23-11-24 - SR - Elite, Target & Star - Jee Mains - RPTM-13 - Q, Paper

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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy.,India.


A right Choice for the Real Aspirant
ICON Central Office - Madhapur - Hyderabad
SEC: Sr. Elite, Target &Star JEE-MAIN Date: 23-11-2024
Time: 09.30m to 12.30Pm RPTM-13 Max. Marks: 300
1. Immediately fill in the Admission number on this page of the Test Booklet with Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only.
2. The candidates should not write their Admission Number anywhere (except in the specified space) on the Test Booklet/ Answer
3. The test is of 3 hours duration.
4. The Test Booklet consists of 75 Questions. The maximum marks are 300.
5. There are three parts in the question paper 1,2,3 consisting of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
having 25 Questions in each subject and subject having two sections.
(I) Section –I contains 20 Multiple Choice Questions with only one correct option.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempt and -1 in all other cases.
(II) Section-II contains 05 Numerical Value Type Questions.
∎ The Answer should be within 0 to 9999. If the Answer is in Decimal then round off to the Nearest Integer value (Example i,e. If
answer is above 10 and less than 10.5 round off is 10 and If answer is from 10.5 and less than 11 round off is 11).
To cancel any attempted question bubble on the question number box.
For example: To cancel attempted Question 21. Bubble on 21 as shown below

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Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempt and -1 in all other cases.
6. Use Blue / Black Point Pen only for writing particulars / marking responses on the Answer Sheet. Use of pencil is strictly
7. No candidate is allowed to carry any textual material, printed or written, bits of papers, mobile phone any electron device etc,
except the Identity Card inside the examination hall.
8. Rough work is to be done on the space provided for this purpose in the Test Booklet only.
9. On completion of the test, the candidate must hand over the Answer Sheet to the invigilator on duty in the Hall. However, the
candidate are allowed to take away this Test Booklet with them.
10. Do not fold of make any stray marks on the Answer Sheet
Name of the Candidate (in Capital): ________________________________________________

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Candidate’s Signature:________________ Invigilator’s Signature: ________________
23-11-24_Sr.Elite,Target & Star_Jee Mains_RPTM-13_Test Syllabus
PHYSICS : Work -Power-Energy, center of mass and collisions
CHEMISTRY : Electro Chemistry, Complex Compounds upto VBT
MATHEMATICS : Quadratic equations & Expressions, Theory of Equations, Progressions &
SRI CHAITANYA IIT ACADEMY, INDIA 23-11-24_Sr.Elite,Target & Star_Jee Mains_RPTM-13_Q.Paper
MATHEMATICS Max Marks: 100
This section contains 20 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer, out of which
ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases.

1. If log a, log b, log c are in A.P and log a  log 2b, log 2b  log 3c,log 3c  log a are
e e e e e e e e e
also in an A.P, then a: b: c is equal to

1) 6: 3: 2 2) 16: 4: 1 3) 9: 6: 4 4) 25: 10: 4

2. Let  and  be the roots of equation px 2  qx  r  0, p  0 . If p, q, r are in A.P and

1 1
  4 , then the value of    is:
 

34 2 13 61 2 17
1) 2) 3) 4)
9 9 9 9

3. The parabolas; ax 2  2bx  cy  0 and dx 2  2ex  fy  0 intersect on the line y=1. If a ,b, c,
d, e, f are positive real numbers and a, b, c are in G.P., then

d e f
1) d, e, f are in A.P. 2) , , are in G.P.
a b c

d e f
3) , , are in A.P 4) d, e, f are in G.P.
a b c

4. Let  and  be the roots of the quadratic equation

 n  1n 
x sin   x  sin  cos   1  cos  0  0    45  , and    . Then    
2 0
 is
  n 
n 0
 
equal to:

1 1 1 1
1)  2) 
1  cos 1  sin  1  cos 1  sin 

1 1 1 1
3)  4) 
1  cos 1  sin  1  cos 1  sin 
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5. Let,  ,  be the distinct roots of the equation x 2   t 2  5t  6  x  1  0, t  R and

a2023  a2025
a   n   n . Then the minimum value of is _________
n a2024

1 1 1 1
1) 2)  3)  4)
4 2 4 2

 
6. If  and  are the roots of the quadratic equation, x 2  x sin   2sin   0,   0,  , then
 2
 12   12
is equal to :______
  12
  12
     

212 212 212 26

1) 2) 3) 4)
 sin   4   sin   8  sin   8  sin   8
12 12 6 12

 1
7. If x is a solution of the equation, 2 x  1  2 x  1  1,  x   , then 4 x 2  1 is equal to__
 2

3 1
1) 2) 3) 2 2 4) 2
4 2

8. If  x 2  px  1 is a factor of  ax3  bx  c  , then

1) a2  c2  ab 2) a2  c 2  ab 3) a2  c2  ab 4) None of these

1 1
9. Let  ,  are roots of the equation x   20  x  5  0 and  8   8  k then 2K=
4 2

1) 10 2) 50 3) 100 4) 160

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10. Let a, b, c, p, q be real numbers. Suppose  ,  are the roots of the equation x 2  2 px  q  0
and  , are the roots of the equation ax 2  2bx  c  0 , where  2  1,0,1

Statement-1: p 2
 q  b 2  ac   0 and

Statement-2: b  pa or c  qa

1) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is a correct explanation for

Statement -1

2) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is True; Statement -2 is NOT a correct explanation for

Statement -1

3) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is False

4) Statement -1 is False, Statement -2 is True

11. Match the following options.

A)  x  1 x  3  k  x  2  x  4   0  k  R  , p)  5, 1
has real roots for k 
B) The integer K for which the quadratic equation q) 12, 8
 x  k  x  10   1  0 has integral roots are
 
C) The equation x   0,  ,sec x  cos ecx  k r)  ,  
 2
has real root if k 
D) The equation x 2  2  k  1 x  k  5  0 has 
s) 2 2, 
Roots positive and distinct, if k 
1) A  r , B  q, C  s, D  p 2) A  q, B  r , C  s, D  p
3) A  p, B  r , C  s, D  q 4) A  p, B  s, C  r , D  q
12. If a  b  c  d then the roots of  x  a  x  c   2  x  b  x  d   0 are
1) real and equal 2) real and distinct 3) imaginary 4) real
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6 3
13. The product of real roots of the equation x 5  26 x 5  27  0 is K then K 2 =

12 21
1) 3 20
2) 3 12
3) 3 5
4) 3 5

14. The equation x 3  3qx  2r  0 has a repeated root then

1) q 2  r 3 2) q  r 2 3) q 3  r 4) q 3  r 2

15. If the equation x 2  5 x  6   x  7  0 has exactly three solutions then  is equal to

1) 7  23 2) 9  4 5 3) 7  23 4) 9  4 5

16. For an increasing A.P. a1 , a2 ,......an if a1  a3  a5  12 and a1 a3 a5  80 , then which of the
following is not true?

1) a1  10 2) a2  1 3) a3  4 4) a5  2

H1  2 H 20  3
17. If H1 , H 2 ,....H 20 harmonic means between 2 and 3, then  
H1  2 H 20  3

1) 20 2) 21 3) 40 4) 38

n f5  x 
18. For x  R; x  1 and n  I  1 . Let f n  x   , then  5! =
1 1 1
  ... 
log 2 x log 3 x log n x

1) 5x 2) 55 3) x5 4) 55 x

xy log  xy  yz log  yz  zx log  zx 

19. If   then
x y yz zx

1) x x  y  z z 2) x  y  2 z 3) x  y  z  0 4) x  y  z  1

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20. Let Sn denote the sum of n terms of an AP. If S20  790 and S10  145 . If S15  S5 is K, then

1) 790 2) 390 3) 405 4) 410


This section contains 5 Numerical Value Type Questions. The Answer should be within 0 to 9999. If the Answer is in Decimal
then round off to the Nearest Integer value (Example i,e. If answer is above 10 and less than 10.5 round off is 10 and If
answer is from 10.5 and less than 11 round off is 11).
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempt and -1 in all other cases.
21. The 8th common term of the series S1  3  7  11  15  19  ..... and
S2  1  6  11  16  21  ..... is P. Then 4  P  _______

22. Consider the equation x2  2 x  n  0 , n  N and n  5,100 , the number of different values
of ‘n’ so that the given equation has integral roots, is K. Then 5K =______

23. The minimum value of the quantity

a 2
 3a  1 b 2  3b  1 c 2  3c  1
where a, b, c  R 
is A. Then =________
24. Given a, b, c are positive integers forming an increasing G.P, b-a is a prefect square of a
natural number, and log 6 a  log 6 b  log 6 c  6 . Then the value of a  b  c  105  _____ .
7 9 13 19
25. S     ......... Then 32S=_______
5 52 53 54

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PHYSICS Max Marks: 100
This section contains 20 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer, out of which
ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases.
26. A block is simply released from the top of an inclined plane as shown in the figure above.
The maximum compression in the spring when the block hits the spring is _____
[Friction on horizontal surface is up to the natural length of the spring from the fixed end]

1) 6m 2) 2m 3) 1m 4) 5m
27. The distance of centre of mass from end A of a one-dimensional rod (AB) having mass
 x2  6L
density   0  1  2  kg/m and length L (in meter) is m . The value of  is _____
 L  
(where x is the distance from end A).
1) 16 2) 24 3) 12 4) 8
28. A body of mass m1 moving with uniform velocity of 40 m/s collides with another mass m2
at rest and then the two together begin to move with uniform velocity of 30 m/s. The ratio of
their masses is _______
1) 4 2) 5 3) 3 4) 8

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29. Given below are two statements
Statement-1:- The position of maximum potential energy can be the position of unstable
Statement-2:- A conservative force is equal to the negative of slope of the potential energy
vs position graph.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options
given below:
1) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
2) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
3) Both statement I and Statement II are incorrect
4) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
30. If the maximum load carried by an elevator is 1400 kg (600 kg-passenger+800kg-elevator),
which is moving up with a uniform speed of 3ms 1 and the frictional force acting on it is
200N, then the maximum power used by the motor is 2x kW  g  10 m / s 2  , where x is __
1) 48 2) 24 3) 56 4) 65
31. A particle of mass 0.1 kg is subjected to a force which varies with distance as shown in
figure. It starts its journey from rest at x=0, then its velocity at x=12m is

1) 0 2) 20 2m / s 3) 20 3 m / s 4) 40 m / s
32. A ‘T’ shaped object with dimensions shown in the figure, is lying on a smooth floor. A force
‘ F ’ is applied at the point P parallel to AB, such that the object has only the translational
motion without rotation. Find the location of P with respect to C.

3 2 4
1) l 2) l 3) l 4) l
2 3 3
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33. A ball of mass 200g rests on a vertical post of 20m height. A bullet of mass 10g, travelling
in horizontal direction, hits the centre of the ball. After the collision both travels
independently. The ball hits the ground at a distance of 30m and the bullet at a distance of
120m from the foot of the post. The value of initial velocity of the bullet will be (if
g  10m / s 2 ):
1) 120 m/s 2) 60 m/s 3) 400 m/s 4) 360 m/s
34. Given below are two statements:
Statement I: A truck and a car moving with same kinetic energy are brought to rest by
applying brakes which provide equal retarding forces. Both come to rest in equal distance.
Statement II: A car moving towards east takes a turn and moves towards north, the speed
remains unchanged. The acceleration of the car is zero.
In the light of given statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given
1) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
2) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
3) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
4) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
35. Two particle A and B of equal mass M are moving with the same speed v as shown in the
figure. They collide completely inelastically and move as a single particle C. The angle 
that the path of C makes with the X-axis is given by:

3 2 3 2
1) tan   2) tan  
1 2 1 2

1 2 1 3
3) tan   4) tan  

2 1 3  1 2
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36. Two particles A and B of masses 1kg and 2kg respectively are projected in the directions
shown in figure with speeds u A  200 m / s and u B  50 m / s . Initially they were 90m apart.
They collide in mid air and stick with each other. Find the maximum height attained by the
centre of mass of the particles from the ground (assume acceleration due to gravity to be
constant).  g  10 m / s 2 

1) 115.55m 2) 157 m 3) 151.5m 4) 145m

37. Match the following
List-I List-II
a) Impulse e) Area under f-t graph
b)  m1  m2 
2 f) Elastic collision between similar bodies
 
 m1  m2 
c) 4m1m2 g) Fraction of K.E retained by one body in an elastic
 m1  m2 
collision if the other body was initially at rest
d) Interchange of h) Fraction of K.E transfer by one body in an elastic
velocities collision if the other body was initially at rest
1) a  h, b  g , c  f , d  e 2) a  f , b  g , c  h, d  e
3) a  e, b  f , c  h, d  g 4) a  e, b  g , c  h, d  f

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38. (A): When two bodies of equal masses collide, their velocities are always interchanged.
(B): Momentum is conserved in any collision
1) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true and ‘R’ is the correct explanation of ‘A’
2) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true and ‘R’ is not the correct explanation of ‘A’
3) ‘A’ is true and ‘R’ is false
4) ‘A’ is false and ‘R’ is true
39. A circular hole of radius   is cut out of a circular disc of radius ‘a’ as shown in figure.
The centroid of the remaining circular portion with respect to point ‘O’ will be:

1 10 5 2
1) a 2) a 3) a 4) a
6 11 6 3
40. A pump is required to lift 1000kg of water per minute from a well 20m deep and eject it at a
rate of 20ms 1 . What HP (horse power) engine is required for the purpose of lifting water?
1) 88.5 2) 8.85 3) 885 4) 885.5
41. Blocks of masses m, 2m, 4m and 8m are arranged in a line on a frictionless floor. Another
block of mass m, moving with speed v along the same line collides with mass m in perfectly
inelastic manner. All the subsequent collisions are also perfectly inelastic. By the time the
last block of mass 8m starts moving the total energy loss is p% of the original energy. Value
of ‘p’ is close to:

1) 77 2) 94 3) 37 4) 87

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42. (A): When a person walks on a stationary boat in still water, centre of mass of person and
boat system is not displaced.
(R): Internal forces cannot alter the position of c.m.
1) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true and ‘R’ is the correct explanation of ‘A’
2) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true and ‘R’ is not the correct explanation of ‘A’
3) ‘A’ is true and ‘R’ is false
4) ‘A’ is false and ‘R’ is true
43. The potential energy function for the force between two atoms in a diatomic molecule is
a b
approximately given U  x    , where a and b are constants and x is the distance
x12 x 6
between the atoms. The dissociation energy of the molecule is _______
b2 b2 b2 b2
1) 2) 3) 4)
2a 12a 4a 6a
44. The linear mass density of a rod of length 5m varies with distance from its end fixed at the
origin as represented in the graph shown below:

Then find the position of centre of mass of the rod w.r.t origin.
25 5 25 5
1) m 2) m 3) m 4) m
16 9 9 16
45. A system of two identical particles loses 25% of its energy during collision where one
particle was initially at rest. The coefficient of restitution will be
1) 0.25 2) 2 3) 4) 0.5

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This section contains 5 Numerical Value Type Questions. The Answer should be within 0 to 9999. If the Answer is in Decimal
then round off to the Nearest Integer value (Example i,e. If answer is above 10 and less than 10.5 round off is 10 and If
answer is from 10.5 and less than 11 round off is 11).
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempt and -1 in all other cases
46. As shown in the figure, a particle of mass 10kg is placed at a point A. When the particle is
slightly displaced to its right, it starts moving and reaches the point B. The speed of the
particle at B is x m/s. The value of ‘x’ to the nearest integer is _____. (Take, g = 10 m / s 2 )

47. A body is dropped on ground from a height ‘ h1 ’ and after hitting the ground, it rebounds to a
height ‘ h2 ’. If the ratio of velocities of the body just before and after hitting ground is 4, then
percentage loss in kinetic energy of the body is . The value of x is ________

48. A small block starts slipping down from a point B on an inclined plane AB, which is making
an angle  with the horizontal section. BC is smooth and the remaining section CA is rough
with a coefficient of friction  . It is found that the block comes to rest as it reaches the
bottom (point A) of the inclined plane. If BC=2AC, the coefficient of friction is given by
 tan  . The value of k is ______

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49. Power applied to a particle varies with time as P   3t 2  2t  1 watt, where t is in second.

The change in its kinetic energy (in J) between time t  2s and t  4s is 2x, where x is ____

50. A car of mass m is accelerating on a level smooth road under the action of a single force F.
The power delivered to the car is constant and equal to P. If the velocity of the car at an

instant is v, then after travelling a distance , it becomes double. Then x is _____

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CHEMISTRY Max Marks: 100
This section contains 20 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer, out of which
ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases.
51. The degree of dissociation of an electrolyte in aqueous solution depends on
1) Temperature 2) Concentration of the electrolyte
3) Nature of the electrolyte 4) All
52. Column-I Column-II
A) 1 mole of MnO4 to Mn2 p) 96500 C

B) 1 mole of Cr2O72 to Cr 3 q) 289500 C

C) 1 mole of Ag  to Ag r) 482500 C

D) 1 mole of Al 3 to Al s) 579000 C
1) A  r , B  s, C  p, D  q 2) A  s, B  r, C  p, D  q
3) A  q, B  r , C  s, D  p 4) A  s, B  r, C  q, D  p
53. (A): The Daniel cell becomes dead after some time.
(R) : Oxidation potential of zinc anode increases and that of copper cathode decreases.
1) Both (1) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (1)
2) Both (1) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (1)
3) (1) is true but (R) is false
4) (1) is false but (R) is true
54. Given, Cu 2  e  Cu  E 0  0.15 volt; Cu   e   Cu E 0  0.5 Volt. E for

Cu 2  2e  Cu
1) 0.65 V 2) 0.325 V 3) 0.45 V 4) 1.2 V
55. The standard reduction potential values of three metallic cations, X, Y, Z are 0.52, 2.03 and
-1.18 V respectively. The order of reducing power of corresponding metals is:
1) Y  Z  X 2) X  Y  Z 3) Z  Y  X 4) Z  X  Y

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56. If a current of 0.5 ampere flows through a metallic wire for 2hours then how many electrons
would flow through the wire
1) 2.25  1022 2) 5.25  1022 3) 6.25  1022 4) 1.25  1022
57. Resistance of 0.2M solution of an electrolyte is 50 . The specific conductance of the
solution is 1.4 S m 1 . The resistance of 0.5M solution of the same electrolyte is 280 . The

molar conductivity of 0.5M solution of the electrolyte in S mol 1 is

1) 5  104 2) 5  103 3) 5  103 4) 5  102

58. When aq. AgNO3 is subjected to electrolysis using inert electrodes, 10.8 grams of silver is
deptosited at cathode. Weight of oxygen liberated at anode will be
a) 1.6g 2) 3.2g 3) 0.8g 4) 0.4g
59. Statements are given below:
A) Leclanche cell -------- Reaction at anode Zn  Zn2  2e
B) Ni-Cd cell --------- Rechargeable
C) Fuel cell --------- Does not involve any ion in solution and is used in hearing aids
D) Mercury cell --------- Converts energy of combustion into electrical energy
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1) A,B & C are correct 2) A and B are correct
3) A is correct 4) All are correct
60. Regarding the process involving discharge of lead storage battery, the correct statements are
A) Lead sulphate is formed. B) Sulphuric acid is consumed.
C) Specific gravity of sulphuric acid decreases. D) Lead undergoes oxidation.
1) B and D only 2) A, B and D only
3) A, B, C and D 4) B and C only
61. The number of linkage isomers for the compound K 4  Fe Cl2  CN  2 C2O4  are

1) 4 2) 6 3) 3 4) 2

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62. The magnetic moment of complexes given below are in the order:

Ni  CO 4
 Mn  CN 6 
Cr  NH 3 6  CoF6 

I   II  ( III ) ( IV )

1) I  II  III  IV 2) I  II  III  IV
3) IV  II  I  III 4) IV  II  I  III
63. Which of the following complex is an outer orbital complex?
2 4 3 4
1)  Ni  NH 3 6  2)  Mn  CN 6  3) Co  NH 3 6  4)  Fe  CN 6 
64. The number of d-electrons in Cr  H 2O 6  [Z of Cr=24] is

1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5
65. Metal M belongs to 4th period and VIII group and forms a complex K 3  M  CN 6  with

magnetic moment 1.73 BM, then EAN of  M  CO 5  is

1) 35 2) 36 3) 37 4) 54
66. Arrange the following coordination compounds in the increasing order of magnetic
moments. (Atomic numbers: Mn= 25: Fe=26)

A)  FeF6  C)  MnCl6  (high spin)

3 3
B)  Fe  CN 6  D)  Mn  CN 6 
3 3

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

1) A  B  D  C 2) B  D  C  A 3) A  C  D  B 4) B  D  A  C
67. An octahedral complex with the formula. CoCl3 nNH 3 up on reaction with excess of AgNO3
solution gives 2 moles of AgCl . Consider the oxidation state of Co in the complex is ‘x’.
The value of " n  x " is ______
1) 8 2) 3 3) 2 4) 6

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68. The primary and secondary valencies of cobalt respectively in Co  NH 3 5 Cl  Cl 2 are

1) 3 and 5 2) 2 and 6 3) 2 and 8 4) 3 and 6

69. The IUPAC name of the complex  Pt  NH 3 2 Br  NH 2CH 3   Br is:________
1) Bisammine(mathanamine)bromido platinum (II) bromide
2) Diammine(methanamine)bromido platinum (II) bromide
3) Diamminebromido(aminomethane) platinum (II) bromide
4) Diamminebromido(methanamine) platinum (II) bromide
70. The oxidation states of Cr in Cr  NH 3 6  , Cr  C6 H 6 2  , and

K 2 Cr  CN 2  O  2  O2  NH 3  respectively are

1) +3, +2, and +4 2) +3, 0, and +6 3) +3, 0, and +4 4) +3, +4, and +6
This section contains 5 Numerical Value Type Questions. The Answer should be within 0 to 9999. If the Answer is in Decimal
then round off to the Nearest Integer value (Example i,e. If answer is above 10 and less than 10.5 round off is 10 and If
answer is from 10.5 and less than 11 round off is 11).
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempt and -1 in all other cases
71. Molar conductivities at infinite dilution of KCl , HCl and CH 3COOK are 0.013, 0.038 and
0.009 Sm2mol 1 respectively at 291K. If conductivity of 0.001 M CH 3COOH is
2.72 103 Sm1 then find % degree of ionization of CH 3COOH .

72. The quantity of electricity in Faraday needed to reduce 1 mol of Cr2O72 to Cr 3 is ______

73. The oxidation state of the central atom is x and number of coordination sites are y in
 Fe  EDTA  complex ion. Then x  y  1 is __________

74. Number of ambidentate ligands among the following is ________

NO2 , SCN  , C2O42 , NH 3 , SO42 , H 2O

The magnetic momentum of  FeF6  is x B.M., x is _______ (nearest integer)


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Sec: Sr.How
90. many alkenes on catalytic hydrogenation given isopentane as a product?
Elite,Target&Star Page 19

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