Telangana Irrigation Act 1357F
Telangana Irrigation Act 1357F
Telangana Irrigation Act 1357F
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Interference with 38. No person shall interfere with or obstruct the proper
canal or channel functioning of the various cross drainage works of Irrigation
works. works, namely culverts, water-courses, super-passages,
syphons, weirs and allied works constructed for the safety of
the canal or channels, without the express written
permission of the Irrigation officer.
41. From every order by the Irrigation officer, under section Appeal against
40, an appeal shall lie within three months to such authority order issued
under section 40.
as may be appointed for this purpose.
43. No new well shall be excavated within two hundred Excavation of well
yards from the boundaries of an irrigation work without the adjoining
irrigation work
permission of the Irrigation officer.
44. No person other than the Irrigation officer or the person Operation of
empowered by the Government shall have the right to sluices etc.,
operate a flood-gate, regulator or a sluice-gate of a water prohibited.
reservoir, canal or channel.
45. No person shall have the right to ply a ferryboat in a Plying of ferry-
water reservoir or a canal or channel without the permission boat prohibited.
of the Government.
46. No person other than the Irrigation officer shall be Unlawful letting
authorised to let out water from a canal or channel by out of water from
cutting the bund, constructing a sluice or outlet or any other canal.
47. The patta for the bed land of tank shall not be granted Patta of beds of
nor the existing occupancy rights continued where the tank tank.
is utilised as water reservoir under a canal or channel:
16 [Act No.XXIV of 1357 F.]
Certain matters, 48. The following matters are prohibited within the
within boundaries boundaries of a water reservoir, tank, canal or channel
of tanks or canals
except that they are performed by persons authorised:-
Punishment or 53. Any person, who, being called upon to assist by his
contravention of physical labour in the completion of any irrigation work
section 35.
under section 35 refuses or neglects to comply with such
call without sufficient cause shall, on conviction before a
Collector be punished with a fine which may extend to fifty
Appointment of 55. The Government may, for the purposes of this part,
special appoint for any area a special Magistrate, who may exercise
the powers of the Magistrate of the First Class in