Description of Alage ATVET College Updated Feburary 2023 Final2
Description of Alage ATVET College Updated Feburary 2023 Final2
Description of Alage ATVET College Updated Feburary 2023 Final2
Table of Contents
1. Description of Alage ATVT College.......................................................................................3
1. Description of Alage ATVT College
Alage ATVET College from the different colleges formerly established under the ministry of
Agriculture as Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training College and since
2021 governed by Ministry of Labor and Skills is the one. It is located 217 km south of Addis
Ababa around the rift valley lakes bordering the two rift valley lakes Abijata and Shalla. The
college attained its present structure and name “Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and
Training College” (Alage ATVET College) in 2002 when the government took the initiative to
promote the “national technical vocational education and training” programme. Under this
program, it was foreseen that the knowledge and skill attained by the trainees specifically in
agricultural discipline would fit into the country’s transformation strategy. Alage ATVT college
is established on 3928 ha of land and it possesses infrastructure and facilities most required for
practical focused agricultural training.
The college is also owner of big and modern dairy, poultry, sheep and goat, swine, bee farm,
fruits, vegetables, improved forage management sericulture silkworm farm), water harvesting &
alternative energy sources, milk handling and processing plant, animal feed processing plant, one
abattoir, modern Animal Health Clinic, Modern Agricultural Mechanization workshop, drip,
furrow, solar & sprinkler irrigation farm, different lab in each of the departments, Library in each
of the training village ,Good ICT pool. Moreover, the college also has three regular schools
(From KG to grade 12) serving the students admitted from the college community and the nearby
or the surrounding kebeles and woredas.
3. Human Resources Capacity
Apart from offering the regular training activities, the following activities are also undertaking
by the college;
Dairy cattle crossbreeding activity (using Boran Cattle and Holstein Frisian) and distribute
the hybrid to model farmers, SME and different enterprises
5 Agricultural Mechanization 0 0 0
25,364 6,038 31,402
Bahr Dar University
Selale University
Semera University
Ministry of Agriculture (MOA)
Ministry of Agriculture Agricultural Mechanization Directorate
National Animal Genetic Resource Institute (NAGRI)
Ethiopia improved Seed Enterprise
SNNPRs improved seed Enterprise
Ethiopia Standard Institute (ESI)