Eapp Quarter 2

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EAPP LESSON1  It may include the main purpose of the event; the

devices and strategies employed; an evaluation of

Opinions its success or failure; and an assessment of its
 your views on certain issues or concerns. there are significance and relevance, timeliness or
words that you can use when expressing your own timelessness.
Here are some phrases you can use.
 I think a. Thesis or Dissertation in Hardcopy
 I believe... Fernandez, D. V. (2020). Development of reading
 I feel... comprehension through contextualized graphic novel.
 In my opinion.... (Unpublished master’s thesis). Bataan Peninsula State
 From my point of view University, Philippines.
 From my perspective
 In my view Steps:
 It seems to me that 1. Author
2. Date published
These are examples of ways to express your own 3. Title of the thesis or dissertation (need to be
opinion: italicized)
a. I think technology is harmful. 4. Description of what reference is being cited inside
b. In my view, technology is not useful and helpful. c. In the parenthesis
my opinion, technology is very important nowadays 5. Institution where it is made and the location of the
 State your opinions without using those phrases. b. Thesis or Dissertation from Repository
Example: Technology is harmful but only when you Fernandez, D. V. (2020). Development of reading
are in an informal situation comprehension through contextualized graphic novel.
(Master’s thesis, Bataan Peninsula State University,
 If you are in a formal setting, it would be Philippines). Retrieved from
inappropriate to use those phrases http://hdl.thesismasters.net/109287/99
EXAMPLE: Dogs are the best pets because they are the
most loyal The format still follows similar with the hardcopy.
However, the last part should indicate the link of the
 You are entitled to your own opinions, but these thesis.
opinions must be based on facts so that you will
not be biased. c. Thesis or Dissertation from Database
ProQuest is an example of online database for thesis
 It is very important that you will not be focused and dissertation.
only on giving opinions Fernandez, D. V. (2020). Development of reading
comprehension throughcontextualized graphic novel.
 You must also look for information that will help (Master’s thesis). Available from ProQuest Dissertations
your support your opinion because a. this will add & Theses Global database. (UMI No. 3371229)
to the credibility and validity of your opinion; and
b. more will believe you on what you express Note:
because it is strongly supported with true and UMI is the name of publishing company that stands for
correct information University Microfilm International. The services it offers
is storage of thesis and dissertations.
A very important expository discourse you must learn
to write is the reaction paper, review,or critique. 4. Online Sources
These are articles from credible website.
 Whether a social commentary, or a critical Fernandez, D. V. (2020). Reading comprehension and
judgment, it conveys incisive insights into its graphic novel. Retrieved from
analysis of events, its interpretation of the https://www.easybib.com/reference/guide/apa/websit
meaning or importance of a work or artifact, or its e
appreciation of the moral or aesthetic values
reflected in the work or performance
Surname comma
A referencing style is a set of rules for acknowledging First Letter of the Name period and Middle initial
the thoughts, ideas, and works of others in a particular period
way. Referencing is crucial for successful academic 3. Date of publication in an open and closed parenthesis
writing, avoiding plagiarism, and maintaining academic then period
integrity in assignments and research. 4. Title of the journal period
5. Journal Publication comma (Italicized and the first
letter of the word is capitalized)
6. Include the issue (volume) comma page number
Different Reference Citation Style period and digital object identifier. (if doi is not
present, you can omit that part)
1. Books
Fernandez, D. V. (2020). Quest for happiness. Fern b. Three Authors
Publishing Company Press. Fernandez, D. V., Munez, E. M., & Fernandez, P. Y.
(2020). Lived experiences of students engaged
Steps to Cite: community services. Journal for Young Filipino, 44(6),
1. Surname comma 88-95. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.34763.75047
2. First Letter of the Name period and Middle Initial
period 3. Six or more authors
3. Date of publication in an open and closed parenthesis
then period Fernandez, D. V., et al. (2020). Lived experiences of
4. Title of the book (The whole title is italicized and the students engaged community
first letter is capitalized) followed by a period. services. Journal for Young Filipino, 44(6), 88-95.
5. Place of publication colon and Publishing Company doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.34763.75047
a. Single Author an official order to appear before a court of law, a
formal public statement that praises a person for doing
something good or brave. Proper citation should be
done to properly acknowledge the work of the author.

Author oriented citation

b. Three Authors - In doing an author-oriented citation, you start by
Fernandez, D. V., Fernandez, Y. M., & Munez, E. M. writing the surname of the author, followed by the year
(2020). Quest for happiness. New York: Fern Publishing of publication of the work enclosed in parentheses and
Company Press. verb of statement (such as states, argues, posits,
Note : Each author is joined with comma. Before the emphasizes) at the start of paragraph or sentence.
last author there is comma and ampersand.
Example: Pulido (2012) believes that language
c. Six or more authors is an online environment can be understood if other
Fernandez, D. V., et al. (2020).Quest for happiness.New modes online communication is further analyzed to
York: Fern Publishing Company Press. provide a full account of interaction in virtual worlds.
Note : After the first author, the word et al. is attached.
The Latin term means “et alia” which means “and Text oriented citation
others”. Thus, it represents the other authors of the - In doing a text-oriented citation, you write your
book. paragraph and sentence taken from a source and end
with the surname of the author of the work and year of
2. Journal Articles publication separated by a comma. The citation must
a. Single Author be enclosed in parentheses and followed by a period.
Fernandez, D. V. (2020). Lived experiences of students Unless educators realize the importance of
engaged community services. Journal for Young Filipino, reading and writing across subject areas,
44(6), 88-95. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34763.75047. problems in comprehension of subject matter will
be a prominent issue in the teaching learning
process. (Estacio, 2010).
 It was evaluated due to the writer’s
first citation communication skills and only then due to the
You may start the sentence or paragraph by using the unique ideas and the content.
phrase According to… and then write the surname of  This paper writing may be informal, two pages
the author followed by the year of publication enclosed long.
in parentheses.  As all essays, reaction paper comprises
introduction, body and conclusion.
Example: According to Mendoza (1990), by the  In introduction the writer states the main premise,
end of the century, our fuel reserves will be reduced in the body he expresses his ideas and in
to half, and scarcity of energy supplies will be a big conclusion summarizes the results. It is not a
problem. summary of the article although information
should be included.
Plagiarism  Give a critique about a certain subject and this
- Is a serious form of academic dishonesty and is would constitute a reaction paper.
frowned upon in the academe. Plagiarism is defined as  A review about a literature book.
the verbatim copying of language of other writers as
well as taking credit for ideas espoused by others. Read the material carefully.
Whether it is a book, article or a film, make sure to read
Plagiarism could be any of the following: or watch it very carefully. Sometimes, you will need to
1. Deliberate copying of somebody else’s work and repeat this procedure for a couple of times.
claiming that work to be his/her own.
2. Using somebody else’s work or ideas without paper Mark interesting places while reading/watching
acknowledgement or citation. This will help you focus on the aspects that impressed
3. Copying the text without paraphrasing it. you the most and come back to them after you are
done with reading or watching.
Ways to avoid Plagiarism of Language:
Direct quotations Write down your thought while reading/watching.
are employed for statements that are so closely Doing so, you won’t forget any important ideas that
associated with theauthor that altering the words may came to your head.
lose its rhetorical impart. For instance, the statementof
Ninoy Aquino, “The Filipino is worth dying for”. is too Come up with a thesis statement.
short to be summarized, and the rhetorical impact of Use your notes to formulate a central idea you will
the work may be lessened if the develop in your further work. Then put it in one
statement is paraphrased. sentence and make it your thesis statement.

Summarizing Compose an outline

- is a restatement of the main idea of a text. Ideally, it is Every time you write an academic paper, you need to
a third of the original text you have used for your make an outline. Try at least once and you will see how
paper. In developing your summary, the following tips helpful an outline could be.
may be helpful.
Construct your paper.
Paraphrasing Only when all the preparations are done, start writing a
- On the other hand is a restatement of the main idea paper itself.
and supporting details of a text and may match the
length of the original work you are using for your First part of your paper
output.  Should contain information on the author and the
LESSON 3: Reaction Paper
 You need to write down the main ideas and
highlight the main points of the paper.
Reaction Paper
 Use direct quotations if needed.
 Is a form of paper writing in which the writer
 Avoid your personal opinion in this section.
expresses his ideas and opinions about what has
been read or seen.
Second part
 Should contain your personal thoughts on the
 Focus on a main problem or address all of them The parts of a concept paper
and describe your opinion.
 Explain how the material can relate to the modern 1. Concept Paper for a Project
world, to society or to separate individuals.
 Back your statements with sources if needed and Use the structure below when you want to propose a
make conclusions about whether you support the certain tangible project in your discipline.
author or not.
Cover Page contains.
Writing a reaction paper can be quite a challenging  Proponent's name
task, so may students use examples to learn more  Proponent's contact number, email address
about its structure and key features. Here are a few  Proponent's agency
recommendations, which will help you complete an  Date of submission
outstanding reaction paper:
Introduction contains
 Read the original article carefully and highlight the  Short description of proponent's agency, major
main ideas and points you want to discuss; accomplishments and capability to undertake the
 Describe your point of view and back it with proposed project
additional information if needed. Use vivid  Reasons why the funding agency should support
examples; the project.
 Use various sources to make your statement more
argumentative. Rationale or Background contains
 State the problem to be solved.
Tips to help you to avoid common mistakes:  State the project's significance

 Don’t give a summary of an article. Project Description contains

 You should perform your personal opinion, not an  Objective of the project
overview.  Methodology (Action Plan)
 You should always go back your ideas with  Timeline
examples.  Anticipated outcome
 Avoid using examples, which are difficult to relate  How the outcome will be evaluated
to the topic.
Project Needs and Cost contains
LESSON 4: CONCEPT PAPER  Budget, item description and amount
 Personnel or equipment needed.
What is a Concept Paper?
2. Concept Paper for Academic Research
A concept paper is a summary document of a project
proposal that tells what the project. is all about, the Use the structure below when you intend to present an
reasons for conducting the project, and how it will be idea or concept for a research you want to pursue.
carried out. This paper also provides an overview of the
project, and help funding agencies eliminate proposals Title page contains
that are likely to be disapproved.  Research title
 Name and school
It has several uses:  Date of Submission

 serves a foundation of the full proposal Background of the Study contains

 determines whether the project is feasible or not  State the field you are researching on
 piques the interest of the potential funding  State the problems to be addressed by the
agencies research, provide statistics and previousstudies to
 obtains informal feedback on the ideas before prove your claim Reasons in concluding the
preparing the full proposal research
 helps in addressing social issues that plague our  Theoretical and practical implications
Preliminary Literature Review contains disease; when onset is after 65, it is referred to as senile
 Provide theoretical framework dementia of the Alzheimer’s type.
 Provide major related literature reviews at least 5.
 Provide brief synthesis of the reviewed literature 2. Explication
and studies  is a method of explanation in which sentences,
verses, quotes, or phrases are taken from a literary
Statement of the Problem/Objective contains or academic work then interpreted and explained
✓ State the general problem in one sentence in a detailed way. You may begin by analyzing how
✓ State your specific research questions of objectives the text was constructed and end with a concise
conclusion by restating your major arguments.
Methodology contains
 Context and participants of the study  is a method of explanation in which sentences,
Instruments to be used verses, quotes, or phrases are taken from a literary
 Data collection procedures or academic work then interpreted and explained
 Data analysis scheme to be used in a detailed way. You may begin by analyzing how
the text was constructed and end with a concise
Timeline contains conclusion by restating your major arguments.
Duration of the research (Gantt chart)
In the final stanza of his poem The Road Not Taken,
Reference contains Frost talks about his dilemma of coming upon two
List of books, journals, and other resources cite in your diverging paths, and not knowing which one to choose.
paper The third line is very important, as it delivers an idea of
choosing between the two divergent paths.
LESSON 5: Three Ways in Elucidating a Concept
The tone in this stanza shifts from regretful to
1. Definition optimistic. The two roads symbolically represent
explaining the concept by answering, “What does it individual choices. The mood is neither depressed nor
mean?” This makes of an illustrations, examples, and unhappy, but the poet sighs because he knows what the
description to clarify the term. A definition can be done complexities our life may have for him. Whether he has
in three ways: chosen a right or a wrong path, it has a compelling
impact on his life. The phrase “less traveled” suggests
a. Informal Definition the theme of individualism. From: The Road Not Taken
giving of a parenthetical or brief explanation. (by Robert Frost)
Example: Tocopherol (Vitamin E) is naturally
found in vegetable oil, fish, and nuts. 3.Clarification
– it is a method of explanation in which the points are
b. Formal Definition organized from a general abstract idea to specific and
giving of the term to be defined, the category, and the concrete examples. The analysis of the concept is done
quality that makes the term different from other terms by looking at the examples and specifying its
in the same category. characteristics.

C. Extended Definition Signal Words for Clarification

is a detailed way of defining a term and is usually a one After all
paragraph. It incorporates various patterns of formal, for instance
informal, comparison and contrasts, narration, namely
description, classification, cause and effect to explain a that is
concept. As an example
In other words
First described in 1907 by Alos Alzheimer, a German put another way
physician, Alzheimer's disease is an adult-onset to be specific
neurological disorder of unknown aetiology (cause) Consider the following example
manifested by loss of memory, impaired thought in particular
processes, and abnormal behavior. When the illness specifically
begins before the age of 65, it is termed Alzheimer’s To clarify
for example
in short stated differently

LESSON 6: POSITION PAPER  From the issues that you identified, take on a side
that you can defend.
POSITION PAPER  Given the issues that you chose, identify other
 is an essay that expresses a position on an issue. concepts or ideas that you can associate with the
 It gives arguments that support the opinion of the issues
writer based on the facts collected.  Formulate statements that will express your stand
towards the issues. These statements may convey
INTRODUCTION the message that the issues are having negative
In this part, you must introduce the topic, and then effects on people and the community.
provide history or background of the issue. You may  Gather factual evidences to support your
also describe the issue on hand so do your research. arguments regarding the issue.This evidence may
be taken from official statement of the
BODY government agencies, political leaders and
 You must state the opposing argument by briefly academic authorities.
describing them. You may also include details that  Make sure that your statements are strong enough
support the opposing claim. to convince or persuade your readers into action to
 Then, after writing the counter argument, now address the issue.
write your argument and give your point of view.
Provide evidence that support your claim. Now you
state your second argument followed by your third
argument. Make sure to provide details that
support the argument given.

Now, you can restate both sides of the argument, and
summarize the three arguments made in your essay.
Lastly, provide a call for action.

Issues and its possible claims/stand

or position.
 Social media gives negative effect on students’
academic performance.
 Social media is helpful to students.

Divorce should not be legalized in the Philippines.
 Divorce will help unhappy couples to give
themselves chance to love again.

 Bullying affect students’ behaviour in school.
 Bullying will not affect students’ behaviour in

 Smoking should be banned in public places
 Smoking is a choice and people should have
freedom to do whatever makes them happy.

 Clearly identify the issue that you believe is
affecting you and your community.

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