Res Judicata Meaning
Res Judicata Meaning
Res Judicata Meaning
Res means “subject matter” and judicata means “adjudged” or decided and
together it means “a matter adjudged”.
In simpler words, the thing has been judged by the court, the issue before a
court has already been decided by another court and between the same parties.
Hence, the court will dismiss the case as it has been decided by another court.
Res judicata applies to both civil and criminal legal systems. No suit which has
been directly or indirectly tried in a former suit can be tried again.
The scope has been decided in the case of Gulam Abbas v. State of Uttar
Pradesh. I this case the court incorporated the rules as evidence as a plea of an
issue already tries in an earlier case. Judgment of this case was difficult as the
judges should apply res judicata. It was decided that res judicata is not
exhaustive and even if the matter is not directly covered under the provisions of
the section it will be considered as a case of res judicata on general principles.
Doctrine of Res Judicata
Section 11 of the Civil Procedure Court incorporates the doctrine of res judicata
also known as “ rule of conclusiveness of judgment”. The doctrine of res judicata
has been explained in the case of Satyadhyan Ghosal v. Deorjin Debi. The
judgment of the court was delivered by Das Gupta, J. An appeal was made by
landlords who attained a decree for ejectment against the tenants who were
Deorajin Debi and her minor son. However, they have not been yet able to get
possession in execution soon after the decree was made. An application was
made by the tenant under Section 28 of the Calcutta Thika Tenancy Act and
alleged that they were the Thika tenants. This application was resisted by the
landlords saying they were not Thika Tenants within the meaning of the Act.
The 1976 Amendment Act expanded the scope of Section 11 and brought
execution proceedings within the purview of this Act. The definition of res
judicata provided under Section 11 is not exhaustive.
The rationale of the principle of res judicata can be traced to three judicial