15 - (Lot.1) Technical Specification - General
15 - (Lot.1) Technical Specification - General
15 - (Lot.1) Technical Specification - General
Contract No : ……………………………
Number Date of Issuance: ……. 2020
Case No :………………………………
The Contractor is fully responsible for providing its own temporary services for its construction
activities and it shall liaise with the appropriate service authorities. At the termination of the work
all temporary services shall be removed and the area reinstated to the satisfaction of the
The Contractor shall comply with the prescribed standards and procedures of the relevant service
authorities in the installation of any temporary or new services.
1.8. WATER
The Contractor shall allow for the purchase of water. Water not sourced from SA pipelines shall be tested for
dissolved salts and or contaminants and approved prior to use on site.
At each site meeting the Contractor’s Representative shall provide the Superintendent with a report of its
activities for the week/ fortnight. The report shall as a minimum include a statement of:
• Activities completed during that week / fortnight
• Activities programmed for next week / fortnight
• Any stoppages of work due to inclement weather, industrial action or similar causes together with the
number of hours so lost by the Contractor and its Sub-contractors
• All minor injuries, medically treated injuries or lost time incidents
• All environmental incidents
• Any non-conformances in the inspection and testing programme
These are to be recorded in the minutes of the site meeting.
Large scale drawings take precedence over small scale drawings. Written or calculate able
dimensions take precedence over scaled dimensions.
If there are any errors in dimensions, set out or size, immediately notify the Engineer.
The schedule forms part of the specification. Information in the schedule will take precedence
over information in the specification.
Bill of Quantities
If there are any errors in description of items or omissions in the BOQ, immediately notify the
If there are any items which are unclear or are not available within the project program, immediately
notify the Engineer.
Site Levels
Spot levels and identified levels on drawings take precedence over contour lines and ground profile
The Engineer must approve the laboratory used for testing. Submit nominated samples for
approval of the Engineer.
If it is intended to incorporate samples into the works, submit proposals for approval. Only
incorporate samples in the works which have been approved. Do not incorporate other samples.
Keep endorsed samples in good condition on site, until practical completion.
Shop Drawings
General: If required, submit dimensioned drawings showing details of the fabrication and
installation of services and equipment, including relationship to building structure and other
services, cable type and size, and marking details.
Diagrammatic layouts: Coordinate work shown diagrammatically in the contract documents, and 6
submit dimensioned set-out drawings.
1.17. TESTS
Give notice of time and place of nominated tests.
The Contractor is to carry out and attend all tests where nominated in this specification and/or
demanded by engineer in charge.
The independent approved testing laboratory shall perform the required tests and report results of
all tests noting if the tested material passed or failed such tests and shall furnish copies to the
For the whole quantity of each material or product use the same approved manufacturer or source
and provide consistent type, size, quality and appearance.
Manufacturers’ or Suppliers’ Recommendations
Proprietary items: Select, if no selection is given, and transport, deliver, store, handle, protect,
finish, adjust, prepare for use, and provide manufactured items in accordance with the current
written recommendations and instructions of the manufacturer or supplier.
Proprietary systems/assemblies: Assemble, install or fix in accordance with the current written
recommendations and instructions of the manufacturer or supplier.
Project modifications: Advise of activities that supplement, or are contrary to, manufacturer’s or
suppliers’ written recommendations and instructions.
Proprietary Items
Identification of a proprietary item does not necessarily imply exclusive preference for the item so
identified, but indicates the necessary properties of the item.
Alternatives: If alternatives are proposed, submit proposed alternatives and include samples,
available technical information, reasons for proposed substitutions and cost. If necessary, provide
an English translation. State if provision of proposed alternatives will necessitate alteration to other
parts of the works and advise consequent costs.
Use of explosives will not be permitted.
Name the owner as warrantee in conformance with the Warranty schedule. Register with
manufacturers as necessary. Retain copies delivered with components and equipment.
Commencement: Commence warranty periods at practical completion or at acceptance of
installation, if acceptance is not concurrent with practical completion.
General: Submit operation and maintenance manuals for installations. 7
Format – hard copy
These will be A4 size loose leaf, in commercial quality files with hard covers, each indexed, divided
and titled. Include the following features:
• Cover: Identify each binder with typed or printed title “OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE
MANUAL”, to spine. Identify title of project and date of issue.
• Drawings: Fold drawings to A4 size and accommodate them in the files so that they may be
unfolded without being detached from the rings.
• Text: Manufacturers’ printed data, including associated diagrams, or typewritten, single-sided on
paper, in clear concise English.
Number of copies: 3.
• Stormwater
• Water mains and connections
• Pavement construction
The acceptance of the completed ITP shall be a requirement for the issue of a Certificate of
Practical Completion.
Hold Points are critical aspects of the Contract requiring assessment by the Superintendent.
The Contractor shall not proceed to the next stage of the works or cover the work until the release
of the Hold Point by the Superintendent. Such release shall not, in whole or in part, absolve the
Contractor from responsibility for quality of the work subject to such Hold Point.
The Contractor shall advise the Superintendent with sufficient notice when a Hold Point has been
reached (or is anticipated to be reached) to enable inspections as required.
The Contractor shall submit relevant testing, survey and other documentation associated with the
Hold Point to the Superintendent.
If following the inspection and review of relevant documentation, the Superintendent does not
release a hold point, the Superintendent shall advise the Contractor, as soon as practical in writing
(or within 24 hrs), the reasons why a hold point has not been released and any remedial works
required to enable the release of the hold point.
The Superintendent and Principal shall NOT be liable for any cost (including standby costs)
incurred by the Contractor as a result the Superintendent not releasing a hold point due to the
works not complying with a hold point requirement.
The Contractor shall notify the Superintendent in writing, of any non-conformances of the
completed works, with the Technical Specification, by the issuing of a Non-Conformance Report
The NCR shall indicate the nature and location (as applicable) of the non-conformance and the
proposed rectification method for correcting the Non-Conformance. The NCR shall include all
relevant tests, inspection or survey reports.
The identification of a Non-Conformance shall constitute a Hold Point on that item. No further works
may proceed on the non-conforming item until release of the Hold Point by the Superintendent.
The Superintendent shall review and advise of approval of the proposed rectification method
detailed by the Contractor or alternatively instruct the Contractor to complete other rectification
works as required.
If the Superintendent becomes aware of any section of the works not conforming with the drawings
or specification the Superintendent may issue a Corrective Action Request (CAR). The Contractor
shall review the corrective action request and address the CAR as per the procedure for an NCR.
The Contractor shall ensure suitably qualified NATA accredited Material Testing Laboratories carry
out all field and laboratory testing, compliance testing etc. as required under the Contract.
The Contractor shall as part of the Quality Plan develop a system to enable the traceability of all
structural concrete and pavement material from the source to the location where the material is
incorporated into the works.
Traceability shall include:
• The date of works
• A detailed description of the materials used (e.g. material type, production lot etc.)
• A detailed description of the location where the material is incorporated (e.g. structure reference)
The Contractor shall keep (in good condition) delivery records (dockets) of the materials used and
detailed descriptions of where the materials were incorporated in the works until Final Completion.
Assigned maximum dry density and moisture content values shall be determined as appropriate in
accordance with AS 1289.5.4.2.
Backfill of drainage SMDD 1 test per field dry density or assigned value
and service trenches Field dry density 1 per 20m3
Base Course MMDD 1 test per field dry density or assigned value
Field dry density 1 per 300m3 or min of 3 per lot
Field moisture content 1 per field dry density
Table 2 – Compaction and Moisture Testing Frequency
Frequency of field dry density testing for subgrade, sub-base and base materials may be reduced to 1 per
500m2 for areas greater than 2,000m2.
2.5.1. GENERAL
The Contractor shall arrange for an approved experienced surveyor, eligible to for the grade of
Member of the Institution of Engineering and Mining Surveyors, to complete the surveys in this
The Surveyor shall complete survey checks to ensure the works meet the requirements specified.
The Contractor shall arrange for an approved surveyor to carry out all as-constructed surveys as
required by SA Water for sewer and water services and provide such documentation to the
Superintendent and SA Water. The cost of the as-constructed survey regarding the sewer and
water, shall be borne by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall also arrange for an approved surveyor to carry out as-constructed surveys for
stormwater drainage works at invert of all SEP's and junction boxes and invert levels of all pipes
within SEP's and junction boxes. The cost for the as-constructed survey, regarding the stormwater,
shall be borne by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall also arrange for an approved surveyor to carry out as-constructed surveys at
the following hold points during the construction of the roadworks:
• Subgrade level
• Subbase course level
• Basecourse level
Particular attention is required at change of pavement types and depths.
The surveyor shall perform an “as-constructed” survey of completed works. The results of the
surveys shall be presented to the Superintendent in both hard copy and digital format as soon as
practical after the completion in any case within 1 week.
The “As-constructed” drawing shall be produced in .dwg or .dwf format. The drawing shall contain the level
and alignment corresponding to design locations and shall include the following items / structures as a
• Finished lot / reserve levels where any cut or fill works have been undertaken
• Finished watertable and top of kerb levels
• Stormwater pits and pipe size, invert level and location
W4 Sub-base compaction, levels and moisture content prior to commencement of kerbing and
the next layer
W5 Each kerbing concrete pour
Table 5 – Witness Points
H8 Base compaction, levels and moisture content prior to the commencement of the
wearing course
H9 Approval of jointing plan prior to concrete placement for pavements and for retaining
H10 Shop drawings for all steelwork to be supplied and approved prior to manufacture and
Landscape works
Foundation conditions prior to placing concrete in footings
Approval of sample panels pavement
Set out of all landscape works 12
Existing trees must not be damaged during the works. Provide and maintain protective fences. Refer to
landscape plans for schedule.
On completion of demolition the Contractor shall allow to grade, level, compact and clean up the area
Demolished materials shall be removed from site to a legal point of disposal.
The contractor shall reinstate trench excavations in accordance with the requirements of the Earthworks
3.2.1. GENERAL
This section of the specification details the requirements for Earthworks, including selection of materials,
clearing, grubbing, stripping topsoil, excavation and filling. This section shall be read in conjunction with the
design drawings.
• Reactive clays
• Materials with large particles
• Over wet materials
• Gap-graded materials
Large particles must be broken down to a maximum particle size of 100mm maximum. Type A Suitable Materials
Select suitable materials shall be suitable materials that meet the following further requirements:
Test Sieve (mm) Acceptable Test Values
Particle Size Distribution 75mm 100% passing
37.5mm 0.075mm 80 – 100% passing
0 – 25% and passing
Plasticity Index Maximum 12
Linear Shrinkage Maximum 6
Table 7 – Suitable Materials
Finished Level Absolute ± 20mm from specified or as per sub-grade tolerance 20mm
Relative from a 3.0m straight edge
Alignment ± 50mm from specified
Embankment Slope Absolute ± 100mm from specified
Relative ± 50mm from a 3.0m straight edge
Table 9 – Suitable Materials
The Contractor shall prepare foundation areas by trimming, adjusting the moisture content of the top 200mm
of foundation materials if required and compacting to achieve the tolerances and density required. Care shall
be taken to use equipment and construction techniques to minimise surface heaving or other damage to the
foundation including damage by over working or construction traffic.
Prior to the commencement of filling operations the Contractor shall seek approval by the Superintendent of
fill foundation areas. Placing Fill
The method of excavation, transportation, depositing and spreading of the fill shall be determined by the
Contractor to ensure the fill is placed in a uniform mixture.
Fill materials shall be placed in horizontal layers of uniform thickness, deposited systematically across the fill
area, so that the surface is always self-draining.
Large particles shall be broken down and evenly distributed through the fill material. The maximum size of
rock particles throughout the fill material shall not exceed the grading requirement.
The layers shall be uniform compacted thickness of a maximum depth of 250 mm and minimum depth of 150
mm, unless approved by the Superintendent.
Prior to placing subsequent fill layers, the Contractor shall ensure that previously accepted layers still
conform to requirements, including moisture content.
Care shall be taken by the Contractor to use equipment and construction techniques to minimise surface
heaving or other damage to the lower layers including damage by over working or construction traffic.
The top 300 mm of fill areas supporting pavements or other sections of the works shall be Type A suitable
materials as detailed in the materials component of this specification.
Where new embankment slopes are to be constructed against an existing slope steeper than 3 horizontal to
1 Vertical, the slope is required to be stepped by benching successive terraces to a minimum length of 1.0m
to form a key for the fill.
The minimum depth for a bench shall be the minimum layer thickness.
Oversize Suitable Material
The Contractor shall advise of oversize suitable materials won from site unable to be broken down to the
required size, for assessment by the Superintendent. If approved the Contractor shall develop a method
specification for suitable placement of the material.
Moisture Control
The Contractor shall adjust the moisture content of the fill where necessary to achieve the required density
or moisture content or both prior to compaction. Ensure the moisture distribution is uniform.
Fill layers shall be sealed and graded to prevent ponding on completed layers.
Filling Adjacent to Structure
The Contractor shall use equipment and construction techniques to protect adjacent structures from damage
due to filling operations.
Compacting Fill
All fill layers shall be systematically compacted with appropriate compaction equipment to ensure
compaction to the full depth and over the full width of each layer.
Embankment slope faces shall either be compacted separately, or overfilled and cut back to the tolerances
Determination of relative compaction of pavement layers shall be by geotechnical testing. Unless
otherwise specified the required compaction is per the following table.
Requirement: Provide stormwater drainage, as documented.
Requirement: Conform to the following:
0171 General requirements.
0222 Earthwork.
Stormwater drainage
Standard: To AS/NZS 3500.3.
General: For the purposes of this worksection the following definition applies:
Pipe surround: Includes pipe overlay, pipe side support, side zone and haunch zone.
Inspection: Give notice so that inspection may be made at the following stages:
Excavated surfaces prior to placing bedding material.
Concealed or underground services prior to being covered. Pipe
joints before covering.
Placing of cast in situ concrete.
Upon completion.
Solvent cement and priming fluid: To AS/NZS 3879.
Type of pipes and fittings
Fibre reinforced cement (FRC): To AS 4139 and the following:
≤ 450 mm diameter: Rubber ring joints to AS 4139.
> 450 mm diameter: With a purpose machined internal spigot and socket system within the pipe wall.
Glass-reinforced polyester (GRP): To AS 3571.1.
Cast iron access chamber covers and frames: To AS 1830 or AS 1831, as appropriate. Polyvinyl
chloride (PVC): To AS/NZS 1254, AS/NZS 1260 or AS 1273, as appropriate. Polyethylene (PE):
To AS/NZS 4129, AS/NZS 4130, ISO 8770 or AS/NZS 2033, as appropriate. Precast concrete:
To AS/NZS 4058.
Rubber ring joints/elastomeric seals: To AS 1646.
Plastic pipe for subsoil drainage: To AS 2439.1.
Vitrified clay or ceramic: To AS 1741.
Bedding material
Bed and haunch zones: Provide granular material graded to the AS 1141 series.
Bedding material grading table
Sieve size (mm) Weight passing %
Bed and haunch Side zones
75.0 - 100
19.0 100 -
9.5 - 50 - 100
2.36 50 - 100 30 - 100
0.60 20 - 90 15 - 50
0.30 10 - 60 -
0.15 0 - 25 -
0.075 0 - 10 0 - 25
Filter material
General: Provide filter materials consisting of natural clean washed sands and gravels and screened crushed
rock conforming to AS/NZS 3500.3 clause 2.13.1.
Requirement: Provide polymeric fabric formed from plastic yarn composed of at least 85% by weight
propylene, ethylene amide or vinylidene chloride and containing stabilisers or inhibitors which provide
resistance to deterioration due to ultraviolet light.
Subsoil drainage
Filter: Conform to AS/NZS 3500.3 clause 2.13.2.
Requirement: Provide precast or prefabricated pits in conformance with AS/NZS 3500.3 clauses 2.12.8 and
Metal access covers and grates
Standard: To AS 3996.
Cover finish and load classification: Provide access cover and grate with the documented finish, slip resistance
and load class.
4.3.1. PIPING
Laying: Lay lengths separately with the barrel bearing evenly on the prepared bedding. Sockets:
Lay with sockets pointing upstream.
Cleaning: Clean pipe interior of dirt, debris, mortar and other foreign matter.
Protection: Provide temporary caps over the ends of incomplete sections to prevent the entry of foreign matter.
Pipeline tolerances table
Permissible angular deviation from the documented alignment Permissible displacement from the documented positions
Horizontal 1:300 15 mm
Vertical 1:500 5 mm
Note: These tolerances are conditional on falls to outlets being maintained and no part of a pipeline having less than the documented gradient.
General: Provide stormwater drains to connect surface drains, subsoil drains and drainage pits to the outlet
point or point of connection. Make sure that location of piping will not interfere with other services and building
elements not yet installed or built. Subject to the preceding and documented layouts, follow the most direct
route with the least number of changes in direction.
General: Lay in straight lines between changes in direction or grade with socket end placed upstream. If
other pipes are adjacent, set each pipe true to line and complete each joint before laying the next pipe. If
work is not continuous, cap open ends to prevent entry of foreign matter.
General: Lay a detectable strip or plastic tape in the trench after pipe laying, testing and initial backfilling.
Pipe underlay (bedding)
General: Bed piping on a continuous underlay of bedding material, minimum 75 mm, maximum 150 mm thick
after compaction. Grade the underlay evenly to the gradient of the pipeline.
Chases: If necessary, form chases to prevent projections such as sockets and flanges from bearing on the
trench bottom or underlay.
Pipe surrounds
General: Place the material in the pipe surround in layers, maximum 200 mm loose thickness, and compact
without damaging or displacing the piping.
Trench backfill
General: Backfill the remainder of the trench to the underside of the subgrade with fill material in
conformance with the 0222 Earthwork worksection.
General: As documented in the Stormwater pipeline schedule.
Location: Encase the pipeline in concrete at least 150 mm above and below the pipe, and 150 mm each side
or the width of the trench, whichever is the greater.
Requirement: Provide subsoil drains to intercept groundwater seepage and prevent water build-up behind
walls and under pavements. Connect subsoil drains to surface drains or to the stormwater drainage system
as applicable.
Piping: As documented in the Subsoil pipeline schedule.
Trench width: ≥ 450 mm.
Trench floor: Grade the trench floor evenly to the gradient of the pipeline. If the trench floor is rock, correct any
irregularities with compacted bedding material.
Pipe depth: Provide the following minimum clear depths, measured to the crown of the pipe, where the pipe
passes below the following elements:
100 mm below subgrade level of the pavement, kerb or channel. 100
mm below the average gradient of the bottom of footings.
450 mm below the finished surface of unpaved ground.
General: At junctions of subsoil pipes, provide tees, couplings or adaptors to AS 2439.1.
Pipe underlay (bedding)
General: Bed piping on a continuous underlay of bedding material, minimum 75 mm, maximum 150 mm thick
after compaction. Grade the underlay evenly to the gradient of the pipeline.
Chases: If necessary, form chases to prevent projections such as sockets and flanges from bearing on the
trench bottom or underlay.
Pipe surrounds
General: Place the material in the pipe surround in layers, maximum 200 mm loose thickness, and compact
without damaging or displacing the piping.
Depth of overlay:
To the underside of the bases of overlying structures such as pavements and channels.
Hotmix Finished Level + 10 / -0mm of theoretical level, and not more than
6mm deviation from a 3m straight edge laid
parallel to road centreline
Table 14 – Unbound Pavement Tolerances
6.1.1. GENERAL
This section of the specification details the requirements for supply and construction of footpaths. This
section shall be read in conjunction with the design drawings.
This specification shall be read in conjunction with the following Standards and references, which are
deemed to form a part of this specification.
Standard Description
AS 1428 Design for access and mobility
6.1.2. MATERIALS Concrete
All concrete is to be ready mixed and delivered in agitating trucks in accordance with AS
1379 by the batch production process, unless approved otherwise by the Superintendent.
The concrete for the various parts of the work shall be so designed and produced that the
following performance requirements are met:
Item f’c at 28 days Slump
Concrete Footpaths 32 MPa 80mm 22
Unless otherwise specified all concrete shall have drying shrinkage test results to AS 1012
showing a maximum (including tolerance) of 650 µm for concrete up to and including grade
N32, and 700 µm for higher strength grades.
Portland cement shall comply with AS 3972, Type GP - general purpose.
Fine and coarse aggregate shall comply with AS 2758.1. The maximum nominal size for
coarse aggregate shall be 20mm.
Water shall be free from matters harmful to concrete, reinforcement and other embedded
Admixtures shall not contain chlorides, fluorides or nitrates and if approved for use shall
comply with AS 1478. No admixture shall be used without a written approval from the
Superintendent. Reinforcement
All reinforcing fabric, reinforcing bars and hard drawn steel wire shall comply with the
requirements of AS 4671. Bending of reinforcement shall comply with AS 3600. Samples
Sample panels- Supply min 1x 2m2 of each concrete type and paving panel for approval min
48 hours before installation.
The Contractor shall ensure that completed works are not hazardous or threaten in any way
the safety of the general public. Concrete Footpath
Concrete footpaths shall be constructed to as detailed in the design drawings or to a
minimum of 100 mm granular sub-base with 150mm thickness concrete base. Concrete Footpath Joints
Expansion joints shall be provided at nominal 8.0m intervals. Expansion joints shall be
provided with a full depth pre-moulded expansion joint filler, (bitumen impregnated fibre
board or similar).
Transverse contraction joints shall be provided at a nominal spacing between 0.9m to 1.2m
and at a maximum of 20 times the slab depth. Contraction joints shall be formed by tooling to
a nominal depth of 25mm and to a minimum of slab depth D/4.
In areas where new concrete is to be placed against and existing construction joint, the
surface of the hardened concrete shall be thoroughly roughened and cleaned to remove any
loose material, debris and laitance. Concrete Surface Finish
Concrete footpath and slabs shall be given a 'non slip’ finish produced from a hessian drag,
or drawing a light broom across the surface.
Exposed aggregate finish: Remove the vertical face formwork while the concrete is green. Wet
the surface and scrub using stiff fibre or wire brushes, using clean water freely, until the
aggregate is uniformly exposed. Do not use acid etching. Rinse the surface with clean water.
Footpaths which are chipped, cracked, displaced or otherwise damaged during the
construction of other works shall be removed and new sections shall be constructed to match
existing work, to the satisfaction of the Superintendent.
Water cascade
Large format pavers paving type 1
Location As indicated on drawings
Product PROVIDE samples for supervisor engineer
Finish Milled
Colour & stone Rocky Road
Code PROVIDE samples for supervisor engineer
Size 400x600
Laying pattern stretcher bond
Contact Urbanstone Chris Hocking 0417 655 333
Large format pavers paving type 2
Location As indicated on drawings
Product PROVIDE samples for supervisor engineer
Finish Honed
Finish Milled
Colour & stone PROVIDE samples for supervisor engineer
Code PROVIDE samples for supervisor engineer
Size 200x300
Laying pattern PROVIDE samples for supervisor engineer
Contact PROVIDE samples for supervisor engineer
Prior to application of the paint the Contractor shall complete spotting for all pavement markings to
check the alignment.
StreetBond coating shall be supplied and applied by an Accredited Applicator or an applicator in
accordance with the plans and specifications or as directed by the superintendent.
The asphalt or concrete pavement should be stable, well compacted and generally in excellent condition
for the application of StreetBond™ coating to be successful.
Pavement Marking Removal
Pavement markings may be removed by sandblasting, water-blasting, grinding, or other approved
mechanical methods. The removal methods should, to the fullest extent possible, cause no significant
damage to the pavement surface. The Superintendent shall determine if the removal of the markings is
satisfactory for the application of StreetBond™ coating. Work shall not proceed until this approval is
Application of StreetBond™ Coating
Surface Preparation
A. The asphalt or concrete pavement surface shall be dry and free from all foreign matter, including
but not limited to dirt, dust, de-icing materials, and chemical residue.
B. Either the Accredited Applicator or MPS Paving Systems if StreetBond Primer is required on the pre-
existing asphalt or concrete pavement or not.
C. Note that StreetBond™ primer is not required for new asphalt pavements.
Application of Coating
A. The applicator shall apply StreetBond™ coating only when the air temperature is at least 10°C
within 8 hours of application of the coating material.
There should be no precipitation expected within the 2 hours after the final layer of StreetBond™ coating
is dry to touch.
B. Each application of StreetBond coating material shall be the same colour and shall be allowed to
dry completely before applying the next layer.
C. The number of passes or layers of StreetBond™ coating is dependent upon the application. Three
layers will generally be sufficient, depending upon the asphalt/concrete pavement texture and traffic.
Coating Thickness
Approximate coating thickness is as outlined in table below.
Thickness (approx.)
Wet Dry
- Complete for their function.
- Conforming to the detail and location drawings.
- Firmly fixed in position.
Requirement: Conform to the following:
- General requirements.
Inspection: Give notice so inspection may be made of the following:
- Setout prior to construction.
- Foundation conditions prior to placing concrete in footings.
7.2.1. STEEL
Posts, rails: To AS/NZS 1163.
- Grade: C 350 L0.
Proprietary fences complying with AS/NZS 1163 Grade C 350 LO
*YEMENIn certified Steel to be used
7.2.2. TIMBER
Set out
General: Set out the fence line and mark the positions of posts.
Fence line: Protect existing trees during construction of fence.
Line and level: Erect posts vertically. Horizontal railing to be installed in continuous, smooth line.
Concrete footings
Post anchors: Provide centre fix post anchors bolted down to concealed concrete footing (75mm
below finished surface level).
Requirement: Provide walling and edging, as documented.
Requirement: Conform to the following worksection(s):
- General requirements.
Inspection: Give notice so inspection may be made of the following:
- Setting out before commencement of construction.
- Geotextiles and subsurface drainage in place before backfilling.
Submit samples as follows:
8.2.1. EDGING
Product: Corten steel
Size and profile: 300mm and 6mm thick
Recommended supplier: Custom
Finish: Hammered textured finish
*YEMENIn certified Steel to be used
Standard: To AS 1379 – Grade N20.
Size as per detail.
Source of supply: Council
Minimum unit size (mm): 600x600x400
Type: Stonewood
Colour: charcoal
Recommended supplier: Creative Sleepers
8.3.1. GENERAL
Set out
General: Set out the positions of walls and edging and mark the positions of furniture.
Extent: Except for trees or shrubs to be retained, clear vegetation within 1 m of the landscape walls.
Grub out stumps and roots of removed trees or shrubs and trim the grass to ground level, but do not
remove the topsoil.
Extent: Excavate for foundations and footings.
Wall: Erect sleeper posts at 2 m centres, buried one third. Brace at half height of wall with sleepers
returned into embankment, spiked to posts. Lay sleepers in stretcher bond behind the verticals and
securely spike together at joints and at 2 m centres. Back with geotextile and place a 100 mm draining
layer of coarse sand or fine gravel between the fabric and backfill.
Backing: Backfill to ground level with compacted fine crushed rock or gravels.
For in-situ retaining/ seat wall type 1 (SW-1), line back of wall with damp proof membrane the entire
length of bench. Install drainage comprising of 100mm agricultural drain pipe with free draining layer
of coarse sand or fine gravel wrapped in geofabric and connect to stormwater drain.
Note: Contractor is to prepare a sample section of wall for approval by superintendent prior to
completing the works. Sample section to be minimum 2 meters long and show intended colour and
Skate deterrents:
Product: SBD Acorn or equal approved
Supplier: Traffic Safety
Installation: install to manufacturer’s specifications
*YEMENIn certified Steel to be used
8.3.4. EDGING
Rock edge
Edging strip: Place in a shallow trench between timber forms. Wood float finish flush with the adjacent
finished grass level. Provide control joints, filled with resilient bituminous material, at 3 m maximum
centres. .
Corten steel
Formboss corten steel edging
Profile: 300mm
Finish: hammered finish for textured effect
Custom cut to achieve curved top profile. Refer to detail for curve set-out. Install to manufacturer’s
*YEMENIn certified steel to be used
*submit shop drawings for approval by Superintendent
Description: use logs that have no significant structural termite damage and install as per detail and
landscape plan.
Confirm locations and log selection with superintendent prior to fixing to the ground.
Log dimensions: 400-600mm diameter x 1.8-3.0m length
Finish: Debark, oil, round off and bevel all edges to ensure smooth finish. Fill any minor cracks with
timber putty, colour to match the colour of the timber suitable for outdoor use. Top of log to be shaved
30mm to provide flat surface.
Installation: Verify heights onsite with superintendent. Logs to be notched together and bolted to prevent
slippage with 20mm mortar joints between logs. Ensure log surface is sturdy and secure to prevent any
possible movement.
Any logs and rounds with cracks of more than 5mm will be rejected.
Selections: Conform to the Selections.
- Soil blend: A general purpose soil derived from the blending of two or more of sand, natural soil
material or organic materials and has:
. Bulk density: > 0.7 kg/L.
. Organic matter: 3 % to 5 % by mass.
- Top dressing: A soil which is suitable for surface application to lawn.
Inspection: Give notice so inspection may be made of the following:
- Setting out completed.
- Subgrades cultivated or prepared for placing topsoil. 34
Samples Schedule
Item Quantity
Compost 2kg
Sandy loam topsoil Type A 5kg
Statements: Submit statements from suppliers of soils and other materials, giving the following, where
- Particulars of the supplier’s experience in the required type of work.
- Production capacity for material of the required type, sizes and quantity.
- Lead times for delivery of the material to the site.
Supplier’s data: Submit supplier’s data including the following:
- Material source of supply for topsoil, filling, stone and filter fabrics.
Compost: Submit a certificate of proof of compost pH value.
9.2.1. TOPSOIL
General: Site topsoil with additives is to be used as the preferred material. Any additional topsoil
required to make up the difference between topsoil available and topsoil needed to achieve specified
depths is be to the Selections.
Deliveries: Documentation to AS 4419, clause 8.
Additives: If using additives to raise topsoil to the required standard, ensure compliance with the
relevant test criteria of AS 4419.
Nitrogen drawdown: If the NDI150 value is < 0.5 to AS 4419 Appendix E add a source of soluble
nitrogen to bring the value above zero.
Compost: Provide well-rotted vegetative material or animal manure, free from harmful chemicals,
grass and weed growth to the organic content by mass noted in the Selections.
Imported topsoil
Particle size: Provide soil to the Particle size table for the textures nominated in Selections.
Topsoil particle size table (% passing by mass)
AS sieve aperture Soil textures
to AS 1152 Fine Medium Coarse
2.36 100 100 100
1.18 90 – 100 95 – 100 95 – 100
0.60 75 – 100 75 – 100 70 – 90
0.30 57 – 90 55 – 85 30 – 46
0.15 45 – 70 38 – 55 10 – 22
0.075 35 – 55 25 – 35 5 – 10
0.002 2 – 15 2–8
Prior to spreading topsoil, cultivating or applying ameliorants. Spray with herbicide treatment and allow
to brown off.
- Product: Glyphosate
Keep site free of weeds throughout the contract period.
9.3.2. SUBSOIL
General: Apply additives after ripping or cultivation and incorporate into the upper 100 mm layer of the
General: Rip parallel to the final contours wherever possible. Do not rip when the subsoil is wet or
plastic. Do not rip within the dripline of trees and shrubs to be retained.
Ripping depths: Rip the subsoil to the following typical depths:
- Compacted subsoil: 300 mm.
- Heavily compacted clay subsoil: 450 mm.
Planting beds
Excavated: Excavate to bring the subsoil to at least 300 mm below finished design levels. Shape the
subsoil to fall to subsoil drains where applicable. Break up the subsoil to a further depth of 100 mm.
Unexcavated: Remove weeds, roots, builder’s rubbish and other debris. Bring the planting bed to
75 mm below finished design levels.
Minimum depth: 150 mm.
Cultivation depths ( mm):
• Grassed areas: 150mm
• Hydroseeded or hydromulched areas: 150mm
• Planting areas: 300mm
Services and roots: Do not disturb services or tree roots; if necessary cultivate these areas by hand.
Cultivation: Thoroughly mix in materials required to be incorporated into the subsoil. Cultivate
manually within 300 mm of paths or structures. Remove stones exceeding 25 mm, clods of earth
exceeding 50 mm, and weeds, rubbish or other deleterious material brought to the surface during
cultivation. Trim the surface to design levels after cultivation.
9.3.3. TOPSOIL
Site topsoil preparation
Screeding: By a power hydraulic screen capable of handling 100 tonne per hour, with sieves grading
from 20 mm to 15 mm.
Waste: Remove from site all clay lumps, balled compacted particles greater than 20 mm, stones and
trash foreign to the normal composition of soil.
Contamination: If diesel oil, cement or other phytotoxic material has been spilt on the site topsoil,
excavate the contaminated soil and dispose of it off the site.
Admixtures: During the screening process add:
- 15% by weight coarse sand minimum particle size 0.2 mm.
- Ameliorants if recommended in the soil tests specified in Submissions.
Additives program: 8 weeks prior to stolonizing or turfing.
Organic compost 50mm depth, thoroughly mixed with existing site topsoil for mulched planted garden
beds only.
Placing topsoil
Site topsoil: Do not incorporate site topsoil into the works until soil testing certification has been
approved. Remove unauthorised material from the site.
General: Spread the topsoil on the prepared subsoil and grade evenly, making the necessary
allowances to permit the following:
- Required finished levels and contours may be achieved after light compaction.
- Grassed areas may be finished flush with adjacent hard surfaces such as kerbs, paths and mowing
Spreading: On steep batters, if using a chain drag, ensure there is no danger of batter disturbance.
Finishing: Feather edges into adjoining undisturbed ground.
General: Compact lightly and uniformly in 150 mm layers. Avoid differential subsidence and excess
compaction and produce a finished topsoil surface which has the following characteristics:
- Finished to design levels.
- Smooth and free from stones or lumps of soil.
- Graded to drain freely, without ponding, to catchment points.
- Graded evenly into adjoining ground surfaces.
- Ready for planting.
Topsoil depths
General: Spread topsoil to the following typical depths:
- Excavated planting areas: 225 mm.
- Earth mounds:
. Mass planted surfaces: 300 mm.
. Grassed surfaces: 100 mm.
- Top dressing: 10 mm.
Surplus topsoil
General: Spread surplus topsoil on designated areas on site.
Designated areas: Use as top dressing to disturbed areas and as directed by the Superintendent.
9.4.1. TOPSOIL
Imported topsoil schedule
A Garden Beds Raised Garden Beds
Type Sandy Loam Jeffries Special Soil
Texture Medium Mix
Soil pH 5.5-7
Organic content by mass 15-25%
Statements: Submit statements from suppliers, giving the following, where applicable:
- Particulars of the supplier’s experience in the required type of work.
- Production capacity for material of the required type and quantity.
- Lead times for delivery of the material to the site.
Supplier’s data: Submit supplier’s data including the following:
- Material source of supply.
Program: Submit a work program in the form of a bar chart, for the landscape works.
Maintenance program: Submit a proposed planting maintenance program.
Material storage on site: Submit proposal.
10.2.1. GRASS
Weed eradication
Herbicide: Eradicate weeds using environmentally acceptable methods, such as a non-residual
glyphosate herbicide in any of its registered formulae, at the recommended maximum rate.
Manual weeding: Regularly remove, by hand, rubbish and weed growth throughout grassed, planted
and mulched areas. Remove weed growth from an area 750 mm diameter around the base of the trees
in grassed areas. Continue eradication throughout the course of the works and during the planting
establishment period.
Vegetative spoil
Disposal: Remove vegetative spoil from site. Do not burn.
10.3.2. TURFING
Elapsed time: Deliver the turf within 24 hours of cutting, and lay it within 36 hours of cutting. Prevent it
from drying out between cutting and laying. If it is not laid within 36 hours of cutting, roll it out on a flat
surface with the grass up, and water as necessary to maintain a good condition.
General: Lay the turf in the following manner:
- In stretcher pattern with the joints staggered and close butted.
- Parallel with the long sides of level areas, and with contours on slopes.
- To finish flush, after tamping, with adjacent finished surfaces of ground, paving edging, or grass
seeded areas.
Strip turf: Close butt the end joints and space the strips 300 mm apart. Apply a layer of top dressing
between the strips of turf. Finish with an even surface.
General: Lightly tamp to an even surface immediately after laying. Do not use a roller.
Stabilising: Peg the turf (on steep slopes) to prevent downslope movement. Remove the pegs when
the turf is established.
General: Mix the fertiliser thoroughly into the topsoil before placing the turf. Apply lawn fertiliser at the
completion of the first and last mowings, and at other times as required to maintain healthy grass cover.
General: Water immediately after laying until the topsoil is moistened to its full depth. Continue watering 40
Top dressing
General: When the turf is established, mow. Remove cuttings and lightly top dress to a depth of
10 mm. Rub the dressing well into the joints and correct any unevenness in the turf surface.
10.4.1. GRASSING
Grass seeding schedule
Property A
Seed species All-year Green Lawn Mix
Turfing schedule
Species or variety
Minimum thickness 30mm
Turf roll size (mm) Min 400mm
Mowing height (mm) 40-50mm
General: Provide proprietary fertilisers, delivered to the site in sealed bags marked to show manufacturer or vendor, weigt,
fertiliser type, N:P:K ratio, recomended uses and application rates. 43
11.2.2. MULCH
Weed eradication
Herbicide: Eradicate weeds using environmentally acceptable methods, such as a non-residual
glyphosate herbicide in any of its registered formulae, at the recommended maximum rate.
Removal: Regularly remove, by hand, rubbish and weed growth throughout grassed, planted and
mulched areas. Remove weed growth from an area 750 mm diameter around the base of the trees in
grassed areas. Continue eradication throughout the course of the works and during the planting
establishment period.
Vegetative spoil
Disposal: Remove vegetative spoil from site. Do not burn.
11.3.2. PLANTING
Planting schedule
Refer Landscape Plans for plant schedules
General: If it appears necessary to vary plant locations and spacings to avoid service lines, or to cover
the area uniformly, or for other reasons, give notice.
Planting conditions
Weather: Do not plant in unsuitable weather conditions such as extreme heat, cold, wind or rain. In
other than sandy soils, suspend excavation when the soil is wet, or during frost periods.
Timing: Thoroughly water the plants before planting, immediately after planting, and as required to
maintain growth rates free of stress.
Method: Remove the plant from the container with minimum disturbance to the root ball. Root prune to
ensure all circling roots have been either severed or aligned radially into the surrounding soil. Ensure
that the root ball is moist and place it in its final position, in the centre of the hole and plumb, and with
the top soil level of the plant root ball level with the finished surface of the surrounding soil. Compact
lightly so as to minimise subsidence without compacting the backfill. Avoid mixing mulch with topsoil.
At planting, mix slow release fertiliser evenly through the backfill in the planting holes.
General: Backfill with topsoil mixture. Lightly tamp and water to eliminate air pockets. Ensure that topsoil
is not placed over the top of the root ball, so that the plant stem remains the same height above ground
as it was in the container.
Watering basins for plants in grass
Method: Except in irrigated grassed areas and normally moist areas, construct a watering basin
around the base of each individual plant, consisting of a raised ring of soil capable of holding at least
10 L.
11.3.3. MULCHING
Placing mulch
General: Place mulch to the required depth, clear of plant stems, and rake to an even surface flush with
the surrounding finished levels. Spread and roll mulch so that after settling, or after rolling, it is smooth
and evenly graded between design surface levels sloped towards the base of plant stems in plantation
beds, and not closer to the stem than 50 mm in the case of gravel mulches.
In mass planted areas: Place after the preparation of the planting bed but before planting and other
In turf area: form minimum 1x1 metre mulch area at base of trees located in turf areas and spade edge
Depths: Spread organic mulch to a depth of 75 mm.
In smaller areas (e.g. planter boxes): Place after the preparation of the planting bed, planting and
other work.
Extent: To surrounds of plants planted in riplines and grass areas, provide mulch to 750 mm diameter.
Depths: Spread organic mulch to a depth of 75 mm.
Material: Hardwood, straight, free from knots or twists, pointed at one end.
Installation: Drive stakes into the ground at least one third of their length, avoiding damage to the root
Stake sizes:
- For plants ≥ 2.5 m high: Three 50 x 50 x 2400 mm stakes per plant.
- For plants 1 – 2.5 m high: Two 50 x 50 x 1800 mm stakes per plant.
- For plants < 1 m high: One 38 x 38 x 1200 mm stake per plant.
- For Norfolk Island Pines: refer to Details provided on the drawing
General: Provide ties fixed securely to the stakes, one tie at half the height of the main stem, others as
necessary to stabilise the plant. Attach ties loosely.
Tie types:
- For plants < 2.5 m high: 50 mm hessian webbing stapled to the stake.
- For Norfolk Island Pines: refer to Details provided on the drawing
Marker stakes
Material: Timber offcuts 25 x 25 x 1200 mm. Dip the top 200 mm in white paint.
Installation: Drive firmly into the ground at least 300 mm from the plant. Do not tie to the plant.
Location of marker stakes:
- Trees in grass: Mark each tree.
- Rip line planting areas: Mark each Rip line at every fifth plant along the line.
11.3.5. SPRAYING
General: Immediately give notice of evidence of insect attack or disease amongst plant material.
Product: Where required, spray with insecticide, fungicide or both.
Product certification
Certification: Submit the supplier’s written statement certifying that plants are true to the required
species and type, and are free from diseases, pests and weeds.
Remove from site all surplus mulch, plant containers, stakes and trees, debris, spoil and other surplus
material. Leave the site in a clean and tidy condition on completion of planting.
Requirement: Provide plants that have been grown to a standard that allows them to establish rapidly
and grow to maturity.
Maintenance: Encourage and maintain healthy growth for the duration of the contract.
Program: Provide a suitable irrigation, pruning, fertiliser and monitoring program for all plant materials
held by the supplier. Take any other precautions required to safeguard the health and wellbeing of all
plant materials before and including their delivery to site.
Selections: Conform to the SELECTIONS.
Tree supply: Conform to the recommendations of NATSPEC NG 02: Specifying Trees – a guide to
assessment of tree quality.
General: For the purposes of this worksection the definitions given below apply:
- Calliper: The stem or trunk diameter at a nominated point. Generally measured at 300 mm above
- Destructive inspection. The washing away of all soil from a rootball to allow inspection of rootball
- External inspection: Tree inspection without washing away of soil from the rootball which assesses
the following:
. The tree’s ability to be self-supporting.
. Its balance.
. Its root development.
- Investigative inspection: Any method of root inspection that involves the washing away of all or
portions of the soil from the rootball to expose a section or all the roots.
- Large trees: Trees grown in containers ≥ 20 L, and ex-ground trees of size index ≥ 35.
- Partial inspection: A method of exposing a section of a root system to enable inspection of root
development by washing the soil away in a wedge-shaped section from the stem to the extremity of
the rootball. This soil can be gently replaced so the tree is not damaged.
- Size index: Product of height (m) x calliper (mm).
- Small trees: Trees or shrubs grown in containers less than 20 L (other than tubes or plant cells), and
ex-ground trees of size index less than 35.
- Tubes or plant cells: Trees or shrubs grown in small containers or cells in trays with a
height:diameter ratio more than 3:2, typically less than 0.75 L. 47
Plant provenance
Locality: Provide written certification that all plant material has been grown from locally provenanced
stock. If this is not achievable give notice.
Species: Provide written certification that all plant material is true to the required species and type.
Notice – off site
Inspection: Give notice so that inspection may be made of the following:
- Immediately prior to the acceptance of tender to view representative samples of all stock scheduled.
- After eight weeks of the growing on period.
- At 80% completion of stocking of plant material.
- At completion of stocking of plant material, deemed to be as close as practical to 100% in terms of
species and numbers.
- At the date of commencement of delivery.
- At a time to be determined to assess potting on procedures, if necessary.
Root inspection: If inspection is by the removal of soil test such as destructive inspection, sample as
- For > 100 samples: Inspect 1%.
- For < 100 samples: Inspect 1 sample.
Sample plants: Replace plants used in inspection.
Defective samples: Treat to correct the defects before planting
Rejection: Do not provide root bound stock.
Clean stem height: < 40% of total tree height.
Pruning wounds
Pruning wounds: Restrict fresh (i.e. recent, non-calloused pruning wounds) to less than 20% of total
tree height.
Cut: Clean at the branch collar.
Diameter of wound: < 50% of the calliper immediately above the point of pruning.
Apical dominance
Species with an excurrent form: Defined central leader and the apical bud intact.
Crown symmetry
Crown distribution: Difference on opposite sides of the stem axis less than 20%.
Stem structure
Species with excurrent form: Single stem approximately in the centre of the tree and any deviation from
vertical less than 15°.
Species with decurrent form: Central stem below the required clean stem height is undivided and stem
junction at the point of division is sound.
Branch diameter: Less than or equal to one-half of the calliper immediately above the branch junction
for all species.
Included bark
Branch/stem bark ridges: Convex at junctions between stems and branches and between co-dominant
stems. Except where bark is likely to remain strong.
Trunk position
Variation in distance from the centre of the trunk to the extremity of the rootball: < 10%.
Compatibility of graft unions
Union between the scion and rootstock: Sound graft perimeter.
Diameter of the scion immediately above the graft: Equal to the diameter of the rootstock immediately
below the graft ± 20%.
Indication of north
Trees in containers greater than 100 L or of Size Index greater than 140: Label the northerly aspect
during growth in the nursery and maintain during transit.
Root division
Trees in containers less than or equal to 45 L or ex-ground trees with a Size Index of less than or
equal to 70: Major division of roots at less than 100 mm intervals.
Trees in containers greater than 45 L or ex-ground trees with a Size Index greater than 70: Major
division of roots within the outer 50% of the rootball at less than 100 mm intervals.
Root direction
Requirement: Generally growing in an outwards (radial) or downward direction, and that any deviation
from the established direction less than 45º.
Trees with a calliper at ground level less than 40 mm: Make sure diameter of any non-conforming
roots at the extremity of the rootball is less than 25% of the calliper.
Trees with a calliper at ground level greater than or equal to 40 mm: Make sure diameter of any non-
conforming roots at the extremity of the rootball is less than 10 mm.
Rootball occupancy
Soil retention: On shaking or handling the unsupported rootball, at least 90% of the soil volume is to
remain intact.
Rootball depth
Rootball depth assessment for containers/rootballs greater than or equal to 45 L or larger:
- Depth: Not greater than maximum depth required and regardless of rootball size not more than
550 mm in depth.
- Diameter: ≥ depth.
Height of root crown
General: Make sure that root crown is at the surface of the rootball.
Non-suckering rootstock
Grafted cultivars/varieties: Supply trees grafted onto non-suckering rootstock.
Source: From locations where these plant materials are growing in natural ground conditions.
Non-containerised nursery stock: Required.
Presentation: Provide maximum initial impact at the time of project opening.
Properties: As documented in the Specimen plants schedule.
Preparation: Undertake the preliminary preparation of all specimen plants and the programming of all
necessary preparation works to assure readiness of specimen plants for transplanting to site when
Parties: Supplier(s) to the principal.
Form: All the plants supplied under these works are true-to-species and type, and free of disease,
fungal infection and/or any other impediment to their future growth and that they have been fully
acclimatised for the conditions of the site.
Submission of warranty: At the time of each delivery.
Parties: Supplier(s) to the principal.
Form: Maintain all plant materials sourced and secured by the supplier throughout the procurement
and pre-transplanting maintenance period. Cover the cost of purchase, labour, equipment, transport
and materials to replace any losses, with plant materials of equivalent sizes and quality during the
warranty period. Ensure that it is physically possible for any or all of the on-site plant material to be
successfully prepared and transplanted.
Warranty period:
- Commencement: The date of contract.
- Completion: To cease in respect of any particular plant material upon issue of a delivery notice
issued by the contractor upon delivery to site.
- Earliest delivery date: One week after the date of contract.
12.4.1. SUPPLY
Plant material supply schedule
Refer to Planting Plans LP11 – LP14
General: Submit the manufacturer’s standard drawings and details showing methods of construction,
assembly and installation; with dimensions and tolerances.
General: Submit names and contact details of proposed suppliers and installers.
Shop drawings
General: Submit the manufacturer’s shop drawings and details for shade sail and custom shelter
showing methods of construction, assembly and installation; with dimensions and tolerances.
Diagrammatic layouts: Coordinate work shown diagrammatically in the contract documents, and
submit dimensioned set-out drawings.
Record drawings: Submit all documented shop drawings amended to include changes made during the
progress of the work and up to the end of the defects liability period.
Services coordination: Coordinate with other building and service elements. Show adjusted positions
on the shop drawings.
Space requirements: Check space requirements of equipment and services indicated
diagrammatically in the contract documents.
Submission medium: dwg, pdf
Electronic or hard copy. Nominate alternatives or include both.
Drawing size: A1
Checking: Make sure that the drawings have been checked before submission.
The General requirements worksection contains umbrella requirements for all worksections.
General: Submit the manufacturer’s standard drawings and details showing methods of construction,
assembly and installation; with dimensions and tolerances.
13.2.1. TIMBER
Recycled timber
- Type or species: YEMENIn hardwood
Hazard class
General: As defined in AS 1604.1.
- Standard: To AS 2082.
- Durability class: To AS 1720.2.
Preservative treatment
Timber type: Provide only timbers with preservative treatment appropriate to the Hazard class.
Cut surfaces: Provide supplementary preservative treatment to all cut and damaged surfaces.
CCA treated timber: CCA treated timber is not to be used.
Wharf timber
- For custom shelter – supplied by Council (TBC)
13.2.2. CONCRETE
13.3.1. FIXING
Line and level: Erect posts or poles vertically. Erect furniture items level. Provide a level area around
benches and seats where installed on slopes.
Maintenance manual
General: Submit the manufacturers’ data as follows:
- Recommendations for service use, care and maintenance.
- List of manufacturers and suppliers of replacement parts.
This section is a general specification for the installation of various structures, play equipment, rocks
and furniture.
Set out
General: Set out the equipment and mark the positions of posts. Give Superintendent 48 hours notice
for inspection.
Footings: Excavate holes so that they have vertical sides and a firm base. Remove surplus materials
from site, unless agreed otherwise with the Superintendent.
Line and level: Erect posts or poles vertically. Erect furniture items level. Provide a level area around
benches and seats where installed on slopes.
Concrete footings
In ground: Place mass concrete around posts and finish with a weathered top falling 25mm from the
post to ground level.
On slabs: Provide welded and drilled post base flanges for fixing with masonry anchors to the concrete
and to manufacturer’s recommendations and details.
Maintenance manual
General: Submit the manufacturers’ data as follows:
- Recommendations for service use, care and maintenance.
- List of manufacturers and suppliers of replacement parts.
Provide a certificate of compliance for the following items:
- All play equipment manufactured and installed to YEMENIn Standards, including fall zones
13.4.2. FIXTURE
Coordinate construction of sand pit with specified and detailed edging materials.
Type: Log
Description: use logs as supplied by Council and have no significant structural termite damage and
install as per detail and landscape plan.
Confirm locations and log selection with superintendent prior to fixing to the ground.
Log dimensions: Mixed sizes nominally 400-600mm diameter x 1.8 – 3.0m length
Source: Council supplied
Finish: Debark, oil, round off and bevel all edges to ensure smooth finish. Fill any minor cracks with
timber putty, colour to match the colour of the timber suitable for outdoor use. Top of log to be shaved
30mm to provide flat surface.
Installation: Verify heights onsite with superintendent. Logs to be notched together and bolted to prevent
slippage with 20mm mortar joints between logs. Ensure log surface is sturdy and secure to prevent any
possible movement.
Any logs and rounds with cracks of more than 5mm will be rejected. Type:
Timber Stumps
Description: Recycled timber stumps to be cut and set in the ground at varying heights, min 300-
500mm and spacings at min. 200-400mm in between. Mark up layout with spray paint and seek
approval from superintendent.
Refer to landscape details and plans for further information.
Log dimensions: 300mm to 400mm rounds.
Source: Council supplied.
Finish: De-bark, oil, round off and bevel all edges to ensure smooth finish. Fill any minor cracks with
timber putty, colour to match the colour of the timber suitable for outdoor use.
Any logs and rounds with cracks of more than 5mm will be rejected. Ensure bitumen gripset applied to
timber that contacts the ground/ mulch.
Any logs and rounds with cracks of more than 5mm will be rejected. Ensure bitumen gripset applied to
timber that contacts the ground/ mulch. Provide 2x climbing notches to 50% of the timbers selected
randomly. See details.
Renegotiation: At the expiry of the contract and after reassessment of the specification.
Retention: The contract amount, for payment during the maintenance period.
Bond: Equal to one month’s maintenance.
Expenditure of the bond: By the principal upon unsatisfactory maintenance, to employ others to carry
out such work.
Contractor and staff
Affiliation: Suitable professional qualifications acceptable to the principal.
Representative: Nominate a senior partner/personal experienced in maintenance nursery practices and
horticulture, to be responsible for taking and carrying out instruction, and reporting to the principal.
Special instructions
Priority: If instructed by the principal attend to certain areas and procedures as a priority. Obtain
approval for additional costs prior to commencement of works.
Monthly report: Submit regular reports by the last Friday of each month:
- Of the general status of works.
- Include soil test results as required for the fertilising programs.
- Plant replacement requirements.
Incident reports: Report immediately verbally and confirmed in writing any disturbance or incidence
affecting or likely to affect the day to day scheduling of works.
Inspection: Provide two days notice of the following operations:
- Application of herbicide.
- Application of fertiliser.
- Watering.
- Each site maintenance visit.
- Public amenity: Give notice of any work affecting public access or amenity on the Thursday of the
week before the work is planned.
Log book
Records: Log the following on a weekly basis:
- Description, time and method of application of toxic material.
- Maintenance work details.
- Inclement weather to verify inability to carry out work within the specified time frame.
Availability: Upon request.
Disruption of works by others
Other contractors: Make arrangements to work around the disturbance.
Parties: Supplier(s) to the principal.
Form: All the plants supplied under these works are true-to-species and type, and free of disease,
fungal infection and/or any other impediment to their future growth and that they have been fully
acclimatised for the conditions of the site.
Submission of warranty: At the time of each delivery.
Plant hire
Existing arrangements: Take responsibility for the re-hiring, installation, care and maintenance of all
internal plant material currently under existing plant hire contract for the duration of the maintenance
Weeds: Unwanted broadleaf plants and grasses considered invasive to the locality. Program:
- Lawns: Quarterly and as determined by the relationship of the general lawn condition and weed
- Trees and shrubs: As required for planted, paved and mulched areas to be weed free when
observed at bi-weekly intervals.
Method: Clear and keep clear vigorous ground covers 200 mm from the base of any shrub or tree:
- Small areas: By hand.
- Large areas: Proprietary herbicides.
Herbicide application: Avoid windy days or if rain is likely to follow within 12 hours.
- To the manufacturer’s instructions and material data and safety sheets.
- When the weather is humid with moderate temperatures and maximum sunlight.
- When the ground has adequate soil moisture.
Pest and disease control
The contractor is responsible for the control of any pest or disease which may affect the lawn and
garden bed areas.
- Identify the problem.
- Execute the correct treatment until the problem has been eliminated.
- Apply hazardous material out of normal working hours.
- Protect staff and public.
14.2.2. LAWN
Mowing and trimming
Litter: Remove litter and fallen branches prior to mowing.
Height: Consistent with the growth habit of the grass variety and maintained at 25 mm to 40 mm
throughout the year.
Program: Weekly during the mowing season, November to March, and at bi-weekly intervals during
April to October. Do not mow under wet conditions.
Raking: Once every month before mowing during the mowing season with a flexible rake. On alternate
mowings, adopt a north-south and east-west pattern.
Edges: At the same time as mowing, trim lawn edges to plant beds, pathways, base of trees and other
obstacles. Ensure trees and shrubs are not damaged.
Non-selective herbicide: Ensure application does not exceed the area limits of normal manual trimming.
Repair all damage from overuse or over spray.
N:P:K (nitrogen:phosphous:potassium) ratio: Balanced 10:4:6.
Rate: To the manufacturer’s recommendation.
Regular application: Each September and April.
Additional application: Each November and February at reduced rates.
Soil pH adjustment: Apply additional fertilisers and soil conditioners as indicated from soil testing or
from the physical soil structure. Maintain a pH range of 5.5 – 6.5.
pH testing program: Two year schedule commencing in the first year of the contract. Spreading:
- Dry: Crush lumps and broadcast dry material by hand or mechanically when the lawn is dry.
- Spray: Acceptable.
- Ensure fertiliser does not leach to adjoining planted beds particularly those with sensitive native
trees and shrubs.
Topdressing material for established lawns: Weed free imported sandy topsoil to a depth of 5 mm.
Program: The spring following establishment.
Topdressing material for remediation of depressions or irregularities: Apply coarse or medium soil, to
AS 4419, suitable for application to turf or grass seeded areas.
Well established lawns of sandy soil profile: Renovate by dethatching or verti-cutting.
Program: In association with and prior to topdressing and fertilising procedures.
Pruning and trimming
General: Prune to reflect the natural growth flowering and regrowth habit of the individual species.
Shrubs: Prune after flowering.
Program: Spring and Summer and on a spot basis as required.
Hedge trimming: Schedule trimming at times which will maintain the character and design of hedges.
Allow up to three times per season.
Tip pruning: Do not remove buds before the flowering season in those plants that have terminal flowers.
- Purpose: To encourage development of new shoots during the active growing season.
- Method: The removal of the top 25 mm or growing tip of each branch.
Radical pruning:
- Purpose: To maintain a hedge or formal shape or when a particular problem, growth habit, damage,
or disease requires branch removal.
- Clear and keep clear vigorous groundcovers 200 mm from the base of any shrub or tree.
- Use only tools fit for purpose.
Trees: Prune to:
- Eliminate diseased or damaged growth, avoid inter-branch contact and thin out crowns in a natural
- Maintain sight lines to signs and lights.
- Maintain visibility for personal security.
Tree branch removal:
- To AS 4373.
- Give notice and engage a suitably qualified 'arborist'.
Fertilising program: Base the program on soil testing results.
Soil testing: Undertake soil tests as follows:
- At the commencement of the contract.
- Take samples from a cross section of planting beds.
Soil pH adjustment: Apply additional fertilisers and soil conditioners as indicated from soil testing or
from the physical soil structure. Maintain a pH range of 5.5 – 6.5.
- N:P:K ratio: Balanced 10:4:6.
- Rate: To the manufacturer’s recommendation and cultivate two rows into the soil 100 mm deep.
- Regular application: Each September and March.
- Ensure the appropriate dosage for sensitive native species.
- Application: Apply pill to the root zone at a distance from the trunk equal to the spread of the foliage.
Make holes 400 mm deep to take the pill. Backfill with sand, equally spaced around the plant.
Micro nutrients: Apply 1 kg of urea in 20 litres of water per 100 m2, through a hose proportioner every
four weeks during Summer.
Stakes and ties
Generally: If plants are unable to be self supported or if stakes are damaged, stake or restake the plants
as follows:
- Drive three hardwood stakes placed obliquely with the first stake on the opposite side to the
prevailing winds.
- Do not single stake large plants.
If plants are robust with well developed systems and are strong enough to no longer require support,
remove stakes and ties.
Plant replacements
General: Replace all evergreen plants that have died or lost 50% of their normal foliage cover. Provide
replacement plants as follows:
- Of the same species and variety and of the closest commercially available size.
- Of uniformly high quality stock equal to the best commercially available.
- Representative of optimum growth for the species as restricted by the container size.
- With a balanced root system in relation to the size of the plant and conducive to successful
transpiration. Inspect the root conditions of plants by knocking plants from their containers.
- Without signs of having been stressed at any stage during their development due to inadequate
watering, excessive shade/sunlight, suffered physical damage or have restricted habit due to growth
in nursery rows.
- Healthy, well grown, hardened off specimens of good shape and free from pests and disease.
- Well rooted and without any indication of having been restricted (pot bound) or damaged at any
- Been grown in their final containers for not less than twelve (12) weeks.
14.2.4. WATERING
Lawn and planted areas
Generally: Maintain a vigorous healthy appearance.
Application rates: Soak to a depth of 150 mm for lawn and 300 mm for planting. Avoid frequent
dampening of the surface. Allow the surface of the soil to partially dry out between waterings. Confirm
soaked depth and record in the log book.
Timing: Water at times of day to minimise water evaporation loss. Do not water during the hottest period
of Summer days.
Public areas without installed watering systems: Water only in excessive dry periods. Make available
all necessary equipment to carry out hand and sprinkler watering as required.
Water restrictions: Coordinate the water supply and confirm the watering regime against federal and
state government legislation and restrictions at the time.
Hand watering
General: Manually water all lawn and planting areas in the absence of an irrigation system or until the
proposed irrigation system is fully operational.
Irrigation system program: To suit the following:
- The precipitation requirements of the individual zones/stations with regard to types of plants.
- The infiltration rate of the soil/medium and associated physical factors seasons, evaporation,
exposure, topography, local authority restrictions.
- An allowance for adjustment or shut down during and after periods prolonged heavy rains.
- To co-ordinate water supply and to confirm watering regime against federal and state government
legislation and restrictions at the time. 68
Equipment maintenance:
- Check all components for proper operation.
- Repair or replace damaged component with equivalent parts.
- Flush any dirt or foreign matter from the system and clear all blockages.
Operation: Ensure by adjustment or replacement of components, that the overall operation of the
system is efficient and operational for the entire planting establishment period.
Supervision: Prevent excessive use of water.
Automated systems: Check that they are programmed to coincide with optimum periods of water
pressure and water absorption.
Public access: Do not inconvenience persons occupying the site by water spray or block normal
pedestrian or traffic flow.
14.2.5. MULCHING
Clean up: Remove all mulching materials off lawn or paved areas and maintain a clean and tidy
appearance when viewed on a weekly basis.
Depth: Maintain a minimum depth of:
- 75 mm for organic mulch
- 80 mm for inorganic mulch Top
up: Areas of excessive wear.
Appearance: Maintain to keep clean and tidy with no soil disturbance evident on the surface of the
Supplementary works
General: Execute the following:
- Removal of rubbish arising from maintenance work.
- Removal of leaf litter fortnightly during leaf fall.
- Wash paving on completion of herbicide application.
Compacted rubble
Keep weed free. Ensure no sinkage or edge dispersement, repair as necessary.
Furniture, signage and barriers
Scope: All fixed and movable features noted in the record drawings.
Furniture and pots:
- Move and relocate as required for maintenance of the area.
- Repair or replace items damaged by the maintenance contract staff.
Signage: Maintain sight line visibility.
General: Inspect and clean all drainage structures and pit covers and ensure that they are in proper
working order.
Frequency: As required so that all overflow drains are cleared when observed at fortnightly intervals.
Monthly reports
Minimum requirements: Check list.
Item Action
Item Action
Plant material Replace failed plants
Additional planting
Treat for disease or insect attack
Tree surgery
Fertilising generally
Fertilising for specific nutrient deficiencies
Thin out planting
Turf Returfing
Treat for disease
Weeding 70