LOT 2 - Small Works - 6 Solicitation - RFQ 05 Section VI - Returnable Schedules

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules

RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]


Instructions for completing the returnable Schedules
1. Bidders are required to complete all the returnable Schedules listed in Schedule
0.14 [Quotation Checklist], sign them and return them as part of their quotation
submission. The bidder shall fill in all forms in accordance with the instructions
indicated. No alterations to its format shall be permitted and no substitutions shall
be accepted.

2. Each returnable Schedule includes blank tables and boxes and grey-highlighted
text that the bidder shall complete. Additional instructions on how to complete the
content are also highlighted in grey and should be deleted before returning the
Schedules. The final version of these Schedules should not include any grey
highlights. The examples below show what the Schedules look like before and
after completion.

Without additional instructions (example before completion):

Amount in words: _______________________________________

Amount in figures: ______________________________________

Without additional instructions (example after completion):

Amount in words: Seven million five hundred twenty thousand

Amount in figures: 7,520,000

With additional instructions in brackets (example before completion):

“... duly authorized by [insert name of bidder] to sign this quotation …”

With additional instructions in brackets (example after completion):

“... duly authorized by ABC, Inc. to sign this quotation …”

With check box selections to be made (example before completion):

[To select an option, put an X over the relevant blank box]
Schedule 0.1 [Quotation Submission Declaration] ☐ YES ☐ NO ☐ N/A
Schedule 0.2 [Bidder's Information] ☐ YES ☐ NO ☐ N/A

With check box selections to be made (example after completion):

Schedule 0.1 [Quotation Submission Declaration] X YES ☐ NO ☐ N/A
Schedule 0.2 [Bidder's Information] X YES ☐ NO ☐ N/A

3. Instructions on how to prepare the returnable Schedules have been incorporated

in the guidance note for bidders on completing Schedules 1.2 and 4.

4. If after assessing this opportunity the bidder decides not to submit a quotation,
UNOPS asks that the bidder still returns Schedule 0.13 [Quotation/No Quotation
Confirmation] indicating the reasons for non-participation.

5. Bidders shall submit exclusivity and availability statements for all the proposed
Key Personnel listed in Schedule 4.4 [Key Personnel] in accordance with the form
set out in Schedule 0.6 [Statement of Exclusivity and Availability].

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]


0.1 Quotation Submission Declaration
Submission date: ___/___/___
Subject: Quotation for the construction of [insert brief information on the Works] in [name of
country/city], RFQ ref. No. [RFQ/202#/#####], dated [insert date]
We, the undersigned, declare that:
a. We have examined and have no reservations regarding the quotation documents, including amendments
No.: [Insert the number and issuing date of each amendment];
b. We offer to execute the Works in conformity with the quotation documents, including the Conditions of
Contract and in accordance with Section IV: Schedule of Details;
c. Our quotation shall be valid for the period of [insert number of days – not less than the quotation validity
period specified in the Particulars] days from the date fixed for the deadline for quotation submission as set
out in the Particulars, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the
expiration of that period;
d. If our quotation is accepted, and if so requested in the Particulars, we commit to obtaining a Performance
Security, in accordance with Section IV: Schedule of Details, Schedule 1.1 [Details Provided by the
Employer] and the General Conditions of Contract;
e. We have no conflict of interest in any activity that would put it, if selected for this assignment, in a conflict
of interest with UNOPS;
f. We have not declared bankruptcy, are not involved in bankruptcy or receivership proceedings, and there is
no judgment or pending legal action against us that could impair our operations in the foreseeable future;
g. Our entity confirms that we the bidder and the subcontractors identified have not been associated or have
not been involved in any way, directly or indirectly, with the preparation of the design, terms of reference
and/or other documents used as a part of this solicitation;
h. We embrace the principles of the United Nations Supplier Code of Conduct and adhere to the principles of
the United Nations Global Compact;
i. Our firm, its affiliates or subsidiaries – including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the contract
– have not been declared ineligible by UNOPS, nor are they included in the suspended/ineligibility list in
accordance with Section I: Instructions to Bidders, Article 4 [Bidder Eligibility];
j. We have not offered and will not offer fees, gifts and/or favours of any kind in exchange for this RFQ and
will not engage in any such activity during the performance of any Contract awarded;
k. We understand that UNOPS is not bound to accept the lowest priced evaluated quotation or any other
quotation that UNOPS may receive.
I, the undersigned, certify that I am duly authorized by [insert name of bidder] to sign this quotation and bind
[insert name of bidder] should UNOPS accept this quotation:



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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

0.2 Bidder's Information

RFQ reference No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]
Name of bidder: _____________________
Submission date: ___/___/___

[To select an option, put an X over the relevant blank box]

1. Background of bidder:

Full legal name of bidder

Year the entity was established

Address of registered office

Name of bidder representative

Has the entity ever filed or petitioned for

☐ Yes ☐ No

● If “Yes”, please explain in detail the reasons

why, filing date and current status.

Does the entity have an actual or potential

conflict of interest in this procurement
process? (Refer to Section I: Instructions to ☐ Yes ☐ No
Bidders, Article 4 [Bidder Eligibility] for details on
conflict of interest.)

● If “Yes”, please provide details on the entity’s

actual or potential conflict of interest.

2. UNGM Registration and UNOPS vendors

As part of the quotation, it is desired that the bidder fills out the registration on the United Nations Global
Marketplace (UNGM) registration website.

If the bidder is already registered with UNGM, please provide the UNGM registration number in the table below.
Please also ensure that the entity’s information on UNGM is current.

The bidder may still submit a quotation even if not registered with the UNGM. However, if the bidder is selected
for the Contract award, the bidder must register on UNGM before signing the Contract.

Are you a UNGM registered vendor? ☐ Yes ☐ No

● If “Yes”, insert the UNGM vendor number

Are you a UNOPS vendor? ☐ Yes ☐ No

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

3. Contact details of persons that UNOPS may contact for requests for clarification during quotation

Name and surname


Telephone number (direct)

Email address (direct):

ATTENTION: This person must be available during the two weeks following receipt of the quotation.



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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

0.3 Joint Venture Partner Information

RFQ reference No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]
Name of bidder: _____________________
Submission date: ___/___/___

ATTENTION: This Schedule should only be completed and returned with the quotation if the quotation is
submitted as a Joint Venture.

Joint Venture Information


Names of each partner and contact information

(address, telephone numbers, fax numbers, email

Name of leading partner

(with authority to bind the Joint Venture, during the
bid process and, in the event a Contract is
awarded, during Contract execution)

Proposed proportion of responsibilities

between partners (in %) with indication of the
type of the Works to be performed by each

Signatures of all partners of the Joint Venture:

We hereby confirm that if the contract is awarded, all parties of the Joint Venture shall be jointly and severally
liable to UNOPS for the fulfillment of the provisions of the Contract.

Name of partner: Name of partner:

Date: Date:
Signature: Signature:

Name of partner: Name of partner:

Date: Date:
Signature: Signature:

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

0.4 Capacity and Experience

RFQ reference No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]
Name of bidder: _____________________
Submission date: ___/___/___

1. Similar Contracts during the last ___ years

No. Contract title Client Location Contract amount

2. All current contracts underway

No. Contract title Client Location Contract Value of

amount remaining work

3. All contracts committed to start

No. Contract title Client Location Expected value of


4. Assets [delete if not required]

No. Name of asset Asset owned or leased by the entity



0.5 Format for Resume of Proposed Key Personnel

RFQ reference No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

Name of bidder: _____________________

Submission date: ___/___/___

Name of personnel


Years with entity



Education/ [Summarize college/university and other specialized education of personnel, giving

qualifications names of schools, dates attended, and degrees/qualifications obtained.]

[Provide details of professional certifications relevant to the scope of services]

Professional ● Name of institution: ____________________________________________
● Date of certification: ___/___/___

[Starting with the present position, list in reverse order every employment held. List
all positions held by personnel since graduation, giving dates, names of employing
Employment record/
entities, title of position held and location of employment. For experience in the last
five years, detail the type of activities performed, the degree of responsibilities,
location of assignments and any other information or professional experience
considered pertinent for this assignment.]

[Provide names, addresses, phone and email contact information for two (2)
● Reference 1: _________________________________________________

● Reference 2: _________________________________________________



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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

0.6 Statement of Exclusivity and Availability

RFQ reference No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]
Name of bidder: _____________________
Submission date: ___/___/___

I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I agree to participate exclusively with the bidder [insert bidder name] in the
above-mentioned RFQ. I further declare that I am able and willing to work for the period(s) foreseen for the
position for which my CV has been included in the event that this quotation is successful, namely:

From To

[start of period 1] [end of period 1]

[start of period 2] [end of period 2]

[etc.] [etc.]

I confirm that I am not engaged with other projects in a position that will require my services during the time
periods in which my services are required under this RFQ.

By making this declaration, I understand that I am not allowed to present myself as a candidate to any other bidder
submitting a quotation for this RFQ. I am fully aware that if I do so, I will be excluded from this RFQ, the quotations
may be rejected, and I may also be subject to exclusion from other UNOPS tender procedures and contracts.

Furthermore, should this quotation be successful, I am fully aware that if I am not available at the expected start
date of my services for reasons other than ill health or force majeure, I may be subject to exclusion from UNOPS
other tenders and contracts, and the notification of award of contract to the bidder may be rendered null and void.



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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

0.7 Performance Statement

RFQ reference No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]
Name of bidder: _____________________
Submission date: ___/___/___

Contract No.: [#######]

Contract awarded by
(full address of the Client)
Contract date (DD/MM/YY)

Description of Scope of Works

Value of Contract

● As per Contract:
Date of completion
● Actual:

Remarks indicating satisfaction on

performance, reasons for late
completion or any other, if any

Contract No.: [#######]

Contract awarded by
(full address of the Client)

Contract date (DD/MM/YY)

Description of Scope of Works

Value of Contract

● As per Contract:
Date of completion
● Actual:

Remarks indicating satisfaction on

performance, reasons for late
completion or any other, if any



0.8 Form for Bid Security

ATTENTION: The bank shall fill in this form in accordance with the instructions.

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

Date: ___/___/___
Bid guarantee number: [#######]
Bank name: ___________________
Address: [Insert address of issuing branch or office]

[insert address]

We have been informed that [insert name of the bidder] (hereinafter called the “bidder”) has submitted to you its
bid dated [insert date] (hereinafter called the “bid”) for the execution of [insert name of contract], under the RFQ
ref. No. [RFQ/202#/#####] (hereinafter called the “RFQ”).
Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be supported by a bid guarantee.
At the request of the bidder, we [insert name of bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums
not exceeding in total an amount of [insert amount in words (amount in figures) with the relevant currency] upon
receipt by us of your first demand in writing, accompanied by a written statement stating that the bidder is in
breach of its obligation(s) under the bid conditions, because the bidder:
(a) Has withdrawn its bid during the bid validity period specified by the bidder in the bid submission; or
(b) Having been notified of the acceptance of its bid by UNOPS during the bid validity period,
(i) Fails or refuses to execute the Contract; or
(ii) Fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security, if required, in accordance with Section I:
Instructions to Bidders.
This guarantee will expire:
(a) If the bidder is the successful bidder, upon our receipt of copies of the Contract signed by the bidder and
the Performance Security issued to you upon the instruction of the bidder; or
(b) If the bidder is not the successful bidder, upon the earlier of:
(i) Our receipt of a copy of UNOPS notification to the bidder of the name of the successful bidder; or
(ii) Twenty-eight days after the expiration of the bid.
Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at the office on or before
that date.

This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (2010 Revision), International Chamber
of Commerce Publication No. 758, except that the supporting statement under Article 15 (a) is excluded.





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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

Name of witness (block letters):

Occupation of witness:

Address of witness:
Signature of witness:

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

0.9 DRiVE Supplier Sustainability Questionnaire

ATTENTION: Remove only if waiver received from PG.

DRiVE Supplier Sustainability Questionnaire

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

0.10 Dispute Details

RFQ reference No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]
Name of bidder: _____________________
Submission date: ___/___/___

ATTENTION: Bidders shall submit a statement below providing details of any current contract dispute and/or
arbitral or legal proceeding involving the bidder. The statement shall include details of any dispute which has
been, or is reasonably likely to be, referred to formal dispute proceedings (e.g., mediation or arbitration) or is the
subject of litigation in any court locally or internationally. This information shall be provided regardless of whether
such action has been instigated by the bidder against a client or a client of the bidder against the bidder.



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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

0.11 Acknowledgement of the Addenda

RFQ reference No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]
Name of bidder: _____________________
Submission date: ___/___/___

We acknowledge receipt of the following addenda, which have been taken into account in preparing the

Addendum Number Dated



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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

0.12 Self-disclosure
RFQ reference No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]
Name of bidder: _____________________
Submission date: ___/___/___

[To select an option, put an X over the relevant blank box]

Ref. Critical area Comments

Has the entity or individual declared bankruptcy, or been involved

in bankruptcy or receivership proceedings, or is there any ☐ YES [If the response is ‘Yes’,
judgment or pending legal action against them, which could impair ☐ NO provide an explanation.]
operations in the foreseeable future?

Has the entity or individual been found (or is awaiting a judgment [If the response is ‘Yes’,
2 or administrative decision) in breach of their obligations relating to
☐ NO provide an explanation.]
the payment of taxes or social security contributions?

Has the entity or individual been found (or is awaiting a judgment

or administrative decision) guilty of misconduct for the violation of ☐ YES [If the response is ‘Yes’,
applicable laws, regulations or ethical standards of the profession ☐ NO provide an explanation.]
to which they belong?

Has the entity or individual engaged, or attempted to engage, in

any Proscribed Practices in the past?
For the purposes of this provision, “Proscribed Practices” are
defined in the UNOPS Operational Instruction on Vendor Sanctions
and include the following:
● A corrupt practice: the offering, giving, receiving, or
soliciting, directly or indirectly, anything of value to
influence improperly the actions of another party;
● A fraudulent practice: any act or omission, including a
misrepresentation, that knowingly or recklessly misleads,
or attempts to mislead, a party to obtain a financial or
other benefit or to avoid an obligation;
● A coercive practice: an act or omission that impairs or ☐ YES [If the response is ‘Yes’,
4 harms, or threatens to impair or harm, directly or ☐ NO provide an explanation.]
indirectly, any party or the property of the party to
improperly influence the actions of a party;
● A collusive practice: an arrangement between two or more
parties designed to achieve an improper purpose,
including influencing improperly the actions of another
● An unethical practice: Conduct or behaviour that is
contrary to the conflict of interest, gifts and hospitality,
post-employment provisions or other published
requirements of doing business with UNOPS; and
● Obstruction: Acts or omissions by a vendor that prevent or
hinder UNOPS from investigating instances of possible
Proscribed Practices.

Has the entity or individual unduly obtained, or attempted to unduly

obtain, any confidential information in connection with this ☐ YES [If the response is ‘Yes’,
procurement process and any agreement that may be awarded as ☐ NO provide an explanation.]
a result of this process?

6 Does the entity or individual have a conflict of interest, as provided ☐ YES [If the response is ‘Yes’,

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

in Section I: Instructions to Bidders, Article 4 [Bidder Eligibility],

that may prevent them from entering into an agreement with provide an explanation.]
☐ NO
UNOPS, or that may in any way jeopardize their performance in
carrying out their obligations under the agreement?
Has the entity or individual been found (or is awaiting a judgment
or administrative decision) to be involved in any of the following:
● Fraudulent practice;
● Corrupt practice;
☐ YES [If the response is ‘Yes’,
7 ● Affiliation with a criminal organization;
☐ NO provide an explanation.]
● Money laundering;
● Terrorist financing;
● Child labour; or
● Human trafficking?
Has the entity or individual had significant performance issues in
the past that led to the early termination of a legal commitment or ☐ YES [If the response is ‘Yes’,
the application of damages or other contractual penalties, or that ☐ NO provide an explanation.]
were discovered following inspections, audits or investigations?
Has the entity or individual committed any financial irregularity,
resulting from an act or omission or the inclusion of an unjustified ☐ YES [If the response is ‘Yes’,
item of expenditure outside a contractual engagement that had the ☐ NO provide an explanation.]
effect of prejudicing their use of public funds?
Has the entity or individual been found (or is awaiting a judgment
or administrative decision) to have created an entity in a different [If the response is ‘Yes’,
10 jurisdiction with the intent of circumventing fiscal, social or any
☐ NO provide an explanation.]
other legal obligations in the jurisdiction of their registered office,
central administration or principal place of business?

I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct. I also understand that any
willful dishonesty may result in the refusal of this submission. I understand that engagement in any of the above
critical areas may, at the discretion of UNOPS, automatically result in exclusion from this procurement process.




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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

0.13 Quotation/No Quotation Confirmation

To: UNOPS Email: [insert UNOPS contact person’s email
[insert name and office of contact person] and do not enter secure quotation email address]

From: [insert name of bidder] Date: ___/___/___

Subject: RFQ reference No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

Insert an “X”
where applicable

YES, we intend to submit a quotation.

NO, we are unable to submit a competitive quotation for the requested Scope of Works at
the moment.

If you selected NO above, please state the reason(s) below:

Insert an “X”
where applicable

The requested Works are not within our range of execution.

We are unable to submit a competitive quotation for the requested Scope of Works at the

Some materials and required equipment products are not available at the moment.

We cannot meet the requested specifications.

The information provided for quotation purposes is insufficient.

The RFQ is too complicated.

Insufficient time is allowed to prepare a quotation.

We cannot meet the delivery requirements.

We cannot adhere to the terms and conditions (please specify: payment terms, request
for performance security, etc.).

Sustainability criteria/requirements are too stringent (if applicable).

We do not execute works for the UN.

The scope of Works is too small.

Our works execution capacity is currently full.

The person that handles quotations is away from the office.

Other (please provide reasons):

We would like to receive future RFQs for this type of Works.

We don’t want to receive RFQs for this type of Works.

If UNOPS has questions to the bidder concerning this not submission of quotation, UNOPS should contact Mr./Ms.
_______________, phone _______________, email _______________, who will be able to assist.

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]


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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

0.14 Quotation Checklist

Please refer to checklist in Esourcing

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]


1.2 Details Provided by the Contractor1
Sub-Clause No. Description Details

10.1 Contract Price Amount in words:

Amount in figures:

1.3 Contractor’s address for

Position title:
Email address:
Telephone/Mobile number:

4.3 Contractor’s Representative Name:

Position title:
Email address:
Telephone/Mobile number:

1 For the purposes of this RFQ, when the term “Contractor” is used, it refers to the bidder. The Schedules, submitted by the
bidder whose bid is selected after evaluation and who is awarded the Contract, will be included in the Contract.

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]


4.1 Quantities and Rates
4.1.A Bill of Quantities
(Details including description, quantities and unit rates of items - including preliminaries and
provisional sums)

4.1.B Daywork Schedule

(Details in accordance with Sub-Clause 9.4 of the General Conditions)

No. Item description Rates Payment schedule (Daily/Weekly/Monthly)


4.2 Programme
(In accordance with Sub-Clause 6.3 of the General Conditions)

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

4.3 Method Statement

(Description of the arrangements and methods which the Contractor proposes to adopt for carrying
out the Works including the Health and Safety Management Plan, Quality Management System and
Social and Environmental Plan)

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

4.4 Key Personnel

(Details of Key Personnel in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.5 of the General Conditions)

No. Position description Name Qualification Years of relevant


4.5 Organizational Structure

4.6 Subcontractors
(Details of Subcontractors in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.4 of the General Conditions)

No. Description of the Subcontractors Work or Services Name of the Subcontractors

4.7 Contractor's Equipment and Machinery

(Details of Contractor’s equipment and machinery in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.7 of the General

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

No. Description of item (Equipment or Machinery) Units Remarks

4.8 Sources of Naturally Occurring Materials

(Details of any pre-identified sources of construction materials such as borrow pits, quarry sites, water
sources, sand sources and likewise)

No. Description of Materials Description of identified sources and location

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

4.9 Insurance Details and Insurances

(Details of insurances that are available in accordance with Sub-Clause 15.1 of the General Conditions)

1. Construction all risks insurance

Name of Insurer:

Policy No.:

Insured Amount:

Renewal Date:

Name of Broker:

Contact details of Broker:

2. Public liability insurance

Name of Insurer:

Policy No.:

Insured Amount:

Renewal Date:

Name of Broker:

Contact details of Broker:

3. Workers’ compensation insurance

Name of Insurer:

Policy No.:

Insured Amount:

Renewal Date:

Name of Broker:

Contact details of Broker:

4. Insurances required by Laws and local practices

Name of Insurer:

Policy No.:

Insured Amount:

Renewal Date:

Name of Broker:

Contact details of Broker:

5. Any other insurance

Name of Insurer:

Policy No:

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section VI: Returnable Schedules
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/202#/#####]

Insured Amount:

Renewal Date:

Name of Broker:

Contact details of Broker:

6. Professional indemnity insurance

Name of Insurer:

Policy No.:

Insured Amount:

Renewal Date:

Name of Broker:

Contact details of Broker:

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