AEJ Paper On SAMEA-DPME Partnership
AEJ Paper On SAMEA-DPME Partnership
AEJ Paper On SAMEA-DPME Partnership doi:10.4102/aej.v3i1.164
Page 2 of 6 Original Research
and plan for the 2015 International Year of Evaluation. The was formally issued in 2007 (The Presidency 2007), and
process has not always been smooth but a growing trust evaluation became formally recognised as one of the three
has been contributing to the growth in evaluation in South key pillars of the GWMES. However, over the previous
Africa. decade government focused on monitoring rather than
evaluation (Engela & Ajam 2010:33), with consequent limits
SAMEA’s formative years and in the utility of performance measurement. In 2010, the newly
formed DPME moved quickly to set up the outcomes system
partnership with the Public Service and other monitoring programmes, and in November 2011
Commission the DPME issued the National Evaluation Policy Framework
The process of formally establishing SAMEA began in 2004 that formerly established the National Evaluation System
on the margins of the third African Evaluation Association (NES). Government evaluations preceding the establishment
(AfrEA) Conference, which was co-hosted in Cape Town of the NES were infrequent, under-utilised and did not
by the South African PSC. This event drew over 400 benefit from either common guidance and approaches or an
delegates from 61 countries and represents a milestone in overarching strategic evaluation programme.1
the development of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) on
the continent and in South Africa in particular. As a result of In its efforts to establish the NES, the DPME confronted a
the efforts initiated at the 2004 AfrEA Conference, SAMEA number of critical challenges, one of which was the dubious
was formally established in 2005 as a non-profit (Section 21) quality of government evaluations preceding the NEP. There
association under South African law. was a need, therefore, to address the issues of quality, capacity
and accountability. To do this successfully, the practitioner
SAMEA’s primary mandate continues to be the promotion community had to be mobilised in a common cause. SAMEA
and development of the practice of M&E in the public interest was the formal representative of the community and explicitly
in South Africa. Whilst the contribution of the practice to the shared these objectives. SAMEA also had credibility, good
broader public good is the Association’s foremost motivation, governance and a membership that was weighted towards
SAMEA also actively seeks to further the interests of its practitioners in government and consultants serving
members, who are understood to be practitioners and users government. SAMEA represented a credible partner that
of evaluation. provided reach and access to practitioners independent of
government structures and a ready vehicle to further shared
In its early years, SAMEA received substantial support from objectives that would enhance the NES’s effectiveness.
the PSC, in an informal relationship that was based on shared
purpose. Reporting directly to Parliament, the PSC is one of As such it was decided that the DPME and SAMEA would
a number of constitutional entities exercising an oversight enter into a formal agreement that would preserve the
on the executive in the South African governance system. In independence of both organisations. This agreement
terms of that mandate, the PSC is empowered to investigate, was formalised in a Memorandum of Understanding
monitor and evaluate the organisation, administration and (MOU) signed in February 2012, which set out how both
personnel practices of the public service. In fulfilling its organisations would cooperate in promoting M&E in South
role, the PSC pioneered the mainstreaming of evaluation in Africa. The MOU included the following:
government, albeit from its formal position of independence • Co-hosting and co-organising capacity building and
from the executive. SAMEA and the PSC therefore shared learning activities.
the purpose of promoting evaluation as a practice in the • Collaborating on setting standards and competencies for
public interest. In addition, PSC officials were pivotal in the evaluators.
establishment and early management of SAMEA and were • Working towards professionalising evaluation in South
represented on the elected Board. In 2007, the first SAMEA Africa.
Board held the inaugural M&E conference with the theme • Encouraging citizen participation and reporting.
‘Evaluation in action’, followed by the second biennial
conference in 2009, with the theme ‘Values in evaluation’. A standing committee consisting of three DPME and three
Both conferences benefitted from extensive PSC support. The SAMEA members was established on 02 February 2012
rationale for continued collaboration seemed self-evident, in order to facilitate cooperation and collaboration. The
and this important partnership continues. standing committee meets after SAMEA Board meetings
to discuss issues of common interest, based on the agenda
Strengthening partnership with government approved by the Board, to ensure proper oversight on the
through collaboration with the Department of work of the standing committee. Furthermore, the meetings
Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of the standing committee are chaired by both SAMEA and
In the year that SAMEA was launched, the South African DPME representatives on a rotational basis to promote
government adopted the concept for a government-wide collaboration and balance the partnership. Through this
monitoring and evaluation system (GWMES), which was a partnership, SAMEA has been able to provide direct input
significant move towards institutionalising M&E practice in
1.This is discussed more extensively in the paper by Ian Goldman et al., ‘Development
the executive arm of the state. The GWMES Policy Framework of South Africa’s National Evaluation Policy and System 2011–2014’, in this issue. doi:10.4102/aej.v3i1.164
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Organisational identity
Theoretical framework on
partnerships between government
and non-profit organisations
Literature on partnerships can be divided into three 3 4 doi:10.4102/aej.v3i1.164
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(EES n.d.). Canada is well-known for having taken advanced Evaluation awards
measures to professionalise evaluation, taking it as far as a Both SAMEA and the DPME have recognised a need to
standardised accreditation process (SAMEA 2014). acknowledge outstanding individuals and outstanding
work in the field of evaluation in South Africa. Through
In South Africa, the establishment of SAMEA in 2005 marked identifying those who exemplify the very best in the field,
the beginning of formal conversations amongst the M&E they aim to honour both the evaluation practitioners and
community about various measures that could be employed advance the emerging discipline of evaluation in the country.
to continuously develop the evaluation profession. The The first awards presentation took place at the SAMEA
SAMEA-DPME partnership through a standing committee is biennial conference in 2013, with awards in three categories,
a notable development, as it draws from the capabilities of namely an Emerging Evaluator Award, a Best Government
the two organisations and focuses on capacity building and Evaluation Award and the Best Conference Paper.
continuous professional development of M&E in the country.
The NES has several elements with regard to capacity Establishing provincial monitoring and evaluation
development, including the development of competencies, associations
standards, learning-by-doing support for evaluations The three partners have committed to continuously
and a suite of training courses. In 2014, the SAMEA Board supporting the provincial associations in implementing a
established a portfolio committee on capacity building and range of activities that would enhance evaluation capacity
professionalisation to advise the Board in relation to possible building and continuous professional development. As
options that could be explored to professionalise evaluation. a result SAMEA, the DPME and the PSC have co-hosted
The DPME and SAMEA have come to a common understanding evaluation workshops in collaboration with provincial
of the term professionalisation, defining it as ‘the process of M&E forums, and in the case of Eastern Cape Province this
continuous movement towards a greater measure of various has become a provincial chapter of SAMEA. Most recently,
professional characteristics and professionalism in the one SAMEA collaborated with the DPME and the PSC for the
who is practising evaluation’ (SAMEA 2014). SAMEA and 2014 AGM to support the work of the Eastern Cape Chapter
the DPME have also commissioned a feasibility study on on M&E capacity building. The AGM was accompanied by
professionalisation of evaluation in South Africa which will a high-level opening session. In addition, there was a full-
guide the professionalisation of evaluation in the country. day session on SAMEA’s flagship programme on emerging
evaluators, half-day workshops on various topics and a
The M&E capacity development programme for closing symposium with higher education institutions on the
South Africa conference theme.
SAMEA, the DPME and the PSC are collaborating on several
International IOCE/EvalPartners VOPE Peer-to-Peer
M&E capacity development initiatives. These include Programme
provincial workshops, which often coincide with SAMEA’s
A peer-to-peer (P2P) programme for VOPEs was initiated
annual general meetings (AGMs), setting up chapters, co-
by EvalPartners3 and implemented by the International
hosting the SAMEA biennial conferences and collaborating
Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE) following
on the Evaluation Awards. Academic institutions and the
the first Global Forum held in Chiang Mai, Thailand in 2012.
Centres for Learning on Evaluations and Results (CLEAR)
The P2P programme aims at contributing to strengthened
are involved in this capacity development programme. A
institutional capacities of VOPEs; strengthening VOPEs’
summary of some of the key initiatives in this regard follows.
capacities for improved national evaluation systems and
policies; strengthening evaluation capacities of VOPEs’
Co-hosting the SAMEA biennial conferences members; and strengthening some capacity of VOPEs to
Historically, SAMEA and the PSC and later the DPME have promote principles of equity-focused and gender-responsive
co-hosted the SAMEA conferences, usually preceded by evaluation. As part of this P2P initiative, SAMEA, the DPME
training workshops presented by local and international and the PSC co-hosted a study tour by presidents of the
experts on contemporary topics. At the 2013 conference, the evaluation associations of Kenya and Uganda in September
first following the establishment of the NES, the DPME was a 2013, and by the Zimbabwean Evaluation Association in
major partner for the first time, and a stream on government March 2015.
evaluation was included.
South African plan for the International Year of Evaluation
Consultation on standards and competencies EvalPartners, in consultation with the evaluation offices of
Consultations on the development of government evaluation international organisations, including United Nations (UN)
competencies and evaluation standards were conducted at agencies and the World Bank’s Independent Evaluation
national level with SAMEA and the provincial associations
in 2011 and 2012, including a vibrant Western Cape learning 3.EvalPartners is an innovative partnership designed to enhance the capacities of civil
society organisations (CSO) to influence policy makers, public opinion and other
network of M&E practitioners, comprising mostly SAMEA key stakeholders so that public policies are based on evidence, and incorporate
members and former Board members.2 considerations of equity and effectiveness. The objective of the initiative is to
enhance the capacities of CSOs to engage in a strategic and meaningful manner
in national evaluation processes, contributing to improved country-led evaluation
2.See the article on standards and quality assessment in this issue. systems and policies that are equity focused and gender equality responsive. doi:10.4102/aej.v3i1.164
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Group (IEG), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Extension (Quadrant 3) is when one organisation is
Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee dominant and the other organisation has little identity and
(DAC) and emerging countries, private foundations and follows the dominant organisation’s lead. As discussed in
other key stakeholders, convinced the UN General Assembly the partnership agreement above, SAMEA is a critical friend
(GA) to designate 2015 the International Year of Evaluation to the DPME and there have been disagreements between
in order to advocate and promote evaluation and evidence- both organisations. Some fear that SAMEA is becoming
based policy making at international, regional, national dominated by government. This is something that has to be
and local levels. Although the designation was led by managed as government is becoming a bigger player in the
EvalPartners and adopted during the NEC conference in evaluation field, both in setting standards and competencies
Brazil in 2013, it is significant that it was officially adopted by and in funding evaluations.
the UN GA itself in December 2014.
Co-optation or gradual absorption (Quadrant 4) takes place
In South Africa, the International Year of Evaluation has been when a partner organisation compromises its identity by
led by SAMEA in collaboration with the DPME, PSC, CLEAR exchanging its services for the benefit of serving the dominant
and other stakeholders. A steering committee and organising organisation, either consciously or unconsciously. For the
committee have been established to develop a coherent plan DPME, co-optation or gradual absorption of SAMEA would
of events and products for the year, engage with international mean that there would be no independent peer reviewer
organisations promoting events during the year, assist with to comment on DPME knowledge products, which could
fundraising for these events and communicate with key compromise the quality of these products.
There are fears of domination by government, and some
Lessons emerging from the stakeholders feel that government representatives should
not serve as SAMEA Board members to ensure the
partnership independence of SAMEA. Despite positive spin-offs flowing
The SAMEA-DPME partnership has elements of both the from this partnership, some still argue that balancing
normative perspective and the pragmatic analytical model. representation of the DPME and the public service on the
In terms of the normative perspective, both parties promote SAMEA Board is a threat to the independence of SAMEA,
values and principles of mutual influence, accountability especially because the DPME accounts to Cabinet (i.e.
and equality. The partnership also has a strong pragmatic politicians) and therefore cannot be independent. Similarly,
analytical focus, especially as both parties view it as some view the role of the SAMEA–DPME standing
instrumental in reaching their respective objectives. The committee with suspicion, arguing that the DPME may
MOU is based on a general agreement, with specific dominate and SAMEA become an extension of the DPME,
agreements reached on a project-by-project basis, which which could diminish SAMEA’s identity. This situation has
characterises a pragmatic analytical perspective. Thus, the to be managed carefully to match the particular strengths
partnership envisioned by SAMEA and the DPME matches each partner brings into the partnership, which will benefit
Brinkerhoff’s ‘ideal partnership’ defined as ‘a dynamic evaluation in South Africa. At this stage, non-governmental
relationship among diverse actors, based on mutually and private sector involvement has reduced somewhat (e.g.
agreed objectives, pursued through a shared understanding in attendance and membership) as government has become
of the rational division of labour based on the respective more active. The Board and partners are aware of this and
comparative advantage of each partner’ (Brinkerhoff are trying to manage it carefully to ensure that the balance
2002:21). remains. doi:10.4102/aej.v3i1.164
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collaboration with the DPME and the conclusion. J.M. Engela, R. & Ajam, T., 2010, Implementing a government-wide monitoring and
evaluation system in South Africa, ECD Working Paper Series No. 21, World Bank,
(DPME) contributed to sections on strengthening partnership Washington, DC.
with government through collaboration with the DPME, European Evaluation Society, n.d., TWG 4 – Professionalization of evaluation, viewed
02 May 2015, from
theoretical framework on partnership between government working-groups/twg-4-professionalization-evaluation
and non-profit organisations, key achievements of the SAMEA, 2005, Founding Document, viewed 16 April 2015, from
partnership between government and SAMEA and lessons
SAMEA, 2014, Draft terms of reference for a feasibility study on professionalisation of
emerging from the partnership. S.N. (DPME) contributed to evaluation in South Africa, SAMEA, Pretoria.
the abstract and the introduction. R.B. (SAMEA) contributed SAMEA & DPME, 2012, Memorandum of Agreement, July 2012 – July 2014, SAMEA,
to sections on SAMEA’s formative years, its partnership with Pretoria.
the PSC, and strengthening partnership with government The Presidency, 2007, Policy framework on the government-wide monitoring and
evaluation system, viewed 02 May 2015, from
through collaboration with the DPME. V.N. (DPME) doi:10.4102/aej.v3i1.164