Paper - 11
Paper - 11
Paper - 11
Renewable Energy
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Article history: With the rapid surge of renewable energy integrations into the electrical grid, the main questions
Received 8 March 2019 remain; how do we manage and operate optimally these surges of fluctuating resources? However, vast
Received in revised form optimization approaches in renewable energy applications have been widely used hitherto to aid
7 July 2019
decision-makings in mitigating the limitations of computations. This paper comprehensively reviews the
Accepted 15 July 2019
Available online 16 July 2019
generic steps of stochastic optimizations in renewable energy applications, from the modelling of the
uncertainties and sampling of relevant information, respectively. Furthermore, the benefits and draw-
backs of the stochastic optimization methods are highlighted. Moreover, notable optimization methods
Stochastic optimizations
pertaining to the steps of stochastic optimizations are highlighted. The aim of the paper is to introduce
Uncertainty model the recent advancements and notable stochastic methods and trending of the methods going into the
Scenario generations future of renewable energy applications. Relevant future research areas are identified to support the
Renewable energy applications transition of stochastic optimizations from the traditional deterministic approaches. We concluded based
on the surveyed literatures that the stochastic optimization methods almost always outperform the
deterministic optimization methods in terms of social, technical, and economic aspects of renewable
energy systems. Thus, this review will catalyse the effort in advancing the research of stochastic opti-
mization methods within the scopes of renewable energy applications.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1544
2. Overview of stochastic optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1544
3. Uncertainty modelling in stochastic optimization approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1545
3.1. Monte Carlo Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1545
3.1.1. Types of Monte Carlo Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1545
3.1.2. Recent MCS applications in renewable energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1546
3.2. Notable uncertainty modelling method: Generative Adversarial Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1549
4. Sampling methods in scenario generations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1550
4.1. Importance Sampling (IS) method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1551
4.1.1. Type of IS method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1551
4.1.2. IS method implementations in renewable energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1551
4.2. Notable sampling method: Markov Chain Monte Carlo method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1554
4.2.1. Overview of MCMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1554
4.2.2. MCMC sampling procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1554
5. Stochastic optimization methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1556
5.1. Stochastic programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1556
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.A. Hannan).
0960-1481/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1544 A. Zakaria et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1543e1571
Stochastic Decomposition of
Optimization samples generated Max iteration?
using stochastic
Parallel Scenario / Scenario
Tree generations / Chance
Sampling of
Constraints Scenario / Output of possible
relevant scenario
Forecasts of renewable data best solutions
with varying PDF
(Uncertainty Modelling)
uncertainty modelling/scenario generation approaches are initially or variables involved. Fig. 2 shows an overview of the uncertainties’
addressed, followed by notable sampling methods to capture modelling approaches. The scope of the paper is only limited to the
relevant scenarios in stochastic optimizations. Next, the stochastic numerical method of the uncertainty modelling approaches,
optimization approach is highlighted mainly in the lights of mainly in the recent Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) approach in
approximate stochastic dynamic programming. The paper con- renewable energy applications. Interested readers are encouraged
cludes with main issues and challenges of stochastic optimization to read the works made by Refs. [11e13] for further information
approaches in renewable energy applications, followed by its crit- regarding other uncertainty modelling approaches.
ical remarks and future relevant themes in renewable energy
applications. 3.1. Monte Carlo Simulation
3. Uncertainty modelling in stochastic optimization approach MCS is one of the most used methods in the probabilistic un-
certainty modelling approach [15,16]. Historical probability distri-
In stochastic optimizations, representing the correct un- bution function, forecasting errors, and market variability are the
certainties are critical. Each uncertainty modelling technique parameters that can be utilized by the MCS method to learn and
would yield a different representation of the systems. Therefore, populate the scenarios’ generations. The MCS method is favoured
appropriate selection of uncertainty modelling methods is crucial. due to its ability to systematically sample from random processes
Uncertainty modelling is a typical way to represent the stochas- [16]. Furthermore, a transfer function is not necessarily needed in
ticity of renewables' systems. Instead of assuming perfect knowl- MCS. The problem can be treated as a black box system which can
edge of the parameters (i.e. wind speed, solar irradiation and load yield related output with given samples of inputs. MCS is also
demand) as opposed to a deterministic approach, random distri- intuitive and relatively easy to implement. MCS can also be
butions are added as inputs to a stochastic optimization approach implemented in non e differentiable as well as non e convex
to mimic the probabilistic characteristics of a renewable energy problems. Apart from that, it supports all probabilistic distribution
system. In representing the uncertainties, it is critical that the function (PDF) types. Regardless, MCS has some deficiencies issue
distribution dynamics of the scenarios are well captured. One of the such as expensive computation due to its iterative behaviour,
ways to do that is by generating large number of scenarios, where especially when the degrees of freedom and the space search ex-
each scenario would capture the possible realization of the un- pands [17]. The general MCS method in renewable energy appli-
derlying uncertainties. The idea is to find the close approximation cations can be described in Fig. 3.
of the uncertainties' true distributions. In other words, the main
goal is to infer a probability distribution(s) of an output(s) based on 3.1.1. Types of Monte Carlo Simulation
a given probability distribution function(s) (PDF) of an assumed According to Ref. [18], MCS method is typically divided in three
known input(s). PDF distributions of inputs varies from parameters different types. The first one is called the Sequential e MCS method.
Table 1
Sequential MCS in renewable energy applications.
References Method Objective function Type of MCS Uncertain input Parameters Main results/contributions Future work/Gaps
[19] MCS e GA Minimize investment and Sequential Solar irradiation, More information available Optimize MCS samples and
operational costs Temperature, Wind speed, on expected performance computational time
Annual fuel price interest and costs of the system
rate, Average daily load with respect to the
deterministic optimization
[20] GA e MCS Minimize instantaneous Sequential Buildings' energy Reduction in net energy Extending the method's
and cumulative energy consumptions balance in buildings period to more than one
balance year
[21] MCS e Analytical Optimize cost/benefit Sequential Wind speed forecast error, Considerable improvement Increment of MCS
Convolutional Process relationship of RE generation unit reliability of computational efficiency computational efficiency
generations with reasonable cost/
[22] Receding Horizon Minimize Cost of Energy, Sequential Wind power, Solar power, Lowest cost option may Comparison of short-term
Optimization e MCS minimize risks Battery storage, Biomass have a higher risk of failing. performance with while
combined Heat Power, The model provides ranges considering demand side
thermal energy storage, gas of possible microgrid uncertainties
producer designs to determine major
risk factors
[23] SAES e ARM eMCS Minimize investment and Sequential Load demand, Wind speed Reduces iteration in a Investigate impact of
operational costs complex search space; energy management on
Investigate discharge cycle planning decisions
efficiency of different
energy storage on the
[24] Risks based e MCS Minimize loss load Sequential Wind speed, River inflows Precise estimation of Integration of various
probability (LOLP), EPNS, energy delivered at a given intermittent RESs
LOLD and LOLF time and reducing load
shedding risks
[25] LOEE e MCS Minimize loss of energy Sequential PHEV owner's behaviour, LOEE in novel charging N/A
expected and expected Solar and Wind power applications reduced by
energy not supplied 75% in comparison to
unmanaged charging
[26] LINET - MCS Mitigation of lightning risks Sequential Lightning transients/ Cost e effective N/A
activity at wind turbines overvoltage protection
[27] NPC e MCS Minimize net present cost Sequential Load, Solar irradiation Realistic stochastic battery Analysing cost reduction
(NPC) lifetime prediction using and fossil fuel consumption,
weighted Ah Schiffer Improving supply reliability
[28] TPLF - MCS Minimize risk of system Sequential Load, Solar irradiation, Accurate uncertainty Considering multi e time
over e voltage and risk of Solar PV output, modelling of Solar PV spatial and temporal
system over e load Temperature output, load, and correlations in power
temperature at multi e generation dispatch
time instants strategy
Table 2
Pseudo - Sequential MCS in renewable energy applications.
References Method Objective function Type of MCS Uncertain input Main results/ Future work/Gaps
Parameters contributions
[29] MCS e AGLS Minimize risk Pseudo - Sequential Possible sizing of HRES Sizing of HRES with An efficient quantile
minimal risk estimation method to solve
largeescale problems
[30] Ray Tracing MCS e PSO Maximize yearly Pseudo e Sequential Sun ray's position, days Increment in yearly Integration of electrical
thermal energy of the year thermal energy output in the system,
collection collected optimization of levelized
cost of energy
[33] Multi objective e Roulette Minimize energy costs Pseudo e Sequential Supply side; Demand Models and proposed N/A
Wheel ee MCS and environmental Side, domestic hot methods provided
impacts water, space heating accurate optimization
and cooling) results in identifying
the economic/
environmental pareto
[36] Cholesky Decomposition e Minimize economic Pseudo e Sequential water inflow, wind Main characteristics of Test proposed method with
MCS risks and maximize speed, solar irradiance, the random variables plant's installation site data
financial returns temperature of PV are accurately modelled (real data); Adaptation of
panels, and average for energy applications the method in other
generation capacity markets
[34] Various techniques e MCS Minimize LOLP, Pseudo - Sequential Load demands, Quantify the impacts of Integration of other
Expected Unserved Conventional integrated renewable stochastic parameters such
Energy (EUE) generation resources, resources on reliability, as solar, demands, and
Wind resources power economics, and storages
1548 A. Zakaria et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1543e1571
Comparison of enhanced
between parameters are MCS associated with Cholesky Decomposition as inputs to
generate synthetic time series of water inflow, wind speed, solar
Future work/Gaps
traditional plants
irradiance, temperature of PV panels, and average generation
capacity [34]. The MCS's goal is to perform risk analysis with 2000
outperforms sequential
used in the work of [35]. The MCS method considers the net
impacts of geothermal
design with respect to
present value (NPV) estimation and its ranges for each scenario
Proposed method
plants are shown
mented in the work of [35]. The MCS method considers the NPV
parameters (refer to the
estimation and its ranges for each scenario involved. Hanbury and
Risks and finances
Non - Sequential
Generator DNNs
Objective function
Minimize system
Optimize NPV
Noise Input
Non - Sequential MCS in renewable energy applications.
Pseudo e Sequential MCS) has strengthened the weakness of MCS day might not be the same as another due to erratic weather
method that requires large amount of sampling data to be accurate changes and global warming, a new method can't only rely on
[38,39]. With strategic sampling of the scenario generations only generating/projecting scenarios based on historical data but must
the most important components are considered that contributes also correctly capture the rapid variations and strong diurnal cycles
the most to the objective function's stochastic optimization. Due to of renewable resources in generating authentic new scenarios.
the time dependent nature of renewable energy problems, most of Numerous amounts of literatures exist in scenario generations of
the applications of MCS methods in this field is either Sequential or renewable resources such as wind and solar as well as demands
Pseudo e Sequential. Section 4 describes further methods involved [42]. However, most of them were model e driven and it is
in stochastic optimization sampling processes. cumbersome to pin point the most efficient usage of an exact model
to an exact situation. A recent study derived from Artificial Neural
Networks (ANNs), namely Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
3.2. Notable uncertainty modelling method: Generative Adversarial
by Ref. [43] has been gaining a lot of attention due to its ability to
synthesize artificial images from trainings of real ones. Only few
works have been identified in literatures that implemented data e
It is important to note that as computational advancements
driven GANs in renewable energy applications. The method suc-
have been growing rapidly throughout the years, model e driven
cessfully synthesizes renewable system's scenarios in Ref. [41] us-
uncertainty modelling or scenario generations' methods have been
ing Wasserstein GANs. The generated scenarios are successful in
becoming less viable, difficult to apply, and hard to scale [15,41].
synthesizing new and distinct scenarios by capturing the intrinsic
These are caused by the complex dynamics of renewable energy
features of the historical data.
systems, time e varying nature of weather, and complex temporal
Fig. 4 depicts an overview of GANs system. The intuition behind
and spatial connections. Studies are now converging towards the
GANs is to exploit the capacity of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) in
data e driven methods in generating new sets of unique and
both classifying complex signals (Discriminator) and expressing
distinctive scenarios in renewable energy application [41]. As one
Table 4
Characteristic and benefits of different types of GANs.
[45] Wasserstein GANs Using the Earth e Mover Stable training of GANs Developing new algorithms
distance to evaluate the improves the learning for calculating Wasserstein
distribution gap between real parameter and optimization distance between different
and generated data method of conventional distributions
[46] Loss e Sensitive GANs Limiting the modelling ability Reduces over fitting of N/A
of the discriminator to better generated samples
distinguish the real and improves the learning
generated samples regardless parameter and optimization
of their complexity method of conventional
[47] Semi - GANs Adding labels of real data to the Generates a higher quality Weighting of discrimination
training of discriminator sample than conventional and classification
GANs Generating examples with
Reduces training times for class labels
the generator
[48] Bidirectional GANs Mapping the real data to the No assumptions of Testing of the Bidirectional
latent variable space in an underlying structure of data GANs under other space of
unsupervised learning are needed architecture models
environment Outperforms many
unsupervised feature
learning approaches
[49] Info GANs Capturing mutual information Learns interpretable and Applying mutual information
between a small subset of latent disjointed representations and induce representation to
variables and observations on challenging datasets other methods such as
completely unsupervised variational autoencoder
Negligible increment in
computational expenses
compared to conventional
GANs and easy to train
[50] Auxiliary e Classifier GANs Incorporating label information Generation and Improving the reliability of
into the generator and discrimination capability of the proposed GANs
adjusting objective function for GANs are enhanced Improving visual
the discriminator Produces a more diversified discriminability
samples of data
[51] Sequence GANs Generating sequences of Excellent performance in Monte Carlo tree search in
discrete tokens synthesizing speech, poem, improving the action
and music generation decision making for large
scale data in cases of long e
term planning
[52] Boundary e Equilibrium GANs Equilibrium enforcing method Balances the discriminator Determining the best latent
paired with a loss derived from and generator in training space size for a given dataset
the Wasserstein distance Provides trade e offs Determining when and how
between samples' diversity noises should be added to
and quality the input
1550 A. Zakaria et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1543e1571
Common Antithetic
Stratified Latin Hypercube Control Variates Dagger
Random Variates
Sampling (SS) Sampling (LHS) (CV) Sampling (DS)
Numbers (CRN) (AV)
complex non e linear interactions (Generator). The idea behind might only marginally increase the quality of the solution and the
GANs is to set up a minimax game of two DNNs which are in an objective function until a certain threshold [6]. One need to care-
adversarial relationship with each other. The Generator's DNNs fully evaluate the trade e offs between the accuracy and the rate of
updates its weights during each training epochs to “trick” the convergence of a given algorithm. One popular technique to in-
discriminator by generating “fake” samples of scenarios, while the crease the sampling precision is called Variance Reduction Tech-
Discriminator's DNNs attempts to distinguish between true his- niques (VRTs) [12]. VRTs can be broken down into several main sub
torical scenarios and the “fake” ones. Theoretically, after reaching e categories as shown in Fig. 5. The estimates of scenario genera-
equilibrium, the optimal solution of GANs will yield scenario dis- tions’ precision depend on standard deviation between the sam-
tributions from Generators which are hardly distinguishable from ples. The standard deviation can be expressed in equation (1)
an authentic real historical data. below:
Hence, the Discriminator can no longer differentiate the origin
of the data, whether it is from the generator or the real historical VðzÞ
training data distributions. It is easier to imagine the GANs as a s¼ pffiffiffiffi (1)
counterfeiter and a police game where the counterfeiter (Gener-
ator) keeps on improving its technique to deceive the police, while where VðzÞthe unbiased sample variance and N is the sample
the police (Discriminator) are also getting better at catching the number.
counterfeiter. The counterfeiter in the end would produce a “fake According to equation (1), the precision of the estimates can be
product” that resembles the authentic product successfully, which intuitively increased by increasing the number of samples, N.
no longer can be identified by the police. However, increasing the samples’ size would mean reducing the
To summarize, the GANs method in scenario generation can efficacy of computation. In cases of sequential sampling process
leverage the power of DNNs and vast sets of historical data in throughout a year, with 8760 h steps, each hour containing its own
performing the tasks for directly generating scenarios conforming multivariate properties, a sample increase of 1 would mean a
to the same distribution of historical data, without the need of repetition of 8760 h of sampling process. Therefore, another way to
explicit modelling of the distribution [43]. However, it is important keep the sample size small yet still maintaining a desired precision
to note that the architecture of DNNs is complex in nature and is to reduce the variance between the samples. The main idea
requires high computational efficacy in solving GANs problems. behind VRTs is to decrease the amount of sampling needed to the
Yize et al. in his work [41] has suggested the usage of efficient desired level of accuracy or increasing the accuracy of the expected
GPU(s) to accelerate the DNNs training procedures. Future works in value for a given number of samples. There are various VRTs which
renewable energy systems using GANs would be in the decision e have been reported in literature in renewable energy applications,
making strategy for unit commitments with high penetration of as depicted in Fig. 5.
renewable energy generations and incorporation of the method in The authors in Ref. [53] used a range of random variables (RV) to
probabilistic forecasting problems. Interested readers are directed develop an improved stochastic model for power system sched-
to the work of [44] for a comprehensive overview of GANs as well as uling in the presence of uncertain renewables. A work in Ref. [54]
its future trending. Hitherto, several main variants of GANs have focused on reliability evaluation through sequential Monte Carlo
been identified and are summarized in Table 4. Characteristics, simulation to address cascading failure in power systems operation.
main advantages, and identified future works of the GANs' variants The Weibull distribution together with antithetic variates (AV) is
are highlighted for the perusal of interested readers. It is to be noted implemented in order to reduce the large computational burden in
that the future works identified are mostly in the realms of simulations. Kardooni et al. [55] conducted a survey on climate
computational and mathematical sciences. However, implementa- change and renewable energy in Peninsular Malaysia based on
tions of these GANs’ variants in renewable energy systems are yet stratified sampling (SS). The authors in Ref. [56] identified the
to be tested. factors shaping public opinion based on random stratified sampling
to examine willingness to pay for expansion of renewable energy
4. Sampling methods in scenario generations sources in the electricity mix. A novel modified Latin hypercube-
important (LHS) sampling method is suggested in Ref. [57] to
Increasing scenario generations would intuitively mean a closer enhance the accuracy and speed of correlation processing under
and more comprehensive representation of possible futures. low sampling times. A LHS method is proposed in Ref. [58] to
Nonetheless, increment of scenario generations (samples taken) analyse the reliability of power systems considering the
A. Zakaria et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1543e1571 1551
Fig. 6. Framework of CE based dispatch model to handle uncertainties in PHEVs and renewable generation [66].
1552 A. Zakaria et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1543e1571
Author has found out that the IS method significantly reduced the
computational time needed in sampling by two to three orders and
has shifted the original distribution to the desired proposal distri-
bution. In the work of [66], CE method is utilized in hybrid
renewable generation's optimal dispatch strategy of Plug e in
Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) to improve the voltage profile and
the power flow with a 33 e nodes distribution systems. Authors
have found that the proposed method has managed to decrease the
power flows in heavy loaded lines and renewable generation fluc-
tuations. The objective function is developed using two parts. The
first part presents the expectation of population variance of
renewable generation outputs, while the second part denotes the
expected operation cost including battery degradation, PHEV
owner benefits and control of the fleet of the vehicles. The objective
function is formulated as follows:
" #
Mina1 E DP Pe;t þ a2 E CBDP ð1 þ u%ÞPdch;t Dt (2)
pg 1
F2 ¼ εpg pt þ εfuel ftmt (4) Ef ½YðxÞ ; with xi drawn form f (6)
M tot
Mtot Yðxi Þ
where εpg and εfuel denote the conversion factor of carbon
A. Zakaria et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1543e1571 1553
Table 5
IS, CE and SIS implementations in recent renewable energy applications.
References Method Objective IS/CE distribution parameters Main Results Future work/Gaps
[70] Adaptive stratified e IS To estimate wind turbine Extreme loads, wind speed The proposed method Root causes of extreme
extreme loads outperforms sample e based IS response variation in wind
e MCS method turbine loads
[65] Risk assessment e IS To estimate very low operating Load, Wind power Decrease in computational Robustness tests with different
risks in power systems expenses of two to three orders values of controllable active
of magnitude with respect to power outputs and wind power
crude MCS forecast distributions
[66] Normal Distribution To provide an optimal dispatch PHEV's driving behaviour, wind With introduction of Vehicle 2 Consider future studies
Parameterized e CE strategy for PHEV speed, solar irradiance, system, Grid (V2G), PHEV could act as intervals in seconds and
and load data storage devices and proposed minutes relevant to power
CE models solved for multiple markets like spinning reserves
patterns of seasonal profiles for
PHEV dispatch cases
[67] Copula Theory & CE To analyse generation adequacy Conventional generation, Load, Proposed method outperforms N/A
of multi e area power systems Wind power generation crude MCS in terms of efficiency
with high penetrations of wind and accuracy by three to four
power orders. Number of samples
required does not increase with
the decrease of probability
interests' level
[68] Multi e objective e CE To schedule energy supply and Load profiles, Solar PV power Total cost and carbon emissions Large scale integration of
demand in integrated are significantly reduced using distributive resource and
scheduling under uncertainty proposed method renewable energy in regional
integrated energy systems
[69] MCS e CE To assess probabilistic spinning Wind generation capacity, Using risk assessments and The configuration of the
reserve considering renewable Equipment failures, capacity knowing the critical elements Brazilian interconnected
resources and transmission limits of transmission of the system, planners can system to demonstrate the
restrictions equipment better manage the high practicality of the proposed
penetration of renewable approach
sources, ensuring sustainable
and reliable operation
[63] MCS-SIS To assess the deviation of price, System load, renewable energy Estimations for both expected The proposed is promising to be
possible occurrence of price output, generator bidding normal price and price spike implemented on online
spike in electricity market strategy, and outage rate probability are accurate and fast applications.
using less than 3% of the MC
simulation time.
Then for any given load Yj , The estimation of ASIS can be distribution.
expressed as follows Huang et al. [71] established a hybrid probabilistic assessment
method based on SIS for electricity market risk management. The
P Y < Yj ¼ Ef I Y < Yj (7) proposed method has considered various uncertainties such as
system load, renewable energy output, generator bidding strategy,
ð and outage rate. The performance is checked under Australian
¼ I YðxÞ < Yj f ðxÞdx (8) National Electricity Market consisting of 59 buses, with 38 con-
ventional generation units and one wind farm. The authors have
ð found that the method has resonance accuracy similar to MCS re-
f ðxÞ
¼ I YðxÞ < Yj gðxÞdx (9) sults and fast execution with regard to normal price and price spike
gðxÞ probability. The implementation flow is illustrated in Fig. 7 where
system load is classified into “STATE”, and reported price of each
f ðxÞ 1 X f ðxi Þ unit into “ACTION”.
¼ I YðxÞ < Yj gðxÞdx; I Yðxi Þ with xi Vast amount of recent literatures pertaining to recent IS adap-
gðxÞ Mtot i gðxi Þ
tations and improvements have been found outside of the renew-
drawn from g (10) able energy applications which has proven to be efficient and
robust to implement, mainly in the fields of signal processing and
> computational sciences. Recent adaptations of various IS methods
> f ðxi Þ
1 X< if i < f in the renewable energy applications are still scarce. Readers are
¼ gðxi Þ (11) encouraged to read the work of [39] which provides a compre-
Mtot i >
> hensive overview of IS methods. In this work, the IS methods'
:0 otherwise
(mainly AIS) scopes are discoursed at great depths from the past,
the present, and on to the future. Future works in IS involves the
implementations of proposed IS methods with different and wide
1 X f ðxi Þ
¼ (12) ranges of distribution parameters in high dimensional problems in
Mtot i < j gðxi Þ
which the characteristics of the problems are very similar to the
renewable energy applications. IS method's promising new appli-
where, q* ðxÞis the auxiliary importance variable, YðxÞis load, f ðxÞ is cations involves utilization of the method in the deep learning field
the distribution of wind speed, Ef denotes expectation with regard for computing the weights of hidden layers.
to f, Mtot is the total number of samples and gðxÞ is the arbitrary
1554 A. Zakaria et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1543e1571
Data partitioned
Measured wind Embedded Markov Monte Carlo Simulated output
into large time step
speed data chain generation Simulation data
Fig. 8. Markov Chain development and related Monte Carlo simulation [78].
A. Zakaria et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1543e1571 1555
Fig. 9. The voltage stability margin estimation process for power system with renewable energy source using slice sampling.
Table 6
Main advantages vs disadvantages of main MCMC variants.
[80] Metropolis Hastings Knowing the posterior distribution without knowing all the The values calculated must be proportional to the posterior
mathematical properties through random sampling despite likelihood
only knowing the density for different samples Only applicable to very strongly correlated parameters
Particularly useful in representing posterior distributions that Requires a suitable step size to avoid too many rejections
are hard to determine using analytical means from the next sampling sequence or resulting in a poor
Simple implementations for highly correlated distributions exploration
Struggles in multi e modal distributions
[80] Gibbs Sampling Produces posterior distribution with good accuracy Suffers from Computational efficiency in a long run
Easy to evaluate the conditional distributions Suffers from manoeuvrability in cases of strong variables'
Conditional distributions will be in lower dimensions and dependencies
rejection sampling or importance sampling can be applied
to these dimensions
[81] Differential Evolution Faster convergence rate in a higher dimension sampling Cross e over and exchange between parallel chains of
problem sampling needs to be addressed for better convergence
Reduction in rejection rate of proposal distributions due to
multiple chains of sampling learning from each other
Requires simple tuning parameters
[82] Slice Sampling Does not require much tweakable parameters such as Suffers from curse of dimensionality
proposal distributions Sampling is done for each variable in turn using one
No rejections of samples dimensional sampling in a multi e dimensional distribution
Suitable when little is known about the sampling distribution
[83] Annealing Methods Suitable for sample transitioning from high probability region May be developed by trial and error
to another high probability region Moving in small steps from one iteration to the next
Does not suffer greatly from curse of dimensionality Requires knowledge in tuning its parameters
A heuristic method that is easy to implement
Stochastic Optimization
Stochastic Dynamic Robust Optimization
Policy Iteration /
Value Function State – Space
Model Predictive
Approximation Approximation
for its simplicity but lacks the ability to converge properly in operating these conventional generators depends on up/down time
problems where parameters are highly correlated. Therefore, a requirements of the generators and the various starts up and
more complex approach would be suitable in a multivariate envi- shutdown costs. Therefore, the uncertainties and quality in fore-
ronment. The Gibbs sampling method by Ref. [80] separates the casting plays a major role in stochastic optimization as it effects the
multivariate problem and treats them independently by sampling prior decision that must be made.
from conditional distributions of parameters. The Gibbs method is In the second stage which is the real time operations (i.e. the
known for its accuracy but suffers in computational efficiency in a expected real time operations' costs), the input variables’ PDF must
long run. The Differential Evolution sampling procedure is a heu- be known beforehand to generate large number of relevant sce-
ristic method that generates random chained samples that “learn” narios relating to the output PDFs. The 2nd stage normally involves
from each other. Instead of relying on a single random sample and the strategy in dispatching renewable resources and reserves (e.g.
creating a chain from that random sample, multiple random sam- Pump e hydro storage) over multiple periods of time while
ples with multiple chains are generated using this method. By considering uncertainties involved. Despite the huge number of
learning from other chains of samples, the parameter's correlations scenarios generated in the 2nd stage, the scenarios are not inter-
between the samples are respected. Hence, it causes the chains of twined with each other, implicating that each scenarios outcome is
sampling to be formed within the parameter's correlations limits, independent of each other. Once the decision has been made for the
leading to a greater efficiency of sampling within the true under- 1st stage problems, decomposition method is generally used in two
lying distribution. However, the Differential Evolution algorithm e stage models to treat the 2nd stage scenarios independently,
requires a certain “tuning” parameter to sample efficiently. More resulting in a cluster of much lesser scenarios needed to be opti-
information regarding the DE sampling procedure in MCMC can be mized. Common decomposition methods used in two e stage
found in Ref. [81]. Many other main variants of MCMC exist hitherto programming models are the Benders Decomposition (BD) method
and is summarized in Table 6. The table highlights the main MCMC [75,76], Lagrangian Relaxation (LR) method [77,78], Bundle
sampling variants' advantages and disadvantages. methods [92], and Sample Average Approximation (SAA) method
[88]. A stochastic two-level model is offered in Ref. [93] to maxi-
5. Stochastic optimization methods mize the profit of the EV aggregator in the upper level and mini-
mize the cost paid by the EV owners in the lower level in the
As opposed to the deterministic optimization method which competitive electricity markets. The upper level problem relates to
assumes a perfect knowledge of a system, the stochastic algorithm the revenue obtained from selling energy to the EV owners and
models include uncertainties either in predictions, in the decision e from reducing load based on negative imbalance prices. The upper
making processes, or both. In optimizing the problem formulations level problem can be modelled as follows:
under uncertainties in stochastic models, the main approaches are
Xh þ;B þ;B
ch ch DA DA
divided in three categories, namely; stochastic programming, Maximize Et;w lt;w Et;w lt;w Et;w ; Et;w
þ;B ;B
;Et;w ;lt;w ;Et;w ;z;tðwÞw2T
robust optimization, and (approximate) stochastic dynamic pro- DA
Et;w ;Et;w ch
Stage 1
Identify demand density of end-users based on
historical data
Master Problem
(Find the optimal solution for UC and economic
Stage 3
t < NT t=t+1
Add cuts to master YES Number of cuts > ()
NO Get the optimal
problem solution
Fig. 11. Implementation framework of stochastic model to solve the optimal scheduling problem in autonomous microgrids [94].
A risk-constrained two-stage stochastic programming is sug- The authors in Ref. [95] developed a stochastic model of AC
gested in Ref. [94] to maximize the expected profit during micro- security-constrained unit commitment (AC-SCUC) problem related
grid operator considering uncertainties such as renewable with demand response (DR) considering uncertainties of wind, PV
resources, demand load and electricity price. A three-stage efficient units and demand-side participation for the day-ahead energy and
flow diagram is developed to represent the underlying the optimal reserve scheduling in an islanded residential microgrid. In addition
scheduling problem, as shown in Fig. 11. In the first phase, the to that, an economic model of responsive loads is established based
customers electrical devices and equipment demand are assessed. on real-time pricing (RTP) scheme in view of the price elasticity of
In the second phase, the scenario generation and reduction process demand and customers' utility function. The objective function of
are executed for stochastic parameters. In the third phase, the the proposed model is designed with two terms including the
optimization problem is solved by employing a risk-constraint profits associated with here-and-now (H&N) and wait-and-see
stochastic programming approach. (W&S) decisions. The objective function includes the purchasing
1558 A. Zakaria et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1543e1571
energy cost from renewable, dispatchable units and buying reserve depends on its previous states at time, t. Decision e making pro-
from DG. cesses are adjusted and updated hourly (or multi e hourly or sub e
hourly). Therefore, the multi e stage models represent a more ac-
Max P H&N þ EP W&S (21) curate and realistic interactions between decision e makings and
NT X D i
P H&N ¼ rj;t Dj;t R
Ai :ui;t þ Bi :Pi;t þ SUCi: yi;t: þ SDCi:zi;t Ci;t :RD RU U RNS NS
i;t þ Ci;t :Ri;t þ Ci;t :Ri;t
t¼1 j¼1 t¼1 i¼1
" # (22)
rw;t: Pw;t þ rv;t Pv;t
þ Cj;i :Rj;i þ Cj;t :Rj;t
t¼1 w¼1 v¼1
EP W&S ¼ ps: SUCi yi;t;s yi;t þ SDCi : zi;t;s zi;t þ rDep i;t
: ri;t;s NS
þ ri;t;s D
2 s¼1 t¼1 i¼1 3 " # (23)
nJ X
Nv X
4ps: : rj;t : ri;t;s ri;t;s 5
Dep U D
ps: : rDep DP w;t;s þ r Dep
D P v;t;s EENSj
w;t v;t
S¼1 t¼1 j¼1 S¼1 t¼1 w¼1 v¼1 j¼1
Stage I
Master problem
(find network optimal solution for UC and economic
Is it feasible?
Sub problem (II)
(Hourly network evaluation for AC constraints)
Is it feasible?
Sub optimization
(Hourly network evaluation for AC constraints for all scenarios)
Master problem
(Evaluation of DCOPF) ... Master problem
(Evaluation of DCOPF)
Sub problem
(Evaluation of ACOPF)
Cut ... Sub problem
(Evaluation of ACOPF)
Is it feasible?
NO ... Is it feasible?
Is it feasible?
Final results
Fig. 12. Methodological framework of a stochastic model for energy and reserve scheduling considering risk management strategy [96].
stochastic models that may lead to inefficiencies in generating the literatures on stochastic programming (i.e. [82,83,88,89]) have
best solutions. With advancements of computational efficacies, started to consider the demand side uncertainty and managing the
multi e stage stochastic models are becoming more viable in demand side in optimizing the renewable's system. Main advan-
solving stochastic renewable energy problems. Applicability of tages of a responsive demand side management are the reduction
multi e stage stochastic models (short e term and long e term) in costs and minimization of energy wastage. It is to be noted that
especially in big e scaled renewable economic dispatch are yet to literatures combining the stochastic programming methods with
be fully explored. Demand side uncertainty and considering de- metaeheuristic algorithms were not being considered in this sec-
mand side response has been gaining a lot of attentions in formu- tion and only SMIP method variations were highlighted.
lating the stochastic renewable systems' problems. Many recent
1560 A. Zakaria et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1543e1571
Table 7
Two e stage stochastic programming methods in renewable energy applications.
References Methods Structures Objective(s) System's uncertainty Main Result(s) Future work(s)
[97] SMILP Two e stage Minimize daily operational Wind power and Energy The proposed stochastic N/A
costs storage methods reduced the total
daily costs and load
[98] Multi e objective SMILP Two e stage Minimize operational cost Demand side, supply side Applying portable N/A
and pollution (renewable), and energy renewable energy
storage resources have decreased
the cost and increased
[99] Novel decomposition e Two e stage Minimize NPV of total Solar irradiance, wind, and The proposed method Envisaged to be used in MG
SMILP expected costs load demonstrated the planners, Govt. and private
effectiveness in finding the agencies
optimal battery energy
storage system (BESS)
power and energy sizes
[100] BD e SMIP Two e stage Minimize day ahead Demand side, supply side Day e ahead power Demandeside procurement
purchase cost and expected (RE), electricity prices procurement and the by twoestage stochastic am
resource cost formulation as a two e
stage SMIP problem is
[101] BD e SMINLP Two e stage Minimize expected total Demand, EV availability and Using the energy from EV N/A
operation costs including storage capacity, renewable reduces the total operation
generation, day e ahead energy resources cost of the microgrid. The
market, and battery wear results yielded better cost
for the next 24 h savings than a
deterministic model
[102] BD e SMILP Two e stage Minimize environmental Wind speed, solar Including demand response N/A
and social impacts irradiation, and demand as a flexible load reduces
load curtailment and
reduces energy generation
[103] ε e Constraint multi e Two e stage Maximize DG owners' Wind speed, load, Solving the reconfiguration N/A
objective SMILP profits and minimize electricity price of the network and
Distribution Company's allocation of DG
(DisCo) costs simultaneously produced a
more desired scheduling
between the stakeholders.
The stochastic optimization
is compared to a
deterministic optimization
with an improved profit on
behalf of the DG owners
[104] Scenario e based SMINLP Two e stage Minimize active and Load demand, wind power Reduction of expected costs N/A
reactive power purchasing of energy and reactive
costs power as well as emission
5.2. Approximate stochastic dynamic programming unintentionally increase the total costs throughout the whole
period of optimizations. One need to evaluate decisions made at all
Stochastic dynamic programming is an optimization method in stages carefully to obtain the most cost e efficient objective func-
solving discrete multi e stage decision e making processes with tion. Stochastic dynamic programming method can capture the
underlying uncertainties or probabilities. Decisions made to lower trade e off between decisions made in the present and the future
the objective function's costs at a current stage might stages. Due to these properties, it is instinctive that stochastic
t x1
t+ 1 x2 x9
t+ 2 x3 x4 x10 x11
Fig. 13. Scenario tree with multiple stages (4 stages, 8 scenarios, and 15 nodes).
A. Zakaria et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1543e1571 1561
Table 8
Multi e stage stochastic programming methods in renewable energy applications.
References Methods Structures Objective(s) System's uncertainty Main Result(s) Future work(s)
[112] Dynamic Response e Multi e stage Maximize net social benefit Demand side and Energy A responsive demand side Enhancing planning
SMILP Storage provided a more flexible methodologies using k e
and smarter power systems means and system states
[113] Decision dependent e Multi e stage Maximize total profit Wind capacity penetrations The proposed method Developing new models
SMILP and demand provided effective with uncertainties
optimization information constraints
on investment and long e
term expansion planning
[114] Two e period multi e Multi - stage Minimize NPV related to Generation sources, The proposed method N/A
stage SMILP losses, emission, electricity demand, produced significantly
maintenance, operation, emission prices, demand better results in terms of
and unserved energy growth objectives and yielded
robust decision - makings
in comparison to
deterministic methods
[115] Piecewise multi e stage Multi - stage Minimize operational costs Load and Water inflow Inclusion of piecewise N/A
linear stochastic and computational time of linear approximation
optimization long e term generation boosted the computational
scheduling of hydropower efficacy and minimized the
operational costs in
operating large storage
capacity hydro power
Table 9
Qualitative advantages and disadvantages of the two e stage and multi e stage stochastic programming algorithms.
Stochastic Programming Two e stage [80,81] Lagrangian Simple Implementations and Probabilities of scenario
Relaxation (LR) [88] Sample easier to understand generated need to be known
Average Approximation Convergence and good Computationally expensive for
(SAA) [78,79] Benders performances are guaranteed as large number of scenarios
Decomposition various decomposition methods generated
[92]Bundle Methods have been tested Complexity in dealing with
Robustness issues can be integer variables during the 2nd
addressed using risk stage (i.e. unit rescheduling in
measurements real e time)
Value of stochastic solution and Assumption of static
expected value of perfect uncertainties
information can be provided
Multi e stage [105] Augmented LR Considering over multiple time Size of problems grows
[106] Column Generation intervals of uncertainties in exponentially with increasing
(CG) [107] Progressive decision e making processes time intervals and scenarios
Hedging Uncertainties and decisions can Requires explicit scenario tree
[109] Stabilized LR or CG be adjusted dynamically as representations
scenarios unfold Difficulties increase with integer
Advantageous for systems that variables present in all stages
needs quick rescheduling
Providing value of perfect
information and value of
stochastic solution
dynamic programming is suitable in the applications of renewable three categories as shown in Fig. 6. The scope of the paper is within
energy optimizations. the policy function approximation in the form of stochastic Model
The usage of dynamic programming can be dated back to late Predictive Control (MPC) in renewable energy applications. Readers
1970s [90] in solving deterministic problem. The solving approach are directed to the recent renewable energy applications
was based on Bellman's Principle of Optimality [91] which uses the mentioned which highlights the usage of value function approxi-
backward induction method. The past works of dynamic pro- mation [117e119] and state e space approximation [93,94]
gramming suffer from heavy computational expenses due to the methods. A comparison of approximate dynamic programming
curse of dimensionality. As the number of scenarios and states in- techniques was carried out by Ref. [122]. Authors have compared
creases as stages unfolds, the time needed in yielding a solution various policy iteration and value function approximation tech-
grows exponentially. Hitherto, various methods and broad class of niques. Authors have argued that new theory and methodology are
algorithms have been tested to overcome the computational needed for these techniques in order to solve real e world prob-
expenses. lems, which are becoming more difficult.
Approximate stochastic dynamic programming (ASDP) has
proven to lighten the burden of dimensionality's curse of dynamic 5.2.1. Model predictive control (MPC)
programming and is well suited for models with uncertainties and MPC, also known as receding control horizon approximates
stochasticity [116]. Generally, the ASDP method can be divided in policies by iteratively solving a finite horizon optimal control
1562 A. Zakaria et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1543e1571
Fig. 14. Framework of the MPC optimization-based heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. The boxes highlighted with blue denote the factors that have impact
to the optimization problem directly; the boxes highlighted with green indicate the optimization problems results [123].
problem. The horizon recedes once the optimal control for a current the main author in his past work [127] with regards to theory and
stage, t has been found moving on to another finite horizon at a applications of HVAC control systems using MPC and was regarded
later stage, t þ 1. The process is repeated until the optimal control as the most remarkable review on MPC due to clear classifications
has been found for all stages; t (initial stage) until tmax (final stage). and comprehensive scheme of MPC implementations.
Serale et al. [123] have suggested several parameters which have a
direct impact to the MPC optimization problems namely; Objective 5.2.3. Stochastic MPC implementations in renewable energy
function, receding horizon, control model, constraints, and distur- Stochasticity of MPC in recent renewable energy applications
bances, where the optimization problems of MPC can be further are typically represented as probability e constrained scenarios or
divided into Linear and Non e Linear problem formulations. The forecasts, uncertainty modelling of scenario generations, and
framework of the proposed method is illustrated in Fig. 14. random disturbances. Stochastic MPC can be further derived into
Many works in the scope of MPC have been found in literatures three main categories which are tree e based, chance e con-
and are highlighted in the next paragraph. Recent literatures in strained, and multi e scenario MPC. The summary of recent liter-
stochastic MPC are mentioned in the later paragraphs of this sec- atures pertaining to these categories is mentioned in the next
tion and summarized in Table 10, Table 11, and Table 12. sections.
5.2.2. Notable overview of MPC Tree e based MPC implementations in renewable energy.
Several recent reviews in MPC have been published in the lights Tree e based MPC works with an assumption of time dependant
of power generations, building and environments, and renewable events can be synthesized from a rooted tree, where the most
energy applications. Interested readers are encouraged to read the relevant possible disturbances can be captured. The concept of tree
works of following authors where theoretical modelling and ap- e based MPC is quite similar to the multi e stage stochastic pro-
plications of MPC are further discoursed. The state e of e the e art gramming approach (refer Fig. 7). Each root to different nodes’
development of MPC has been reviewed by Ref. [124] for renewable paths represents a possible disturbance scenario, where the
energy applications. The authors have presented a systematic re- branching of the paths symbolizes the different forecast possibil-
view of MPC applications in the field of solar PV and wind energy ities and uncertainties along a given prediction horizon. Each node
renewable systems. The authors aimed to help researchers in at a given point in time, t corresponds to a control action that can be
further exploring the flexibility of MPC for design, implementation, taken at that time. One must note that the control action taken
and analysis in renewable energy applications. In Ref. [125], hier- must not be allowed to diverge before the bifurcation points. The
archical energy management strategy based on model predictive tree e based MPC utilizes the ensembles of forecasts and solves it
control is proposed for microgrid management operation consid- by considering the sequences contained in the tree. Different paths/
ering different endogenous and exogenous sources of uncertainties. branches of the tree nodes are treated as individual deterministic
In Ref. [123], MPC in the themes of enhancing building and HVAC problems. The path with the least costs or the most efficient in
system energy efficiency have been systematically reviewed. The terms of given objective functions are implemented at current time,
potential benefits and future of MPC are discoursed at a great depth t as a control action. The process is repeated until the control op-
in authors’ work. ANNs based MPC has been reviewed by Ref. [126] timizations over the entire horizons have been obtained.
in a case study of a residential HVAC system. The authors have A hybrid robust and stochastic accelerated MPC have been
utilized new ANNs algorithm to design a supervisory MPC which implemented in the work of [128] with 24 h horizon window for EV
successfully reduced operating costs of equipment while con- integrated microgrid energy management considering demand
straints are not violated with a cost reduction percentage range of response. The authors have utilized the hybrid MPC with forecasts
6%e73% depending on the season. A similar review was made by coupled with Benders decomposition (BD) method to
Table 10
Tree e based stochastic MPC in renewable energy applications.
References Method Objective MPC Type Control horizon Sampling System's uncertainty Main Results Future Work
[128] Stochastic Minimize total daily Tree e based 16 h ½ hour EV charging demand, load, The stochastic MPC Extending the proposed
accelerated MPC operational costs real e time electricity price, outperforms the method with available EV
renewable energy output deterministic MPC by lower charging load prediction
total daily operational cost models
in all cases
[129] Risk e averse Maximize profit and Tree e based 24 h 1h Wind power forecasts, price The proposed method Application of the proposed
stochastic MPC minimize risks (CVaR) of energy outperforms all mentioned method to real e world
methods and marginally cases and other renewable
expected profit compared applications
to perfect solution
[130] CVaR fault tolerant Optimize CVaR Tree e based 4 steps ahead 1s Wind power forecasts The proposed method has Solving the proposed
stochastic MPC achieved a control stochastic MPC in one step
performance of 40% higher to yield a higher practical
than the common Min e value
Max performance index
References Method Objective Type of MPC Control Sampling System's uncertainty Main Results Future Work
horizon resolution
[131] Multi e time scale Minimize weekly Chance e constraint 12 h 5 min/1 h PV power forecast, plug in Shifting the hourescale and dayescale Applying the proposed method in
stochastic e heuristic operational costs EV, deferrable and non e appliances to the optimal hours and multi e scale microgrids
MPC deferrable appliances in week of the day can substantially
smart home reduce the weekly operational costs
[132] Stochastic two e stage Minimize cost of energy Chance e constraint 6h 1h Renewable energy Experimental results have proven the Analysing the scalability of
MPC and emissions of resources, demand feasibility and implementation ability proposed framework and
greenhouse gases of proposed stochastic MPC that investigating distributed methods
outperforms the deterministic MPC
[133] Stochastic warping Minimize wind power Chance e constraint 1e12 h 5 min Wind power forecasts The proposed stochastic MPC The proposed control system can be
function MPC tracking error outperforms the deterministic MPC in integrated into currently existing
power tracking errors system
[134] Stochastic e EMPC Minimize microgrids' Chance e constraint 72 h 1h Renewable supply, Load The proposed method achieved a better Incorporating the topology of
operating costs demand trade e off between performance and distribution network, energy
computational efficacies in comparison exchange between MG and
to centralized scheme fluctuating prices of energy
[135] Stochastic MPC Minimize operational costs Chance e constraint 24 h ½ hour RE generations, load, The stochastic MPC framework Applying the stochastic MPC in a
demands, EV, and outperforms the traditional day e multi scale microgrid systems
electricity prices ahead programming strategy in terms
of minimizing the operational costs
1564 A. Zakaria et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1543e1571
simultaneously reduce total operational cost in energy manage- trial solution at iteration m, εm;p;w represents the sensitivity for the
ment as well as improve computational efficiency. Simulation re- corresponding Qm;p;w;tþkjt , andEex;t indicates the energy purchased
sults showed that the proposed method outperforms the standard from the external gird.
deterministic MPC method with regard to total operational cost by A risk e averse stochastic MPC based on real e time operation
a margin of around 10%. The algorithm of stochastic BD applied to has been developed by Ref. [129] for a wind energy generation
MPC is shown below. system combined with a pumped hydro storage unit to maximize
Algorithm: Stochastic BD
At each time step t do
Initialize 1, Upper Bound (UB) , Lower Bound (LB) , 0
For k 1 to N
Set 0, do
Solve master problem in Equation (24) and determine a trail solution X , g ,t kt
min pðxi xr ÞT Q ðxi xr Þ þ pi uTi Rui
i2TjT1 ∪S i2TjS
< x1 ¼ xðkÞ (26)
s:t xi ¼ AðwðkÞÞxpreðiÞ þ BðwðkÞÞupreðiÞ þ DðwðkÞÞ þ D1 ðwðkÞÞeðkÞ þ Iw*yrðkÞ; i2TjfT1 g
: Gx xðkÞ þ Gu uðkÞ g; k ¼ 0; :::; N; cwðkÞ2W
output of a given process within the constraints of ymin & ymax , and
l is the confidence level of such constraints that can be satisfied.
According to equation (2), the basic idea of a chance e con-
Gxj; Gvj; Gdj; Gd1j; Gd3j (27) strained MPC is to solve the optimization problem in each horizon
while guarantying the satisfaction of the constraints with a certain
probability. It is to be noted that the chance e constrained MPC
abðuÞ ¼ minfa2ℝ : jðu; aÞ bg (28) involves the careful selection of future output predictions and its
Table 12
Multi e scenario stochastic MPC optimizations in renewable energy applications.
References Method Objective MPC Type Control Sampling System's uncertainty Main Results Future
horizon resolution Work
[136] Adaptive constrained Minimize operation Multi - scenario 1e24 h 0.01e1 s Renewable energy The method produced a N/A
stochastic MPC costs sources, electrical loads less conservative
solution compared to
the robust MPC
[137] Various stochastic MPC Compare multiple All types 5 steps ahead 30 s Renewable resources, Chance e constrained N/A
types of MPC Load, hydrogen e MPC outperforms other
based PEM electrolyser MPC types resulting in a
and fuel cells, lead acid lower cost and less
batteries' state of energy exchange in a
charge hydrogen based
1566 A. Zakaria et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1543e1571
total of 6 cost terms are taken into consideration to develop the aand b denote the confidence and trade-off parameter respectively.
objective function including fuel costCd;t F:DG , carbon esmsmions cost A new distributed chance e constraints stochastic EMPC scheme
E:DG , start up cost C STU:DG shut down cost C SHD:DG of DG, switching
Cd;t has been presented in Ref. [134] for coordinated stochastic multiple
price of PEV battery C SW:PEV and cost or income due to the power microgrids energy management. The supply and demand side un-
distribution with the grid Pd;t Grid p0 DISCO certainties were handled using the probabilistic forecasts of
X renewable generations and load of each microgrid that is in a
minFd;t ¼ min FL
Fd;t UPV
d;t ; d2D; t2ft1 ; t2 g; ct1 2T1 ; ct2 2T2 cooperation scheme with each other. The proposed method suc-
PV cessfully reduced the system operating costs and achieved the
Pd;t supply and demand balance in each microgrid within the control
horizons through the development of distributed network operator
(DNO) controller. DNO acts as an intermediary between microgrids,
8h i h i 9 thus the energy selling between any two microgrids is performed
> >
> indirectly through DNO. The mathematical expression of cost
> Cd;t
þ Cd;tE:DG >
> h i >
> þ 1 xDG >
> function is presented in the following equation,
d;t1 xd;t1 C 0 1
Fd;t ¼ h i d2D; t2
> > XM
> þ xDG DG
d;t1 1 xd;t1 C
> ðkþhjkÞ h þ ðkþhjkÞh
> h i h i >
> HX B pur;D
D 1B
E pur;D Esel;m sel;m C
> þ x0 PEV C SW:PEV þ P Grid p0 DISCO >
> > C
: >
; min JD ¼ B m¼1 C
d;t d;t d;t B X
Epur;DðkþhjkÞ h¼0 @ A
Esel;D ðkþhjkÞhsel;D Epur;m ðkþhjkÞhpur;m
ft1 ; t2 g; ct1 2T1 ; ct2 2T (31) Esel;mðkþhjkÞ
The multi e time scale MPC divided the control optimization in Epur;mðkþhjkÞ
scale of minutes and hours in a weekly operation, where usage of
certain appliances is dominant in their respective time scale. The (35)
author has shown that the proposed MPC method has managed to
Where,Epur;D and Epur;m denote the energy purchased from the grid
notably decrease the weekly operational cost of the smart home
and DNO respectively, Esel;D and Esel;m represent the energy sold
back to the main grid and DNO respectively. hpur;D and hpur;m stand
An experimental case study was conducted by Ref. [132] in the
for energy price purchasing from the grid and DNO respectively
operation management of microgrids using stochastic MPC to
while hsel;D and hsel;m signify the energy price selling to the main
optimize the economic and environmental parameters. Un-
grid and DNO respectively.
certainties due to renewable energy resources and demand were
The optimal operation of a smart residential microgrid based on
considered and the stochastic optimization was solved by using
stochastic MPC has been conducted in the work of [135]. The res-
mixed e integer linear programming toolbox via commercial
idential microgrid comprised of renewable energy resources,
solvers. Experimental results have proven the feasibility and
distributed energy generators, energy storage, electrical vehicle,
implementation ability of stochastic MPC that outperforms the
and smart loads. The uncertainties are modelled in a short e term
deterministic MPC. Kou et al. [133] proposed a stochastic MPC for
forecasts of renewable energy generations, load demand, and
wind farm energy dispatch strategy with BESS using probabilistic
electricity prices. The proposed method aimed to reduce the total
wind power forecasts. The method considers the non e gaussian
daily operational costs of the microgrid. The simulation results by
wind power forecast uncertainties using chance e constraints
the authors have shown the economic advantages of the method in
warping function. The authors have shown that the proposed
comparison to the traditional day e ahead programming approach.
method outperforms the deterministic MPC method in terms of
power tracking errors while maintaining the state of charge (SOC)
of the battery within operational limits. The chance constraint Multi - scenario MPC implementations in renewable energy.
optimization problem is developed to enhance the wind power
Multi e scenario MPC utilizes multiple scenario generations within
dispatchability and lessen its oscillation, as shown in equation (32).
a given optimization horizon to implement a control action at
In addition, SOC constraints and charge discharge power con-
present time, t. Similar to uncertainty modelling (Refer to Section
straints are assigned in order to protect the battery from being
3), the independent multiple scenarios generated are synthesized
overcharged and over discharged, as expressed in equation (33) and
from random input variables of PDFs to produce PDFs of output
equation (34) respectively.
variables in representing the uncertainties. Ranges of solutions
exist, each with its own probability as represented in the output
min J¼b eðk þ hjkÞ2 PDFs. The most cost e effective scenario in terms of objective
uðkþhjkÞ;eðkþhjkÞ functions are chosen to be the control action within the optimiza-
tion horizon.
H 1
þ ð1 bÞ uðk þ hjkÞ2 ; Subject to (32) An adaptively constrained stochastic MPC has been proposed in
h¼0 Ref. [136] for optimal dispatch of microgrid. The objective function
is formulated to minimize the total operation cost including cost of
h i running generator and cost of purchasing electricity form DG, as
Pr yðt þ kjtÞ yref ðt þ kÞjt eðt þ kjtÞ a; h ¼ 1; 2; :::; H
expressed in the following equation.
electricity price for energy exchange in i-step ahead, PGrid ðt þ ijtÞ is determined in order to produce the needed solution.
power exchange between MG and DG in i-step ahead.
The method adaptively/dynamically changed the rate of Future MPC's trending. The future trends in stochastic MPC
constraint violation in the microgrid operation to improve the are converging towards a multi e scale and multi e time based
performance of the energy dispatch. In comparison to the robust optimizations as stated in the works of [125,126,129]. In a renew-
MPC method, the authors have shown that the method can improve able energy system, where multiple sources of energy generations
the dispatch performance (less conservative) in cases of uncertain are present, a realistic representation must consider these sources
renewable generations and loads. Furthermore, with increment of in order to provide an insight closer to real e world applications.
prediction horizon, computational efficacies were not significantly Managing surges of dynamic demands and supplies from plug in EV
affected. (V2G), varying behaviours of energy consumers, smart appliances,
Stochastic MPC control strategies in a case of hydrogen e based demand response, and intermittent multiple renewable energy
microgrid have been compared in the work of [137]. The three resources are the challenges that must be addressed together in
categories of stochastic MPC mentioned in the previous paragraphs future smart grid e systems. In addition, these challenges are all
were compared in the work of the authors in an experimental setup time e dependant variables in which, each of them possesses traits
including a PEM electrolyser, lead e acid batteries, and a PEM fuel e with dominance in certain time e steps. Addressing the challenges
cell as the main equipment. For each category of the stochastic MPC in a multi e time scale approach could capture the undisclosed
effectiveness, performances, advantages, and disadvantages were dynamic behaviour of the system.
discoursed. Authors have discussed extensively the valid criteria In such systems where the dynamics are complex, multivariate,
needed when selecting the appropriate stochastic MPC method. and time dependent, exact solutions are difficult to obtain. There-
fore, approximate solutions to such cases are more feasible in the
5.2.4. MPC's comparison and future trending forms of ASDP. The works of [19,138] combines the stochastic MPC's comparison. It is apparent from the trending of method with a (meta)heuristic methods. The stochastic method is
recent stochastic MPC in renewable energy applications that the hybridized with genetic algorithm to produce ranges of relaxed
tree e based and chance e constrained MPC were the most used solutions. Trending in hybridization of stochastic and meta-
methods in recent studies. The multi e scenario MPC yielded a heuristic methods are relatively new but promising in the field of
robust but over e conservative solutions. Therefore, this category of stochastic optimizations to improve the ASDP algorithms. Inter-
MPC is not preferred due to the need of an accurate representation ested readers are encouraged to read the works of [2,139e141] for
of the system, in which the tree e based and chance e constrained recent reviews of (meta)heuristic methods and intelligent searches
MPC could provide better. in the field of renewable energy applications.
Furthermore, in cases of stochastic MPC applications, the pre-
diction/control window is typically within 24 h. Despite the heavy 6. Conclusions
computational expenses of the tree e based compared to multi e
scenario MPC, the calculation time within the mentioned window Stochastic optimizations in renewable energy applications have
is still relatively inexpensive. The multi e scenario MPC is more shown its successful implementations in recent surveys that are
suitable in cases of huge numbers of scenarios needed to be presented in the paper. Almost always, based on the works of many
considered (i.e. Optimization within 8760 h in a year, 1 e hour time authors, the stochastic optimization techniques exhibit enhanced
step, and multivariate properties). The multi e scenario MPC could performances and can deliver accurate representations in capturing
provide a certain robustness of system's representation to the po- the uncertainties of renewable systems. Despite its advantages, due
tential disturbances and provide a trade e off between the best to numerous amounts of samplings and unfolding events, which
solution and the computational expenses. are discussed in the works of many authors to improve or develop
The chance e constrained MPC offers the lowest computational novel algorithms in increasing the efficiency of stochastic optimi-
expenses compared to the other two. It formulates the optimization zation techniques. Within these contexts, the relevant research
problem by considering the probabilities of the uncertainties themes going into the future based on stochastic optimization al-
without adding the variables' size. In the work of [137], the chance gorithms are concluded as follows:
e constrained MPC outperforms the other MPC methods by offer-
ing a reduced computational time, lower operational costs, and i. Novel scenario generations and uncertainty modelling ap-
minimal energy exchanges with the networks. These advantages of proaches; These are necessary in renewable systems in-
chance e constrained MPC are one of the reasons of frequent usage tegrations where trending in the future involves stochastic
of this MPC method as shown in recent literatures stated in Table 11. multi e scale modelling. With rapid increment of data and
However, the chance e constrained MPC requires an explicit sta- size of renewables' problem, perhaps model e driven ap-
tistical characterization of the systems’ disturbances. For the se- proaches alone could not fully address and cope with the
lection of the suitable MPC method, priority factors such as underlying complexity in vast multivariate and expanding
operational costs and computational expenses must be taken into renewable systems. Data e driven scenario generations
considerations [137]. provided a general guideline in choosing the could provide a pivotal role as highlighted in the works of
best stochastic MPC for a given priority factors. Nonetheless, in [41,142].
general categories of stochastic dynamic programming, an efficient ii. Unfolding dynamic uncertainties in multi e stage problems;
method lies often on the specific problems at hand as stated by Addressing dynamic probability issues as scenarios/new
Ref. [6]. forecasts unfolds have been addressed by several authors
The prediction/control window played an important role in [103,104] in the paper. Better weather and power forecasts
determining the accuracy of the solution as well as computational which provide information with dynamic uncertainties as
time. A long prediction/control window would mean a more ac- events unfold would incorporate a more robust real e time
curate representation of unfolding events, thus yielding a greater decision e making strategy for generation companies in
accuracy in finding the best solution. However, the computational handling stochastic renewable generations.
expenses increase as the window increases. Trade e offs between iii. Implementing new recent notable algorithms in the field of
prediction/control window and computational expenses must be renewable energy optimizations; Recent work by Ref. [143]
1568 A. Zakaria et al. / Renewable Energy 145 (2020) 1543e1571
in the form of proximal policy optimization (PPO) has shown [152], accurate modelling of consumer's behaviour [142],
great promise in updating multiple epochs per data sample. security and privacy and scalability [155].
The method boasts the ability of simple implementations iii. Multi e scale and multi e time e scale distributed renewable
and great stability as well as better overall performance in energy systems; vast amount of literatures have supported
comparison to its predecessor, trust region policy optimiza- the claim that having hybrid or combination of renewable
tion (TRPO). The PPO algorithm has attracted many authors systems would allow for a higher fraction of renewable
especially in the field of computational sciences. No works of generation in a distributed renewable energy system. How-
PPO have been published in renewable energy applications. ever, increasing the scale of distributed generation from
iv. Improvements of existing sampling and decomposition housing, to district, and finally to national scale would mean
methods; Parameters such as number of scenarios needed, addressing new challenges such as ensuring the grid and
scenario reduction techniques, quality of scenarios gener- market stability in a growing complex socio e techno e
ated, and relevant scenarios generated are still under economic system with underlying dynamic uncertainties
extensive study as highlighted by the literatures in these and probabilities. Furthermore, each renewable component,
sections. Acceleration techniques and efficient cuts have consumer's appliances, and electricity market all have
been developed by several authors in the decomposition different time e scales in which they are dominant.
methods approaches to speed up calculations (see Table 7). Addressing both multi e scale and multi e time e scale
Where some sampling and decomposition methods proved problems with high penetration of intermittent renewable
to be advantageous, further testing of the methods to other resources in distributed generation are the future research
renewable applications are still required. areas in the field.
v. Hybridizing existing methods with intelligent search (meta
e heuristic method); Especially in problems with higher di- The paper highlighted the recent and notable stochastic opti-
mensions (Non e Linear), accurate representation of mization approaches in renewable energy applications. The ad-
renewable systems is difficult. Intelligent searches find a vantages and challenges of stochastic optimization methods are
relaxed approximation to a solution and can reduce carefully evaluated, and its recent trending and future works are
computational expenses while increase accuracy as high- summarized in this paper. An intuitive approach was presented to
lighted in the works of [19,138,144]. The works of meta enlighten new researchers in venturing into the stochastic opti-
heuristic method in renewable energy applications are mization methods within the domain of renewable energy
mainly in the field of deterministic optimization problems applications.
While algorithms are important in solving the stochastic
renewable energy problems, future research areas in this field have The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support
also been identified from the surveys conducted. The trending from BOLD grant provided by Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN),
themes moving forward can be broken down in three main Malaysia and 20190101LRGS grant provided by Ministry of Higher
categories: Education, Malaysia.
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