Communication Theory 3rd Internals September 2023-1

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Alva’s Institute of Engineering &Technology, Moodabidri

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Continuous Internal Evaluation Test-III EVEN Semester 2022-23
Course Title: Communication Theory Course Code: 21EC44
Date: 05/09/2023 Time: 3.00 PM to 4.30 PM Semester: 4th ‘A’& ‘B’ Section
Faculty: Dr. Veeraprathap.V & Mr. Napoleon Max. Marks: 20
Note: Answer ONE complete question from each Part.
Q.No. Questions Marks COs BTL
State Sampling theorem and explain the same with neat sketches and
a) 04 4 L2
1 equations.
b) What is the necessity of Digitizing of the analog signals? 03 4 L2
c) With neat Block diagrams explain the generation and detection of PPM waves 03 4 L2
Explain the generation and recovery of PAM (Flat-top) signal with necessary 4
a) L2
equations and spectrum diagram 04
With a neat block diagram outline the concept of TDM 4
b) L2
c) Describe the effect of Noise on a Pulse position modulation System. 03 4 L3
Derive the expression for the output Signal to Noise Ratio of a Quantizer
a) 04 5 L2
b) With a neat diagram explain the basic elements of a PCM system. 5 L2
A compact disc (CD) records audio signals digitally using PCM. Assume the
audio signal bandwidth to be 15 KHz.
i). What is the Nyquist rate?
ii). If the Nyquist samples are quantized to L = 65, 536 levels and then binary
coded, determine the number of bits required to encode a sample.
iii). Assuming that the signal is sinusoidal and that the maximum signal
amplitude is 1 volt; determine the quantization step and the signal-to
03 5 L2
quantization noise ratio.
a) Write a note on Vocoders. 5 L2
4 What are the desirable properties of digital waveforms? To transmit a bit
b) sequence 10011011, draw the resulting waveforms using: - Unipolar NRZ; 5 L3
polar NRZ; Unipolar RZ; Bipolar RZ; Manchester (split phase)
A TV signal with a bandwidth of 4.2 MHz is transmitted using binary PCM.
c) The number of representation level is 512. Calculate: i) Code word length ii) 02 5 L3
Final bit rate iii) Transmission bandwidth
Levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy
No. L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
Level Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create

Course Outcomes
CO Course Outcomes
Understand the amplitude and frequency modulation techniques and perform time and
CO1 frequency domain transformations 2

Identify the schemes for amplitude and frequency modulation and demodulation of analog
CO2 signals and compare the performance 2

CO3 Characterize the influence of channel noise on analog modulated signals. 2

Understand the characteristics of pulse amplitude modulation, pulse position modulation

CO4 and pulse code modulation systems. 2

Illustration of digital formatting representations used for Multiplexers, Vocoders and

CO5 Video transmission. 2

Faculty In charge IQAC Head HOD

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