pinMode() Function,
digitalRead() Function, digitalWrite() Function, analogRead() function, 15
analogWrite() function, Arduino time Functions: delay() function,
delayMicroseconds() function, millis() function, micros() function.
Introduction to RaspberryPi.
Reference Books:
1. Olivier Hersent, David Boswarthick, Omar Elloumi , “The Internet of Things Key
applicationsand Protocols”, Wiley,2012.
2. Vijay Madisetti and ArshdeepBahga, “Internet of Things (A Hands-on-Approach)”,1st
Edition, VPT,2014
3. CunoPfister, Getting Started with the Internet of Things, O‟Reilly Media, 2011, ISBN: 978-
1- 4493-9357-1
4. Arduino, The complete guide to Arduino for beginners, including projects, tips, tricks,and
programming!,James Arthur, 2020
5. Arduino Cookbook, Recipes to Begin, Expand, and Enhance Your Projects Michael
Margolis, Brian Jepson, Nicholas Robert Weldin, O’Really, 3rd Edition,2020
Course Code: B.C.A Part-III (Sem-VI) Credit:-4 Marks 100
DSE 603.2 NEP 1.0
Android Programming
Total Hours of Teaching: 60 External :80 Internal : 20
Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand the basics of Android and Android Platform
CO2: Identify different components used in user interface related to
Android application development
CO3: Analyze the importance of data persistence in mobile environment
CO4: Illustrate different advanced topic used in Android development
Unit No. Description No. of
Introduction to Android:
Overview of Android, what does Android run on – Android Internals? Android
for mobile apps development, Environment setup for Android apps 15
Development, Framework - AndroidSDK, Eclipse, Emulators – What is an
Emulator / Android AVD? Android Emulation – Creation and set up, First
Android Application
Android Activities and GUI Design Concepts:
Intent, Activity, Activity Lifecycle and Manifest, Creating Application and new
Activities, UI -Layouts and Layout properties, UI Design: Time and Date, 15
Images and media, Composite, Alert Dialogs & Toast, Popup, XML
Introduction to GUI objects viz.: Push Button, Text / Labels, Edit Text, Toggle
Button, Padding
Data Storage and Persistence:
Using SQLite database in Android, File I/O and Shared Preferences, Content
3 15
Providers and Data Sharing, Data-binding and MVVM architecture
Advanced Topics in Android Development

4 Security in Android applications, Advanced UI/UX design principles, Location-

based services, Android app testing and debugging techniques

Reference Books:
1. Building Android Apps in Easy Steps, 1st Edition, McGraw-Hill Education
2. "Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide" by Bill Phillips and Chris Stewart
3. Teach Yourself Android Application Development In 24 Hours, Edition:I, Publication:
4. Neil Smyth, ‘Android Studio Development Essentials’, 6th edition by Neil Smyth
5. Reto Meier, ‘Professional Android to Application Development’,2nd edition, Wiley India Pvt Ltd
Useful Links:
1. http://www.tutorialspoint.com/android/ developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp
2. http://pl.cs.jhu.edu/oose/resources/android/Android-Tutorial.pdf
3. Android Developer Documentation - Data Storage (developer.android.com/guide/topics/data)
4. Android Developer Documentation - Advanced Topics (developer.android.com/guide)
Course Code: B.C.A Part-III (Sem-VI) Credit:-4 Marks 100
DSE 603.3 NEP 1.0
R Programming
Total Hours of Teaching: 60 External :80 Internal : 20
Course At the end of this course, student will be able to:
Outcomes: 1. Understand the fundamental syntax of R through practice exercises.
2. Describe the control statements and functions in R.
3. Analyze a data set in R and represent findings using the appropriate R
4. Use data visualization tools.
Unit No. Description No. of
Introduction to R:
Introduction, History of R Programming, Installation of R & R Studio,
1 Real-world uses of R, Features of R, Variables, Constants, Operators 15
in R, Datatypes and R Objects, Accepting Input, Important Built-in
functions, Creating Vectors, Accessing elements of a Vector,
Operations on Vectors, Vector Arithmetic.
Control statements and functions: Control statements: if…else, if
else () function, switch () function, repeat loop, while loop, for loop,
2 break statement, next statement, Formal and Actual arguments, 15
Named arguments, Global and local variables, Argument and lazy
evaluation of functions, Recursive functions. Creating strings, paste
(), Formatting numbers and string using format(), String manipulation
Matrices, Arrays and Data frames:
Matrices- Creating matrices, accessing elements of a Matrix,
3 Operations on Matrices, Matrix transpose, 15
Arrays – Creating arrays, adding elements of array, removing
elements of array dimensions, indexing arrays,
Data Frames – Creating Data Frames, Indexing Data Frames, Basic
Data Frame Manipulation
Introduction to Data Visualization:
Introduction , Advantages and disadvantages Data visualization Data
4 visualization basics, Installing and loading packages, importing data, 15
working with missing data, Extracting a subset of a data frame,
Scatter Plot, Box Plot, Bar plot, Plotting categorical data, Stacked bar
plot, Histogram, plot() function and line plot, pie chart / 3D pie chart.
Reference Books:
1. R Programming for Data Science Peng, R.D. (2020)
Book down: New York.
2. An Introduction to Statistical Learning by Gareth James (2017)
Publisher: Springer
3. R for Data Science by Garrett Grolemund and Hadley
Wickham, Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc. 2017.
4. R Fundamentals by Sosulski, K. (2018) Bookdown: New
5. Discovering Statistics Using R by Andy P. Field, SAGE
Publications Limited.
Course Code: B.C.A Part-III (Sem-VI) Credit:-4 Marks 100
GE 604.1 NEP 1.0
IT Management
Total Hours of Teaching: 60 External : 80 Internal : 20
Course After completion of course student will be able to:
Outcomes: 1) Understand IT assets and describe functions of IT Department
2) Identify IT infrastructure components.
3) Describe network infrastructure components and security management activities.
4) Demonstrate best practices and operational processes in Data Centre
Unit No. Description No. of
Information Technology Assets and IT Department Organization
Introduction to IT, Components of IT, IT Assets, Types of IT Assets,Need
and Significance of IT Asset Management.
Organization of IT Department – set up, roles & responsibilities,Interfacing
1 with other functional departments, Functions of IT Management 15
IT Professionals- characteristics of successful IT Professionals
Recruitment, Background checking, segregation ofduties, compulsory
vacation etc.
IT Infrastructure Management
Introduction to IT Infrastructure, Infrastructure Components (Hardware,
Software, Network), Need and significance of Infrastructure
Management, Hardware infrastructure management: Selecting, installing,
2 deploying, maintaining, and configuring all the hardware in the 15
Software Infrastructure Management: Selecting, installing, deploying,
maintaining, and configuring all the software’s in the infrastructure.
Software Licensing issues, Licensing options
Network Infrastructure and Security Management:
Network infrastructure Components, Selecting, installing, deploying,
maintaining, and configuring all the network components in the
3 Need and significance of Security Management, IS security planning, 15
Security program, Risk management and control , Formation of SOC,
Organization of Responsibilities of SOC.
Data Centre Management: 15
Introduction to Data Centre, Need and significance to Data centre,Types of
4 Data Centre (Tier I, Tier II, Tier III, Tier IV), Regulations,
best practices and operational processes, Introduction to virtualization.
Reference Books:
1. Information Technology for Management: henry C. Lucas Jr. Tata
2. Information Technology Planning – Lori A.Goetsch - Jaiko Books
3. Planning & Financial Management of IT–Frank Bakhister–British
Library catalogue in Publish of Data
4. Information Technology for Management – John Wiley & SMS (
ASIA) PAC Lts. Singapore
5. Management of Technology – Zafar Husain Sushil, R D Patnaik,
ANMOL Publication Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi -110002
6. Data Centre Handbook by Hwaiyu Geng PE
7. Data Centre Management: Your Guide to Efficient Data Centre
B.C.A Part-III (Sem-VI)
Course Code
NEP 1.0 Credit: 4 Marks: 100
Cloud Computing
Total hours of teaching: 60 External: 80 Internal: 20
Course Outcomes (COs) : On completion of the course, the students will be able to
C01 Understand the fundamental principles of Cloud Computing.
Understand the importance of virtualization in distributed computing
and how this has enabled the development of Cloud Computing.
Explain the core concepts of the cloud computing paradigm: how and
why this paradigm shift came about, the characteristics, advantages and
challenges brought about by the various models and services in cloud
C04 Describe cloud computing applications
Unit No. Description No. of Periods
Introduction to Cloud Computing
 Introduction
 Roots of Cloud Computing
 Layers and Types of Cloud
1  Desired Features of a Cloud 15
 Platform as a Service Providers
 Architecture of cloud computing
 Challenges in the cloud
 Types of Cloud : Private, Public, Hybrid
 Introducing virtualization and its benefits
 Implementation Levels of Virtualization
 Virtualization at the OS Model
 Virtualization Structure: Hosted Structure,
2 15
 Structure Virtualization of CPU, Memory,
and I/O Devices
 Virtualization in Multicore Processors
 Virtual Clusters and Resource management
Cloud Computing Services
 Infrastructure as a Service
 Platform as a service
 Leveraging PaaS for productivity
 Guidelines for selecting PaasPovider
3 15
 Concern with PaaS
 Language and PaaS
 Software as a Servive
 Database as a Service
 Specialized Cloud Services
Cloud Computing Applications
 Business Applications: MailChimp,
4 Salesforce, Chatter, Paypal 15
 Education Applications: Google Apps for
Education, Chromebooks for Education,
Tablets with Google Play for Education
 Entertainment Applications: Online games,
Video Conferencing Apps
 Social Applications: Facebook, Twitter,
Books Recommended:
1. Cloud Computing : Principles and Paradigms, Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg, Andrzej
M.Gos cinski, Willey Publication
2. Cloud Computing : Black Book, KailashJayaswal, JagannathKallakurchi, Donald J.
Houde, Dr. Deven Shah
3. Cloud Computing : Bible, Barrie Sosinsky, Willey Publication
4. Cloud Computing : A Hands-On Approach, ArshdeepBahga, Vijay Madisetti
5. Distributed & Cloud Computing, Kai Hwang, Geoffery C. Fox, Jack Elsevierm, 2012
Course B.C.A Part-III (Sem-VI)
Code: NEP 1.0
GE604.3 Knowledge Management Credits: 04 Marks : 100

Total Hours of Teaching: 60 External :80 Internal : 20

After completion of this course students will be able to -
Course 1. Explain the fundamentals of knowledge management
Outcomes 2. Understand of the Knowledge Management life cycle.
3. Categorize the Knowledge Management tools.
4. Implement Knowledge Management in different sectors.
Unit No. Description No. of
Introduction to Knowledge Management (KM):
• History of Knowledge Management,
• Definition, scope and significance of Knowledge Management
• Basic Types of Knowledge,
1 15
• Knowledge Management Processes
• Knowledge Management Systems
• Data-Information-knowledge-Wisdom relationship
• Organizational impact on knowledge management
• Factors influencing Knowledge Management.
Knowledge Management Life Cycle
• Introduction & phases of Knowledge management life cycle
• Principles of Knowledge Management
2 • Techniques of Knowledge Management 15
• Knowledge Application Systems
• Knowledge Capture Systems
• Knowledge sharing systems
• Knowledge Discovery Systems
Knowledge Management Techniques and Tools
• Organizational knowledge creation- Knowledge network, knowledge
mapping tools- visual thinking software, concept map,
3 15
• Knowledge Acquisition tools- e-mail, newsgroup, web-conferencing, IRC
• Organizational knowledge processing
• Knowledge analysis- data mining, on-line data analytical processing

Knowledge Management and Industry perspective:

• Role of Information Technology in Knowledge Management Systems
• Knowledge Management and E-commerce
• Bench marking and Knowledge Management
4 15
• Knowledge Management in Manufacturing and service industry,
• KM roles and Responsibilities within organizations,
• Future of Knowledge Management.
• Future challenges for KM.
• Careers in Knowledge Management
Reference Books-
1. Knowledge Management, Sudhir Warier, Vikas Publishing House.

2. Web Warehousing & Knowledge Management, Mattison: Tata McGraw-

Hill.Knowledge management: An Evolutionary view, Becerra Fernandez:
PHI. Knowledge Management, Fernando: Pearson.

3. Knowledge Management, B. Rathan Reddy: Himalaya.Knowledge

Management, Tapan K Panda: Excel.

4. Knowledge Management systems, Barnes: Cengage.

5. The Knowledge Management tool kit, Tiwana: 2/e, Pearson Education.

6. Knowledge Management, Sislop: Oxford University Press,.

7. K
nowledge Management, Debowski: Wiley Student Edition, Wiley Ind

8. Knowledge management, A Thothathri Raman, Excel books

B.C.A. Part-III Semester VI
NEP 1.0
SEC Soft Skills & Personality Development
SB 605 (Choice Based Credit System)
Course Students of this course will be able to :
Outcomes 1. Comprehending the Value of a Professional Mindset
2. Enunciating and Adapting the Myriad Facets of One's Personality
Marks: 50 Total Hours of Teaching: 30 University Exam: 00 Internals: 50
Syllabus Credits: 2
Soft Skills: Introduction and Importance; Difference between Hard skills and
Soft Skills; Need of Soft Skills at the Workplace; Soft Skills for Professional
Excellence: Communication Skills, Critical Thinking and Creative Problem 15
Unit 1
Solving Skills, Conflict Management, Collaborative Team Work, Working on Periods
Attitude-aggressive, assertive and submissive, Leadership skill, Time
Management; Stress Management, Resilience
Personality Development: Introduction and Importance;
Discovering Oneself, SWOT Analysis; Building Self- Esteem & Self-
Confidence, Developing Interpersonal Relationships- ways to build Strong Inter
Relationships; Work ethics –Good Manners and Etiquette- Professional 15
Unit 2
Etiquette, Email Etiquette and Telephonic Etiquette, Dressing, Grooming and Periods
Body Language; Group Discussion- Expectations of the Panel, Do’s & Don’ts in
a Group Discussion; Resume Building; Facing The Personal Interview,
Reference Books:
1. Andrews, Sudhir. How to Succeed at Interviews. 21st (rep.) New Delhi.Tata
McGraw-Hill 1988.
2. Heller, Robert. Effective leadership. Essential Manager series. Dk Publishing,
3. Hindle, Tim. Reducing Stress. Essential Manager series. Dk Publishing, 2003
4. Lucas, Stephen. Art of Public Speaking. New Delhi. Tata - Mc-Graw Hill. 2001
5. Mile, D.J Power of positive thinking. Delhi. Rohan Book Company, (2004).
6 Dr.K.K. Ramachandran and Dr.K.K. Karthick, From Campus to Corporate,
Macmillan Publishers India Limited, New Delhi,2010.
7. Smith, B . Body Language. Delhi: Rohan Book Company. 2004
8. Essentials of Business Communication - Rajendra Pal and J. S. Korlhalli - Sultan
Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
9. Personality Development and Career management: By R.M.Onkar (S Chand
10. Managing Soft Skills For Personality Development---B.N. Ghosh---- McGraw
Hill Education
11.Personality Development, Interpersonal Skills and Career Management---Dr.
C.S.G. Krishnamacharyulu and Dr. Lalitha Ramakrishnan ---- Himalaya Publishing
House Pvt.Ltd.
12.Personality Development –R.C. Bhatia--- Ane Books Pvt.Ltd.
13.Soft Skills: An Integrated Approach to Maximise Personality ---Gajendra Singh
Chauhan---Wiley Publisher.
Nature of Internal Evaluation
Mock Interview 10 Marks
Role Play 10 Marks
Group Discussion 10 Marks
Written Assignment 10 Marks
Listening Activity 10 Marks
B.C.A Part-III (Sem-VI) Credit:-2
CCL 606 NEP 1.0
Lab Course-XI Based on CC 601
External : 50 Marks
Course After completion of this course student should be able to-
Outcomes 1. Demonstrate and use different Datatypes in Python.
2. Apply various built looping statements and Modules provided by Python.
1. Program to display name and address.
2. Program to Accept two number and display addition, subtraction, multiplication,division
and modules.
3. Program to calculate factorial of given number.
4. Program to create a list of 100 numbers and separate those numbers in two different list
one includes odd number other even.
5. Program to display maximum number and minimum number from given list
6. Program to demonstrate slicing.
7. Program to demonstrate set operators (union , intersection, minus)
8. Program to print current date and time.
9. Program to Today’s Year, Month, and Date
10. Program to convert Date to String
11. Program to display the Calendar of a given month.
12. Program to display calendar of the given year.
13. Program to demonstrate File input.
14. Program to demonstrate file output
15. Program two add two numbers using GUI.
Note: Students should certify & enclose minimum 10 programs in journal.
CCL 607 B.C.A Part-III (Sem-VI) Credit: 2
NEP 1.0
Lab Course XI based on DSE603
External : 50 Marks
Course outcomes
CO1: Demonstrate the circuit configuration for IoT applications using Arduino boards.
CO2: Apply the different functions provided in Arduino libraries for execution of IoT applications

1. Program to Turn an LED on and off everysecond.

2. Program to read a switch, print the state out to the Arduino SerialMonitor.
3. Program to demonstrate the use of analog output to fade anLED.
4. Program to Read an analog input and prints the voltage to the SerialMonitor.
5. Program to Blink an LED without using the delay()function.
6. Program for a pushbutton to control anLED.
7. Program for the use of INPUT_PULLUP withpinMode()
8. Program to Count the number of buttonpushes.
9. Program using Analog Input to Read an analog input pin to dim or brighten anLED.
Program using Analog Input to control the blinking of an LED withphotoresistor.
 https://docs.arduino.cc/built-in-examples/
Note: Students should certify & enclose 10 programs in journal.
CCL 607 B.C.A Part-III (Sem-VI) Credit: - 2
NEP 1.0
Lab Course XI based on DSE603
External: 50 Marks
Course outcomes
CO1: Design Mobile Applications using different UI components in Android.
CO2: Apply Android activities to develop mobile applications

1. Development of Hello World Application

2. Create Android application to demonstrate Activity Life Cycle.
3. Create Android application to call different activities by using Implicit and Explicit Intents
4. Create a screen that has input boxes for User Name, Password, Address, Gender (radio buttons for
male and female), Age (numeric), Date of Birth (Date Picket), State (Spinner) and a Submit button.
On clicking the submit button, print all the data below the Submit Button (use any layout) Display
toast message after click button.
5. Create Android application to design Simple Toast
6. Create Android application to displaying images using Multithreading
7. Developing an android application using Relative layout to display Date and time.
8. Create Android application to demonstrate Alert dialog.
9. Development of Simple Calculator Application in Android
10. Develop application using Audio Functions in Android
11. Develop application using Location Services and Google Maps in Android
12. Create an android application to demonstrate concept of SQLite Database Storage method.

Note: Students should certify & enclose minimum 10 programs in journal.
CCL 607 B.C.A Part-III (Sem-VI) Credit: -2
NEP 1.0
Lab Course XI Based on DSE 603
External:50 Marks
Course outcomes
CO1: Apply syntax of R through practice exercises.
CO2: Implement the control statements, functions, data visualization. in R.
1. Import a variety of data formats into R.
2. Execute statistical analyses with R.
3. Apply data science concepts and methods using R to solve problems in real-world
contexts and will communicate these solutions effectively.
Basic R Programs:
1. Find the factorial of a number

2. Check whether a number is prime or not

3. Find Sum, Mean and Product of Vector

4. Generate Random Number from Standard Distributions

5. Find Minimum and Maximum

6. Check Armstrong Number

7. Sum of Natural Numbers Using Recursion

8. Print the Fibonacci Sequence

9. Check for Leap Year

10. Check whether number is Odd or Even

11. Check if a Number is Positive, Negative or Zero

12. Find the Sum of Natural Numbers

13. Convert Decimal into Binary using Recursion in R

14. Find the Factorial of a Number Using Recursion

15. R Program to Find H.C.F. or G.C.D.

Data Visualization basic practical’s:

Download mtcars dataset in R. (also available on GitHub) and create the following graphics:
1. Create a pie chart showing the proportion of cars from the mtcars data set that have
different cylinder (cyl) values.
2. Create a bar graph, that shows the number of each carb type in mtcars.

3. Show a stacked bar graph of the number of each gear type and how they are further
divided out by cyl

4. Draw a scatter plot showing the relationship between wt and mpg.

Design a visualization of your choice using the data and write a brief summary about why
you chose that visualization

Note: Students should certify & enclose minimum 10 programs in journal.

CCL608 B.C.A Part-III (Sem-VI) Credit-4 Marks-100
NEP 1.0
Major Project
External-80 Internal- 20
Guidelines for Number of Copies:
Major Project The student should submit two Hard-bound copies of the Project Report.
Work :
Acceptance/Rejection of Project Report:
The student must submit an outline of the project report to the college for
approval. The college holds the right to accept the project or suggest
modifications for resubmission. Only on acceptance of draft project
report, the student should make the final copies.
Format of the Project Report:
The student must adhere strictly to the following format for the
submission of the Project Report.
a. Paper: The Report shall be typed on white paper, A4 size, for the final
submission. The Report to be submitted to the must be original and
subsequent copies may be photocopied on any paper.
b. Typing: The typing shall be of standard letter size, 1.5 spaced and on
both side of the paper. (Normal text should have Arial Font size 11 or 12.
Headings can have bigger size).
c. Margins: The typing must be done in the following margins: Left -----
1.5 inch, Right ----- 1 inch Top ----- 1 inch, Bottom ----- 1 inch
d. Front Cover: The front cover should contain the following details:
TOP : The title in block capitals of 6mm to 15mm letters.
CENTRE: Full name in block capitals of 6mm to 10mm letters.
BOTTOM: Name of the University, Course, Year of submission -all in
block capitals of 6mm to 10mm letters on separate lines with proper
spacing and centering.
f. Blank Sheets: At the beginning and end of the report, two white black
bound papers should be provided, one for the purpose of binding and
other to be left blank.
Appendix -
• Input Design
• Report Design
• Implementation
• Testing Standard Project
Standard Project Report Documentation Format
a) Cover Page
b) Institute/College certificate
c) Guide Certificate
d) Student declaration
e) Acknowledgement
f) Index (Chapter Scheme with page numbers)
1) Introduction to Project –
–Working of System
-Need and scope of System
-Organization Profile
2) Proposed System
–Software Requirement Specifications.
3) System Diagrams
• UML (if applicable)
System Requirements
• Hardware
• Software
4) System Design
• Database Design
• Input Design
• Output Design
5) User Manual
6) Input and Outputs screens and Reports (Fill at least 20 different
valid records)
8) Conclusion and Suggestions • Conclusion and suggestions • Future

Note : Minimum 5 reports are essential as outputs of the project work

done by the student.

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