CHP 16.1 - Financial Statements Analysis

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Naval Base Secondary School

Principles of Accounts
Topic 16 – Financial Statements Analysis (Textbook Pg. 289 – 308)

Shirin Ruchti
Name: ______________________ ( 224-16Apr2024
) Class:______ Date:______________

. 16.1 Financial Statements Analysis (Textbook Pg. 291)

Financial statements analysis  Profitably


· me

paper 2
S  Liquidity
 efficiency of inventory management
 efficiency of trade receivables management
Absolute figures 1. to be compared across time

Financial ratios 1. Express a

relationship between at least 2

absolute figures.
2. To be compared across

3. To be compared against another business

16.2 Profitability (Textbook Pg. 292 to 296)

Profitability  The ability of a business to

generate excess

income to cover its expenses

Absolute figures 1. sales revenue ($)

2. service fee revenue ($)
3. cost of sales ($)
4. Gross profit ($)
5. Profit for the
year the period ($)
Financial ratios 1. Gross profit margin (0)
2. Mark-up on cost ( %)
3. Profit margin ( %)
4. Return on
quality ( %%)

Absolute Figures

Gross (or loss)
Netsales revenue cost of sales


Ways to improve profitability
sell goods at
higher selling price
1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
lower cost price leg buy in bulk
Buy goods
2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ; change suppliers)

Increase sources of other income (eg subrent out the extra

3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. space ; cash discounts)
Reduce operating expenses
4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Importance of profit
Sustain the daily operations (eg salaries)
1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
compensate the investors (eg dividends)
2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Reinvest in the business (eg research & development ; expansion)

3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Compete with competitors

Worked Example: Textbook page 294 Example 16.1

4 possible 2
Profitability Ratios

Refer to table 16.2 in Textbook page 295

Profitability Ratio Formula

Gross Profit
margin ( %) profit evenue
-ross + 100


X 100
cost (v)

Profit rofit for the period

I c 100
margin (0)
net sales revenue

Return Profit for period

x 100
equity ( %) Average equity

Worked Example: Workbook page 207 Exercise 1 Question 1

Gross profit
Q1) (a) mark-up cost
Costofsales - 100
on =

200 000

↓ 100 -

67 11 %
= .

(b) Gross profitmargin Gross
profiavenue x100

* 100
= -


% = 40 16

Profit for the period
(c) Profit Margin x 100
80 00 0

16 06 %
= .


- 5 marks !

>Worked Example: Workbook page 211 Exercise 1 Question 8

& 8)(a) Through the years the absolute gross profit have improved
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… , by
$21, 000 from $135 000 in 2013 to $143280 in 20x4 to $15
6 000 in 2015

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

This be attributed to the higher increase in absolute net sales


revenue of $100 , 000 from $660, 000 in 2013 to $760, 000 in 20x5 as
compared to the modest increase of the absolute cost of sales of
$) &7000 from $525000 in 2013 to $612000 in 2015
. The absolute
profit for the years have improved by $4300 from $70500 in 2013
to $71208 in 20x4 to $74800 in 2015
……………………………………………………………………………………………………. This is the resultant of the

higher increase in absolute gross profit of $21 000 from $135 000 in

20x3 to $156000 in 2015 and the comparatively modest increase of

the absolute operating expenses of $16700 from $64500 in 2013
to $81200 in 20x5
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… .


Mark-up on cost
30 November 20X3 30 November 20X4 30 November 20X5

185000 143208

x 100 -

X 100 -
= 25 71 % .

= 25 .
63 % = 25 49 % .

Gross profit margin

30 November 20X3 30 November 20X4 30 November 20X5

= x 100
= -

X 100 =
X 100

= 20 45 % 20 40 %
. = .
20 . 31 %

Profit margin
30 November 20X3 30 November 20X4 30 November 20X5

X 100

- -
- -
- 100
660000 70200

= 10 . 68 % = 10 . 14 % = 9 74 %

(b) The mark-up on cost of Goodness Pharmacy has worsened from 25 71 %
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

in 2013 to 25 63 % in 20x4 to 25 49 % in 2015

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… This
may be because

Goodness Pharmacy is lower

selling price on its products or purchases
setting a

its goods at higher cost price over the three years. The gross profit margin

of Goodness Pharmacy has worsened from 20 45 % in 2013

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 20 40 % in 2014
to .

to 20 31 % in 2015
. The
profit margin of Goodness Pharmacy has worsened

from 10 68 % in 2013 to 10 14 % in 20x4 to 9 74 % in 20xS


(c) The worsening trend can be attributed to the increase in
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… operating
. This shows that in addition
over the three years
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… to
worsening gross profits
over the
years the business is also less able to manage its expenses

over the three years contributing to the declining profit margins over the

three . Goodness trading has become less profitable over the 3 years


Worked Example: Workbook page 212 Exercise 1 Question 10

Mark-up on cost
Hitech Pte Ltd Ele-city Pte Ltd

125 000
I - X 100 X 100
500008 000

= 25 % = 17 . 65 %

Gross profit margin

Hitech Pte Ltd Ele-city Pte Ltd
I - X 100
625 000 I

20 00 %
15 00

= .

Profit margin
Hitech Pte Ltd Ele-city Pte Ltd

x100 =
X 100

= 2 31 %
. =
1 . 66 %

(b) The mark-up on cost of Hitech Pte L+d at 25 00 % is better than that of

Ele-city Pre L+d at 17 65 %. It may be because Hitech Pre Lid is able to set a
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

higher selling price as compared to Ele-city Pre (+6. The gross profit margin
of Hitech Pre L+d at 20 00 % is better than that of Ele-city Pte L+d
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

at 15 00 %. The
profit margin of Hitech Pre L+6 at 2 31 % is better than that
. .

of Ele-city Pte LtD at 1 66 % This suggests that Hitech Pte L+d is better
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

able to as compared to
manage its expenses Ele-city Pte L+d In all .

Hitech Pte (+) is more

profitable than Ele-city Pte L+d
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

(c) Andy should invest in Hitech Pte (4) as it is more profitable than
Ele-City Ple (++


Assignment 16.1: Workbook pg 207, Ex 1 Qn 2, 3.

Assignment 16.2: Workbook pg 211, Ex 1 Qn 9.
Assignment 16.3: Workbook pg 213, Ex 1 Qn 11.

= -

16.3 Liquidity (Textbook Pg. 297 to 301)

Liquidity  The ability of a business to convert current assets

into cash to pay current liabilities .

Absolute figures 1. working capital ($)

Financial ratios 1.

Absolute Figures


Ways to improve liquidity

increase sources of cash (eg cash contribution from owners;
1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………..… long-term borrowings;
sell excess non-current assets for cash)
manage cashflow (eg negotiate for better credit terms)
2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Importance of remaining liquid

Need cash for daily operations & unforeseex emergency
1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. .

Need to settle immediate debts (eg credit suppliers bank loan interest)
2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ;

Liquidity Ratios

Refer to table 16.4 in Textbook page 299

Liquidity Ratio Formula

current total
current assets

ratio total current liabilities

Ratio ( total current assets


t otal current liabilities

Worked Example: Workbook page 214 Exercise 2 Question 1

working capital total current assets total current liabilities
= -

$94000 $21800
= -


current ratio


31 = 4

total current assets -

prepayments -

(c) Quick ratio -
total current liabilities
94000 -
(6200 + 2400) -



62 =

Worked Example: Workbook page 217 Exercise 2 Question 8

Year Working Working Capital

20X5 ($40725 + $27845 + $6225 + $18030

+ $1425) -

($30000 + $16500 $46500

20X6 ($82170 + $27105 + $9030 + $6045

$1050) $79800
+ -

($30000 $15600) +

20X7 ($163508 + $24285 + $9750 + $465) $148500


($30000 + $16230 + $3270)

Year Working Current ratio

($40275 + $27845 + $6225 + $18030
2 00

+ + $16500)

($8210 + $27185 + $9875 + $6045 +
2 75

+ $15600)

($163500 $24285
+ + $9750 +
$465)/ 4 08

($30000 + $16230 + $3270)

Year Working Quick ratio
20X5 ($27845 + $18030 + $1425)/($30000 +
1 00

20X6 ($27105 + $6045 + $1050)/($30000

0 75

20X7 ($24285 +
$465)/($30000 +

$16230 + $3270) 0 .


The of
Dazzling Home Supplies has improved from $46500 in
working capital
20x5 to $79800 in 20Xs to $148500 . This shows that the business
20x7 in

has increased excess of current assets over current liabilities over the 3
years hence the business is more
able and ready in
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… settling its immediate

The current ratio of Dazzling Home Supplies has

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… improved from 2 00 .

in 20X5 to 2 75 in 2016 to 4 00 in 20x7

All the current ratios are . .

above the general benchmark of 2 and it shows increasing trend

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… an

3 years , indicating that the business has more than

over the

sufficient current assets over the years to repay its immediate debts
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

However the quick ratio of Dazzling Home Supplies worsened from has

100 in 2015 to 0
75 in 2016 to 0 50 in 2017

()) the
quick ratios in 2016 and 2017 are below the
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… general benchmark
of 1 and shows declining trend indicating that the business has lesser

quick assets the years to cover its immediate debts This may be
over .

a result of the
worsening inventory position since inventory has
increased from $40275 in 2015 to $82170 in 20x6 to $163500
. In addition
in 2017 its cash position deteriorated from $18030 in
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ,

bank overdraft
20X5 to $6045 in 2016 to
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… position of $3270 in

20x7 In conclusion
Dazzling Home Supplies' liquidity has worsened

the three years

over .

Worked Example: Workbook page 217 Exercise 2 Question 10

Business Working Working Capital

Innovative ($68000 $11 1 000
+ + $4900 + $14025
6) 128400
Technology + $3375) $72900

A Global ($348550 + $88200 + $6525 + $5200 +

$1425) -

($76450 + $25000)

Business Working Current ratio

Innovative ($68000 + $11 1 000 + $4900 + $14025 +
2 76

A Global ($348500 + $88200 + $6525 + $5200 +


Business Working Quick ratio

Innovative ($11 1 000 + $14025 + $3375)/$72900 1 .
A Global ($08200 + $5200 $1425)/($76450 $25000
+ +
0 . 93

The working capital of A Global of $348450 is better than that of Innovative

Technology at $128400. The current ratio of A Global of 4 43 is better than
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

that of Innovative Technology at 2 76

. The current ratios of both businesses are
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

above the general benchmark of 2 which indicates that both businesses have
sufficient current assets to pay for its short-term debts
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… . However the
quick ratio ,

of Innovative Technology of 1 76 is better than that of A Global at 0 93

. The quick .

ratio of Innovative Technology is above the general benchmark of 1

…………………………………………………………………………………………………… but

. ? (incomplete)
suggests that while Innovative Technology has sufficient quick assets to
pay for its immediate debts A Global may not be able to pay for its immediate

insufficient quick assets. This may be due to A Global having its

debts due

funds tied up in inventory as it is holding significantly higher amounts of

inventory at $348550 as compared to that of Innovative Technology at
5) 68
, 000 In addition A Global's current liabilities have increased due to

part of a long-term loan which would be repaid within a year .


Assignment 16.4: Workbook pg 214, Ex 2 Qn 2, 3.

Assignment 16.5: Workbook pg 217, Ex 2 Qn 9.
Assignment 16.6: Workbook pg 217, Ex 2 Qn 11.

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