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03PM Hawaii Offense

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ne of the first things to note about the fronts who are more upfield conscious, the

For Those
run and shoot system is it is just that — years per carry is formidable.
a system. It is something that has quietly At the professional level, every run and
been evolving for half a century. shoot team had either a 1,000-yard rusher or
As much as some view it as relatively new,
it really has been around since the 1950’s. It is
league-leading rusher including Barry
Sanders’ first two years in the NFL. In his Who Like to
Throw the
not anything that we advocate as the answer rookie years he set the rookie rushing record
or something others need to do. Those of us and in his second year he led the NFLin rush-

F oo tb al l
around it enjoy it and have fun with it, but we ing. This past season in Hawaii the three run-
do not presume to tell others what they should ning backs with the most carries statistical
do. It is for those coaches and programs that breakdown as such:
really enjoy throwing the football. Its influence Att Yds Avg TD
is felt in that virtually every NFL team and John West 594 51 7.6 5
many college teams have a four wides per- Thero Mitchell 583 52 6.1 11
sonnel grouping in their playbook. We just Mike Bass 523 11 6.0 1
happen to do it on every snap.
A good part of what success has sur- When you throw in sacks and losses
rounded this offense is a belief by those and all individuals who carried the ball, the
who run it, a commitment to recruiting to it, team still averages 5.0 yds per rush. Over
and a steadfast determination to never the last four years the runningbacks have
venture away from it. It is a system first and averaged 5.4 yds per carry.
foremost, which is one of the reasons it has The third usual concern is protecting a
stood the test of time. quarterback without a tight end and addi-
There are certainly detractors in and tional running back. Included in this situa-
amongst both the coaching fraternity and the tion are defensive fronts who are given a
general public. Much of the criticism centers green light to go after the quarterback and
around several assumptions in the offense. defensive coordinators who design every
The first concern is the productivity inside dog, stunt and blitz known to man.
the red zone. While the Houston Oilers and Given these variables, you can understand
Atlanta Falcons were both running four wide the concerns. The Run-and-Shoot counters
out offenses from 1992-1994, Houston fin- with a largely shotgun approach with quick
ished third and Atlanta fourth in the NFL in releases and pass protection techniques and
touchdowns inside the Red Zone. The concepts that occupy 90 percent of the prac-
Detroit Lions were No. 1 throughout most of tice schedule. In addition, the quarterbacks
1990 and in 1991 they finished with a 59 per- are taught where the quickest release is for all
cent touchdown rate. routes and it is practiced daily. Linemen are
As far as Hawaii is concerned, over the recruited for their strength, feet, flexibility in
last four years inside the Red Zone the their hips, knees and shoulders. They tend not
offense has a touchdown production rate of to be the taller, stiffer athlete, but smaller,
57.4 percent. The last four years have quicker athlete. Again, the statistics indicate
looked like this: that the quarterback is pretty well protected.
Red Zone TD Percentage Ratio of sacks to
1999 47 27 57.4% Att Sacks pass attempts
2000 33 18 54.5% 1999 577 24 1/24
2001 66 36 54.5% 2000 609 10 1/60
2002 70 43 61.4% 2001 570 34 1/17
Four wide receivers still spread defens- 2002 731 27 1/27
es even on the goal line. Additionally, the Over the four years Hawaii has thrown it
three-step quick release out of shotgun 2,487 times with 95 sacks or one sack every
helps as well as the uncertainty of whether 26 pass attempts. It is generally considered
run or pass is coming. By and large you still that one sack every 26 throws is very good.
confront six- or five-man fronts. The quarterback is the centerpiece of
The second concern is the lack of a run- the offense and clearly has to be special.
ning game. Because the offense by its very We are fortunate there is a nice interest in
nature spreads the field horizontally, you usu- our program. We have received over 100
ally end up with five or six in the box. The run- unsolicited tapes from all over the country.
ning backs don’t run as often but their produc- The things we look for in that quarter-
tion is surprisingly good. Because you often back are accuracy first and foremost, arm
face five or six defensive backs and defensive strength and release, how his feet are
underneath him, his personality and foot- ones vs. ones. The defense does whatever bly underneath, he is immediately backside to
ball intelligence. There is also an undefined they want to compete at a high, fast-paced the Mac linebacker or the hook to curl player.
quality that is simply referred to as, “He is a level. Fifteen minutes each day is spent The route is thrown off the hook to curl
quarterback.” He is not an athlete playing with four receivers and four quarterbacks player as a front/back decision. If for any rea-
quarterback, he is a quarterback. It is proba- going against air with the coverages being son both are covered, he has the back side
bly a summation of the above characteristics. called out at the snap of the ball. wide receiver settling or running depending
Watching where a quarterback is look- The quarterbacks rotate every throw on man or zone coverage. It is important that
ing, how he slides around in the pocket, and get rapid fire work on several routes to the slot receiver running the top half of the
how his release and feet are coordinated different receivers against different called front/back decision widens first so as not to
and the decisions he makes. All these fac- coverages (i.e. two deep, three deep, man be covered up by the under receiver. If the
tors can be enhanced once they are with free, blitz, etc.). Over the course of a sea- quarterback feels he doesn’t have the out, he
you, but it is important that they possess son, quarterbacks and receivers throw and need not even look there. By the third step,
many of the things you need before they catch thousands of balls vs. all coverages his decision is made.
arrive in your program. As an example of (Diagram 1). If pressure comes, he has three places to
enhancing a quarterback’s skills, we spend Diagram 1 get it out quickly. If you get a three deep look,
a lot of time with accuracy. the quarterback has the option to go to the
Simply making quarterbacks follow their runningback in the seam. However, the quar-
receivers with their eyes after they release the terback has to know the runningback does not
ball improves accuracy. Quarterbacks like to have a free release and he might lose him in
follow the flight of the ball, particularly long the route to protection. This route has been
balls. Always have, always will. You need to very good for us over the last four years and is
stand in front of them and keep on them to adaptable to a tight end offense.
keep their eyes on the receivers until they We hope we have dispelled some of the
catch the ball. Their eyes train their brain and myths and concerns of the Run-and-Shoot
their brain trains their arm where the ball Probably one of the more important sec- as well as given you some idea of how we
needs to be. It can make an accurate thrower tions is Blitz-Pickup. It is 11-on-11 scout look practice it and what we look for in putting
of virtually all quarterbacks. It is a simple trick with ten throws a day. Being able to recognize this offense together. It’s a fun offense for
but difficult to break quarterbacks of it without four across man with seven coming is very coaches, players, and fans; but most
a concerted effort. important. The blitz breaks vary depending on importantly, it is an effective offense in both
I think the other aspect of the system or the route called and everyone needs to be moving the ball quickly and scoring.
what the system naturally creates is a good at seeing it. It varies each day how many
Mike Cavanaugh, Offensive Line
unique practice schedule. Our two-hour snaps are actually four across man. This
practice looks like this: helps all to look every time. If you run all blitz Developing the Pass Protector
(Pre-Practice)10 Min. — Ball Handling looks in this period, the players begin to stop I would like to thank the American
10 Min. — Catching Drills (Special Teams) looking for their keys to four across man and Football Coaches Association for the
15 Min. — Individual vs. Air just run blitz breaks. Being able to recognize opportunity to represent June Jones and
10 Min. — Blitz Pick-up vs. Scout blitz has helped us on many occasions to the University of Hawaii’s football program
10 Min. — 7 on 7 vs. Scout make big plays. at the National Convention in New Orleans.
15 Min. — 7 on 7 Ones vs. Ones Lastly, we can look at one simple route We keep it very simple when it comes to
5 Min. — Special Teams to show how quarterbacks see things. The pass protection. Basically we have three
10 Min. — One on Ones WRs vs. DBs route is called Levels and looks like this: types of pass protection: Dual Read, Slide
25 Min. — 11 on 11 Scout (Diagram 2). and Turnback. Every program has their
10 Min. — Team Pass One vs. Ones Diagram 2 own system that works for them.
The first uniqueness of our practice is that First and foremost, pass protection starts
we practice from seven to nine in the morn- with communication. We need to all be on the
ing. Second, we practice in shoulder pads, same page. Our center identifies who we
helmets, and shorts the entire season. No have in on protection scheme. So there is no
cutting of players, no taking to the ground of confusion, we have our guards echo his call.
runningbacks/receivers. Third, virtually the
entire practice is without conventional drills Communication
and focuses only on what we do Saturday. 1. Identify the front.
Fourth, there is a 90 percent focus on pass- 2. Identify who we have.
ing the ball. The things that are done through- It starts with a premise we spoke of earlier: 3. Echo the call.
out the practice are closely tied to the game Having places to go quickly if the quarterback Secondly, we emphasize Believe What
time experience. feels a breakdown in the protection. It is also You See. Basically this is anticipatory man-
Forty-five minutes is spent each day out of the quarterbacks hand quickly. The agement. Every defense has tendencies on
versus all the dogs, blitzes, fronts, and cov- quarterback first looks to the five-step out. If how they stunt or how they blitz, etc. There
erages we will see. We spend 25 minutes he likes it, he throws it. If he feels a rolled up are certain tips to help you identify what is
going against our defense with competitive corner, a pressed corner, a will backer possi- coming before the snap.
Believe What You See Diagram 4 Angle Set Drill: Develop feet, eyes, and
1. See the field. hands on tackles angle set.
2. Anticipate Stunt Tendency. Coaching Points: Players will line up in
3. Anticipate Blitz Tendency. two groups, three defenders will line up
Most importantly, we constantly strive to approximately one yard from each other on
our offensive linemen. Trust your technique. It a 45 degree angle. Right offensive guards
does not matter what they do on defense as and right offensive tackles will line up to the
long as you are sound with your technique. right, left offensive guards and left offensive
tackles will line up to the left.
Trust Your Technique On command, the offensive blockers will
1. Trust your footwork. three groups, two defenders will line up execute an angle set and punch each tar-
2. Trust your body posture. approximately four yards apart on the same get down the line.
3. Trust your hand carriage. plane. The offensive blocker will straddle Variation 2: Offensive blockers will exe-
4. Trust your punch. the two defenders. On command, the offen- cute an angle set and punch the first two
We believe repetition is the greatest sive guards and right offensive tackles will targets, slide back to the first target and
teacher. At the University of Hawaii, we always start to the target on the right. execute a punch, then proceed to punch
believe in certain drills to develop the skills Left offensive guards and left offensive the targets down the line. We are looking
necessary to become good, solid pass pro- tackles will always start to the target on the for good posture, good hand carriage, good
tectors. These drills help develop the feet, left. Centers will alternate between the left slight upward punch and a good heavy
eyes, hands and body posture in a pass and right targets. We are looking for good back foot on the slide (Diagram 7).
protector. The following drills we are about posture, good hand carriage and a heavy
Diagram 7
to watch on film help develop what I believe back foot when we are sliding from target to
are essential to becoming proficient at the target (Diagram 5).
skill of pass protection. Diagram 5
Slide Drill: Develop proper foot relation-
ship with the ground on lateral movement.
Coaching Points: Player No. 1 will slide
right. Player No. 2 will slide right when play-
er No. 1 reaches second cone. After all play-
ers slide right, they will slide left. Looking for
good posture, good hand carriage and heavy One move Drill: Develop separation
back foot on slide (Diagram 3). between defender and protector.
Coaching Points: Players will partner
Diagram 3
Three Bag Fast Hands Drill: Develop up into three groups. Offensive blocker will
feet, eyes and hands (punch). line up three yards in front of two cones
Coaching Points: Players will line up in spread out six yards apart. Defender will
two groups, three defenders will line up line up approximately five yards facing the
approximately one yard from each other on offensive blocker. On command defender
the same plane. Right offensive guards and will run under control and break for either
right offensive tackles will quick set and cone to the right or to the left of offensive
execute a punch to the middle target, slide blocker. We are looking for patience, good
to the right and execute a punch to the right posture and good hand carriage. Offensive
Punch Dril: Develop proper punch target, slide back to the middle and execute blocker should drop step to the direction of
technique. a punch to the middle target. the target, punch and work his pressure
Coaching Points: Players will partner Left guards and left tackles execute the arm and pressure leg to the direction of the
up, defender will face offensive blocker. On drill in the opposite manner. We are looking target. (Diagram 8)
command, defender will patiently walk at for good posture, a good slight upward
Diagram 8
offensive blocker. Offensive blocker will exe- punch and a good heavy back foot on the
cute six punches. We will execute two sets slide (Diagram 6).
of six punches. The first set, we will quick set Diagram 6
our right foot. The second set we will quick
set our left foot. Emphasize good quick set,
good posture, good hand carriage and good
punch technique. We would like a slight
upward punching motion to gain separation
from the defender (Diagram 4).
Fast Hands Drill: Develop feet, eyes Patience Drill: Develop feet, eyes and
and hands (punch). hands. Develop timing of punch.
Coaching Points: Players will line up in Coaching Points: Players will partner up.
Defender will line up perpendicular to offen- Diagram 9 Diagram 10
sive blocker. On command, defender will jog
to the left and to the right to move offensive
blocker. Offensive blocker will execute a slight
upward punch when the target comes
towards him. Offensive blocker should exe-
cute four punches during this drill. We are
looking for patience, good posture, good hand
carriage and a good heavy back foot while
sliding to the target (Diagram 9).
Quick Set Drill: Develop quick set and Variation 1: On command, Defender Variation 2: On command, defender
punch along with lateral movement to will quick swim to his left or to his right. will quick rip to his left or to his right.
pressure. Offensive blocker will quick set with his Offensive blocker will quick set with his
Coaching Points: Players will partner right foot and execute a slight upper left foot and execute and slight upward
up. Defenders will line up facing offensive punch to the defender and work his pres- punch to the defender and work his pres-
blocker approximately two feet apart from sure arm and pressure leg to the direction sure arm and pressure leg to the direction
one another straddling white chalk line. of the target (Diagram 10). of the target.

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