Visualizing Baseball 1st Edition Jim Albert 2024 Scribd Download
Visualizing Baseball 1st Edition Jim Albert 2024 Scribd Download
Visualizing Baseball 1st Edition Jim Albert 2024 Scribd Download
From Soil Contamination to Land Restoration 1st Edition
Claudio Bini
Routledge Handbook on the Modern Maghrib 1st Edition
George Joffé
ASA-CRC Series on
Nicholas Fisher, University of Sydney, Australia
Nicholas Horton, Amherst College, MA, USA
Deborah Nolan, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Regina Nuzzo, Gallaudet University, Washington, DC, USA
David J Spiegelhalter, University of Cambridge, UK
Visualizing Baseball
Jim Albert
Errors, Blunders, and Lies: How to Tell the Difference
David S. Salsburg
V Taylor&FrancisGroup
Boca Raton london New York
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vi Contents
Bibliography 137
Index 139
Availability of Data
Baseball is remarkable for its extensive collection of data, much
of which is publicly available. Sean Lahman currently maintains
season-to-season statistics for players, teams, managers, and post-
season results and this data is available as a free download from Retrosheet was founded in 1989 for the purpose
of computerizing baseball game accounts. Currently box score data
and play-by-play data is available for a large number of recent sea-
sons from Much of the Retrosheet data is avail-
able on Baseball-Reference, one of the most comprehensive col-
lection of baseball data. Data on pitches has been collected from
viii Preface
the PitchFX system since the 2006 season and is easily accessi-
ble through the PitchRX package in R written by Carson Sievert.
This system includes data on each pitch such as pitch speed and
movement, location, and batting outcome. Most recently, the Stat-
Cast system, introduced in the 2015 season, collects data on player
movements and batted balls including exit velocity, launch angle,
and direction. This data is not generally publicly accessible, but
summaries of StatCast data are available through web sites such
as FanGraphs and Baseball Savant.
edge of its exit velocity and launch angle. The FanGraphs site uses
this new data to create a “plate discipline” collection of measures
and Chapter 7 illustrates how swing and contact rates provide in-
sight on strikeout and walk rates.
Outcomes of baseball games, baseball seasons, and individual
season performances are uncertain and it is natural to use the
language of probability to better understand the likelihoods of dif-
ferent outcomes. Chapter 8 uses a graph to explain how the prob-
ability of winning a game changes during the innings and how
dramatic plays such as home runs can have a large impact on the
probability of winning. Similarly, graphs are used in this chapter
to explain the nature of baseball competition. A statistical model
is used to describe baseball competition and simulations from the
model allow one to relate team abilities with team performances
such as winning the World Series. Graphs are also used to show
how one can predict a player’s final season batting average on the
basis of his average after two months of the season.
Baseball fans are familiar with the current great players such
as Mike Trout and Clayton Kershaw who have great season statis-
tics. But more subtle batting and pitching performances are not as
well understand, such as the tendency for a player to be streaky or
consistently make clutch performances. Chapter 9 illustrates the
use of graphs to show streaky hitting. It can be difficult to dis-
tinguish streaky and clutch performances from those performances
from “random” data, and special graphs are helpful for detecting
unusual streaky and clutch behavior.
Intended Audience
This book was written for several types of readers. Many baseball
fans should be interested in the topics of the chapters, especially
those who are interested in the quantitative side of baseball. Many
statistical ideas are illustrated in the book and so the graphs and
accompanying insights may help to promote statistical literacy.
From a practitioner’s perspective, the chapters offer many illus-
trations of the use of a modern statistical graphics system, and
the reader is encouraged to reproduce and hopefully improve the
graphs in this book.
I am appreciative of my editor John Kimmel for his continuous
support during the writing of this book. The comments of the
reviewers were very helpful. Much of the writing was completed
during a Faculty Improvement Leave at Bowling Green State Uni-
versity. Last, but certainly not least, I thank my wife Anne for her
understanding and great patience during the book’s completion.
History of Baseball
Professional baseball in the United States has a long history, as
both the American and National Leagues have played since the
1901 season. Baseball from the beginning collected statistics, so
most of the basic statistics such as counts of at-bats, hits, runs,
home runs, strikeouts, and walks are available for all players since
1901. In this chapter graphs are used to explore patterns of rates
of these basic statistics over time – these patterns help us learn
about the history of baseball. The first part of this chapter focuses
on team offensive statistics such as the number of runs or home runs
hit by a team in a baseball game. Baseball is a competition between
the offensive team and defense team and these plots show that the
balance of this competition has drifted between the offense and
the defense over baseball history. For example, we will learn that
strikeouts per game are currently at an all-time high suggesting
that pitchers currently have an advantage in modern baseball.
Since there is much interest in leaders in different statistical cat-
egories, the second part of the chapter focuses on the patterns of
the leaders for different baseball measures. Graphs will be used to
look at the leading batting averages, home runs, and on-base per-
centages. By focusing on the unusually high leading performances,
one is introduced to some of the greatest players in baseball history.
2 History of Baseball
Runs Scored
A baseball team wins a game by scoring more runs than its oppo-
nent. One interesting aspect of baseball from a historical perspec-
tive is that the basic rules have not changed. A game is divided into
nine innings, where each team has the opportunity to score runs.
In a half-inning, players come to bat according to a prescribed bat-
ting lineup, and batters continue to come up until three outs are
Since runs are such a fundamental component of baseball, a
good place to start is to explore the history of scoring runs. Figure
1.1 displays a time series plot of the average number of runs scored
by a team in a game for each season from 1901 through 2015. The
blue line is a smoothing curve that helps one see the basic patterns
of growth and decline of run scoring.
Babe Steroids
Runs per Team per Game
Generally, one sees from the graph that teams tend to average
between 3.5 and 5.5 runs a game, but there are dramatic changes in
run scoring over the history of baseball. Labels are used to highlight
four seasons 1908, 1930, 1968, and 2000 that were unusual with
respect to run scoring.
Home Runs
One of the dramatic ways of scoring runs is through home runs.
Figure 1.2 displays a graph of the average number of home runs
per team per game over the history of Major League Baseball.
Although home runs directly produce runs, by comparing Figure
1.1 and 1.2, one sees that the historical pattern of home run hitting
differs from the general historical pattern of scoring runs.
• Generally, there was a general growth in home run hitting
over the period from 1901 through 2017.
• Looking closer, we see three time intervals when there was
steady growth in home run hitting 1905–1940, 1945–1962,
and 1975–2000. Also we notice two intervals when there was
a decrease in home run hitting 1962–1975, and 2000–2015.
• The three periods of home run increase can be identified with
great home run players. The growth of home runs in the 1920s
and 1930s can be connected with the great hitter Babe Ruth.
To illustrate the dominance of “The Great Bambino,” during
1920 Ruth hit 54 out of a total of 630 home runs hit during
that season.
The growth in home run hitting between 1945 and 1962
peaked with great seasons of the home run hitters Mickey
Mantle and Roger Maris. During the 1961 season, Mantle
and Maris had a great dual to break Ruth’s single-season
record of 60 home runs. Maris did break Ruth’s record with
61 home runs, a record that lasted for 36 seasons, but this
record was believed not to be legitimate by the baseball com-
missioner since he played more games in the 1961 season than
Team Statistics 5
Home Runs per Team per Game
Speed in Baseball
Speed and quickness play an important role in baseball. A batter
can get an infield hit on a groundball by running to first base
quickly before a throw to first base. A fielder may need to react
quickly to a ball hit to his area of the field and run a long distance
to catch the ball.
Some measures of baseball performance directly relate to player
speed. A triple is a base hit where the hitter reaches third base.
Typically a triple is achieved by a player who has sufficient speed
to reach three bases before the ball is returned to the infield. A
stolen base is recorded when a runner advances to an extra base
to which he is not entitled. Although the pitcher and the catcher
contribute to the success of a stolen base attempt, the speed of the
baserunner plays an important role.
Triples and stolen bases are exciting aspects of baseball, so it
is of interest to explore how the occurrence of these “speed events”
have changed over the history of baseball.
Figure 1.3 plots the average number of triples hit by a team in a
game against year for seasons 1901 through 2015.
This figure clearly shows a steady decrease in the rate of triples
over time. In the early years of baseball, teams would average 0.5
triples a game which means fans would see, on average, one triple a
game. There was a dramatic decrease in the triple rate from 1925
to 1970, followed by a slight increase in the 1970s, followed by
a gradual decline until the current season. Currently, the average
number of triples per team per game is only about 0.17. Seeing a
triple in a modern baseball game seems to be a rare event.
What are possible explanations for the decline in triples? In
the Dead-Ball era, ballparks were more spacious than the modern
ballparks, making it easier for a triple. Modern players do possess
the speed to reach three bases quickly, but the dimensions of the
modern ballpark may limit the triple opportunities. One contribut-
ing factor is defense – the modern outfielders may be more efficient
in returning the ball to the infield. Also, a runner reaching second
base is about as likely to score on a single as a runner on third
base, so perhaps an attempt to reach third base for a triple is not
considered a good strategy.
Stolen Bases
Another speed event in baseball is the stolen base. Figure 1.4 dis-
plays a historical view of the average number of stolen bases for a
Team Statistics 7
Triples per Team per Game
team per game. During the Dead-Ball era, stolen bases were pretty
frequent, averaging over a stolen base per team per game. As home
runs became more prevalent, the rate of stolen bases plummeted,
reaching a low value of 0.2 during the 1950 season. From 1950 until
the early 1990s, the rate of stolen bases increased steadily to 0.75
per team per game. Since the early 1990s, the stolen base rates
has shown a modest decrease and leveled off in recent seasons. It
should be mentioned that there is much variation in stolen bases
in modern baseball – in the 2016 season, Milwaukee had a total of
181 stolen bases compared with only 19 for Baltimore.
Why aren’t stolen bases more common in baseball? First, being
successful in stealing bases requires speed and training, and there
are a relatively small number of players who frequently attempt to
steal bases. Second, a stolen base attempt is a risky play and teams
8 History of Baseball
may decide not to attempt to steal due to this risk. Last, a team
may decide on a strategy of scoring runs primarily on base hits,
and stolen bases don’t play an important role in this strategy. The
current variation in team counts of stolen bases (remember the
comment about Milwaukee and Baltimore) indicates that teams
have different opinions on the value of stolen bases in producing
Strikeouts per Team per Game
Walks per Team per Game
The first set of graphs give one a general understanding how run
scoring, home runs, and speed statistics have changed over the his-
tory of baseball. But these graphs don’t highlight accomplishments
of individual players; baseball fans are fascinated with the players
listed on “leaderboards”. Here we look at some popular measures of
hitting performance and see how the leading measure has changed
over the history of baseball. These leader graphs will highlight some
of the greatest hitters in baseball history.
Batting Average
The MLB batting champion for a particular season is the player
with the highest batting average, where a batting average is defined
by the number of hits divided by the number of at-bats:
AV G =
Figure 1.6 plots the AVG of the batting champion for all seasons
from 1901 through 2015. Special high batting averages are labeled
with the player’s last name. Looking at the smoothing curve, we
see some interesting patterns:
• The leading batting average showed a general increase until
the 1925 season.
• In the next 43 seasons between 1925 and 1968, there was a
steady decrease in the leading batting average.
• From the mid-1960s until the 2000 season, there was a grad-
ual increase in the leading average, and the average has dis-
played a steady decrease until the 2015 season.
Leaders 11
After thinking about the general pattern, one looks for inter-
esting deviations from the pattern. In the early years of baseball
(seasons 1901 through 1925), a batting average of 0.400 or higher
was relatively common. Looking at Figure 1.6, one sees 10 leading
averages over 0.400. The most recent average at this level, labeled
by “Williams” in Figure 1.6, was Ted Williams’ 0.406 average in
the 1941 season. The figure also labels the four leading batting
averages exceeding 0.350 since the 1950 season:
• Ted Williams 0.388 average in 1941
• Rod Carew’s 0.388 average in 1977
Most baseball experts conclude that we will never see a 0.400 bat-
ting average again in Major League Baseball. Gould (2011) argues
that the reason for the disappearance of the 0.400 average is that
the variability of batting averages has decreased over time, and it is
more difficult for a player to obtain an average that is substantially
different from a typical average.
Home Runs
The home run king in a season is the player with the most home
runs. Figure 1.7 displays the history of the leading number of home
runs with some great leading home run numbers labeled. Looking
at the pattern of the smoother, we note the following:
Ruth McGwire
60 Foxx
Ruth Greenberg
Ruth Wilson
On-Base Percentage
A batting average is one indicator of a player’s success in hit-
ting. But a batting average, by definition, ignores outcomes such
as walks and hit-by-pitches that allow a batter to reach first base.
A better measure of a player’s ability to get on base is the on-base
H + BB + HBP
OBP = .
AB + BB + HBP + SF
This particular hitting statistic was made popular in the book
Moneyball by Lewis (2004) that was later made into a movie. Dur-
ing the 2002 season, the OBP was an underappreciated measure
and the Oakland general manager could cheaply sign players who
had the talent to get on base. Figure 1.8 gives a historical view
of the leading on-base percentage. One sees that the leading OBP
was small during the Dead-Ball era and rose until the 1925 season.
Then the OBP value dipped a bit and had a dramatic drop during
the 1960s. From 1968 until 2000, there was a steady increase in the
leading OBP and the value has dropped steadily in recent seasons.
Figure 1.8 labels the leading OBP values exceeding 0.500. There
14 History of Baseball
0.60 Bonds
0.55 Ruth
Ruth Bonds
Williams Bonds
0.50 Ruth
This chapter has demonstrated that although baseball has been
playing by the same basic rules for over 100 years, the patterns
of different types of batting events has shown big changes over
baseball history. Generally, home run hitting and strikeouts have
increased over time, while the rates of other events such as triples
have decreased substantially from the 1900 season to the current
day. Also our historical exploration of leaders for specific measures
has helped in identifying some of the greatest hitters in baseball
One implication of these changes is that one cannot judge the
greatness of a particular batting measure just by looking at its
value. For example, due to the changes in the average batting av-
erage over time, it is difficult to evaluate a player’s hitting perfor-
mance by simply looking at his batting average. A leading batting
average of 0.400 would be remarkable in modern baseball, but 0.400
hitters were relatively common in the 1920s. So any player’s per-
formance should be evaluated in the context of the seasons when
he played. This advice is especially important when players from
different eras are under consideration for admission to the baseball
Hall of Fame. When players are compared, one needs to adjust any
career hitting measures for the era in which they played. Other-
wise a player might get into the Hall of Fame not because they
were great but because they happened to play during an era when
pitching or batting were dominant.
Career Trajectories
Chapter 1 illustrated the changes of baseball team performance
over the history of baseball, but interesting patterns in perfor-
mance exist over time when viewed at the individual level. Gener-
ally a professional athlete enters the professional ranks at a modest
level, increases his or her level of performance until a peak level is
reached, and then decreases in performance until retirement. When
some measure of performance is graphed against age, this graphical
display is called the career trajectory of the athlete. Although the
general “rise, hit a peak, and then fall” career trajectory pattern
happens in all sports, the characteristics of this pattern can vary.
For example, some athletes may peak at a younger or older age,
and the rise and fall from peak performance can occur at different
In this chapter, career trajectory patterns in baseball are ex-
plored. By looking at some representative graphs of some famous
players, one gains a general understanding of trajectory patterns in
baseball. By viewing these graphs, one learns much more about the
season-to-season accomplishments of a player than the cumulative
statistics typically used to summarize a player’s career.
18 Career Trajectories
Home Runs
20 25 30 35 40
• •
• ••
Home Runs
40 •• • Constant
• • • • •• • • •• •• • • •• • ••••••• • Actual
•• • ••
20 25 30 35 40
Home Runs
20 25 30 35 40
From the graph in Figure 2.3, one sees that Bonds’ home run
count generally shows a gradual increase from age 21 through 36
and then has a more rapid decline until his retirement age of 42.
The smoothing curve indicates that Bonds generally peaked in
home run performance at age 36. There is one notable exception to
the general pattern – Bonds’ unusually large 73 home runs at age
36 currently (in year 2016) is the most home runs hit by a Major
League player in a single season.
of the leaders of the New York Yankees when they were winning
a number of World Series in the 1950s and 1960s. Using similarity
scores, three players with similar batting statistics to Mantle were
Frank Thomas (great player for the White Sox from 1990 to 2008),
Eddie Matthews (third baseman for the Braves between 1952 and
1968), and Mike Schmidt (great Phillies third baseman who played
between 1972 and 1989).
Figure 2.4 displays career trajectories of Mantle, Thomas,
Matthews, and Schmidt using the oW AR statistic. One sees from
20 25 30 35 40 20 25 30 35 40
this figure that Mantle matured rapidly and appears to peak about
age 25 and then generally declined in performance until his retire-
ment at age 36. Frank Thomas had a similar trajectory, peaking
about age 26, but his performance at his peak is noticeably smaller
than Mantle’s. Both Matthews and Schmidt had longer periods of
Comparing Career Trajectories of Hitters 23
20 25 30 35 40 20 25 30 35 40
The stream was up to her waist as she sat down, but she was
wetter than this, for she was splashed up to her shoulders, and as
she held up the black dress of Clarissa, to see if it needed further
scrubbing, water ran from the garment down her freckled face.
“Tess Kenway! What in the world are you doing?” demanded
Ruth. “Come right out of there this instant!”
“All right,” said Tess calmly. “I guess Clarissa’s dress is clean,
“Why did you do it? Why are you sitting there?” went on Ruth, for
Tess had not yet arisen.
“Did you fall in?” Agnes wanted to know.
“Yes, I did,” answered Tess slowly. “And when I was wet I thought
I might as well stay in and be wetter and wash Clarissa’s dress. It
was easier out here, and I found a rock just like a washboard.”
“Oh, you terrible child!” scolded Agnes. “You have frightened us
all! How did it happen? If it hadn’t been for Dot’s calling that you
had fallen in, we might never have known it.”
“Pooh! I was going to tell you, anyhow, so there!” said Tess.
“Yes, but when?” asked Ruth. “Why did you leave Dot?”
“Oh, she wouldn’t wash her Alice-doll’s dress, and I wanted to
wash mine,” explained Tess. “So I came down here.”
“And left Dot alone? That wasn’t kind,” commented Ruth. “She
heard you fall in.”
“She couldn’t have.”
“Yes, I did, too,” declared Dot, for she had been brought along by
Nalbro and Agnes to the scene of the immersion. “I heard you
“Pooh! That wasn’t me; that was a rock,” laughed Tess, shaking
her wet hair out of her eyes while Ruth endeavored to wring some
water from her skirts. “I was leaning over a rock to wash Clarissa’s
dress,” she proceeded, “and the rock splashed in. I guess that’s what
you heard,” she said to Dot, “because I didn’t make any noise—that
is, not much—when I slipped in.”
“Then you did fall in?” asked Agnes.
“Yes, I fell in,” admitted Tess. “But that was after the rock
splashed, and Dot couldn’t have heard me. I slipped in and got my
feet wet and it felt so nice—and I was wet anyhow—that I waded
out and sat down. You ought to see that rock! It’s all ribs and
crinkles like a regular washboard. If you could take it home, I’ll show
you where it is!”
She tried to pull away from Ruth as if with the intention of wading
out into the stream again, but her sister held her back.
“No, none of that any more!” decided Ruth.
“Oh, but you’re a sight!” giggled Agnes.
“Pooh! Let ’em dry on me,” suggested Tess indifferently. “I’ve
been wet before, lots of times. If you had been here I could have
taken Alice-doll’s dress out and washed it,” she said to Dot.
“I wouldn’t have her dress washed. It’s clean now. And you can’t
tell whether your doll’s old black dress is clean or not.”
“Oh, it’s clean,” declared Tess. “I sozzled it in the water a lot of
times and I rubbed it on the washboard rock.”
“Well, you’ve given us all something of a fright,” sighed Ruth.
“Though I don’t suppose you meant it. Dear me! we haven’t
anything dry to put on you, though I suppose we might go to some
“I’ll run her back in the car and let Mrs. MacCall look after her,”
offered Neale. “I’ve got to get gasoline, anyhow.”
“All right,” agreed Ruth, and so Tess had the advantage of getting
an extra ride, and all by herself, in the machine with Neale.
“Honestly, it was comical,” said Agnes, telling some of her girl
friends about it afterward. “In her wet, bedraggled clothes, Tess sat
on the rear seat, as prim and stiff as some old-fashioned lady, and
she seemed to be pretending that she was some millionaire’s wife
out in her auto taking the air.”
This was just Tess—a queer little body if ever there was one.
“Oh, ye puir bairn!” cried Mrs. MacCall, when she saw Tess. “An’
are ye the only one saved?”
“Gracious, you don’t think all the rest are drowned, do you?”
laughed Neale.
“I was fearin’ that,” murmured the housekeeper. “I was fearin’.”
Tess was soon clothed again in dry garments and she went back
to the picnic ground with Neale after he had stopped at the service
station to have the gas tank filled.
The day was nearly over—and a glorious one it had been in spite
of the accident to Tess—and soon the jolly little party was on the
way home, all managing to crowd into the one automobile.
“Oh, I am having such a wonderful time!” sighed Nalbro that
evening on the porch, when the boys had come over for a little talk.
“It was darling of you girls to ask me down.”
“We are glad you are enjoying it,” said Ruth. “And we hope you
can stay a long time.”
“If it weren’t for getting ready to go to boarding school—which
means having a lot more frocks made,” murmured the Boston girl
—“I could stay longer.”
“I wish our dressmaker was up to ‘frocks,’ don’t you, Ruth?”
Agnes asked, with a half envious sigh. “But poor Miss Titus, though
she does have a sign reading ‘Modes,’ has never risen above a gown
—and she used to call everything a dress.”
“Sickening—that’s what I call it,” grunted Neale. “What say you,
“Oh, you boys make me tired!” declared Agnes. “You’re fussier
over one necktie than we are over two dresses! Aren’t they, Nally?”
“I should say so!”
And so the merry quips were exchanged.
“Speaking of water,” remarked Luke, as he came out with a glass
which Ruth had requested him to get, “are you girls going to do
anything about those strange men?”
“What can we do?” demanded Ruth. “We don’t know who they
are, and we aren’t even certain that they did anything more than
make a mistake.”
“It might have been a mistake, getting into your cellar once,”
commented Neale. “But when the same men have been seen
hanging around the Corner House—well, it’s time something was
done, in my opinion.”
“What would you do?” inquired Ruth. “I have thought of speaking
to Mr. Howbridge about it.”
“Let me mention it to the police,” offered Neale. “I know the chief
and all the officers who have this beat—there are different ones on
different nights. I’ll tell them to keep their eyes open for suspicious
“I wish you would,” said Ruth. “And I’ll also speak to Mr.
Howbridge about it.”
“If you girls are nervous,” said Luke, speaking particularly for the
benefit of Ruth, “I can leave Neale and come over to stay here to-
“What? With me on the job? Boy, you are insulting!” cried Hal, in
mock heroics. “Why, I’ll defy any twain of alleged water inspectors
that ever misread a meter!”
“Oh, we’re not a bit afraid,” said Ruth.
“We have Uncle Rufus and Linda, to say nothing of Mrs. MacCall,”
added Agnes.
“Well, you can always get Neale and me on the telephone,”
suggested Luke, with a laugh.
“And by the time you got over here we’d be kidnaped!” declared
Agnes. “No, we’ll depend on Uncle Rufus.”
However, there was no need for any dependence, for nothing
untoward happened that night.
For the next evening a little affair had been planned, to which
some guests Nalbro Hastings had not yet met were invited. Ruth and
Agnes were busy arranging the details of this, and planning with
Mrs. MacCall what the refreshments should be, when Tess came in
looking somewhat warm and excited.
“What have you been doing, dear?” asked Ruth, smoothing her
“Oh, Dot and I just now gave Uncle Rufus a shower,” explained
“A shower?” Ruth cried.
“You mean you have been giving one of your dolls a bridal-
engagement shower, and you let Uncle Rufus in on some of the
things?” questioned Agnes. “It was kind of you, but——”
“No, we gave him a regular shower. Like a showerbath, you
“You what?” gasped Ruth.
“That’s it. Yes, a shower. Dot’s doing it now. I got tired. It’s lots of
fun! Oh, she wet him good that time! Look!”
She pointed out of the window.
What Ruth and Agnes saw was this. Stretched over the lawn was
a hose that had been used for sprinkling the grass. Uncle Rufus,
having finished wetting down the dry places, had laid the nozzle end
of the hose down, with the water still running, and had walked back
to the faucet to shut it off.
But as Ruth and Agnes watched, Dot picked up the nozzle end of
the hose, with the water still spurting from it, and directed it toward
the old colored man, spraying him well.
“Heah, yo’ li’l missie! Stop that!” cried Uncle Rufus.
“Ho! Ho!” Dot laughed, as she continued to spray Uncle Rufus.
Then he made a dash for her, at which sign of danger she
dropped the nozzle and ran away, whereat Uncle Rufus resumed his
shuffle toward the faucet, perhaps a hundred feet away.
But no sooner was his back turned than Dot again made a rush
for the nozzle, again spraying Uncle Rufus.
He shouted and shook his finger at her, but Dot only laughed the
more and doused him well. But as soon as he started to run toward
her she dropped the hose and ran in her turn.
“That’s what I was doing, but I got tired,” explained Tess. “Oh, we
gave Uncle Rufus a fine shower!”
Ruth and Agnes looked at each other. Then Ruth, shaking Tess
rather severely by one arm, exclaimed:
“You naughty girls! The idea of wetting poor, old Uncle Rufus! You
must be punished for this, Tess. Agnes, go and get Dot and bring
her here.”
When Dot saw Agnes coming out, the mother of the Alice-doll
beat a hasty retreat, not quite fast enough, though, for she was
caught as she ran across the lawn and stumbled.
“What’s the matter?” demanded Dot. “I wasn’t doing it all.”
“Ruth will attend to you,” remarked Agnes, in her sternest voice.
“You and Tess are going to be punished.”
And punished they were, though Tess protested, with tears, that
Uncle Rufus had on his oldest clothes that he wore when he weeded
the garden in the rain, adding that he did not mind being wet.
Really, he did not seem to, though, as a matter of fact, he was
pretty well soaked. For when the two little girls had been sent up to
bed, to have the shades pulled down, without a toy to play with, not
even the Alice-doll, and no picture books to look at or stories to
read, it was Uncle Rufus who interceded for them and begged them
“Look heah, Missie Ruth,” he humbly pleaded when he had on dry
garments, “dem young uns didn’t mean no harm, nohow. An’—ha!
ha!—I doan mind de wettin’!”
“I know, Uncle Rufus,” answered Ruth, with a smile. “It is very
good of you to forgive them and to try to get them off, but they did
wrong and they must be punished. If I don’t do something to them
they will act worse the next time.”
“Yes’m, Missie Ruth, I knows dat, but I done guess dey has been
punished nuff!”
He looked so eager and had such a pleading, loving look on his
honest, wrinkled black face, that Ruth could not resist him. She
knew how he loved Tess and Dot.
“Very well,” Ruth finally said, “I’ll let them stay in bed half an hour
longer, and then you may go up and tell them that you forgive them,
Uncle Rufus, and that they may come down just before supper.”
That was perhaps the shortest half hour ever registered on the
clock of the Corner House, for it could not have been more than ten
minutes after Ruth had remitted the punishment that Uncle Rufus
went up to the girls’ room and timidly knocked on the door.
“We can’t come out,” said Tess meekly, in what she doubtless
intended to be a martyr’s voice. “You’d better go away!”
Uncle Rufus gave one of his inimitable chuckles.
“Oh!” gasped Dot.
“Oh!” gasped Tess.
“Yo’-all kin come down now,” announced Uncle Rufus.
“Did Ruth say so?” asked Tess.
“Yes’m, she done say dat!” declared Uncle Rufus. “Miss Ruth say
she done mitigate yo’ punishment, whateber dat means, an’ I wants
to say dat I forgibs yo’. Ha! Ha! I guess I done needed de baff
“Oh, Uncle Rufus, we’re awfully sorry if we gave you a bath
before it was time,” said Dot.
“Doan yo’-all worry none ’bout dat!” chuckled the old colored
man. “Come ’long down ’fore supper!”
Tess and Dot, much chastened in spirit, descended. They were
grateful that none of the boys were around to see their humiliation,
and for a time they went about much subdued, trying to make it
appear that they were more sinned against than sinning.
But Ruth knew them, and so did Agnes, for they had done such
pranks before and always the same thing followed their just
punishment. So, though Nalbro felt sorry for them and was inclined
to “mother” them, she was advised against it by the older Corner
House girls.
The result was that little attention was paid to Tess and Dot,
except that they were treated with exaggerated politeness by their
sisters, perhaps in contrast to their rude but thoughtless showering
of Uncle Rufus.
In a short time the little girls forgot all about it and were playing
about as before, much to the delight of Uncle Rufus, who would not
have slept well had he kept on his mind any longer the vision of his
little tormentors being punished.
“I just love it here!” declared Nalbro, as they were sitting on the
porch, waiting for Linda and Mrs. MacCall to announce the evening
meal. “It’s so different from my own home. It’s stupid there, though
it’s nice enough. Something always seems to be happening here.”
“You’re right there!” laughed Ruth.
“And sometimes things don’t always happen for the best!” added
“I just wonder where they got that idea of spraying Uncle Rufus?”
mused Ruth. “I do hope they didn’t see it in the movies, for they are
sure to mention it if they did, and Mrs. MacCall will say it’s a sin and
a shame that we ever let them go.”
“Yes, that would be a bit awkward,” admitted her sister. “But I
have a faint suspicion that they must have made it up out of their
own heads.”
“Perhaps,” agreed Ruth. “I do hope Luke comes to-night,” she
went on.
This was so unexpected, coming from Ruth, who seldom let
anything be known about her liking for the young collegian, that
Agnes stared at her sister in some surprise, and even Nalbro raised
her pretty eyebrows. Luke had been called away from Milton for
several days by Professor Keeps, who had some work for the young
man to do.
“Oh, it’s just a matter of business!” Ruth made haste to say, as
she sensed the underlying meaning her words might have conveyed.
“He was going to make inquiries about those two men,” she went
on. “Do you know, I don’t at all like the fact that they have been
seen around here so frequently,” and there was a worried look on
her face.
“Don’t start any fretting,” advised Agnes. “I don’t believe it will
amount to anything. But what was Luke going to find out?”
“He was going to see some railroad men he knows—the
conductor or brakeman on the train the time he sat behind the men
who talked about the ten thousand dollars—and he’s going to ask if
the railroad men know anything about the fellows.”
“Oh, so that’s the only reason you’re wishing Luke to come this
evening—on a matter of business! I see! The plot thickens!” mocked
“Oh, don’t be silly!” advised Ruth, in a small tone of voice.
“Worse and worse!” laughed Agnes. “See her blushes, Nally?”
“Nally, if you side with her,” began Ruth, “I’ll never——”
But the appearance of Mrs. MacCall with the announcement that
the meal was served put an end to what might have proved an
embarrassing situation.
Toward the end of the meal Tess and Dot were observed carrying
on some secret interchange of ideas.
“Go on—you ask her,” urged Dot to Tess.
“You said you would,” retorted Tess.
“What is it?” Ruth wanted to know.
The two children looked self-conscious for a moment, and then
Dot blurted out:
“Couldn’t we stay up for the party a little while to-night?”
“Why, yes, I intended you should—for a little while,” replied Ruth.
“What made you think you couldn’t? Oh, I see! About Uncle Rufus!
Oh, that’s all forgiven and forgotten.”
“And could Sammy be over?” Dot was quick to ask, taking
advantage of the unexpected softness on Ruth’s part.
“Oh, Sammy! Well, I don’t know. I hadn’t intended to ask him.”
“He’s got a new suit of clothes!” burst out Dot, as if that clinched
matters. And in the laugh that followed, Ruth said:
“All right. Have him over for a little while. But mind! He must go
home early!”
Tess and Dot would have rushed away before the pudding was
served, so anxious were they to convey the welcome news to their
prankish partner, but Ruth insisted on the forms of politeness being
observed, at any rate, and not until she had given the signal for all
to leave were Tess and Dot allowed to depart on their joyous errand.
The young men all came, Luke getting back to Milton just in time
to attend. Cecile, too, motored over from Grantham and arrived with
her intended, Gene Barrows. So that soon the Corner House was
echoing to the merry laughter of happy hearts.
“Dish yeah shore would ’a’ done Uncle Peter Stower good ef he
could ’a’ heerd dis!” remarked Uncle Rufus, as he helped Mrs.
MacCall in the kitchen. “He got kinder ole an’ crusty towards de las’,
but he had lots ob pain.”
“’Twould be a marcy were the puir mon able to see a little of the
brightness he’s brought about,” agreed the Scotch housekeeper. “But
it’s nae gi’en ta any mon to see what gaes on when he’s depart!”
“’Ceptin’ he turns into a ghost,” Uncle Rufus observed.
“Hech! Hech! Dinna ye start any o’ that talk with the nicht comin’
on!” warned Mrs. MacCall, with a glance over her shoulder.
Ruth could scarcely wait for a chance to get Luke off in a corner
by himself to put to him some questions that were troubling her. But
when she did she derived little satisfaction.
“About those men—” she began. “Were you able to find out
anything, Luke?”
“Nothing worth mentioning,” he replied. “I talked with the
conductor of the train I was on when I heard the strange talk, and
he didn’t even remember the fellows. Small wonder, when you stop
to think how many tickets he has to take up in the course of the day.
Then I tackled the brakeman, and had a little better luck.”
“Did he know the men?”
“He didn’t exactly know them,” Luke replied. “But he remembered
them when I called them to his mind. Luckily, I had noticed them
pretty closely and could give a good description. Perhaps I may turn
out to be a detective—who knows?”
“You’ll have to work up a few more details on this case before I’ll
give you a certificate and a badge,” said Ruth, with a smile. “But
what did the brakeman say?”
“That’s right—stick to the main point,” returned Luke. “Well, he
said the men had ridden on the same train a couple of times before,
but what their business was or what they talked about, he didn’t
“Were they in the moving picture business?”
“That he couldn’t say. In fact, I didn’t mention it,” was the
collegian’s answer. “The more I stop to think of it the less I like that
moving picture theory.”
“But there must be some explanation of their remark about ten
thousand dollars,” insisted Ruth. “Ten thousand dollars don’t grow on
every bush, you know.”