The Nursing Process and Patient
The Nursing Process and Patient
The Nursing Process and Patient
Drug Administration
The Nursing Process and Patient-
Centered Care Nursing Diagnosis
Objectives: Pain, Acute or Chronic, related
Differentiate the steps of the to surgery
nursing process and their Confusion, Acute related to an
purpose in relation to drug adverse reaction to medication
therapy. Health Maintenance, Ineffective
Develop patient-centered goals. related to not receiving
Discuss at least eight principles recommended preventive care
for health teaching related to Knowledge, Deficient related to
drug therapy plans. effects of anticoagulant
Describe at least six culturally medication
sensitive health-teaching tips. Noncompliance related to
Analyze the nurse’s role related forgetfulness
to drug therapy plans. Health Management, Ineffective
related to lack of finances
Nursing Process: Patient-Centered Planning
Collaborative Care The goal is acceptable to both
the patient and nurse.
The goal is dependent on the
Subjective Data
patient’s decision-making
Current health history, including
family history
The goal is shared with other
Swallowing problems
health care providers, including
family or caregivers.
Signs and symptoms of the
The goal identifies components
patient’s illness verbalized by
for evaluation.
the patient
Examples of well-written
Current concerns about the
comprehensive goals include
the following:
Knowledge about medications
The patient will independently
and side effects
administer the prescribed dose
Over-the-counter (OTC)
of 4 units of regular insulin by
remedies, nutritional
the end of the fourth session of
supplements, herbal remedies,
and contraceptives
The patient will prepare a 3-day
Knowledge of side effects to
medication recording sheet that
report to the physician
correctly reflects the prescribed
Attitude and beliefs about
medication schedule by the end
taking medications
of the second session of
Financial barriers
Implementation of Nursing
Use of tobacco, alcohol, and
The implementation phase is
Cultural dietary barriers
the part of the nursing process
The patient’s home safety
in which the nurse provides
education, drug administration,
Caregiver needs and support
patient care, and other
interventions necessary to
Objective Data
assist the patient in
Physical health assessment
accomplishing the established
Laboratory and diagnostic test
goals. In most practice settings,
administration of drugs and
Data from the physician’s notes
assessment of the drug’s
(i.e., health history)
effectiveness are important
Measurement of vital signs
nursing responsibilities.
The patient’s body language
Patient Teaching
• General
• Side effects
• Self-administration
• Diet
• Cultural considerations
In the evaluation phase of the
nursing process, the nurse
determines whether the goals
and teaching objectives are
being met.
Right Patient
Right Dose Right Documentation
It is the introduction of a
solution by means of a syringe and
needle into the superficial layer of the
skin or just below the epidermis of the
skin or just below the epidermis of the
• To identify allergens to which
the client may be hypersensitive
(skin test)
• To diagnose individuals who
have developed antibodies
against specific pathogens, such
as tubercle bacillus.
• To vaccinate, e.g. BCG
Topical Form
• Cream or ointment
• Lotion
• Liniment
• Transdermal patch
- administration of a medication
into the nasal cavity
• Spray
• Mist
• To shrink swollen mucous
• To loosen secretion and facilitate
• To treat infections of the nasal
cavity and or sinuses.