Be It Enacted B The Senate and House of Representatives of The Philippines in Congress Assembled
Be It Enacted B The Senate and House of Representatives of The Philippines in Congress Assembled
Be It Enacted B The Senate and House of Representatives of The Philippines in Congress Assembled
J ne 27, 1991
AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT, ADMINISTRATION, ORGANIZATION, TRAINING, MAINTENANCE AND UTILIZATION OF THE CITIZEN ARMED FORCES OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE PHILIPPINES AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES Be it enacted b the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:: ARTICLE I TITLE Sec ion 1. Title. This Act shall be known as the "Citi en Armed Forces of the Philippines Reservist Act." ARTICLE II DECLARATION OF POLICY Sec ion 2. The Regular Force. It is the policy of the State to maintain a standing or regular military force in times of peace consonant to its adequate and actual needs for the security of the State but which can be rapidly expanded by the well-disciplined Citizen Forces in the event of war, invasion or rebellion. Sec ion 3. The Securit and Socioeconomic Development of the State. The Citizen Armed Force shall be provided maximum opportunity to participate in safeguarding the security of the State and in assisting in socioeconomic development. Sec ion 4. The Call to Personal Militar and Civil Service. The Citizen Armed Force shall be so organized, trained, developed and maintained as to ensure their readiness to immediately respond to the call to service. Sec ion 5. The Public Awareness. The State shall promote and develop public support to and awareness of the important role of the Citizen Armed Force as protector of the people and the State. Sec ion 6. The Manpower of the Citi en Armed Force. The manpower objective of the Citizen Armed Force shall conform to projected and actual needs. It is not envisioned by the State to have a nation under arms, unless extremely necessary. ARTICLE III MISSION AND ORGANIZATION OF THE CITIZEN ARMED FORCE Sec ion 7. Mission. The mission of the Citizen Armed Force, alternately referred to as the Reserve Force, is to provide the base for the expansion of the Armed Forces of the Philippines in the event of war, invasion or rebellion; to assist in relief and rescue during disaster or calamities; to assist in socioeconomic development; and to assist in the operation and maintenance of essential government or private utilities in the furtherance of overall mission. Sec ion 8. Organi ation. The Reserve Force shall be organized into five (5) components, namely:
(1) The Army Reserve Component; (2) The Air Force Reserve Component; (3) The Navy Reserve Component; (4) The AFP-Wide Technical Reserve Component; and
(5) The Affiliated Reserves. Sec ion 9. Organi ation of Reserve Components. The organization of each component of the Reserve Force and the manpower objective of each component shall be as prescribed by the Secretary of National Defense and approved by the President of the Philippines. The organization, structure, manning and equipment of reserve units shall conform to the organization of the regular force. Reserve units of a battalion type or equivalent shall be organized on a provincial basis, and reserve units of a brigade and division type or equivalent, on a regional basis. The organizational structure and manning of the affiliated reserve units shall be prescribed by the Secretary of National Defense and shall as much as possible conform to their existing civilian organization. Sec ion 10. Affiliated Reserves. As the President shall approved upon recommendation of the Secretary of National Defense, certain private and government entities, corporations, establishments and organizations at the national, provincial and municipal levels which provide essential public services such as water, light, transportation and communications which are necessary to support the prosecution of national defense plans or to meet an emergency shall be organized as affiliated units of the Reserve Force. These affiliated units shall be constituted by appropriate orders to be issued by the Secretary of National Defense, given unit designations and assigned to the appropriate reserve components of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). The roster of the officials and employees of these affiliated units shall be included in the orders of constituting the units. These units shall be so utilized in times of war or emergency to ensure the continuous and uninterrupted provision of the essential services they are rendering. ARTICLE IV DEFINITION OF CITIZEN SOLDIERS Sec ion 11. Citi en Soldiers. The citizen soldiers, alternately reserved to as reservists, who compose the Reserve Force are those reservists of the Armed Forces of the Philippines who are incorporated into the Reserve Force, as follows: (1) Graduates of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) basic and advance courses who were issued orders as enlisted reservists or reserve officers or the AFP; (2) Graduates of authorized basic military training instructions who, as a result thereof, were issued orders as enlisted reservists or reserve officers; (3) Ex-servicemen and retired officers of the AFP and other armed forces that have diplomatic relations with the Philippines who were honorably discharged or retired from the service and who are Filipino citizens upon their applications; (4) Recognized World War II guerillas who were honorably discharged from the service; (5) Commissioned and noncommissioned officers under the Affiliated Reserves category and graduates of the National Defense College of the Philippines (NDCP); and (6) Commissioned, noncommissioned officers and privates under the existing laws including those procured under project 36-70 and included in the present AFP roster before the enactment of this Act and those to be commissioned or enlisted after the enactment of this Act. ARTICLE V CATEGORIZATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF CITIZEN SOLDIERS Sec ion 12. Categori ation of Citi en Soldiers. There shall be three (3) categories of citizen soldiers of AFP reservists: the First Category Reserve, the Second Category Reserve, and the Third Category Reserve based on age. (1) First Category Reserve. - The First Category Reserve shall be composed of able-bodied reservists whose ages are between eighteen (18) years and thirty-five (35) years, inclusive. (2) Second Category Reserve. - The Second Category Reserve shall be composed of able-bodied reservists whose ages are between thirty-six (36) years and fifty-one (51) years, inclusive. (3) Third Category Reserve. - The Third Category Reserve shall be composed of the all able-bodied reservists who are above fifty-one (51) years of age. Sec ion 13. Classification of Reserve Force Units. Based on the categorization provided in Section 12 above, the Reserve Force units shall further be classified into the Ready Reserve, the Standby Reserve and the Retired Reserve based in their operational readiness for immediate deployment/utilization. (1) Ready Reserve. - The Ready Reserve shall be composed of citizen soldiers belonging mostly to the First Category Reserve and others as provided in this Act who shall be organized, trained and maintained as
Category Reserve and others as provided in this Act who shall be organized, trained and maintained as mobilizable ready reserve subject to call at any time to augment the regular armed force of the AFP not only in times of war or national emergency but also to meet local emergencies arising from calamities, disasters and threats to peace, order, security and stability in any locality, including the need to provide assistance in relief and rescue work and other civil assistance activities. Any reservist or citizen soldiers belonging to the Second Category Reserve and/or the Third Category Reserve, particularly the commissioned and noncommissioned officers, who will volunteer to serve with the Ready Reserve shall be allowed, if qualified and fit for duty, to join and actively participate as part of the Ready Reserve and shall serve with an appropriate Ready Reserve unit. Furthermore, members of the AFP Affiliated Reserved units of various government and private utilities and services considered essential for the preservation of the economic stability of the country or particular locality, such as power and electricity, water supply, transportation and communications, among others, regardless of their categorization shall be classified as Ready Reserve. All citizens soldiers belonging to the First Category Reserve, except those exempted under this Act, shall be required to serve with Ready Reserve units and will have assignments and promotions in accordance with existing policies of the AFP until transferred to the Standby Reserve by virtue of their age. The following citizen soldiers may be exempted from rendering service with said reserve units: (a) Active members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National Police; (b) Those who are residing abroad but only during the duration of their absence from the Philippines; (c) Those who are physically and mentally unfit to serve their tour of duty; (d) Those who are convicted of crimes involving moral turpitude; and (e) Those who may be exempted from duty for valid reasons which may be authorized on a case-to-case basis by appropriate and competent authority. For this purpose, the AFP shall issue such appropriate guidelines, rules and regulations as may be necessary. (2) Standby Reserve. - The Standby Reserve shall be composed of citizen soldiers belonging mostly to the Second Category Reserve and the Third Category Reserve, except as provided in this Act. The members of the Standby Reserve shall be organized and assigned to specified reserve units and shall be maintained through annual assembly tests to update their records and their present addresses, among others. The Standby Reserve may be mobilized or ordered to active duty only in times of national emergency or war. The ranks of the members of the Standby Reserve may be upgraded if they voluntarily participate in training or serve with the Ready Reserve units in their areas or if their Standby Reserve units undergo retraining. They will however be encouraged to upgrade their military knowledge and skills by taking up nonresident or resident courses which shall be set up for the purpose. (3) Retired Reserve. - The Retired Reserve shall be composed of citizen soldiers who have qualified for retirement through length of service, old age or disability. For this purpose, sixty-five (65) years shall be considered as the retirement age. However, if qualified and fit for duty, a member of the Retired Reserve may be ordered to active duty in times o local or national emergencies if he volunteers for active duty and when the Secretary of National Defense determines that there are not enough qualified citizen soldiers with his special skills and qualifications in the Ready Reserve or the Standby Reserve in his particular area of residence. ARTICLE VI MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT Sec ion 14. Compulsor Militar Registration and Training. All male citizens between the ages of eighteen (18) and twenty-five (25) years who are not reservists shall be required to register for military instruction. Registration shall take place in suitable registration places to be prescribed by the city or municipal government between the dates of April First and Seventh commencing one (1) year after the effectivity of this Act. Biennial registrations shall be held during the same period in succeeding years. Sec ion 15. E emption from Compulsor Militar Training. The following are exempted from military training:
(1) Members of the clergy of any religious order or sect, except if they volunteer; (2) Those in the active service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and police members of the Philippine National Police; (3) Superintendent and uniformed members of the National Penitentiary, corrective institutions, and insane asylums; and
asylums; and (4) Licensed air and maritime pilots, navigators and merchant marine officers. Sec ion 16. Registering Officer. For the purpose of registration as provided for in Section 14 hereof, the city/municipal treasurers of chartered cities and municipalities are hereby designated as registering officers. The Secretary of National Defense shall prescribe and provide the forms to be used in registration and prescribe the procedures for the conduct and reporting of the results of the registration. Sec ion 17. Persons Disqualified or E empted from Registration. law from employment in government service: The following persons are disqualified by
(1) Persons who are disqualified by law from employment in government service; (2) Those who are physically or mentally unfit as certified by and AFP medical officer; (3) Those suffering incarceration awaiting trial by a court of law: provided, that upon their release from custody they shall without delay register; (4) Those convicted by final judgment of criminal offenses involving moral turpitude; (5) Students of colleges, universities and similar institutions who are undergoing ROTC training during the pendency of their training recognized by the military authorities as among those undergoing training to qualify as reservists; and (6) Those persons who are constituted as members of affiliated units for the duration of time that they hold such membership: provided, that upon the termination of their membership, they shall be subject to military training. Sec ion 18. Selection of Registrants for Compulsor Training. Registrants who are to undergo compulsory training as provided for in this Act shall be selected in the month of May every year by drawing of lots by a board of canvassers. The Secretary of National Defense shall prescribe the procedure for the selection of registrants. Sec ion 19. Board of Canvassers. There is hereby created a board of canvassers, one (1) for each province and chartered city, for the purpose of selecting the registrants who will undergo compulsory military training as provided for in Section 18 hereof. The board shall be composed of the following: (1) IN PROVINCES Division Superintendent of Schools Provincial Fiscal The appropriate military commander as the Secretary of National Defense may designate (2) IN CHARTERED CITIES City Superintendent of Schools City Fiscal Chief of Police Chairman Member Member Chairman Member Member
Sec ion 20. Quota for Compulsor Training. The Secretary of National Defense shall furnish each provincial governor and city mayor with the quota of registrants for compulsory military training to be drawn from their respective province or chartered city. The quota for the province shall be broken down into municipal quotes. Sec ion 21. Acceptance of Registrants Volunteering for Militar Training. Registrants who are not selected for compulsory military training but who volunteer for such training may be accepted and allowed to undergo military training: provided, that said volunteers shall physically qualify for fitness after examination for training and shall be made to execute a written statement that they volunteered for training at their own will. Sec ion 22. Registration of Citi ens Residing or Working Abroad. Filipino citizens residing or working abroad, when they become liable to register for reservists' training under this Act, shall register with the nearest diplomatic or consular office of the Republic of the Philippines which shall transmit the registrants' data to the Secretary of National Defense. Sec ion 23. Notice to Selected Registrants. The board of canvassers shall cause the immediate and adequate
Sec ion 23. No ice o Selec ed Regi an . The board of canvassers shall cause the immediate and adequate publication of the names of the registrants who have been selected in accordance with Section 18 hereof and at once notify the registrants concerned to report to the acceptance board of the city or municipality where they reside. The board of canvassers shall furnish each acceptance board with the list of the registrants whose names were drawn. Sec ion 24. Accep ance Boa d. There is hereby created an acceptance board in each municipality and chartered city which shall examine and classify registrants whose names have been referred to it by the board of canvassers and pass upon the registrants' fitness for training and application for deferment, if any. The decision of the board shall be by majority vote. The Secretary of National Defense shall prescribe the procedure for the operation of the acceptance board. Sec ion 25. Compo i ion of he Accep ance Boa d. The board shall be composed as follows: (1) IN CHARTERED CITIES Local Civil Registrar City Health Officer Chief of Police One Civic Leader (to be chosen by local civic organizations) (2) IN MUNICIPALITIES Local Civil Registrar/ Municipal Treasurer Municipal Health Officer Chief of Police One Civic Leader (to be chosen by local civic organizations) Chairman Member Member Member Chairman Member Member Member
Sec ion 26. Cla ifica ion of Selec ed Regi an . Registrants shall undergo physical examination to be conducted by the health officer. The acceptance board shall then classify them into the following categories: (1) Class A - Fit for unlimited service; (2) Class B - Fit for limited service only; (3) Class C - Deferred until later date; and (4) Class D - Exempted for mental/physical reasons. Sec ion 27. Defe men f om T aining. The acceptance board, upon evaluation of the evidence to support application for deferment, may grant deferment on the following grounds and conditions: (1) Individuals who are indispensable to the support of their dependent families may be granted deferments not exceeding two (2) years after which they shall be subject to training; (2) Students enrolled in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) in colleges and universities are automatically granted deferment which shall not extend beyond the period they are to complete their basic ROTC training. Students who successfully complete such training shall be exempted. Those who fail to complete, or discontinue the training, shall be subject to training; (3) Seminary students of any religious sect shall be granted deferments for not exceeding the prescribed course in the seminary. Those who complete the course shall be exempted from training. Those who fail to complete shall be subject to training; (4) Cadets of the Philippine Military Academy and of other military or police service academies, local or foreign to include cadets of the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy and other similar local merchant marine academies duly recognized by the Government for the training of officer candidates, including those selected for cadetship in such academies, shall be granted deferments for not exceeding two (2) years. Those who successfully complete at least one-half ( ) of the prescribed period of the course shall be
Those who successfully complete at least one-half ( ) of the prescribed period of the course shall be exempted from training. Those who fail to complete one-half ( ) of the prescribed period shall, upon their discharge from their courses, be subject to training; (5) High school students who are in their last year of schooling may be granted deferment for not more than one (1) year; (6) Selected registrants residing or working abroad shall be granted deferment for the duration of their stay abroad; and (7) Elected officials and presidential appointees whose appointments are passed upon by the Commission on Appointments, during their incumbency. Sec ion 28. Appeal from Decision of the Acceptance Board. Where the acceptance board denies the claim of an individual for deferment, he may within thirty (30) days after receipt of written notification by the board appeal his case in writing directly to the Secretary of National Defense. The Secretary of National Defense shall be accorded the right to enjoy the right to be heard by himself and counsel and to present evidence in his behalf. The decision of the Secretary of National Defense or his duly authorized representative shall be final. Sec ion 29. E penses of the Acceptance Board. The expenses incident to the operation of the acceptance board shall be borne by the Department of National Defense which shall include the funds thereforee in its annual appropriations. The nature and amount of such expenses shall be prescribed by the Secretary of National Defense. The members of the acceptance board shall not receive any salary or compensation for their services in the board. They shall be entitled to receive allowances as the Secretary of National Defense shall prescribed. Sec ion 30. Final Acceptance b the Board. The registrants who shall have been finally qualified and selected by the acceptance board shall be reported to the Secretary of National Defense. Those selected shall upon instruction report to the designated military camp of unit for training. Sec ion 31. Procurement of Reservist Officers and Noncommissioned Officers for Affiliated Reserve Units. Key officers and employees of government of private entities, corporations, establishment and organizations which have affiliated units shall be encouraged to undergo military training to qualify them as reserve officers or noncommissioned officers. As such, they shall be assigned to key positions in the affiliated units where they are employed and called to active service with these units once they are activated. Sec ion 32. Securit of Tenure in Government or Private Emplo ment While on Militar Training. An employee in the Government including one in a government-owned or controlled corporation or private employment with monthly operating volume of not less then Three hundred thousand pesos (P300,000.00) and not less than twenty (20) employees who undergoes military training shall not be separated or terminated from such employment, shall not be considered as having forfeited his seniority status, if any, and shall continue to receive the salary he was receiving prior to his call to military training. In the case of private employment, payment of basic salary during such military training. In the case of private employment, payment of basic salary during such military training shall be in accordance with existing laws or with his company's policies on its employees on leave from his employment. Upon termination of his military training, he shall resume his former position or, if not practicable, he shall be assigned to a new position without diminution of his pay discharged from such training or service; otherwise, his record of dishonorable discharge from military training or service shall be taken into account as to whether or not he should be reinstated to his former employment. Sec ion 33. Draftee Training and Service. As may be ordered by the President, male citizen between the ages of eighteen (18) and thirty-five (35) shall be called to training and active service for a period not to exceed twentyfour (24) months, broken down into training period of not more than six (6) months and an active service period of not more than eighteen (18) months. Registrants will be selected for draftee training and service in accordance with Sections 14 to 26 hereof. A draftee may volunteer and be accepted for an extension of active service of not more than twelve (12) consecutive months, after which his services as draftee shall be terminated. A draftee during the period of his active duty service to include the extension of such service is entitled to receive all the pay and allowances due his grade as received by any member of the regular force: provided, that, upon termination of his draftee service, he shall receive a separation gratuity of not less than one (1) month salary for every year of his service to include the period of six (6) months shall be considered a complete year for purposes of this gratuity Sec ion 34. Retention for Ma imum Hospitali ation. A reservist/draftee who is injured or contracts a disease or sickness while undergoing training and service, not due to his intentional misconduct, willful failure or neglect, or vicious or immoral habits, shall be retained beyond the period of his reservist/draftee service with his consent for the necessary hospitalization and medical care until such time that he recovers, or is determined that further hospitalization will not improve his condition. During the period of hospitalization, he shall be entitled to subsistence allowances and hospitalization benefits as are available to the members of the regular force who are patients armed forces hospitals. ARTICLE VII CITIZEN MILITARY TRAINING
CITIZEN MILITARY TRAINING Sec ion 35. Basic Citi en Militar Training. Registrants finally selected for military training pursuant to Section 30 shall undergo a basic military training for a period of not more than six (6) months. The Secretary of National Defense shall prescribe the course of instruction. The course of instruction shall include, among others, subject on moral virtues, patriotism, discipline, support for and adherence to the Constitution, and respect for the right of civilians. Sec ion 36. Citi en Militar Training. There shall be established in every province at least one (1) training center for the conduct of citizen military and reservist training with a minimum training capacity of one (1) infantry rifle company at a time. These training centers shall form part of the reserve component organization of the major services and shall be referred to as citizen military training centers. Sec ion 37. Incorporation into Training. Upon reporting to their assigned training centers, the selected registrants shall be physically examined and if found fit for the service shall be inducted into service. Where a change of training center is necessary to provide the requisite training, the commanding officer of the training center shall be authorized to issue the necessary orders covering his tr