Mishra Et Al 2022 Banana Peel Waste An Emerging Cellulosic Material To Extract Nanocrystalline Cellulose
Mishra Et Al 2022 Banana Peel Waste An Emerging Cellulosic Material To Extract Nanocrystalline Cellulose
Mishra Et Al 2022 Banana Peel Waste An Emerging Cellulosic Material To Extract Nanocrystalline Cellulose
org/journal/acsodf Article
banana peel powder (BPP). BPP was subjected to alkali and bleaching treatment to
remove lignin and hemicellulose and then subjected to acid hydrolysis to prepare
NCC. Under optimal conditions (200 mL of sulfuric acid 55% v/v at 50 °C for 60
min), the NCC yield was found to be 29.9%. The particle size and zeta potential of
the NCC were found to be 209 nm and −43 mV, respectively. Attenuated total
reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy showed successful removal of
lignin and hemicellulose from BPP after the alkali treatment, bleaching, and acid
hydrolysis. Field emission scanning electron microscopy showed needle-shaped
crystals and transmission electron microscopy showed particles in the nano range.
X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the crystallinity index of NCC was 64.12% while keeping the cellulose I crystal structure intact.
Thermogravimetric analysis showed good stability which paves way for NCC to be explored for various applications. All the
parameters evaluated indicated that NCC was successfully prepared from BPP using alkali treatment, bleaching, and acid hydrolysis.
pharmaceutical purposes which are the need of the hour to (DI) water until neutral pH has reached. The solid obtained
protect planet earth from extensive climate change and the was then kept for drying in the oven overnight at 40 °C.
damage caused by it. In the last 2 decades, a lot of work has 2.2.2. Bleaching Treatment. Following alkali treatment, the
been reported about utilizing agricultural waste in the best bleaching process was performed by using 2% (w/v) sodium
possible way. Faradilla et al. prepared nanocellulose from hypochlorite solution for 2 h at 40°C. The solid to liquid ratio
banana pseudo-stem by TEMPO-mediated oxidation. The was 1:10. The solution was filtered and the solid obtained was
results showed that prepared nanocellulose is more crystalline washed several times with DI water until neutral pH has
than pseudo-stem.13 Harini et al. used BP and banana bract for reached. The obtained solid mass was kept for drying in the
the preparation of nanocellulose fibers (CNFs) by the oven overnight at 40°C.
microwave digestion method and ball milling-assisted ultra- 2.2.3. Acid Hydrolysis. The dried bleached BPP obtained
sonication method. The extracted CNFs were used for the from the above process was subjected to acid hydrolysis with
production of cellulose-based biopolymers through acetyl and 200 mL of sulfuric acid (55% v/v) at 50°C for 60 min. After 60
lauroyl modifications.14 Sijabat et al. prepared a flat sheet min, 10 times volume of chilled DI water was added to the
membrane composite using bacterial nanocellulose (derived suspension to quench the hydrolysis reaction. The suspension
from BP waste, cellulose, and silica). The prepared sheet was was kept overnight in the refrigerator. The supernatant was
used for the desalination process and the results showed decanted and the pH of the solution was adjusted to 3 by
optimal performance.15 Din et al. used unripe BP for the repeated water washing followed by centrifugation at 6000g. In
development of cellulose nanofibers which was later used for the next step, the suspension was kept for dialysis for 5−6 days
the development of a bio-based nanocomposite packaging film. in distilled water to achieve pH of 5. Finally, the suspension
The result showed that these films have good tensile strength obtained was spray-dried and the powder was stored in the
and could be used for food packaging due to their properties refrigerator for further use.
such as biocompatibility, biodegradability, and non-toxic-
Agricultural waste is commonly used for developing BPP and spray-dried BPNCC were characterized by using
nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC) and then functionalized by different techniques such as differential scanning calorimetry,
various modifications. To date, NCC has been explored for thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), attenuated total reflection
various biomedical applications. It is used for enzyme (ATR)−Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), and X-ray
immobilization, in wound dressing, tissue engineering, bio diffraction (XRD). The morphology of BPNCC was
sensing, bio imaging, and for drug delivery.18 Apart from investigated by using field emission scanning electron
medical uses, it is also used for waste water management, as a microscopy (FESEM) and transmission electron microscopy
packaging material, in supercapacitors and conductive films. (TEM).
NCC also works as a rheological modifier, Pickering emulsion 3.1. NCC Yield Calculation. The NCC yield % was
stabilizer and in free radical scavenging.19,20 Conversion of calculated using the formula given below
agricultural waste into NCC opens a lot of ways for utilization
of waste in the best possible manner. This study aims to yield(%) = M1/M 2 × 100
prepare NCC from BP powder (BPP) by alkali and bleaching where, M1 = initial total weight of BPP. M2 = dried weight of
treatment, followed by acid hydrolysis. NCC samples.
3.2. ATR−FTIR Spectroscopy. BPP and NCC samples
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS were analyzed using an ATR−FTIR spectrometer (Model:
2.1. Materials. The BP used for the preparation were PerkinElmer 1600) to determine the functional groups of each
collected from the local juice center and fruit sellers from Vile sample in the range of 500−4000 cm−1 with a resolution of 4
Parle West, Mumbai, India. The collected BP were cut into cm−1.
small pieces. Dewaxing of small pieces of BP was carried out by 3.3. Morphological Features and Particle Size
using Soxhlet extraction with acetone as the solvent. After the Analysis. 3.3.1. Particle Size and Zeta Potential Analysis.
treatment, BP were dried at room temperature for 6 h and then The particle size and zeta potential of NCC measurements
kept in the oven at 50 °C for 1 week. Dried peels were were determined using the Malvern Zeta sizer (Nano ZS
collected and pulverized by using a cutter mill and jet mill. The Analyser). The NCC was diluted 100 times with DI water and
powder was termed BPP and stored for future use. The average sonicated for 15 min before measurement. All the measure-
particle size of BPP was approx. 10−15 μ. ments were taken in triplicate.
Sodium hydroxide was used for alkali treatment. Sodium 3.3.2. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopic
hypochlorite was used as the bleaching agent and sulfuric acid Analysis. FESEM analysis was used to observe the
was used for acid hydrolysis. Analytical grade sodium morphological changes in NCC samples using FESEM
hydroxide, sodium hypochlorite, and sulfuric acid were (JEOL JSM-7000F) operated at an accelerated voltage of
procured from Research-lab Chemical Corporation. The 10−20 kV. Before the FESEM analysis was carried out,
dialysis tube having a molecular cut-off between 12 and 14 aluminum stubs were used to mount the samples with carbon
kD was purchased from HiMedia. tapes and sprayed with platinum coating to avoid overcharging.
2.2. Preparation of NCC from BPP. 2.2.1. Alkali The sample surface was coated with gold under vacuum before
Treatment. The BPP was treated with 5% w/v NaOH at analysis. Energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) diffraction was used
1:50 solid to liquid ratio for removing lignin and hemicellulose. for estimating the chemical composition of NCCs.21
NaOH solution was taken in a beaker and then BPP was 3.3.3. Transmission Electron Microscopic Analysis. The
added. The solution was kept for stirring at 40 °C for 4 h at morphology of NCC was examined using TEM. For TEM
500 rpm. The solution was filtered and the filter cake observation, a drop of 10 μL diluted NCC suspension was
(remaining solid) was washed several times with deionized deposited on the copper grid and excess liquid was removed by
1141 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.2c06571
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Figure 1. (A)�SEM Image of BPP, (B) SEM image of NCC, and (C) TEM image of NCC.
blotting it with filter paper after a minute and allowed to dry in NCC due to the reorientation of the crystal lattice.31 An
for 15 min. 1% wt phosphotungstic acid in water was used for intense peak observed at 1453 cm−1 in NCC is known as the
the negative staining of the sample. Various particles (n = 25) crystallinity band which showed increased crystallinity degree.
were observed for the determination of average length and These results showed that the structure of NCC was intact
diameter of the NCCs. after the hydrolysis process.32
3.4. Thermal Analysis. About 7 mg of spray-dried NCC 4.3. Particle Size Analysis and Morphological Inves-
and BPP were weighed for TGA. A differential scanning tigation. 4.3.1. Particle Size Analysis of NCC. The particle
calorimeter was used for recording the thermal behavior of size of NCC was measured in triplicate by diluting the NCC
BPP and NCC. Thermogravimetric and derivative TGA were suspension with water. The particle size of NCC was found to
performed from the temperature range 30−900 °C at 20 °C be 209 nm and the zeta potential was −43 mV which showed
min−1 heating rate under a nitrogen gas flowing condition. good stability of the NCC suspension.
3.5. XRD Analysis. The characterization of the degree of 4.3.2. Morphological Investigation. The visual evaluation
crystallinity of the spray-dried NCC sample was calculated by of different stages of manufacturing process was compared
using a Shimadzu XRD-6000 X-ray diffractometer. It was based on changes in the color. BPP was a brown color powder
operated at a voltage of 30 kV and current of 30 mA with a during alkaline treatment solution which initially changed to
scanning range from 5 to 60° at a scanning speed of 2 °C/min. dark brown color and then into light yellow color during
The crystallinity index was calculated using bleaching. After bleaching it is converted into pure white color
crystallinity index, CrI(%) = (I200 Iam)/I200 which is due to the removal of wax, hemicellulose, lignin, and
where I200 = crystalline peak corresponding to the intensity at Microscopic evaluation, FESEM, and TEM images (Figure
approximately 22.8°. Iam = amorphous peak corresponding to 1) of NCC showed needle-shaped crystals with a smooth
the intensity at approximately 19.0°. surface compared to BPP images. The diameter and length of
NCCs were found to be 16.35 ± 4.8 and 181.65 ± 24.4 nm,
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION respectively. Similar kinds of NCC shapes reported literature
4.1. NCC % Yield. The isolated NCC yield was found to be are listed in Table 1.
29.9%. The results were compared with previously published
literature. The study was carried out by Wickramasinghe et al. Table 1. Dimensions of Extracted NCC Particle
by extracting NCC from Sri Lankan agricultural waste by acid extraction
hydrolysis technique and the reported yield was 29%.22 Ojumu materials method length & diameter references
et al. prepared NCC from cocoa pod husk (CPH) biomass NCC from acid 250 nm and 12 nm diameter 26
waste by acid hydrolysis which showed a yield of 25%.23 Khan calotropis hydrolysis
et al. prepared NCC from conocarpus fiber by using the acid procera
hydrolysis technique with maximum yield which is 19%.24
NCC from rice acid 200 nm and 15−20 nm 27
4.2. ATR−FTIR Spectroscopy. Infrared spectroscopy in husk hydrolysis
attenuated total reflectance mode (ATR FT-IR) of BPP and NCC from CPH acid 41−155 nm and 10−60 nm 23
NCC (Figure 3) showed a broad peak located in the range of hydrolysis
3450−3300 cm−1 which was observed in both the spectra is
representative of O−H bond stretching. Compared to BPP, at Elemental analysis was conducted by using energy-dispersive
3347 cm−1 intense peak was observed in NCC due to XRD attached with FE-SEM. As shown in Figure 2, the EDX
hydrolysis which reflects hydrophilic properties. The peaks spectrum showed peaks for carbon and oxygen corresponding
observed at 2919 and 2850 cm−1 in NCC were due to the to their binding energies, respectively. The main components
stretching of H groups and aliphatic saturated C−H, of NCCs are shown in Table 2 such as carbon (C K�41.67%)
respectively. In BPP, the peaks observed in the range of and oxygen (O K −58.33%). The other peaks are
1700−1450 cm−1 are assigned to the C�O stretching, C�C corresponding to the impurities which are basically due to
vibration of aromatic skeleton that shows the presence of the sulfate groups present on the surface remaining after the
aldehyde, carboxylic acid, and ketone in hemicellulose and dialysis of NCCs.
lignin.28−30 This peak is absent in NCC due to the total 4.4. Thermal Properties. Thermal analysis of BPP and
removal of lignin and hemicellulose. In both, the spectra of NCC was performed to check the thermal stability of the
sharp and narrow bonds at 1058 cm−1 showed higher cellulose compound. Substantial weight losses for both the materials are
content due to C−O−C pyranose ring vibration. Slight observed in Figure 4. DTG of the BPP sample showed three
changes in intensities were observed at 1452 and 1333 cm−1 main regions of weight loss. The first degradation showed an
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Figure 4. TGA and DTG curves of BPP (left) and NCC (right).
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
Authors would like to thank SAIF, IIT Bombay for sample
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