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Aeration systems are designed to promote turbulence and break the water into smaller
volumes or droplets, increasing the surface area for mass transfer. Gravity or pressurized flow
systems may be used.

1.1. Gravity Aerators

Fig12.3(p364, D) These systems are used


Oxygen supply is vital to all forms of aerobic biological treatment and is one of the more expensive
operations in the process. because gas transfer causes turbulence and mixing, aeration devices play a
significant role in mixing and they are normally designed to supply the required degree of mixing besides
providing enough oxygen.

The fundamental equation of gas transfer applies. The rate constant and saturation concentration are
temperature dependent. Saturation concentrations of oxygen for the common temperature range in the
appendix. The mass transfer coefficient varies with temperature according to the Arrhenius equation
(T −20)
K T =K 20 θ

Where T is temperature in, OC

Θ is a constant

The common value of θ reported in the literature is 1.024, although many different values have been
found. Furthermore, it must be remembered that θ actually varies slightly with temperature, as well as
with other environmental conditions and fluid characteristics. Therefore, different values of θ should be
used for different temperature ranges.

Aeration efficiency is normally tested using tap water in a basin that is different from the prototype in a
number of aspects. Model studies must be carefully performed to ensure that a meaningful comparison
of various aeration of various aeration devices is obtained for the prototype. There are also a number of
correction factors that must be considered to determine in situ rates of oxygen transfer when
wastewater is the medium.

The saturation concentration of oxygen in wastewater will be different from that in tap water

C x , ww=βC x ,Tw


Ww refers to wastewater
Tw refers to tap water

β is a correction factor

the saturation concentration of oxygen is water or tap water or tap water is calculated from. Henry’s
law, is found from lab studies, or is available in tables for different temperatures. Besides beings
corrected for temperature, Cs must also be corrected for altitude because solubility of gas varies with
pressure (according to Henry’s law). The equation describing this effect

C s , alt =C s .sl 1−
9450 ]

Alt refers to altitude

Sl refers to sea level.

The rate transfer coefficient is wastewater will also be different from that in tap water.

K ww =αK Tw

Where α is a correction factor.

The factors α and β are variable from waste to waste and should be measured from laboratory or field
test in each instance. However, basin geometry effects, the other major factor responsible for variation
in K are difficult to evaluate unless the prototype is used in the tests. Common values for α and β are
0.80 – 0.85 and 1.0 respectively.

Formulating equation 12.7 for a wastewater,

' ( T−20 )
r ww , T =αK 20 , Tw ( 1.024 ) ( βC s−C l )
r ww , T isthe rate of O2 transfer for wastewater

Taking the ration of eqs 12.35 and 12.7 where eq 12.7 is applied at these specified testing condotions
results in
r ' ww ,T ( β C s−Cl ) α (1.024)
r ' Tw , 20 9.09

Where 9.09 mg/l is the saturation concentration of O2 in tap water at 20OC.

For activated sludge and aerobic digestion processes the DO content needed is usually between 0.2 and
2.0 mg/l to prevent oxygen diffusion limitations from hindering the rate of substrate removal by the
suspended microorganisms. A value of 1.0 mg/l is safe for most processes except under unusual (e.g
bulked) conditions. The higher more conservative value (2.0mg/l) should be used for design purposes.

Manufacturers do not usually report their ratings in terms of mg/l/time (r’) but in terms of oxygen
transferred per unit of energy (r)

kg O 2 transferred

Aeration efficiency is also described by the oxygen transfer efficiency, E.

mass of oxygen utilized

E= ×100
mass of oxygen supplied

The former measure is most useful because it is used for estimating energy costs for supplying oxygen.
The r value relates oxygen transfer to gross energy input to the aeration device; i.e. the efficiency of the
aerator in included in the r rating. Incorporating mass transfer factors, the field rate of oxygen transfer is
(T −20)
r Tw , 20 ( β C s −Cl ) α (1.024)
r ww ,T =

Using equation 12.40 and knowing the amount of oxygen required in the biological treatment process,
the total power requirements for the aerators may be estimated. The oxygen supplied to the
wastewater is the oxygen consumed by the microorganisms. Excess oxygen supplied increases the DO
content of the water in the basin and is transported out of the basin with the effluent. The total oxygen
required per unit time is estimated from the anticipated process operating conditions, the flow rate, and
amount of oxygen demand in the sewage. The aerators must be sized for the extreme conditions
considering all of the above factors. At higher temperatures the saturation concentration of oxygen is
lower but mass transfer coefficients are higher. Extreme values of sewage oxygen demand satisfied in
treatment will be higher at high temperatures.

Aeration Devices in Wastewater Treatment

Surface and submerged aerators are employed in biological wastewater treatment units or pond
systems. Mechanical surface aerators draw water up and throw it up and radially outward. Two types of
mechanical aerators are shown in figs 12.9 and 12.10. draft tubes may be installed with surface aerators
to ensure that water is drawn up from the bottom of the basin, which promotes better mixing.

Submerged aerators are porous or nonporous diffusers with a variety of designs, some of which are
illustrated in figs 12.6 a and b. Porous diffusers are made from rigid materials as ceramic, which have
small openings that control the size of the gas bubble emerging from them. Perforated membranes
made of flexible rubber or plastic can also be used. Porous diffusers are available in plates, domes (fig
12.11), and tubes. Nonporous diffusers have orifices with larger openings than porous diffusers.
Perforated piping, spargers, and slotted tubes are typical nonporous diffuser designs. The in situ oxygen
transfer efficiencies of all of these devices are a function of many variables and data must be interpreted
with caution. All types of systems are widely used.

There are many factors affecting the efficiency of oxygen transfer. General trends in table 12.6

Power requirements for mixing

The other function of aeration noted earlier is mizing. The only effective method to evaluate is by
placing the aerators in the prototype, which is impossible at the design stage. For the initial estimates of
the mixing requirement, one must rely on field experience gained from similarly designed units. It is
evident that power should be dissipated uniformly throughout the basin volume, resulting in no dead
(unmixed) zones. The power input for mixing normally ranges from 13 to 26 kW/1000m 3 of basin
volume. This is effective power input into the basin, which excludes mechanical and electrical losses in
the aerator. The efficiency of power transfer to the liquid for a typical aerator is approximately 75-80%
of the input power to the aerator. Using the previously calculated value of gross power required for
oxygen input and reducing it by the efficiency factor enables one to calculate the power delivered to the
basin. Model studies can be helpful. If the mixing power requirement is not met, aerators will have to be
operated at higher rates that required to supply oxygen; otherwise supplemental mixers must be added.

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