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Analysis on Waste water Treatment plant for Samarth hostel & Engg.



An introduction to wastewater in bathroom basins involves understanding its nature, sources, and
management. Waste water from bathroom basins refers to the used water discharged after activities
such as handwashing, face washing, shaving, or brushing teeth. This water typically contains soap
residues, dirt, hair, cleaning chemicals, and sometimes traces of oil or other contaminants. Sources
of Wastewater in Bathroom Basins 1. Personal hygiene activities (washing hands or face). 2.
Cleaning products (detergents, soaps, orscrubbing agents). 3. Environmental contaminants (dust or
debris washed off). Importance of Managing Wastewater. Proper treatment and management of
canpollutewaterbodiesandharmecosystems.2.PublicHealth:Itcancarrypathogensorpollutants harmful
to human health. 3. Water Conservation: Treating and reusing wastewater reduces the burden on
freshwater resources. Disposal and Treatment Methods-1. Greywater Systems:
irrigation or toilet flushing). 2. Drainage to Sewer Systems: Direct connection to municipal
wastewater treatment plants ensures proper. 3. Septic Tanks: In areas without sewer systems,
wastewater is processed in septic tanks to minimize environmental impact. Introduction to
Wastewater Treatment in Basins and Bathrooms Wastewater from basins and bathrooms is an
essential component of domestic greywater. Effective management and treatment of this water are
crucialtoensureenvironmentalsustainability,publichealth,andresourceconservation.Wastewater from
basins and bathrooms primarily consists of greywater, which includes used water from:
amountsofcleaningchemicals.Unlikeblackwater(toiletwaste),greywaterislesspollutedandeasier to
treat. Wastewater Treatment Process 1. Collection: Wastewater is collected through plumbing
systems. 2. Primary Treatment: Large particles, hair, and debris are filtered out using screens and
settling tanks. 3. Secondary Treatment: Microbiological processes break down organic matter,
disinfection (e.g., UV or chlorine) for reuse purposes. Applications and Benefits-1. Greywater
Recycling: Treatedbathroom and basin wastewatercan bereused for irrigation, cleaning, and other
non-potable applications. 2. Environmental Conservation: Reduces water pollution and conserves
freshwaterresources.3.SustainabilityinBuildings:Moderntreatmentsystemsintegratedintohomes and
facilities help promote eco-friendly practices. Wastewater treatments for basins and addressing
growingbathroomsareessentialwaterdemandandensuringsustainableliving practices.Theyplay a
pivotal role in maintaining clean water cycle and protecting ecosystems. Wastewater from
bathrooms and wash basins is considered light greywater, and it can be treated to be reused. Here's
some information about wastewater treatment and greywater: Wastewater treatment-Wastewater
treatment is a process that removes contaminants from wastewater to make it safe for reuse or
discharge into a body of water. Wastewater treatment plants use physical, chemical, and biological
processes to purify water. Greywater-Wastewater from bathrooms and wash basins is considered
light greywater because it contains a small amount of contaminants. Light greywater can make up
more than half of domestic wastewater and can be reused if treated properly.

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Analysis on Waste water Treatment plant for Samarth hostel & Engg. building

Thereduction and recycling ofdomestic solidand waste water has become amain problem in the
toacuteenvironmentalproblems,serioushealthissues,visualdiscomfort,putrefyingodouretc.and these
waste piles becomes a breeding site for 3 vectors. Liquid wastes also result in air pollution, water
pollution and soil pollution. The current composting techniques were initially employed as
contingencyplantoalleviatetheproblemsassociatedwithwastereductionatthesourcesandland filling.
It is, therefore, necessary to establish and develop an efficient collection and composting system
for the fruit and vegetable wastes that allows solution of problems coped with collection
(offensive smell and sanitation) and production of quality composts.

The wastewater treatment process includes primary and secondary stages. The primary stage
involves removing solids from wastewater by allowing them to settle. The wastewater collection
system conveys wastewater. In most cases, the system uses gravity to move wastewater, taking
advantages of the natural slope the land.
Wastewater treatment methods there are several methods of wastewater treatment, including
between the initial and post-treatment water samples.

Objective Of The Study

1. Todisposeoffthe waste insuch away thatthereis noharm to mankind.
2. Toreuse/recycle/recoverwaste.
3. Tominimizethehealthhazardsbysafe handling
4. Bylandfill orby composting.

1. Improvingwaterquality.
2. Lesslandrequirement
3. Better quality of control
5. Nofoulodour
6. Itprotectsthe environment.
7. Itreduces pollution.
8. Savingyou money.
9. Tominimizewaste water.
10. Savingwater

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1.Environmental protection
2.EnergyandResource recovery
3.Cost reduction
5.Product quality

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[1] AfreenNishat&Mohammad YusufTeam:-(2023)(08)

These contaminants are harmful because they are non-biodegradable and toxic, including
detergents andpersonalcareproducts.Theycandisruptlivingbeings’functionsandcausesevere
damage. Therefore, wastewater treatment is necessary to remove these contaminants and protect
the environment. The growing population exacerbates the issue by causing water scarcity and
decreasinggroundwaterlevels,makingwastewatertreatmentcrucialinmeetingthewaterdemand of
the population. The review critically examines various wastewater treatment technologies,
includingphysical,chemical,andbiologicalmethods.Itdiscussesthelimitationsofeachapproach and
highlights contemporary trends in wastewater treatment. These are frequently used methods,
different types of pollutants. It has also been concluded that membrane filtration is a simple and
fast method to remove contaminants, but it’s not practical forsmall businesses due to high costs.
Coagulationandflocculationhavelowenergyrequirements,buttheproductionofsludgeincreases costs.
Chemical techniques are quick and effective but not economically viable for small
businesses.Biological treatment is appealing but slow and requiresa perfect habitat formicrobes.
Adsorption is an effective, economical, and non-destructive method for wastewater treatment,
capable of removing various pollutants.

[2] DushyanthVBabuR,SrikanthaH:-(2018)(02-06)

Wastewater treatment is define as process that is used to remove from the sewage or waste water
rand change into effluents which can return to water cycles with the acceptable effect on
environment or reuse for the various purpose (known as water reclamation). The amounts of the
waste i.e. normally released into atmosphere is decrease as results of thw wastewater treatments,
thereby enhance environment health. As result, governments eliminate health risk associate with
programs. Treated wastewater, including precipitation, can used in buildings for thelowgrade
purpose. Reservoirs or ponds may be used to store the treated water. Since the inflow of treated
water (as well as inflow of the wastewater) is relatively constant, less buffering volumein the
reservoir is needed. Due to the current water scarcity, wastewater treatment water would need to
be reused more often in immediate future. Wastewaters reuse necessitates the disposal of
wastewater and the use of suitable wastewater treatment facilities. Water scarcity as a result of
populationandeconomicgrowth’sregardedoneofhumanity'sgreatestfearsandastumblingblock to
long-term development.

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[3] TorstenWik(2019)(05-06)

mathematically. By making assumptions, based on experimental data from the pilot plant, it has
been possible to model the behavior of the variables. It is our belief that the simulation work can
continue, aiming at better understanding of the full scale filter.An important aspect of this work
isthatthePI-0-posedfilterwillfunctionin adifferentprocess structurethanthepilotplantfilter. Some
possible improvements of the procedures have been identified. The first one is the
difficulties experienced so far, have easily been solved by changing the border lines of the filter
elements.Inbiofilmsthereexistavarietyofdifferentorganismslivingonvarioustransformations of the
available substrates. Besides the organisms, there also exist inert material and liquid. The
organisms are competing for space and substrates. Since the different bacteria’s gain differently
dependingontheprevailingconditions,thedistributionoftheorganismswillbeafunctionoftime, depth
in film and level in thetrickling filter. This leads to varyingtransformation ratesand hence also a
dynamic behavior for the total efficiency of the filter.

[4] SasanKordrostami(2015)(02-18)

Thegritchamber,equalizationbasin,primarysedimentationtankandsecondarysettlingtankhave been
designed, then the values for mean cell residence time, volume of aeration tank, hydraulic
retentiontime,f/mratio, returnsludgeflowrate,sludgeproduction andoxygenrequirementhave been
calculated, ultimately the theoretical aspects of grit chamber,waste sludge and biological
phosphorusremovalhavebeencovered.Someassumptionshavebeen madeduringdesigningthe
accurateandreliableresults.SomedesigningcalculationshavebeendonebyusingExcelsoftware so itis
advised touse such software’s for the ease of calculation. In addition, this designing process is
suitable for this particular situation and it cannotbe followed for every situations. Designing a
wastewater treatment plant depends on the characteristics of the wastewater so the designing
process should be analyzed carefully because even a small mistake can be fatal. Bio- solids or
Sludge is the residue which stores in sewage treatment plants. Sludge treatment means reducing
the volume of the sludge, stabilizing the organic materials and ultimately disposing the sludge.
Sludge treatment can be done by the combination of thickening, stabilization, drying,
incineration, digestion, and dewatering processes. Wastewater treatment happens in some infra
structures which are called wastewater treatment plant (Hammer, 1986). Generally a wastewater
treatment plant consists of Mechanical treatment, Biological treatment and Sludge treatment
sections. There are different kinds of pollutants and wastes in the wastewater such as, nutrients,
inorganicsalts,pathogens,coarsesolidsetc.,whichareverydangerousforecologyandhuman.In order
to remove these pollutants different processes have been exposed. There are specific

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wastewater treatment which are chemical, physical or biological. All these processes should be
considered before deigning a proper wastewater treatment plant which depends on the
characteristicsofthewastewater.Inthistextawastewatertreatmentplantwillbedesignedrelated to the
characteristics of the wastewater.

[5] ManarEl-SayedAbdel-Raouf(2019)(02-20)

Due to several environmental and economic concerns, there is a rapid growth in the field of
intheprocessofwatertreatment.Theproblemof waterdeficiencywasreviewed. Typesof water
wastewater treatment were investigated in details with comparison between the advantages and
disadvantagesofeachmethod.Thereviewconcentratedonadsorptionasthebestmethodapplied in
wastewater treatment dealing with the definition of adsorption and listing types of different
adsorbents. The superiority ofhydro gels over other types of sorbents was explained. Hydrogel
nanoparticles and polymer nanocomposites were deeply investigated shedding light on natural
polymers used as polymeric shields for the nanocomposites such as β cyclodextrine, starch,
wastes such as orange peels and rice husk in removal of some heavy metals was studied.The
important fear for humankind and a limitation for sustainable development.

[6] GrégorioCrini,EricLichtfouse(2019)

Selection of the method to be used will thus depend on the wastewater characteristics. Each
treatment has its own constraints not only in terms of cost, but also in terms of feasibility,
efficiency, practicability, reliability, environmental impact, sludge production, operation
difficulty, pre-treatment requirements and the formation of potentially toxic by-products.
However,among thevarious treatment processes currently cited for wastewatertreatment, only a
few are commonly employed by the industrial sector for technological and economic reasons. In
general,removalofpollutantsfromeffluentsisdonebyphysicochemicaland/orbiologicalmeans, with
research concentrating on cheaper effective combinations of systems or new alternatives. There
are various sources of water contamination, e.g., households, industry, mines and infiltration, but
one of the greatest remains the large-scale use of water by industry. In general, conventional
wastewater treatment consists of a combination of physical, chemical and/or
soluble contaminants (metals, organics, etc.) from effluents. A multitude of techniques classified
in conventional methods, established recovery processes and emerging removal methods can be
used. This short review proposes a general scheme of wastewater treatment and summarizes the
advantages and disadvantages of different individual techniques used. The legislation covering
liquid industrial effluent is becoming stricter, especially in the more

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developed countries, and imposes the treatment of any wastewater before it is released into the
Framework Directive of 2000 which establishes guidelines for the protection of surface water,
underground water and coastal water in Europe.

[7] DrissJettou:-(2019)(14-42)

From the literature review on the topic of wastewater, it is easy to notice that wastewater has a
actors interested in this concept: (engineers, town planners, researchers, United Nations
organizations ...). Each actor approaches this concept with a perspective and vocabulary specific
to him. In addition, it must be recognized that wastewater is sometimes confused with other
neighboring terms such as 'reused water', 'recycled water' and 'reclaimed water’. In general,
wastewater can be defined as the byproduct of many uses of water. For USA EPA, wastewater is
“waterthathasbeenusedandcontainsdissolvedorsuspendedwastematerials”.Inthesamevein Culp
and Culp (1971) equate wastewater as water that has been adversely affected in quality by
anthropogenic activity. Decentralized wastewater management can be a reliable alternative to
centralized wastewater management. It helps to offset some logistical and financial problems
caused by centralized networks. According to WWRD (2017), it is estimated that investments in
these processing facilities cost only 20-50% of those of conventional treatment plants, and their
plants). However, it should be mentioned that decentralized systems have some limitations that
make it difficult to optimize the exploitation of their benefits. On the one hand, tocover the main
infrastructure and for maintenance) by the state / municipal budgets. On the other hand, because
they are located near communities, this increases the risk that they become a potential pollution
pointinurbanareas(especiallyinvulnerableareas).Thisspecialexaminationanalyzedtheprocess of
environmental regularization and obtaining the permits for operation and discharge of
wastewater, the legal, technical and environmental aspects of the wastewater treatment system;
and the compliance, in relation to wastewater, of the contract for the preparation of the
thesubsystemofthepumpingstationsasanintegralpartofthe43wastewatertreatmentplantand the
environmental monitoring of compliance of the projects "Operation and Maintenance of the
Wastewater Treatment Plant and the New Potable Water System" of the city.

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[8] Prof.AbhishekS.Gadre,Mr.AmolPoreAndProf.P.A.Ganthade:-(2021)(02-04)

Liquid waste is generated from industries, storm or kitchens, bathrooms, toilets in houses. Grey
water and black water are the types of waste water. Herewe are concerned about the waste water
generated from residential area. Grey water is the water generated by washing vegetables and
utensils in kitchen, bath and washing cloth. While black water is generated from toilets. The
organicloadingdifferentiatesthegreywaterandblackwater.Greywaterhas lowerorganic loading than
the black water. As waste-water contains nutrients, toxic compounds, various micro-
organismswhicharedangerousforenvironmentifdirectlysenttoenvironment.Soitis advisable to treat
waste water and then disposed to the environment [N-5]. So to minimize pollution the
wastewatershouldbewelltreatedandthenreleasedintotheenvironment.Forincreasingresources of
water, reclamation of waste water and its reuse is the good option to reducescarcity of water [N-
6]. Recycling of Wastewater is another reliable resource to reducethe demand and also in
reduction of waste to be treated. Importance of waste water management is increasing in the
developing countries. It is also important forreducing cost of water [N-7]. For protection of
environment, reducing health problems related drinking water quality, waste water management
plays a crucial role. Also this treated water can be used for the purpose of home gardens and in
agriculture. Water is life, is the well known phrase. In coming years, due to various reasons like
rise in population, deforestation for infrastructure development, etc. the whole world is going to
face the water scarcity problem. Like money saved is money earned, the proper management of
wastewatercanreducethedemandforfreshwater.Thetreatedwatercan beusedforthepurpose like
construction work, washing of vehicles, cleaning of floors and many more where the fresh
waterisnotrequired. Inthisworkwehavestudiedandcalculatedthe amountofwaterthatcanbe
treatedandreused.Theeducationalinstituteishavinghostelwith occupancyof200students.We
foundoutthatifsewagetreatmentplantisinstalled,nearabout22,381lit.oftreatedwaterper day
i.e. approximately 4,700,010 lit. of treated water in an academic year can be obtained from only
hostel buildings. In addition to this the less polluted water will be disposed to environment.


Wastewater and landfill leach ate contain different organic and inorganic contaminants. Among
asuitablepurificationprocess[16].Byusinganewpolyvinylidenefluoridemembranesynthesized by
integrating powdered activated carbon, 35.3% of chemicaloxygen demand, 48.7% of color, and
22% of ammonia were removed from land‐ fill leach ate [16]. In addition, different types of
membrane techniques were discussed in terms of their performance in the treatment of poultry
slaughterhouse wastewater [17]. Moreover, several treatment methods, such as membrane and
(GSWTs) have recently at‐ traced researchers’ attention. GSWT represents a term that denotes
sustainable and Water 2022, 14, 448 3 of 4 environmentally friendly approaches to wastewater
treatment [19]. Nanoremediation and mi‐ croalgae‐based systems can be considered important
GSWTs. Alazaiza et al. [20] mentioned the advantages of

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biopolymers was described by Agential. [21] as a sustainable algae‐based system. With the rapid
growth in urbanization and industrialization, environmental contamination has worsened due to
the incessant discharge of toxic substances into water bodies, which has become a worldwide
problem [1]. Furthermore, the demand for water in domestic and industrial activities has
significantly increased, which has accordingly in‐ creased the amount of wastewater that is
concepts in the attempt to increase water availability [2]. The wastewater industry is ina state of
transition [3] due to the recent wastewater effluent standards and emerging contaminants such as
pharmaceutical and personal care products, and dyesin water bodies [4]. At present, several
physicochemical methods (e.g., advanced oxidation process, adsorption, and membrane
technologies), biological methods (e.g., activated sludge process, phytoremediation,

[10] SantoshKSar,MeghaSahuAndShwetaSingh:-(2016)(03-04)
physical unit operations at Preliminary level are: Screening: A screen with openings of uniform
size is used to large solids such as plastics, cloth etc.remove Generally maximum 10mm is used.
Sedimentation: Physical water treatment process using gravity to remove suspended solids from
likecloth,plastics,woodlogs,paper,etc.CommonMethods:Bothphysicalandchemicalmethods are
used in this treatment level. •Chemical unit processes: Chemical unit processes are may also be
always used with physical operations and used with biological treatment processes.Irrigation
wateruseis waterartificially applied to farm,orchard,pasture, and horticultural crops, as well as
waterusedtoirrigatepastures,forfrostandfreezeprotection, chemicalapplication,cropcooling,
harvesting,and fortheleachingofsaltsfromthecroproot zone.Miningwateruseincludeswater for the
extraction of naturally occurring minerals; solids, such as coal and ores; liquids, such as
crushing, screening, washing, and flotation), and other operations as part of mining activity. A
significant portion of the water used for mining, about 32 percent, is saline. Public Supply water
usereferstowaterwithdrawnbypublicandprivatewatersuppliers,suchascountyandmunicipal water
works, and delivered to users for domestic, commercial, and industrial purposes. In 1995,
themajorityofthenation'spopulation,about225million,or84percent,usedwaterdeliveredfrom public
water suppliers. Environmental assessment (EA) An environmental Impact Assessment
(positive and negative) of a plan, policy, program, or concrete projects prior to the decision to
move forward with the proposed action. In this context, the term "environmental impact
assessment" (EIA) is usually used when applied to concrete projects by individuals or companies
and the term "strategic environmental assessment" (SEA) applies to policies, plans and
programmesmost often proposedbyorgansofstate(Fischer, 2016).Environmentalassessments may
be governed by rules of administrative procedure regarding public participation and
documentationof decision making, and may be subject to judicial review. : Biological and
chemical processes are involved in this level. Biological unit process To remove, or reduce the
concentrationoforganic and inorganic compounds. Biological treatment process can take many

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forms but all are based

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around microorganisms, mainly bacteria. Aerobic Processes Aerobic treatment processes take
place in the presence of air (oxygen). Utilizes those microorganisms (aerobes), which use
molecular/free oxygen to assimilate organic impurities i.e. convert them in to carbon dioxide,
water and biomass. Final cleaning process that improves wastewater quality before it is reused,
recycled or discharged to the environment. Mechanism: Removes remaining inorganic
compounds,andsubstances,suchasthenitrogenandphosphorus.Bacteria,virusesandparasites, which
are harmful to public health, are also removed at this stage. Methods: Alum: Used to help
theremoveadditionalphosphorusparticlesandgroupremainingsolidstogetherfor easyremoval in the

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Aflowchartshowing the methodologyfortreatmentofwaste water-

• TopicFinalizationandresearchpaperstudy
• CollectionandQuantityofWastewaterfrom EngineeringbuildingandBoys
2 hostel

• TestonCollectedWasteWater

• DifferentmethodsforTreatmentofWasteWater
• Testontreatedwater
• FinalizationofTreatmentmethodandImplementation

• Result

• Conclusion

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Collectionand QuantityofWastewaterfromEngineeringbuildingandBoyshostel



3.3.1Chemical characteristics


Methodssuggested forTreatmentofWasteWater


Wastewatertank Stone Pebble

Cotton Sand Coal


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​ pH

The pH range of waste water is typically between 6-8 but can vary depending on the source of
water. Waste water from bathing tends to have a pH between 6.71-11.50. Extreme pH levels,
wastewater. Wastewater treatment is a serious environmental concern. The use of pH in the
treatment of wastewater requires a quick, accurate and robust measurement. Determination of pH
plays important role in the wastewater treatment process. Extreme levels, presence of particulate
matters,accumulationoftoxicchemicalsandincreasingalkalinitylevelsarecommonproblems in


1. Collectsamples

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Take three representative samples from lab into a sealed container. Avoid time delays
betweencollecting the sample and measuring pH.

2. CalibratethepH meter

UseapH4andapH7buffersolutionformoreacidicwaste,orapH7and apH10buffersolution for more

basic waste.

3. Preparethesample


4. Testthesample

RinseanddrytheelectrodeandATCprobe,thenplacetheminthesample.Allowthemeasurement to
stabilize, then record the pH. Rinse the probes and repeat the process.

Fig.1Digital pH Meter

pH Rangefor Wastewater

pHrange: 5.0 to 10.0
Treated Wastewater

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pHrange:6.5 to 8.5

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​ Hardness

The hardness of wastewater can vary depending on the sources but the average hardness of raw
wastewater is around 485.6, while the average hardness of wastewater after sedimentation is
around 378.4.

Whilethebathroomwastewaterhardnesshasthelowest at119mg\lit.

1. PreparationoftheSample:

* Filterthewastewatersampleifnecessarytoremovesuspendedsolids.

* Pipette10mL ofthewastewater sampleintoacleanconical flask.

2. AddBufferSolution:

* Add1-2 mLof buffersolution (pH10) tothewastewater sample.

* Thebufferensuresthe solutionmaintainsastablepHforthe reaction.

3. AddIndicator:

* Add2-3drops ofEriochromeBlackTindicatortothesolution.

* Thesolution will turnwinered dueto thepresenceof calcium and magnesium ions.

4. TitratewithEDTA:

* Filltheburettewiththe standardEDTAsolution.

* Slowlyadd EDTAto thesolution whilecontinuously swirlingtheconical flask.

* Observethecolorchange. Thewine-redcolorwill fadeand turnblueattheendpoint.

5. Recordthe Volume:

* Notethevolume ofEDTAsolutionused atthepointwhen thecolor changesfrom redto blue.


Usetheformulatocalculatehardness(as CaCO3):

Hardness(mg/LasCaCOâll)=[VolumeofEDTA(mL)MolarityofEDTA×50,000/Volumeof Sample
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Fig.2Hardnessof Waste water

Range of Hardness

Hardness(mg/LasCaCO3) Classification
0 -60 Soft
61 -120 Moderatelyhard
121 -180 Hard
>180 Veryhard


​ Turbidity

In wastewater, turbidity refers to the cloudiness or haziness of the water caused by the presence of
anddisinfection.Highturbidityinwastewaterindicatespoorclarity,whichcanimpacttheefficiency of
treatment processes and compliance with discharge standards. Turbidity is measured in NTU
(Nephelometric Turbidity Units).


1. Collectthe Sample:
* Collectwastewaterinacleancontainer.
* Avoidshakingor introducingairbubbles.

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2. PreparetheMeter:
* Turnon theturbidity meterand letit stabilize.
* Calibratethemeterifrequiredusingstandardsolutions (e.g.,0NTU,20NTU).

3. PreparetheSample:
* Gentlymixthe sampleto ensureeven distributionofparticles.
* Rinsethesamplecuvettewiththewastewaterbeforetesting.

4. Fillthe Cuvette:
* Pourthesampleintothe cuvettewithout overfillingortrappingairbubbles.
* Wipethecuvettewith aclean,lint-freecloth.
5. MeasureTurbidity:
* Placethecuvetteintotheturbidity meter.
* Closethelid and readtheturbidity value(in NTU).

6. Recordthe Reading:
* Writedown theturbidityvalue foranalysis.

7. CleanUp:
* Rinsethecuvettewithdistilled water.
* Storethe turbidity meter


Rangeof Turbidity

Treated Wastewater
TurbidityRange-100to 300 NTU

Untreated Wastewater

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1. Thewastewatertreatmentprocessisessentialforprotectingpublichealth,preservingthe
environment, and ensuring sustainable water management.

2. ReductioninContaminants:Removalofsuspendedsolids,organicmatter,pathogens,and
harmful chemicals.

3. EnvironmentalProtection:Treatedwaterminimizespollutionanditsimpactonaquatic
ecosystems, maintaining biodiversity and water quality.

4. WaterReuse:Advancedtreatmentallowswastewatertobe reusedforgardens,flushing.

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1. Afreen Nishat, Mahammad Yusuf, Abdul Qadir, Yassine Ezaler, Viola Vambol, M. Ijaz Khan,
Sana Ben Moussa, Hesom Kamyab k Satbir S. Sehgal, Chander Prakash, Hsi-Hsien Yang,
Hussomeldin Ibrahim,

2. Sayed M. Eldin, Alexandra Engineering Journal (2013) 75, 505-5162019 JETIR March 2019,
Volume 6, Issue 3 Dushyanth V Babu R. Srikantha H Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering and Technology, Jain (Deemed-to-be University), Bengaluru, India Emalt
[email protected]


TREATMENT Torsten Wik Control Engineering Laboratory Chalmers University of Technology 5-
41296 Gobestburg Clots Lindebora Swedes
4. Driss Jettou [email protected]: Twitter ID: @WGEASecre INTOSAI
WGEA Work Plan 2017-2019 Project 2.1 (d) Research Project on Wastewater
5. Grégorio Crini, Eric Lichtfouse.Advantages and disadvantages of techniques used for wastew
treatment. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2019, 17 (1), pp.145-155.10.1007/s10311-018-
0785 hal-02082890
calade David on 05 January 2017

7.Rakesh Singh Asiwal, Dr. Santosh Kumar Sar, Shweta Singh, Megha Sahu Department of
Applied Chemistry Bhilai Institute of Technology Durg (C.G.) India

8.Amin Mojiri and Mohammed J. K. Bashir Department of Civil ard Environmental Engineering,
School of Advanced Saence andlingineering. Hiroshima University, Higashihiroshima 739-8527,
Japan Department nt of Environmental Engineering wing, Engineering and Green Technology
Faculty, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kampar 31900, Malaysia, [email protected]
Correspondence: [email protected]

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