11 Questions
11 Questions
11 Questions
Before the development of any site, construction companies work on site set-up to
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4. Find the total float of activity D for the project.
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7. From among the following activities which is the best example of a project?
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9. What is the length of the Arc for the following curve?
Radius 250.00'
Tangent in N 25° 30' E
Tangent out N 30° 25' E
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11. Delineators are to be placed on the outside of a horizontal roadway curve of 5°.
The approximate spacing (ft) for the delineators along the curve is most nearly.
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12. Consider two beams with equal cross-sections, made of the same material, having
the same support conditions, and each loaded with equal uniform load per length.
One beam is twice as long as the other. The maximum bending stress in the longer
beam is larger by a factor of:
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13. Primary clarifier (Primary sedimentation tank) which has a diameter of 40 ft. and
a height of 8 ft. receives 0.7 MGD of wastewater. What is the retention time the
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15. If the VPC is at Station 00 + 00.00 with an elevation of 176.20 ft, the height of fill
required above the culvert is:
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16. A 16-ft × 40-ft dual media drinking water filter is to be cleaned using an air wash
followed by a water wash. The air wash is at a rate of 5 scfm/ft2. The
recommended airflow rate (scfm) for the air wash is:
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17. When an activity is developed by using forward and backward pass we can find
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18. For the truss shown below, the member force (kips) in member CD is most nearly.
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19. A two-stage anaerobic digester is used to treat a combined primary and secondary
sludge. Compared to aerobic digestion, anaerobic digestion:
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20. Find the deflection at the end of the hollow rectangular section shown. Outside
dimensions of the section is 12 × 12 inches and the thickness is 0.25 inches. The
young ‘s modulus of steel is 29 × 106 psl.
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21. The reaeration rate (Kr) of a stream that is narrow and deep would be expected to
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22. General conditions and home office overhead are examples of what type of costs?
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23. For the beam loaded as shown in the figure below, the bending moment at x = 5ft.
from the left support is most nearly:
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27. A rectangular open channel has a rough concrete lining (n = 0.017) and conveys a
discharge of 22.0 m3/s. If the channel bottom slope is 0.01, then the hydraulically
most efficient cross-sectional dimensions, including 0.5 m freeboard, are:
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