Business Model Canvas Innovationand Blue Ocean Strategyfore Fishery
Business Model Canvas Innovationand Blue Ocean Strategyfore Fishery
Business Model Canvas Innovationand Blue Ocean Strategyfore Fishery
Business Model Canvas Innovation and Blue Ocean Strategy for eFishery
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All content following this page was uploaded by Lukman Baga on 07 November 2019.
Keywords: Business Model Canvas, Blue Ocean Strategy, Start-up, Innovation, Fish Feeder.
Abstract: eFishery is an innovation company in agriculture which help the community with its founded, eFishery is a
fish feeder integrated solution for fish and shrimp. This machine can automatically feed the fish, has a
sensor for sensing the appetite of fish and adjust the amount of feed given to appetite, and can be connected
through the Internet to customers. eFishery has gotten investors but its product sales are still not in
accordance with the expected target, and other managerial problem. This research method is qualitative with
approach based on the nine elements of business model canvas mapping, SWOT analyst and blue ocean
strategy. Based on interviews and observations in this study know that there are several blocks of nine
elements of the business model canvas that needs to be retained, eliminated, enhanced and supplemented.
There are two alternative BMC’s prototypes resulting from this research, first is for domestic market
oriented with main customer segments are government, large aquaculture companies, fish, shrimp and
fodder industry associations. Then the second is export market oriented.
Awaluddin, R., Baga, L. and Suparno, O.
Business Model Canvas Innovation and Blue Ocean Strategy for eFishery.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 680-686
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Business Model Canvas Innovation and Blue Ocean Strategy for eFishery
business before the business plan has been formally relationship, 5. revenue streams, 6. key resources, 7.
developed (Gavrilova et al., 2014). To survive in the of key activities, 8. key partnerships, and 9. cost
globalization, companies need to prepare a business structures.
model innovation strategy as a strategy to win the Immonem (2012) in A New Business Model
global competition, to develop innovative value Renewal Process: A framework of Utilizing
proposition, market segmentation and key partners Collaboration with External Experts resulting
who become the absolute key factor in the global research renewal business model covering four
market competition (Permatasari and Dhewanto stages: participation, preparation, business
2013). This research aim is to vision and mission development and follow-up models. Meanwhile,
identification, do the analysis of current business according to Hone et al. (2011) in A Gounded
model canvas and make a new business model Theory on The Business Model Stucture of Google
canvas by blue ocean strategy. concludes that once the company understands the
structure of the business model, the company can
design a business model for the future. Bonazzi and
2 LITERATURE REVIEW Zilber (2013) in Innovation and Business Model: a
case study about integration of Innovation Funnel
and Business Model Canvas resulted that in the
Christensen (2001) defines the business model as the
source of competitive advantage possessed by an development and growth of the Dutch State Mines
organization that distinguishes the company from strategy, suggesting a close relationship between
empirical practice and academic postulates. The
product positioning in the same industry. The
business model is usually used by a manager to basis is structured strategy of product diversification
and development, as well as in the use of association
describe the logical thinking of the company, how
and geographic expansion as a market penetration
the business is run and how to create value for its
stakeholders (Aspara 2011). lever, elaborated to meet global flaws in 2050.
The business model also has some benefits for a
company that is to make it easier for planners and
decision makers in companies see the logical 3 RESEARCH METHODS
connection between the components of the business
to produce a value for consumers and companies. This research was conducted in March-December
The business model can also help test the 2016 which took place in the office of PT. MTN in
consistency of relationships between components, Bandung and Jakarta, Indonesia.
and help test the market (Team PPM Management This research uses descriptive qualitative
2012). approach in the form of a case study on PT. MTN
According to Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010) which produce eFishery. The study was conducted
said that an effective way to assess the overall intensively, and in-depth detail about a particular
integrity of the business model is to combine object in a certain period of time including the
classical analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, environment (Umar, 2010).
opportunities and threats (SWOT) through the This study uses a survei, depth interview,
business model canvas (BMC). According to David observation directly visiting to the office of PT.
(2006), all organizations have strengths and MTN, the formulation of strategies using vision and
weaknesses in the functional areas of business. mission and SWOT analysis to the current business
Goals and strategies set out with the intention of model canvas, blue ocean strategy mapping which
utilizing the internal strengths and overcome supported by literatur review to produce two
weaknesses. prototypes of future business model canvas.
In "Business Model Generation" Osterwalder and Respondent is purposive sampling from internal
Pigneur (2010), create a framework that shaped company and external company such a goverment,
business model canvas and consists of nine boxes academician and business consultant.
containing elements that are interrelated. According
to Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010), the business
model canvas is a business model that describes the
rationale of how an organization creates, delivers,
and captures value. Osterwalder and Pigneur uses
nine basic elements, namely: 1. customer segment,
2. value proposition, 3. channels, 4. customer
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
Business Model Canvas Innovation and Blue Ocean Strategy for eFishery
eFishery has a very useful value proposition for the 4.1.6 Key Resouce
needs of the community in the field of fish and
shrimp farming in Indonesia, both in terms of Currently PT MTN has insufficient production
innovation novelty, its use and design. However, one capacity when compared with the ideal amount.
of the main focus that should be paid attention by PT Currently PT MTN produces eFishery of 100 units
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
per month, while the ideal amount is 300 per month. 4.2 Alternative Prototype Business
PT MTN needs to increase its production capacity in Model Canvas 2
collaborated with the improvement of promotional
and marketing channels. In the 2nd prototype of business model canvas, the
organization should to focuses on the export market
4.1.7 Key Relationship segment. The selection of the foreign market
The purpose of the implementation of quality segment has implications on all business model
assurances is to ensure the vendor meets the canvas element.
standard requirements that have been applied by the
company to the activities or raw materials made by
vendors associated with eFishery production
activities. If in the QA process there are vendors
which do not comply by the standard, PT MTN can
look for better vendor performance.
Business Model Canvas Innovation and Blue Ocean Strategy for eFishery
markets, brand awareness and brand equity will be 4.2.7 Key Partner
easily and rapidly obtained and revenue too.
International distributor company, vendors and
4.2.2 Value Prepositions suppliers are business partner of PT MTN also the
new strategic investors.
PT MTN needs to create new variant with bigger
tank capacity for overseas market because the area 4.2.8 Revenue Stream
of fish pond there tends to be bigger than in
Indonesia. In addition, quality and durability are also Prototype 2 offers revenue from larger exports
absolutely enhanced to achieve export consumer compared to prototype 1 because of its have high
satisfaction. Selling price does not need to be potential customers. Revenue comes from the
lowered as it does on prototype 1, but must be purchase of eFishery units, monthly leases,
adjusted to be more expensive and to exchange rate purchases of eFishery tool components and from
in each country. eFishery care services.
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy