Xii-Psychology Project Details
Xii-Psychology Project Details
Xii-Psychology Project Details
- A person with a disorder who is under treatment
- A person with an extreme trait which we would like to explore
- A person with an observed behavior that makes us curious
- A person in a particular situation (e.g., going through parents’ divorce)
- Effect of birth order on lifestyle and life’s decisions
- Key life events and how they have impacted behavior
- Talents that set them apart
- Adolescence and its concerns
FILE WORK (get practical pages-one side blank, one side ruled from stationary shop)
A friendly conversation was carried out to make the subject feel at ease. I assured the
subject that result would be kept confidential. All of his/her queries related to the study
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were clarified.
✔ Name
✔ Age
✔ Gender
✔ Birth Order
✔ Number Of Sibling
✔ Education
✔ Locality Of Residence
✔ Religion
✔ Family Income
● Self:
- What do you think are your strengths and areas of improvement?
- How do you see your strengths and areas of improvement?
- What areas of life do they have habits in? What are those habits?
- How do you relax at the end of a tiring activity?
- How do you see yourself 10 years from now?
● Peers/Friends:
- Who would you call a ‘friend’?
- Where do you see yourself in your peer group?
- What kind of person can you not get along with?
- What activities would you engage in with a friend?
- In what kinds of situations would you trust your friends’ opinions over your own?
- What kind of secrets would you share only with your friends?
● Family
- In what situations do you seek support from your family?
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- Do you miss your family when you are away from them? In which cases?
- What kind of activities do you engage in with your family?
- How frequently do you share activities with your family?
- In what situations would you prefer solitude to being with your family?
● Workplace/School
- When does work feel meaningful?
- What do you enjoy about your work?
- When do you feel you need a break from work?
- Do you have a best friend at work? (or other questions which are applicable)
- How do you feel about socializing at work?
- To what extent do you put yourself in your work?
- How far are you emotionally involved in your work?
- To what extent do you like your current profile?
● Subject Interview Analysis (Summary Of Responses That You Have Received)
● Subject’s Peer / Friend Interview Analysis
● Subject’s Family Interview Analysis
● Subject’s Workshop Interview Analysis
Report of Subject’s Observation (Share How He /She Is in School / With Friends /with
Parents i.e. According To Your Observation)
● PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING-Attach tests and write its report (i.e. scoring, discussion,
conclusion only)
● SUGGESTIONS [that you have given the subject during the course of
observations/meeting (as per the problem, refer to grade XII textbook)]
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