PS 114, by Drshukuru-1

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Political Thought ii is the course which will enable the students to understand and realize the
political situation in the past and the contemporary situation. Students will be able to examine
how the politics was it since the occurrence of socialism in the world in west Europe and the
non- west Europe



Topic 1: Socialism.

1.1: Utopian socialism.

 S t. Simon
 Fourier
 Robert Owen.

1.2: Scientific socialism.

 Karl Marx & Engels: dialects, class struggle and Marxist economics

1.3: Lenin’s theory of socialism

 State and revolution and imperialism.

1.4: Chinese communism

 Mao Zedong on contradiction.

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Topic 2: Liberalism and conservatism

2.1. Political liberalism, liberty and justice

 John Stuart mill

 T. G. Green
 John Rawls

2.2: Conservatism

 Edmund Burke

2.3. American Conservatism.


o 3.1; post-modern criticism of modern political thought.

 Friedrich Nietzsche.
 Michel Foucault
 Jean- Francois Lyotard

3.2: Aspects of modern European thought

 Habermas

3.3; feminist political theory and gender politics

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 Rosa Luxemburg
 Radical feminism

3.4: environmentalism

• Green politics

3.5: anarchism

 Mikhail Bakunin
 Albert Meltzer


Topic 4: middle Eastern and Asian political thought.

4.1: Islamic political theory

 Majid Fakhry

4.2: Confusion political thought.

 Confucius

4.3: Oriental political thought


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Ahmad, H. M. G. (1996). The philosophy of the teachings of Islam. Islam

Alan, W. (1981). The supreme identity. An essay in oriental metaphysics and the
Christian religion

Burke, E. Reflection on the French revolution in France. New York: E. P. Dutton

Cruickshank, J. 91969). Aspect of the modern European mind

Curtis, M, eds, (1981). The great political theories: vol 1, New York, harper
Collins publishers.

Curtis, M, eds, (1987). The great political theories vol 2, New York, harper Collins

Engels, F. (1880). Socialism: utopian and scientific. The mar, 683-717.

Fakhry, M. (2004). A history of Islamic philosophy. Columbia university press.

Lenin, V. (1917). State and revolution.

Lenin, V. I. (1917). Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism. Peroglad, zhizn I

znaniye publisher.

Marx, K. (1867). Capital: a critique of political economy. German, verlag von Otto

Paul, E. F. Miller, F, D & Paul, J. (1995). Contemporary political and social


Rawls, J. (1971). A theory of justice. USA, Belknap press

Russel, B. (1945). A history of western philosophy and its connection with political
and social circumstances from the earliest times to the present day.

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Sabine, G. (1973). A history of political theory. New York: Henry Holt and

Weitz, m. (Ed). (1966). Twentieth- century philosophy. Simon and Schuster

Wright, A. F. (1955). Studies in the Chinese thought.

 Internet source will be provided by course instructor (Stanford encyclopedia

of philosophy is also suitable for the learning materials).

QUESTIONS CONCERN (seminar questions)

1. Discuss how Robert Owen’s ideas of socialism different from those of
2. Present Marxist historical materialism
3. Discuss Lenin justification for revolutionary party.
4. Discuss Mao Zedong’s views on universality and particularity
5. Present Rawls’ theory of justice and its relevancies.
6. Discuss the principal beliefs of conservatism. Do they fit into an
elaborate theory?
7. Present Nietzsche’s revolt against the western intellectual tradition.
8. Explain how radical feminism differs from Marxist feminism
9. Discuss the role of political theory in environment politics.
10.Discuss the social philosophy of Confucius.
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11.Is anarchism a serious alternative to the state?
12.Discuss the debate on the relationship between Islam and liberal

TEST 2 QUESTIONS (choose only one question 1@ 15 marks)

1) Discuss Lenin’s feature of imperialism drawing from concrete example
2) With relevant examples discuss T. G. Green’s theory of rights
3) Discuss the relationship between Islam and liberal democracy

Socialism emerged during the 19th-20th century. Socialism was the result of social and
economic result which brought about positive and negative changes, also the impacts of
industrialization was the major concern for the outbreak of socialism in the world, for instance
mass unemployment, poor working condition, dispossession all of these influences to the
occurrence of socialism. Socialism was also involved peaceful movement like humanitarian
movement, philanthropic movement.

In 1930 the term socialism was coined for the first time. The word utopian socialism was coined
by Karl Marx and Engels to refer the group of socialist scholar who did not considered
themselves as socialist. Utopian socialist did not believe in class antagonism

ADVOCATORS: Saint Simon, Charles Fourier and Robert Owen

 Was born in Paris in aristocratic family

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 Fought in American war of independence
 Founder of Christian socialism(1825-new Christianity)
 Dissolve Christianity and life of the society
 Desired on unindustrialized society
 Believed that “all men are equal” and to solve the problem of the poor one should
develop the spirit of association coz it eradicate egoism, antagonism exploitation
 He developed:-
 Labor value theory
 Class struggle
 The nature of economic crisis
 Need for communal ownership
 The role of proletariats

 CHARLES FOURIER (1772- 1837)

 Was a French socialist theorist
 Advocates the reconstruction of society based on communal association of producer(new
 Believed that “men are created by God”(the society should be not oppressive)
 His ideas was explained on his book known as the theory for movements 1908
 Developed les phalanges (phalanxes) - cooperative agriculture for the social welfare of
individual. It comprises male and female representatives
 Believed that agriculture is the sector which is permanent
 Industrial society was passive phase
 Rejected the idea of patriarchy
 Believed that in order to liberate the society from oppression women lives were to be
 First person to use the word feminism
 Needs Labor to be distributed equally

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 ROBERT OWEN (1771-1858)
English socialist
Owned factory industry(text industry)
Instituted industrial program likely to put socialism in practical(tried to put utopian
socialism into practical)
Believed on social welfare or workers
Believed that “man’s character is the result of many circumstance which has no control”
Argued that “in order to develop proper character a man was to be placed on proper
Believed that all religions are perfect b’se reject exploitation( all religions are in flow
b’se they offend exploitation)
Proposed changes(as his ideas) like:-
a) In industrial place there is the need for having education
b) Universal health care
c) Evening classes to adults
d) Restricted child labor
e) Advocates life of working to mothers (pregnant mothers) like reduce
working hours, give maternity live.


i. Was based on vision unlike utopian socialism
ii. The aims of scientific socialism was to attain the right of workers though the social and
radical revolution

Scientific socialism is the method for understanding and predicting the social, economic and
material phenomena by examining historical trend through the use of scientific method to the life

ADVOCATORS: Karl Marx (1818-1893), Engels (1820-1895)

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 KARL MARX(1818-1893)
 He was a Germany philosopher
 Developed the idea of socialism which was the foundation of communism
 Considered his theory as a plan and motives for social revolution that should free workers
from poverty and exploitation
 His major books were;-
a. Das- capital ( a capital)
b. Communist manifesto
c. Origin of the favorite family, private property and the state 1884 by


Academic/science. Dogma or documma (belief)



Different way of thinking.

Is the way of establishing the truth through reasoning method argumentations (dialect

Believed in dialectical materialism (the society is divided in classes)

 Primitive (classless society, no need of having the government)

 Slavery (based on labor mode of production. Classes were slaves &slave
 Feudalism (land make the production. Classes were tenants &landlord)
 Capitalism (capital make the production. Classes were proletariats


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Tries to attempt the origin and development of the society from the materialistic perspective.
Thus in such a way the distribution of wealth in the society was dependent on what was
produced, how it is produced and how the product was exchanged. All social changes and
political revolution are thought not a result of human brain. Refuted the influence of religion coz
religion and moral cannot be countered as materials rather religion it is the tool used by ruling
class to ensure exploitation. History is the foundation of any science

3. Economic determinism, any analysis should start with economic point of

views. Economy is the determinant of anything were political changes can never address
the problem of injustice

4. The role of the state, the state is the tool of those of you owned the major
means of production. State is for wealth class and not poor. State is the tool of
exploitation b’se it is favorable to ruling class but not the ordinary people. If the
revolution is attained there is no need of having a state since things will be owned

5. Class struggle

 Social political system called Leninism
 Was inspired by Karl Marx and Engels
 The one organized Bolshevik revolution (1917) and leader of Bolshevik party
 First head of soviet state and the first leader to undergoes scientific revolution in eastern
 His major books were:-
 Task of proletariats in the present revolution
 Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism
 The revolution organized by Lenin ( the October revolution) was against duma revolution
or regime (merchants revolution)

Lenin’s view on the state revolution

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The state which is capitalist is the manipulation of irreconcilability (antagonism). View
the state as an instrument of exploitation. Thus believed that to eradicate the exploitation
and oppression revolution is inevitable to bring about the changes (believed on
revolution). He conceived the role of revolution party in undergoes the revolution were
he required a revolution party which has mass conscious
He proposed a vanguard revolution party and the Bolshevik party becomes the major
tournament in the battle where comprised the following
o Political party which consist strictly selected revolutionary elites
o Good organization which is operate in secrecy in order to avoid the despotic

The major function of this vanguard revolution party is

o To maintain the continue of the revolution movement

o Draw the mass into the movement
o Movement does not scope with individual harassment ( it should not harass the
mass rather than capitalism)

Is the adoption of Marxism to non- industrialize society. It was from there when
he drafted the term imperialism which has significant features

IMPERIALISM, is the highest stage of capitalism. It as the transitional

stage leading to communism society. Its major features were:-
 Concentration of production and monopolies
 Merging of bank capital and industrial capital to form financial oligarchy
 Export of capital (export more capital than commodities)
 Formation of international capitalist monopolies
 Division of territory among the powerfully capitalist nations

Thus, the analysis of Lenin’s imperialism was based on:-

 The outbreak of ww1
 Colonialism
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 Failure of Karl Marx and Engels’ prediction
 International capitalism (internal capitalism economy)

a) Chinese communist and thinker
b) Founder of PRC (People’s Republic of China)
c) Was influenced by the ideas of Karl Marx and Engels as well as Russian
revolution of 1917
d) His political philosophy called Maoism
e) He wrote the article which was presented in term of lecture and was in
contradictory form. According to him to understand the philosophical problem
one should be able to understand the contradiction which exist within the society,
thus he explained the contradiction by using philosophical problem.

Mao’s view on contradiction

A. The two world outlooks, according to Mao it comprises two aspects
which are metaphysical outlooks (which explain the development of
universe which is isolated, static etc.) and material dialect outlooks
(Which explain that the primary cause of development of any thing is not
external but internal factors).

B. Universality of contradiction, there is contradiction in everything.

Contradiction start from the beginning to end i.e. friends & enemy, action
& inaction.

C. Particularity contradiction, contradiction are also particular relative. It

differ from A to B. E.g. class struggle differ from class conflict

D. The principle contradiction and the principle aspect of contradiction,

principle contradiction may cause the occur of another contradiction e.g.
contradiction between mother and father may cause contradiction between
children because the one may stand on side of mother and the other may
stand on side of father

E. The identity and the struggle of aspect of contradiction, no contradiction

may exist on its isolation. Meanwhile contradiction depends on each other.
For example death may not exist without life, friends and unfriends

F. The place of antagonism in contradiction

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It is the philosophy which concern much on liberal ideas. John Stuart mill
is considered as the father of liberalism. And according to liberalists a
liberal man is the one who believe on liberty
He was an English philosopher
His philosophy concerned with liberty
Believed that man is the product of the society
Provided 3 types of liberty which are possessed by individuals and these liberty must be
organized and respect that are
I. Liberty of thought and opinion, freedom of think and provide the opinion freely
without the interference
II. Liberty of pursue and test
III. Liberty to join other like-minded individuals
Each of these freedom neglects the notion of the society complies

According to John Stuart Mill the opposite or opposition of freedom of individual is tyranny or
dictatorship and he was provided 3 kinds of dictatorship which limit individual liberty in politics
as follow
 Tyranny of one or few by over many, it is the oldest form of tyranny. Individuality of
individual is limited and denied by one or few individuals who are dominant over the
many individual
 Rule of many over one, it is the tyranny of majority over minority. Individual freedom is
denied on the basis of numbers. It is danger on democracy. Ideas and value are always
belongs to majority and not minority
 Tyranny of customs and tradition, customs are always high implies to human
The glory of humanness is the weakness of each individual where by every person a complete
individuality and personality of its own
 In order to enjoy the personality of every one there should be a freedom
 Mills was against the conformity principle
 Believed that individual decision can originate as a value of liberty
 Defended freedom of thought on three way

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 No one can claim pastorian truth (truth is multiple)
 People have half-truth not a complete truth
 Even when your…… your truth should open to change
 Provided the harm principle, this is the only way in which you can interfere individual

British philosopher, political theorist
Born 1836 and left the world 1882
His major popular books were
o Prolegomena (published after his death 1883)
o Lectures on the principles of political obligation
Concern the relationship between a man and nature
Believe that man has a self-conscious (liberalism is concern with individualism)
“For an individual to fall on his conscious he or she must be free from external interfere”.
Thus he need fences to protect the freedom of thought action
The simplest mental acts involves consciousness of self and distinction between the self
According to him to know about the matter (something) is too aware of relation between
Any action of man is defined by hid will
Reasoning of action reveals (indication) of one’s own good
Political institution is the results of society moral ideas and they help to develop the
character of individual citizens. It is important in the society, the form of modern estate

 JOHN RAWLS (1921-2002)

 American political philosopher
 Famous for his theory of justice
 Conceived justice as the matter of fairness
 When he reveal the idea of justice he talk that the major of justice should be justice
 He dissolve the freedom and equality because it is not exist
 Analysis of John Rawls, justification for justice began as fairness begun as original
position (state of nature)
 Argue against that political institution should ensure the greatest happiness to the greatest
number of individual


 Everyone in the society should have maximum and equal degree of liberty
 Everyone should have an equal opportunity to seek offices and position that offer greater
wealth, status and other social needs
 The distribution of wealth in the society should be such that those who are list well off
are better (distributed justices from the rich to empower the poor)

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Justice can be attained through social cooperation and these cooperation should be
regarded as free and equal

Justice has 2 principles that
 Each person deserve equal liberty
 Social and economic inequality are stratified two condition
i. To be attracted to office and position under equality of equal opportunity
ii. They are to be benefit of the least advantage member in the society, should be
recorded at essential statistic

1. Should be part and parcel of political institution
2. Applied primarily to economic institution

Reaction against political and economic changes. Changes occurred include the French
Supporter of conservatism
His idea found in form of speech (reflection on the French revolution- his book)
Defended glorious revolution

o Believe in gradual change, human rationality is limited. Ability of human to reason is
limited. Decision making approach rational comprehensive and incrementalism
approach- the science of muddling through, mixed approach
o Traditions or wisdom of the past
o Pragmatism, against abstracts revolution was involved by astracts and not practical
o State and religion, religion is the source of all good. Religion shape the society (burkes’
believe). Religion is the active tools for control human being. Not believe on the
separation of state and religion. By nature human beings are religious animal you cannot
separate human from religion
o Natural rights and rights of men, equal rights and not equal right of things

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Occurred to emergence of New Deal by President Roosevelt


 Anti-socialism and anti-communism
 Christian conservative mobilization
 Anti-unionism, not support unit e.g. trade unionism thus support individualism
 Popular culture, not support popular culture. They are against e.g. prostitution



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 Most scholar in western political thought
 Born in Germany (1929- present)
 Influenced by the failure of national socialism in Germany (Nazi ideology)
 Aim to understand atrocity and policy of national socialism
 Known for developing “critical theory” and his writings are interdisciplinary combine
sociology, philosophy and other social science
 Hebermas did not provide the full meaning of the theory instead critical social theory
viewed on the ideas of earlier Germany philosopher like Kant, Marx, Hegel, and weber.
 Major aim s of critical theory is to understand ideas such as nationality, modernity,
autonomy, freedom and human happiness are connected as a society changes
 Hebermas analysis tried to establish a link between agency (an individual) and structure
(culture norms) within overall historical evolution and social change (structure)
 Democracy is still possible to maintain itself and also develop a new form (Hebermas’


critical theory)
 Providing a critique (review) actual historical institution with the view of examine
political aspect. Institution must be criticized
 Communication, developed the theory of communication action where it is
communication were the society operate and evolves. There is the need for
establish the new theory rather than criticize and if we criticize no development


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i. Distoted communication, involves psychological impression
ii. Language and verb
iii. Reasoning and action
iv. Ideal speech, for every speech there has the right to listen and argue
v. Public fear, it is where social and political aspect take action

a) Fourier was the first to coin the term
b) Feminism, is a believe in social, economic and political equality of sexes but not gender

1. MARXISM FEMINISM, theory focus on class and this class are determined by
economic structure of the society. When Marx develop the theory of exploitation did not
consider the reality that even within the society women exploitation differ (the way
women are exploited by those bourgeoisie are different). In capitalism women were not
allowed to own the properties because it belongs to their husbands. However in capitalist
system women worked at home cooking, cleaning the house, maintaining the garden,
planning for the family. Marx did not consider women in the analysis, whereas the
Marxist feminist put the housewives in the structure of capitalism (criticism of Marxism
feminism from old tradition feminism like Rosa Luxemburg). House wives are vital to
capitalism and in any capitalism, women are vital in industrial and any economy.
Moreover, during the depression it is women who are most suffering. Marxism criticized
family as the source exploitation and oppression and proposed that “if the women works
for the family she was supposed to be supported and when she is dependent should also

2. RADICAL FEMINISM, Emerge from women conscious rise truth special in America.
Rise conscious by introducing issue focus on gender like pregnancy, childbirth. From this
theory they developed “theory of gender inequality” which goes beyond to
discrimination, oppression and gender polity. According to them the source of all
problems is patriarchy system. Whenever men and women are in contact there is
exploitation and oppression of women which is possessive. Radical feminism argue that
patriarchy is very hard to removal or eradicate because of its root whereas conceived men
as superior while women are inferior and provided the features possesses by men like
coolness, objective, addresiveness, emotional control, competativess, control distance
(these features plays no roles or advantages rather brings disadvantage like source of
poverty, conflict, rape, child abuse)
While the features of women are cooperation, reciprocate, fee and natural, attain to
bodies. For women this values are good because limit persuasion, intimacy, warmth,

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caring. To them believed that even men can develop this values if they are mothered.
They argue that men are likely using physical violence to show their superiority
 Women should stop having sex with men
 Women should form their own groups like university, institution, academy


a. Radical feminism believe that patriarchy system is the source of women exploitation
while Marxism feminism believe that family is the source of women exploitation
b. The theory of radical feminism focus behind on gender discrimination, segregation etc.
while the theory of Marxism focus on capitalist exploitation
c. Radical feminism arise or developed from women conscious while in Marxism
feminism women were not developed the conscious
d. For Marxism feminism the empowerment and equality of women cannot attained or
achieved within the frame work of capitalism (seek to abolish capitalism) while for
radical the empowerment and equality of women can be achieved by changing the society
e. Radical feminism was large scope (politically, economically & socially) while
Marxism feminism was not large scope (focus on economic capitalism)


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Tradition of concentralizing human affairs that originated by Prophet Mohammad S. A in
17thcentury Arabia. The basis of centralizing were two which are the holly book (Quran) and
sunnah. These two provide the way of organize justice community. The way of organizing the
community led to:-
a. Justice (achieved through reading hadith or narratives, Quran, subsequent political
b. People (umma) or community
c. Struggle (jihad)
THUS, throughout the history Islamic thought has (aspects)
 Modified
 Incorporated
 Challenge (Jewish law, Arab custom, Persian state craft, Hellenistic philosophy or
ancient Greek philosophy, Christian theology, European and American culture
Islamic political theory includes multiple discourse. Contemporary Islamic thinker are based
their analysis there is FQH- Islamic jurisprudence hadith, Quran


Islamic political philosophy is organized about five historical period
 Time of Mohammad and the early community (umma)- foundation theory
 Classical, after Mohammad. Political philosophy was divided into Shia & Sunni
 Middle or pre- modern period, refers as the time of Ottoman rule
 Modern
 Contemporary
During this historical period the philosophy based on justice, CALIPH-ATE, religious authority.
As on contemporary the debate was much on human rights, democracy. It comes as western
culture and norms
CALIPH-ATE, Is the term note the form of government that came into existence in Islamic word
after the death of Mohammad. Caliph comes from Arab word khalipha, which refers to Muslim
sovereince who claim authority over all Muslim. Shia leader should come from Mohammad
believer (imam)


There are three perspective
1. Rejectionist Islamic view, elaborate by said and Abood Al Maudhui. Promoted the
rejection of Islam against democracy. Condemns by mention the intention of foreign
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ideas and rose the distinction between western democracy and Islam doctrine. Stressed
the implementation of law (sharia) without any perspiration

2. Moderate view, stressed masilha, maslah (public interest). Argue Islamic leader to
acquire justice and public interest as presented in the sharia. However, it rejected western
liberal value in favor of Islamic liberal view

3. Liberal Islamic view, stressed in reasoning in understanding religion. Promoted the

democratic principles based on pluralism and freedom of thought and liberal Islamic view
argue for the examination of religious understanding

 CONFUCIUS PHILOSOPHY ( Spiritual word)- 479bc-

 It is oriental philosophy (Asia)
 Chinese philosopher, teacher, auditor
 Born in china who regarded as figure of Chinese traditional culture
 His ideas came to be greater on how china behave today
 As the teacher he trained bureaucracy
 His ideas were social, political and spiritual
 Greater influencer of eastern philosophy concern morality

I. Believe in rituals and music, ritual means time after time. He insisted the importance of
music because make person desire and transform the person character. Thus to him music
and rituals transform the society and the individual character. Believed on ancestors
sacrifice as the symbol of respect to the ancestors ( only way to respect the ancestors is
through sacrifice)

II. Virtues, believe in virtues and it is described in different form as follow

 Benevolence (care for others), human being is supported to care and care for
others. It is how human are guided with the sense of what is good for others
from their perspective and one’s own self perspective

 Rightcheness, to be morally good. Individual should be good morally on the

society value. It includes justice and integrity

 Wisdoms, avoid bad behavior, to know others what they wants and to respect

 Trustworthiness, to be honest and sincere

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a. Conception of ruler, a ruler must have a certain characteristics include be wise. To him a
ruler is the one who possess moral, trust and respects to the elders, which he called filial
piety. Ruler should treat his subject fairly

b. Morality and law, virtual and morality is the primary in shaping human behavior and law
is the secondary, this is because by nature human beings are good and are corrupted by
negative behavior from the society thus no need of having law because man’s nature is
c. Good government, according to him a good government is the one that brings the best out
of people because by nature human is good, thus, the function of government is to work
hard to bring peace, order, love, treat society government. The function of government is
not to hurt the society

During Confucius period education was given to noble class only
Confucius provided the changes that education should be provided to all, meanwhile any
one with the desire of get education should be given a chance to get that education ( to
him no relationship between education and class)
Believed that all human beings are teachable and improvable
He emphasized the education because education should be used as the instrument of
develop goodness
Argue that “human development and perfection can be achieved through education (man
is good by nature)
Develop education curriculum aims to develop self- discipline


i. History education, is the education which concern with the past. He believed that
the only way of understanding the present is to understand the past. To him you
cannot understand the present situation if you are not aware about the past

ii. Poetry education, express emotions

iii. Music education, concern about sound and rhythm. Mean to get pleasure.
Confucius was a big fan of music. Thus, to him music is sweeter than meat

iv. Education on Li, it is associated with music and poetry. Encourage individual to
express their inner feelings desires and emotions, thus, once you write a
significant poem should be come from inner feelings

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v. Education in language, according to him there is 2 languages that are official
language (used by ruling class) and popular language (used by common people).
But Confucius suggested that people should taught official language so as to get
services of the ruling class

vi. Education in I Ching, to him education was mystics and superstition. He believed
that People should be given a chance to understand their superstition


Oriental means east. It includes Taoism or Daoism, Hinduism, Buddhism,

 Chinese philosophy
 Founded by Leo Tzu or Laozism
 Central political idea was anarchism which is basically contrary to Confucius
 Taoism do not believe in ritual
 Want small government and non-intervention

 Founded by Buddha
 Religion philosophy
 Started in India and later spread to other parts china, Korea etc.
 No any stated of the religion
 They have different believe values that are:
 Equality of all human beings
 Social cooperation
 Rule of law
 Active participation
 Moralization of political power ( power should be exercise in moral way, thus no
relationship between power and morality)
 Non-violence and peace
 Good government (is the government that makes people happy and it is the
government that led ruler who is justice and good, impersonal who enforce the
law, ruler does not hurt his subject)

 Indian philosophy
 Major concern is religion and government (religion and government should be
separately- secularism)
__________ENDS OF SEMESTER _____________
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By: Shukuru Boniphace- political science student- UDSM, JKN Campus mlimani

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