Gateway To Condensed Matter Physics and Molecular Biophysics: Concepts and Theoretical Perspectives 1st Edition Chaudhury
Gateway To Condensed Matter Physics and Molecular Biophysics: Concepts and Theoretical Perspectives 1st Edition Chaudhury
Gateway To Condensed Matter Physics and Molecular Biophysics: Concepts and Theoretical Perspectives 1st Edition Chaudhury
Condensed Matter Field Theory 2nd Edition Alexander
Altland Ben D Simons
Concepts and Theoretical Perspectives
Concepts and Theoretical Perspectives
Ranjan Chaudhury, PhD
First edition published 2022
Apple Academic Press Inc. CRC Press
1265 Goldenrod Circle, NE, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW,
Palm Bay, FL 32905 USA Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 USA
4164 Lakeshore Road, Burlington, 2 Park Square, Milton Park,
ON, L7L 1A4 Canada Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN UK
Abbreviations....................................................................................................... xi
RE repairing efficiency
RKKY Rudolf-Kittel-Kasua-Yoshida
RPA random phase approximation
RWM random walk model
SBB Scafroth-Blatt-Butler
SDW spin density wave
SN superconductor-normal metal
SQUID superconducting quantum interference device
SSS statistical scoring scheme
STM scanning tunneling microscopy
SWCNT single-walled carbon nanotube
SWT Schrieffer-Wolf transformation
TBH tight-binding Hamiltonian
TLL Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid
TM tautomeric mutation
TMR tunneling magneto-resistance
VSM vibrating sample magnetometer
WS Wigner solid
I very genuinely and sincerely owe the motivation of this book writing
to my late beloved father, Prof. Tapas Kumar Chaudhury, who always
inspired me and helped me to concentrate and focus on this difficult but
noble assignment.
I would also like to express my deep gratitude to all my teachers,
PhD thesis supervisors, all my mentors, and research collaborators for
drawing my attention to various challenging problems in various areas of
condensed matter physics and quantum biology and help me tackling them
through collaborations. The list is very long but I would like to specially
mention the following names: Prof. S. K. Ghatak, Prof. S. S. Jha, Prof. B.
S. Shastry, Prof. M. Barma, Prof. A. K. Grover, Prof. D. Dhar, Prof. C. K.
Majumdar, Prof. J. P Carbotte, Prof. J. W. Halley, Prof. B. K. Chakraverty,
Prof. T. V. Ramakrishnan, Prof. M. Avignon, Prof. D. Feinberg, Prof. N.
Plakida, Prof. M. P. Das, Prof. G. Baskaran, Prof. T. Chatterjee, Prof.
V. Golo, Prof. D. Gangopadhyay, Prof. J. Chakrabarti, Prof. S. K. Paul,
and Prof. A. Parola, for enriching my knowledge and understanding and
sharing exciting science with me.
It would also be quite incomplete and unfair if I don’t acknowledge the
hidden contributions of my students (past and present). Through teaching
and supervision, my own understanding of the intricacies in various scien
tific concepts has acquired clarity and totality.
Special thanks are due to Suraka Bhattacharjee, one of my PhD
students, for helping me with the figures in this book.
Finally, I would like to thank my family members, relatives, and
friends who have stood by my side and supported me during the period of
my personal tragedies and have helped me to complete the preparation of
the manuscript.
It is indeed a pleasure for me to express my gratitude to Ms. Sandra Jones
Sickels, Vice President, Apple Academic Press, for her invitation to me to
write this book. I also would like to thank Mr. Ashish Kumar, President,
Apple Academic Press, and his team members for various technical
suggestions regarding the manuscript and cooperation.
Last but not the least, I would also like to gratefully acknowledge all
the infrastructural facilities provided by the S.N. Bose Center during the
writing of this book.
—Ranjan Chaudhury, PhD
energy bands are also briefly dealt with. In the second chapter, we cover
various aspects of magnetism in solids, and we include both microscopic
theories as well as the experimental techniques along with some of the
effects observed. Applications to some new techniques and devices are also
discussed. The third chapter is devoted to lattice dynamics and the origin of
phonons. It also contains some manifestations of various types of phonons
to different kinds of phenomena and effects. The fourth chapter contains a
detailed analysis of the electrons in real solids. It introduces various many-
body techniques and effective theories, which are semi-phenomenological
in nature. Besides, a bit of surface physics is also included. Here again,
some connections to exotic phenomena and new devices are brought out.
The fifth chapter deals exclusively with superconductivity. It carries out a
fairly detailed analysis of the microscopic and phenomenological theories
of superconductivity, for both conventional materials as well as the exotic
materials. Moreover, it covers special topics such as magnetic superconduc
tors and high-temperature superconductivity. It also includes various forms
of experimental techniques and their applications. The very last chapter
deals with the theoretical attempts from a viewpoint of a quantum condensed
matter physicist to understand certain important biophysical properties of
DNA, a very crucial ingredient of all living systems.
Almost all the physical properties of solids can be linked to the
following three types of very fundamental and important characteristics:
(a) electrical transport, (b) magnetic, and (c) electrical polarization. Again
based on these three characteristics, the solids may broadly be classified
in the following ways:
1. Electrical transport:
i. insulator;
ii. semiconductor;
iii. metal; and
iv. superconductor.
2. Magnetic:
i. diamagnet;
ii. paramagnet;
iii. ferromagnet; and
iv. antiferromagnet.
Introduction to Electronic Properties of Solids 3
3. Electrical polarization:
i. paraelectric;
ii. ferroelectric; and
iii. anti-ferroelectric.
h2 2
H= 2
V r (1.1)
2 2m
where, the first operator on the right-hand side is the kinetic energy
operator corresponding to an electron and the second quantity is the peri
odic potential experienced by an electron from the positively charged ion
cores situated on the lattice sites. Because of the perfect periodic nature
of the lattice, we have the translational symmetry property of the potential
experienced by the moving electron due to the ions on the lattice:
[H, T̂ ] = 0 (1.3)
l k ( r ) = uk ( r ) exp ( ik · r ) (1.5)
Introduction to Electronic Properties of Solids 7
uk (r) = uk (r + R) (1.6)
The subscript k denotes the wave vector of the traveling wave described
by the eigenfunction ψ and it also represents a band state. It can be seen
very easily from the above form of ψk(r) that it satisfies the following
equation as well:
G . R = 2nπ (1.8)
a2 Xa3
b1 = 2n (1.9)
where, a1, a2, and a3 are the basis vectors of the crystal lattice or Bravis
lattice and b1, b2, and b3 are the corresponding basis vectors of the recip
rocal lattice; V is the volume of the unit cell in the crystal lattice.
This result bringing out the very definite functional form and properties
for the eigenfunctions for a single electron moving through a periodic lattice
is known as Bloch’s Theorem—named after the celebrated physicist Felix
Bloch who first showed this. The eigenfunctions ψk(r) are called Bloch’s
functions. They represent the propagating solutions for the electron waves
(De-Broglie waves corresponding to the electrons). These Bloch functions
are also the ‘electronic energy band states.’ The corresponding eigenvalues
εk are the ‘electronic band energies.’ They form band spectra of energy
eigenvalues, in contrast to the discrete energy eigenvalues exhibited by the
individual atoms. We will throw more light on this aspect later.
8 Gateway to Condensed Matter Physics and Molecular Biophysics
W x xi k2 k x 0 (1.10)
V ( x) 2
W x xi (1.11)
2 2m i
2m ( 2n ) Ek
completely occupied (filled) allowed bands with energies below that of the
conduction band are known as “valence bands.”
The degree of occupancy of an energy band depends upon the number
of electrons per each atom, belonging to the atomic orbital which forms
that particular band. For example, take the case of solid Sodium. A Sodium
atom has 1 lone electron in its outermost 3s orbital. Thus when a large
number of Sodium atoms are brought very close to each other to form
a solid Sodium, the discrete 3s orbitals of the atoms overlap and split
the degeneracy of these atomic states to form a 3s band which becomes
half-filled. The lower orbitals viz. 1s and 2s form the corresponding bands
which are completely filled. Thus for solid Sodium, the 3s band forms
the conduction band and the two lower bands become the valence bands.
This half-filled (and half-empty) conduction band of Sodium has sufficient
volume in the ε–k space for the electrons to get accelerated under the
application of an external electric field. This leads to an excellent electrical
conductivity for Sodium and its observed metallic properties. In general,
it can be shown that metals always have an unfilled conduction band.
Moreover, the metals with exactly half-filled conduction band are the best
conductors. The metals formed from Group I elements of the Periodic
Table belong to this class. The solids formed from Group II elements also
behave like metals, even though according to the Kronig-Penney model
they should not. The reason behind this is that the periodic potential V(r)
in a real solid deviates from the idealized Kronig-Penney potential. As a
result, real metal shows overlapping bands. This facilitates the creation
of unfilled conduction bands for various solids made out of even some
of the Group II and III elements and leads to metallic behaviors of these
solids. The solids formed from other remaining elements are insulators,
semiconductors, or semimetals.
One of the simplest approximations to the band Hamiltonian is that of
the nearest neighbor “tight-binding approximation.” In this approxima
tion, the Hamiltonian, known as the tight-binding Hamiltonian is given by:
Then the ε(k) dispersion relation takes the following form for a three-
dimensional semi-cubic lattice:
m* (1.14)
Introduction to Electronic Properties of Solids 11
g k
k k k0
where, k0 gives the position of the band edge in the allowed k-space and α
and β are the Cartesian components.
From the above expression, we see that the effective mass becomes
a k-dependent anisotropic function and a tensor quantity. For a simple
tight-binding model corresponding to a simple cubic crystalline solid,
however, the effective mass becomes a scalar and similar to that of a free
particle. We may call this mass as mquasi– free(mqf). This is given by (from
Eqn. (1.13)):
mquasi - free = (1.16)
( 21 )
2ta 2
a(Rn,r) 1
exp ik Rn k,r (1.17)
N 1/ 2 k
where, Rn is the position vector of the nth atomic/ionic site in the lattice. The
Wannier function a(Rn, r) represents a wave function strongly peaked at the
nth lattice site, in contrast to the Bloch function ψ(k, r) which is completely
delocalized in coordinate space. The Wannier functions also show oscilla
tions and resemble the atomic wave functions to a very great extent; however,
their added advantage is that they form an orthonormal complete set just like
the Bloch functions. Thus for rigorous and very accurate calculations of the
band structure, the various parameters occurring in the electronic Hamilto
nians for the solid, like the tight-binding Hamiltonian, are in fact the matrix
elements to be evaluated using the corresponding Wannier functions rather
than the atomic orbital wave functions.
The various possible filling fractions of the bands also lead to an impor
tant concept viz. that of a “fictitious” but very useful particle called “hole.”
A hole in a band state k is visualized as a particle representing the absence
of an electron in the k-state. Its effective mass and charge turn out to be
exactly opposite to those of an electron. It can be shown rigorously that all
the properties of a solid based on band theory, can be described in terms
of electron or hole picture equivalently for both qualitative and quantita
tive understanding. Besides, in semiconductors, the electrical transport is
governed by the concentration and the mobility of both electrons and holes
from the conduction band and the valence band respectively. This proves
the real and physical existence of the holes in band theory.
From the ε–k dispersion relation, whether from the tight-binding model
or a general one, it is lead to the idea of a constant energy surface for the band
electrons (and holes). This surface constructed in the k space is known as the
Fermi Surface. The shapes of the Fermi surfaces vary widely from mate
rial to material. They may be closed surfaces or open surfaces. The exact
shapes of the electron or hole Fermi surfaces of a crystalline solid depends
on the detailed band structure of the material involving the magnitudes of
the various material parameters occurring in the dispersion relation and also
the valency of the parental element. For a genuine free-electron system, the
Bloch function reduces to a plane wave with uk(r) becoming a constant and
the Fermi surface is a sphere. For the monovalent alkali metals like Li, Na, K,
etc., the Fermi Surfaces are approximately spherical, justifying the validity
of nearly free electron approximation for these materials. For band electrons
Introduction to Electronic Properties of Solids 13
(and holes) in general, however, the topology of the Fermi surfaces can be
very complicated and interesting. This is most clearly seen for some of the
heavier alkali metals, polyvalent metals, and also the transition metals. The
equation defining a Fermi surface can be written as:
∈k = Constant (1.18)
N( ) k (1.19)
proportional to -
and for a two-dimensional system it is a constant.
Again in general for an electronic band, N(ε) can be quite a complicated
function of s depending upon the band dispersion. Moreover, in such a
case, N(ε) will have to be evaluated numerically. For a nearest-neighbor
tight-binding model, however, it is possible to obtain an exact analytical
form for N(ε) in 1d and 2d. They deviate quite strongly from those obtained
with the free-electron model. In particular, for a 2d square lattice with
symmetric nearest-neighbor hopping along with the ‘a’ and ‘b’ directions,
the DOS takes the form of an elliptic integral and exhibits a singularity at
some special value of ε. Inclusion of the hopping contributions for higher
neighbors leads to more complicated expressions. This has tremendous
consequences for various condensed matter phenomena particularly at low
temperatures (Roy Chowdhury and Chaudhury, 2016, 2018).
So far, we have confined our discussions only to a perfectly crystalline
solid. In reality, there are always random impurities and defects present
in a lattice. This causes the translational invariance of the electron-lattice
potential V (r) to be broken inside the solid. Thus, this amounts to a viola
tion of Bloch’s theorem. Moreover, a finite-sized solid also suffers from
the discontinuity of the potential V (r) at the boundary, leading to the emer
gence of new eigenstates different from the Bloch states. All these spatial
disorders related effects give rise to the existence of a number of stable
electronic states even within the forbidden region or the bandgap region of
the usual band theory corresponding to the ideal lattice. This aspect will be
taken up in greater detail in Chapter 4 in the section on “Surface States.”
The understanding of the effect of Coulomb interactions between
electrons is extremely important in the conduction band to explain various
properties of solids observed experimentally. This is however quite non-
trivial in terms of theoretical treatment. Before we come to this, let us
have a look at the interacting electron gas problem. It is well known from
the perturbative treatment of high-density electron gas that the Coulomb
interaction amongst electrons essentially leads to Fermi-liquid theory
where the basic properties of free electron gas remain intact with electron
mass scaled from m to m*. With the band electrons, this analysis becomes
much more complex.
We introduce and devote some clarifying discussions on some of the
concepts like Hartree-Fock, correlation energy involving perturbation
treatment in high density and metallic density electron gas, Wigner solid
Introduction to Electronic Properties of Solids 15
(WS) formation in low-density electron gas and its melting, etc., taking
care of many-body effects in electron gas and in band structure calcula
tions; Fermi liquid theory, Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL) theory;
DFT with Kohn-Sham approach for exchange-correlation contributions;
Karr-Perinnello scheme for the electron-ion system; topological insula
tors (with bulk insulating and surface metallic), graphene, carbon nano
tubes, tunneling in the topological insulator-superconductor junction
(involving a junction of the topological insulator and a superconductor
in two-dimensions with the emergence of so-called “Majorana fermions”
in Chapter 4 in some details (Pines, 1999; Mahan, 1981; Atland and
Simons, 2006).
This is a purely quantum-mechanical effect originating from the existence
of discrete electronic energy levels viz. Landau levels and also from the
presence of disorder and sometimes even many body effects. The experi
mental discovery of integer QHE (integer multiple of the fundamental
conductance) was made by Alexander Von Klitzing at IBM (Zurich) and
was awarded Nobel Prize in 1985 for this. The experimental system was
a highly pure two-dimensional electron gas confined in a hetero-junction
involving GaAs –GaAlAs with parts per million (ppm) level of impurity
concentration. Theoretical understanding of these phenomena has been
quite successful (Pruisken, 1987; Laughlin, 1981; Jain, 1989).
In recent times, there has also been a lot of interest in a phenomenon
known as the “spin Hall effect.” This is related to the generation of spin
current in the presence of an applied electric field (or electric current) in
some of the materials which exhibit strong spin-orbit coupling of the form
of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction (Dyakonov and Perel, 1971;
Sinova et al., 2015) (Figure 1.1).
FIGURE 1.1 The spin Hall effect. An electrical current induces spin accumulation at the
lateral boundaries of a sample.
Source: Reprinted with permission from Dyakonov (2009, 2012).
18 Gateway to Condensed Matter Physics and Molecular Biophysics
There are several other important phenomena and effects associated with
the Fermi surface. Some of these are: Pauli paramagnetism, Stoner para
magnetism, spins density wave, charge density wave (CDW), and super
conductivity. Since all these phenomena occur or originate in metals, here
the Fermi surface with energy equal to the Fermi energy is only relevant.
The phenomenon of Pauli paramagnetism is a temperature-independent
paramagnetic susceptibility exhibited by metals at low temperature. The
magnitude of the spin susceptibility is proportional to the carrier density
of states at the Fermi energy (N(0)). Stoner paramagnetism is an enhanced
form of Pauli paramagnetism, the enhancement arising from the presence of
the many-body, i.e., Coulomb interaction between the electrons. An elabo
rate analysis of both Pauli and Stoner paramagnetism will be presented in
Chapter 2 dealing exclusively with magnetism. Many of these phenomena
can be discussed qualitatively and sometimes semi-quantitatively even
within the jellium model approximation, without taking recourse to the
detailed band structure.
The SDW occurs when a metal because of “many-body effects” arising
predominantly from Coulomb interactions amongst the band electrons,
develops an energy gap at the Fermi surface. The metal becomes a semi-
conductor and instead of Pauli or Stoner paramagnetism, one observes a
magnetically ordered state with an oscillatory spatial distribution of magnetic
moments. Sometimes the SDW may occur also because of competition
between different possible magnetic orderings involving the band electrons/
carriers, due to the complexities of interactions at the Fermi surface. In an
analogous way, the CDW also develops in a metal undergoing a transition
to a semiconductor, due to the energy gap developing at the Fermi surface
from electron-lattice interaction. It should be remarked however that the
occurrences of both the SDW and the CDW need the Fermi surface to
possess certain symmetry known as “nesting.” This is found to be satisfied
generally in the low-dimensional metals. The detailed analysis of these two
phenomena can be found in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, respectively.
In comparison with the phenomena described above, the phenomenon of
superconductivity is a very different one. Although originating from insta
bility at the metallic Fermi surface leading to the formation of an energy gap,
the DC electrical resistivity vanishes completely when the metal is cooled
Introduction to Electronic Properties of Solids 19
metal layers in experiments. The above effects have turned out to be very
useful for applications in the memory devices. Besides, another general
class of ‘novel’ or ‘smart’ materials called “shape memory alloys”
(ordinary or magnetic) have gained considerable interest amongst the
condensed matter physicists and technologists. These systems display
the memory effects related to the physical shape or magnetization with
the application and withdrawal of mechanical stress or magnetic field
under the thermal cooling and heating cycle. The understanding of these
phenomena requires a detailed analysis of lattice structure with defects
or distortions, the magnetic domains, and coupling between the two as
well. An example of such material is Ni2MnGa (Wayman, 2013).
Finally, the recent experimental and technological advances in
the areas of nano and mesoscopic sciences with the development and
investigation of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT), graphene, and
quantum dots have contributed a lot in enriching the fields of materials
sciences as well as condensed matter physics, particularly in the areas of
theory and computation of electronic structures. The graphene sheet is a
single layer of graphite, which possesses a narrow band of π-orbital states.
This can be modeled by a tight-binding Hamiltonian (TBH) of electronic
band theory as a first approximation. A striking feature of the resulting
electronic structure is that the half-filled system is characterized by a point
like the Fermi surface. Furthermore, when slightly doped to move away
from the half-filling, the system exhibits two Dirac-like electron spectra
with a linear ε–k dispersion. The major practical utility of graphene lies
in the fact that it is a very light, i.e., low-density material although very
strong (Greim and Kim, 2008; Atland and Simons, 2006). A SWCNT
is a one-dimensional structure involving a graphene sheet rolled into a
cylinder. Again, electronic structure calculations based on TBH show
the presence of two nodal points in SWCNT and the electronic spectrum
shows approximately linear dispersion in the vicinity of one of these nodal
points (Atland and Simons, 2006). Technological advancements have
enabled the manufacturing of mesoscopic devices (of sizes of the order
of 10–4 centimeter) of metallic or semi-conducting character. A quantum
dot is one such device. Charging of a quantum dot is a very interesting
process which exhibits vanishing of EDOS at the Fermi surface due to the
Coulomb Blockade effect, arising from inter-electron interaction. This
has a tremendous application towards the tunneling characteristics for a
2D electron gas formed at the interface between GaAs and AlGaAs layers,
Introduction to Electronic Properties of Solids 23
• density of states
• electronic density of states
• giant magneto-resistance
• quantum hall effect
• single-walled carbon nanotube
• tunneling magneto-resistance
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systems. Furthermore, this model did not even ensure a parallel alignment of
the moments always. Therefore, it was concluded that this classical dipole
based model is not adequate to account for the ferromagnetic transition.
Later it was shown mathematically by Van-Leeween from the considerations
of equilibrium statistical mechanics that no form of magnetism, including
diamagnetism, can be accounted for in a macroscopic system, by a truly
microscopic theory within the purview of classical physics (White, 2007).
Werner Heisenberg with Paul M. Dirac, two of the founders of Quantum
Mechanics, independently proposed in 1926 an alternative and purely
quantum model for ferromagnetism, based on the electrostatic interaction
between the electrons belonging to the atoms in a solid and the symmetry of
the wave-function corresponding to these electronic systems. This model,
known as the Heisenberg model, was somewhat along the lines of the
theory for the formation of H2 molecule by the Heitler-London approach.
The Heisenberg model has been used to explain the origin of ferromagne
tism in insulators. Later when the phenomenon of antiferromagnetism was
discovered, the true quantum nature of magnetism was manifested more
clearly. Subsequently, different quantum models were suggested corre
sponding to various types of magnetism observed in different materials.
These models have been more or less successful both from the theorists’
as well as experimentalists’ viewpoints. Furthermore, these models are
derived from very basic condensed matter physics Hamiltonians.
The plan of this chapter is as follows: In the first section, to start with
we state and prove Van-Leewen’s theorem. Then we discuss diamagnetism.
In the second section, we present a theory for magnetism in insulators and
semiconductors. We cover different types of magnetism viz. paramagnetism,
ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, ferrimagnetism, etc. Then in the next
section, we turn to itinerant magnetism, i.e., the magnetism of metals and
metallic alloys. Here again, we attempt different types of observed viz.
paramagnetism, ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, spin density wave
(SDW), etc. In the fourth section, we present discussions for the magnetism
of exotic types and in novel materials. This includes spin glass, magnetic
superconductor, heavy fermion superconductor, doped cuprates, manganites,
etc., in some of which one sees a cross over between localized magnetism
and itinerant magnetism and also the interplay between magnetism and
superconductivity. Moreover, in many of the above systems, both spin and
orbital degrees of freedom contribute to magnetism in a very non-trivial
way. We also touch upon the exciting problem of magnetism in the low
Magnetism 27
We start out with the theorem showing the impossibility of the occurrence
of any form of magnetism in the classical theory. As stated before, this is
Van-Leewen’s theorem. The proof goes as follows: the truly microscopic
theory involving elementary particles with electrical charges similar to
those of electrons, is considered classically. The partition function for a
thermodynamic system of such free particles is given by:
where, pi and qi are the momenta and the position vectors of these particles.
In the presence of an external vector potential A, however, the momenta
( eA )
get transformed to Pi - . Let us denote these transformed momenta
by pi' and the partition function in the presence of this external potential
as Z'. Then making use of Eqn. (2.1), one can easily see that Z' is iden
tical to Z. Therefore, in the classical theory, the free energy of a system
remains invariant when an external electromagnetic field is applied.
Again, magnetization induced is proportional to the derivative of the
free energy with respect to the external magnetic field. Thus, our simple
calculation presented above shows that no magnetization is induced in
a classical system even in the presence of an external magnetic field, in
thermodynamic equilibrium.
The above analysis clearly implies that magnetism of materials, as observed,
will have to be essentially a quantum phenomenon. Therefore, we will have
to deal explicitly with the quantum mechanical Hamiltonians for describing
all types of magnetism. To clarify this point, for example, even though the
28 Gateway to Condensed Matter Physics and Molecular Biophysics
eA )
1 (
H= 2
2m i
pi -
Here, the variable pi is an operator denoted by -i \ . A is the e.m.
vector potential experienced by the electrons. Simplifying the expression
above, one can show that the term proportional to A2 leads to the orbital
Magnetism 29
H coupl j(r) A(r,t)dr (2.3)
where, the left-hand side represents the e.m. coupling between the elec
tronic system and the external vector potential field and j(r) is the orbital
current density operator (for simplicity we have dropped the hat symbol
on the operator). This form is the most common and widely used form
of the perturbation term for calculating the electromagnetic response in a
condensed matter system. This term can then be treated in linear response
theory to extract the diamagnetic response function or the diamagnetic
susceptibility for various condensed matter systems. For this, only the
diamagnetic contribution to the orbital current density operator will have
to be used.
The operator corresponding to this is given as:
Jdia ( r) A(r) π i dri (ri r) (2.4)
i 1 mc