This Week in Bridge
This Week in Bridge
This Week in Bridge
Robert S. Todd
© AiB, 2017
Adventures in Bridge, Inc.
HCP are values given to a hand for honor cards. These honor cards are valuable because they are likely
to take tricks.
• Ace = 4 HCP.
• King = 3 HCP.
• Queen = 2 HCP.
• Jack = 1 HCP.
A length point is an “upgrade” to a hand for a decent-quality long suit. Long suits are useful for
producing extra tricks and are thus given additional values.
- 1 length point for a decent 5-card suit.
- 2 length points for a decent 6-card suit.
- 3 length points for a decent 7-card suit.
- Etc.
Note: Other types of adjustments can be made to further refine your hand evaluation. See TWiB #54 for
more information on this topic.
2. Hand Type
When analyzing our hand for opening the bidding we count total points but we also classify our hand by
its distribution. This classification is called Hand Type. There are 3 different hand types:
• Balanced Hand – A hand with no singleton or void AND at most one doubleton. There are only 3
possible distributions for a balanced hand:
o 4333
o 4432
o 5332
• Unbalanced Hand – A hand with a singleton or void. Many possible distributions.
• Semi-Balanced Hand – Two or more doubletons. These are the hands “in between” balanced
and unbalanced hands. We often must choose between bidding a semi-balanced hand as if it
were a balanced hand or unbalanced hand.
o 5422
o 6322
o 7222 (Not common semi-balanced hand).
Note: See TWiB #1 for more information on this topic.
When opening the bidding with a suit at the 1-level, Opener’s priority is generally to open the longest
suit. The priorities for opening the bidding with 12+ total points are as follows:
• Opening a Major suit shows 5+cards in that suit. With a 5+card Major suit, open that Major.
• Opening 1 shows a 4+card suit. With no 5-card Major suit, open 1 with a 4+card suit.
• Opening 1 shows a 3+card suit. With neither of the above open a 3+card suit.
The suit opened is called the opening bidder’s Primary Suit.
There can be some confusion about which suit to open when you have no long suit. With no 5-card suit
and a minimum opening hand, then:
1. With 3-3 in the minors, open 1. 4/3-3-3 distribution.
2. With 4/3 in the minors, open your longer minor.
3. With 4-4 in the minors, open 1.
With 12 HCP and 4-2-4-3 distribution, open the bidding with 1. (See TWiB #2 for more on this topic.)
You may have noticed that there is one problem hand not covered in the lists above: 4-4-3-2 (4, 4,
3, and 2♣), in which case you have no good opening bid. In this case, either open 1 showing a 3-card
suit OR 1 showing a 4-card suit, whichever lie seems better. As a general rule when faced with a
bidding problem it is best to lie in a minor.
Another bonus, called a Slam Bonus, is also given for bidding and making a 12- or even 13-trick contract.
These bonuses are the same regardless of the strain played in – Notrump, Majors, or minors. A 12-trick
slam is called a Small Slam and a 13-trick slam is called a Grand Slam.
Unbalanced hands are classified based by how many suits they have (4-card or longer suits):
• One-Suited Hands – Hands with a 6-card or longer suit (no other 4-card suit). Ex. 6331.
• Two-Suited Hands – Many unbalanced hand distributions are two-suited hands.
• Three-Suited Hands (rare) -- 4441 or 4450 distribution.
With a one-suited unbalanced hand with a 6-card suit, Opener starts the bidding with 1 and plans to
rebid later in the auction.
With a two-suited hand that has both a 5-card suit and a 5-card suit, Opener starts the bidding with
1 and plans to bid later in the auction.
With a two-suited hand that has both a 5-card suit and a 5-card suit, Opener starts the bidding with
1 and plans to bid later in the auction.
The primary objective on most hands is to look for a Major suit fit, either or , and then the
partnership determines if they have enough combined values to bid game – usually about 24 combined
points for a 3NT, 4, or 4 contract. Responder’s tools for finding a Major suit fit and exploring game
differ based on partner’s opening bid. These tools are discussed in more detail in the upcoming
Responding to Partner’s 1-level Opening Bids section.
New suits by Responder are forcing for at least 1-round, while Notrump bids and raises of Opener’s
primary suit are non-forcing bids. A bidding rule that applies to most auctions is that bids by Responder
that are unlimited in values are forcing bids, and bids that are limited in values are non-forcing bids.
a. Responder’s Buckets
We classify Responder’s hand into buckets similarly to the way we did for opening bidder’s hand:
• 0-5 points Weak Hand (usually does not respond)
• 6-9 points Minimum Hand
• 10-11 points Invitational Hand (sometimes a bad 12 points)
• 12+ points Game Forcing
1 1
This shows a 4+card suit, 6+ points, and is a forcing bid, meaning Opener may not pass because
Responder’s hand is unlimited. This response is forcing for 1-round.
When Opener starts the bidding with 1, Responder needs 5-card support to have a likely fit. When
Opener starts the bidding with 1, Responder needs 4-card support to have a likely fit.
1 __?
• 1NT Minimum values, no 4-card Major, 6 to 9 points (or a bad 10 points).
• 2NT Invitational values, no 4-card Major, 10+ to 11 points (or a bad 12 points).
• 3NT Game Forcing values, no 4-card Major, 12-15 points.
Note: With 16+ points Responder may be interested in bidding a slam (12 or 13 tricks).
a. Responder’s Buckets
We classify Responder’s hand into the same buckets as when partner opened 1-minor suit.
• 0-5 points Weak Hand (usually does not respond)
• 6-9 points Minimum Hand
• 10-11 points Invitational Hand (sometimes a bad 12 points)
• 12+ points Game Forcing
Note: The preemptive raise to 4-Major is usually a weak bid, but it can be a bit stronger (has a wider
range than 0-5 points) because it is a jump to game.
But when Responding to a Major suit opening bid the modern style is to use 2NT for a conventional bid
called Jacoby 2NT. Let’s not focus on the details of Jacoby 2NT at this moment, instead let’s examine
how not having a natural 2NT bid affects the meaning of our other bids.
If we allocate 2NT to be used as this conventional bid then we can no longer use it for our invitational
hands, 10-11 points, with no fit. We must determine what to do with those hands now. The best
solution is to expand our 1NT response to a Major suit opening from 6-9 points (minimum hands) to a
larger range, 6-11 points (both minimum hands and invitational hands). This expanded range for a 1NT
response to a Major suit opening has a special name, called 1NT Semi-Forcing, but is not that different
from a normal 1NT response. This change actually improves our bidding because it allows Opener to
pass 1NT and play at a low level with a minimum opening hand.
a. Responder’s Buckets
Since a 1NT opening bid shows more values than 1-Suit opening bid Responder’s buckets for evaluating
their hand strength are different opposite a 1NT-opening bid.
• 0-7 points Minimum Values, not interested in game.
• 8-9 points Invitational Values, planning to invite game in some way.
• 10 to 16- points Game Forcing Values, strong enough to bid game but no slam interest.
• 16+ to 17 points Quantitative Values, strong enough to invite a small slam.
Since the opening bidder has a stronger than normal opening hand, 15-17 points, then we want this
hand to be the declarer in most of the final contracts. (The first player on our side to bid a suit becomes
the declarer if that suit becomes the strain of our final contract.) It is generally better to have the
stronger of the partnership’s two hands as the declaring hand. Responder’s bidding tools after a 1NT-
opening bid are designed to accomplish this.
Note: We use similar bidding tools when partner opens the bidding with 2NT for similar reasons.
c. Stayman Response of 2
After a 1NT opening bid, a 2 response is an artificial bid, called Stayman, that asks Opener if they have
a 4-card Major. This bid usually shows invitational or better values, 8+ points, and Opener further
describe their hand as follows:
1NT 2
• 2 no 4-card Major
• 2 4+card suit
• 2 4+card suit
After exploring for a 4-4 Major suit fit by bidding Stayman, Responder shows the value of their hand,
invite game with only 8-9 points, and bidding at least game with 10+ points.
1NT 2
2 __?
• 3 Invitational Values with a fit, 4+card support, 8-9 points.
• 4 Game Forcing Values with a fit, 4+card support, 10 to 16- points.
1NT 2
2 __?
• 2NT Invitational Values with no fit, 4-card suit, 8-9 points.
• 3NT Game Forcing Values with no fit, 4-card suit, 10 to 16- points.
1NT 2 Jacoby Transfer, showing a 5+card suit
2 __?
• Pass Minimum, 5+card suit, 0-7 points
• 2NT Invitational Values, 5-card suit, 8-9 points
• 3NT Game Forcing Values, 5-card suit, 10 to 16- points
After Responder’s rebid Opener now has the information needed to place the contract in Notrump or ,
depending on if Opener has a heart fit or not. Opener generally chooses to play in Notrump with a 2-
card suit and play in with a 3+card suit (when the partnership has at least an 8-card fit).
Note: Responder uses Jacoby Transfers with most hands that contain a 5-card Major.
1NT 4 Texas Transfer, showing a 6+card suit
4 __?
• Pass To Play, 6+card suit, 10 to 16- total points
• Any other Bid Slam Try, 6+card suit, 16+ total points
g. Responding to 1NT without a Major Suit – Long Minor Suits, “3-Suited Transfers”
When Responder has a long minor suit, at least 6+cards, then the way Responder shows this suit
depends on the strength (bucket) of their hand:
• 10+ Points, Game Forcing Values
o With enough values to bid game and no Major suit interest, no 4-card or 5-card Major
suit, Responder usually just bids 3NT.
• 8-9 Points, Invitational Values
o With no 4+card Major and invitational values, Responder makes a natural and
invitational jump to 3 or 3.
• 0-7 Points, Weak Values (“3-Suited” Transfers)
o With a weak hand, Responder wants to signoff in their long minor suit, even if they have
a 4-card Major. With a long Major suit this can be done at the 2-level, by making a
Jacoby Transfer and passing, but with a minor it must be done at the 3-level. Responder
bids 2 as a relay to 3 (similar to a Jacoby Transfer bid). Responder can either pass
3 or correct to 3 to play there.
1NT 2
3 __?
• Pass With a weak hand, 0-7 points, and a long suit, Responder wants to play 3 and passes
Opener’s forced 3 bid.
• 3 With a weak hand, 0-7 points, and a long suit, Responder wants to play 3. This
correction to 3 is not invitational and should end the auction.
1NT __?
• 3 Invitational, 8-9 points, 6+card suit, no 4-card Major
• 3 Invitational, 8-9 points, 6+card suit, no 4-card Major
2 2
• 2NT 22 to 24- points.
o Responder uses Stayman (3) and transfer bids (3, 3) to describe their hand.
• 3NT 24+ to 26 points
o Responder uses Stayman (4) and transfer bids (4, 4) to describe their hand.
Note: 2 bid by Responder, artificial waiting bid, leaving room for Opener to describe their hand.
Opener’s hand strength is generally more trick-based than HCP-based, but when estimating the playing
strength of the hand, Opener generally has:
• At least 20 HCP with an unbalanced hand that is 1-suited, at least a 6-card suit.
• A least 22+ HCP with an unbalanced hand that is two-suited, at least 9-cards in two suits.
b. 3-level Preempts
3-level opening bids are similar to 2-level openings, generally showing 7-card suits and less than opening
bid values.
• 3 6-7 card suit, 5-10 HCP
• 3 7-card suit, 5-10 HCP
• 3 7-card suit, 5-10 HCP
• 3 7-card suit, 5-10 HCP
If Opener starts the bidding with a preemptive 2 bid, Responder can extend Opener’s preempt by
applying the LOTT:
• Bidding 3 with 3-card support and any values less than game interest.
• Bidding 4 with 4-card support and any hand not interested in slam.
17. Overcalls
When the opponents open the bidding then we need a way to enter the auction and compete for the
contract. The most common way we compete in these auctions is by bidding a long suit, called making a
Simple Overcall.
A low-level simple overcall does not promise as many values as an opening bid. The values that an
overcall promises increase the higher the level of the bidding.
• 1-level Simple Overcalls 5+card suit, 8-17 points
• 2-level Simple Overcalls Good 5+card suit, 12-17 points
Making an overcall allows our side to start searching for a fit and compete in the bidding even when the
opponent’s have opened the bidding in front of us.
Note: The LOTT will often be applied to these competitive auctions as well.
1 (2) __?
• 3 4-card support, 0-6 points.
• 4 5-card support, 0-8 points (jumps to game can be a bit stronger than other actions.)
1 (2) __?
• 3 3+card support, 10+ points (showing at least an 8-card fit)
3 is an artificial bid, a Limit Raise or better in Opener’s suit and is often denoted “Q=LR+”, short for “A
Cuebid equals a Limit Raise or Better.” This applies when responding to a minor or Major suit opening.
Here are some Summary Tables of what has been discussed in this Learn Bridge Bidding document:
a. Opening Bids Summary Table
b. Responding to 1-Level Opening Bids Summary Table