Instant Access To More Math Into LaTeX 5th Edition George Grätzer Ebook Full Chapters
Instant Access To More Math Into LaTeX 5th Edition George Grätzer Ebook Full Chapters
Instant Access To More Math Into LaTeX 5th Edition George Grätzer Ebook Full Chapters
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Table of Contents
1. Mission Impossible
1. Short course
2. And a few more things…
2. Text and Math
3. Typing text
4. Text environments
5. Typing math
6. More math
7. Multiline math displays
3. Document Structure
8. Documents
9. The AMS article document class
10. Legacy documents
4. pdf Documents
11. The PDF file format
12. Presentations
13. Illustrations
5. Customization
14. Commands and environments
6. Long Documents
15. BibTEX
16. MakeIndex
17. Books in LATEX
George Grätzer
This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher,
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rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation,
broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way,
and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic
adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology
now known or hereafter developed.
The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the
advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate
at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the
editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material
contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made.
Rainer Schöpf
LaTeX3 team
Rainer SchöpfLATEX3 team
Preface to the fifth edition
My book Practical LaTeX [42] was published last year. Many of the
changes in this fifth edition are based on Practical LaTeX and on my
articles “What Is New in LaTeX?” in the Notices of the American
Mathematical Society [36–41] and [43].
Part I. Short Course of the fourth edition was revised under the title
Chapter 1 . Short Course . I renamed Part I: Mission Impossible . This
part now has a second chapter: And a few more things … The new
Chapter 1 is what you absolutely, unquestionably must know to write
your first TEX document. It’s only 30 pages long, should not take more
than a few hours to read and understand. No typing is necessary, the files
you need are provided for you, see Section 1.1.2
The new Chapter 2 adds a few more topics that is helpful to know
such as the aux files, what is their role, how to handle them. It deals in
some detail with error messages. Finally, it contains Brian Davey’s list of
LaTeX mistakes most often made by authors.
To create “vector graphics” illustrations (see page 343 for an
example), many users switched to Till Tantau’s Ti k Z package. We
introduce Ti k Z in Chapter 13 . We hope that the few commands we
discuss are sufficient to get you started.
I carefully revised all the material in this book. One would think that
this is not necessary in a fifth edition. But as Fred says, there are infinitely
many typos in any book, and even our best efforts remove only finitely
many. And so many of the links have changed…
Finally, I should mention that I renamed the awkward user-defined
commands to custom commands . How come I have not thought of this
George Grätzer
Toronto, ON, Canada
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and enjoy exciting offers!
Is this book for you?
This book is for the mathematician, physicist, engineer, scientist, linguist,
or technical typist who has to learn how to typeset articles containing
mathematical formulas or diacritical marks. It teaches you how to use
LaTeX, a typesetting markup language based on Donald E. Knuth’s
typesetting language TEX, designed and implemented by Leslie Lamport,
and greatly improved under the guidance of AMS.
Part I provides a quick introduction to LaTeX, from typing examples
of text and math to typing your first article such as the sample article on
page 4 and creating your first presentation such as the sample
presentation—four slides of which you find in Figure 1.5 —in a very short
time. The rest of the book provides a detailed exposition of LaTeX.
LaTeX has a huge collection of rules and commands. While the basics
in Part I should serve you well in all your writings, most articles and
presentations also require you to look up special topics. Learn Part I well
and become passingly familiar with the rest of the book, so when the
need arises you know where to turn with your problems.
You can find specific topics in the Short Contents, the detailed
Contents, and the Index.
Mathematicians find LaTeX very strange. A typical article in
mathematics deals with a field defined by a few axioms, and the topic of
the article needs only a few more. In contrast, LaTeX has hundreds of
axioms. We try to ease the transition by introducing at the start as few
commands as possible. For instance, we introduce presentations with only
five new commands.
The LaTeX source file and the typeset version both look the same
independent of what computer you have. However, the way you type your
source file, the way you typeset it, and the way you look at the typeset
version depends on the computer and on the LaTeX implementation you
Mission statement
This book is a guide for typesetting mathematical documents within the
constraints imposed by LaTeX, an elaborate system with hundreds of
rules. LaTeX allows you to perform almost any mathematical typesetting
task through the appropriate application of its rules. You can customize
LaTeX by introducing custom commands and environments and by
changing LaTeX parameters. You can also extend LaTeX by invoking
packages that accomplish special tasks.
It is not my goal
To make this book easy to read, I use some simple conventions:
1 Short course
1.7.1 Equations
1.7.4 Cases
2.1 Structure
3 Typing text
3.2.2 Periods
3.3.2 Scope
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3.3.3 Types of commands
3.4.2 Dashes
3.4.5 Ellipses
3.4.6 Ligatures
3.4.9 Hyphenation
3.5.2 Footnotes
3.6.5 Series
3.7.1 Lines
3.7.2 Paragraphs
3.7.3 Pages
3.8 Spaces
3.9 Boxes
4 Text environments
4.1 Some general rules for displayed text environments
5 Typing math
5.3 Equations
5.4.3 Ellipses
5.4.4 Integrals
5.4.5 Roots
5.5 Delimiters
5.6 Operators
5.6.2 Congruences
6 More math
6.1.1 Classification
6.1.4 Examples
6.2.1 Swinging it
Puolen päivän jälkeen tuli kuitenkin sade, jonka lakattua taivas jäi
pilviseksi ja ilma viileni. Hämähäkki tuli piilostaan ja asettui
vahtipaikalleen verkkonsa keskipisteeseen. Mutta tuskin se oli sen
ehtinyt tehdä kun läheisen puun oksalle lensi rastas. Sen nähtyään
hämähäkki pudottautui hirveästi säikähtäen maahan. Rastas
huomasi hämähäkin ja tavoitti sitä, viedäkseen sen nokassaan
poikasilleen pesään syötäväksi, mutta vikkelä lukki ennätti pujahtaa
lahonneen puukapulan alle.
Täällä saa Tapiolan karja rauhassa elää. Hirvi, karhu ja kotka eivät
ole vielä täältä sukupuuttoon hävinneet. Mutta ne häviävät, ellei
näiden metsiemme komeimpien eläinten pyyntiä kokonaan kielletä —
siihen viittaa majavan surullinen tarina —, ja ellei ennen kaikkea
metsien hävitystä ehkäistä.
Kaukana Hallakorven perukoilla, suurien soitten ja rämeitten
takana, oleskeli ylhäisessä yksinäisyydessään iso uroskarhu, vanha
karilas, korven kuningas viisas ja väkevä, sukunsa ainoa edustaja
näillä tienoilla. Pari vuotta sitten oli se Hallakorpeen kulkeutunut.
Kesäisin se oli huoletonna kelletellyt kanervikossa paistattaen päivää,
sulatellen vankkoja lehmän- ja lampaanliha-aterioitaan. Useita
elukoita olikin se mahtavan kämmenensä läimäyksellä karjasta
kaatanut. Jälkiruuaksi se oli saanut toisinaan metson tai teeren,
joskus myös muurahaisia, joita se nuoli käpälistään, ensin
pistettyään sen hetkeksi kekoon. Pari kertaa kesässä sattui sekin
onni, että löysi kimalaispesän. Silloin oli otso mielissään, vaikka
saikin muutamia pistoja pesäänsä puolustavilta kimalaisilta, joita se
käpälillään läimäytteli yksitellen lennosta maahan. Sitten se söi
hunajan, toukat, vahan ja viimeiseksi tappamansa kimalaisetkin,
loksutellen leukojaan kuin sika ruoka-altaansa ääressä.
Kun tanner alkoi olla jotenkin "sileä", lähti kontio etsimään tuota
kaipaamaansa tasaväkisempää vastustajaa, — makeata nestettä ei
se enää muistanut. Se nousi takajaloilleen, karjaisi niin että korpi
raikui ja aikoi tarttua sylin suureen kuuseen, mutta horjahtikin ja
kaatui havuseinän läpi majaan. Nyt karhu kohdisti vihansa siellä
olevaan ruisjauhosäkkiin, kopristi siihen etukäpäliensä koukkukynnet
ja rupesi huitomaan tällä lähes sata kiloa painavalla säkillä kuin se
olisi ollut kevyt höyhenpussi, hajoittaen koko kojun ja viimein
paiskaten säkin puun kylkeen sellaisella voimalla, että säkki halkesi
ja jauhot pelmahtivat joka puolelle, tehden mustanruskeasta
Hallakorven hallitsijasta valkean "lumiukon".