Concrete T-Beam Calculator v1.0
Concrete T-Beam Calculator v1.0
Concrete T-Beam Calculator v1.0
Concrete Properties:
Strength of the Steel fy = 60000 psi
Strength of the Concrete fc' = 3000 psi
Stress Block Ratio β1 = 0.85
Strength Reduction Factor Φ= 0.9
Steel in Member As = 4.74 in2
Location Properties
Total length of beam L= 72 in Equations Used:
Beam spacing s= 120 in
Effective Flange Width be = 18 in
3 √ f c ' bw d 200 bw d
A s−min (beams )= ≤
Effective Flange Area Aflange = 90 in2 fy fy