Activity-8-Organizational-Leadership 3

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1. If a laptop is available, answers maybe typewritten, font size 12 in a short

bond paper. If cellphone only - handwritten, should be legible and use a
short bond paper. Can be uploaded as picture, just make sure it is very
clear to read.
2. Answers should be brief, direct to the point and in a complete sentence.
3. Answers should be written right after every question. Follow the format of
the activity.
4. Submit by UPLOADING your activity to “CLASSWORK” of the Google
classroom as PDF file.



Major/Year: BSED-FIL 2 Deadline: JUNE 25, 2022

Guide Questions:

1. Have you encountered a teacher in high school who has the characteristics of
a leader? Or a manager? Describe your experience with him/her in your class.

Yes, a teacher with characteristics of a leader. He was a science teacher is certain

teacher that would motivate his student to listen closely to his discussion he is not just
an academic teacher but also advocate teaching manner at the same time. He
encouraged his student to participate in any performance task in his subject without
any bias judgement whether our idea is right or wrong. Most of all, I experience his
disciplinary action when I arrived late to his class because I am from canteen.

2. Were you able to meet a teacher who wants to be served by students instead
of rendering his/her best service to his/her clients? Describe your experience.
I have no experience, but I asked one teacher back then “what makes it hard for you to
continue taking master class while teaching?” and she answer me “ because of a lot of
paper works to do that professor require you to do that is already out of your
responsibilities as their student”
3. Have you started developing your leadership skills that would be needed
when you teach someday? How?
Yes, through improving my listening and comprehension skills. Listening well of the
speaker’s intention to tell something with effective comprehension skill is the key for
good communication that will avoid any miscommunication between me and my
future students. Through listening without jumping to any conclusion and carefully
understanding each of the sentence.

4. When you teach someday, what kind of leader would you like to be? Why?

I’d like to be a leader who listen to idea of each individual and thoughts of majority, so
I could come up with plans that will suit to their needs and simultaneously I would
include my own idea that would cultivate them to be better.

5. Do you have plans of going into managing teachers and students in an

educational institution? Why? Why not?

If I will be given a chance, I would like to manage teachers and students in an

educational institution so that I can not just encourage teachers to instill brilliant
knowledge to students but also to consider teaching values as important as
teaching academic knowledge.

6. Based on your experiences in junior/senior high school or in college, give at

least five (5) practices that don’t contribute to positive culture in school.
The practice of favoritism exhibition, teacher being late on class, teacher who
portray strict and scary behavior to keep the student not talking back or expect the
student to respect her, the teacher who exhibit and explicitly expressing
insensitive jokes, and teacher who show unsupportiveness to the skills of their

7. Does school culture affect your learning in high school/college? How?

Yes, the saying that “the school is the second home” is somehow true. The culture in
our school has contribution to what we are as learner. We are influenced of what we
are exposed to everyday life. If the culture of the school is to become competitive
academically, students are pressured, encouraged, trained, and expected to be
academically competitive.

8. Who among the two stakeholders has affected much of your learning in
school, teachers or classmates?
My teachers, I always look up to teacher with high respect. They are my role model
when it comes to how to behave in prim and proper way. The knowledge they teach
will be easy to be understood if they have good connection and relationship with us
student. Nothing seems hard to understand in such way to learn things with comfort
and respect at the same time.

9. As a future teacher, cite some ways how you can contribute to establishing
positive culture in your school.
I will never show any favoritism, will always start building good and friendly
relationship with my students so that they could engage actively and participate
without any fear of being judge but rather they should feel the acceptance and
considerations with their idea and participation.

10. Have you started developing yourself into somebody who can contribute
positively in the culture of the school? How?
Through celebrating each achievement, I got regardless if its small or big achievement to
foster a good sportsmanship and recognize the challenges we have overcome. Through
recognizing the complains and idea on each side of my friends. Through advocating values
that should be norm within friendship to keep the harmony of peace. I know these behavior
will contribute positively in the culture of the school.

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