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Today, you're going to reflect on your decision-making ability and write about how rational your

economic decisions actually are. Try to answer the following questions as you write.
1. Give an example of a fairly major purchasing decision you've made in your lifetime. How did you
justify the purchase? How did you prepare for it financially once you decided to make the purchase?

Me and my girlfriend bought a house together and we both saved up money to be financially stable
To the house

I prepared by saving up money and putting my life worth saving account to the stock market

2. What aspects of your decision-making process fit the description of a rational choice? Did you
consider costs and benefits? Did you pay attention to both monetary and nonmonetary factors? Did you
consider opportunity costs and your long-term goals?

There are many aspects of the decision making process that fit the description of a rational choice. One
aspect is the ability to see the usefulness of it.

3. What information did you have or obtain that helped make your decision a well-informed one? Was
there something you didn't know beforehand that you wish you had?

No I knew my own decision as a well-informed one

4. Were there any parts of your decision-making process that weren’t rational?


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