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3L, 1T 3 Hours, 80 Marks
Introduction to Software Engineering – Need, Evolution and Importance. Software Design –
Identifying Actors, Use cases and Activities. Top Down vs Bottom Up. Component Level Design.
Data Flow and Process Specification. Software Design Principles - STUPID, SOLID, KISS, GRASP.
Attributes of a Good Design. Cohesion and Coupling. Prototyping and Scrum terminology – Product
backlog, Increments, ScrumMaster, Sprint, Velocity.
Software Architecture – Importance, styles, description & views. Architectural Styles – Client-Server,
Component Based, Domain Driven, MVC, Layered, N-Tier, Object-Oriented, Service-Oriented,
RESTful and Microservices Architecture. Component and Deployment Diagrams.
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design - Classes, Hierarchies, Aggregation & Relationships. Structure,
Interaction and Behavior design. Implementation Challenges. Reuse - Design Patterns (Bridge,
Adapter, Factory, Decorator, Proxy, Observer etc.).
Software Project Management: Need, Objectives and Resources. Planning and scheduling – W5HH
Model. Software process and project metrics. Software cost estimation, Risk Management. Process
Maturity Models. Case studies of software systems.
Software Quality Assurance. Software Acceptance. Metrics for software quality. Verification and
Validation. Software defect management. Unit Testing. Black & White box testing. Functional Tests.
A/B Testing. Formal Technical Reviews, Test-Driven Development and Test Automation. Overview
of Testing AI Systems.


3L, 1T 3 Hours, 80 Marks
Overview of System Architecture. Types and Goals of System Software. Operating System:
Overview, Structure and Services, System Calls. Programs, Process and Threads. Process Life Cycle.
Operations on Processes. User mode & Kernel Mode Programs.
Process Management: Process Scheduling – Objectives & Algorithms. Inter Process Communication.
Process Synchronization – Critical Section Problem, S/W & H/W Approaches. Peterson’s Solution.
Semaphores, Monitors. Deadlock: Overview, Characteristics, Prevention, Avoidance, Detection and
Memory Management: Address Spaces – Logical and Physical. Contiguous & Non-Contiguous
Allocation, Fragmentation. Swapping, Paging, Segmentation. Virtual Memory – Demand Paging,
Page Replacement Algorithms, Thrashing.
File Concepts & File Systems: Directory Structure, Access Methods, File Protection. Disk Scheduling
Algorithms. Input/Output: Introduction to Device Drivers.
Concurrent Execution: Creating and managing threads, Communication between threads. Introduction
to Virtualization - Taxonomy of Virtual Machines, Types of Virtualization. Hypervisors and their
types. Overview of Containerization.
*Lab must include introduction to Linux OS, System Calls, GNU, and Shell Scripting.

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3L 3 Hours, 80 Marks
Finite Automata & Regular Expression: Basic Concepts of finite state machine. Deterministic and
Non-deterministic finite automata. Conversion of NDFA to DFA, NFAs with epsilon transitions.
Design regular expressions. Relationship between regular expression & Finite automata.
Minimization of finite automata. Finite automata with output: Mealy & Moore Machines.
Regular Set and Regular Grammar: Formal definition of Regular Language and Grammar. Regular
Sets and Regular Grammars. Equivalence of regular grammar and finite automata. Kleen’s closure
Theorem. Arden’s Theorem. Closure properties of Regular language. Pumping lemma for Regular
language. Myhill-Nerode theorem.
Context Free Grammar/ Language & Pushdown Automata: Context Free Grammars. Derivations,
Parse trees, Ambiguity. Greiback Normal form, Chomsky normal forms. Pushdown Automata:
Definitions, Instantaneous descriptions, Deterministic pushdown automata, Non-deterministic
Pushdown automata. Context Free Language. Closure properties of CFLs. Pumping lemma for CFL.
Linear bounded Automata & Context Sensitive Language: Chomsky Hierarchy of Languages and
automata, Introduction to Linear bounded Automata, Instantaneous descriptions. Properties of
context-sensitive languages. Context sensitive grammar.
Turing Machine: Definition of Turing machine, Instantaneous descriptions. Design of TM, Other
Turing Machine Models. Recursive language and Recursively enumerable languages. Computability.
Universal Turing Machines, Church-Turing Thesis, Halting Problem, Reductions and Undecidability
Proofs. Rice’s Theorem.


3L, 1T 3 Hours, 80 Marks
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Historical foundations, Turing test, AI application areas.
Concepts of Prepositional calculus and Predicate calculus. Searching structures and strategies for state
space search. Heuristic searches and algorithms.
Overview of expert systems, knowledge engineering process, conceptual models. Framework of
organization and applying human knowledge. Knowledge representation and its issues. Introduction
to Soft Computing and Fuzzy rule-based systems.
Machine Learning – Definition and History. Machine Learning tasks. Inductive learning. Training &
Test datasets. Design of experiments and data collection. Bias and Variance in data. Pre-Processing
data: Normalization, Standardization and Dimensionality Reduction (PCA, LDA). Covariance and
Variance Analysis.
Feature Engineering – Extraction, Selection and Defect treatments. Finding features in text and
images. Statistical Inference: Concept of learning, Hypothesis space, Inductive Bias. Bayes theorem,
Priors, Maximum Likelihood Principle, PAC Learning. Naïve Bayes and Bayesian Networks.
Linear and Logistic Regression. Regression Fit Analysis. Introduction to Errors, Distance Metrics &
Similarity Measures. Evaluation of Learning: Overview of confidence intervals, significance level and
Hypothesis testing. Correlation & Higher Order Measures. Bias-Variance trade-off. Cross Validation.
Introduction to Scikit-Learn.

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3L 3 Hours, 80 Marks
Introduction to Microprocessors, microcontroller; 8085 Microprocessor Architecture, pin description,
Bus concept and organization; concept of multiplexing and de-multiplexing of buses; concept of static
and dynamic RAM, type of ROM, memory map.
Software architecture, registers and signals, Classification of instructions, Instruction set, addressing
modes, Instruction Format and timing.
Assembly Language Programming and Debugging, Programming Technique, Counter and time delay,
Types of Interrupt and their uses, RST instructions and their uses. Stack-implementation and
applications; Memory interfacing and instructions. Introduction to assembly interfaces in C language.
Microprocessor Interfacing: 8259 programmable interrupt controller, 8255 programmable peripheral
interface, 8254 programmable interval timer, 8279 key board/display interface. Introduction to Device
Drivers and Interfacing standards: USART 8251, RS232, RS422, USB, PCI and their variants.
Introduction to 80x86 microprocessor family, Real and Protected mode Operation, S/W model of
80x86 family, processor registers, data organization, Instruction types, addressing modes.
Comparative study of 8086, 80286, 80386, and Pentium processors.


3L 3 Hours, 80 Marks
Introduction to computer graphics. Application areas. Taxonomy of Computer Graphics – Raster &
Vector Displays, Frame Buffer, Persistence, Resolution, Refresh Rate, Aspect Ratio. Interactive vs
Passive Graphics Systems.
Visual Synthesis: Basics of Coordinate Systems – Device, Window and World Coordinates.
Generation of Points, Lines and Circles. Antialiasing techniques. Color Generation – RGB, CMYK,
HSV. Representation of polygons and color filling.
Two Dimensional Transformations: Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Shearing, Reflection, Composite
transformations, Raster transformations. Windows, multiple windowing, view-port, viewing
transformation. Clipping algorithm for point, line using Sutherland and Cohen, polygon, text clipping.
Curves and curved surface, interpolation and approximation curve, continuity of curve.
Concept of 3D Graphics, Representation of 3D Objects, 3D Transformations. Parallel, perspective,
isometric projections. Hidden lines and surfaces removal technique. Back face, Z-buffer, painter
algorithm. Overview of OpenGL and Graphics Processing.


3L 3 Hours, 80 Marks
Evolution of programming languages, generation of programming languages, type of programming
languages. Basic feature of Java, flow control, classes, objects, interfaces, exception and packages.
Java classes and object, access control and inheritance, constructions, inheritance and overloading.
Extension of classes.
Introductory idea of threads and their applications. Basic I/O packages and standard utilities. Basics of
Exception Handling. Java Collections - Data Types, operations on data types.
Building GUI with JAVA: Swing Components & Layout. Events and Handlers. Input Data
Validation. Overview of JavaFX.
Connecting JAVA with SQL Databases: JDBC- ODBC Connectors, Passing SQL Statements to
databases, Displaying data using Tables. Application of Java for system programming. Introduction to
TCL/TK programming language.
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