DS - Nullifire FS709 Intumescent Sealant
DS - Nullifire FS709 Intumescent Sealant
DS - Nullifire FS709 Intumescent Sealant
(29) (k2)
Uniclass JP10:L68114
Product Information
• Ensure that the substrate and
penetrating services are compatible
with FS709, and that site conditions
FFS709 is a high pressure exerting,
are within specification. Check that
graphite intumescent mastic which
when exposed to fire expands,
sufficient annular space is available to Intumescent
allow correct installation.
protecting penetrations including cables,
• Clean all surfaces of loose particles,
cable bunches, cable trays, plastic and
moisture, oils, grease and corrosive
metallic pipes. FS709 maintains the
materials. We recommend that the
integrity and insulation performance
surface or substrate temperature be
of the seal through masonry and
5°C or above at the time of application.
plasterboard and some limited uses
Contact Technical Services for
within FB750 Batts.
advice regarding lower temperature
Usage / Purpose
FS709 is designed to close off gaps
and penetrations in compartment walls
• Mineral wool (min. 80 kg/m³) or PE
and floors, to provide up to 4 hours
backing rod can be used as a backer
fire resistance. This product has been
where and when required. Backing
formulated to close off plastic pipe
material is always required to achieve
penetrations in the event of a fire,
a correctly installed seal. FS709 should
negating the need for pipe closers or
be applied around the service on both
wrap systems. FS709 is suitable for the
exposed faces if the risk of fire is from
following service penetrations up to
both sides
125 mm; PVC pipes, ABS pipes, HDPE
• PE backing rod is only for use around
pipes including Armaflex and glass wool
combustible pipe where the correct 20
insulation. FS709 can also be used with
mm annular has been core drilled
metallic pipes, cables and cable bunches
• For larger annular spaces or slots not
including telecommunication cables,
exceeding 600 x 600, a minimum 33 Key Benefits Summary
cable trays and cable ladders.
kg rock mineral wool backer should be
used to the full depth of the cavity. • Certified to the latest European
Colour standards EN 1366-3 and
• The minimum depth of product is 25
Grey EN1366-4, Classified to EN
mm with a minimum annular of 20
mm. 13501-2:2007
310 ml cartridges (12 per box) • Up to 240 minutes fire resistance
To determine quantity of sealant • A+ internal air quality rating
Direct from tremco illbruck (see back
required, calculate as follows (in mm) • Can be used in FB750 Batt
(Double Seal):
of leaflet for address and telephone • Tested with combustible pipes
details). Gap Total up to 125 mm
x Depth x
Width Length N° of
Usage Guidelines 310
cartridges • Tested for use in linear gaps up
to 25 mm
For further guidance on application
Protective Equipment
methods, and material requirements,
• Tested with metallic pipes,
Use in well ventilated conditions and cables, cable bunches, cable
please contact tremco illbruck Technical
ensure all recommended protective trays and cable ladders
Services Department.
equipment is worn during handling
& use of this product. For full
recommendation, refer to safety data
ETA 17/0388
Necessary Tools
Skeleton/sausage gun, palette knife
and spatula.
Intumescent Sealant
Technical information