Operating System QB by Msbte - Campus-1
Operating System QB by Msbte - Campus-1
Operating System QB by Msbte - Campus-1
1. Write all answers point wise if it is definition
then also write with points.
Schedulers Example:-
1. The job are scheduled for execution as follows solve the
problem using: (i) SIS (ii) FCFS also find average waiting time
using Gantt chart.
Process Arrival Burst time
P1 0 8
P2 1 4
P3 2 9
P4 3 5
2. Consider the following four jobs. Find average waiting time for
(i)FCFS (ii)SJF
Job Burst Time
J1 8
J2 5
J3 5
J4 13
5. Solve given problem by using (i) Pre-emptive SJF (ii) Round Robin
(Time Slice = 3 ms) Calculate average waiting time using Gantt Chart
Process Arival tme Burst time (in ms)
P1 0 8
P2 1 4
P3 2 9
P4 3 5
6. Consider the following sets of processes with arrival time as follows: