Lagata, Rhealyn Gupit. Matrix
Lagata, Rhealyn Gupit. Matrix
Lagata, Rhealyn Gupit. Matrix
Perennialism •One should teach the things that one deems This philosophy promulgates teacher as
everywhere. Believe that the most important positive classroom atmosphere where
topics develop a person. Since detailis of fact they solely manipulate the teaching-
change constantly, these cannot be the most learning process by integrating and
principles, not facts. Since people are human, which it is defined as the set of learned
one should teach first about humans, not behaviors, beliefs, attitudes, values that
people first, and workers second if at all, one or population (Ember, 1999).
•The most conservative, traditional, or dictate what they teach for they apply
Secular perennialism
nonvocational is advocated.
Religious Perrenialism
Essentialism "Gripping and enduring interests frequently The prime scope of this philosophy is the
grow out of initial learning efforts that are not promulgation of conserving moral values
"Back to the Basics" approach to education. It formulating brilliant ideas in the midst of
is on intellectual and moral standards that learning that would feed the learners’
schools should teach. The core of the minds to be more equipped and globally
aggression or mindlessness.
Progressivism We may, I think, discover certain common “Change is the only constant in this
principles amid the variety of progressive world”, a very common mantra but it is
schools now existing. To imposition from worth living for. In fact, in the book
above is opposed expression and cultivation of English Expressways for secondary (p.
individuality; to external discipline is opposed 45), George Bernard Shaw discussed that
free activity; to learning from texts and there are two kinds of people in the
acquisition of' isolated skills and techniques by The reasonable man adapts himself to
drill is opposed acquisition of them as means the world; the unreasonable one persists
of attaining ends which make direct vital in trying to adapt the world to himself.
appeal; to preparation for a more or less Therefore, all progress depends on the
solving problems:
2. define it;
5. Experience; and
Existentialism "Childhood is not adulthood; childhood is This philosophy supports the ninth
playing and no child ever gets enough play. intelligence as one of the multiple
The Summer hill theory is that when a child intelligencess possessed by humans
has played enough he will start to work and authored by Howard Gardner which is
face difficulties, and I claim that this theory has the existentialist intelligence. It is the
good job even when it involves a lot of existing things in the world and their
himself. Such is the first principle of that they could formulate their own
based on an intellectual attitude that on what field of interest they will engage
Christian, and Friedrich Nietzsche (1811 1900) teaching students about themselves and
developing their potentials to compete
who wrote a book entitled The Antichrist and
in the global context in the near future.
coined the phrase God is dead. While the
In fact, this philosophy connects with the
famous existentialists would passionately
idea of Harvey F. Silver about the four
disagree with one another on many basic
learning styles and one of which is the
philosophical issues, what they shared was a
self- expressive (intuitive feeling) style
respect for individualism. In particular, they
where learners learns best from creative
argued that traditional approaches to
and artistic activities, open- ended
philosophy do not adequately respect the
discussions and social values and prefers
unique concerns of each individual.
to learn by being creative and using
universal, inborn human nature. We are born problems beyond those normally
and exist, and then we ourselves freely considered and discussing real problems
determine our essence (that is, our innermost and looking for real solutions.
established models.
traditional class.
informed, and my own specified world to bring philosophy that follows the concept of
them up in and I'll guarantee to take anyone at Stimulus-Response theory. This theory is
random and train him to become any type of more concerned with the response
specialist I might select-- doctor, lawyer, artist, generated where stimulus serves as
merchant-chief; and yes, even beggar-man input and response serves as an output
and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, that produces behavioral changes.In
tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his fact, stimulus and response considers
the notion that we possess free will to shape was pioneered by Ivan Pavlov, Edward
our innermost nature, behaviorism is derived Lee and Bhurrus Skinner’s behavior
from the belief that free will is an illusion. theories respectively . They describe
According to a pure behaviorist, human beings about the behaviorism and the points
are shaped entirely by their external specifically for learning activities are
environment. Alter a person's environment, stimulus and responses. This can also be
and you will alter his or her thoughts, feelings, interpreted as cause and
whenever students perform a desired reach the goal and repeated actions that
behavior, and soon they will learn to perform will become the habit and then students
Behaviorism has its roots in the early 1900s in As teachers, we must know what
the work of the Russian experimental subjects can apply behaviorism theory.
•B. F. Skinner (1904- 1989) explain about the material related to the
Skinner box, which he used to train small avenue for teachers to be sensitive to
invented a World War II guided missile system for teachers in implementing repeated
that employed pecking pigeons to keep a act with a specific award for the
this chapter.
found unattractive.
•‘children can learn better if taught in classes mastery. The teacher would impart
tutors, and he gave a number of reasons for display such reality for observation and
why this is the case, citing the value of study. Classrooms would be highly
competition and emulation among pupils as ordered and disciplined, like nature, and
well as the usefulness of group discussions and the students would be passive
participants in the study of things.
Changes in school would be perceived as
•refers to the secondary education stage as
a natural evolution toward a perfection
the period of specialization, when pupils
of order.
should begin to acquire manual skills,
Ibn Tufail-
John Locke –
Harry S. Broudy-
in education
4. Group definition of common social goals.
important problem.
be appropriate.
Idealism •Plato's writings contain some of the following Idealism is a philosophy that espouses
ideas: Elementary education would be the refined wisdom of men and women.
confined to the guardian class till the age of Reality is seen as a world within a
military training and then by higher education the consistency of ideas. Goodness is an
for those who qualified. While elementary ideal state, something to be strived for.
education made the soul responsive to the Idealism would favor schools teaching
environment, higher education helped the subjects of the mind, such as is found in
soul to search for truth which illuminated it. most public school classrooms. Teachers,
Both boys and girls receive the same kind of for the idealist, would be models of ideal
blend gentle and fierce qualities in the processes, to present the wisdom of the
individual and create a harmonious person. ages, and to present models of behavior
process of educating.
religious framework.