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RPT Math DLP Y5 2024

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Week 1 Learning area -
Date 11-15.03.2024 Topic Program Anak Baik Lagi Cerdik (ABC)
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Program Minggu Pertama Persekolahan 2024/2025
Program Anak Baik Lagi Cerdik (ABC)


Week 2 Learning area Numbers and Operations
Date 18-29.03.2024 Topic 1.0 Whole Numbers and Basic Operations
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to: Program Maths
Number value (i) Write numbers in Notes: Read number sentences involving basic Kick Start
1 operations and mixed operations with and
numerals and words. Say numbers correctly. 2024/2025
Basic Operations 1.1.2 Determine the value 382 425 is read as ‘three without brackets.
of numbers up to 1 000 000: hundred eighty-two • Identify prime numbers.
(i) State the place value and thousand four hundred and • Explain the procedure of basic
twenty-five’ and not ‘three 2
digit value of any number. operations and mixed operations with
(ii) Arrange numbers in eight two four and without brackets.
ascending and two five’.
• Determine number values
descending order. including estimation, round-
(iii)Complete any number Suggested Activities:
off off and completion of
sequence in ascending  Use various 3 number patterns up to1 000
and descending order. representations 000.
Compare the value of two including concrete • Justify the answer and solve number
sentences involving basic operations
1.7.1 Calculate mixed manipulative tools,
operations within 1 000 000 with square grids,
mixed operations with and without
and without brackets: pictures, number
(i) Addition and multiplication, lines and symbols to
represent numbers. Solve daily routine problems involving whole
 Use ICT to state and 4 numbers, basic operations and mixed
and multiplication,
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1
(iii)Addition and division, determine the
number value. 000 000.
Subtraction and division.
Solve daily routine problems involving whole
5 numbers, basic operations and mixed
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1
000 000 using various strategies.
Solve daily non-routine problems involving
6 whole numbers, basic operations and mixed
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1
000 000 creatively and innovatively.
Week 3 Learning area Numbers and Operations
Date 25.03.2024-29.04.2024 Topic 1.0 Whole Numbers and Basic Operations
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to: 28.03.2024
1.1Number value. 1.1.3 State numbers up to 1,000 Notes: Read number sentences involving basic (Nuzul Al-Quran)
1 operations and mixed operations with and
000: Say numbers correctly.
(i) Read any number in 382 425 is read as ‘three without brackets.
words. hundred eighty-two • Identify prime numbers.
(ii)Say any number in thousand four hundred and • Explain the procedure of basic
numerals. twenty-five’ and not ‘three 2
operations and mixed operations with
(iii) Write numbers in eight two four and without brackets.
numerals and words. two five’.
• Determine number values
1.1.4 Determine the value including estimation, round-
of numbers up to 1 000 000: Suggested Activities:
off off and completion of
(i) State the place value and  Use various 3 number patterns up to1 000
digit value of any number. representations 000.
(ii)Write any numbers in including concrete • Justify the answer and solve number
extended notation based models,
sentences involving basic operations
on place value and digit manipulative tools,
value. square grids,
mixed operations with and without
(iii) Compare the value of pictures, number
two numbers. lines and symbols to
represent numbers. Solve daily routine problems involving whole
(iv) Arrange numbers
 Use ICT to state and 4 numbers, basic operations and mixed
in ascending and
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1
descending order. determine the
number value. 000 000.
(v)Complete any number
sequence in ascending Solve daily routine problems involving whole
and descending order. 5 numbers, basic operations and mixed
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1
000 000 using various strategies.
Solve daily non-routine problems involving
6 whole numbers, basic operations and mixed
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1
000 000 creatively and innovatively.


Week 4 Learning area Numbers and Operations
Date 1.04.2024-5.04.2024 Topic 1.0 Whole Numbers and Basic Operations
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to: 28.03.2024
1.1 Number value. 1.1.5 State numbers up to Notes: Read number sentences involving basic (Nuzul Al-Quran)
1 operations and mixed operations with and
1,000 000: Say numbers correctly.
(i) Read any number in 382 425 is read as ‘three without brackets.
words. hundred eighty-two • Identify prime numbers.
(ii)Say any number in thousand four hundred and • Explain the procedure of basic
numerals. twenty-five’ and not ‘three 2
operations and mixed operations with
(iii) Write numbers in eight two four and without brackets.
numerals and words. two five’.
• Determine number values
1.1.6 Determine the value including estimation, round-
of numbers up to 1 000 000: Suggested Activities:
off off and completion of
(i) State the place value and  Use various 3 number patterns up to1 000
digit value of any number. representations 000.
(ii)Write any numbers in including concrete • Justify the answer and solve number
extended notation based models,
sentences involving basic operations
on place value and digit manipulative tools,
value. square grids,
mixed operations with and without
(iii) Compare the value of pictures, number
two numbers. lines and symbols to
represent numbers. Solve daily routine problems involving whole
(iv) Arrange numbers
 Use ICT to state and 4 numbers, basic operations and mixed
in ascending and
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1
descending order. determine the
number value. 000 000.
(v)Complete any number
sequence in ascending Solve daily routine problems involving whole
and descending order. 5 numbers, basic operations and mixed
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1
000 000 using various strategies.
Solve daily non-routine problems involving
6 whole numbers, basic operations and mixed
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1
000 000 creatively and innovatively.
Week 5 Learning area Numbers and Operations
Date 8-12.04.2024 Topic 1.0 Whole Numbers and Basic Operations
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to: 8-9 April 2024
1.1 Number value. 1.1.7 State numbers up to Notes: Read number sentences involving basic Cuti tambahan
1 operations and mixed operations with and
1,000 000: Say numbers correctly. KPM sempena
(i) Read any number in 382 425 is read as ‘three without brackets. Hari Raya
words. hundred eighty-two • Identify prime numbers. Aidilfitri
(ii)Say any number in thousand four hundred and • Explain the procedure of basic
numerals. twenty-five’ and not ‘three 2 10-11 April 2024
operations and mixed operations with
(iii) Write numbers in eight two four and without brackets. Cuti Hari Raya
numerals and words. two five’. Aidilfitri
• Determine number values
1.1.8 Determine the value including estimation, round-
of numbers up to 1 000 000: Suggested Activities: 12 April 2024
off off and completion of
(i) State the place value and  Use various 3 number patterns up to1 000
Cuti Tambahan
digit value of any number. representations KPM sempena
(ii)Write any numbers in including concrete Hari Raya
• Justify the answer and solve number
extended notation based models, Aidilfitri
sentences involving basic operations
on place value and digit manipulative tools,
value. square grids,
mixed operations with and without
(iii) Compare the value of pictures, number
two numbers. lines and symbols to
represent numbers. Solve daily routine problems involving whole
(iv) Arrange numbers
 Use ICT to state and 4 numbers, basic operations and mixed
in ascending and
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1
descending order. determine the
number value. 000 000.
(v)Complete any number
sequence in ascending Solve daily routine problems involving whole
and descending order. 5 numbers, basic operations and mixed
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1
000 000 using various strategies.
Solve daily non-routine problems involving
6 whole numbers, basic operations and mixed
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1
000 000 creatively and innovatively.
Week 6 Learning area Numbers and Operations
Date 15-19.04.2024 Topic 1.0 Whole Numbers and Basic Operations
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to:
1.2 Prime numbers 1.2.1 Identify prime numbers Notes: Read number sentences involving basic
1 operations and mixed operations with and
within 100. A prime number is a
number that can only be without brackets.
divided by 1 and itself.
Suggested Activities: • Identify prime numbers.
Use ICT to identify 2 • Explain procedure of basic operations and
prime numbers. mixed operations with and without
1.3 Estimation • Determine number values
1.3.1 Estimate quantity based Notes: including estimation, round off
on given reference set and Examples given should and completion of number
justify the answer. be related to pupils’ 3
patterns up to1 000 000.
knowledge and • Justify the answer and solve number
experiences. sentences involving basic operations and
Suggested Activities: mixed operations withand without brackets.
Use concrete and non- Solve daily routine problems involving whole
concrete materials. numbers, basic operations and mixed
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1 000
Solve daily routine problems involving whole
5 numbers, basic operations and mixed
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1 000
000 using various strategies.
Solve daily non-routine problems involving
6 whole numbers, basic operations and mixed
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1 000
000 creatively and innovatively.
Week 7 Learning area Numbers and Operations
Date 22-26.4.2024 Topic 1.0 Whole Numbers and Basic Operations
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to:
1.4 Rounding off numbers 1.4.1 Round off whole Notes: Read number sentences involving basic
1 operations and mixed operations with and
numbers up to the nearest Rounding off numbers
hundred thousand. can involve decimals, without brackets.
1.4.2 Identify numbers percentages, money and
represented by a rounded-off measurement. • Identify prime numbers.
number up to the nearest Suggested Activities: 2 • Explain the basic and mixed operations
hundred thousand. Use number lines and procedure with and without brackets.
various strategies.
• Determine number values
1.5 Number patterns including estimation, round-
Notes: off off and completion of
Number series can number patterns up to1 000
1.5.1 Identify patterns in 000.
given number series in involve up to six
numbers. • Justify the answer and solve number
ascending and descending sentences involving basic operations and
order by ones up to tens, Suggested Activities:
Various calculation tools mixed operations withand without brackets.
hundreds, thousands, ten
can be used to calculate Solve daily routine problems involving whole
thousands and hundred
in constructing number 4 numbers, basic operations and mixed
patterns. operations with andwithout brackets up to 1 000
1.5.2 Complete various
number patterns that are given
in ascending and descending Solve daily routine problems involving whole
order. 5 numbers, basic operations and mixed
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1 000
000 using various strategies.
Solve daily non-routine problems involving
6 whole numbers, basic operations and mixed
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1 000
000 creatively and innovatively.
Week 8 Learning area Numbers and Operations
Date 29.04.2024 - 4.05.2024 Topic 1.0 Whole Numbers and Basic Operations
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to:
1.6 Basic operations 1.6.1 Solve addition number Notes: Read number sentences involving basic
1 operations and mixed operations with and
sentences up to five numbers Begin subtraction
involving numbers up to six digits involving two numbers. without brackets.
with sum within 1 000 000. Suggested Activities: • Identify prime numbers.
1.6.2 Solve subtraction Use concrete materials, • Explain procedure of basic operations
number sentences up to three pictures, number lines 2
and mixed operations with and without
numbers within 1 000 000. and mental arithmetic brackets.
1.6.3 Solve multiplication calculations to represent
• Determine number values
number sentences of any the calculation process.
including estimation, round-
number up to six digits with a
off off and completion of
number up to two digits, 100 and 3
number patterns up to1 000
1000 with the product up to 1
000 000.
• Justify the answer and solve number
1.7 Mixed operations 1.6.4 Solve division number
sentences involving basic operations and
sentences of any number within mixed operations with and without
1 000 000 with a number up to Notes:
Begin mixed operations brackets.
two digits, 100 and 1000.
without regrouping. Solve daily routine problems involving whole
Suggested Activities: 4 numbers, basic operations and mixed
1.7.2 Calculate mixed Mixed operations can operations with and without brackets up to 1
operations within 1 000 000 with involve money. 000 000.
and without brackets: Solve daily routine problems involving whole
(i) Addition and multiplication, 5 numbers, basic operations and mixed
(ii)Subtraction and operations with andwithout brackets up to 1
multiplication, 000 000 using various strategies.
(iii)Addition and division,
(iv)Subtraction and division.

Solve daily non-routine problems involving

6 whole numbers, basic operations and mixed
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1
000 000 creatively and innovatively.
Week 9 Learning area Numbers and Operations
Date 5.05.2024-10.05.2024 Topic 1.0 Whole Numbers and Basic Operations
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to:
1.6 Basic operations 1.6.5 Solve addition number Notes: Read number sentences involving basic
1 operations and mixed operations with and
sentences up to five numbers Begin subtraction
involving numbers up to six digits involving two numbers. without brackets.
with sum within 1 000 000. Suggested Activities: • Identify prime numbers.
1.6.6 Solve subtraction Use concrete materials, • Explain procedure of basic operations
number sentences up to three pictures, number lines 2
and mixed operations with and without
numbers within 1 000 000. and mental arithmetic brackets.
1.6.7 Solve multiplication calculations to represent
• Determine number values
number sentences of any the calculation process.
including estimation, round-
number up to six digits with a off off and completion of
number up to two digits, 100 and 3
number patterns up to1 000
1000 with the product up to 1 000.
000 • Justify the answer and solve number
1.7 Mixed operations 000. sentences involving basic operations and
1.6.8 Solve division number mixed operations with and without
sentences of any number within Notes:
Begin mixed operations brackets.
1 000 000 with a number up to
without regrouping. Solve daily routine problems involving whole
two digits, 100 and 1000.
Suggested Activities: 4 numbers, basic operations and mixed
Mixed operations can operations with and without brackets up to 1
1.7.3 Calculate mixed involve money. 000 000.
operations within 1 000 000 with Solve daily routine problems involving whole
and without brackets: 5 numbers, basic operations and mixed
(i) Addition and multiplication, operations with andwithout brackets up to 1
(ii)Subtraction and 000 000 using various strategies.
(iii)Addition and division,
(iv)Subtraction and division.
Solve daily non-routine problems involving
6 whole numbers, basic operations and mixed
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1
000 000 creatively and innovatively.
Week 10 Learning area Numbers and Operations
Date 13.05 - 17.05.2024 Topic 1.0 Whole Numbers and Basic Operations
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks
TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to:
1.8 Using unknown 1.8.1 Determine the value of Notes: Read number sentences involving basic
1 operations and mixed operations with and
an unknown in multiplication •The unknown is
number sentences involving represented by letters. without brackets.
one multiplication operation with •Unknown can be in three • Identify prime numbers.
the product up to 1 000 000. positions in a number • Explain procedure of basic operations
1.8.2 Determine the value of 2
sentence: and mixed operations with and without
an unknown in division number i. a x 23 = 46 brackets.
sentences involving any number ii. 114 x b = 342
• Determine number values
with a number up to two digits, iii.20 x 3 = c
including estimation, round off
100 and 1000 within 1 000 000. Begin with numbers of small
and completion of number
values. 3
patterns up to1 000 000.
1.9 Problem-solving • Justify the answer and solve number
1.9.1 Solve problems Suggested Activities:
involving whole numbers up to sentences involving basic operations and
•Begin with numbers of mixed operations withand without brackets.
1 000 000 in daily situations. small values.
1.9.2 Solve daily problems Solve daily routine problems involving whole
•Use Polya Model in
involving basic operations and 4 numbers, basic operations and mixed
problem solving:
mixed operations within 1 000 operations with andwithout brackets up to 1 000
1.Understand and interpret
000. 000.
the problem;
1.9.3 Solve multiplication 2. Plan a solving Solve daily routine problems involving whole
and division problems in strategy; 5 numbers, basic operations and mixed
daily situations involving one 3. Carry out the operations with andwithout brackets up to 1 000
unknown. strategy; and 000 using various strategies.
4. Check the answer.
•Use various problem
solving strategies such as
identifying patterns,
Solve daily non-routine problems involving
constructing tables, working
6 whole numbers, basic operations and mixed
backwards, drawing
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1 000
diagrams and trying simpler
000 creatively and innovatively.
•Use various teaching and
learning strategies such as
STEM approach, mastery
learning, contextual learning
and modular approach.
Week 11 Learning area Numbers and Operations
Date 19 - 24.05.2024 Topic 1.0 Whole Numbers and Basic Operations
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks
TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to:
1.8 Using unknown 1.8.3 Determine the value of Notes: Read number sentences involving basic
1 operations and mixed operations with and
an unknown in multiplication •The unknown is
number sentences involving represented by letters. without brackets.
one multiplication operation with •Unknown can be in three • Identify prime numbers.
the product up to 1 000 000. positions in a number • Explain procedure of basic operations
1.8.4 Determine the value of 2
sentence: and mixed operations with and without
an unknown in division number iv. a x 23 = 46 brackets.
sentences involving any number v.114 x b = 342
• Determine number values
with a number up to two digits, vi.20 x 3 = c
including estimation, round off
100 and 1000 within 1 000 000. Begin with numbers of small
and completion of number
values. 3
patterns up to1 000 000.
1.9 Problem-solving • Justify the answer and solve number
1.9.4 Solve problems Suggested Activities:
involving whole numbers up to sentences involving basic operations and
•Begin with numbers of mixed operations withand without brackets.
1 000 000 in daily situations. small values.
1.9.5 Solve daily problems Solve daily routine problems involving whole
•Use Polya Model in
involving basic operations and 4 numbers, basic operations and mixed
problem solving:
mixed operations within 1 000 operations with andwithout brackets up to 1 000
1.Understand and interpret
000. 000.
the problem;
1.9.6 Solve multiplication 2. Plan a solving Solve daily routine problems involving whole
and division problems in strategy; 5 numbers, basic operations and mixed
daily situations involving one 3. Carry out the operations with andwithout brackets up to 1 000
unknown. strategy; and 000 using various strategies.
4. Check the answer.
•Use various problem
solving strategies such as
identifying patterns,
Solve daily non-routine problems involving
constructing tables, working
6 whole numbers, basic operations and mixed
backwards, drawing
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1 000
diagrams and trying simpler
000 creatively and innovatively.
•Use various teaching and
learning strategies such as
STEM approach, mastery
learning, contextual learning
and modular approach.
Week 12 Learning area Numbers and Operations
Date 3.06.2024-7.06.2024 Topic 2.0 Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to:
2.1Fractions 2.1.1 Multiply fractions of Notes: 1 Read number sentences involving fractions,
two numbers involving whole Fractions with decimals, and percentages.
numbers, proper fractions, denominators up to 10.
and mixed numbers. Suggested Activities:
Use concrete materials, • Convert fractions and mixed numbers
diagrams and software. 2
to percentages.
• Round off decimals.
Notes: • Multiply fractions involving whole
Rounding off can involve numbers, proper fractions, and
money and mixed numbers.
measurement. 3 • Justify the answer in solving basic
Suggested Activities: operations and mixed operations number
Use diagrams, number sentences involving decimals.
lines and software. • Calculate the quantity of a percentage and
vice versa.

4 Solve daily routine problems involving

fractions, decimals and percentages.

Solve daily routine problems involving

5 fractions, decimals and percentages using
various strategies.

Solve daily non-routine problems involving

6 fractions, decimals and percentages creatively
and innovatively.


Week 13 Learning area Numbers and Operations Notes
Date 10.06.2024-14.06.2024 Topic 2.0 Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
2.2Decimals Pupils will be able to: 22 Mei 2024 :Hari
1 Read number sentences involving fractions, Wesak
2.2.1 Round off decimals up Notes: decimals, and percentages.
to three decimal places. Rounding off can involve 25 Mei - 2 Jun
2.2.2 Solve mixed money and 2024 : Cuti
operations number measurement. Persekolahan
2 • Convert fractions and mixed numbers
sentences involving addition Suggested Activities: Penggal 1
to percentages.
and subtraction of decimals Use diagrams, number
• Round off decimals.
up to three decimal places. lines and software. 3 Jun 2024 : Cuti
• Multiply fractions involving whole
2.2.3 Multiply decimals up Hari Keputeraan
numbers, proper fractions, and
to three decimal places with SPB Yang
mixed numbers.
numbers up to two digits, 100 Dipertuan Agong
3 • Justify the answer in solving basic
and 1000.
operations and mixed operations number
2.2.4 Divide decimals with
sentences involving decimals.
numbers up to two digits, 100, • Calculate the quantity of a percentage and
1000, with quotient up to three vice versa.
decimal places.

4 Solve daily routine problems involving

fractions, decimals and percentages.

Solve daily routine problems involving

5 fractions, decimals and percentages using
various strategies.

Solve daily non-routine problems involving

6 fractions, decimals and percentages creatively
and innovatively.
Week 14 Learning area Numbers and Operations
Date 17-21.06.2024 Topic 2.0 Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to:
2.3 Percentages 2.3.1 Convert mixed numbers Suggested Activities: 1 Read number sentences involving fractions, 17 Jun 2024
to percentages and vice versa. •Use various strategies. decimals and percentages. Cuti Hari Raya
2.3.2 Calculate quantity •Use hundred grid and Haji
of percentage up to more folded paper.
than 100% and vice versa. • Convert fractions and mixed numbers
2 to percentages.
Suggested Activities: • Round off decimals.
•Use Polya Model in
problem solving: 1. • Multiply fractions involving whole
Understand and numbers, proper fractions and
interpret the problem; mixed numbers.
2. Plan solving 3 • Justify the answer in solving basic
strategy. operations and mixed operations number
3. Carry out the sentences involving decimals.
strategy; and 4.Check • Calculate quantity of a percentage
the answers. and vice versa.
•Use various problem
solving strategies such 4 Solve daily routine problems involving
as drawing diagrams, fractions, decimals and percentages.
making tables or lists
Solve daily routine problems involving
•Use various teaching 5 fractions, decimals and percentages using
and learning strategies
various strategies.
such as modular
approach, STEM
approach and problem Solve daily non-routine problems involving
6 fractions, decimals and percentages creatively
and innovatively.


Week 15 Learning area Numbers and Operations
Date 24-28.06.2024 Topic 2.0 Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to: 17 Jun 2024 :
2.4 Problem-solving Suggested Activities: 1 Read number sentences involving fractions, Cuti Hari Raya
2.4.1 Solve daily •Use various strategies. decimals and percentages. Haji
problems involving •Use hundred grid and
fractions, decimals and folded paper.
percentages. • Convert fractions and mixed numbers
2 to percentages.
Suggested Activities: • Round off decimals.
•Use Polya Model in
problem solving: • Multiply fractions involving whole
1.Understand and numbers, proper fractions and
interpret the problem; mixed numbers.
2. Plan solving 3 • Justify the answer in solving basic
strategy; operations and mixed operations number
3. Carry out the sentences involvingdecimals.
strategy; and 4.Check • Calculate quantity of a percentage
the answers. and vice versa.
•Use various problem
solving strategies such 4 Solve daily routine problems involving
as drawing diagrams, fractions, decimals and percentages.
making tables or lists
Solve daily routine problems involving
•Use various teaching 5 fractions, decimals and percentages using
and learning strategies
various strategies.
such as modular
approach, STEM
approach and problem Solve daily non-routine problems involving
6 fractions, decimals and percentages creatively
and innovatively.
Week 16 Learning area Numbers and Operations
Date 1-05.07.2024 Topic 3.0 Money
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to:
3.1Basic operations 3.1.1 Solve addition Suggested Activities: 1 State the meaning of savings and
involving money number sentences up to •Use money model, investment.
three values of money with pictures, number
sum within RM1 000 000. lines, software and
3.1.2 Solve subtraction mental calculation Explain simple interest and compound
to represent 2
number sentences up to interest in savings.
two values of money from calculation of any
one value of money within basic operation.
RM1 000 000. • Use simulation Justify the answer and solve basic
3.1.3 Solve multiplication and games in 3 operations and mixed operations
number sentences teaching and number sentences involving money.
involving value of money learning strategies.
up to two digits, 100, 1000
and product within 4 Solve daily routine problems involving
RM1 000 000. money.
3.2Mixed operations 3.1.4 Solve division
involving money number sentences
involving value of 5 Solve daily routine problems involving
money within RM1 000 money using various strategies.
000 divided by up to Suggested Activities:
two-digit numbers, 100 • Use money model,
and 1000. pictures, number
lines, software and
mental calculation 6 Solve daily non-routine problems
3.2.1 Solve mixed to represent involving money creatively and
operations number calculation of mixed innovatively.
sentences involving money operations.
within RM1 000 000, with
and without brackets:
(i) Addition and multiplication,
(iii)Addition and division,
(iv)Subtraction and division.
Week 17 Learning area Numbers and Operations
Date 8-12.07.2024 Topic 3.0 Money
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to:
Suggested Activities: 1 State the meaning of savings and
3.3Mixed operations •Use money model, investment.
involving money 3.2.2 Solve mixed pictures, number
operations number lines, software and
sentences involving money mental calculation
2 Explain simple interest and compound
within RM1 000 000, with to represent interest in savings.
and without brackets: calculation of any
(v) Addition and basic operation.
multiplication, • Use simulation Justify the answer and solve basic
(vi) Subtracti and games in 3 operations and mixed operations
on and teaching and number sentences involving money.
multiplication, learning strategies.
(vii) Addition and division,
(viii) Subtraction and 4 Solve daily routine problems involving
division. money.

5 Solve daily routine problems involving

money using various strategies.

6 Solve daily non-routine problems

involving money creatively and
Week 18 Learning area Numbers and Operations
Date 15 - 19.07.2024 Topic 3.0 Money
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to: Notes:
3.3 Savings and investment 3.3.1 Explain Introduce dividend and 1 State the meaning of savings and
meaning of savings bonus in investment. investment.
and investment. Explain appreciation
3.3.2 Explain meaning of and depreciation of
simple interest and values of savings and Explain simple interest and compound
compound interest in investment. interest in savings.

Notes: Justify the answer and solve basic

•Credit as a facility. 3 operations and mixed operations
•Explain role of number sentences involving money.
interest on loan.
•Explain why usage
of credit card is 4 Solve daily routine problems involving
debt incurring. money.

Suggested Activities: Solve daily routine problems involving

•Use Polya Model in 5
money using various strategies.
problem solving:
1. Understand and
interpret the
2. Plan solving
3. Carry out the
Solve daily non-routine problems
strategy; and 6
involving money creatively and
4.Check the answers.
•Use various
problem solving
strategies such as
trial and error and
solving simpler
•Use various
teaching and
learning strategies
such as simulations,
mastery learning,
contextual learning
and project-based
Week 20 Learning area Numbers and Operations
Date 29.07-2.08.2024 Topic 3.0 Money
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Notes: 8 Julai 2024: Cuti
Introduce dividend and 1 State the meaning of savings and ganti sempena
bonus in investment. investment. Awal Muharram
3.4.1 Explain meaning of
Explain appreciation and
credit and debt. depreciation of values of
3.4.2 Explain price difference savings and investment.
in buying goods using credit 2 Explain simple interest and compound
and cash. interest in savings.
3.4 Credit and debt
•Credit as a facility. Justify the answer and solve basic
•Explain role of interest 3 operations and mixed operations number
3.5.1 Solve problems on loan. sentences involving money.
involving money within RM1 •Explain why usage of
000 000 in daily situations. credit card is debt
incurring. 4 Solve daily routine problems involving

3.5 Problem solving Suggested Activities:

•Use Polya Model in
Solve daily routine problems involving
problem solving: 5
money using various strategies.
1. Understand and
interpret the problem;
2. Plan solving
3. Carry out the
strategy; and 4.Check
the answers.
•Use various problem Solve daily non-routine problems involving
solving strategies such money creatively and innovatively.
as trial and error and
solving simpler case.
•Use various teaching
and learning strategies
such as simulations,
mastery learning,
contextual learning and
project-based learning.
Week 21 Learning area Measurement and Geometry
Date 5 - 9.08.2024 Topic 4.0 Time
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to:
4.1 Duration 4.1.1 Determine duration Notes: 1 State duration involving units of time.
involving: •Introduce leap year.
(i) Days and hours •Duration involving
(ii)Months and days (ii) and (iii)
(iii)Years, months, and days calculated in days 2 Convert time units to fractions and
only. decimals.

Justify the answer and solve addition

Notes: 3 and subtraction number sentences
•Answers must be involving time in fractions anddecimals.
in whole numbers.
•Fractions only
involve bigger units. 4 Solve daily routine problems involving

5 Solve daily routine problems involving

time using various strategies.

6 Solve daily non-routine problems

involving time creatively and


Week 22 Learning area Measurement and Geometry
Date 12 -16.08.2024 Topic 4.0 Time
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor

Notes: 1 State duration involving units of time.

•Introduce leap year.
•Duration involving
(ii) and (iii)
calculated in days 2 Convert time units to fractions and
4.2 Relationship involving 4.2.1 Convert time units
only. decimals.
units of time involving fractions:
(i) hours to minutes
(ii)days to hours Justify the answer and solve addition
Notes: 3
(iii)years to months and subtraction number sentences
(iv)decades to years •Answers must be involving time in fractions anddecimals.
(v)centuries to decades in whole numbers.
(vi)centuries to years •Fractions only
4.2.2 Convert time units involve bigger units. 4 Solve daily routine problems involving
involving decimals: time.
(i) hours to minutes
(ii)days to hours
(iii)years to months 5 Solve daily routine problems involving
(iv)decades to years time using various strategies.
(v)centuries to decades

6 Solve daily non-routine problems

involving time creatively and
Week 23 Learning area Measurement and Geometry
Date 19-23.08.2024 Topic 4.0 Time
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to: Notes:
4.3 Basic operations 4.3.1 Solve addition and Addition and subtraction 1 State duration involving units of time.
involving time subtraction number sentences involving fractions and
of time involving fractions: decimals can involve
(i) hours and minutes fractions, decimals and
(ii)days and hours percentages. Convert time units to fractions and
(iii) years and months 2
(iv)decades and years
(v)centuries and decades
(vi)centuries and years Justify the answer and solve addition
with and without conversion of 3 and subtraction number sentences
unit. involving time in fractions
4.3.2 Solve addition and
subtraction number sentences Suggested Activities: Solve daily routine problems
of time involving decimals: •Use Polya Model in involving time.
(i) hours and minutes problem solving:
(ii)days and hours 1. Understand and interpret
(iii) years and months the problem Solve daily routine problems
(iv)decades and years 5
2. Plan a solving strategy involving time using various
(v)centuries and decades 3. Carry out the strategy and strategies.
(vi)centuries and years 4. Check the answer.
with and without conversion of •Use various problem
unit. solving strategies such as
trial and error and trying a Solve daily non-routine problems
simpler case. 6
involving time creatively and
•Use various teaching and innovatively.
learning strategies such as
simulations, mastery
learning, contextual
learning and project-
based learning.


Week 24 Learning area Measurement and Geometry
Date 26 - 30.08.2024 Topic 4.0 Time
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
4.3.2 Solve addition and Notes:
subtraction number sentences Addition and subtraction 1 State duration involving units of time.
of time involving decimals: involving fractions and
4.4 Problem Solving (vii) hours and minutes decimals can involve
(viii) days and hours fractions, decimals and
(ix) years and months percentages. Convert time units to fractions and
(x) decades and years 2
(xi) centuries and decades
(xii) centuries and years
with and without conversion of Justify the answer and solve addition
unit. 3 and subtraction number sentences
involving time in fractions
4.4.1 Solve problems involving
time in daily situations. Solve daily routine problems
Suggested Activities: 4
•Use Polya Model in involving time.
problem solving:
1. Understand and interpret
the problem 5 Solve daily routine problems
2. Plan a solving strategy involving time using various
3. Carry out the strategy and strategies.
4. Check the answer.
•Use various problem
solving strategies such as
trial and error and trying a Solve daily non-routine problems
simpler case. 6
involving time creatively and
•Use various teaching and innovatively.
learning strategies such as
simulations, mastery
learning, contextual
learning and project-
based learning.

19 - 21 Ogos 2024 : Sumatif 1

Week 25 Learning area Measurement and Geometry
Date 1.09.2024-5.09.2024 Topic 5.0 Measurement
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to:
5.1Length 5.1.1 Convert units of Suggested Activities: 1 Convert units of measurement to
length involving; •Use realia and fractions and decimals.
(i) millimetre and software in
centimetre, converting units of
(ii)centimetre and metre, length. Explain steps in solving fractions
(iii) metre dan •Use various 2 and decimals number sentences
kilometre, in calculation strategies involving measurement.
decimals up to three in solving number
decimals places. sentences. Justify the answer and solve fractions
5.1.2 Convert units of 3 and decimals number sentences
length involving; involving measurement.
(i) millimetre and
(ii)centimetre and metre, 4 Solve daily routine problems involving
(iii) metre dan measurement.
kilometre, in
5.1.3 Add up to three 5 Solve daily routine problems involving
measurements of length measurement using various strategies.
involving decimals and
fractions with and without
unit conversion.
5.1.4 Subtract up to three
measurements of length
involving decimals and 6 Solve daily non-routine problems
fractions with and without involving measurement creatively and
unit conversion. innovatively.


Week 26 Learning area Measurement and Geometry Notes
Date 6 -10.09.2024 Topic 5.0 Measurement
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
5.1.5 Multiply
5.2Length measurements of length Suggested Activities: 1 Convert units of measurement to
involving decimals and •Use realia and fractions and decimals.
fractions with numbers up software in
to two digits, 100 and 1000 converting units of
with and without unit length. Explain steps in solving fractions
•Use various 2 and decimals number sentences
5.1.6 Divide calculation strategies involving measurement.
measurements of length in solving number
involving decimals and sentences. Justify the answer and solve fractions
fractions with numbers up 3 and decimals number sentences
to two involving measurement.
digits, 100 and 1000 with and
without unit conversion.
4 Solve daily routine problems involving

5 Solve daily routine problems involving

measurement using various strategies.

6 Solve daily non-routine problems

involving measurement creatively and
Week 27 Learning area Measurement and Geometry
Date 23-27.10.2024 Topic 5.0 Measurement
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to: 14 - 22 September
5.2 Mass 5.2.1 Convert units of mass Suggested Activities: 1 Convert units of measurement to fractions 2024 : Cuti
involving gram and kilogram in •Use realia and and decimals. Persekolahan
fractions and decimals. software in converting Penggal Ke-2
5.2.2 Add up to three units units of mass.
of mass in fractions and •Use various calculation Explain steps in solving fractions and
decimals with and without unit strategies in solving 2 decimals number sentences
conversion. number sentences. involving measurement.
5.2.3 Subtract up to three
units of mass in fractions and Justify the answer and solve fractions and
decimals with and without unit 3 decimals number sentences involving
conversion. measurement.
5.2.4 Multiply units of mass
in decimals and fractions with
numbers up to two digits, 100 4 Solve daily routine problems involving
and 1000 with and without unit measurement.
conversion up to three decimal
5.2.5 Divide units of mass in 5 Solve daily routine problems involving
decimals and fractions with measurement using various strategies.
numbers up to two digits, 100
and 1000 with and without unit
conversion. 6 Solve daily non-routine problems involving
measurement creatively and innovatively.
Week 28 Learning area Measurement and Geometry
Date 30.08-4.10.2024 Topic 5.0 Measurement
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to:
5.3 Volume of liquid 5.3.1 Convert units of Suggested Activities: 1 Convert units of measurement to
volume involving millilitre •Use realia and fractions and decimals.
and litre in fractions and software in converting
decimals. units of volume of
5.3.2 Add up to three liquid. Explain steps in solving fractions
•Use various 2 and decimals number sentences
volumes of liquid in fractions
and decimals with and without calculation strategies involving measurement.
unit conversion. in solving number
5.3.3 Subtract up to three sentences. Justify the answer and solve fractions
volumes of liquid in fractions 3 and decimals number sentences
and decimals with and involving measurement.
without unit conversion. Suggested Activities:
5.3.4 Multiply volume of •Use Polya Model
liquid in decimals and in problem 4 Solve daily routine problems involving
fractions with numbers up to solving: measurement.
5.4 Problem solving
two digits, 100 and 1000 with 1. Understand and
and without unit conversion. interpret the
5.3.5 Divide volume of liquid problem 5 Solve daily routine problems involving
in decimals and fractions with 2. Plan a solving measurement using various strategies.
numbers up to two digits, strategy
100 and 1000 with and 3. Carry out
without unit conversion. the
strategy.and Solve daily non-routine problems
4. Check the answer. involving measurement creatively and
5.4.1 Solve problems •Use various problem innovatively.
involving measurement in solving strategies
daily situations. such as logical
reasoning and
identifying patterns.
•Use various teaching
and learning strategies
such as simulations
and STEM approach.
Week 29 Learning area Measurement and Geometry
Date 7-11.10.2024 Topic 6.0 Space
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to:
6.1Regular polygons 6.1.1 State characteristics Notes: 1 Name shapes found in combination of
of regular polygons Introduce interior two shapes.
concerning sides, corners, angles.
symmetrical axes, angles
and diagonals. Explain steps in measuring the angles in
6.2Angles a regular polygons.
6.2.1 Measure angles of
Measure the interior  Measure angles of regular polygons.
regular polygons up to
angles only.  Calculate perimeter of a
eight sides.
Use protractor to combination of two regular
measure. 3 polygons.
 Calculate area of a combination
Suggested Activities: of two shapes involving
Use realia, models, quadrilaterals and triangles.
and diagrams to  Calculate volume of combination of
reinforce pupils’ two
understanding. shapes involving cubes and cuboids.

4 Solve routine problems involving space.

5 Solve routine problems involving

space using various strategies.

6 Solve non-routine problems involving

space creatively and innovatively.
Week 30 Learning area Measurement and Geometry
Date 14-18.10.2024 Topic 6.0 Space
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor

6.3.1 Determine the 1 Name shapes found in combination of

6.3Perimeter and area Suggested Activities: two shapes.
perimeter of two combined Use realia, models,
regular polygons up to and diagrams to
eight sides including right- reinforce pupils’
angled triangles, equilateral 2 Explain steps in measuring the angles in
triangles, and squares. a regular polygons.
6.3.2 Determine the area
of two combined shapes  Measure angles of regular polygons.
involving squares,  Calculate perimeter of a
rectangles, equilateral combination of two regular
triangles, isosceles triangles 3 polygons.
and right-angled triangles.  Calculate area of a combination
of two shapes involving
quadrilaterals and triangles.
 Calculate volume of combination of
shapes involving cubes and cuboids.

4 Solve routine problems involving space.

5 Solve routine problems involving

space using various strategies.

6 Solve non-routine problems involving

space creatively and innovatively.
Week 31 Learning area Measurement and Geometry
Date 21.10-25.10.2024 Topic 6.0 Space
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to:
6.4 Volume of solids 6.4.1 Determine volume of two Suggested Activities: 1 Name shapes found in combination of two 30 Oktober 2024 :
combined shapes involving Use realia, models and shapes. Cuti tambahan
cubes and cuboids. diagrams to reinforce KPM sempena Hari
pupils’ understanding. Deepavali
Explain steps in measuring the angles in a 31 Oktober 2024 :
2 Cuti Hari
Suggested Activities: regular polygons.
•Use various problem 1 November 2024 :
solving strategies such  Measure angles of regular polygons. Cuti tambahan
as logical reasoning and  Calculate perimeter of combination KPM sempena
identifying patterns. of two regular polygons. Hari Deepavali
•Use various teaching 3  Calculate area of combination of
and learning strategies two shapes involving quadrilaterals
such as simulations and and triangles.
STEM approach.  Calculate volume of combination of two
shapes involving cubes and cuboids.

4 Solve routine problems involving space.

5 Solve routine problems involving space using

various strategies.

6 Solve non-routine problems involving space

creatively and innovatively.


Week 32 Learning area Measurement and Geometry
Date 28.10-1.11.2024 Topic 6.0 Space
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
30 Oktober
Suggested Activities: 1 Name shapes found in combination of 2024 : Cuti
Use realia, models and two shapes. tambahan KPM
diagrams to reinforce sempena Hari
pupils’ understanding. Deepavali
2 Explain steps in measuring the angles in
a regular polygons. 31 Oktober
6.5 Problem solving 6.5.1 Solve problems Suggested Activities: 2024 : Cuti Hari
involving space. •Use various Deepavali
problem solving  Measure angles of regular polygons.
strategies such as  Calculate perimeter of 1 November
logical reasoning and combination of two regular 2024 : Cuti
identifying patterns. polygons. tambahan KPM
•Use various  Calculate area of combination sempena Hari
teaching and of two shapes involving Deepavali
learning strategies quadrilaterals and triangles.
such as simulations  Calculate volume of combination of
and STEM approach. two
shapes involving cubes and cuboids.

4 Solve routine problems involving space.

5 Solve routine problems involving space

using various strategies.

6 Solve non-routine problems involving

space creatively and innovatively.
Week 33 Learning area Relationship and Algebra
Date 4.11.2024-8.11.2024 Topic 7.0 Coordinates, Ratio and Proportion
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to:
 State position of x-axis and y-
7.1Coordinates in 7.1.1 Determine Notes: 1 axis in first quadrant.
first quadrant horizontal distance and Calculations involving
vertical distance between horizontal distance
 Say the given ratio.
two coordinates. and vertical distance.  Explain steps in determining
horizontal and vertical distance
7.2Ratio Notes: between two points.
7.2.1 Represent ratio of Ratio units must be  Represent ratio of two quantities.
two quantities in the the same.
form of a : b involving: Suggested  Justify the answer for
(i) Parts to parts Activities: Use solutions involving
(ii)Parts to whole concrete and non- 3
horizontal and vertical
(iii)Whole to parts concrete materials distance between two
to represent ratio.
 Justify the answer for ratio
Notes: representations of two quantities.
Use various
methods including 4 Solve routine problems involving
unitary method. coordinates, ratio and proportion.
Suggested Activities:
Use concrete
materials and Solve routine problems involving
mental arithmetic. coordinates, ratio and proportion using
various strategies.
Suggested Activities:
Use various problem Solve non-routine problems involving
solving strategies 6 coordinates, ratio and proportion
such as analogy and creatively and innovatively.


Week 34 Learning area Relationship and Algebra
Date 11-15.11.2024 Topic 7.0 Coordinates, Ratio and Proportion
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to:
 State position of x-axis and y-
1 axis in first quadrant.
Calculations involving
horizontal distance
 Say the given ratio.
7.3Proportion and vertical distance.  Explain steps in determining
7.3.1 Determine an unknown
horizontal and vertical distance
value using proportion. 2
Notes: between two points.
Ratio units must be  Represent ratio of two quantities.
the same.
Suggested  Justify the answer for
7.4Problem solving Activities: Use solutions involving
concrete and non- 3
7.4.1 Solve problems horizontal and vertical
involving coordinates, ratio concrete materials distance between two
and proportions in daily to represent ratio.
situations.  Justify the answer for ratio
Notes: representations of two quantities.
Use various
methods including 4 Solve routine problems involving
unitary method. coordinates, ratio and proportion.
Suggested Activities:
Use concrete
materials and Solve routine problems involving
mental arithmetic. coordinates, ratio and proportion using
various strategies.
Suggested Activities:
Use various problem Solve non-routine problems involving
solving strategies 6 coordinates, ratio and proportion
such as analogy and creatively and innovatively.
Week 35 Learning area Statistics and Probability
Date 18 - 22.11.2024 Topic 8.0 Data Handling
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to:
8.1Pie chart 8.1.1 Interpret pie chart. Suggested Activities: 1 State meaning of mode, median, mean
Use pie chart obtained and range
from various sources
such as newspaper
cuttings, magazines,
journals and reports. 2 Explain necessary steps to interpret
8.2Mode, median, mean 8.2.1 Recognise and
and range determine mode,
median, mean and Notes:
Involve pictograph, 3 Justify the answer for problem solving
range from ungrouped involving data interpretation
data. bar chart and pie

4 Solve daily routine problems involving

Suggested Activities: data handling.
•Use Polya Model
in problem
solving: Solve daily routine problems involving
1. Understand 5
data handling using various strategies.
the problem;
2. Plan a solving
3. Carry out the
strategy; and
4. Check the answer. Solve daily non-routine problems
•Use various problem involving data handling creatively and
solving strategies such innovatively
as drawing diagrams,
making tables/charts
or listing
•Use various teaching
and learning strategies
such as
STEM approach and
Week 36 Learning area Statistics and Probability
Date 25.11-29.11.2024 Topic 8.0 Data Handling
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to:
8.3Problem solving Suggested Activities: 1 State meaning of mode, median, mean
8.3.1 Solve problems Use pie chart obtained and range
involving data from various sources
handling in daily such as newspaper
situation. cuttings, magazines,
journals and reports. 2 Explain necessary steps to interpret

Involve pictograph, 3 Justify the answer for problem solving
bar chart and pie involving data interpretation

4 Solve daily routine problems involving

Suggested Activities: data handling.
•Use Polya Model
in problem
solving: Solve daily routine problems involving
1. Understand 5
data handling using various strategies.
the problem;
2. Plan a solving
3. Carry out the
strategy; and
4. Check the answer. Solve daily non-routine problems
•Use various problem involving data handling creatively and
solving strategies such innovatively
as drawing diagrams,
making tables/charts
or listing
•Use various teaching
and learning strategies
such as
STEM approach and
Week 37 Learning area Numbers and Operations
Date 2-6.12.2024 Topic 1.0 Whole Numbers and Basic Operations
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks
TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to: 4, 5, 6, 9 dan 10
1.6 Basic operations 1.6.1 Solve addition number Notes: Read number sentences involving basic Disember 2024 :
1 operations and mixed operations with and
sentences up to five numbers Begin subtraction Ujian Akhir Sesi
involving numbers up to six digits involving two numbers. without brackets. Akademik (UASA)
with sum within 1 000 000. Suggested Activities: • Identify prime numbers.
1.6.2 Solve subtraction Use concrete materials, • Explain procedure of basic operations
pictures, number lines 2
number sentences up to three and mixed operations with and
numbers within 1 000 000. and mental arithmetic without brackets.
1.6.3 Solve multiplication calculation to represent
• Determine number values
number sentences of any calculation process.
including estimation, round off
number up to six digits with a and completion of number
number up to two digits, 100 and 3 patterns up to1 000 000.
1000 with product up to 1 000 • Justify the answer and solve number
000. sentences involving basic operations and
1.6.4 Solve division number mixed operations with and without
sentences of any number brackets.
within 1 000 000 with a number Notes:
Begin mixed operations Solve daily routine problems involving whole
up to
without regrouping. 4 numbers, basic operations and mixed
two digits, 100 and 1000.
Suggested Activities: operations with andwithout brackets up to 1
Mixed operations can 000 000.
involve money. Solve daily routine problems involving whole
5 numbers, basic operations and mixed
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1
000 000 using various strategies.

Solve daily non-routine problems involving

6 whole numbers, basic operations and mixed
operations with andwithout brackets up to 1
000 000 creatively and innovatively.


Week 38 Learning area Numbers and Operations
Date 9 - 13.12.2024 Topic 1.0 Whole Numbers and Basic Operations
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to:
1.6 Basic operations 1.6.5 Solve addition Notes: Read number sentences involving basic
1 operations and mixed operations with
number sentences up to five Begin subtraction
numbers involving numbers involving two and without brackets.
up to six digits with sum numbers. Suggested • Identify prime numbers.
within 1 000 000. Activities: Use • Explain procedure of basic
1.6.6 Solve subtraction concrete materials, operations and mixed operations
number sentences up to pictures, number lines with and without brackets.
three numbers within 1 and mental arithmetic • Determine number values
000 000. calculation to including estimation,
1.6.7 Solve multiplication represent calculation round off and completion
number sentences of any process. 3 of number patterns up to1
number up to six digits with 000 000.
a number up to two digits, • Justify the answer and solve
100 and 1000 with product number sentences involving basic
up to 1 000 operations and mixed operations
000. with and without brackets.
1.6.8 Solve division
Notes: Solve daily routine problems involving
number sentences of any
Begin mixed 4 whole numbers, basic operations and
number within 1 000 000
operations without mixed operations with andwithout
with a number up to
regrouping. brackets up to 1 000 000.
two digits, 100 and 1000.
Suggested Solve daily routine problems involving
Activities: Mixed 5 whole numbers, basic operations and
operations can mixed operations with andwithout
involve money. brackets up to 1 000 000 using various

Solve daily non-routine problems

6 involving whole numbers, basic
operations and mixed operations with
andwithout brackets up to 1 000 000
creatively and innovatively.
Week 39 Learning area Numbers and Operations
Date 15- 20.12.2024 Topic 1.0 Whole Numbers and Basic Operations
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to: ENRICHMENT
1.7 Mixed operations 1.7.1 Calculate mixed Notes: Read number sentences involving basic
1 operations and mixed operations with
operations within 1 000 000 Begin subtraction
with and without brackets: involving two and without brackets.
(i) Addition and numbers. Suggested • Identify prime numbers. 11 Disember
multiplication, Activities: Use • Explain procedure of basic 2024 : Cuti Hari
(ii)Subtraction 2 Keputeraan
concrete materials, operations and mixed operations
and pictures, number lines with and without brackets. Sultan Selangor
multiplication, and mental arithmetic • Determine number values
(iii)Addition and division, calculation to 21 - 29 Disember
including estimation,
(iv)Subtraction and represent calculation 2024 : Cuti
round off and completion
division. process. Persekolahan
3 of number patterns up to1
Penggal Ke-3
000 000.
• Justify the answer and solve
number sentences involving basic
operations and mixed operations
withand without brackets.
Notes: Solve daily routine problems involving
Begin mixed 4 whole numbers, basic operations and
operations without mixed operations with andwithout
regrouping. brackets up to 1 000 000.
Suggested Solve daily routine problems involving
Activities: Mixed 5 whole numbers, basic operations and
operations can mixed operations with andwithout
involve money. brackets up to 1 000 000 using various

Solve daily non-routine problems

6 involving whole numbers, basic
operations and mixed operations with
andwithout brackets up to 1 000 000
creatively and innovatively.
Week 40 Learning area Numbers and Operations
Date 30.12.2024- 03.01.2024 Topic 2.0 Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to:
2.1Fractions 2.1.1 Multiply fractions of Notes: 1 Read number sentences involving
two numbers involving Fractions with fractions, decimals and percentages.
whole numbers, proper denominators up to ENRICHMENT
fractions and mixed 10. Suggested
numbers. Activities: Use • Convert fractions and mixed
concrete materials, numbers to percentages.
diagrams and • Round off decimals.
software. • Multiply fractions involving
whole numbers, proper
fractions and mixed numbers.
3 • Justify the answer in solving
basic operations and mixed
operations number sentences
• Calculate quantity of a
percentage and vice versa.

4 Solve daily routine problems involving

fractions, decimals and percentages.

Solve daily routine problems involving

5 fractions, decimals and percentages
using various strategies.

Solve daily non-routine problems

6 involving fractions, decimals and
percentages creatively and


Week 41 Learning area Numbers and Operations
Date 6 -10.01.2024 Topic 2.0 Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor
Pupils will be able to:
2.2Decimals Notes: 1 Read number sentences involving
2.2.1 Round off decimals Fractions with fractions, decimals and percentages.
up to three decimal denominators up to REVISION AND
places. 10. Suggested ENRICHMENT
2.2.2 Solve mixed Activities: Use 2 • Convert fractions and mixed
operations number concrete materials, numbers to percentages.
sentence involving diagrams and • Round off decimals.
addition and subtraction software. • Multiply fractions involving
of decimals up to three whole numbers, proper
decimal places. fractions and mixed numbers.
2.2.3 Multiply decimals Notes: 3 • Justify the answer in solving
up to three decimal Rounding off can basic operations and mixed
places with numbers up involve money and operations number sentences
to two digits, 100 and measurement. involvingdecimals.
1000. Suggested • Calculate quantity of a
2.2.4 Divide decimals Activities: Use percentage and vice versa.
with numbers up to two diagrams, number
digits, 100, 1000, with lines and software.
4 Solve daily routine problems involving
quotient up to three fractions, decimals and percentages.
decimal places.

Solve daily routine problems involving

5 fractions, decimals and percentages
using various strategies.

Solve daily non-routine problems

6 involving fractions, decimals and
percentages creatively and


Week 42 Learning area Measurement and Geometry
Date 13-17.01.2025 Topic 6.0 Space
Performance standard
Content standard Learning standard Remarks TP Descriptor

6.4Perimeter and area 6.3.3 Determine the 4 Solve routine problems involving space.
Suggested Activities: REVISION AND
perimeter of two combined Use realia, models,
regular polygons up to ENRICHMENT
and diagrams to
eight sides including right- reinforce pupils’
angled triangles, equilateral 5 Solve routine problems involving
understanding. space using various strategies.
triangles, and squares.
6.3.4 Determine the area
of two combined shapes
involving squares, 6 Solve non-routine problems involving
rectangles, equilateral space creatively and innovatively.
triangles, isosceles triangles
and right-angled triangles.
18 Januari - 16 Februari 2025 : Cuti Akhir Persekolahan Sesi 2024/2025

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