Description of Alage ATVET College Updated Feburary 2023 Final2

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Ministry of Labor and Skills

Alage Agricultural Technical Vocational Training College

Overview of Alage ATVT College

Submitted to: Chinese Government Project

Set by: Alage ATVT College

February 2023, Alage Ethiopia

Table of Contents
1. Description of Alage ATVT College.......................................................................................3

2. Departments and Training Facilities........................................................................................3

3. Human Resources Capacity......................................................................................................4

4. Assorted Activities of the College............................................................................................4

5. Current No of regular trainees..................................................................................................5

6. Current No Continues Education Program (CEP) trainees......................................................5

7. Total No of regular program Graduates till 2022.....................................................................6

8. Total No of short-Term training Graduates till 2022...............................................................6

9. Governmental and Non-Governmental partner Organizations................................................6

10. Areas of Cooperation...............................................................................................................7

1. Description of Alage ATVT College
Alage ATVET College from the different colleges formerly established under the ministry of
Agriculture as Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training College and since
2021 governed by Ministry of Labor and Skills is the one. It is located 217 km south of Addis
Ababa around the rift valley lakes bordering the two rift valley lakes Abijata and Shalla. The
college attained its present structure and name “Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and
Training College” (Alage ATVET College) in 2002 when the government took the initiative to
promote the “national technical vocational education and training” programme. Under this
program, it was foreseen that the knowledge and skill attained by the trainees specifically in
agricultural discipline would fit into the country’s transformation strategy. Alage ATVT college
is established on 3928 ha of land and it possesses infrastructure and facilities most required for
practical focused agricultural training.

2. Departments and Training Facilities

During the established year the in-campus training was commenced by opening four departments
namely Plant Science, Animal Science, Natural Resource and Animal Health. However, in 2016
the college also opened two new departments namely Small-Scale Irrigation & Agricultural
Mechanization (Agricultural Machinery Maintenance & Operation streams) & now we have six
departments. All these departments are located on average 3-5 km away from each other. Each
department is fully equipped with staff lounge and staff residence, administration building,
student café which can accommodate 1500 students at time, dormitories, different kinds of sport
fields, etc. & also the college has two artificial dams which can irrigate more than 200 ha, with
irrigation canals stretched to important plots in different fields of study.

The college is also owner of big and modern dairy, poultry, sheep and goat, swine, bee farm,
fruits, vegetables, improved forage management sericulture silkworm farm), water harvesting &
alternative energy sources, milk handling and processing plant, animal feed processing plant, one
abattoir, modern Animal Health Clinic, Modern Agricultural Mechanization workshop, drip,
furrow, solar & sprinkler irrigation farm, different lab in each of the departments, Library in each
of the training village ,Good ICT pool. Moreover, the college also has three regular schools
(From KG to grade 12) serving the students admitted from the college community and the nearby
or the surrounding kebeles and woredas.

3. Human Resources Capacity

Staff Male Female Total

Administrative staff 659 428 1087

Academic staff (trainers) 183 31 214

Non-permanent employees 500 300 800

Total 1342 759 2101

4. Assorted Activities of the College

Apart from offering the regular training activities, the following activities are also undertaking
by the college;

 Provision of Extension services for the nearby farmers

 Community services
 Innovated Agricultural Technology Multiplication and transfer activities in each of the six
areas of specialization
 Upgrading the DA’s (Development Agents) who are admitted from SNNPRs in Animal
Health field of specialization
 Demand based short term training in the six training areas to SME, nearby farmers,
trainees of different companies
 Cooperative training for (Dilla, Wolayeta Sodo, Wachamo, Werabe, Selale and other
university including trainees of Agarfa and Gewane ATVT college students in each of the
training given in the college
 Skill gap training for agriculture experts who came from Gambella, Afar, Benishangul
Somalia, SNNPRs and Oromiya Region
 Produce improved maize, wheat and haricot bean seed and distribute to SNNPRs and
Ethiopia seed enterprise
 Produce dairy products and supply to the college communities and to the nearby markets
 Produce fruits like (Banana, Papaya, Avocado, Mango) and vegetables and supply to the
college communities and to the nearby markets

 Dairy cattle crossbreeding activity (using Boran Cattle and Holstein Frisian) and distribute
the hybrid to model farmers, SME and different enterprises

5. Current No of regular trainees

No Departments 2012 Batch

Male Female Total

1 Animal health 235 89 324

2 Animal science 121 79 200

3 Plant science 122 90 192

4 Natural Resources management 155 112 267

5 Agricultural Mechanization 102 25 127

6 Small scale Irrigation development 64 57 121

Total 799 452 1231

6. Current No Continues Education Program (CEP) trainees

No Departments 2012 Batch

Male Female Total

1 Animal health 86 32 118

3 Plant science 113 96 209

5 Agricultural Mechanization 0 0 0

Total 199 128 327

7. Total No of regular program Graduates till 2022

Male Female Total

25,364 6,038 31,402

8. Total No of short-Term training Graduates till 2022

Male Female Total

9, 000 2000 11000

9. Governmental and Non-Governmental partner Organizations

 SNV Horti life project
 Bright Future in Agriculture
 Climate Action Land Resource Management (CALM)
 GIZ/ Green Innovation Center (GIC)
 The Donkey Sanctuary
 Q-point
 Green People Energy
 Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
 The Donkey Sanctuary
 China AID
 World Organization of Animal Health (WOAH)
 USAID Response Leadership Activity
 Dilla University
 Arbaminch University
 Addis Ababa University college of Animal Health
 Wolayeta Sodo University
 Worabe University
 Wachamo University
 Deberebrehan University

 Bahr Dar University
 Selale University
 Semera University
 Ministry of Agriculture (MOA)
 Ministry of Agriculture Agricultural Mechanization Directorate
 National Animal Genetic Resource Institute (NAGRI)
 Ethiopia improved Seed Enterprise
 SNNPRs improved seed Enterprise
 Ethiopia Standard Institute (ESI)

10. Areas of Cooperation

Alage ATVT College is highly interested to work collaboratively with the current project in
the area of livestock production and health care and Horticulture fields of specializations.
Keen interest of the college to work in collaboration with the project is due to the fact that
Alage ATVT College is already selected to be center of excellence in livestock production
and health care and Horticulture fields of specialization. Moreover, the Ministry of Labor and
Skills decided and has given the mandate to continue level 5 since 2022/2023 academic year.

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