Combined Footing Design
Combined Footing Design
Combined Footing Design
m percentage
2 4.48
2 4.48
Design of Combined Footing
For Column VI & V
Input data
Column Size C1 V = 230 x 460 mm
Column Size C2 VI = 300 x 460 mm
Load on Column C1, P1 = 270 kN
Load on Column C2, P2 = 170 kN
Concrete Grade Fck = 25 N/mm2
Grade of Steel Fy = 500 N/mm2
Distance from C1 & C2 (s) = 0.74 m c/c
Soil bearing Capacity SBC = 170 kN/mm2 132 SAFE
Length at edge of footing at C1 = 620 mm from center
Length at edge of footing at C2 = 620 mm from center
foundation depth at site should be = 2.6 m
Calculating Size of Footing
Self Weight of Footing (15%) = 506 kN
Required Area of Footing Areq = 2.98 m2
Center of gravity C.S. = 285.9 mm
Required Length of Footing L = 1812 mm
Provided Length of Footing L = 2438 mm 8 feet
Required Breadth of Footing B = 1221 mm
Provided Breadth of Footing B = 1372 mm 4.5 feet
Provided Area of Footing A prov = 3.34 m2 SAFE
Bending Moment & Shear Force
Factored Load Pu1 = 405 kN
Factored Load Pu2 = 255 kN
Soil pressure acting Upward = 271 kN/m
along Length (L)
Shear Force at column C1 = 237 kN
Shear force at column C2 = 87 kN
Shear force zero at length a = 0.95 m
Moment at Longitudianl direction
Maximum bending moment M = 17 kN-m
at shear Force is zero
Bending moment at Face of = 31 kN-m
Column C2
Moment at Transverse direction
Upward pressure at column C1 = 295.28 kN/m
Upward pressure at column C2 = 185.91 kN/m
Projection at Column C1 = 535 mm
Projection at Column C2 = 535 mm
Moment at column C1 = 63.386 kN-m
Moment at column C2 = 39.91 kN-m
Depth of footing Required d = 135.55 mm
Provided depth of Footing D = 380 mm
Effective depth of Footing d = 320 mm
Area of Steel at Longitudinal side
Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d ( 1 - (fy Ast)/(fck b d))
Area of Steel ,Ast = 125.0 mm2
Percentage of steel Pt% = 0.04 %
Column at C2
Area of Steel, Ast at C2 = 225 mm2 Hence Providing minimum percentage
Percentage of steel at C2 Pt% = 0.07 % 0.12 %
Area of Steel at Transverse side
At Column C1, Area of Steel , Ast = 469.12 mm2
Perceantage of Steel Pt% = 0.147 %
At Column C2, Area of Steel , Ast = 292.04 mm2
Perceantage of Steel Pt% = 0.091 %
At Short direction of footing ( transverse) Spacing Provided
Providing steel of dia , in mm 10 = 167.34 mm c/c 150 mm c/c 523 mm2 SAFE
Providing steel of dia , in mm 10 = 268.80 mm c/c 150 mm c/c 523 mm2 SAFE
At Long direction of footing ( longitudinal )
Providing steel of dia , in mm 10 = 628 mm c/c 200 mm c/c 393 mm2 SAFE
Providing steel of dia , in mm 10 = 348.92 mm c/c 200 mm c/c 393 mm2 SAFE
2 4.216816
2 3.692223