FFT Hand Out 2013 Spring Acceptance
FFT Hand Out 2013 Spring Acceptance
FFT Hand Out 2013 Spring Acceptance
Free Handout for Individuals from The Center for Mindful Eating
acceptance is an attitude, a way of not scratch it, we actually allow the
Finding Acceptance opening to things as they really are. wound to heal.—Pema Chodron
By Donald Altman, M.A., LPC For example, if you are feeling sad or
What would it be like for you to open
miserable, you can accept that you are
up to the raw experience of noticing
What is acceptable in your life and feeling sad and miserable. Acceptance
even the most obsessive food-related
what is not? Do you spend an does not mean that you will dwell on
thoughts or cravings? This means not
inordinate amount of time worrying
reacting to them, but letting yourself
about what you absolutely cannot Acceptance means you can notice them in a more open and
bear to have in your life, such as how
watch whatever is spacious way—without scratching! Of
much food you eat, what you eat,
when you eat, how much you weigh, happening in your life with course, I’m not saying this is easy. If
you have ever been bitten by a
and how your body looks? The effort an open heart and an open mosquito (and who hasn’t), then you
and energy it takes to push away
what you don’t want is, quite simply,
mind. know how difficult this can be. But
then, you also know what happens
exhausting. How exhausting? it and resign yourself to feeling this when you scratch and scratch and
Imagine, for a moment, a fish that is way for the rest of your life (or for the scratch.
painfully hooked by a sharp lure. The rest of the hour)! Acceptance allows
more the fish fights and resists, the you a kind of safe detachment that Acceptance means you can watch
more exhausted and stuck he doesn’t leave you exhausted, upset, whatever is happening in your life
becomes. If that image makes you and feeling worse. with an open heart and an open
cringe, that’s okay! You are about to mind. Most important, acceptance is
discover how acceptance can free you Rather than resisting, acceptance is a also self-acceptance, a way that you
up and get you unhooked. first step toward meaningful change can nurture yourself as you find new
and reducing your suffering by just choices and healing.
First of all, anyone can get “hooked.” being present with your very human
It happens all the time in the form of Donald Altman, M.A., LPC, is a
circumstances. Take a moment to look
things we either desire and crave, or psychotherapist, award-winning writer.
at the following quote:
in those things we want to avoid. and author of the new book The Joy
When we scratch the wound and give Compass. Donald consults and leads
Fortunately, the attitude of openness
into our addictions we do not allow mindfulness workshops around the
and acceptance can help anyone
the wound to heal. But when we country. He currently serves as Vice
loosen the hold of painful hooks, from
President of TCME. His website is
rigid thoughts to compulsive instead experience the raw quality of
www.mindfulpractices.com. Contact:
behaviors. To begin, let’s define the the itch or pain of the wound and do
[email protected].
word acceptance. For our purposes,
TCME is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the principles of mindful eating. This handout can be copied and distributed for educational purposes.