Milind Horoscope
Milind Horoscope
Milind Horoscope
Basic Details
Sex Male
Date of Birth 27 : 1 : 1986
Time of Birth 20 : 19 : 0
Day of Birth Monday
Ishtkaal 033-04-04
Place of Birth Bhusawal
Time Zone 5.5
Latitude 21 : 3 : N
Longitude 75 : 46 : E
Local Time Correction 00.26.56
War Time Correction 00.00.00
LMT at Birth 19:52:4
GMT at Birth 14:49:0
Tithi Dvitiya
Hindu Week Day Monday
Paksha Krishna, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:10 PM, Page No. 1
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Name Milind Julian Day 2446458 Asc Lord SUN Bal. Dasa Ket 5 Y 5 M 4 D
Sex Male Ayan Type Lahiri Asc Leo Karan Gar
Date 27.1.1986 Ayan 023-39-43 Yoga Saubhagya Star Lord KET
Day Monday Place Bhusawal Tithi Dvitiya Star - Pada Magha-1
Time of Birth 20.19.0 Longitude 75.46.E Sunset 18.13.55 Rasi Lord SUN
SID 04.18.23 Latitude 21.3.N Sunrise 07.05.22 Rasi Leo
5 3
6 4 6 Ma 2 Ve Su
Pl Ke 7 3 Ne Ra
Ju 7 1 Mo
Sa 10
Ma 8 2
Ur 11 Sa 8 Ke 12Ur
9 11
Ne 9 Ju 1 Ra
10 12 Planetary Positions
Planets Sign Latitude Nakshatra Pada
Me Su Ve ASC Leo 12-44-19 Magha 4
Sun Capricorn 13-43-28 Sravana 2
Moon Leo 02-59-28 Magha 1
Mars Scorpion 03-00-19 Vishakha 4
Vimshottari Dasha Merc Capricorn 10-40-37 Sravana 1
KET -7 Years VEN -20 Years SUN -6 Years
27/ 1/86 - 2/ 7/91 2/ 7/91 - 2/ 7/11 2/ 7/11 - 2/ 7/17 Jupt Aquarius 00-37-58 Dhanishta 3
KET 00/00/00 VEN 2/11/94 SUN 20/10/11 Venu Capricorn 15-38-01 Sravana 2
VEN 29/ 1/86 SUN 2/11/95 MON 20/ 4/12 Satn Scorpion 13-58-12 Anuradha 4
SUN 5/ 6/86 MON 2/ 7/97 MAR 26/ 8/12 Rahu [R] Aries 10-44-54 Ashvini 4
MON 5/ 1/87 MAR 2/ 9/98 RAH 20/ 7/13 Ketu [R] Libra 10-44-54 Swati 2
MAR 2/ 6/87 RAH 2/ 9/01 JUP 8/ 5/14 Uran Scorpion 27-17-32 Jyeshtha 4
RAH 20/ 6/88 JUP 2/ 5/04 SAT 20/ 4/15 Nept Sagittarius 10-50-19 Mula 4
JUP 26/ 5/89 SAT 2/ 7/07 MER 26/ 2/16
Plut Libra 13-37-35 Swati 3
SAT 5/ 7/90 MER 2/ 5/10 KET 2/ 7/16
MER 2/ 7/91 KET 2/ 7/11 VEN 2/ 7/17 Ashtakvarga Table
Sign No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
MON -10 Years MAR -7 Years RAH -18 Years Sun 1 5 7 6 3 4 5 5 5 3 3 1
2/ 7/17 - 2/ 7/27 2/ 7/27 - 2/ 7/34 2/ 7/34 - 2/ 7/52 Moon 4 5 3 4 5 4 5 4 2 6 2 5
MON 2/ 5/18 MAR 29/11/27 RAH 14/ 3/37 Mars 0 5 7 2 4 2 3 6 3 3 2 2
MAR 2/12/18 RAH 17/12/28 JUP 8/ 8/39 Merc 1 7 6 3 4 8 1 7 5 5 3 4
RAH 2/ 6/20 JUP 23/11/29 SAT 14/ 6/42
Jupt 6 5 5 1 4 7 4 6 4 4 7 3
JUP 2/10/21 SAT 2/ 1/31 MER 2/ 1/45
SAT 2/ 5/23 MER 29/12/31 KET 20/ 1/46 Venu 4 2 5 3 5 7 5 6 4 3 2 6
MER 2/10/24 KET 26/ 5/32 VEN 20/ 1/49 Satn 3 1 5 2 4 3 5 4 3 6 1 2
KET 2/ 5/25 VEN 26/ 7/33 SUN 14/12/49 Total 19 30 38 21 29 35 28 38 26 30 20 23
VEN 2/ 1/27 SUN 2/12/33 MON 14/ 6/51
Chalit Table
SUN 2/ 7/27 MON 2/ 7/34 MAR 2/ 7/52
Bhav Sign Bhav Begin Sign Mid Bhav
1 Cancer 27.44.53 Leo 12.44.19
JUP -16 Years SAT -19 Years MER -17 Years 2 Leo 27.44.53 Virgo 12.45.28
2/ 7/52 - 2/ 7/68 2/ 7/68 - 2/ 7/87 2/ 7/87 - 2/ 7/04 3 Virgo 27.46.03 Libra 12.46.37
JUP 20/ 8/54 SAT 5/ 7/71 MER 29/11/89 4 Libra 27.47.12 Scorpion 12.47.47
SAT 2/ 3/57 MER 14/ 3/74 KET 26/11/90 5 Scorpion 27.47.12 Sagittarius 12.46.37
MER 8/ 6/59 KET 23/ 4/75 VEN 26/ 9/93 6 Sagittarius 27.46.03 Capricorn 12.45.28
KET 14/ 5/60 VEN 23/ 6/78 SUN 2/ 8/94 7 Capricorn 27.44.53 Aquarius 12.44.19
VEN 14/ 1/63 SUN 5/ 6/79 MON 2/ 1/96 8 Aquarius 27.44.53 Pisces 12.45.28
SUN 2/11/63 MON 5/ 1/81 MAR 29/12/96 9 Pisces 27.46.03 Aries 12.46.37
MON 2/ 3/65 MAR 14/ 2/82 RAH 17/ 7/99 10 Aries 27.47.12 Taurus 12.47.47
MAR 8/ 2/66 RAH 20/12/84 JUP 23/10/01 11 Taurus 27.47.12 Gemini 12.46.37
RAH 2/ 7/68 JUP 2/ 7/87 SAT 2/ 7/04 12 Gemini 27.46.03 Cancer 12.45.28, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:10 PM, Page No. 2
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|| Your Ascendent ||
What is Ascendent?
The ascendant house is considered very important in Vedic astrology. During the birth of a person, the sign
which rises in the sky is called the persons ascendant. And, the sign which comes in this house is called the
ascendant sign. The ascendant helps in calculating minutest event in a person's life through astrology. Whereas,
the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly predictions are made on the basis of moon sign and sun sign., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:10 PM, Page No. 3
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|| Life Predictions ||
You have several desirable qualities. First and foremost, you revel in work and there is hardly a limit to the
amount of work you can do. Next, you have your eyes wide open and your brain is alert. Taken together, these
qualities single you out as being a very powerful influence in your own sphere of activities.You are wonderfully
practical in all you do, and you have a very keen brain for remembering details. In fact, details mean so much to
you that you are apt to irritate some of your co-workers with them. You never forget a face, though you are less
accurate in remembering names.You are a person who wants to know the why and where of everything. Until
you are satisfied on these points, you refrain from acting. Consequently, sometimes you miss a good deal, and
some people look upon you as a procrastinator.In a measure you are too sensitive and often you hold back when
you should go ahead. This unfits you for certain forms of leadership. You do not want your own way in many
things. In fact, you are very amenable, taken all round.
Life Style
You are more inward than most. If you were to appear in front of a large group of people, you would suffer
from stage phobia. You are best motivated when you are alone to do whatever you want to do, and at your own
pace., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:10 PM, Page No. 4
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|| Life Predictions ||
Because you are patient and want a career with permanence, it is hardly necessary for you to rush. Pursue a
career in an area such as banking, Government service, Insurance Companies where you advance slowly but
surely. Not only will you be much better off in the long run, but you have the patience and the attitude to see it
You are not fitted for any calling that is decidedly strenuous, nor do you care for too much responsibility. You
do not mind work, in fact work agrees with you, but it must not involve a load of responsibility. While you are
prepared to turn your hand to almost anything, it is very noticeable that you have a decided flair for all that is
cultured and clean. In addition, you may have noticed that an occupation which brings you in contact with
bright lights and a certain amount of gaiety suits you far better than one that relegates you to loneliness and
quiet. As a matter of fact, your own quiet nature cannot tolerate quiet surroundings and it yearns for brightness
and anything cheery.
It would be misleading to say that you are robust. Nevertheless, there is no reason why you should not live to an
advanced age, with care. There are two things to watch over : they are indigestion and rheumatism. Regarding
your indigestion, be careful not to hurry over your meals, and eat them in peaceful surroundings. In addition,
see that you take them at regular hours. As regards rheumatism, this need not concern you much as long as you
guard against damp air, cold winds, wet feet and so on., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:10 PM, Page No. 5
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|| Life Predictions ||
you have strenuous hobbies and pastimes. Games like cricket, football, tennis are very interesting for you. You
will toil at business all day, and in the evening, play tennis, golf, badminton or such king of games. You have
great interest in participating athletic sports. You might have won many prizes in sports. Your vitality is
amazing as far as sports concerned.
Love Matters
You take love very seriously. In fact, you approach it in such a manner that the object of your affections is
likely to be frightened away. Once the course of true love runs smoothly, you show that your affections are deep
and real. You will make a very sympathetic partner and the person whom you marry will have your undivided
love. You will want him or her, however, to listen attentively to your troubles. But, you will not have the
patience to give a sympathetic ear to others.
In matter of finance, you need have nothing to fear. Great opportunities will come across your path. Out of
nothing you could create much, your only danger being that of undermining your resources by going in for large
schemes of a speculative nature. You will be a puzzle to your friends as well as to yourself in question of
finance. You will employ money, you make in odd and unusual ways. As a general rule, you will be lucky in
making money and in the accumulation of possessions, especially in connection with land, houses or estate
property business if you make up your mind to go in for such things., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:10 PM, Page No. 6
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In the birth chart, Mangal is placed in Fourth house from Lagna, while in the Moon chart Mangal is placed in
Fourth house.
It is considered that if a manglik person marries to another manglik person then the manglik dosha gets
cancelled and has no effect.
Note: We strongly recommend you to consult an astrologer before performing these remedies by your own., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:10 PM, Page No. 7
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|| Sadesati Report ||
Name Milind
Date 27/1/1986
Time of Birth 20:19:0
Place of Birth Bhusawal
Sex Male
Rasi Leo
Tithi Dvitiya
Nakshatra Magha
S.N. Sade Sati/ Shani Rashi Start Date End Date Phase
1 Small Panoti Scorpio September December 16,
17, 1985 1987
2 Small Panoti Pisces June 02, 1995 August 09,
3 Small Panoti Pisces February 17, April 17,
1996 1998
4 Sade Sati Cancer September January 13, Rising
06, 2004 2005
5 Sade Sati Cancer May 26, 2005 October 31, Rising
6 Sade Sati Leo November January 10, Peak
01, 2006 2007
7 Sade Sati Cancer January 11, July 15, 2007 Rising
8 Sade Sati Leo July 16, 2007 September Peak
09, 2009
9 Sade Sati Virgo September November Setting
10, 2009 14, 2011
10 Sade Sati Virgo May 16, 2012 August 03, Setting
11 Small Panoti Scorpio November January 26,
03, 2014 2017
12 Small Panoti Scorpio June 21, 2017 October 26,
13 Small Panoti Pisces March 30, June 02, 2027
14 Small Panoti Pisces October 20, February 23,
2027 2028
15 Sade Sati Cancer July 13, 2034 August 27, Rising
16 Sade Sati Leo August 28, October 22, Peak
2036 2038
17 Sade Sati Virgo October 23, April 05, Setting
2038 2039, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:10 PM, Page No. 8
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|| Sadesati Report ||
S.N. Sade Sati/ Shani Rashi Start Date End Date Phase
18 Sade Sati Leo April 06, July 12, 2039 Peak
19 Sade Sati Virgo July 13, 2039 January 27, Setting
20 Sade Sati Virgo February 06, September Setting
2041 25, 2041
21 Small Panoti Scorpio December 12, June 22, 2044
22 Small Panoti Scorpio August 30, December 07,
2044 2046
23 Small Panoti Pisces May 15, 2054 September
01, 2054
24 Small Panoti Pisces February 06, April 06,
2055 2057
25 Sade Sati Cancer August 24, February 05, Rising
2063 2064
26 Sade Sati Cancer May 10, 2064 October 12, Rising
27 Sade Sati Leo October 13, February 03, Peak
2065 2066
28 Sade Sati Cancer February 04, July 02, 2066 Rising
29 Sade Sati Leo July 03, 2066 August 29, Peak
30 Sade Sati Virgo August 30, November Setting
2068 04, 2070
31 Small Panoti Scorpio February 06, March 30,
2073 2073
32 Small Panoti Scorpio October 24, January 16,
2073 2076
33 Small Panoti Scorpio July 11, 2076 October 11,
2076, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:10 PM, Page No. 9
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|| Sadesati Report ||
S.N. Sade Sati/ Shani Rashi Start Date End Date Phase
34 Small Panoti Pisces March 20, May 21, 2086
35 Small Panoti Pisces November February 07,
10, 2086 2087
36 Sade Sati Cancer July 03, 2093 August 18, Rising
37 Sade Sati Leo August 19, October 11, Peak
2095 2097
38 Sade Sati Virgo October 12, May 02, 2098 Setting
39 Sade Sati Leo May 03, 2098 June 19, 2098 Peak
40 Sade Sati Virgo June 20, 2098 December 25, Setting
41 Sade Sati Virgo March 18, September Setting
2100 16, 2100
42 Small Panoti Scorpio December 03, November
2102 29, 2105, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:10 PM, Page No. 10
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|| Sadesati Report ||
Note: Above predictions are of general nature and are based on general belief that Sade Sati is harmful. Truly
speaking, we found that it is not always the case and we recommend reading this article on Sade Sati. Any
conclusion based on Sade Sati alone is not correct and has good chances of failing. Certain factors like current
running dasa and nature of Saturn also needs to be analyzed before we can conclude whether Sade Sati period
will be malefic or benefic. You are advised not to take above forecasts seriously and in case of any doubt,
consult a good astrologer., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:10 PM, Page No. 11
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|| Kalsarpa Dosh ||
Kalsarpa Dosh/Yog
As per the current definition, when all planets are situated in middle of Rahu and Ketu in birth-chart or
horoscope, the astrologers call it Kalsarp Dosh. In present days, discussions about this dosh are vogue among
Jyotishi or Hindu Astrologers of India. Many of troubles in one's life are mostly because of Kalsarp Dosh.
Without analyzing other areas of astrology, most astrologers, in fact, accept kalsarp dosh is main root of
problems. But the reality is this that if all planets are well posited in horoscope, kalsarp dosh will not be
harmful, and can be supportive to beneficial results endowed by good positions of planets. Kalsarp dosh is
inauspicious when positions of planets are unfavorable in one's horoscope. Therefore, it is not wise to fear
hearing just about 'Kalsarp Dosh'. It is in fact always better to reach on remedies only after consulting jyotishi
for deep analysis on negative influences of Kalsarp dosh. Interestingly, influence of kalsarp dosh is different in
different people. Because influence of kalsarp dosh is based on points-which sign is posited in which house, and
what other planets occupied that house, what are their influences and so on.
Lagna Chart:
6 4
Pl Ke 7 Mo 3
Ma 8 2
Ur 11
Ne 9 Ju 1 Ra
10 12
Me Su Ve, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:10 PM, Page No. 12
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|| Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details ||
Janam (Birth) Varsha (Year)
Male Sex Male
27/1/1986 Date of Birth 28/1/2015
20:19:0 Time of Birth 6:44:50
Monday Day of Birth Tuesday
Bhusawal Place of Birth Bhusawal
21 Latitude 21
75 Longitude 75
00.26.56 Local Time Correction 00.26.56
00.00.00 War Time Correction 00.00.00
19.52.04 LMT at Birth 06.17.54
07.05.22 Sunrise 07.05.04
18.13.55 Sunset 18.14.28
Leo Lagna Capricorn
SUN Lagna Lord SAT
Leo Rasi Aries
SUN Rasi Lord MAR
Magha Nakshatra Bharani
KET Nakshatra Lord VEN
Saubhagya Yoga Sukla
Gar Karan Baalav
Aquarius Sun Sign (Western) Aquarius
023-39-43 Ayanamsa 024-04-01
Lahiri Ayanamsa Name Lahiri
Mo 1 7
2 Ju 6 Ra
3 5, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:10 PM, Page No. 13
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|| Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details ||
Muntha:1 Bhav
This is a time of action for you. Unexpected gifts and gains will pour in from different sectors for you. It gives
the native career betterment and all round prosperity. Your opponents will not dare to interrupt your way and
you will get your share of attraction and reputation. You will get favor from rules, superiors and higher
authorities. You will have a sound health and physique. This year also indicates gain of vehicle., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 14
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|| Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details ||
June 01, 2015 - July 20, 2015 Dasha Jupiter
Jupiter is in Bhav Number 7
Your deep awareness of keeping track of your health and taking better care of yourself and your own needs will
help you harness some of your active energy, possibly participating in physical sports as a good outlet. The
great energy you radiate will definitely attract lots of supportive people in your life. Your life-partner will
contribute to your happiness and success. You may be called upon you to give more time and energy in a
leadership position at work. You will be highly respected and will become more famous., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 15
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|| Vimshottari Mahadasha Phal (Dasha Predictions) ||
Ketu Mahadasha Phal (Birth - July 2, 1991)
Ketu is in Libra in your 3rd house
You should work on keeping a stable and steady nature for better results. There will be dynamism & growth.
You will share good rapport with your colleagues and seniors. Income sources are very fine for you and you
will enjoy your family life. Spiritually, you will be very sound. If you are looking for promotion you will
definitely going to get it. Your friend circle will also increase. Sudden travel will also bring good luck for you.
You will donate for charitable deeds and will prosper during this period., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 16
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|| Yogini Dasha ||
Ba 5 Years Ul 6 Years Si 7 Years Sn 8 Years
From 22/ 7/85 From 13/12/89 From 13/12/95 From 13/12/02
To 13/12/89 To 13/12/95 To 13/12/02 To 13/12/10
Ba 22/ 7/85 Ul 10/11/90 Si 19/ 3/97 Sn 18/ 8/04
Ul 22/ 5/86 Si 9/ 1/92 Sn 9/10/98 Ma 7/11/04
Si 12/ 5/87 Sn 9/ 5/93 Ma 19/12/98 Pi 17/ 4/05
Sn 22/ 6/88 Ma 9/ 7/93 Pi 9/ 5/99 Dh 17/12/05
Ma 11/ 8/88 Pi 9/11/93 Dh 9/12/99 Br 6/11/06
Pi 21/11/88 Dh 9/ 5/94 Br 19/ 9/00 Ba 16/12/07
Dh 21/ 4/89 Br 9/ 1/95 Ba 8/ 9/01 Ul 15/ 4/09
Br 13/12/89 Ba 13/12/95 Ul 13/12/02 Si 13/12/10, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 18
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|| Yogini Dasha ||
Ma 1 Years Pi 2 Years Dh 3 Years Br 4 Years
From 13/12/46 From 13/12/47 From 13/12/49 From 13/12/52
To 13/12/47 To 13/12/49 To 13/12/52 To 13/12/56
Ma 8/11/46 Pi 6/12/47 Dh 25/ 1/50 Br 3/ 4/53
Pi 28/11/46 Dh 6/ 2/48 Br 25/ 5/50 Ba 23/10/53
Dh 28/12/46 Br 26/ 4/48 Ba 25/10/50 Ul 23/ 6/54
Br 7/ 2/47 Ba 5/ 8/48 Ul 25/ 4/51 Si 2/ 4/55
Ba 27/ 3/47 Ul 5/12/48 Si 24/11/51 Sn 22/ 2/56
Ul 27/ 5/47 Si 25/ 4/49 Sn 24/ 7/52 Ma 1/ 4/56
Si 6/ 8/47 Sn 5/10/49 Ma 24/ 8/52 Pi 21/ 6/56
Sn 13/12/47 Ma 13/12/49 Pi 13/12/52 Dh 13/12/56, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 19
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|| Char Dasha ||
Char Maha Dasha
LEO 07 Year 27/ 1/86 27/ 1/93 SCO 11 Year 27/ 1/04 27/ 1/15
VIR 08 Year 27/ 1/93 27/ 1/01 SAG 02 Year 27/ 1/15 27/ 1/17
LIB 03 Year 27/ 1/01 27/ 1/04 CAP 02 Year 27/ 1/17 27/ 1/19
AQU 03 Year 27/ 1/19 27/ 1/22 TAU 08 Year 27/ 1/30 27/ 1/38
PIS 01 Year 27/ 1/22 27/ 1/23 GEM 07 Year 27/ 1/38 27/ 1/45
ARI 07 Year 27/ 1/23 27/ 1/30 CAN 11 Year 27/ 1/45 27/ 1/56
Char Antardasha, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 20
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|| Char Dasha ||, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 21
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Sun in your 6th house
If benefic
(1) Native will be lucky, prone to anger, will have beautiful spouse and will benefit from that government.
(2) If Sun is in the 6th house and Moon, Mars and Jupiter in the 2nd house, following tradition will be
(3) If sun is in 6th house and Ketu in 1st or 7th house then the native will have a son and after the 48th year
great fortune will follow.
(4) If there is no planet in the 2nd house, the native will get a government job in the 22nd year of his life.
If malefic
(1) The native's son and maternal family will face bad times. Will also affect native health adversely.
(2) If Mars is placed in the 10th house the native's sons will die one after the other.
(3) Mercury in the 12th house causes high blood pressure.
Remedial Measures
(1) Ancestral customs and ritu also should be strictly followed; otherwise the family progress and happiness
will be destroyed.
(2) Underground furnaces should not be constructed with in the premises of the house.
(3) After taking dinner blow off the fire of the kitchen stove by sprinkling milk over it.
(4) Always keep Gangajal in the premises of your house.
(5) Offer wheat or Gur to monkeys., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 25
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Moon in your 1st house
In general, the 1st house belongs to Mars and Sun. When the moon is also placed therein, this house will come
under the combined influences of the Mars, the Sun and the Moon i.e. all the 3 mutual friends will be treated as
occupants of this house. The Sun and Mars will extend all friendly support to their natural friend Moon placed
on the throne i.e. the ascendant house.
Such native will be soft-hearted and will inherit all the traits and qualities of his mother. He will be either the
eldest brother or will certainly be treated so. As long as the native receives the blessings of his mother and
keeps her happy, he will continue to rise and prosper in every way.
The things and the relatives as represented by Mercury, who is inimical to Moon, will prove harmful to the
native, e.g., the wife's sister and the green color will affect adversely. Hence it is better to keep away from them.
Burning milk (for making Khoya) or selling milk for profit would reduce or minimize the power of the Moon
placed in the 1st house, which means that the native's life and property would be destroyed if he engages
himself in such activities. Such a native should serve others with water and milk freely for long life and all
round prosperity. Such a native will get a life of about 90 years and will be bestowed with honours and fame by
the Govt.
(1) Do not marry between the age of 24 and 27 years, i.e., marry either before 24 years of age or after 27 years
of age.
(2) Do not build a house out of your earnings between 24 and 27 years of age.
(3) Keep away from the green colour and wife's sister.
(4) Do not keep a silver pot or kettle with a snout (Toti) in it in the house.
(5) Offer water to the roots of a Banyan tree whenever you can afford.
(6) Insert copper nails on the four corners of your bed.
(7) Whenever crossing a river, always throw coins in it for the welfare of your children.
(8) Always keep a silver Thali in your house.
(9) Use Silver pots for drinking water or milk and avoid the use of glassware for the same.
(1) Offer sweet milk to the roots of a banyan tree and put that wet soil on your navel.
(2) To avoid havoc from fire, place empty bags of sugar on the roof of your house, shop or factory.
(3) Always keep a square piece of silver with you., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 26
(4) Keep away from black, one-eyed or disabled person.
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Mercury in your 6th house
Mercury becomes exalted in the 6th house. The native will be selfmade man and will receive benefits from
agricultural land, stationery, printing press and trade. Good or evil words from his mouth will never go waste.
North facing house will give bad results. Daughter's marriage in the north direction will make her unhappy in
every way.
(1) Burying a bottle filled with Ganga water into the agricultural land.
(2) Putting on a silver ring in the left hand of ones wife.
(3) Starting any important work in the presence of a girl or daughters, or with flowers in hand proves
However if Jupiter is malefic in 7th house and Saturn is in the 9th the native will become a thief. If Mercury
is in the 9th then his married life will be full of probelms. If Jupiter is malefic native will never get support from
brothers and will be deprived of favours from the government. Jupiter in 7th house causes differences with the
father. If so one should never donate clothes to anyone, otherwise one will certainly get reduced to extreme
(1) Offer worship to lord Shiva.
(2) One should not keep idols of god in ones house.
(3) Keep gold tied in a yellow cloth always with you.
(4) One should stay away from yellow clad sadhus and faqirs., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 28
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Venus in your 6th house
This house belongs to Mercury and Ketu, who are inimical to each other, but Venus is friendly to both. Venus
stands, debilitated in this house. However, if the native keeps the opposite sex happy and provides her with all
the comforts, his money and wealth will continue to grow. The wife of the native should not get dressed like a
male and should not get her hair cut like a male, otherwise poverty will crop up. Such a native must marry a
person who has got a brother or brothers. Further, the native should not leave any work in the midway, i.e.,
before completion.
(1) Ensure that your wife puts gold clips in her hair.
(2) Your spouse must not remain barefooted.
(3) The private parts should be washed with red medicine.
When Saturn is malefic in this house drinking wine, killing of snakes and laying the foundation of the house
at night will give very bad results. Drinking milk in the night will also give bad results.
(1) Offering milk to snake and offering milk or rice to crow or buffalo.
(2) Pouring milk in the well.
(3) Pouring rum in running water., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 29
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Rahu in your 9th house
9th house is influenced by Jupiter. If the native has good relation with ones brothers and sisters it is fruitful; else
it would adversely affect the native. If the native is not religious minded then his progeny would be useless for
him. Professions influenced by Saturn would be profitable.
If Jupiter is in 5th or 11th house then it is useless. If Rahu is inauspicious in 9th house then chances of
begetting a son are less, specially if native files court cases against one's blood relation. Rahu is in 9th and 1st
house is empty then health could be adversely affected and one gets insulted and mental problems, specially
from olders.
(1) Use Tilak of saffron daily.
(2) Wear gold.
(3) Always keep a dog (it saves ones progeny).
(4) Have good relations with your in-laws.
If Ketu in 3rd house is malefic then native loses money in litigation. He gets separated from his wife/sisters-
in-law. If such a native lives in a house with its main gate facing south, he will have serious problems regarding
children. Such a native cannot say no to any thing and so will always have worries. He will have troubles from
his brothers and will have to travel uselessly.
(1) Use saffron as tilak.
(2) Wear gold.
(3) Offer jaggery, rice in flowing water., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 30
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Name Milind Sunrise 07.05.22 Dasa Balance KET 5 Y 5 M 4 D
Sex Male Longitude 75.46.E Tithi Dvitiya Sunset 18.13.55
Date 27.1.1986 Latitude 21.3.N Yoga Saubhagya Karan Gar
Day Monday Place Bhusawal Lagna Leo Lagna Lord SUN
Time of Birth 20.19.0 Ayan 023-39-43 Rashi Leo Rasi Lord SUN
SID 04.18.23 Ayan Type Lahiri Naskshatra Magha-1 Naskshatra Lord KET
Lagna Chart
Planetary Degree And Their Positions
Planets Sign Positions Soya Kismat Benefic /
Jaganewala Malefic 2 12
Sun Virgo ---- Yes No Malefic Pl Ke 3 11
Moon Aries ---- No No Benefic
Mars Cancer ---- Yes No Malefic Sa
Mercury Virgo ---- Yes No Benefic Ma 4 10
Jupiter Libra ---- No No Malefic Ur 7
Venus Virgo ---- Yes No Malefic
Saturn-Ret Cancer ---- Yes Yes Malefic Ne 5 Ju 9 Ra
Rahu-Ret Sagittarius ---- No No Malefic 6 8
Ketu-Ret Gemini ---- No No Malefic Me Su Ve
Ven 3 Year Mars 6 Year Mer 2 Year Sat 6 Year Rahu 6 Year Ketu 3 Year
From 27/01/2010 From 27/01/2013 From 27/01/2019 From 27/01/2021 From 27/01/2027 From 27/01/2033
To 27/01/2013 To 27/01/2019 To 27/01/2021 To 27/01/2027 To 27/01/2033 To 27/01/2036
Mars 27/01/2011 Mars 27/01/2015 Moon 27/09/2019 Rahu 27/01/2023 Mars 27/01/2029 Sat 27/01/2034
Sun 27/01/2012 Sat 27/01/2017 Mars 27/05/2020 Mer 27/01/2025 Ketu 27/01/2031 Rahu 27/01/2035
Moon 27/01/2013 Ven 27/01/2019 Jup 27/01/2021 Sat 27/01/2027 Rahu 27/01/2033 Ketu 27/01/2036
Jup 6 Year Sun 2 Year Moon 1 Year Ven 3 Year Mars 6 Year Mer 2 Year
From 27/01/2036 From 27/01/2042 From 27/01/2044 From 27/01/2045 From 27/01/2048 From 27/01/2054
To 27/01/2042 To 27/01/2044 To 27/01/2045 To 27/01/2048 To 27/01/2054 To 27/01/2056
Ketu 27/01/2038 Sun 27/09/2042 Jup 27/05/2044 Mars 27/01/2046 Mars 27/01/2050 Moon 27/09/2054
Jup 27/01/2040 Moon 27/05/2043 Sun 27/09/2044 Sun 27/01/2047 Sat 27/01/2052 Mars 27/05/2055
Sun 27/01/2042 Mars 27/01/2044 Moon 27/01/2045 Moon 27/01/2048 Ven 27/01/2054 Jup 27/01/2056
Sat 6 Year Rahu 6 Year Ketu 3 Year Jup 6 Year Sun 2 Year Moon 1 Year
From 27/01/2056 From 27/01/2062 From 27/01/2068 From 27/01/2071 From 27/01/2077 From 27/01/2079
To 27/01/2062 To 27/01/2068 To 27/01/2071 To 27/01/2077 To 27/01/2079 To 27/01/2080
Rahu 27/01/2058 Mars 27/01/2064 Sat 27/01/2069 Ketu 27/01/2073 Sun 27/09/2077 Jup 27/05/2079
Mer 27/01/2060 Ketu 27/01/2066 Rahu 27/01/2070 Jup 27/01/2075 Moon 27/05/2078 Sun 27/09/2079
Sat 27/01/2062 Rahu 27/01/2068 Ketu 27/01/2071 Sun 27/01/2077 Mars 27/01/2079 Moon 27/01/2080, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 31
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Sun Consideration
Your Sun is in Capricorn sign which is a Enemy sign for Sun. Sun is lord of 1st house and situated in 6th house.
Sun aspects 12th house and aspected by Saturn.
One who has the Sun in Capricorn will be base, interested in bad women, be greedy, will advance with mean
jobs, be endowed with various deeds, be timid, devoid of relatives, fickle-minded, fond of wandering, weak,
will lose everything due to conflicts with his relatives and will be a voracious eater.
If the Sun is in 6th, the native will be very libidinous, will have powerful digestive fire (capable of digesting
fast), be strong, affluent, famous for virtues and be either a king, or an Army chief.
If the Sun be in the 6th house, the native will become a king. He will earn renown and will be equipped with
praiseworthy qualities. He will be wealthy and capable of overcoming his enemies.
Moon Consideration
Your Moon is in Leo sign which is a Friendly sign for Moon. Moon is lord of 12th house and situated in 1st
house. Moon aspects 7th house and aspected by Jupiter,Saturn,Rahu.
If the Moon is in Leo, one will have sturdy bones, sparse hair, wide face, small and yellowish eyes, will hate
women, will suffer from hunger and thirst, will incur stomach disorders and tooth-decay, will eat flesh, be
charitable, harsh, will have few sons, will seek sexual union in forests and hills, be respectfully disposed to his
mother, will have broad chest, be valorous, dutiful and will have majestic looks.
The Moon in the Ascendant identical with Cancer, Taurus, or Aries indicates, that the native will be liberal,
beautiful, rich and enjoying pleasures greatly. The Moon in the Ascendant identical with other Signs indicates,
that the native will be intensely passionate, base, deaf, distressed, dumb and will decline (in prosperity).
If at birth the Moon be waxing and be posited in the first house (the lagna), the native will possess a strong
constitution and will be longlived. He will be powerful, fearless and wealthy. The effects will be quite reverse if
the Moon be waning., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 32
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Mars Consideration
Your Mars is in Scorpion sign which is a Own sign for Mars. Mars is lord of 9th, 4th, house and situated in 4th
house. Mars aspects 7th, 10th, 11th house and aspected by .
If Mars occupies Scorpio at birth, the native will be attached to trade, will be interested in Vedic knowledge, be
leader of thieves, skillful in his duties, be interested in wars, be highly sinful, will do big crimes, will be
perfidious towards his enemies, will betray, be disposed towards killing, be unhelpful, be a talebearer, will be
endowed with lands, sons and wife and be troubled by poison, fire, weapons and wounds.
If Mars is posited in 4th, the native will be devoid of relatives, paraphernalia and conveyances, be very
miserable, will live in other`s houses and be distressed.
When Mars is placed in the 4th house, the native will be bereft of mother, friends, happiness, conveyances and
Mercury Consideration
Your Mercury is in Capricorn sign which is a Neutral sign for Mercury. Mercury is lord of 11th, 2nd, house and
situated in 6th house. Mercury aspects 12th house and aspected by Saturn.
If Mercury is in Capricorn at birth, the native will be mean, dull, impotent, will do other`s work, be devoid of
virtues, be subjected to various kinds of miseries, will dream, wander etc., be a tale bearer, be untruthful, devoid
of relatives, dirty and timid.
If Mercury occupies the 6th, the native will always be successful in litigations and disputes, will contract
diseases, be indolent, not given to anger, be harsh in speech and much insulted.
Should Mercury happen to occupy 6th house, the native will be indolent, harsh in speech and will be capable of
overcoming his enemies. He will become adament when people enter into arguments with him., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 33
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Jupiter Consideration
Your Jupiter is in Aquarius sign which is a Neutral sign for Jupiter. Jupiter is lord of 5th, 8th, house and situated
in 7th house. Jupiter aspects 11th, 1st, 3rd house and aspected by Moon,Mars,Ketu.
If Jupiter falls in Aquarius at the time of birth, one will be a tale-bearer, be ill disposed, interested in evil jobs,
be chief among his racemen, be always attached to base men, be malicious, miserly, will suffer from diseases,
will lose wealth on account his own utterances, be devoid of intelligence and virtues and will violate elder`s
If Jupiter occupies the 7th, the native will be charming, will acquire a beautiful wife, be greater than his father,
be an eloquent speaker, a poet, a superior person and be learned and famous.
When Jupiter is posited in 7th house at birth, the native will be blessed with a decent wife and children. He will
be handsome and more liberal than his father.
Venus Consideration
Your Venus is in Capricorn sign which is a Friendly sign for Venus. Venus is lord of 10th, 3rd, house and
situated in 6th house. Venus aspects 12th house and aspected by Saturn.
If Venus occupies Capricorn at birth, one will be miserable due to heavy expenses, will have an emaciated
body, will be fond of aged women, will suffer from heart diseases, be miserly in the matter of money, be a liar,
be skillful in cheating, be a eunuch, be devoid of (good) acts, interested in other`s work, very distressed, be a
dunce and will, however, endure misery.
If Venus occupies the 6th, the native will greatly dislike his wife, will have many foes, be devoid of wealth, be
very much startled and be mean.
With Venus posited in the 6th house at birth, the native will have no enemies, but he will be devoid of wealth.
He will develop ilicit relations with several young girls, but will not enjoy happiness., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 34
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Saturn Consideration
Your Saturn is in Scorpion sign which is a Enemy sign for Saturn. Saturn is lord of 6th, 7th, house and situated
in 4th house. Saturn aspects 6th, 10th, 1st house and aspected by .
If Saturn occupies Scorpio at birth, the native will be hostile, be crooked, affected by poison and weapons, very
ill-tempered, miserly, egoistic, rich, capable of stealing other`s money, averse to instruments played on festive
occasions, malicious, very miserable and will face destruction, misery and diseases.
If Saturn occupies the 4th Bhava, the native will suffer heart disease, or be broken-hearted, be devoid of
relatives, conveyances, wealth, intelligence and happiness, will suffer sickness in boyhood and will have
(prominent) nails and hair.
If Saturn be in the 4th house at birth, the native will be bereft of house, respect and mother. He will be sickly in
his childhood. He will also be unhappy.
Rahu Consideration
Your Rahu is in Aries sign which is a - sign for Rahu. Rahu is lord of house and situated in 9th house. Rahu
aspects 1st, 3rd, 5th house and aspected by Ketu.
If Rahu occupies the 9th house at birth, the native will be harsh in speech and will indulge in unrighteous
actions but he will become head of a clan, city or a village., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 35
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Ketu Consideration
Your Ketu is in Libra sign which is a - sign for Ketu. Ketu is lord of house and situated in 3rd house. Ketu
aspects 7th, 9th, 11th house and aspected by Jupiter,Rahu.
Should Ketu occupy the 3rd house at birth, the native will be longlived, powerful and renowned. He will live
happily with his wife and will eat good food; but he will be deprived of a brother., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 36
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|| Shodashvarga Charts ||
Lagna Chart Hora Wealth
Sa Ma
6 4 6 Ke Ne Ur 4
Pl Ke 7 3 7 Pl 3
Mo Mo
Ve Ju Ra
5 5
Ma 8 2 8 2
Ur 11 11
Ne 9 Ju 1 Ra 9 1
10 12 10 12
MeSu Ve
10 8 9 7
Pl Ke Ju 11 7 Pl Ke 10 6
Sa Ur
9 8
Sa 12 6 Ju 11 5 Mo
3 2
Ne 1 5 Mo Ra Ne 12 4 Ve Ra
2 4 1 3
MeSu Ve Ur MeSu
Ur Me
8 6 5 3
Ke 9 Su 5 Sa Mo 6 Ma 2 Ve Su
Ve Ne Ra
7 4
Pl 10 4 Ju 7 1 Mo
1 10
Ne Ju 11 3 Ra Sa 8 Ke 12 Ur
12 2 9 11
Ma Pl, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 37
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|| Shodashvarga Charts ||
Dashamamsha - Profession Dwadashmamsha - Parents
Su Sa
10 8 10 8
Pl Ve Ju 11 7 Ke Ju 11 7
Me Ma
9 9
Ne 12 6 Pl 12 6 Ur
3 3
Ur 1 5 Mo Ma Ne Sa 1 Su 5 Mo Ra
2 4 2 4
Ra Me Ve
Sa Sa
12 10 6 4
1 9 Ve 7 3 Ur
Pl Ra
11 5
Ne 2 8 Su Me 8 2
5 Ke 11
3 Ju 7 Ur Ju 9 Ma 1
4 6Ra 10 12
Ma Mo Me MoSu Pl Ne
Ve Su Me
4 2 Ne 1 11 Ne
Ju 5 Sa 1 Ke Ra 2 Ma 10 Ra Sa
Pl Ur Ur
3 12
Ma 6 12 Me Mo 3 9
9 6
Mo 7 11 Ke Su 4 Ve 8
8 10 5 7
Pl Ju, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 38
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|| Shodashvarga Charts ||
Trimshamsha - Misfortune Khavedamsha - Auspicious Results
Ur Mo
10 8 6 4 Ne
11 Ra 7 Pl Ur 7 3 Ra Ve
Ne Ke Pl Ke
9 5
Su 12 6 Me 8 2
Sa 3 11
Ju Mo 1 5 Me 9 Ma 1 Su Ju
2 4 10 12 Sa
Sa Me Ve
1 11 7 5
2 Ve 10 8 Ne 4 Ke
12 6
3 9 Pl Su Ur 9 3
6 Ma 12
4 8 Ra Mo 10 Ju 2 Ma Ur
5 7 Pl 11 1
Ju Me Ra Sa Su
Ke, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 39
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|| KP System / Nakshatra Nadi ||
Name Milind Sunrise 07.05.22 Dasa Balance KET 5 Y 5 M 4 D
Sex Male Longitude 75.46.E Tithi Dvitiya Sunset 18.13.55
Date 27.1.1986 Latitude 21.3.N Yoga Saubhagya Karan Gar
Day Monday Place Bhusawal Lagna Leo Lagna Lord SUN
Time of Birth 20.19.0 Ayan 023-34-20 Rashi Leo Rasi Lord SUN
SID 04.18.23 Ayan Type KP Naskshatra Magha-1 Naskshatra Lord KET
Ruling Planet
Planet Rasi Lord Nak Lord Sub Lord
Mo(5) Moon SUN KET SUN
Day Lord MON
6 4
Cuspal Positions
Pl(7)Ma(8) 7 3 Cusp Degree RASH NAK SUB SS
1 132-49-42 SUN KET MER JUP
2 160-56-09 MER MON MON VEN
3 191-34-36 VEN RAH SAT SUN
4 222-53-10 MAR SAT MAR MON
Sa(8) 5 253-33-52 JUP VEN VEN VEN
8 2
6 283-33-39 SAT MON RAH SUN
11 7 312-49-42 SAT RAH MER KET
8 340-56-09 JUP SAT SUN VEN
9 011-34-36 MAR KET MER MER
10 042-53-10 VEN MON RAH MER
9 1 11 073-33-52 MER RAH MER MAR
12 103-33-39 MON SAT RAH SAT
10 12
Planetary Positions
Planet Degree RASH NAK SUB SS
Su(10) Ve(10)
Ju(11) Ra(1)
Sun 283-48-51 SAT MON RAH MAR
Moon 123-04-51 SUN KET SUN MON
Mars 213-05-41 MAR JUP RAH MON
KET -7 Years VEN -20 Years SUN -6 Years Mercury 280-46-00 SAT MON MON MER
27/ 1/86 - 2/ 7/91 2/ 7/91 - 2/ 7/11 2/ 7/11 - 2/ 7/17
Jupiter 300-43-21 SAT MAR MER SUN
KET 00/00/00 VEN 2/11/94 SUN 20/10/11
Venus 285-43-23 SAT MON SAT SAT
VEN 29/ 1/86 SUN 2/11/95 MON 20/ 4/12
Saturn 224-03-34 MAR SAT RAH KET
SUN 5/ 6/86 MON 2/ 7/97 MAR 26/ 8/12
Rahu 010-50-16 MAR KET SAT MAR
MON 5/ 1/87 MAR 2/ 9/98 RAH 20/ 7/13
Ketu 190-50-16 VEN RAH SAT MER
MAR 2/ 6/87 RAH 2/ 9/01 JUP 8/ 5/14
Uranus 237-22-55 MAR MER JUP MON
RAH 20/ 6/88 JUP 2/ 5/04 SAT 20/ 4/15
Neptune 250-55-42 JUP KET SAT RAH
JUP 26/ 5/89 SAT 2/ 7/07 MER 26/ 2/16
Pluto 193-42-57 VEN RAH MER RAH
SAT 5/ 7/90 MER 2/ 5/10 KET 2/ 7/16
MER 2/ 7/91 KET 2/ 7/11 VEN 2/ 7/17 Significators of Houses
House Planet
MON -10 Years MAR -7 Years RAH -18 Years 1 SU
2/ 7/17 - 2/ 7/27 2/ 7/27 - 2/ 7/34 2/ 7/34 - 2/ 7/52 2 MO ME RA KE
MON 2/ 5/18 MAR 29/11/27 RAH 14/ 3/37 3 MA JU VE
MAR 2/12/18 RAH 17/12/28 JUP 8/ 8/39 4 MA JU SA
RAH 2/ 6/20 JUP 23/11/29 SAT 14/ 6/42 5 MA ME JU
JUP 2/10/21 SAT 2/ 1/31 MER 2/ 1/45 6 SU MA JU VE SA
SAT 2/ 5/23 MER 29/12/31 KET 20/ 1/46 7 SA
MER 2/10/24 KET 26/ 5/32 VEN 20/ 1/49 8 MA JU RA KE
KET 2/ 5/25 VEN 26/ 7/33 SUN 14/12/49 9 MA JU
VEN 2/ 1/27 SUN 2/12/33 MON 14/ 6/51 10 VE
11 ME
SUN 2/ 7/27 MON 2/ 7/34 MAR 2/ 7/52
JUP -16 Years SAT -19 Years MER -17 Years Planet Signification
2/ 7/52 - 2/ 7/68 2/ 7/68 - 2/ 7/87 2/ 7/87 - 2/ 7/04
JUP 20/ 8/54 SAT 5/ 7/71 MER 29/11/89 Planet House
Sun 1 6 12
SAT 2/ 3/57 MER 14/ 3/74 KET 26/11/90
Moon 2 12
MER 8/ 6/59 KET 23/ 4/75 VEN 26/ 9/93
Mars 3 4 5 6 8 9
KET 14/ 5/60 VEN 23/ 6/78 SUN 2/ 8/94 Mercury 2 5 11 12
VEN 14/ 1/63 SUN 5/ 6/79 MON 2/ 1/96 Jupiter 3 4 5 6 8 9
SUN 2/11/63 MON 5/ 1/81 MAR 29/12/96 Venus 3 6 10 12
MON 2/ 3/65 MAR 14/ 2/82 RAH 17/ 7/99 Saturn 4 6 7
MAR 8/ 2/66 RAH 20/12/84 JUP 23/10/01 Rahu 2 8
RAH 2/ 7/68 JUP 2/ 7/87 SAT 2/ 7/04 Ketu 2 8, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 40
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Dasa Balance: KET 5 Y 5 M 4 D || Vimshottari Dasha - Pratyantar || Ayanamsa Name: Lahiri
From 27/ 1/86 - To 5/ 1/87 From 5/ 1/87 - To 2/ 6/87 From 2/ 6/87 - To 20/ 6/88 From 20/ 6/88 - To 26/ 5/89 From 26/ 5/89 - To 5/ 7/90
MON 23/ 6/86 MAR 14/ 1/87 RAH 29/ 7/87 JUP 5/ 8/88 SAT 29/ 7/89
MAR 5/ 7/86 RAH 6/ 2/87 JUP 19/ 9/87 SAT 28/ 9/88 MER 26/ 9/89
RAH 6/ 8/86 JUP 25/ 2/87 SAT 19/11/87 MER 16/11/88 KET 19/10/89
JUP 4/ 9/86 SAT 19/ 3/87 MER 13/ 1/88 KET 5/12/88 VEN 26/12/89
SAT 8/10/86 MER 10/ 4/87 KET 5/ 2/88 VEN 1/ 2/89 SUN 16/ 1/90
MER 7/11/86 KET 18/ 4/87 VEN 8/ 4/88 SUN 18/ 2/89 MON 19/ 2/90
KET 20/11/86 VEN 13/ 5/87 SUN 27/ 4/88 MON 16/ 3/89 MAR 12/ 3/90
VEN 25/12/86 SUN 20/ 5/87 MON 28/ 5/88 MAR 6/ 4/89 RAH 12/ 5/90
SUN 5/ 1/87 MON 2/ 6/87 MAR 20/ 6/88 RAH 26/ 5/89 JUP 5/ 7/90
From 5/ 7/90 - To 2/ 7/91 From 2/ 7/91 - To 2/11/94 From 2/11/94 - To 2/11/95 From 2/11/95 - To 2/ 7/97 From 2/ 7/97 - To 2/ 9/98
MER 26/ 8/90 VEN 22/ 1/92 SUN 20/11/94 MON 22/12/95 MAR 27/ 7/97
KET 17/ 9/90 SUN 22/ 3/92 MON 20/12/94 MAR 27/ 1/96 RAH 30/ 9/97
VEN 16/11/90 MON 2/ 7/92 MAR 11/ 1/95 RAH 27/ 4/96 JUP 26/11/97
SUN 4/12/90 MAR 12/ 9/92 RAH 5/ 3/95 JUP 17/ 7/96 SAT 2/ 2/98
MON 4/ 1/91 RAH 12/ 3/93 JUP 23/ 4/95 SAT 22/10/96 MER 2/ 4/98
MAR 25/ 1/91 JUP 22/ 8/93 SAT 20/ 6/95 MER 17/ 1/97 KET 26/ 4/98
RAH 18/ 3/91 SAT 2/ 3/94 MER 11/ 8/95 KET 22/ 2/97 VEN 6/ 7/98
JUP 6/ 5/91 MER 22/ 8/94 KET 2/ 9/95 VEN 2/ 6/97 SUN 27/ 7/98
SAT 2/ 7/91 KET 2/11/94 VEN 2/11/95 SUN 2/ 7/97 MON 2/ 9/98
From 2/ 9/98 - To 2/ 9/01 From 2/ 9/01 - To 2/ 5/04 From 2/ 5/04 - To 2/ 7/07 From 2/ 7/07 - To 2/ 5/10 From 2/ 5/10 - To 2/ 7/11
RAH 14/ 2/99 JUP 10/ 1/02 SAT 3/11/04 MER 27/11/07 KET 27/ 5/10
JUP 8/ 7/99 SAT 12/ 6/02 MER 14/ 4/05 KET 26/ 1/08 VEN 7/ 8/10
SAT 29/12/99 MER 28/10/02 KET 21/ 6/05 VEN 16/ 7/08 SUN 28/ 8/10
MER 2/ 6/00 KET 24/12/02 VEN 1/ 1/06 SUN 7/ 9/08 MON 3/10/10
KET 5/ 8/00 VEN 4/ 6/03 SUN 28/ 2/06 MON 2/12/08 MAR 27/10/10
VEN 5/ 2/01 SUN 22/ 7/03 MON 3/ 6/06 MAR 2/ 2/09 RAH 30/12/10
SUN 29/ 3/01 MON 12/10/03 MAR 9/ 8/06 RAH 5/ 7/09 JUP 26/ 2/11
MON 29/ 6/01 MAR 8/12/03 RAH 30/ 1/07 JUP 21/11/09 SAT 3/ 5/11
MAR 2/ 9/01 RAH 2/ 5/04 JUP 2/ 7/07 SAT 2/ 5/10 MER 2/ 7/11, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 41
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Dasa Balance: KET 5 Y 5 M 4 D || Vimshottari Dasha - Pratyantar || Ayanamsa Name: Lahiri
From 2/ 7/11 - To 20/10/11 From 20/10/11 - To 20/ 4/12 From 20/ 4/12 - To 26/ 8/12 From 26/ 8/12 - To 20/ 7/13 From 20/ 7/13 - To 8/ 5/14
SUN 8/ 7/11 MON 5/11/11 MAR 28/ 4/12 RAH 15/10/12 JUP 29/ 8/13
MON 17/ 7/11 MAR 16/11/11 RAH 16/ 5/12 JUP 28/11/12 SAT 14/10/13
MAR 23/ 7/11 RAH 13/12/11 JUP 3/ 6/12 SAT 19/ 1/13 MER 25/11/13
RAH 9/ 8/11 JUP 7/ 1/12 SAT 23/ 6/12 MER 5/ 3/13 KET 12/12/13
JUP 23/ 8/11 SAT 5/ 2/12 MER 11/ 7/12 KET 24/ 3/13 VEN 30/ 1/14
SAT 11/ 9/11 MER 1/ 3/12 KET 18/ 7/12 VEN 18/ 5/13 SUN 14/ 2/14
MER 26/ 9/11 KET 11/ 3/12 VEN 9/ 8/12 SUN 4/ 6/13 MON 8/ 3/14
KET 2/10/11 VEN 11/ 4/12 SUN 16/ 8/12 MON 1/ 7/13 MAR 25/ 3/14
VEN 20/10/11 SUN 20/ 4/12 MON 26/ 8/12 MAR 20/ 7/13 RAH 8/ 5/14
From 8/ 5/14 - To 20/ 4/15 From 20/ 4/15 - To 26/ 2/16 From 26/ 2/16 - To 2/ 7/16 From 2/ 7/16 - To 2/ 7/17 From 2/ 7/17 - To 2/ 5/18
SAT 2/ 7/14 MER 4/ 6/15 KET 4/ 3/16 VEN 2/ 9/16 MON 27/ 7/17
MER 21/ 8/14 KET 21/ 6/15 VEN 25/ 3/16 SUN 20/ 9/16 MAR 15/ 8/17
KET 11/ 9/14 VEN 12/ 8/15 SUN 1/ 4/16 MON 20/10/16 RAH 30/ 9/17
VEN 8/11/14 SUN 28/ 8/15 MON 11/ 4/16 MAR 11/11/16 JUP 10/11/17
SUN 25/11/14 MON 23/ 9/15 MAR 19/ 4/16 RAH 5/ 1/17 SAT 27/12/17
MON 23/12/14 MAR 11/10/15 RAH 8/ 5/16 JUP 23/ 2/17 MER 10/ 2/18
MAR 13/ 1/15 RAH 27/11/15 JUP 24/ 5/16 SAT 20/ 4/17 KET 27/ 2/18
RAH 5/ 3/15 JUP 8/ 1/16 SAT 14/ 6/16 MER 11/ 6/17 VEN 17/ 4/18
JUP 20/ 4/15 SAT 26/ 2/16 MER 2/ 7/16 KET 2/ 7/17 SUN 2/ 5/18
From 2/ 5/18 - To 2/12/18 From 2/12/18 - To 2/ 6/20 From 2/ 6/20 - To 2/10/21 From 2/10/21 - To 2/ 5/23 From 2/ 5/23 - To 2/10/24
MAR 14/ 5/18 RAH 23/ 2/19 JUP 6/ 8/20 SAT 2/ 1/22 MER 14/ 7/23
RAH 16/ 6/18 JUP 5/ 5/19 SAT 22/10/20 MER 23/ 3/22 KET 14/ 8/23
JUP 14/ 7/18 SAT 1/ 8/19 MER 30/12/20 KET 26/ 4/22 VEN 9/11/23
SAT 17/ 8/18 MER 17/10/19 KET 28/ 1/21 VEN 1/ 8/22 SUN 5/12/23
MER 17/ 9/18 KET 19/11/19 VEN 18/ 4/21 SUN 30/ 8/22 MON 17/ 1/24
KET 29/ 9/18 VEN 19/ 2/20 SUN 12/ 5/21 MON 17/10/22 MAR 17/ 2/24
VEN 4/11/18 SUN 16/ 3/20 MON 22/ 6/21 MAR 21/11/22 RAH 3/ 5/24
SUN 15/11/18 MON 1/ 5/20 MAR 20/ 7/21 RAH 16/ 2/23 JUP 11/ 7/24
MON 2/12/18 MAR 2/ 6/20 RAH 2/10/21 JUP 2/ 5/23 SAT 2/10/24, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 42
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Dasa Balance: KET 5 Y 5 M 4 D || Vimshottari Dasha - Pratyantar || Ayanamsa Name: Lahiri
From 2/ 5/23 - To 2/10/24 From 2/10/24 - To 2/ 5/25 From 2/ 5/25 - To 2/ 1/27 From 2/ 1/27 - To 2/ 7/27 From 2/ 7/27 - To 29/11/27
MER 14/ 7/23 KET 14/10/24 VEN 12/ 8/25 SUN 11/ 1/27 MAR 11/ 7/27
KET 14/ 8/23 VEN 19/11/24 SUN 12/ 9/25 MON 26/ 1/27 RAH 3/ 8/27
VEN 9/11/23 SUN 30/11/24 MON 2/11/25 MAR 7/ 2/27 JUP 22/ 8/27
SUN 5/12/23 MON 17/12/24 MAR 7/12/25 RAH 4/ 3/27 SAT 16/ 9/27
MON 17/ 1/24 MAR 30/12/24 RAH 7/ 3/26 JUP 28/ 3/27 MER 7/10/27
MAR 17/ 2/24 RAH 1/ 2/25 JUP 27/ 5/26 SAT 26/ 4/27 KET 15/10/27
RAH 3/ 5/24 JUP 1/ 3/25 SAT 2/ 9/26 MER 22/ 5/27 VEN 10/11/27
JUP 11/ 7/24 SAT 2/ 4/25 MER 27/11/26 KET 2/ 6/27 SUN 17/11/27
SAT 2/10/24 MER 2/ 5/25 KET 2/ 1/27 VEN 2/ 7/27 MON 29/11/27
From 29/11/27 - To 17/12/28 From 17/12/28 - To 23/11/29 From 23/11/29 - To 2/ 1/31 From 2/ 1/31 - To 29/12/31 From 29/12/31 - To 26/ 5/32
RAH 26/ 1/28 JUP 2/ 2/29 SAT 26/ 1/30 MER 23/ 2/31 KET 8/ 1/32
JUP 16/ 3/28 SAT 25/ 3/29 MER 23/ 3/30 KET 14/ 3/31 VEN 2/ 2/32
SAT 16/ 5/28 MER 13/ 5/29 KET 16/ 4/30 VEN 13/ 5/31 SUN 10/ 2/32
MER 10/ 7/28 KET 2/ 6/29 VEN 23/ 6/30 SUN 1/ 6/31 MON 22/ 2/32
KET 2/ 8/28 VEN 28/ 7/29 SUN 13/ 7/30 MON 1/ 7/31 MAR 2/ 3/32
VEN 5/10/28 SUN 15/ 8/29 MON 16/ 8/30 MAR 22/ 7/31 RAH 22/ 3/32
SUN 24/10/28 MON 13/ 9/29 MAR 9/ 9/30 RAH 15/ 9/31 JUP 12/ 4/32
MON 25/11/28 MAR 3/10/29 RAH 9/11/30 JUP 3/11/31 SAT 5/ 5/32
MAR 17/12/28 RAH 23/11/29 JUP 2/ 1/31 SAT 29/12/31 MER 26/ 5/32
From 26/ 5/32 - To 26/ 7/33 From 26/ 7/33 - To 2/12/33 From 2/12/33 - To 2/ 7/34 From 2/ 7/34 - To 14/ 3/37 From 14/ 3/37 - To 8/ 8/39
VEN 6/ 8/32 SUN 2/ 8/33 MON 20/12/33 RAH 28/11/34 JUP 9/ 7/37
SUN 27/ 8/32 MON 13/ 8/33 MAR 2/ 1/34 JUP 8/ 4/35 SAT 26/11/37
MON 2/10/32 MAR 20/ 8/33 RAH 3/ 2/34 SAT 11/ 9/35 MER 29/ 3/38
MAR 27/10/32 RAH 9/ 9/33 JUP 1/ 3/34 MER 29/ 1/36 KET 19/ 5/38
RAH 30/12/32 JUP 26/ 9/33 SAT 5/ 4/34 KET 26/ 3/36 VEN 13/10/38
JUP 26/ 2/33 SAT 16/10/33 MER 4/ 5/34 VEN 8/ 9/36 SUN 26/11/38
SAT 2/ 5/33 MER 4/11/33 KET 17/ 5/34 SUN 26/10/36 MON 8/ 2/39
MER 2/ 7/33 KET 11/11/33 VEN 22/ 6/34 MON 17/ 1/37 MAR 29/ 3/39
KET 26/ 7/33 VEN 2/12/33 SUN 2/ 7/34 MAR 14/ 3/37 RAH 8/ 8/39, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 43
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Dasa Balance: KET 5 Y 5 M 4 D || Vimshottari Dasha - Pratyantar || Ayanamsa Name: Lahiri
From 14/ 6/42 - To 2/ 1/45 From 2/ 1/45 - To 20/ 1/46 From 20/ 1/46 - To 20/ 1/49 From 20/ 1/49 - To 14/12/49 From 14/12/49 - To 14/ 6/51
MER 24/10/42 KET 24/ 1/45 VEN 20/ 7/46 SUN 6/ 2/49 MON 29/ 1/50
KET 18/12/42 VEN 27/ 3/45 SUN 14/ 9/46 MON 3/ 3/49 MAR 1/ 3/50
VEN 21/ 5/43 SUN 16/ 4/45 MON 14/12/46 MAR 22/ 3/49 RAH 22/ 5/50
SUN 7/ 7/43 MON 18/ 5/45 MAR 17/ 2/47 RAH 11/ 5/49 JUP 4/ 8/50
MON 23/ 9/43 MAR 10/ 6/45 RAH 29/ 7/47 JUP 24/ 6/49 SAT 29/10/50
MAR 17/11/43 RAH 6/ 8/45 JUP 23/12/47 SAT 15/ 8/49 MER 16/ 1/51
RAH 4/ 4/44 JUP 27/ 9/45 SAT 14/ 6/48 MER 1/10/49 KET 17/ 2/51
JUP 7/ 8/44 SAT 27/11/45 MER 17/11/48 KET 20/10/49 VEN 17/ 5/51
SAT 2/ 1/45 MER 20/ 1/46 KET 20/ 1/49 VEN 14/12/49 SUN 14/ 6/51
From 14/ 6/51 - To 2/ 7/52 From 2/ 7/52 - To 20/ 8/54 From 20/ 8/54 - To 2/ 3/57 From 2/ 3/57 - To 8/ 6/59 From 8/ 6/59 - To 14/ 5/60
MAR 6/ 7/51 JUP 15/10/52 SAT 15/ 1/55 MER 28/ 6/57 KET 28/ 6/59
RAH 3/ 9/51 SAT 16/ 2/53 MER 24/ 5/55 KET 15/ 8/57 VEN 24/ 8/59
JUP 23/10/51 MER 5/ 6/53 KET 17/ 7/55 VEN 1/ 1/58 SUN 11/ 9/59
SAT 23/12/51 KET 20/ 7/53 VEN 19/12/55 SUN 12/ 2/58 MON 9/10/59
MER 17/ 2/52 VEN 28/11/53 SUN 5/ 2/56 MON 20/ 4/58 MAR 28/10/59
KET 9/ 3/52 SUN 6/ 1/54 MON 21/ 4/56 MAR 8/ 6/58 RAH 19/12/59
VEN 12/ 5/52 MON 10/ 3/54 MAR 14/ 6/56 RAH 10/10/58 JUP 3/ 2/60
SUN 1/ 6/52 MAR 25/ 4/54 RAH 1/11/56 JUP 29/ 1/59 SAT 27/ 3/60
MON 2/ 7/52 RAH 20/ 8/54 JUP 2/ 3/57 SAT 8/ 6/59 MER 14/ 5/60
From 14/ 5/60 - To 14/ 1/63 From 14/ 1/63 - To 2/11/63 From 2/11/63 - To 2/ 3/65 From 2/ 3/65 - To 8/ 2/66 From 8/ 2/66 - To 2/ 7/68
VEN 24/10/60 SUN 29/ 1/63 MON 12/12/63 MAR 22/ 3/65 RAH 18/ 6/66
SUN 12/12/60 MON 23/ 2/63 MAR 10/ 1/64 RAH 12/ 5/65 JUP 13/10/66
MON 2/ 3/61 MAR 9/ 3/63 RAH 22/ 3/64 JUP 27/ 6/65 SAT 2/ 3/67
MAR 28/ 4/61 RAH 23/ 4/63 JUP 26/ 5/64 SAT 20/ 8/65 MER 2/ 7/67
RAH 22/ 9/61 JUP 1/ 6/63 SAT 12/ 8/64 MER 8/10/65 KET 23/ 8/67
JUP 30/ 1/62 SAT 17/ 7/63 MER 20/10/64 KET 27/10/65 VEN 17/ 1/68
SAT 2/ 7/62 MER 27/ 8/63 KET 18/11/64 VEN 23/12/65 SUN 2/ 3/68
MER 18/11/62 KET 14/ 9/63 VEN 8/ 2/65 SUN 10/ 1/66 MON 12/ 5/68
KET 14/ 1/63 VEN 2/11/63 SUN 2/ 3/65 MON 8/ 2/66 MAR 2/ 7/68, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 44
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|| Friendship Table ||
Permanent Friendship
SUN --- Friend Friend Neutral Friend Enemy Enemy
MOON Friend --- Neutral Friend Neutral Neutral Neutral
MARS Friend Friend --- Enemy Friend Neutral Neutral
MERC Friend Enemy Neutral --- Neutral Friend Neutral
JUPT Friend Friend Friend Enemy --- Enemy Neutral
VENU Enemy Enemy Neutral Friend Neutral --- Friend
SATN Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend Neutral Friend ---
Temporal Friendship
SUN --- Enemy Friend Enemy Friend Enemy Friend
MOON Enemy --- Friend Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend
MARS Friend Friend --- Friend Friend Friend Enemy
MERC Enemy Enemy Friend --- Friend Enemy Friend
JUPT Friend Enemy Friend Friend --- Friend Friend
VENU Enemy Enemy Friend Enemy Friend --- Friend
SATN Friend Friend Enemy Friend Friend Friend ---
Five-fold Friendship
SUN --- Neutral Intimat Enemy Intimat Bitter Neutral
MOON Neutral --- Friend Neutral Enemy Enemy Friend
MARS Intimat Intimat --- Neutral Intimat Friend Enemy
MERC Neutral Bitter Friend --- Friend Neutral Friend
JUPT Intimat Neutral Intimat Neutral --- Neutral Friend
VENU Bitter Bitter Friend Neutral Friend --- Intimat
SATN Neutral Neutral Bitter Intimat Friend Intimat ---, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 45
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ShadBala Table
BhavBala Table
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Bhavadhipati Bala 222.51 454.82 364.13 393.49 403.98 352.22 352.22 403.98 393.49 364.13 454.82 471.18
Bhavdig Bala 30 50 40 30 20 20 0 20 50 60 40 20
Bhavdrishti Bala 91.72 57.96 74.31 19.18 3.83 -4.9 -21.16 20.22 71.71 41.37 27.36 68.32
Total Bhav Bala 344.23 562.77 478.45 442.67 427.81 367.32 331.06 444.2 515.2 465.51 522.17 559.5
Total Bhav In Rupas 5.74 9.38 7.97 7.38 7.13 6.12 5.52 7.4 8.59 7.76 8.7 9.32
Relative Rank 11 1 5 8 9 10 12 7 4 6 3 2, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 46
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|| Ashtakvarga Table ||
Rashi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
SUN 1 5 7 6 3 4 5 5 5 3 3 1
MOON 4 5 3 4 5 4 5 4 2 6 2 5
MARS 0 5 7 2 4 2 3 6 3 3 2 2
MERC 1 7 6 3 4 8 1 7 5 5 3 4
JUPI 6 5 5 1 4 7 4 6 4 4 7 3
VENU 4 2 5 3 5 7 5 6 4 3 2 6
SATU 3 1 5 2 4 3 5 4 3 6 1 2
Total 19 30 38 21 29 35 28 38 26 30 20 23
Ashtakvarga Chart:
35 21
6 4
28 7 3 38
38 8 2 30
26 9 1 19
10 12
30 23, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:11 PM, Page No. 47
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|| Prastharashtakvarga Tables ||
Sun Moon
Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT
Su 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 8 Su 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 6
Mo 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 4 Mo 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 6
Ma 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 8 Ma 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 7
Me 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 7 Me 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 8
Ju 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 4 Ju 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 7
Ve 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 Ve 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 7
Sa 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 8 Sa 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 4
As 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 6 As 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 4
Total 1 5 7 6 3 4 5 5 5 3 3 1 Total 4 5 3 4 5 4 5 4 2 6 2 5
Mars Mercury
Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT
Su 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 5 Su 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 5
Mo 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 Mo 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 6
Ma 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 7 Ma 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 8
Me 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4 Me 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 8
Ju 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 4 Ju 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 4
Ve 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 4 Ve 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 8
Sa 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 7 Sa 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 8
As 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 5 As 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 7
Total 0 5 7 2 4 2 3 6 3 3 2 2 Total 1 7 6 3 4 8 1 7 5 5 3 4
Jupiter Venus
Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT
Su 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 9 Su 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 3
Mo 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 5 Mo 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 9
Ma 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 7 Ma 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 6
Me 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 8 Me 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 5
Ju 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 8 Ju 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 5
Ve 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 6 Ve 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 9
Sa 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 4 Sa 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 7
As 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 9 As 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 8
Total 6 5 5 1 4 7 4 6 4 4 7 3 Total 4 2 5 3 5 7 5 6 4 3 2 6
Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT
We wants to make it clear that we put our best efforts in providing this report but any prediction
Su 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 7
that you receive from us is not to be considered as a substitute for advice, program, or treatment
Mo 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 that you would normally receive from a licensed professional such as a lawyer, doctor,
Ma 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 6 psychiatrist, or financial adviser. Although we try our best to give you accurate calculations, we
do not rule out the possibility of errors. The report are provided as-is and we provides no
Me 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 6
guarantees, implied warranties, or assurances of any kind, and will not be responsible for any
Ju 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 4
interpretation made or use by the recipient of the information and data mentioned above. If you
Ve 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 are not comfortable with this information, please do not use it. In case any disputes the court of
As 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 6
Total 3 1 5 2 4 3 5 4 3 6 1 2, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/22/2015 2:59:12
2:59:11 PM, Page No. 48