2017 Kadett
2017 Kadett
2017 Kadett
6 Paul folds a piece of paper, then punches a hole into the paper and unfolds it again.
The unfolded paper then looks like the picture on the right.
Along which dotted line can Paul have folded the paper beforehand?
9 Yvonne has 20 €, each of her four sisters has 10 €. How much does Yvonne have to give to
each of her sisters so that all of them have the same amount of money?
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 8 (E) 10
10 Some girls are standing in a circle. The teacher makes them do a headcount. Bianca says one, her neighbour says
two and so on. If they count in a clockwise direction, Antonia says five. If they count in an anticlockwise direction,
Antonia says eight.
How many girls are forming the circle?
(A) 9 (B) 10 (C) 11 (D) 12 (E) 13
- 4 Points Questions -
11 Ant Annie starts at the left end of the stick and crawls of the length of the stick. Ladybird Bob starts at the right
end of the stick und crawls of the length of the stick.
Which fraction of the length of the stick are they then apart from each other?
12 One sixth of all spectators in a children’s theater are adults, the rest are children.
Two fifths of the children are girls. Which fraction of all spectators are boys?
13 The black and the dashed line together form seven equilateral triangles. The
dashed line is 20 cm long. How long is the black line?
(A) 25 cm (B) 30 cm (C) 35 cm (D) 40 cm (E) 45 cm
14 Four cousins are 3, 8, 12 and 14 years old. Emma is younger than Rita. The sum of the ages of Zita and Emma is
divisible by 5, as is the sum of the ages of Zita and Rita. How old is Ina (the 4th cousin)?
(A) 14 (B) 12 (C) 8 (D) 2017 (E) 3
15 More than 800 people take part in the kangaroo-run. Amongst the participants 35 % are female. There are 252
more male than female participants. How many people in total are taking part in the run?
(A) 802 (B) 810 (C) 822 (D) 824 (E) 840
16 Ria wants to write a number into each box. She has already written
two numbers. The sum of all five numbers should be 35, the sum of the
first three numbers should be 22, the sum of the last three numbers
should be 25. What is the product Ria gets, if she multiplies the two numbers in the grey boxes?
(A) 63 (B) 108 (C) 0 (D) 48 (E) 39
17 Simon wants to cut a piece of wire into 9 equally long pieces and makes marks where he needs to make his cuts.
Barbara wants to cut the same piece of wire into 8 equally long pieces and makes marks where she needs to make
her cuts. Carl cuts the piece of wire at every mark. How many pieces does Carl get?
(A) 15 (B) 16 (C) 17 (D) 18 (E) 19
18 Two 1 cm long segments are marked on opposite sides of a square with side length 8
cm. The end points of the segments are connected with each other as shown in the
diagram. How big is the area of the grey part?
(A) 2 cm2 (B) 4 cm2 (C) 6.4 cm2 (D) 8 cm2 (E) 10 cm2
19 Tycho plans his running training. Each week he wants to go for a run on the same
weekdays. He never wants to go for a run on two consecutive days. But he wants to go for
a run two days a week. How many different weekly plans meet those conditions?
(A) 16 (B) 14 (C) 12 (D) 10 (E) 8
20 Emily wants to insert nine numbers into the 3 x 3 table so that the sum of the numbers in two
adjacent cells (with a common side) is always the same. She has already written two numbers into
the table. How big is the sum of all nine numbers?
(A) 18 (B) 20 (C) 21 (D) 22 (E) 23
- 5 Points Questions -
21 If you measure the angles of a triangle, you obtain three different natural numbers. What is the smallest possible
sum of the biggest and the smallest angle of the triangle?
(A) 61° (B) 90° (C) 91° (D) 120° (E) 121°
22 There are 10 kangaroos in a row, as seen in the picture. Two kangaroos, that are standing next to each other and
can see each other are allowed to change places by hopping past each other. This is carried out until no more jumps
are allowed. How often do two kangaroos swap places?