Application of Integrals by Khozhiakbar Khudoiarov
Application of Integrals by Khozhiakbar Khudoiarov
Application of Integrals by Khozhiakbar Khudoiarov
Date: 17/04/2024
The idea of integration is that we can compute many quantities by breaking them into small
pieces, and then summing the contribution from each small part.
Suppose we want to find the area of the shaded region R that lies above the x-axis, below the
graph of ¿ 1−x 2, and between the vertical lines x = 0 and x = 1
Solution: Divide the region to number of rectangles. When the region is divided into two
rectangles, each rectangle has width 0.5.
1 3 1
A ≈ 1. + . =0.875
2 4 2
The estimation can be improved by using four thinner rectangles, each of width 0.25. The four
rectangles give the following approximate area:
1 15 1 3 1 7 1
A ≈ 1. + . + . + . =0.78125
4 16 4 4 4 16 4
This estimate is larger than the true area (A) since the two rectangles contain R. We say that
0.875 is an upper sum because it is obtained by taking the height of the rectangle corresponding
to the maximum (uppermost) value of ƒ(x).
Suppose instead we use four rectangles contained inside the region R to estimate the area, as in
Figure 5.3a. Each rectangle has width 1/4 as before, but the rectangles are shorter and lie entirely
beneath the graph of ƒ. The function ƒ( x )=1−x 2 is decreasing on [0, 1], so the height of each of
these rectangles is given by the value of ƒ at the right endpoint of the subinterval forming its
base. This will give a lower sum approximation to the area:
15 1 3 1 7 1 1
A≈ . + . + . +0. =0.53125
16 4 4 4 16 4 4
Considering both lower and upper sum approximations gives us estimates for the area and a
bound on the size of the possible error in these estimates, since the true value of the area lies
somewhere between them. Here the error cannot be greater than the difference
0.78125−0.53125=0.25 .
Another estimate can be obtained by using rectangles whose heights are the values of ƒ at the
midpoints of the bases of the rectangles. This method of estimation is called the midpoint rule for
approximating the area. The midpoint rule gives an estimate that is between a lower sum and an
upper sum. With four rectangles of width 1/4 as before, the midpoint rule estimates the area of
R to be:
63 1 55 1 39 1 15 1
A≈ . + . + . + . =0.671875
64 4 64 4 64 4 64 4
By taking more and more rectangles, with each rectangle thinner than before, it appears that
these finite sums give better and better approximations to the true area of the region R.
The definite integral in symbols can be written as:
∫ f ( x ) dx
We read this as “the integral from atob of ƒ of x dee x” or sometimes as “the integral from a to b
of ƒ of x with respect to x.” The component parts in the integral symbol also have names:
Additivity ∫ f ( x ) dx +∫ f ( x ) dx=¿ ∫ f ( x ) dx ¿
a b a
Max-Min inequality: If f has maximum b
value max f and minimum value min f min f .( b−a)≤∫ f ( x ) dx ≤ max f . (b−a)
on [a, b] a
b b
f ( x ) ≥ g ( x ) on[a , b]⟹ ∫ f ( x ) dx ≥ ∫ g ( x ) dx
a a
Domination b b
f ( x ) ≤ g ( x ) on[a , b]⟹ ∫ f ( x ) dx ≤ ∫ g ( x ) dx
a a
∫ f ( x ) dx=5 ,∫ f ( x ) dx=−2 , ∫ h ( x ) dx =7
−1 1 −1
Using the rules of definite integrals to estimate the followings:
1 1 4
∫ f ( x ) dx=? ∫ f ( x ) dx=−¿ ∫ f ( x ) dx=−2 ¿
4 4 1
1 1 1
∫ [ 2 f ( x ) +3 h ( x ) ] dx=?=2 ∫ f ( x ) dx +3 ∫ h ( x ) dx=2 ( 5 ) +3 ( 7 )=31
−1 −1 −1
4 1 4
∫ f ( x ) dx=? ∫ f ( x ) dx+ ¿∫ f ( x ) dx=5+(−2 )=3 ¿
−1 −1 1
The max-min inequality says that min f .(b−a) is a lower bound for the value of ∫ f ( x ) dx and
∫ √1+cos x dx ≤ √ 2 . ( 1−0 )= √2
If y=ƒ (x) is nonnegative and integrable over a closed interval [a, b], then the area under the
curve y=ƒ (x) over [a, b] is the integral of ƒ from a to b,
A=∫ f ( x ) dx
Example 3: Find the area under the line y=x over the interval [0, b], b> 0
Since the area equals the definite integral for a nonnegative function, we can quickly derive the
definite integral by using the formula for the area of a triangle having base length b and height
Therefore, ∫ x . dx=¿ b /2 ¿
∫ cdx=¿ c ( b−a ) , c is constant ¿
b 3 3
b a
∫ x . dx=
− a< b
2 2
The average as the area under the graph of y=ƒ (x) divided by b−a . In integral notation we
write this as:
ave ( f ) = ∫ f ( x)dx
b−a a
Solution: We recognize f ( x )= √ 4−x2 as the function whose graph is the upper semi-circle of
radius 2 centered at the origin.
The area between the semicircle and the x-axis from -2 to 2 can be computed using the geometry
1 2 1 2
A= . π r = . π ( 2 ) =2 π
2 2
Because ƒ is nonnegative, the area is also the value of the integral of ƒ from -2 to 2,
∫ √ 4−x 2 dx=2 π
If ƒ is continuous on [a, b], then F (x)=∫ ƒ (t)dt is continuous on [a, b] and differentiable on (a,
a) ∫ cos t dt
b) ∫ 1+t 2
c) ∫ 3 t sint dt
d) ∫ cos t dt
Solution: We calculate the derivatives with respect to the independent variable x.
a) ∫ cos t dt =cos x
dx 0
d 1 1
b) ∫
dx 0 1+t 2
1+ x
( )
5 x x
dy d d −d
c) = ∫ 3 t sin t dt=¿ −∫ 3 t sin t dt = ∫ 3 t sin t dt=−3 x sin x ¿
dx dx x dx 5
dx 5
dy dy du
= .
dx du dx
( )
d du
¿ .∫ cos tdt .
du 1 dx
du 2 2
¿ cos u . =cos x .2 x=2 x cos x
∫ f ( x ) dx=F ( b ) −F (a)
b) ∫
sec x tan x dx= sec x ]−π / 4=sec 0−sec ( −π4 )=1−√2
) [ ] [ ][ ]
4 4
c) ∫
( 3
4 4 3 /2 4 3 /2 4
√ x− 2 dx= x3 / 2− = ( 4 ) + − ( 1 ) + =[ 8+1 ] −[ 5 ] =4
x x 1 4 1
Indefinite Integrals
Since any two anti-derivatives of ƒ differ by a constant, the indefinite integral 1 notation means
that for any anti-derivative F of ƒ,
∫ f ( x ) dx=F ( x )+C
We must distinguish carefully between definite and indefinite integrals. A definite integral
constant C.
∫ ( x 3 + x ) ( 3 x2 +1 ) dx
du=( 3 x 2+1 ) dx
∫ ( x 3 + x ) ( 3 x2 +1 ) dx=∫ u 5 du
u6 (x +x) 3
¿ +C= +C
6 6
∫ √2 x+ 1dx = 2 ∫ u 1/ 2 . du
3 /2
u3/ 2 ( 2 x +1 )
¿ +C= +C
3 3
Example 9: Find ∫ √ 1+ y 2 .2 y dy
Solution: We set u=1+ y 2∧du=2 ydy then,
∫ √1+ y 2 .2 y dy=∫ u 1/ 2 du
u(1 /2 )+1
¿ +C
( 1/2 )+ 1
2 3 /2 2 2 3 /2
¿ u +C= ( 1+ y ) +C
3 3
Both the definite and indefinite integrals are powerful tools in mathematics. The definite
integral can help you find areas under unnatural curves/figures.