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9 Eur JRisk Reg 1
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Editorial:How to Counter Fake News?
A Taxonomy of Anti-fake News Approaches
Fake news is a symptom of deeper structural problems in our societies and media
environments. To counter it, policymakers need to take into account the underlying, self-
reinforcing mechanisms that make this old phenomenon so pervasive today. Only by taking a
step back can we examine the vulnerabilities these fake news narratives exploit. This article
provides a first taxonomy of anti-fake news approaches. It argues that proposed anti-fake
news laws focus on the trees rather than the forest. As such, they will not only remain
irrelevant but also aggravatethe root causesfuelling the fake news phenomenon.
The days when social networks were dismissed as entertaining outlets for teenagers are
long gone. Today they have become the primary medium over which we consume news,
form our political identities and spend a considerable portion of our time. Consequently,
it shouldn't come as a surprise that social media now are used to influence and
manipulate public opinion and political behaviour around the world. 1 A growing number
of governments, political parties and even some misguided individuals, such as the
Macedonian teenagers who fabricated fake stories to draw traffic to their websites during
the US elections,
are turning to internet platforms to exert influence over the flow of
information. Governments, for example, typically set up teams, made of public officials,
volunteers, fake accounts, and bots - a software application that runs automated tasks
over the internet to interact with and mimic human users - or a mix of those to manage
and influence public opinion online. These actors comment on shared posts or create
content such as blog posts, YouTube videos, fake news stories or manipulated images.
Granted, fabricated information has always existed. What is new is this contemporary
version's tendency to spread globally at an extraordinary pace. Clickbait headlines and
* Jean Monnet Professor of EU law, HEC Paris and founding editor of the EuropeanJournalof Risk Regulation. The
ideas contained in this article were first discussed in a series of Op-Eds, appeared in Politico Europe, Le Monde and in
Forbes, then presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Law & Economics in Rome on 15 December 2017.
Thank you to my discussant Antonio Nicita and the participants at this conference. The usual disclaimer applies.
Comments welcome: [email protected].
I H Margetts, P John, S Hale and T Yasseri, Political Turbulence, How Social Media Shape Collective Action
(Princeton University Press, 2016).
2 S Bradshaw and PN Howard, "Troops, Trolls and Troublemakers: A Global Inventory of Organized Social Media
Manipulation" in S Woolley and PN Howard (eds), Working Paper 2017.12. Oxford, UK: Project on Computational
Propaganda, < comprop.oii.ox.ac.uk/>, 37 pp.
European Journalof Risk Regulation, 9 (2018), pp. 1-5 © Cambridge University Press
doi: 10.1017/err.2018.12
EuropeanJournal of Risk Regulation Vol. 9:1
made-up stories typically spread faster than the well-researched articles of established news
channels. As a result, the spread of news intentionally misleading readers has become an
increasing problem for the functioning of our democracies, affecting individuals'
understanding of reality. Indeed, what is most disturbing is not so much the amount of
fake news on social media, but where it is purposely directed. In particular, computational
propaganda flourished during the 2016 US presidential election and continues to target3
information voters to determine the victory of candidates in contentious elections.
As regulators lose patience and promise to crack down on the proliferation of online
disinformation across the bloc, the foundational question should revolve around how to
define the phenomenon we want to tackle. "Fake news" has a variety of definitions, most
of which emphasise the breadth of the term. As a result, there is no universal agreement
on where the problem lies and how to frame it.4 The European Commission defines "fake
news" as "intentional disinformation spread via online social platforms, broadcast news
media or traditional print." 5 A report by Facebook 6 defines "fake news" as "a catch-all
phrase to refer to everything from news articles that are factually incorrect to opinion
pieces, parodies and sarcasm, hoaxes, rumours, memes, online abuse, and factual7
misstatements by public figures that are reported in otherwise accurate news pieces.
The BBC uses 8 the definition "false information deliberately circulated by hoax news
sites to misinform, usually for political or commercial purposes" and distinguishes it
from false news, 9 while the Guardian suggests10 the definition of "fictions deliberately
fabricated and presented as non-fiction with intent to mislead recipients into treating
fiction as fact or into doubting verifiable fact."1 1 As for academia, the most persuasive
definition comes from Allcott and Gentzkow' s paper, in which they define "fake news"
' 12
as "news articles that are intentionally and verifiably false, and could mislead readers."
Given this elusiveness surrounding the notion of fake news, how do we put the genie
back in its bottle? Here is an initial taxonomy of a few emerging approaches.
According to the most prescriptive model, public authorities are expected to police the
media environment by themselves. However, this approach has been criticised insofar as
3 H Allcott and M Gentzkow, "Social Media and Fake News in the 2016 Election" (2017) 31(2) Journalof Economic
Perspectives 211-236.
4 EC Tandoc Jr, Z Wei Lim and R Ling, "Defining 'Fake News' (2017) Digital Journalism, DOI: 10.1080/
5 Public consultation on fake news and online disinformation, 13 November 2017.
6 J Weedon, W Nuland and A Stamos, "Infoiation Operations and Facebook", available at <fbnewsroomus.files.
7 A Stamos, Information Operationsand Facebook, 27 April 2017.
8 BBC, "Written evidence submitted by the BBC (FNWO1 14)", available at <data.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/
' ibid.
'0 The Guardian, "Written evidence submitted by Guardian News & Media (FNW0096)", available at <data.
" ibid.
12 See supra, note 3.
it entails the creation of "Ministries of Truth". This is the case of the recently-created
Global Engagement Center, 13 which helps the US government ensure that streams of
data are not contaminated by state-sponsored misinformation or falsehoods. The
European Union has created a similar office, called Disinformation Review. 14 This is a
network of 400-plus experts, journalists, officials, NGOs and Think Tanks in over
30 countries reporting disinformation articles to EU officials, and then to the public.
It is devoted to debunking fake news and Russian propaganda. I've submitted a request
for documents to the EEAS to seek further information about the EEAS East Stratcom
Team, 15 namely the criteria it uses to identify disinformation/fake news, and how it
notifies/interacts with entities that are placed on the Disinformation Review, 16 and how
the Task Force selects members for its network of academics and NGOs. The response
from the EEAS 17 did not outline clear criteria for labelling disinformation/fake news,
and stated that the Task Force does not systematically communicate with any entity
listed on the Disinformation Review. Furthermore, the EEAS was unclear about how to
join the stakeholder network. The concern is that the criteria appear to be vague and
subjective and the review violates due process in relation to enlisted sources of
18 <www.bmjv.de/DE/Themen/FokusThemen/NetzDG/NetzDG EN node.html>.
EuropeanJournal of Risk Regulation Vol. 9:1
Fake news is a symptom of deeper structural problems in our societies and media
environments. To counter it, policymakers need to take into account the underlying, self-
reinforcing mechanisms that make this old phenomenon so pervasive today. Only by
taking a step back can we examine the vulnerabilities these fake news narratives exploit.
Part of the problem is the fact that tech companies such as Facebook and Google
have appropriated - and monopolised - the online advertising market. This has led to a
pay-as-you-go business model, in which advertisers are only charged when a page is
viewed or clicked on. This ensures that social media companies have no incentive to
playing the role of arbiters of truth.
Seen from this perspective, proposed anti-fake news laws focus on the trees rather than
the forest. As such, they will not only remain irrelevant but also aggravate the root causes
fuelling the fake news phenomenon.
This is the cautionary tale that I would like to address to the High-Level Group on fake
news that has been set up to advise the European Commission on scoping the fake news
phenomenon, defining the roles and responsibilities of relevant stakeholders, grasping
the international dimension, taking stock of the positions at stake, and formulating
recommendations 22
21 L Bode and EK Vrada, "In Related News, That Was Wrong: The Correction of Misinformation Through Related
Stories Functionality in Social Media" (2015) 4(65) Journal of Communication 619-638.
22 <europa.eu/rapid/press-releaseIP-17-4481_en.htm>.