Final - SRD - For - Web - Advertisement - Assistant Professor - 2024-1
Final - SRD - For - Web - Advertisement - Assistant Professor - 2024-1
Final - SRD - For - Web - Advertisement - Assistant Professor - 2024-1
IISER Bhopal invites applications from individuals with excellent academic record throughout,
in addition to proven track record of research ability and commitment to superior teaching and
research for vacant positions at the level of Assistant Professor in the thrust areas of the relevant
Department as per Annexure-A.
Other perquisites/allowances:
1. In addition to Pay (as mentioned above), other allowances like DA, HRA, TA,
Telephone reimbursement shall be as per the Institute / GoI norms from time to
3. The employees of the Institute will be covered by the New Pension Scheme (NPS) of
Govt. of India. The Employer’s contribution towards NPS shall be paid by Institute as
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per rules.
4. Moving expenses of ₹1,25,000/- (for candidates from abroad) & ₹75,000/- (for
candidates within the country) are reimbursed against the submission of bills.
6. CPDA will be available to meet expenses for participating in both National and
International conferences, paying membership fees for professional bodies and
buying books.
8. Leave Travel Concession (LTC) by Air for home town and elsewhere in India as
per Govt. of India rules along with leave encashment facility.
10. Reimbursement of medical expenses of self and dependent family members as per
Institute rules.
Selection Process:
The applications received for a particular Department are shortlisted by the Departmental
Faculty Affairs Committee (DFAC) based on the overall suitability that includes several
components such as the application, seminar, and inputs from faculty members of the
Department. Institute Faculty Affairs Committee (IFAC) reviews the report submitted by the
DFAC and takes a decision on further shortlisting of candidates for an interview.
1. Regular faculty positions are open to Indian Nationals and Overseas Citizens of India
2. The Institute reserves the right to (i) relax eligibility criteria in exceptional cases;
(ii) consider anyone who has not formally applied in response to this advertisement, and
(iii) fill the position at lower/higher level than that advertised.
3. The qualifications prescribed should have been obtained after attending regular courses
from Recognized Universities/Institutions.
7. The desirable age is 35 years with relaxation as per Govt. of India guidelines.
8. IISER Bhopal values inclusion and diversity, thus, in addition to the reserved categories,
candidates from underrepresented groups including women and other minorities are
specifically encouraged to apply.
9. The eligibility criteria indicated are bare minimum and a mere fulfillment of the
same will not entitle the candidates to be called for an interview. If numbers of
applications received are large, the Institute may restrict the number of candidates to
be called for interview to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualification and experience
higher than that of the minimum prescribed in the advertisement.
10. The last date of submission of application will be used to establish eligibility and
experience criteria. Based on the qualifications of the candidate and the needs of the
department concerned, applications received will be processed through duly constituted
screening and selection committees.
12. The applicants are requested to visit Institute’s website to acquaint
themselves with various academic departments and know more about the research areas
represented in the Department, their teaching programmes, and other activities.
13. All shortlisted candidates will be required to appear in-person for the interview.
However, the Institute may permit candidates living outside India to appear online for the
interview, provided they have visited the Institute recently for a faculty candidate
seminar or other interactions with the concerned Department.
1. Applications are to be submitted online through the recruitment portal link for this
advertisement at The necessary
instructions for filling up the application form are available on the recruitment portal.
2. Applicants must note that there is also an active rolling advertisement. Applications
submitted against the said rolling advertisement will not be considered under this SRD
3. The last date of submission of online applications against this SRD advertisement is 30th
November, 2024.
4. For any technical help in filling up the online application form, please write us on email-
id [email protected] with a copy to [email protected].
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