Powered Descent Guidance Methods For The Moon and Mars: Ronald R. Sostaric and Jeremy R. Rea
Powered Descent Guidance Methods For The Moon and Mars: Ronald R. Sostaric and Jeremy R. Rea
Powered Descent Guidance Methods For The Moon and Mars: Ronald R. Sostaric and Jeremy R. Rea
This study consists of a performance assessment of the various types of powered descent
guidance methods previously used for missions to the Moon and Mars. The strengths and
weaknesses of the various methods are discussed and simulation results are shown. Past
methods have been used as a starting point for newer guidance schemes and one particular
guidance scheme based on the Apollo Lunar Module Landing Guidance is discussed in
greater detail. The guidance results are compared to optimal trajectory results, and a
general outline for future powered descent trajectory guidance is suggested.
a Acceleration, m/s2
acmd Commanded acceleration, m/s2
aT Total acceleration, m/s2
c0 , c1 , c2 Unknown coefficients
d1 , d 2 , d 3 , d 4 Unknown coefficients
C Constraint vector(s)
DN Legendre psuedospectral differentiation matrix
g Acceleration due to gravity, m/s2
Isp Specific impulse, sec
LN −1 (t) Legendre polynomial of order N − 1
L0N −1 (t) First derivative of the Legendre polynomial
L/D Lift-to-drag ratio
M0 Initial mass, kg
Mf Final mass, kg
Mp Propellant mass, kg
Rx , R y , R z , r Position, m
r0 Initial position, m
rt Target position, m
t Time, sec
t0 Initial time, sec
tgo Time to go, sec
T /W Thrust-to-Weight ratio
Vx , V y , V z , v Velocity, m/s
v0 Initial velocity, m/s
vt Target velocity, m/s
wk Weighting for Gaussian quadrature
β Thrust heading angle in the horizontal plane measured CCW from the X-axis, deg
∆V Delta-V, m/s
θ Thrust angle from horizontal, deg
∗ Aerospace Engineer, Flight Mechanics and Trajectory Design Branch, NASA Johnson Space Center, AIAA Senior Member.
† Aerospace Engineer, Flight Mechanics and Trajectory Design Branch, NASA Johnson Space Center, AIAA Member.
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This material is declared a work of the U.S. Government and American Institute
is not subject of protection
to copyright Aeronauticsin theand Astronautics
United States.
Successfully landing a spacecraft on a planetary surface requires some method to slow the descent rate
of the vehicle and lessen the impact, such as parachutes, airbags, engine firings, or some combination. In
particular, the use of rocket engine thrust to steer the vehicle to a soft landing allows for greater control
during the descent and the ability to avoid hazards, such as rocks or craters. A trajectory guidance algorithm
is also necessary to provide the thrust and attitude commands to deliver the vehicle to the surface safely.
This algorithm must provide a trajectory that decreases the descent rate to an acceptable value while limiting
the amount of propellant, and may also be required to achieve a certain landing accuracy and/or provide
for hazard avoidance capability. The trajectory must also meet constraints on acceleration, attitude, and
attitude rate.
The powered descent itself may be broken into phases. Figure 2 shows an example of powered descent
at the Moon. The longest phase is the initial braking phase. The throttle was designed to a constant
92% during this phase, to provide margin for potential throttle increases due to navigation updates. At 84
sec remaining, the braking phase ends and the pitch-up phase begins. During the pitch-up phase, a linear
throttle down and linear pitch profile is commanded. At 24 sec remaining, the vehicle is directly above the
landing site at an altitude of 100m. It then descends vertically at 33% throttle (1.2 Moon G’s) to touchdown.
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The braking and approach phase each used the same guidance law, but the targets were different for each
phase. The braking phase began at a slant range to target of 492 km. The transfer to the start of approach
took about 514 sec and was near optimal. The target for the braking phase was a point below the surface
and further downrange than the start of the approach phase.
The approach phase began with initial conditions of approximately 2.2 km altitude, 7.5 km ground range,
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12(rt − r) 6(vt + v)
acmd = + + at (1)
t2 t
The terminal descent phase began at 30-m altitude and 11-m ground range from the target. During
this phase, the vertical and horizontal velocity were controlled separately. The vertical guidance algorithm
controlled the altitude rate by adjusting the throttle. The horizontal guidance algorithm nulled the horizontal
velocity by making small changes to the thrust angle. It assumed the vertical component of thrust was
constant. There was a 20◦ limit to the thrust angle during this phase.
The guidance operated in a surface-fixed coordinate frame with X-axis vertical, Z-axis in-plane and
forward, and Y-axis completing the right hand coordinate system. Re-designation of the landing target
(performed during the approach phase, if necessary) changed the origin of the coordinate system.
1. Braking Phase
A powered descent trajectory at Moon typically begins with a long braking phase, designed to slow the
vehicle velocity from orbital speeds. It can be shown, using optimal control theory, that the optimal steering
law for this phase is the bilinear tangent law (if range is constrained):3
d1 t + d2
tan θ = (2)
d3 t + d4
where θ is the thrust angle, and d1 , d2 , d3 , and d4 are unknown coefficients.
If range is not constrained, the steering law reduces to a single linear function, commonly known as the
linear tangent law.
tan θ = d1 t + d2 (3)
It is not possible, in general, to find a closed-form solution for the coefficients when solving this optimal
control problem. Some methods have been developed to approximate the optimal solution.4
A simple method for calculating the trajectory is to develop an analytic profile that closely approximates
the optimal solution. This can be accomplished by restricting the acceleration profile to a linear function in
each axis.
a = c1 + c2 t (4)
The acceleration profile is integrated to develop the analytic equations for velocity and position.
Z t
v= a = c1 (t − t0 ) + c2 (t − t0 )2 + v0 (5)
t0 2
Z t Z tZ t
1 1
r= v= a = c1 (t − t0 )2 + c2 (t − t0 )3 + v0 (t − t0 ) + r0 (6)
t0 t0 t0 2 6
The equations can be rewritten as follows,
tgo = t − t0 (7)
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Solve for the coefficients, c1 and c2, by inverting the tgo matrix.
" # " #" #
2 6
c1 − tgo tgo2 vt − v0
= 6 12
c2 tgo2 − tgo 3 rt − r0 − v0 tgo
In simplified form,
acmd = c1 + c2 t (12)
The length of burn, tgo, and position and velocity targets, r0 and v0 , respectively, must be provided.
These targets are found using a combination of the “optimal” routines and trial and error from repeated
simulation (Monte Carlo runs).
The following plots in figure 4 are an example nominal descent trajectory at the Moon using the scheme
described above for the braking phase. Following the braking phase (which ends at t=3725.1 sec), a quadratic
acceleration scheme is used for the approach phase. The third and final phase is a vertical descent to the
landing site at a constant acceleration. These phases are described further in the following sections.
The braking phase performance is dependent on the maximum engine thrust level. A series of simulations
were run varying the maximum thrust for each run. The performance variation is shown in Figure 5 below.
The minimum delta-V of about 1608 m/s occurs around an initial T/W = 0.55. The braking phase makes
up the majority of the required delta-V for powered descent. More discussion of performance follows later
in the “performance” section.
a = c0 + c1 t + c2 t2 (13)
The acceleration profile is integrated to develop the analytic equations for velocity and position.
Z t
1 1
v= a = c0 (t − t0 ) + c1 (t − t0 )2 + c2 (t − t0 )3 + v0 (14)
t0 2 3
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(c) (d)
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tgo = t − t0 (16)
1 1
vt − v0 = c0 tgo + c1 tgo2 + c2 tgo3 (18)
2 6
1 1 1
rt − r0 − v0 tgo = c0 tgo2 + c1 tgo3 + c2 tgo4 (19)
2 6 12
In matrix form,
at 1 tgo tgo2 c0
1 2 1 3
vt − v0 = tgo 2 tgo 3 tgo c1
1 2 1 3 1 4
rt − r0 − v0 tgo 2 tgo 6 tgo 12 tgo c2
(vt + v0 ) (rt − r0 )
c0 = at − 6 + 12 (20)
tgo tgo2
at (5vt + 3v0 ) (rt − r0 )
c1 = −6 +6 − 48 (21)
tgo tgo2 tgo3
at (2vt + v0 ) (rt − r0 )
c2 = 6 2
− 12 3
+ 36 (22)
tgo tgo tgo4
The length of burn, tgo, and position, velocity, and acceleration targets, rt , vt , and at , respectively, must
be provided. Typically, an altitude directly above the landing site is targeted, with zero horizontal velocity
and a vertical orientation (zero horizontal acceleration). The vertical acceleration target is chosen to be
equal to 1.2g, and is held constant through the 3rd and final “vertical” phase. The vertical velocity target
is then determined from the vertical position and acceleration targets.
The above coefficients are computed at each guidance call, in each axis. The initial state for the two-point
value boundary value problem is the current vehicle state (as estimated by the navigation algorithm). The
targets for the final state typically do not change during the phase, unless a target re-designation is desired.
The burn length to go, tgo, will decrease as the vehicle approaches the target state.
As tgo becomes very small the coefficient terms will tend toward infinity. There are typically two different
methods employed to prevent this from happening. One method is to use a target state that forces the vehicle
to follow the desired trajectory path without the intent of actually reaching that target. The guidance phase
is then terminated prior to tgo approaching zero. The second method is to utilize the fine count, where the
coefficients are not recalculated after tgo goes below a pre-selected value (typically 1-2 sec).
The acceleration command is then given by
acmd = c0 + c1 t + c2 t2 (23)
At each guidance call, the coefficients are recalculated and t is set to zero. For t=0, the acceleration
command is equal to c0 .
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3. Vertical Phase
The vertical phase is the final guidance phase, ending at touchdown. During this phase, a vertical orientation
is nominally commanded at a constant vertical acceleration. Current baseline lunar trajectories use a 100m
altitude for the start of the phase and a 1.2g vertical acceleration throughout. This altitude allows time to
divert to a different landing site in case of hazards.
If a secondary landing site is required, the vehicle still has the time before touchdown to achieve a new
landing site with the necessary touchdown conditions (vertical orientation, low touchdown velocity). The
nominal vertical phase begins at an altitude of 100 m and vertical velocity of -8.2 m/s (towards the surface).
A constant thrust command of 0.3 brings the vehicle to the surface with a velocity of slightly greater than
-1.0 m/s. The nominal vertical phase takes 20.9 sec and costs 40.9 m/s of delta-V.
An attempt was made to quantify the amount of time and delta-V that is necessary to perform a desired
amount of divert. A series of cases with increasing divert was simulated. The pitch profile for these cases
involved three segments of constant pitch rate. The first is a pitch over to a maximum of 25 deg, to start
the vehicle in the desired direction of the divert. The second is a constant rate pitch over in the opposite
direction (to a max of -25 deg), in order to null the vehicle horizontal velocity prior to touchdown. The final
segment is a pitch over to 0 deg. The pitch rate for these cases was limited to 5 deg/sec. Also, the throttle
rate was limited to 0.1 sec-1 . The minimum throttle was set to 25%, with a max of 100%.
Table 1 shows the amount of extra time and delta-V that is required for the divert maneuver. Up to
50 m of divert can be performed at essentially no extra cost. The engine throttle is increased slightly to
start the vehicle heading in the direction of the divert. It is then decreased slightly as the vehicle travels the
desired divert distance. Then it is increased slightly to take the velocity back out. However, this does not
impact the delta-V much since the average throttle is close to 0.3. Also note that the average descent rate
is close to the nominal. Since most of the delta-V for this phase comes from gravity losses, the delta-V is
very closely related to the length of the phase.
As divert distance is increased, the amount of extra time and delta-V is increased. It might be possible
to further optimize the profile for these cases with larger number of segments in the pitch profile. However,
this is the final phase right before touchdown, and every effort should be made to minimize the complexity
and number of maneuvers at this stage of the flight. Thus, the simplest possible method (three segments
only) was chosen.
Another method of performing the divert is selecting a new landing site earlier in the trajectory, during
the approach phase. If this method is preferred, it may be advantageous to lower the start altitude of the
vertical phase. During the Apollo missions, the landing site change was performed during the approach
phase. The vertical phase started at an altitude of 30m above the surface. The horizontal velocity at the
start of the vertical phase was not expected to be zero. No position constraint was enforced during this
phase, only velocity constraints. It was called the Terminal Descent Phase, since a strictly vertical descent
was not commanded.
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Figure 6. Total Delta-V Required for Lunar Descent from Parking Orbit
As a comparison, the Apollo powered descent phase needed about 2055 m/s of delta-V.1 The primary
reasons for the difference are that Apollo:
• Used a lower T/W (initial T/W =
˜ 0.33)
• The total time of the burn was longer
• The engine could not throttle in the region between 65% and 92% throttle
• Had a surface viewing constraint
5. Divert Out-of-Plane
Depending on the sensor suite and type of navigation algorithms employed for a Lunar Descent mission, the
accuracy of the knowledge of the vehicle state may change quickly during flight. One navigation solution
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Figure 7 shows both the altitude and range on the same plot using two different y-axes. The two curves
are actually the same runs, one shows altitude and the other shows range.
Note that the nominal approach phase delta-V is about 230 m/s. The results show that if you wait until
1000 ft altitude, you can still make the new target, but it costs about 70 m/s extra.
Cases were run every 10 sec from the start of the approach phase (from 0-50 sec after approach phase
start). After about 20 sec, the delta-V starts to take off. For the 30 sec case and up, the total length of the
approach phase was increased in order for the vehicle to make the target. The recommendation was not to
wait much longer than 20 sec after the start of approach to make the decision for this kind of divert. The
range to target at that point is 2000 ft, the altitude is about 3500 ft, and the extra cost in delta-V is about
22 m/s.
C. Gravity Turn
Another type of powered descent method that is commonly used is gravity turn steering. Gravity turn
steering requires that the thrust vector be oriented opposite to the instantaneous velocity vector during the
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Figure 8 shows the redesigned gravity turn (green line) in comparison to the trajectory above. The
powered descent is initiated at a higher altitude (30.6 km). This would require starting the burn earlier
along the “coast arc” depicted in figure 1, at a slightly slower velocity. It also would cause some impact to
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A. Background
Viking Powered Descent Guidance
The Viking landers used a powered descent guidance scheme based on a gravity turn solution.5 Due to wind
and atmospheric variation at Mars, the velocity at the end of the parachute phase was expected to be in
the range of 40-75 m/s vertical, and 0-80 m/s horizontal. The guidance scheme used two altitude-velocity
reference profiles to attempt to bound the solution space–one high speed contour and one low speed contour.
These were gravity turn solutions. Following this was a constant velocity phase that targeted 8 ft/s (2.44
m/s). This final phase began at an altitude of 16.8 m.
The engine was ignited at 1.5 km altitude, and after a 2 sec warm-up sequence the parachute was released.
A pitch maneuver to the correct attitude was performed, then the H-V reference contour was commanded
the rest of the way to the surface. Originally, the same H-V contour was followed for all cases, but it
was discovered during simulation work that for the lower velocity cases the guidance would sometimes get
behind the contour and end up impacting at a high velocity. This was the reason for the addition of the
low velocity contour. For initial velocities between the two contours, interpolation was used to determine
the H-V reference contour. For initial velocities outside of the range of the low and high speed contours, the
nearest contour was used.
Figure 9 shows a reconstructed version of the Viking H-V contours. The simulation was set up using a
gravity turn with constant thrust, starting at the initial conditions of the two contours. It was discovered
that the H-V contour could be approximated extremely well using a third order function.
Low speed contour curvefit:
Figure 10 shows a few other plots from the reconstructed trajectory. The plot in the top left corner shows
the thrust command. The nominal thrust command for the high speed contour was about 0.64, and for the
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B. Pinpoint Landing
Future missions to Mars may require an accurate landing on the surface. The atmospheric entry phase
can be guided accurately, given that the spacecraft has enough L/D during entry. However, limitations in
knowledge of the vehicle state for the current state-of-the-art navigation sensor suites and algorithms show
that substantial position error may still exist at the end of the entry phase7 .8 Also, wind drift on a parachute
may further increase position error from the desired landing site.
In order to achieve the desired landing position accuracy, the terminal descent system must be sized to
be able to accommodate significant position errors at engine ignition. Past studies have shown that a single
quadratic approach phase would use too much fuel to fly out large horizontal errors.
Results obtained using the optimization method described as follows suggest that a high-low-high thrust
profile is needed. The initial high thrust would be used to increase the vehicle horizontal velocity in the
desired direction. During the low thrust, or “coast” phase, the vehicle would travel a large horizontal distance
without much change in velocity. The results suggest that this phase would be commanded at the lowest
possible throttle setting. The final high thrust phase is used to the null the horizontal velocity that was
imparted to the vehicle during the first high thrust phase. A 4th and final phase, which has not been included
here, would be needed for the final descent to the landing site.
1. Optimization Code
A Legendre Pseudospectral Method for trajectory optimization, created by Mike Ross and Fariba Fahroo of
the Naval Postgraduate School, was applied to the terminal descent problem. It combines pseudospectral
methods with numerical nonlinear optimization. The time domain of the trajectory is discretized at a
special set of points called the Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto (LGL) points. The pseudospectral differentiation
matrix is then used to transform the equations of motion from nonlinear differential equations to nonlinear
algebraic equations. These equations are then posed in the form of a nonlinear programming problem,
and a numerical optimizer is used to solve the problem. The method has been used on many trajectory
optimization problems.9–12 A short description of the method follows:
The Legendre pseudospectral differentiation matrix operates on a discrete set of points called the Legendre-
Gauss-Lobatto (LGL) points. The matrix is based on Lagrange interpolation using the LGL points. A set
of N LGL points are defined as follows:9
t1 = −1
tj = roots of L0N −1 (t) (j=2..N-1)
tN = 1
where LN −1 (t) is the Legendre polynomial of order N −1 and L0N −1 (t) is the first derivative of the polynomial.
These points lie in the range of [-1,1].
It is necessary to map the real time domain to the LGL time domain by the following equation:13
2(τi − τo ) − (τf − τo )
tLGLi = (27)
τ f − τo
where tLGLi = the ith LGL time point; τi = the ith real time point; τo = the initial real time point; τf =
the final real time point.
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N −1 (tLGLi )
i 6= j
L −1 (tLGLj ) (tLGLi −tLGLj )
− N (N4−1)
Dij = (28)
N (N −1)
0 otherwise
The terminal descent problem is modeled using a flat planet assumption with a constant gravitational
acceleration in the vertical axis. Atmospheric effects are neglected. The equations of motion are:
Ṙx = Vx
Ṙy = Vy
Ṙz = Vz
V̇x = aT cos(θ) cos(β)
V̇y = aT cos(θ) sin(β)
V̇z = aT sin(θ) − g (30)
where the R0 s are the position components, the V 0 s are the velocity components, aT is the thrust acceleration,
θ is the thrust pitch angle from the horizontal plane, and β is the thrust heading angle in the horizontal
plane, measured counter-clockwise from the X-axis.
It is desired to find the optimal control history of the thrust acceleration and direction angles that
will minimize the required amount of propellant. The initial state and final state are specified, and the
time-of-flight is free. This is equivalent to minimizing the integral of the thrust acceleration.
Z tf
min J = aT dt (31)
The D-matrix is used to write a discretization of the differential equations as a system of algebraic
equations. After transforming the real time domain to the LGL time domain, the D-matrix is applied to
(30). The equations are then rearranged into sets of equality constraints. The result is:
~ ~x − (τf − τo ) h ~ i
C Ṙx = DN R Vx = 0
~ ~y − (τf − τo ) h ~ i
C Ṙy = DN R Vy = 0
~ ~z − (τf − τo ) ~ i
C Ṙz = DN R Vz = 0
(τf − τo ) h i
C V̇x
~x −
= DN V ~aT cos θ~ cos β~ = 0
(τf − τo ) h i
C V̇y
~y −
= DN V ~aT cos θ~ sin β ~ = 0
(τf − τo ) h i
C V̇z
~z −
= DN V ~aT sin θ~ − g = 0 (32)
where each vector represents the value of the discretized states and controls at each LGL point. The C’s are
vectors of constraints that must be met at each LGL point.
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(τf − τo ) T
min J = w
~ ~aT (33)
The optimization vector for the parameter optimization problem is:
~xopt = y
Lower and upper bounds are placed on the optimization vector so that the initial and final states are
fixed. Upper and lower limits are also placed on the thrust acceleration.
2. Results
Figure 11 shows a sample commanded acceleration profile for a stress case that flies 4 km in range over only
1.5 km for altitude change. Note the high-low-high thrust command as discussed earlier. The minimum and
maximum acceleration was limited in this case to 2.0-10.78 m/s2 . The maximum limit roughly corresponds
to T/W of 1.1 (in Earth G). The minimum limit is about 18.5% of the max thrust and is based on the Mars
Science Laboratory (MSL) configuration as of mid-2004. Figure 11 also shows the thrust angle variation
with time. Note a roughly linear relationship with time.
Figure 12 shows the amount of delta-V required to fly various divert distances using this scheme. The
cost increases with divert distance. Figure 12(a) shows the delta-V needed for an initial descent rate of 50
m/s, and the 100 m/s data is shown in figure 12(b). The different curves correspond to an initial horizontal
velocity, shown in the legend. The horizontal velocities are in the opposite direction as that of the divert.
The start altitude is optimized for each case. The highest engine start altitude for the 50 m/s cases is 1.6
km, and the longest burn is 60 sec. For the 100 m/s cases, the highest start altitude is 2.7 km and the
longest burn is just under 60 sec.
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A combination of different methods for powered descent guidance should be pursued, depending on the
application. At the Moon, the braking phase must be at or near optimal due to the large amount of delta-V
necessary to slow the vehicle from orbit. Two-pt boundary value methods with proper targeting may prove
to be adequate, but more advanced methods should be pursued. For the succeeding phases, two-pt boundary
value methods are sufficient. At Mars, the potential range of initial conditions for the terminal phase can
vary widely depending on the mission. Parachutes are typically used for robotic missions but a chute system
may not be feasible for the more massive human missions, which would lead to higher initial velocities and
a greater delta-V requirement for the propulsive phase. In addition, with current state-of-the-art Entry,
Descent, and Landing, a large downrange change during the propulsive phase may be necessary and must be
accounted for in the vehicle design. Optimal methods must be pursued for these pinpoint cases but two-pt
boundary value methods should remain available for less stressful mission requirements or phases.
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Mp = M0 − Mf (35)
Figure 14 shows the amount of propellant mass required for a 1000-kg vehicle given a particular delta-V
and Isp . Each curve represents a different value of Isp , as shown in the legend.
As seen in equation (34), the result of the rocket equation is a mass ratio. Thus, the data in figure 14
is easily scalable to any size vehicle, by multiplying the amount of propellant read from the figure by the
vehicle mass and then dividing by the reference 1000-kg mass.
Thank you to Lee Bryant for serving as technical reviewer, and also for advice and guidance during this
Thank you to the Aeroscience and Flight Mechanics Division for support in allowing us to perform and
present this work.
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lander”, AIAA-1977-1060; Guidance and Control Conference, Hollywood, Fla., August 8-10, 1977, Technical Papers. (A77-42751
20-35) New York, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., 1977, p. 164-171.
6 Viking Lander System Primary Mission Performance Report, Martin Marietta Corporation (Denver, CO), April 1977,
NASA CR-145148.
7 Mendeck, G., Carman, G., ”Apollo-Derived Entry Guidance for Mars Smart Landers (AIAA-2002-4502),” AIAA Atmo-
International Federation on Automatic Control, 15th World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, July 2002.
11 Ross, I. M. and Fahroo, F., ”User’s Manual for DIDO 2001: A MATLAB Application Package for Dynamic Optimiza-
tion”, NPS Technical Report AA-01-003, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey,
California, June 2001.
12 Rea, J., ”Launch Vehicle Trajectory Optimization Using a Legendre Pseudospectral Method (AIAA-2003-5640),” AIAA
Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, Austin, Texas, August 2003.
13 Fahroo, F. and Ross, I. M., ”Costate Estimation by a Legendre Pseudospectral Method,” Journal of Guidance, Control
Landing on Mars”, AIAA Paper 2002-4502, Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, Monterey, CA, August 2002.
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