1 Q2 Lesson 5
1 Q2 Lesson 5
1 Q2 Lesson 5
a. Denotation and Conotation
b. Imagery
- literary device that refers to the use of
figurative language to evoke a sensory
experience or create a picture with words
for a reader.
• taste(gustatory imagery)
• sight(visual imagery)
• smell(olfactory imagery)
• touch(tactile imagery)
• hear(aural imagery)
Determine the senses appealed to in the
descriptive details.
1. There was a deafening noise in the forest.
2. Indarapatra held his brother’s hand and
then embraced him.
3. A host of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
4. Darkness fell over the land
5. The eerie silence made him stop in
his tracks.
6. The sweet fragrance of honey always
reminded Jenny of her mother’s
Figures of Speech
Simile and Metaphor
Both compare two distinct objects
and draws similarity between
The difference is that Simile uses “as”
or “like” and Metaphor does not.
1. “My love is like a red red rose.” (Simile)
2. He is an old fox very cunning. (Metaphor
3. His response was as cold as ice.(Simile)
3. She is the apple of my eye. (Metaphor)
Personification – human attributes
are given to inanimate objects and
abstract ideas.
1. The sun smiles to me.
2. The flowers are dancing beside the
Hyperbole – it is the use of
deliberate exaggeration for effect.
1. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.
2. I love you to the moon and back.
Irony – a figure of speech in which
the usage of words conveys the
opposite of their literal meaning.
These are often used in a humorous
1. Thank you for eating my pack lunch.
2. During a rainy day, someone told
“What a beautiful day’’
Apostrophe – is the device by which
the writer addresses a person who is
usually either absent or deceased, an
inanimate object, or an abstract idea.
1. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I
wonder what you are
2. Seven, you are my lucky number!
Rhetorical question – is the asking of
questions not to gain information but
to assert more empathetically the
obvious answer to what is asked. No
answer is expected.
1. Did you help me when I needed help?
Sound of Poem
Onomatopoeia – is the imitation of
natural sounds by words.
1. He is as huge as _______________.
2. She is as quick as ________________.
3. The leaves are ____________ on strings of wind.
4. He eats like ______________.
5. Her hair is as ___________ as the night.