New N7 Atp
New N7 Atp
New N7 Atp
Document Info
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PO reference Internal
Customer Project
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Document Information
Prepared By Bharath N
Revision History
3M/409, 3rd Floor, Kasthoori Plaza, Kasturi Nagar, East of NGEF, Bengaluru – 560 043, Karnataka, India. +91 8041571730
This document contains proprietary information of Advancetech Controls Pvt Ltd (AES) and may not be used, disclosed,
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Document No. Document Name Document Version
Equipment Required:
64C2 6U VME Board with N7 module
VME Chassis
Host PC with NAII Embedded Soft Panel installed
1553 Cables
Digital Multimeter (DMM)
Data Bus Coupler
2. Setup:
3. Software Installation:
Download the NAII Embedded Soft Panel software from the North Atlantic Industries, Inc. (NAII)
Install the software on the host PC running Windows operating system, following the instructions
provided by NAII.
Ensure that the software installation is completed successfully without any errors.
4. Test Procedures:
Built In Test (BIT):
Power on the VME chassis and ensure the Board passes the initial BIT.
Verify that the status indicators (LEDs) on the board show normal operation.
6. System Initialization:
Ensure all connections are secure and properly aligned.
Double-check the connections against the pinout diagrams or documentation provided.
Power on the VME chassis and the host PC, and confirm that all necessary connections are established
before proceeding with software initialization and testing.
Allow sufficient time for the system to boot up.
The below picture shows the first window that appears when the NAII Embedded Soft Panel is
i. NAII_ESP_Launch_Screen
ii. NAII_ESP_Board_configuration
On the left side, you should see the module names and card number listed under 'Board
Configurations' as shown in the below figure.
Document No. Document Name Document Version
iii. NAII_ESP_Board_Configuration_Connected
'N7' represents the MIL-STD-1553 function module installed in the system, this module
facilitates MIL-STD-1553 bus communication within the system.
'Z0' denotes a slot in the system that is not populated with a module, this entry indicates that
the slot labelled 'Z0' does not have any module installed.
Additionally, if no onboard reference supply is chosen for this slot, it implies that the slot is
currently inactive.
Note: The specific function module labelled 'N7' may vary depending on the system
configuration. Different modules or variants may be installed based on system requirements.
Once you click on N7, channel configuration of the 1553 module window will appear.
Each N7 module consist of 2 channels as displayed below.
iv. NAII_ESP_channel_Config
Document No. Document Name Document Version
Document No. Document Name Document Version
RT Creation in Channel 2:
Right click on the RTs in channel 2, click on insert RT.
A Form1553_RTEditor window will appear, Enter remote terminal name.
Provide the remote terminal address which you have given while creating the BC message.
Select the subaddress which you have used while creating the BC message, then click on
Add to list.
By following these steps, users can Manually create and send a message from Channel 1 to Channel 2
within the NAII Embedded Soft Panel software, facilitating communication between different channels
within the system.
We can also schedule the message and send in the following manner as shown below
Creation of message steps will be similar to above, after creating the message just right click on channel
1’s bus controller
Click on ‘Edit schedule’
One window will appear which is named as ‘Bus Scheduler for channel 1’
xiv. NAII_ESP_Scheduled_msg
Then click on ‘Transmit Schedule’ you can observe the message transmitted in scheduled way in the
below screenshot.
xv. NAII_ESP_Scheduled_message_transmitting
Document No. Document Name Document Version
Enter Card Number: When prompted with "Please Enter Card # [default=0]:", press
Enter to accept the default value of ‘0’ or enter the appropriate card number and press
i. Initial_window
Document No. Document Name Document Version
ii. Select_comm_interface
iii. Enter_ip_address
Select Ethernet Protocol: When prompted with "Please Enter Ethernet Protocol
{0(TCP) or 1(UDP)} [default=0]:", enter 0 for TCP and press Enter.
iv. Enter_ethernet_protocol
Document No. Document Name Document Version
Enter Module Number: When prompted with "Enter Module Number #:", enter the
appropriate module number for your configuration and press Enter.
v. Enter_module_No
Initialization Messages: After entering the module number, the application will
initialize the channels and display messages indicating the following:
"Initializing 1553 channel 1 as bus controller"
"Initializing 1553 channel 2 as bus controller"
"Sending 32 words to RT 1 SA 2 on bus A"
Check Messages with Bus Monitor: The application will prompt: "Please press
Enter to check for message with bus monitor".
vi. Initializing
vii. Final_Output