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West Visayas State University

Pototan, Iloilo




Research Professor


Technology Research 2

2nd Semester-A.Y.

West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo

Chapter 1

Introduction to the Study

This chapter consist of six parts, namely: (1) Background of the study, (2)

Conceptual framework, (3) Statement of the problem, (4) Hypothesis, (5)

Delimitation of the study, and (6) Definition of terms.

Background of the Study

In today’s generation most of the students like to eat siomai because it has a

good taste and very affordable and their favorite.

Foods is one of the basic needs of a human being. According to Abraham

Maslow on his famous Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, one of the physiological

needs of a human is to have food, water, shelter and other basic needs of a

person to survive. By doing barter, some varieties of foods from other countries

are adapted and served in a market. Dim Sum or most commonly known as

Siomai is a Chinese food that originated in Huhhot, Inner Mangolia, between the

Ming and Qing dynasties of china (Teoderico, 2017).

West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo

Banana Blossom/Flower is the teardrop-shaped purple flower at the end of

the banana fruit cluster. In the Philippine, the Filipinos cook it just like any other

vegetables. According to

Dr. Fatima Sana Shaikh, Banana heart contains a great amount of nutritive

properties which are very effective for the growth, function and the development of

the body. In addition, as stated by JayNelz, one of the benefits of eating banana

heart is it manages anemia. People who have anemia do not produce enough red

blood cells in the body and cannot get enough oxygen, which makes them feel

fatigued and can also cause serious health complications, those people are better to

eat banana heart, because it contains a good amount of magnesium, potassium and

copper. These healthy elements help to manage the anemia disease, so consuming

banana heart is a better idea to manage anemia. In addition, banana heart boosts

mood and reduces anxiety. effects-


Siomai is cheap and easy to buy, but the problem lies in the people wants.

The researchers think other way of using banana heart as the main ingredient to

create a new and different kind of siomai. With this, improve and unique taste of

siomai that would not only satisfy the customer needs and wants, it also gives a

healthier version of siomai. Banana heart is not only use in vegetable dish but it can

also use as a main ingredient in siomai.

The problem According to Dr. Willie Ong, Siomai is not a healthy food due to

its lack of benefits. And High sodium content in siomai can contribute to

hypertension and other health issues. The situation of Children enjoys eating a lot of
West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo

siomai, but they have no idea how it affects their health. Lack of health benefits.

Health risk has given to people. And solution that Banana flower is rich in nutrients,

including fiber, antioxidants, and numerous minerals. Emerging research indicates

that it may aid digestive health, prevent prostate enlargement,

support bone health, and help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Nonetheless, more human research is needed.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the acceptability level of vegetable siomai using

Banana blossom as to appearance, aroma, taste, and texture.

1. What is the acceptability level of siomai using Banana blossom as to

appearance, aroma, taste, and texture?

2. Is there a significant difference of siomai using Banana blossom as to

appearance, aroma, taste, and texture?


The hypothesis of this study states that there is no significant difference in

the level of acceptability of siomai made of banana blossom in terms of appearance,

aroma, taste, texture, and general acceptability with commercial pork siomai.
West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo

Theoretical Framework

Theoretical Framework The following theories were used to understand

customers' behavior in the purchase, which supported the study regarding the

acceptability of banana

blossom as a substitute source of meat products. The researchers sort out the

literature review and studies and introduce the study's framework that

compromises this research's focus.

This study will be anchored on the concept of Food Innovation. Food

innovation is the development and commoditization of new food products,

processes, and services. Food and beverage companies are looking for ways to

make healthy, nutritious offerings that are not only enticing, accessible, exciting,

and unique, but also sustainable. Innovation in the food industry combines

technological innovation with social and cultural innovation. It occurs throughout

the entire food system, including production, harvesting, primary and secondary

processing, manufacturing and distribution. The ultimate innovation is a new or

improved consumer product and service. Innovations can be focused in one area of

food technology, for example process engineering, product formulation, food

qualities or consumer needs; but ripples spread causing changes in other parts of
West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo

the food system, in consumer eating patterns and in general social and cultural

areas. Food industry innovation strategies need to be based on the total technology

in the food system and concerned not only with the technological changes but also

with the social and environmental changes, so as to produce food that satisfies the

nutritional, personal and social needs and wants of all communities.

Conceptual Framework

Below is the schematic diagram showing the conceptual framework of the study.

Input Process

Tools, utensils, equipment,
and ingredients of Banana
blossom in making siomai
Preparation of Siomai out of Level of acceptability of
Treatment A
Banana blossom Banana blossom in making
Treatment B  Sensory evaluation siomai as to appearance,
 Collection of data aroma, taste, and texture.
Treatment C
 Data analysis
Treatment D  Interpretation
 conclusion

West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo

Significance of the Study

Meat consumption per person has decreased to 15 kilograms per year. The

following, in particular, will benefit the study:

Students. The researchers believe that they will benefit the most from the study

because they are more interested in eating siomai. Youth are exposed to non-

nutritional foods, and this study will teach students about the health benefits of

banana blossom siomai.

Faculties. This study will help teacher understand their students eating habits when

it comes to junk food. By doing so, teacher may be able to discover new ways to

assist their students (children) in eating nutritious food.

Vendors. To understand what they are selling and whether there are any health

benefits for the customers. to understand how each food can benefit our health.

This research will assist vendors in selling nutritious foods.

Definition of Terms
West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo

For a clearer understanding of this study, the following terms are defined

conceptually and operationally.

Acceptability- Conceptually, is the satisfactory by virtue of conforming to approved


Appearance- Conceptually, as a way of how someone or something looks. (Oxford

living, n.d.) Operationally, refers to the respondents as to how they accept the

appearance of the product.

Taste- Conceptually, is the sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth and throat on

contact with a substance (Oxford Living, n.d.) In this study, it is how the

respondents react to the taste of banana blossoms soimai.

Aroma- Conceptually, it the word for a fragrant and scent, it is how the respondents

will respond to the aroma of the product.

Scope and Limitations of the study or Delimitation

This experimental study focused on the determination of the sensory

characteristics and acceptability of Banana blossom in different proportions as a

replacement for meat siomai. The variety of Banana blossom used was the “Saba”

variety which are abundant in the municipality of Pototan.

This study conduct at West Visayas State University – Pototan Campus,

Pototan, Iloilo, Food Technology Laboratory on first semester of Academic Year

West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo

There will be 30 respondents in this study, composed of 10 faculties, 10

students and 10 vendors of West Visayas State University Pototan Campus. They

will be purposely chosen us evaluators of the finished product because of their

expertise. The responses will be gathered, summarized, tabulated, and analyzed.

Each treatment replicated three times. Arithmetic Mean and Analysis of

Variance (ANOVA) used as statistical tools. The results test at 0.01 level of


Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter consists of three parts, namely: 1) Conceptual Literature, 2)

Related literature, and 3) Summary of the Review of Related Literature.

Part One, Conceptual Literature, presents a detailed review of existing literature

related to the topic of this research.

Part Two, Related Studies, presents a review of existing works carried out in the

research field related to this study.

West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo

Part Three, Summary of the Review of Related Literature, presents the summary of

the literatures included in the chapter

Conceptual Literature

According to Dr. Willie Ong, Pork Siomai is not a healthy food due to its lack

of benefits. Siomai is the Filipino term for steamed Chinese dumplings that are

usually filled with pork, occasionally shrimp. It’s what Americans call “siumai” In the

Mandarin language, it’s shaomai.

The term "siomai" is well-known and popular, especially among children, but they

are unaware that it poses a health risk in the long run. As a result, we are

attempting to conduct this study

using banana blossoms because it has many advantages and, more importantly,

can improve the health of those who consume siomai.

Banana blossom is fantastic source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and a

very small amount of protein. They offer a combination of soluble and insoluble fiber

and are low in fat and calories. In your intestines, water-soluble fiber decomposes

into a material that resembles gel. This may result in lower blood sugar and

cholesterol levels. On the other hand, insoluble fiber doesn't dissolve in water. It

increases the volume of the feces to aid in its transit through your digestive tract.

You might avoid constipation and other digestive problems by doing this, as well as

feel fuller for longer.

West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo

Related literature

Siomai is a type of Chinese dumpling that is popular in many parts of Asia,

particularly in the Philippines. It is typically made with a filling of ground pork or

shrimp, seasoned with various spices and aromatics, and then wrapped in a thin

dough wrapper. Siomai is often steamed and served with dipping sauces like soy

sauce, calamansi, and chili paste. It's a delicious and commonly enjoyed snack or

appetizer. On the other hand, banana (Musa acumita) serves as an ideal and low-

cost food source for developing countries where most of the population rely mostly

on bananas for food. Also, it provides a wealth of health benefits, packed with

potassium, a mineral and electrolyte, which carries a small electric charge. As such,

potassium sends an electric signal to nerve cells that then fire to keep the heart

beating and muscles contracting; it also helps to keep a healthy balance of water in

your cells, according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Bananas' high potassium and low sodium content may also help to maintain a

healthy cardiovascular system and prevent high blood pressure, according to the

FDA. Furthermore, all parts of banana plant are edible, the fruits ate the most

commonly eaten and the leaves are for a variety of culinary applications. Banana

plants are the largest herbaceous plants in the world. The banana stem is not as

commonly used world-wide, but it is often seen in southern Indian cuisine. It is

really not a stem but it is a flower stalk of banana plant. The thick stalks grow up

from the ground and from the backbone of the herbaceous plant.
West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo

Summary of the Review of Related Literature

Based on the literatures gathered, Banana blossom is highly nutritious and

brings many health benefits to the body. In addition, related studies revealed that

this part of the banana stem is edible and are acceptable ingredient for other


Related studies had given reasons to the present that Banana blossom can be used

a substitute for meat in preparing patty. All the information made by different

researchers have provided additional facts used in the present study as well as it

had given additional knowledge for the researchers on how to conduct the study.

Chapter 3


This chapter describes the research design, respondent of the study, sources

of data, gathering procedures and data gathering techniques.

West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo

Research Design

The study used the true experimental research design. According to Siri Silla

(2023) true experimental research design relies on statistical analysis to prove or

disprove a researcher’s hypothesis. It is one of the most accurate forms of research

because it provides specific scientific evidence. Furthermore, out of all the types of

experimental designs, only a true experimental design can establish a cause-effect

relationship within a group.

The main purpose of this study was to discover if which among the treatment

was more acceptable. Treatment A represented siomai made of 100% pork,

Treatment B represented siomai made of 75% pork and 25% of banana blossom,

Treatment C represented siomai made of 25 % of pork and 75% of banana blossom,

Treatment D represented siomai made of 100% of banana blossom.


There were 30 respondents of this study. They were composed of 10 faculties

teacher in food, 10 food technology students and 10 vendors of West Visayas State

University Pototan Campus, Pototan, Iloilo. They were chosen as evaluators due to

their expertise.

Sources of Data
West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo

The responses of the evaluators were the sources of data in this study. The

evaluators rated the level of acceptability of the products as to aroma, appearance,

taste, texture, and general acceptability.

Lay-out of the Experimental

Below is the experimental lay-out that shows the treatment and the


There were five treatments replicated tree times.

West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo


D3 E3 B3 E1 A3

A1 D2 C2 A2 E2

C1 B2 C3 D1 B1


Treatment A- 100% Meat

Treatment B- 75% Meat 25% Banana Blossom

Treatment C- 50% Meat 50% Banana Blossom

Treatment D- 25% Meat 75% Banana Blossom

West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo

Treatment E- 100% Banana Blossom

Each participant will be given a chance to assess and evaluation the

acceptability of the different treatments of Banana Blossom Making siomai. Each

preparation was rated base on the five-point Hedonic Scale. After the evaluation,

the participants were requested to write their remarks o comments about the

product at the provided space in the score sheet.

Data Gathering Instrument

There will be 30 selected evaluators in this study and was composed 10 food

technology students and 10 faculties teacher in food, 10 vendors of West Visayas

State University-Pototan Campus. Sensory Evaluation score sheet was based on a 5-

hedonic scale was used in the collection of data. The evaluators rated each sample

as (5), Strongly Acceptable, (4) Highly Acceptable. Scores were assigned in

evaluating, the products as to appearance, aroma, taste, texture, and general


Materials, Tools and Equipment

The researcher gathered and purchased the banana blossom in making

siomai and other ingredients in Pototan, Iloilo. The experimental study was

conducted after the approval of the proposal.

West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo

Data Gathering Procedure

The experimental was divided into four phases.

Phase I: Preparation of Tools, Utensils and Equipment

Phase II: Preparation of Banana blossom

Phase III: Try-out of the Recipe

Phase IV: Standardization Recipe

Phase V: Evaluation of the Finished Product.

Phase I: Preparation of Tools, Utensils and Equipment.

The different tools and utensils were prepared such as mixing bowl, wooden

spoon, steamer, casserole, knife, strainer, chopping board, plate, stove, mini bowls,

and measurements (Cups, tsp, tbsp.)

Phase II: Preparation of Banana blossom in making Siomai

The banana blossom was collected, cleaned, and then chopped into thin

ingredients and all materials needed. It was then placed in a basin then squeezed

until all water content were all removed.

West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo

Phase III: Try-out of the Recipe

The necessary ingredients were prepared. The amount of each ingredients

was measured and marinated accurately and basic procedures was followed. Each

recipe was prepared one at a time. All the steps in preparation in the and cooking

were recorded. Sensory Evaluation Score Sheet was used to collect opinions

criticisms and suggestions regarding the recipes. All the recipes were undergoing

the same procedures in evaluating as to the appearance, aroma, taste, texture and

general acceptability. The test and the re-test of the siomai was done until the

acceptable blend ingredients was achieved.

Ingredients A B C D E

Meat 2C 11/2 C 1C 1
/2 C 0
Banana 0 /2 C 1C 11/2 C 2C

blossom 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C
West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo
1 1 1 1 1
All-purpose /2 TSP /2 TSP /2 TSP /2 TSP /2 TSP
1 1 1 1 1
flour /2 TSP /2 TSP /2 TSP /2 TSP /2TSP

Sugar 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C

Ground pepper 1 TSP 1 TSP 1 TSP 1 TSP 1 TSP

1 1 1 1 1
Carrot /4 C /4 C /4 C /4 C /4 C
1 1 1 1 1
Garlic /2 TBSP /2 TBSP /2 TBSP /2 TBSP TBSP

Onion 1 TSP 1 TSP 1 TSP 1 TSP 1 TSP

Onion leaves 2 PC 2 PC 2 PC 2 PC 2 PC
1 1 1 1 1
Fish sauce /2 TSP /2 TSP /2 TSP /2 TSP /2 TSP


Sesame oil

Table 1: Try out Recipe


1. first washing the equipment and all of the materials before beginning the

cooking process.
West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo

2. The banana flower is boiled, and once it has been strained, we combine it

once it has dried.

3. and add the items to the basin while stirring.

4. Then, we'll marinate the food for two hours.

5. The process of making a siomai includes filling the wrapper with the

ingredients, folding the wrapper to form a circle, and steaming.

Phase IV: Standardization Recipe

After the try-out phase the banana blossom in making siomai was evaluated

by evaluators. The collected comments, suggestions and recommendations of

evaluators who are not included as participants was incorporated and was take into

consideration in standardization of the recipe following certain procedures.

Table 2: Standardization of Recipe

Ingredients A B C D E

Meat 2C 11/2 C 1C 1
/2 C 0
Banana 0 /2 C 1C 11/2 C 2C
1 1 1 1 1
blossom /2 C /2 C /2 C /2 C /2 C
West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo
1 1 1 1 1
All-purpose /2 TSP /2 TSP /2 TSP /2 TSP /2 TSP
1 1 1 1 1
flour /4 TSP /4 TSP /4 TSP /4 TSP /4 TSP
1 1 1 1 1
Sugar /2 C /2 C /2 C /2 C /2 C

Ground pepper 1 TSP 1 TSP 1 TSP 1 TSP 1 TSP

1 1 1 1 1
Carrot /2 C /2 C /2 C /2 C /2 C


Onion 1 TSP 1 TSP 1 TSP 1 TSP 1 TSP

Onion leaves 1 PC 1 PC 1 PC 1 PC 1 PC

Fish sauce 1 TSP 1 TSP 1 TSP 1 TSP 1 TSP


Sesame oil

The researchers set up 5 treatments to test the general acceptability of the

banana blossom mixture in order to validate the respondents’ level of acceptance of

using banana blossom as a siomai substitute of meat and to provide the

respondents with a selection of options that are appropriate for their level of

acceptance. Different proportions in the standardized recipe were made: Treatment

West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo

A: 100%, Treatment B: 75% Meat 25% Banana Blossom, Treatment C: 50% Meat

50% Banana Blossom, Treatment D: 25% Meat 75% Banana Blossom, Treatment E:

100% Banana Blossom

Phase V- Evaluation of Finished Product

The finished product was labeled using Sensory Evaluation Score Sheet by the

group of evaluators to determine the level of acceptability of siomai with the use of

banana blossom in different proportions in terms of appearance, aroma, taste,

texture and general acceptability. The product was arranged and was coded

representing the number of replications.

The researchers personally administer the evaluation of the products.

Instructions on how to rate the products was given to the panel of evaluators before

tasting. The evaluators were advised to drink water before tasting each product.

The panel of evaluators was evaluated the product with the use of Five Point

Hedonic Scale score sheet as to its: Appearance: a square or circle of dough rolled

out thinly, it can be yellow or white; Texture: compact and crumbly; Taste:

extremely Delicious with a blend of banana blossom; General Acceptability: the

product is acceptable in terms of appearance, texture and taste.

After the sensory evaluation of the finished, responses of the evaluators were

gathered by the researchers. The score was grouped according to the respondents.

The data was recorded, tailed, summarized, and prepared for computation.
West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo

Acceptability was analyzed using the Mean and the One- Way Analysis of Variance

(ANOVA) to determine the significant difference set at 0.1.

Data Analysis

The following statistical tools were used in the analysis of data:

Mean was used to determine the acceptability of the product in terms of

taste, aroma, texture, appearance, and general acceptability.

ANOVA (One-way ANOVA) Analysis of Variance was used to determine the

significant difference in terms of the participants. The computed mean was

analyzed the interpreted data using the arbitrary table of Five Point Hedonic Scale.

The following scale was used to interpret the scores:

Scale Interpretation

4.24- 5.00 strongly acceptable

3.43- 4.23 highly acceptable

2.62- 3.42 acceptable

1.81- 2.61 slightly acceptable

1.0- 1.80 not acceptable

To determine if a significant difference exists in the perception among evaluators,

One Way Analysis of Variance was computed at 0.1 level of significance.

West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo

Acceptability of banana blossom siomai as a substitute. In a regular siomai in terms

of appearance, taste, aroma, and texture, as the researcher conducted the

experiment from different treatment of banana blossom as additive to the siomai,

observation occurs.

Statistical Tool

The statistical tools used by the researcher include the standard deviation,

frequency, percentage and statistical mean.

Standard Deviation

Standard Deviation is a measure of dispersion of a set of data from its mean.

It measures the absolute variability of a distribution; the higher the dispersion or

variability, the greater is the standard deviation and greater will be the magnitude

of the value from their mean (Pearson, 1893).


A percentage frequency distribution is a display of data that specifies the

percentage of observations that exist for each data point or grouping of data points.
West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo

It is particularly useful method of expressing the relative frequency of survey

responses and other data. Many times,

percentage frequency distributions are displayed as bar graphs or pie charts. The

process of creating a percentage frequency distribution involves: first, identifying

the total number of observations to be represented; then counting the total number

of observations within each data point or grouping of data points by the total

number of observations. The sum of all percentages corresponding to each data

(Layrakas, 2008).

Statistical Mean

Statistical Mean. It gives important information about the data set at hand, can

provide a lot of insights into the experiment and nature of the data. It gives also a

very good idea about the central tendency of the data being collected (Kala, 2009).

West Visayas State University
Pototan, Iloilo effects-eating-banana-flower Dr.

Fatima Sana Shaikh.



hmwF89hU6HcoXiljxcl60&_rdc=1&_rdr. According to Doc Willie Ong June, 4 2015.





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