Quiz Management System: Submitted For Partial Fulfillment of The Degree of

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A project Report Submitted for partial fulfillment of the degree of MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (5 yrs course)

Under Supervision by : Submitted by:

Reg. No. . MCA(5year integrated)

Directorate of Distance Education Guru Jambheshwar University of

Science and Technology, Hisar-125 001

I hereby declare that the major project work entitled QUIZ MANAGEMENT SYSTEM submitted for the MCA (5 years course) is my original work carried out by me under the guidance of for the partial fulfillment of the award of the degree of the Master of Computer Applications. The matter embodied in this report has not submitted anywhere else for the award of any other degree / diploma.

Place: New Delhi


I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and deep gratitude to all those people who extended their wholehearted cooperation and have helped me in completing this project successfully. First & foremost, I would like to express my sincere acknowledgements to my teacher who has been so helpful to me at times when I went down some times. Just because of him I should say I am able to complete my PROJECT. Special thanks to for all the help and guidance

extended to me by him in every stage during my training. His inspiring suggestions and timely guidance enabled me to perceive the various aspects of the project in a new light.


Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1 1.1.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2


3 4 4 1 1

Objectives .

About Organization

Chapter 2. Project / Problem Selection

Project/Problem Selection Need or Importance of the work Description of the Problem Project Monitoring System GANTT Chart . 3.2.1 3.2.2 Planning and Scheduling Monitoring a Project . 9 . 5 6

Chapter 3. Project Monitoring System 5

8 8

3.3 Chapter 4. 12 4.2 13 4.1

PERT Chart .. System Study

Introduction of System Study . Existing System .. 4.2.1 Limitation of existing System .

13 4.3 14 4.3.1 Introduction of CMS Application 16 4.3.2 Objectives of Proposed System 16 Chapter 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 System Analysis System Analysis . 18 System Analysis & Project Plannning ..19 Software Requirement Specification 20 5 Proposed System .

5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7

Functional Requirements .21 Performance Requirements 22 External Interface Requirements.23 Design Constraints ..23

Steps for System Analysis ..24 Flow Charts 26 System Flowcharts . 28 DFDs . 30 5.7.1 5.7.2 5.7.3 5.7.4 5.7.5 Use of DFDs .. 31 DFD Symbology . 31 Context Diagram Context Free Diagrams 35 Advantage & Disadvantage, Conclusion........................................ 39

5.8 5.9

HIPO Diagrams .. 40 E-R Diagrams . 41

5.10 Process Diagram 46

Chapter 6.




System Design 47 6.1.1. Data Design . 48 6.1.2. Architectural Design . 48 6.1.3. Interface Design.. 6.1.4. Procedural Design .. 48 48 49 49 49 49 49 49


Software Design Document 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 Introduction Purpose .

Scope .. External Interface .. Design Model . 6

6.3 6.4

Identify the Participating Form. File / Database Design 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 File... Details of files of CMS

51 52 52 52 53

Database ... Centrally Controlled Database .. 53 Advantages 53


Coding 67 - 104 8. Report 105 Introduction of Testing 116


Testing 116


Types Of Testing .. 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4

117 117 118 118

Unit Testing . 117 Integration Testing System Testing .. Acceptance Testing .. 119 119 119 119 119 120

11. 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4

Levels of Testing Level I (Alpha Testing) . Level II (Beta Testing) .. Level III .

Quality Assurance

12. Software Test Plan. 12.1 12.2 12.3 Objective 120

Testing With Dummy Data . 120 Testing With Live Data . Implementation 121 System Implementation 121 7 13.1 120

13. System

13.2 13.3 13.4 14.

List Of Processes 121 Implementation Of CMS . 124 Measurement Of Success 124

13.5 System Implementation Consideration . 126 Documentation 127

Scope of future.201 Conclusion..202


QUIZ : This software is designed keeping the concept in mind the much quiz
software , which are in use by various organization and institute . My application is very useful for a modern quiz system because it cover all the feature of quiz . This application is contained all the information about quiz and can be added with more information later on . Application is computer based and is user friendly as to provide information to the user easily and effectively. Now a day IT is a backbone of business sector . In todays scenario all the sector are adopting the IT Techniques for simplifying their work and solving day to day problems . Technology is serious stuff . It empowers your organization and its stakeholder to be effective . but it cannot be defined simply by bells and whistles . Effective technology requires atrusting ,caring ,functional relationship behind it. There is a revolution transforming the global economy .computer technology is transforming all the business activities in to information based. The computer has extended the reach of all the business activity . Technical requirement is quite high due to security consideration and usage of animated picture technically the application should be very strong so that to handle traffic coming and to serve the purpose of its making . it is a challenging job to balance between quality work and working within budget constraint the debacles of application have created tremendous pressure on the developer because he/she has to think in much range ,not only satisfying client need but also attracting potential customers.

Recent years have seen a complete revolution in how information is gathered achieved and used in both business and government around the world . Throughout muck of the world ,the workplace has been transformed from one based on paper documents, and fraught with errors and delays , to one based on INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) . While IT can bring vast improvements in accuracy and timeliness; IT. By itself; does not change the basic problems of personnel competence or administration inertia. The use of information technology within government in varies greatly from ministry to ministry. Most agencies have acquired workstation for basic office functions such as word processing and spread sheet analyses. Some have installed local area networks and support service such as email and file sharing. A few have also developed and deployed to mission support applications that automate many functions traditionally carried out by hand. Despite this variation most ministries have a real desires to take advantage of information technology can be used to great advantage even in isolation, its real strength lies in the ability to connect the different system for the purpose of sharing and exchanging information . Business organization these days concentrate on accountability, responsibility and communication to increase throughput and maximum utilization of resources. People working in different departments all should see same information. When one department finishes with the data entry it is automatically routed to the next department. If we talk about manual or semi-automated system, manual system is very time consuming and prone to errors and later is time consuming as compare to manual but its also prone to errors. In todays fast-track era where time is money one has to fully automate the existing system to beat the competitive world.


I have tried to provide good reporting feature to help the user so that it can make their work easier and simpler. The project on quiz is developed using C++ language.


Since the advent of computer in the last two decades, every organization is going under the process of computerization. The computerization has many benefits. Primarily, a computer is helpful in four major aspects of any organization. Time Efficiency Cost Effictive Huge data storage capacity and Simple operation

Objective of this software is to computerize the system, so that all the working becomes fast and there should not be any errors in calculations,reports, and keeping records. It keeps records of as many question user want to store. It provides reports whenever user wants. The project provides such user friendliness and easy understandability that even a novice user will find it easy to use the package and grasp its existence



This is the first step towards the development of the QUIZ MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Here the problem is to develop such a system, which will provide a solution to manage the users and quiz questions, add user, update user , delete user , search user and other records . As the development of the system will be dependent on the formulated problem so it is the very crucial step. Throughout the development of the system efforts are done to get the solution to this problem, so problem should be defined clearly and Precisely . The objective of this statement is to answer the question: Exactly what must the system do? This step enables us to find out the problem related to the existing system and gives us a clear-cut picture to think over these problems and to find out the solutions. The problem formulation involves interviewing the clients and the end users. Formulation and analysis of applications represent a sequence activity that begins with the identification of our goals for the application and terminates with the development of analysis model core requirements specifications for the system. Formulation allows the customer and the developer to establish set of objects for the construction of the application. Analysis is a technical activity that identifies the data , functional , behavioral requirements of the application.


Selection criteria
Your genuine enthusiasm for the problem. The degree to which research on this problem benefits the profession Ease of access to the population to be studied and the likelihood that they will be cooperative [if humen]. Affordability


The present QUIZ MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is manual. participants fill up the form manually and send this form to a particular unit , manually. So it is tedious and requires lots of time to provide facilities. Searching information about participant is also time consuming matter. It does not provide any facility to incorporate previously developed material into the new one. If we need to develop new QUIZ MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, it needs to be developed from scratch that means a repetition of efforts. And also the content developed using different tools cannot be integrated to make QUIZ MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.

For Identifying Problem/opportunities, we scan the following:

The performance of the system. The information being supplied and its form. The economy of processing. The efficiency of the existing system. The security of data and software etc.



The Project Monitoring System will include the explanation related to the existing and the proposed system in the detail. In this way one can easily make out that what was the problem with the existing system. Which was the problem with the existing system, which led us towards the development of this project?

3.1 EXISTING SYSTEM: - The existing system used in most of the quiz is either
manual or semi-automated. But both of these are time consuming and also might not give accurate result. The records or entries which are recorded manually on papers or files are not systematically done sometimes. If we want to sort any of the record from manual system then it may took so much time. Sometimes also manual procedures of maintaining information is not reliable. And finally we can say that there is lack of information at different levels.

3.2 PROPOSED SYSTEM: - The proposed system is automated. It has many

advantage over the existing system, it can add or delete the participant record. It can edit the records as well, which was not easy in the existing system. It can maintain the records of the participant, participating in the quiz. Even searching or getting information about any particular participant is available at any time easily.

Present State Of The Art:

The present information record system is partially computerized and partially manual. It means that the some of the records maintained were stored on registers, temporary books etc. While saving data in registers do not provide interactive way of storing data. This method of keeping records is tedious and prone to errors. As this project is based on record management, so emphasizing on that present state of the system is made fully computerized.


The development of a project plan is predicated on having a clear and detailed understanding of both the tasks involved, the estimated length of time each task will take, the dependencies between those tasks, and the sequence in which those tasks have to be performed. Additionally, resource availability must be determined in order to assign each task or group of tasks to the appropriate worker. Gantt and PERT charts are visualization tools commonly used by project managers to control and administer the tasks required to complete a project. The project planning process consists of the following: 1. Setting the project start date 2. Setting the project completion date 3. Selecting the project methodology or project life cycle to be used 4. Determining the scope of the project in terms of the phases of the selected project methodology or project life cycle 5. Identifying or selecting the project review methods to be used 6. Identifying any predetermined interim milestone or other critical dates which must be met. 7. Listing tasks, by project phase, in the order in which they might be accomplished. 8. Estimating the personnel necessary to accomplish each task 9. Estimating the personnel available to accomplish each task 10. Determining skill level necessary to perform each task 11. Determining task dependencies - Which tasks can be done in parallel - Which tasks require the completion of other tasks before they can start 12. Project control or review points 15









The four laers of object oriented design are:

The Subsystem Layer
It represent each of the sub systems that enable the software to achieve its user-defined requirements and to implement the technical infrastructure

The Class and Object Layer:

It contains the class hierarchies that enable the system to be created using generalizations and increasingly more targeted specializations.

The Message Layer:

It containes the design details that enable each object to communicate with its collaborators. This layer establishes internal and external interfaces for the software.

The Responsibility Layer:

It contains the data structure and algorithmic design for all attributes and operations for each object. Monitoring system activity and server performance is necessary part of preventive maintainace for the server. Through monitoring, you obtain data that you can use to diagnose system problems, plan growth and troubleshoot problems. You can use the monitoring and status tool, diagnostic logging, extended logging and queue viewer to keep the data up-to-date.





This is the first step towards the development of the QUIZ MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Here the problem is to develop such a system, which will provide a solution to manage tasks such as add participant``, update participant , delete participant , search participant . As the development of the system will be dependent on the formulated problem so it is the very crucial step. Throughout the development of the system efforts are done to get the solution to this problem, so problem should be defined clearly and Precisely . The objective of this statement is to answer the question: Exactly what must the system do? This step enables us to find out the problem related to the existing system and gives us a clear-cut picture to think over these problems and to find out the solutions. The problem formulation involves interviewing the clients and the end users. Formulation and analysis of applications represent a sequence activity that begins with the identification of our goals for the application and terminates with the development of analysis model core requirements specifications for the system. Formulation allows the customer and the developer to establish set of objects for the construction of the application. Analysis is a technical activity that identifies the data , functional , behavioral requirements of the application . If a project is seen to be feasible from the study, the next logical step is to proceed with it. The research and information uncovered in the feasibility study will support the detailed planning and reduce the research time. It has five common factor which are represented by TELOS ,i.e.,


T stand for Technology and System Feasibility E stand for Economical Feasibility
L stand for Legal Feasibility

O stand for Operational Feasibility S stand for Schedule Feasibility

Resource feasibility
This involves questions such as how much time is available to build the new system, when it can be built, whenever it interfaces with normal business operations, type and amount of resources required, dependencies, etc. Contigency and mitigation plans should also be stated here.

Cultural feasibility
In this stage ,the projects alternatives are evaluated for their impact on the local and general culture. For example, environmental factors need to be considered and these factor are to be well known . Further an enterprises own culture can clash with the result of the project. While dealing with updating, we stressed on the importance of ensuring that the source data was error free. This process is called validation of the input data.

Social feasibility


Social feasibility is a determination of weather a proposed project will be acceptable to the people or not. This determination typically examines the probability of the project being accepted by the group directly affected by the proposed system change.

Management feasibility
It is a determination of weather a proposed project will be acceptable to management. If management does not accept a project or gives a negligible support to it, the analyst will tend to view the project as a non-feasible one.

Legal feasibility
Legal feasibility is a determination of weather a proposed project infringes on known Acts, Statues, as well as any pending legislations. Although in some instances the project might appear sound, on closer investigation it may be found to infringe on several legal areas.

Time feasibility
Time feasibility is a determination of weather a proposed project can be implemented fully within a stipulated time frame. If a project takes too much time it is likely to be rejected.




System analysis is a term used to describe the process of calculating and analyzing the facts in respects of existing operation of the prevailing situation so that an effective computerized system may be designed and implemented if provided feasible . In other words analysis is an important phase in the designing of any system . It is required in order to understand the problem to solve . The system analysis phase was conducted to study the operation of the existing system , in order to determine its working with the critical parameters such as direction of flow of information , the kinds of information and finally its shortcoming areas of improvements . System analysis is a vast field of study through which a system analyst put his/her thoughts and searches for the best possible solution of the problem . Really the system analysis is not a precise science . In fact this is an art of Scientific Approach through which a system analyst finds the facts and records them in the flexible manner. The analysis phase consists of following major activities. Study of existing system Briefing and extensive interviewing of the personal involved in the development. Defining users exact requirements. Selection of a feasible solution. Direction of the flow of the information of the system i.e. from the authorized of the various divisions of the organization who can read and modify, to other employees of the division who can only read the information and cant make any


changes. The next stage is to determine the types of information that flows from one end of the system to another end and also the processing done on the information and identification of these processing stages.



This phase includes studying of existing system in detail and collecting data in order to find out the requirements of the users. This phase is also called Requirement Analysis. The major objective of requirements analysis is to identify what is needed from the system. During this phase , the analyst identifies the detailed requirements of the users. At this stage , he does not emphasize on how the system will meet these objectives. This phase consists two sub-phases and these are: Problem Analysis In problem analysis , the analyst understands the existing system for finding the requirements of the proposed new system. Requirement Specification In requirements specifications , the analyst specifies all the requirements on a document called Software Requirement Specifications (SRS) document. After completion of SRS document, the analyst makes a plan to manage the software project. System planning is the most essential part of analysis phase. During system planning the total cost of developing the software is estimated alongwith the total duration of the project. A project team is organized with a detailed staff requirements for each phase. How a software project is planned? What are the major activities of systems planning?





That goes without saying that an accurate and thorough understanding of software requirements is essential for the success of a software development effort . All further development like System Analysis, System Design, and Coding will depend on how accurate and well prepared the Requirement Specification is. Poorly analyzed and specified software will disappoint the user and bring grief to the developer, no matter how well designed and well coded the software is. Functional Requirements

Performance Requirement s

Software Requirement specification document

Design constraints

External Interface Requirement specification appears to be a relatively simple task, but appearances are often deceiving. Chances of misinterpretation are 23

very high, ambiguity is probable and communication gap between employer and employee is bound to bring confusions. Requirement specifications begin with a clear and concise heading stating in a sentence the task to be performed. Then requirements are described in a technical manner in precise statements. After the initial specification reports are received , they are analyzed and refined through employees interaction . System Analysis follows to determine feasibility and profit loss analysis.

What is SRS document ? On completion of analysis phase , all the requirements are specified on a document, called Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document. Thus , SRS is the output of analysis phase. SRS forms of the basis for Design Phase. It is a medium through which the analyst understands the requirements of the users. The major parts of software requirements specification document are as follows



This part of SRS contains a general description of inputs and outputs along with their detailed formats. All the processing logics like calculations, validity of data and other operations must also be specified in the functional requirements. Multiple Applications can be added in an estimation Multiple Modules can be added in an Application Multiple Processes can be added in a Module Each Process can have one of the three predefined complexities. The complexities can be:


High Medium Low Each complexity will have a particular development effort associated to it. Based on all the above points the estimated days and estimated hours will be calculated at: Module level Application level. History of Estimations for a particular Client should be maintained. Existing estimation can be copied and modified into another application for the same or different client. This would help to reduce the time taken to estimate the effort.



This part of SRS contains those requirements which are related to the performance of the system. For eg. Number of users/terminals, number/size of files, response time , number of operations that can be performed (throughput), etc are performance requirements. Performance requirements are considered to be essential in improving the efficiency of the system. Performance of a system is stated based on various constraints, which are discussed in this section. Speed Speed is an essential factor in the system as it helps reducing the processing time thereby producing faster response to the user. Since this is an in-house application used within the organization and also since this based on standard PeopleSoft architecture speed is dependent on tuning Web and Application server components


according to the actual usage over a period of time. But still the system has to be fast enough in searching the database and providing information when requested by the user. Attributes Efficiency Portability Reliability Usability Consistency



by the system are specified in external interface

All the user commands along with explanations of error messages requirements part of SRS. The characteristics of hardware required to run the software should also be specified in this part.

There are

certain factors like hardware limitations, operating

environments , standards that must be followed , security procedures, etc., that constrain the design of software. These restrictions either required by the user or required to be put by the designer. These factors must also be specified in design constraints part of SRS. The SRS document should have the certain features /characteristics: Complete ,i.e., must contain all requirements. Consistent , i.e., must not contain inconsistent requirements. Understandable by the user or another analyst . Correct and traceable. Modifiable as per the needs of the users.


Unambiguous , i.e., every requirement must have only one meaning.


ANALYSIS : After analyzing the requirements of the task to be performed, the next step is to analyze the problem and understand its context. The first activity in this phase is to study the existing system and understands the requirements and domains of new system . First activity is relatively Simple . It is the second one, which is major cause of this phase. Understanding the properties and requirements of the new system . STUDY OF EXISTING SYSTEM : The main aim of this study was to gain an insight into working of the existing system. The main aim of this phase is to identify the system is more difficult and requires creative thinking. The process becomes even more difficult when the existing system is almost entirely different form the one to be developed. SYSTEM ANALYSIS : System analysis is a term used to describe the process of calculating and analyzing the facts in respects of existing operation of the prevailing situation so that an effective computerized system may be designed and implemented if provided feasible . In other words analysis is an important phase in the designing of any system . It is required in order to understand the problem to solve . The system analysis phase was conducted to study the operation of the existing system , in order to determine its working with the critical 27

parameters such as direction of flow of information , the kinds of information and finally its shortcoming areas of improvements . System analysis is a vast field of study through which a system analyst put his/her thoughts and searches for the best possible solution of the problem . Really the system analysis is not a precise science . In fact this is an art of Scientific Approach through which a system analyst finds the facts and records them in the flexible manner. The analysis phase consists of following major activities. Study of existing system Briefing and extensive interviewing of the personal involved in the development. Defining users exact requirements. Selection of a feasible solution. Direction of the flow of the information of the system i.e. from the authorized of the various divisions of the organization who can read and modify, to other employees of the division who can only read the information and cant make any changes. The next stage is to determine the types of information that flows from one end of the system to another end and also the processing done on the information and identification of these processing stages. SELECTION OF A FEASIBLE SOLUTION : A feasible solution of a new system was selected keeping in mind. The end users requirements Flaws and deficiencies in the existing system Future requirements of the user and enhancements.

The selection also takes care of that the automated is user friendly and self-explanatory such that all operation could be conducted with the minimal of fuss and delay.


INFORMATION GATHERING : Information gathering first starts with interviewing top-level management . An overview of the organization , available information , and objectives to be met by the proposed system are normally gathered from top management . A gross system model is the worked out . The next step is to interview middle level management and operational staff . At this level day-to-day operational requirements and information required for current use are gathered . The earlier gross model is now expanded and redefined .It is therefore clear that interviewing is the important method of gathering information . Before starting the interviewing an analyst must decide on: Who will be interviewed ? In what order they will be interviewed ? What specific questions will be asked in each interview ?




A flow chart is a graphical or symbolic representation of a process. Each step in the process flow is represented by a different symbol and contains a short text description of the process step in the flow chart symbol. The flow chart symbols are linked together with arrow connectors (also known as flow lines). The production flowchart is a visual representation of the sequence of the content of your product. It shows what comes first, second, third, etc. as well as what your audience will do, if anything, and what will happen when they've done it. A completed flowchart organizes your topics, strategies, treatments, and options into a plan from which you can work out the details of what each screen, page, frame, or shot will look like. Essentially, it is a working map of your final product. The


flowchart is not created in stone. It will probably change as you work through all of the details of your final product. Below are some symbols commonly used in flowcharts and a checksheet for you to use as a guideline. We also have an example of a flowchart for you to examine as well as a final version

Start and End

This symbol is used to indicate both the beginning and the end of your program.

This symbol indicates individual content for screens, pages, or frames.

This symbol is used when there is interactivity between your audience and the program. It is usually in the form of a yes/no question, with branching flow lines depending upon the answer.

Place Marker
This is a place marker. If you have to go to another line or page with your flowchart, this symbol is numbered and put at the end of the line or page. It is then used at the beginning of the next line or page with the same number so a reader of the chart can follow the path.



__ All major elements of the project are indicated. __ The elements are clearly labeled. __ Sequence of elements is clear and there are no gaps or dead ends. __ Sequence of elements is logical from user's point of view. __ Flowchart symbols are used correctly.


Different flow chart symbols have different meanings. The most common flow chart symbols are:

Terminator: An oval flow chart shape indicating the start or end Process: A rectangular flow chart shape indicating a normal Decision: A diamond flow chart shape indication a branch in the Connector: A small, labeled, circular flow chart shape used to Data: A parallelogram that indicates data input or output (I/O) Document: used to indicate a document or report (see image in

of the process.

process flow step.

process flow.

indicate a jump in the process flow.

for a process.

sample flow chart below). A really simplistic flow chart showing the flow chart symbols described above can be seen below:







What is a Data Flow Diagram? Known as DFDs A way to model a real world situation They are the interface between the real world activities and an understanding of how this can be converted into a computer system.

Data flow diagrams (DFDs) reveal relationships among and between the various components in a program orsystem. DFDs are an important technique for modeling a systems high-level detail by showing how input data istransformed to output results through a sequence of functional transformations. DFDs consist of four major components: entities, processes, data stores, and dataflows. The symbols used to depict how these componentsinteract in a system are simple and easy to understand; however, there are several DFD models to work from, each having its own symbology. DFD syntax does remain constant by using simple verb and noun constructs. Such a syntactical relationship of DFDs makes them ideal for object-oriented analysis and parsing functional specifications into precise DFDs for the systems analyst. DEFINING DATA FLOW DIAGRAMS (DFDs) When it comes to conveying how information data flows through systems (and how that data is transformed in the process), data flow diagrams (DFDs) are the method of choice over technical descriptions for three principal reasons. 1. 2. 3. DFDs are easier to understand by technical and nontechnical DFDs can provide a high level system overview, complete with DFDs can provide a detailed representation of system audiences boundaries and connections to other systems. components1


DFDs help system designers and others during initial analysis stages visualize a current system or one that may be necessary to meet new requirements. Systems analysts prefer working with DFDs, particularly when they require a clear understanding of the boundary between existing systems and postulated systems. DFDs represent the following: 1. External devices sending and receiving data 2. Processes that change that data 3. Data flows themselves 4. Data storage locations The hierarchical DFD typically consists of a top-level diagram (Level 0) underlain by cascading lower level diagrams (Level 1, Level 2) that represent different parts of the system.


Why do we use DFDs? It is a way of taking the physical view and converting it into a logical view. The physical view - all documents involved The logical view - the data they contain Their main purpose is to communicate with the user, the analysts understanding of the scope of the required system

Levelling DFDs are expanded or decomposed into levels. Separating each process into sub processes Uncovers more and more detail

The Elements The four main elements of DFDs notation Data Flows, with a label to indicate what data is flowing Processes, that handle the data


Data stores, within the system (diary, filing cabinet or computer file) Outside entities, outside sources of data


DFD Symbology
6.1 Create Employee Payroll Check Inventory File


Data Store Entity



Data Flow
Gane-Sarson Process and Data Stores Yourdon DeMarco-

New Customer Information

Symbology Symbology A process is made up of Data Stores



Destination (Place or Name) Process Number Process description Should be descriptive, starting with a verb.

Can be M for manual or D for computer base data stores.


Name of Store

Outside Entity
Is anything outside the system that is of interest to the system. Can be a person, a company or another system


Customer a

Outside entity shows the Name and a lowercase alpha character is used to uniquely identify it.

Customer a

If an outside entity is repeated for the purpose of neat layout a line is added across the top. Data Flow
Is shown by a line with an arrowhead, indicating the direction of the flow of data. Each data flow should be named to indicate what data is being passed. Nouns or adjectives only no verbs are permitted.



Set the path

Type command in Dos for execution

Project executes in GUI


Participan t is added

Select the operation you want to do and compile status

Participant update/del eted

participa nt status

Search the participant Participant database


Contact database of participant






Quiz Management System


Figure 6.4.1





2.0 PLAY QUIZ 39















Three Level DFD (Data Flow Diagram)

2 Level DFD (Data Flow Diagram)
participant Records

Up Date Records

Data Base

Record Found
Id E_
Employee Records

participant Exist


ticip Rec ant ord s

Search the record


3 Level DFD (Data Flow Diagram)

3 Level DFD (Data Flow Diagram)
participant Records

Record added

participant Records

Up Date Records

p Em e loy Id e_

rti pa a cip nt c Re s ord

Up Date Records Stored

Data Base


3.2 Level DFD (Data Flow Diagram

3.2 Level DFD (Data Flow Diagram)

E _Id

Add the record

Check Employee detail

il Em oye pl De e ta

pl Em ee oy co Re rds E
-I d

Data Base

3.3 Level DFD (Data Flow Diagram)

Get participant Details participant ID

Re rd co in ed da as tab e
up d

at e

p d at e

Data Base

5.7.5Advantages and Disadvantages of DFDs


As we have seen, the DFD method is an element of object oriented analysis and is widely used. Use of DFDs promotes quick and relatively easy project code development. DFDs are easy to learn with their fewand simple-to-understand symbols (once you decide on a particular DFD model).

DFDs for large systems can become cumbersome, difficult to translate and read, and be time consuming in their construction. Data flow can become confusing to programmers, but DFDs are useless without the prerequisite detail: a Catch-22 situation. Different DFD models employ different symbols (circles and rectangles for example, for entities).

Data flow diagramming is a highly effective technique for showing the flow of information through a system. DFDs are used in the preliminary stages of systems analysis to help understand the current system and to represent a required system. The DFDs themselves represent external entities sending and receiving information (entities), the processes that change information (processes), the information flows themselves (data flows), and where information is stored (data stores). The hierarchical DFDs consist of a single top layer (Level 0 or the context diagram) that can be decomposed into many lower level diagrams (Level 1, Level 2Level N), each representing different areas of the system. DFDs are extremely useful in systems analysis as they help structure the steps in object-oriented design andanalysis. Because DFDs and object technology share the same syntax constructs, DFDs are appropriate for the OO domain only. DFDs are a form of information development, and as such provide key insight into how information is transformed as it passes through a system. Having the skills to develop DFDs from functional specs and being able to interpret


them is a value-add skill set that is well within the domain of technical communications.




HIPO diagrams were developed by IBM in the 1970s (see [HIPO, 1974] and [Katzan, 1976]) and have been used by some systems analysts to present a high-level view of the functions performed by a system, as well as the decomposition of functions into subfunctions, and so on. A typical HIPO diagram is shown in Figure 15.8. In some user environments, HIPO diagrams can be useful modeling tools, because they look like the familiar organization chart that describes the hierarchy of managers, submanagers, and so on. However, the diagram does not show the data used by, or produced by the system; while it is understandable that one might want to deemphasize data relationships in a model, I dont feel that it helps to eliminate all information about the data. Actually, there is a second component of the HIPO diagram that does show the data. The diagram shown in Figure 15.8 is known as a VTOC, or visual table of contents. Each function represented by a rectangular box can be described in further detail in an IPO (or input-processoutput) diagram; a typical IPO diagram is shown in Figure 15.9. While the details of the data are indeed shown at this level, they are not shown on the high-level VTOC diagram. Thus, anyone looking at an overview of the system has no easy way of seeing the interfaces between the various system components.


Figure : A typical HIPO diagram



Entity Relationship model represents the Overall Logical Structure of a System. The E-R Model forms the basis for the database design at a later stage. All the Physical entities in the DFD of a System become the Functional entities in the E-R Model. It expresses the System Graphically by using some notions. Basic notions that an E-R Model uses are Entity Sets, Relationships and Attributes. The following is the brief description of the notions used in E-R Model.

Entity Sets: Entity Sets are things that can be easily distinguishable from other such entity Sets. Examples of Entity Sets can be a Person / Office / Department / Automobile etc. Attributes: Each Entity Set has some Properties described in Software Engineering Jargon as Attributes. The attributes are later described as fields in Database design. Examples of attributes of a Name / District / Number etc. An Entity can have one or more important Attributes. If such a case arises then at the Database design phase more than one attribute is set as Primary Key known as Composite Key. Relationships: Attributes and Entity Sets can be associated with Relationships. The possible relationships are One to one, One to many, Many to one and Many to many. Logically It is possible to speak about all the relationships except for Many to many. A simple reason given by experts in this aspect is that no database existing today can retrieve data using a query with Many to many relation. Always only one attribute is taken and many result sets can be derived. The Components used to depict E-R diagram are as follows: 47

Rectangle represents Entity Sets Rectangle with dash across its left and top wall represents Repeating Entity Ellipse represents Attributes Ellipse with Attribute Name underlined represents Primary / Composite Key Line represents One to one relation Line with more than one end represents One to many relations Line with more than one starting point represents Many to one relation. Entity Relationship Diagram Notations Peter Chen developed ERDs in 1976. Since then Charles Bachman and James Martin have added some sligh refinements to the basic ERD principles.

Entity An entity is an object or concept about which you want to store information.

Weak Entity Attributes are the properties or characteristics of an entity.


Key attribute A key attribute is the unique, distinguishing characteristic of the entity. For example, an employee's social security number might be the employee's key attribute.

Multivalued attribute A multivalued attribute can have more than one value. For example, an employee entity can have multiple skill values.

Derived attribute A derived attribute is based on another attribute. For example, an employee's monthly salary is based on the employee's annual salary.

Relationships Relationships illustrate how two entities share information in the database structure. Learn how to draw relationships: First, connect the two entities, then drop the relationship notation on the line.


Cardinality Cardinality specifies how many instances of an entity relate to one instance of another entity. Ordinality is also closely linked to cardinality. While cardinality specifies the occurences of a relationship, ordinality describes the relationship as either mandatory or optional. In other words, cardinality specifies the maximum number of relationships and ordinality specifies the absolute minimum number of relationships.

Recursive relationship In some cases, entities can be self-linked. For example, employees can supervise other employees. What are ERDs? Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) illustrate the logical structure of databases.


An ER Diagram


Employee E-R( Diagram )

Participant Detail


Delete Get Record

age name


Participant Detail

Family Detail Date of Birth

Emp Id Name Of Member Phone Number


Number of Member




Welcome Page



Play KBC

Searching Participant Add Participant

Enter name

Enter gender



Place Back

Update/Delete Participant








Once the software requirements have been analyzed and specified, software design is the first of the three technical activities - design, code generation, and testing- that are required to build and verify the software. Software design sits at the technical kernel of the software engineering process and is applied regardless of the development paradigm and area of application the designers goal is to produce a model or representation of an entity that will later be built. The design step produces a data design, an architectural design, an interface design, and a procedural design. The importance can be stated with a single word Quality. Design is the place where quality is fostered in software development. Design provides us with representations of software that can assess for quality. Design is the only way that we can accurately translate a users view into a finished software product or system. Software design serves as a foundation for all the software-engineering steps that follow. Without a strong design we risk building an unstable system -one that will fall when small changes are made; one that will be difficult to test; one whose quality can not be assessed until the last stage. The data design transform the information domain model created during analysis into data structures that will be required to implement the software. The objects, relationships and detailed data content provided the basis for the data design activity. The architectural design defines the relationship among major structural elements of the program. The interface design describes how the software communicates within itself, to systems that inter-operate with it and with humans who use it. An interface implies a flow of information. The procedural design transforms structural elements of the program architecture into a procedural description of software 55

components.During design, we make decisions that will ultimately affect the success of software construction. The importance of design can be stated with a single word quality. 6.1.1 Data Design

The data design is first of four design activities that are conducted during the software engineering. The impact of data structure on program structure and procedural complexity causes data design to have a profound influence on software quality. 6.1.2 Architectural Design

The primary objective of architectural-design is to develop a modular program structure and represent the control relationships between modules. In addition architectural design melds program structure and the data structure, defining an interface that enables the data to flow throughout the program. 6.1.3 Interface Design Interface design focuses on the three areas of concern: The design of interface between software modules. The design of interfaces between the software and other nonhuman producers and consumers of information. The design of interface between a human and the computer. The help is provided as a manual to the user within the system. Online help is not necessary for this system as the users are mostly program monitors and the interface is very simple. The interface is very helpful, friendly and easy, with respect to the error warning and the online massage. On each action the system responds, with warning and the error messages, where necessary.



Procedural Design

Procedural design occurs after data, architectural, and interface designs have been established. The procedural design specifies the algorithmic detail of each of the function (module) in PDL (Process Design Language). 6.2 6.2.1



During detailed design the internal logic of each of the modules specified in the system is decided. During this phase further details of data structures and algorithms design of each module are specified. The logic of the modules is usually specified in a high-level design description language, which is independent of the target language in which the software is eventually implemented. All the database tables are specified in this phase. 6.2.2 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to define the Software Design Document of the QUIZ MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. The developer shall use this document for the implementation phase of the product. 6.2.3 Scope

The scope of this document is throughout the Life Cycle of the product. Any change in the design leads to change in the subsequent phases of the Life Cycle. Overview The SDD is organized into the following sections: 6.2.4 External Interface


As per the actors identified in the Requirement Model of the Software Requirements Specification any one of the actors can invoke the QUIZ MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. The interface of the QUIZ MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is kept menu driven so as to provide maximum possible userfriendly atmosphere. 6.2.5 Design Model

The Design Model describes the physical realization of use cases by focusing on functional and non-functional requirements, together with other constraints related to the implementation environment and impact of the system. In addition, the design model serves as an abstraction of the system's implementation. Within the Design Model, use cases are realized by design windows forms and their objects. We begin our design by designing the use cases. The use case design has the following purposes: Identify the design forms and / or subsystems whose instances are

needed to perform the use case's flow of events. Distribute the behavior of the use case to the interacting design objects and / or to the participating subsystems. Define the design Web forms and/or subsystems and their interfaces according to the Software Requirement Specification documents and their operations. Capture implementation requirements for the use cases. 6.3 Identify the Participating Forms


From the use case realization-analysis involving interaction among interface objects, entity objects and control objects we have come to the following design forms:

Description of the forms:. Home Page Create the welcome page of CMS. Entry Take entries form th user and store them into th data base. Update/Delete User can edit data in th database according to th requirement. User can delete th entry also . Search form Generate contacts according to the query .




File and database design is the work of file designing or how data should be organized around user requirements. How data are organized depends on the data response requirements that determine hardware configurations. System analyst is responsible for designing the files and selecting their contents. Selecting from options available for organizing the data. File organization may be sequential ,Index sequential ,inverted lost or random. An integrated approach to file design is the databse. The general theme is to handle information as an integrated whole ,with a minimum of redundancy and improved performance.



File is a collection of related records. Each record in a file is included because it pertains to the same entity. There are different types of files like Master file , Transaction file, Table file, report file, Backup file , Archival file, Dump File and Library files. A file is organized to ensure that records are available for processing. There are four methods of organsing a file. Serial Organisation Sequential Organisation Random File Organisation Indexes File Organisation




The database is a collection of interrelated data, which can be used by one or more applications so that it can be integrated and stored in a shared organized way so that it has a controlled redundancy, consistency and integrity with a provision of data independence.

Centrally Controlled Database : A database

must be

centrally controlled. It is possible that the data of a particular system may be spread in different branches of a company but it must be controlled from one central location. Advantages of Centrally Controlled Database The data can be stored , processed, modified or accessed in an organized way. To follow standard rules. Non redundancy and consistency of data. To maintain integrity. Integrity means to ensure that the database contains accurate and correct data.. Security checks can be applied to prevent the data from unauthorized access. Data can be restricted to access by different users to maintain privacy and security.




Input design is the process of converting user-originated input format to a computer based format. This computer based format is called an input form or source document.



The quality of input design determines the reliability of the system. Input forms must be complete and accurate. They must be designed in such a way that the data entry becomes easier. There should not be any inconsistency of data input forms. Input forms should be attractive to the user. They must be easy to fill out.



Detailed studying of user originated documents. Studying of data dictionary. Capturing of data items from user originated documents or data dictionary. Identification of data items whether they are constant. Study of Software Requirements Specification(SRS) document. 62

Designing of input forms on the basis of both SRS and user originated forms.



Output design considers the content ,the frequency ,the format medium and the distribution of output. If the output is not of good quality , user is likely to reject the system. Therefore an effective output designis the majorcriteria for deciding the overall quality of system. The output can be of two forms : Hard copy (printed report) Screen output 6.8.1 ADVANTAGE OF PRINTED OUTPUT A printed output is permanent and is not erased. It can be carried anywhere i.e., it is portable. It provides a detailed information. Its information cannot be changed by the user.


A printed output is the basic requirement of any computerised system. It is not always possible and even not advised to print each and every output. Therefore the system should also display all outputs on screen. 6.9.1 ADVANTAGE OF SCREEN DESIGN

A screen output provides any information immediately.


It can be viewed in different formats. It is more secure as it can be accessed by only authorised users. Printed report can be leaked out. Its information can be changed by the user has to access and to modify it.






















It is an important form of design. All reports should have properly aligned titles and column headings. The data elements should be properly spaced out according to column headings. The important headings should be bold and underlined. The report must have a page number either on top or bottom of the page. The footer area and its details should also be included in report design.




In a software development project, error may get introduced at any stage during the development . Testing is the phase where the errors remaining from the earlier phases also may be detected . Hence, testing performs a very critical role for quality assurance and for ensuring the reliability of software . During testing , the program to be tested is executed with set of test cases , and the output of the program for the test cases is evaluated to determine if the program is performing as it is expected to . Due to its approach , dynamic testing can only assertion the presence of error in the program , the exact nature of the error is not usually decided by testing . The results of testing are used later on during maintenance also . One of our goals during dynamic testing is to produce a test suite , which contains a set of interesting test cases along with their expected output for future use.

Testing is vital to the success of any system . Testing is done at different stages within the development phase . System testing makes a logical assumption that if all parts of the system are correct , the goals will be achieved successfully . Inadequate testing or no testing at all leads to errors that may come up after a long time when correction would be extremely difficult . Another objective of testing is its utility as a user-oriented vehicle before implementation. The testing of the system was done on both artificial and live data .



The following are the types of tests that are generally performed:


Unit Testing

Unit testing focuses verification effort on smallest unit of software design - the module . This is done to check syntax and logical errors in programs . At the time of preparation of technical specifications , unit test data is also prepared . The coding for that program is considered complete after verifying its output against this test data . The software has been tested with real type data to find it works as intended . 7.2.2

Integration Testing

The next level of testing is often called integration testing . In this , many tested modules are combined into sub-system , which is then tested . The goal here is to see if the modules can be integrated properly , the emphasis being on testing interfaces between modules. There may be question : If they all work individually , why it is doubtful that they will work when they put together ? The problem is "putting them together" interfacing . Data can be lost across an interface , one module can have an inadvertent , adverse affect on another , sub functions , when combined , may not produce the desired major function , individually acceptable imprecision may be magnified to unacceptable levels , global data structures can present problems , the list goes on and on . 7.2.3

System Testing
Here the entire software system is tested . The reference for this

process is the requirements document , and the goal is to see if the software meets its requirements . 86

System testing consists of the following steps: Program Testing String Testing System Testing System Documentation User Acceptance Testing 7.2.4

Acceptance Testing

It is performed with realistic data of the client demonstrate that the software is working satisfactorily . According to organizations policy , testing action is not the part of software development team . Testing team does it. Testing team prepares test cases for the software . 7.3 VARIOUS LEVELS OF TESTING

Before implementation the system is tested at three levels : Level I , Level II and Level III. 7.3.1 Levels I Testing (Alpha Testing)

At this level a test data is prepared for testing . Project leaders test the system on this test data keeping the following points into consideration : Proper error handling Exit Points in code Exception handling Input / Output format Glass box testing Black box testing


If the system is through with testing phase at LEVEL I then it is passed on to LEVEL II . 7.3.2 Level II Testing (Beta Testing)

Here the testing is done on the live database . If errors are detected then it is sent back to LEVEL I for modification otherwise it is passed on to LEVEL III . This is the level at which the system actually becomes live and implemented for the use of END USERS . 7.3.3 Level III Testing Here the error- free and properly tested system is implemented .


Quality Assurance Proper documentation is must for maintenance of any software .









corresponding to each program were prepared so as to tackle the person-dependency of the existing system . 7.5 7.5.1 SOFTWARE TEST PLAN OBJECTIVE

The main objective of this plan is to test the software to check that it fulfils all its requirements as satisfied . The aim is to check the CONTACT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM project that it takes input from User and produces the proper result as per requirement. SCOPE The test plan is for the CONTACT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM . The scope of this Test Plan is throughout the life cycle of the product .


Any changes made in the requirement leads to subsequent changes in the Test Plan . The output from the test plan would be the following Test Cases for unit testing Test Log Test Status Report Defect/Correction Report 7.6 TESTING WITH DUMMY DATA

In this, testing is done by using dummy data. Dummy data are not real data but these are duplicate or imaginary which looks like original data. This is done to test the system is working or not. 7.7 TESTING WITH LIVE DATA

In this, testing is done by using live data that is the real situation data. In this testing the software is used on real data. If the data is successfully implemented than the software is accepted otherwise the software is corrected and then tested again.




The purpose of System Implementation can be summarized as follows: making the new system available to a prepared set of users (the deployment), and positioning on-going support and maintenance of the system within the Performing Organization (the transition). At a finer level of detail, deploying the system consists of executing all steps necessary to educate the Consumers on the use of the new system, placing the newly developed system into production, confirming that all data required at the start of operations is available and accurate, and validating that business functions that interact with the system are functioning properly. Transitioning the system support responsibilities involves changing from a system development to a system support and maintenance mode of operation, with ownership of the new system moving from the Project Team to the Performing Organization. A key difference between System Implementation and all other phases of the lifecycle is that all project activities up to this point have been performed in safe, protected, and secure environments, where project issues that arise have little or no impact on day-to-day business operations. Once the system goes live, however, this is no longer the case. Any miscues at this point will almost certainly translate into direct operational and/or financial impacts on the Performing Organization. It is through the careful planning, execution, and management of System Implementation activities that the Project Team can minimize the likelihood of these occurrences, and determine appropriate contingency plans in the event of a problem.



This phase consists of the following processes:


Prepare for System Implementation, where all steps needed in advance of actually deploying the application are performed, including preparation of both the production environment and the Consumer communities. Deploy System, where the full deployment plan, initially developed during System Design and evolved throughout subsequent lifecycle phases, is executed and validated. Transition to Performing Organization, where responsibility for and ownership of the application are transitioned from the Project Team to the unit in the Performing Organization that will provide system support and maintenance. The following chart illustrates all of the processes and deliverables of this phase in the context of the system development lifecycle.


The following roles are involved in carrying out the processes of this phase. Detailed descriptions of these roles can be found in the Introductions to Sections I and III. Project Manager Project Sponsor Business Analyst Data/Process Modeler Technical Lead/Architect Application Developers Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Lead Technical Services (HW/SW, LAN/WAN, TelCom) Information Security Officer (ISO)

Technical Support (Help Desk, Documentation, Trainers) Customer Decision-Maker Customer Representative Consumer Performing Organization Stakeholders Prepare for System Interviews Established Team and Implementation Distribution of Materials Environment for Coordination of Training Logistics System Implementation Deploy System Training Sessions Migrated and Initialized Manual Business Operations Data Parallel Operations Operational System Transition to Training Sessions Ownership of System by Performing Phased Ownership Performing Organizationtion.











Development Life Cycle , where the actual implementation of the designed system occurs . Implementation is a process that includes all those activities that take place to convert an old system to a new system . There are three types of implementation : Implementation of computer system to replace a manual system: The problems encountered are converting files , training users , creating accurate files , and verifying printouts for integrity . Implementation of new computer system to replace an existing one. This is usually difficult conversion . If not properly planned there can be many problems . Some large computer systems have taken as long as a year to convert . Implementation of modified application to replace an existing one : using the same the files . 94 computer . This type of conversion is relatively easy to handle provided there are no major changes in

8.3 Implementation SYSTEM




The new system has been developed and implemented based on the following guidelines following the Client/Server Architecture. The CONTACT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is designed in a userfriendly manner so that even a new user can handle it without much difficulty . This system is interactive and user friendly as it has been developed in simple , secure and portable manner . It is based on the object-oriented approach . This approach incorporates the flexibility in terms of further modification of the system .



System Implementation serves as its own Measurement of Success; indeed, a smooth System Implementation culminates and validates the entire system development effort. Nevertheless, even before the final turnover, the Project Manager can utilize the measurement criteria below to assess how successfully the implementation is proceeding. More than one No answer indicates a serious risk to the success of this phase and the entire project.








hardware and software product development,


documentation is the information that describes the product to its users. It consists of the product technical manuals and online information (including online versions of the technical manuals and help facility descriptions). The term is also sometimes used to mean the source information about the product contained in design documents, detailed code comments, white papers, and blackboard session notes.



DOCUMENT : The term is derived from


the idea that engineers and programmers "document" their products in formal writing. The earliest computer users were sometimes simply handed the engineers' or programmers' "documentation." As the product audience grew, it became necessary to add professional technical writers and editors to the process. Today, IBM and other companies look at developing product information based on what users actually need to do when using the product. In this task-oriented view, product information can be divided into and sometimes physically organized into these task categories: evaluating, planning for, setting up or installing, customizing, administering, using, and maintaining the product. Documentation is now often built directly into the product as part of the user interface and in help pages. Printed technical manuals are increasingly available at company Web sites in the form of Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) files or in HTML pages. IBM and Microsoft are among the world's largest publishers. 9.2.2 USER MANUAL : Instructions for using a computer device or program. Documentation can appear in a variety of


forms, the most common being manuals. When you buy a computer product (hardware or software), it almost always comes with one or more manuals that describe how to install and operate the product. 9.2.3 ONLINE DOCUMENTATION : In addition, many software products include an online version of the documentation that you can display on your screen or print out on a printer. A special type of online documentation is a help system , which has the documentation embedded into the program. Help systems are often called context-sensitive because they display different information depending on the user's position (context) in the application. 9.2.4 MISCELLANEOUS : Documentation is often divided into

the following categories: installation: Describes how to install a program or device but not how to use it. reference: Detailed descriptions of particular items presented in alphabetical order. Reference documentation is designed for people who are already somewhat familiar with the product but need reminders or very specific information about a particular topic. tutorial: Teaches a user how to use the product. Tutorials move at a slower pace than reference manuals and generally contain less detail. A frequent lament from computer users is that their documentation is inscrutable. Fortunately, this situation is improving, thanks largely to advances in help systems and online tutorials. These forms of documentation make it much easier to deliver the specific information a user needs when he or she needs it. 100




The system is giving the expected results . Being a user friendly application it is easy to work , add a contact, delete a contact and fill up the forms and the details of employees . The information needs of personnel and administration sections are satisfied. With the computerization of the system the time consumed in manually performing the various tasks and in searching/querying is saved and it can be retrieved in fraction of seconds.



The user accesses the merits and demerits of any work at the time of operation. The manual process in searching/querying any information related to human resources is time consuming. The concerned people may have to refer the different files and organize the data. The work carried out manually is time consuming, cumbersome and expensive. This is an imperative need to tackle this problem in the most efficient and quickest manner. With the help of computerization of these activities anybody can retrieve the data from his/her seat at the click of mouse.



The Integrated CONTACT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is designed for maintaining the employees record , Supply Employees information from the database as and when required by the user . This system is being developed after studying the requirements of user. It aims to maintain a centralized database for all the phase of business requirements.




A package can only be developed successfully if the developer has a depth understanding about the nature of the existing system. Obviously developer would try to tackle each and every problem whatever encountered during the implementation of the new system. It is evident that most of the times it is not possible to computerize the manual system completely and therefore some of the portion should be left. The system has been designed taking into users friendliness and to provide maximum support to the user for easy operation. It is expected that after implementation, timely information can be found available and it will be helpful for fulfilling the information needs. Since the system is having a GUI interface and it has been developed keeping user friendliness in mind therefore user dont has to bother how to operate.



The system utilizes GUI and Remote authorization concept. It is user friendly and efficient one with increase in the speed and provides an efficient. It is completely menu driven and even the non-computer person can operate it. Verification at every point prevents the redundancy in the saved data. It allows for remote submission of information.


As the system is developed using Core Java technology and the code and data is maintained on the server side so maintenance of the system is easy. No other than DBA can manipulate the data, as it is stored in the Server, which is placed in to the CONTACT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM center, so data is more secure.



in any organization like institute , college

CONTACT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is an application or software which is used as a database ,companies etc. This software is used to store data and records of employees and staff of the organization . We can search the required data and information easily . Login ID and Password provides the security so unauthorized access is not possible . We can retrieve data as and when required . It reduces the manpower and paper use. The application enables the management of the company to store the various details of all its employees . It is easy to make amendments in the system . It gives fast access and retrieval of data and information . This software or application is able to satisfy the needs of the user as compared to the existing system . It will reduce the burden of work from the user . Since this application is user friendly and graphic user interface the user will do work easily and without boredom.



Although efforts have been made to make the system more and more efficient and user friendly, it is felt that some enhancements can be incorporated, even now, into the control to make it more usable. Some of the limitations, which were encountered, are listed below: The objects created at Application Level takes up considerable memory space that can be improved. We have to double click on the title bar which should be removed by using better technology or advance version of Java. Here predefined component that slow the process are used, one can speed up process by using self-developed component. Better technology might speed up the whole process starting from filling the application form up to generation of reports.




As it is obvious that there is always a reason for improvement in any software package however good and efficient it may be. But important thing is that the system should be flexible enough for further modifications. This system has been designed in such a way that the modification can be done without affecting the actual design of the system. CONTACT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM can be extended to add some other modules without affecting the system.



Here the programs are merged in order to decrease the number of programs and to increase the performance of the programs so that they take less time in execution. But it has increased the complexity of the programs. Also their performance can be increased so that these programs take much less time in execution. So the enhancements that can be done are:

Decrease the time of execution by tuning the programs. Various other modules can be integrated to this application to make it a real core entrepreneur solution. Decrease the complexity of the programs by improving the program logic and database design. New functionality in the system can be very easily added without affecting the existing architecture. This provides a scope for future enhancement of the system for developing of new analytical, exception-oriented analysis and reports into the system.



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