Oracle Distributed Document Capture Admin Guide

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Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide 10g Release 3 (


April 2008

Administrator Guide, 10g Release 3 ( Copyright 1998, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved. This product uses WinWrap Basic, Copyright 1993-2007, Polar Engineering and Consulting, http:// The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information; they are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are also protected by copyright, patent, and other intellectual and industrial property laws. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of the Programs, except to the extent required to obtain interoperability with other independently created software or as specified by law, is prohibited. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. This document is not warranted to be error-free. Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these Programs, no part of these Programs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose. If the Programs are delivered to the United States Government or anyone licensing or using the Programs on behalf of the United States Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S. Government customers are commercial computer software or commercial technical data pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the Programs, including documentation and technical data, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable Oracle license agreement, and, to the extent applicable, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software--Restricted Rights (June 1987). Oracle USA, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065. The Programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently dangerous applications. It shall be the licensee's responsibility to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy and other measures to ensure the safe use of such applications if the Programs are used for such purposes, and we disclaim liability for any damages caused by such use of the Programs. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. The Programs may provide links to Web sites and access to content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle is not responsible for the availability of, or any content provided on, third-party Web sites. You bear all risks associated with the use of such content. If you choose to purchase any products or services from a third party, the relationship is directly between you and the third party. Oracle is not responsible for: (a) the quality of third-party products or services; or (b) fulfilling any of the terms of the agreement with the third party, including delivery of products or services and warranty obligations related to purchased products or services. Oracle is not responsible for any loss or damage of any sort that you may incur from dealing with any third party. U.S. Patent Nos. 6,094,505, 5,768,416, 5,625,465, 5,369,508 and 5,258,855

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Chapter 1: Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 About Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 About this guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Capture window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Client overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Chapter 2: Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Install Capture components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Configure Capture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 About configuring Capture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Configure Capture Batch Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Configure security for Capture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Configure the License Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Configure the Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Main configuration steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Configure Server settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Configure for Capture security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Configure the virtual directory (Windows 2000/XP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Configure the virtual directory (Windows 2003) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Chapter 3: Capture Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 About Capture administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 File cabinets in Capture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 About file cabinets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Creating, editing and deleting file cabinets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Index fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 About index fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Adding or editing index fields. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Deleting index fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Batch status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 About batch status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Adding or changing batch statuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Deleting a batch status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Commit profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 About committing documents in Capture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Creating, editing and deleting commit profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Committing to Oracle UCM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Committing to Oracle I/PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Configuring the commit text file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Committing using an EDP macro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Committing to a database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Selecting a document commit output format and settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Error handling during the commit process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Users in Capture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 About users in Capture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Adding or changing users (Capture security) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Adding or changing users and groups (Windows Domain security) . . . . . . 134 Deleting users or groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Pick-lists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 About pick-lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Creating and editing Capture pick-lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Importing and exporting pick-list values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Creating, editing and deleting database pick-lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Creating and editing pick-list relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Using non-relational pick-lists in Capture programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Database lookups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 About database lookups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Creating, editing and deleting database lookup profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Configuring the database connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Configuring search fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Configuring return fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Configuring search options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Using database lookups in Capture programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Batch Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Locked and unlocked batches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Chapter 4: Server Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Administration tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Creating scan profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Starting the Administration program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Creating, editing and deleting scan profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Selecting general profile settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Selecting image settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Selecting indexing fields and document creation options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Setting field properties, input and pick-lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Setting up auto populate indexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Setting up database lookups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Scanning types and document creation options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 Auditing on the Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 About auditing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 ecAudit table. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Activity IDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

This chapter covers the following topics: About Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administration (page 6) About this guide (page 7) Capture window (page 8) Client overview (page 9)

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide

Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

About Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administration

Oracle Distributed Document Capture provides scanning and optional indexing at remote locations using the Internet or a corporate intranet. It is comprised of two components: Client and Server. The Client, which is automatically downloaded and installed as soon as users connect to the Server, runs entirely in the users Web browser. It uses the industry standard TWAIN interface to capture documents from desktop scanners or other TWAIN compliant input devices. NOTE: For details about using the Client, see the Oracle Distributed Document Capture Tutorial. The Server runs as a service and processes batches received from Clients. The Oracle Distributed Document Capture administrator should be familiar with using services. Oracle Distributed Document Capture can be used in the following ways: Scan remotely, index centrallyFor example, using this method, remote offices scan invoices they receive using the Client and send them to corporate. Then the accounts payable clerks at corporate headquarters index the invoices into the accounting system using an indexing application such as Oracle Document Capture Index. Batches received by the Server can also be automatically indexed using bar code recognition technology such as Oracle Document Capture Recognition Server. Scan and index remotelyWith this method, a user in each office scans documents and keys indexes from image or paper using the Client. When the documents are sent to the Server, they are automatically committed into the EDMS (designated electronic document management system). Batches received by the Server can also be committed using Oracle Document Capture Commit Server. Below are the administration tasks for Oracle Distributed Document Capture Server: Create and maintain scan profiles for use by Client users. (See Creating scan profiles on page 187 for more information.) Configure and maintain Server settings using the Server Configuration application. (See Configure Server settings on page 36.)

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide

Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

About this guide

This guide describes how to administer Oracle Distributed Document Capture. NOTE: This guide is directed to users performing Oracle Distributed Document Capture administration. It assumes that you are familiar with your particular organizations EDMS (electronic document management system). This guide covers the following: Configuration (page 15)Covers how to configure Capture and the Oracle Distributed Document Capture Server. Capture Administration (page 57)Covers how to manage file cabinets, index fields and users in Capture. It also explains how to create pick-lists, database lookups and commit profiles for use in Capture programs, define batch statuses, and manage and unlock batches. Server Administration (page 185)Describes how to create scan profiles to store scanning and indexing settings. Oracle Distributed Document Capture supports a Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) compatible programming language for writing and debugging macros, utilizing the VBScript engine built right into Microsofts Internet Explorer. You can develop macros to customize the product for your organization. See the Oracle Document Capture Programmer Guide for details about developing macros.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide

Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Capture window
When you activate Capture, the Capture window is displayed.

Batch Manager

The toolbar provides access to Captures main functions. The main menu and toolbar buttons available can vary, depending on the Capture components you have installed. Use the Batch Manager component to view all Capture batches on your network and perform tasks such as moving or copying batches between file cabinets, adding notes, or changing batch status or priority. See Batch Manager on page 180. The menus provide access to additional features, such as administration, macros and configuration settings.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide

Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Client overview
This section provides an overview of the Client application from the users perspective. Users follow these steps to scan, import, review, edit, index and send batches to the Server. For step-by-step instructions, see the Tutorial by clicking Help within the Client.
1. Using Internet Explorer, open the Client.

(For example, enter\Capture\WebCapture.asp). Your administrator can provide you with the address to type in your browsers Address field. When you enter Oracle Distributed Document Capture after logging in, the Client window shown below is displayed.

The Scan Profile field shows Scan and Index as the selected profile. A profile is a set of scanning options set up by the administrator. The Existing Batches list displays the names of all batches scanned using the selected profile. Each batchs name uses a batch prefix (in this case, SCANINDX). Batches may be assigned a status in the Status column and a number from 0 to 10 (where 10 is highest) in the Priority column. The Indexed column indicates if the batch has been indexed. You can sort the batch list by clicking a column heading.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide

Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Click the Help button to display the step-by-step tutorial.

2. Click the Settings button.

The Settings dialog box is displayed. Use this area to change your scanner and settings.
Automatically straighten images. Select another scanner to use. Display the scanner settings dialog each time you scan. Rotate images (right, left, flip)

Scan all pages in the feeder. Scan double-sided.

Change where batches are temporarily stored.

Automatically delete blank pages. Change the size in which text appears in index fields. Always display the Review/ Index window after scanning batches.


Place a stack of papers in the scanner (or auto document feeder).

If you are using your scanners feeder, be sure the Use Auto Document Feeder field is checked in the Settings dialog box shown above.
4. Select a profile in the Scan Profile field.

The Profile Description field explains how to use the profile.

5. Click the Scan button.

The Client directs your scanner to begin scanning and displays a message once it starts. The Client scans all of the pages in the scanner or document feeder and creates a new batch. Note that in addition to scanning pages, you can also import images saved in TIFF, BMP, JPG and PCX formats into Oracle Distributed Document Capture.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

NOTE: The first time you access the Client in your Web browser, the program creates a Batches folder. (The administrator controls whether this folder is stored on your hard drive or elsewhere, such as on the network. You may or may not be able to see and change this folder under Settings options.) When you scan batches, the program temporarily stores each batch under its own subfolder within the Batches folder. Each batch folder is automatically named using the profiles batch name, minus its batch prefix (for instance, CLMS). After you send batches to the Server, the program deletes them from the Batches folder.
6. Double-click the new batch in the Client window.

(You can also select the batch and click the Review button.) NOTE: The Review/Index window may appear automatically after the batch completes scanning. If you want the Review/Index window to always appear automatically, check the Auto Review/Index batch after scanning setting on the Settings dialog box shown previously. The Review/Index window is displayed.
7. In the Review/Index window, review, edit and index the batch as needed.

Documents View

Index Fields

The Documents area displays the batchs name and a folder for each document, including all scanned images within each document. In the View area, the Client displays the selected image (in this case, Page 1).

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

The Index area displays index fields to be completed for the document. (The Index area is blank if indexing is not included in the scan profile.) An asterisk appears before the names of required index fields. You index a document by specifying index values for one of its pages. You might specify an index value by choosing a value from a pick-list of choices or by typing numbers or letters, and the Client may restrict you to entering only letters or numbers or only a certain number of letters or numbers. NOTE: Once youve mastered the basics of indexing, you may want to use the indexing keyboard shortcuts to increase your speed. (Keyboard shortcuts are listed in the User Guide.) You can resize the three areas by positioning the cursor over a border until it changes to a two-headed arrow, dragging it and releasing. The toolbar displays options for editing a selected page or document in the batch.
Create New Document Remove Document Insert Page Replace Page Append Page Database Lookup Rotate Left Flip

Rotate Right

Batch Information

Previous Document Previous Page

Next Page Next Document

Toggle Scan Mode Toggle Import Mode

Delete (page or document) Zoom In

Zoom Out Fit to Window

Print Page


When youre done editing the batch, click the Close button.

Closing the window saves your changes and displays the Client window.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)


Make changes you want to the batch in the Client window.

Click Batch Info to add a note and change the selected batchs status or priority.

Enter notes here and a pushpin appears here.

Select a new status for the batch.

Select a new priority for the batch.

Click the Delete button to permanently remove one or more selected batches from your computer that are no longer needed.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

10. Select one or more batches and click the Send button.

To send more than one batch, hold down the Ctrl key while selecting batches. (To select all batches, press Ctrl+Alt+A.) Sending transfers the selected batches to the Server. To send a batch, all required index fields for all documents must be completed (except for those using scan only profiles). Any batch priority, status or note information is sent along with the batch to the Server. After you click Send, the Client begins uploading the batches to the Server. While the files are being sent, the cursor changes to an hourglass and the blue progress bar at the bottom of the screen moves to the rightone time for each batch. After the Client has finished uploading the batches, it displays the Batch Send Results dialog box shown below.

You can click the Copy to Clipboard button to copy the results text to the Clipboard for use in another application, such as Microsoft Excel. After sending, the Client removes batches that were sent successfully and retains any that had missing required index field values or errors during transmission.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

This chapter covers the following topics: System requirements (page 16) Install Capture components (page 17) Configure Capture (page 18) Configure the Server (page 32)

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

System requirements
The following table lists the minimum operating system (O/S), processor and memory requirements for Oracle Distributed Document Capture components:
Capture Component Oracle Distributed Document Capture Client Oracle Distributed Document Capture Server * OCR Option * Searchable PDF Windows O/S 2000/XP 2000/XP/2003 2000/XP/2003 2000/XP/2003 Processor Pentium III, 1 Ghz Pentium IV, 2 Ghz Pentium IV, 2 Ghz Pentium IV, 2.4 Ghz Memory 128 MB 256 MB 256 MB 256 MB

* The processors speed has a dramatic impact on this components performance.

The Server workstation requires at least 500 MB of free hard disk space. For multi-user systems, a SQL database server is required (MS-SQL 7.0 or above, Oracle 8.17 or above, or Sybase Adaptive Server 11) and a minimum of a 100MB network. The Server requires Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) version 5 or above (see IIS server requirements). The Client requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or above and a TWAIN compliant device. In addition, the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.5.0 or above must be installed on any computer using Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administration. (If needed, see the JRE folder on the installation CD.)

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Install Capture components

NOTE: You must be logged in with Administrator privileges to install Capture.
1. Run the SETUP.EXE program for Oracle Distributed Document Capture on the Capture CD.

The InstallShield Wizard is displayed.

2. Click Next.

Youll be prompted to supply a username and organization and identify a destination folder. The Setup Type window is displayed.
3. Select Complete to install all Capture components. Select Custom to install certain components only. Click Next.

The setup program guides you through the rest of the installation process.
4. Complete the installation by rebooting the computer when prompted.

NOTE: You must restart your computer when prompted to complete the installation.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Configure Capture
About configuring Capture
Configuring Capture consists of these main steps:
1. 2. 3. Configure Capture Batch Setup (page 19). Configure security for Capture (page 28). Configure the License Manager (page 29), if needed.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Configure Capture Batch Setup

The first time you run Capture, the Capture Batch Setup dialog box shown below appears. To access this dialog box at another time, choose Batch Setup from the System menu in the Capture window or choose Batch Setup from the Setup menu in the server applications. For information on configuring settings, see Batch Path Setup on page 19 and Capture Database Setup on page 20.

NOTE: The Login Settings button provides user login options for configurations using Windows domain security. For more information, see Users in Capture on page 130. Batch Path Setup
1. In the Enter Path to Network Batch Folder field, enter or select the folders path. (Capture creates the folder if it doesnt already exist.)

Since this folder is the location of the Capture batches, its path must be accessible by all Capture workstations. If the path is on a network, we recommend using a UNC (Universal Naming Convention) Path. However, you can also use a mapped driver letter.
2. In the Enter Path to Network Commit Folder field, enter or select the folder's path. (Capture creates the folder if it doesnt already exist.)

After a batch has been indexed and committed, the document index information and batch images are moved to this commit folder. This setting specifies the default commit folder for the Commit Text File driver. It is possible to change this path on a per commit profile basis.
Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Capture Database Setup The Capture database stores batch, image and audit information. It must be properly configured before Capture can be used. For single user systems, you can configure Capture to use an MS-Access database, as described in Configuring for use with a Microsoft Access database on page 22. Otherwise, we recommend that you configure the Capture database on a client/server database server platform, such as Microsoft SQL (see Configuring for use with a Microsoft SQL Server Database on page 21) or Oracle (see Configuring for use with an Oracle database on page 25). Youll follow these main steps to configure the Capture database:
1. 2. 3. 4. Select an OLE Database Provider to use to connect to the database. Configure the OLE Database Provider settings to connect to the database. Test the database connection. Initialize the database to create the Capture database schema.

WARNING: If the Capture database already exists and you are simply configuring a new Capture workstation, do NOT click the Initialize DB button, since it will destroy all data and recreate the database schema. NOTE: Whenever you initialize the database, you must delete any existing batch folders to prevent potential conflicts. After you initialize the database, the Security Model dialog box appears, prompting you to select the security model you want used.
5. Set up the security model you want used.

See Configure security for Capture on page 28.

Selecting a script file

Refer to the table below to determine the script file to use.

Database Platform MS-SQL Server Oracle Sybase MS-Access Database Version 6.5, 7.0 or > 8.x 11 or > 2000 or > Capture Script File Capture_SQL.sql Capture_Oracle.sql Capture_SQL.sql Capture_SQL.sql

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Configuring for use with a Microsoft SQL Server Database

First, you must contact your database administrator to create a new (i.e., blank) database on the SQL database server. NOTE: For Oracle and SQL Server databases, the database size should be at least 100MB. To quickly configure Capture for use with a Microsoft SQL Server, select SQL Server Database Platform, and follow these steps:

1. 2. 3.

Enter the computer name of the SQL Server in the SQL Server Name field. Enter the name of the SQL database that your administrator created. Enter a valid user id and password to communicate to the database server.

NOTE: It is the database administrators responsibility to configure the users that can access the Capture database.
4. Click the Test DSN button.

You do this to verify that you can communication to the SQL Server and the Capture database.
5. If the Capture database is new and does not contain any data, click the Initialize DB button to create the table schema within the database.

When you click the Initialize DB button, a file dialog box will appear so that you can select the correct database script file.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

6. 7.

Select the Capture_SQL.SQL file in the Capture installation folder. In the Security Model dialog box, select the security model you want used.

See Configure security for Capture on page 28.

Configuring for use with a Microsoft Access database

NOTE: Microsoft Access database use is only supported in a standalone environment. NOTE: If you plan to share an MS-Access database on a network, we highly recommend that you install the NetBEUI network protocol on all workstations that will access the database including the file server. After installing Capture, a blank database called Capture.mdb is placed into your installation folder (e.g., C:\Program Files\Oracle\Document Capture). Youll use this database when configuring Capture for use with a MS-Access database. To configure Capture with an MS-Access database, click Other Database Platform and follow these steps:

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Click Configure to access the Configure Database Connection dialog box.

If you have already defined a database connection, this dialog box will display the connection properties.


Click Configure DB Connection to display the Data Link Properties window.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

3. 4.

Select the Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider, which is the driver to use for Microsoft Access databases. Click the Next button to access the Connection tab.


Click the Browse button to select the Capture.mdb database file from the installation folder.

The Capture.MDB file provided does NOT require a User name and Password.
6. 7. Click the Test Connection button to verify that Capture can access the database file. Click OK to save the Database Connection settings.

8. 9.

Click OK to return to the Batch Setup dialog box. If the Capture database is new and does not contain any data, click the Initialize DB button to create the table schema within the database.

When you click the Initialize DB button, a file dialog box will appear so that you can select the correct database script file. Select the Capture_SQL.SQL file from the Capture installation folder.

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10. In the Security Model dialog box, select the security model you want used.

See Configure security for Capture on page 28.

Configuring for use with an Oracle database

To configure the Capture database on an Oracle database server, choose Other Database Platform and follow these steps:


Click Configure to access the Configure Database Connection dialog box.

If you have already defined a database connection, this dialog box will display the connection properties.

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Click Configure DB Connection to display the Data Link Properties window.

3. 4.

Select the Oracle Provider for OLE DB, which is the driver to use for Oracle databases. Click the Next button to access the Connection tab.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

5. 6. 7. 8.

Contact your Oracle administrator to determine the name of the Data Source to enter. Enter a valid User name and password to the Oracle database server. Click the Test Connection button to verify that Capture can access the Oracle database server. Click OK to save the Database Connection settings.


Click OK to return to the Batch Setup dialog box.

10. If the Capture database is new and does not contain any data, click the Initialize DB button to create the table schema within the database.

When you click the Initialize DB button, a file dialog box will appear so that you can select the correct database script file. Select the Capture_Oracle.SQL file from the Capture installation folder.
11. In the Security Model dialog box, select the security model you want used.

See Configure security for Capture on page 28.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Configure security for Capture

Capture offers two security models: Windows Domain: This model relies on the current users domain or domain group information to determine Capture rights. An advantage of this model is that users are not required to log in each time they activate Capture. (You can require users to log in to Capture components, which allows users other than the current domain user to log in to Capture.) Note that Client users must be individually added in Capture administration rather than in groups. Capture: This model is for use by systems that do not log in to a Windows Domain (for example, a Novell network) or do not want to use domain security. Each time a user activates Capture or any of its components, a login screen is displayed, requiring the user to enter a user name and password; these values are then used to determine the rights within Capture.
1. After initializing the database (as described in Capture Database Setup on page 20), specify a security model in this dialog box that appears.

Select Windows Domain or Capture.

2. 3. If you selected Capture security, complete the Administrator User Name and Password fields. Add users using Captures administration options.

See Users in Capture on page 130. NOTE: You can change the security model used, by initializing the database. However, doing so erases all data in the database and recreates the database schema.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Configure the License Manager

The License Manager stores certain license types for a workstation. Use the License Manager to add or remove these licenses. License types relating to Oracle Distributed Document Capture include: OCR Option Searchable PDF (SPDF) Option NOTE: You may use these Capture components for an evaluation period of up to 30 days, after which you must activate their Capture licenses. To view the License Manager, choose the License Manager Setup command from the System menu in Capture.

Adding licenses Follow these steps to add one or more license types to the current workstation. Youll select the license types you want to add, copy the request key Capture generates and send the key to Oracle. After receiving a response key from Oracle, youll enter it to activate the new licenses.
1. In the License Manager Setup dialog box, click Request.

The License Options dialog box appears, listing available licenses. A checkmark appears next to currently active license types.

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Select the license types you want to add and click OK.

After you click OK, a Request License dialog box appears, listing your license request as a long string.


Copy the request key Capture generated.

Click the Copy to clipboard and close button.

4. Paste the request key into an email to [email protected] and send.

Include your company name and contact information in the email. Oracle receives the request key email, generates a response key and emails it to you.
5. After receiving a response key from Oracle, open the License Manager Setup dialog box and click Activate.

The Activate License dialog box appears.


Paste the response key into the field provided and click OK.

A message appears that the license was successfully applied.

7. Restart Capture.

License changes take effect.

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Removing licenses Follow these steps to remove one or more license types from the current workstation. You might remove licenses, for example, in order to use them on another workstation.
1. In the License Manager Setup dialog box, click Remove.

The License Options dialog box appears. A checkmark appears next to currently active licenses.

2. 3. 4.

Uncheck the licenses you want to remove and click OK. When prompted, restart Capture. Open the License Manager Setup and verify that the license changes took effect.

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Configure the Server

Select a topic: Main configuration steps (page 32) Authentication (page 34) Configure Server settings (page 36) Configure for Capture security (page 44) Configure the virtual directory (Windows 2000/XP) (page 45) Configure the virtual directory (Windows 2003) (page 50)

Main configuration steps

Below are the main steps youll follow to configure the Server.
1. If needed, install the Java Runtime Environment.

Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.5.0 or above must be installed on any computer using Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administration. (If needed, see the JRE folder on the installation CD.)
2. Select settings in the Distributed Document Capture Server Configuration application.

Open this application by selecting it from the Oracle Distributed Document Capture Start menu options. See Configure Server settings on page 36 for more information. On the System Settings tab of this application, youll configure the method by which users will be authenticated. See Authentication on page 34.
3. If using Capture security, set up Oracle Distributed Document Capture for Capture security.

See Configure for Capture security on page 44. (Skip this step if using Windows Domain security.)
4. Configure the virtual directory on the Microsoft Internet Information Server.

For instructions, choose the operating system used: Windows 2000 or Windows XP: See Configure the virtual directory (Windows 2000/XP) on page 45. Windows 2003: See Configure the virtual directory (Windows 2003) on page 50.

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Assign rights to Client users.

Users must have full control to the Program Files\Oracle\Document Capture folder. How you do this depends on your selected authentication method (see Authentication on page 34): For Oracle Distributed Document Capture Prompted Login access, assign these rights to the anonymous user. For Web Server Authenticated Access, assign access to the groups to which your users belong. NOTE: If using Authenticated Access, any user activating the Client needs access to these files in the WINDOWS\sytem32 folder on the Server: NTVDM.exe and NTVDMD.dll. Without access to these files, users will see the message, Error: Unable to obtain license upon attempting to start the Client. It is recommended that you either allow all users access to these files or manage access with groups.
6. Configure the virtual directory to use Low (IIS Process) Application Protection.

It is recommended that you specify low application protection. (In many cases, this setting is required.)
7. 8. Set the service to start automatically. Start the Package Processing service.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Oracle Distributed Document Capture provides two methods of authenticating users, set in the Server Configuration application, as described in see Configure Server settings on page 36.

Specify anonymous or authenticated access for client users.

Anonymous Access (Oracle Distributed Document Capture Prompted Login) Users are authenticated by IIS via the anonymous account. Anonymous access to the virtual directory is required. Works with either Windows Domain or Capture Security. The Client Login screen always appears, requiring users to log in. NOTE: You can prevent caching of Oracle Distributed Document Capture user names and passwords. Open the LoadClient.js javascript file, locate the ALLOWLOGINCACHE line and change its value from 1 to 0. Once changed, the Remember my User Name and Password on this computer checkbox appears disabled to Client users at login.

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Authenticated Access (Web Server Authenticated Access) Anonymous access to the virtual directory must be disabled. Basic authentication options must be configured. Works with either Windows Domain or Capture security. If Capture security is selected, only Client users who match domain users are automatically logged on. For example, Domain user Capture user [domain]\userA userA must exist.

No Client login screen appears. Users do NOT log in.

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Configure Server settings

Use the Server Configuration application to select or change Server settings. To activate this application, choose Distributed Document Capture Server Configuration from the Oracle Distributed Document Capture options displayed from the Start menu. The application contains these tabs: Server Settings tab (see below) System Settings (page 40) Email Settings (page 42) Server Settings tab NOTE: If you are configuring multiple virtual folders, copy the contents of the WebPages folder to each batch folder before setting up the batch folders (described on the next page). Use this tab to select Server folders and options.

Error Batch LocationSpecify the folder in which batches containing errors are placed. If an error is encountered in Server processing, the entire .pak file is transferred into this folder for analysis.

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Log File LocationSpecify the folder to which the Server writes log files. The Server logs detailed records on all processing activities. Each days log file is titled using the format PPSmmddyyyy.log (as in PPS09052007.log). Days to Keep LogSpecify the number of days to retain the log files the Server automatically generates. For example, type 14 to retain log files for two weeks. A value of 0 indicates that the log files will not be deleted. Set Client Batches FolderSpecify where user batches are temporarily stored before theyre sent to the Server and whether client users can view and change this location under their Settings options. You can choose: Allow users to change batch path (default)Creates and stores documents in a Batches folder on the hard drive containing the most space (typically C:\Batches). This folder appears to client users in their Settings options, where they can designate a different folder, including a shared network folder. Batches restricted to current workstation userStores batches under the current user (creates a Documents and Settings\User Data\Application Data\WebCapture\Batches folder; this folder is often hidden.) Client users cannot see or change the location under Settings options. Batches available to all workstation usersStores batches under all users (creates an All Users\Application Data\WebCapture\ Batches folder; this folder is often hidden.) Client users cannot see or change the location under Settings options. Set Client Access FoldersClick this button to specify the folder in which scan profiles are stored and in which batches are temporarily stored when users send them from the Client. (You can configure more than one client access folder if configuring multiple Capture systems, as described below.) The client access folder you specify must refer to the subfolder beneath WebPages. This folder must be accessible by your Internet/ Intranet users (i.e., within an IIS virtual directory). NOTE: You must configure at least one client access folder.

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Clicking the Set Client Access Folders button on the Server Settings tab displays the Client Access Folders dialog box shown below.

To add a folder, click this button to locate the folder, and click the + (plus) sign to add it to the list.

You can configure multiple batch folders if needed. Organizations such as service providers or bureaus often configure multiple virtual directories (e.g., web farm), and need pak files to be uploaded and processed from each virtual directory. If using multiple batch folders, youll need to copy the contents of the web pages folder to each batch folder, as described previously. The client access folder you specify here is a temporary holding place for scanned batches. When a user sends a batch, all of its images and associated information are packaged into a .pak file. The Server checks for the existence of *.pak files. Each time it receives a .pak file, the Server processes it in the following ways: extracts the images and an XML file that contains data such as indexing information (if included) creates a batch imports the data into the Capture batch database moves the images to their respective Network Batch Folder audits the receipt of the batch into the ecAudit database table commits the batch, if it was indexed in the Client deletes the .pak file NOTE: If an error occurs during this process, it will be logged to the NT Event Viewer and a copy of the .pak file is moved to the Error Batch location.

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As a general guideline, it is recommended that you allocate enough disk space on the Server to handle a days worth of Oracle Distributed Document Capture activity. NOTE: If you stop the Package Processing service, clients can continue to create, edit and send batches, which will accumulate in the ClientAccess folder.

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System Settings Use this tab to select system settings.

User ID and PasswordSpecify a Capture administrator user name and password. This information enables the Oracle Distributed Document Capture service to log in to Capture. DomainIf using Windows Domain security, enter the domain name with which the user is associated. (Leave this field blank if using Capture security.) Authentication MethodsSpecify how you want client users authenticated. You can choose Oracle Distributed Document Capture Prompted Login (default) to prompt users or Web Server Authenticated Access if you want users authenticated through IIS. See Authentication on page 34.

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Minutes of user inactivity before logoutTo automatically log users out of the Client after a period of inactivity, enter the number of minutes to elapse. (Inactivity, in this case, means no mouse activity, keyboard activity or sending of batches.) After the specified time elapses, a message appears to users, warning them that they will be automatically logged out in 30 seconds and allowing them to continue using Oracle Distributed Document Capture. If the seconds count down to 0, the Client user is disconnected from the server and the license is released. If a batch is open, it is saved prior to closing. NOTE: Configuring this option sets it globally for all Client users for the Server. PAK file transfer packet sizeIf needed, specify a different PAK file transfer packet size from the default 102,400 bytes. Packet size refers to the size of data chunks being transferred at a time and read into memory. You might increase this number to allow a small number of locations to more quickly send batches or decrease it to prevent overloading available memory. You can specify a packet size between 32,768 and 102,400 bytes. Batch SetupClick this button to change additional system settings. (These options function the same on the Server as they do in Capture.) License ManagerClick this button to add or remove license settings.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Email Settings Use this tabs options to specify who should receive an email if the Server encounters an error while performing processing. The subject of the error email is Notification of Server Error; it identifies the batch being processed when the error occurred and describes the error.

Check the Send On Error field if you want an email sent. SMTP Server NameSpecify the name or IP address of the server you are using to send emails. Authorization ModeSelect a mode for which to authorize email sending. You can choose: None, AUTH LOGIN or CRAM-MD5. User ID and PasswordEnter a username and password for email authorization. If you selected None in the Authorization Mode field, you do not need to enter a user ID and password. From Email AddressEnter the email address from which the error emails will be sent. Alias From NameEnter an alternate name from whom the emails will be sent.

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In the To and Cc fields, enter the email addresses of people to send the email to. Separate multiple email addresses in either field with a ; (semicolon). Test EmailClick this button to send a test email. The Server verifies the SMTP settings you specified, and sends a test email to all users specified in the To and Cc fields.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Configure for Capture security

NOTE: No changes are needed for the Package Processing Service when using Capture security. Follow these steps to set up Oracle Distributed Document Capture when using Capture security.
1. 2. Configure the Capture Batch Setup to use Capture security. Give the IUSR account full rights to the C:\Program Files\Oracle\Document Capture folder.

IUSR is an Internet Guest Account that is automatically created by the operating system when choosing to install Internet Information Services. The IUSR account MUST have full rights to the Capture folder, not just the WebPages folder. From Windows Explorer, select the c:\Program Files\Oracle\Document Capture folder. Then, right-click and select Properties. Select the Security tab, add the IUSR account, and assign full control.

NOTE: When implementing Oracle Distributed Document Capture with an Oracle database server, the IUSR account must have read/execute/ write rights to the entire Oracle folder (e.g., c:\Oracle). Choose the Inherit Properties option so that all child folders are updated.

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Configure the virtual directory (Windows 2000/XP)

1. 2. 3. From the Control Panel, choose Administrative Tools, and then start the Internet Services Manager applet. Browse to your default Web site. Right-click and select New Virtual Directory.

This virtual directory will be used by remote sites to access the client. The Creation Wizard starts. Specify an Alias name of Capture.


In the Directory field, specify the correct content directory.

The default directory is c:\Program Files\Oracle\Document Capture\WebPages.

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Under Access Permissions, check the Read and Run scripts permissions.

6. 7.

Click Next, then select Finish to complete creating the virtual directory. From the same Internet Information Services applet, right-click the newly created Capture folder and select Properties.

Capture Properties are displayed.


Specify virtual directory settings.

Check Read. Select Low (IIS Process) under Application Protection.

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Click the Directory Security tab.

10. Click Edit in the Anonymous access and authentication control section. 11. Complete settings in the Authentication Methods dialog box.

If you chose Anonymous access for authentication (Oracle Distributed Document Capture Prompted Login, as described in Authentication on page 34), check the Anonymous access box and complete anonymous access settings. Note that the default Username is the IUSR account. If using Capture security, specify the IUSR account here.

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NOTE: It is acceptable to use the local IUSR account for the Anonymous access. (This user needs to be an administrator.) For increased security measures, it is recommended that you use a local user account created specifically for accessing this virtual directory. This account should be a member of the Local Administrator group. As an alternate security measure if using Windows domain security, you may want to specify a user that is in the domain and is also a Capture administrator. If you chose Authenticated access for authentication (Web Server Authenticated Access, as described in Authentication on page 34), complete the Authenticated access settings. Check the Basic authentication box and enter a Default domain and Realm.

NOTE: When you select Basic authentication, a message box reminds you that usernames and passwords will be sent in clear text. If this is a concern, users can set up IIS to run in HTTPS. NOTE: If you dont check Integrated Windows authentication or IIS cannot determine who the user is, an IIS-generated login message box will appear when users start the Client. NOTE: Check the Integrated Windows Authentication box if appropriate for your authentication scenario. When checked, network credentials are used to access the web site instead of via a login prompt, as provided by the Basic Authentication box. For example, if some users access the web site from within your organization and others access it through the public Internet, you might activate both Basic Authentication and Integrated Windows Authentication options.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

NOTE: A conflict involving Integrated Windows Authentication may occur in a certain scenario, in which remote client users cannot access database lookups or database pick-lists. This can occur when the IIS and SQL server are set to use Integrated Windows Authentication. To work around this limitation, either deselect Integrated Windows Authentication on the IIS or create a user on the SQL server to access the database lookup or pick-list.
12. Give the appropriate rights to the ClientAccess folder, giving users access to copy .pak files to the Server.

From the Internet Information Services applet, choose Properties on the ClientAccess folder that appears under the Capture virtual directory. On the Directory tab, add Write access and click OK to save changes.

13. Configure the virtual directory to use Low (IIS Process) Application Protection.

It is recommended that you specify low application protection. (In many cases, this setting is required.)

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Configure the virtual directory (Windows 2003)

1. 2. 3. From the Control Panel, choose Administrative Tools, then select the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager applet. Browse to the Default Web Site. Right-click and select New Virtual Directory.

The virtual directory will be used by remote sites to access the Client. The Creation Wizard starts. Specify an Alias for your virtual directory (for example, Capture).
4. Click Next.


In the Directory field, specify the correct content directory.

The default directory is c:\Program Files\Oracle\Document Capture\WebPages.

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Under Access Permissions, check the Read and Run scripts permissions.

7. 8. 9.

Click Next, then Finish to complete creating the virtual directory. From the same Internet Information Services applet, right-click the newly created Capture folder and select Properties. Click the Directory Security tab.

10. Click Edit in the Authentication and Access control section.

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11. Complete settings on the Authentication Methods dialog box.

If you chose Anonymous access for authentication (Oracle Distributed Document Capture Prompted Login, as described in Authentication on page 34), check the Enable anonymous access box and complete anonymous access settings. Note that the default User name is the IUSR account. If using Capture security, specify the IUSR account here.

NOTE: It is acceptable to use the local IUSR account for the Anonymous access. (This user needs to be an administrator.) For increased security measures, it is recommended that you use a local user account created specifically for accessing this virtual directory. This account should be a member of the Local Administrator group. As an alternate security measure if using Windows domain security, you may want to specify a user that is in the domain and is also a Capture administrator.

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If you chose Authenticated access for authentication (Web Server Authenticated Access, as described in Authentication on page 34), complete the Authenticated access settings. Check the Basic authentication box and enter a Default domain and Realm.

NOTE: When you select Basic Authentication, a message box reminds you that usernames and passwords will be sent in clear text. If this is a concern, users can set up IIS to run in HTTPS. NOTE: If you dont check Integrated Windows authentication or IIS cannot determine who the user is, an IIS-generated login message box will appear when users start the Client. NOTE: Check the Integrated Windows Authentication box if appropriate for your authentication scenario. When checked, network credentials are used to access the web site instead of via a login prompt, as provided by the Basic Authentication box. For example, if some users access the web site from within your organization and others access it through the public Internet, you might activate both Basic Authentication and Integrated Windows Authentication options. NOTE: A conflict involving Integrated Windows Authentication may occur in a certain scenario, in which remote client users cannot access database lookups or database pick-lists. This can occur when the IIS and SQL server are set to use Integrated Windows Authentication. To work around this limitation, either deselect Integrated Windows Authentication on the IIS or create a user on the SQL server to access the database lookup or pick-list.
12. Expand the virtual directory. 13. Right-click the ClientAccess folder and select Properties.

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14. On the Directory tab, add Write access and click OK to save the change.

This action will give the user the proper virtual directory permissions to copy.
15. Give the appropriate rights to the ClientAccess folder, giving users access to copy .pak files to the Server by granting write privileges.

16. Configure the virtual directory to use Low (IIS Process) Application Protection.

It is recommended that you specify low application protection. (In many cases, this setting is required.)
17. In Internet Information Services, right-click the Web Sites folder.

18. Select Properties from the dropdown menu.

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19. Click the Service tab. 20. Check the box for Run WWW service in IIS 5.0 isolation mode.

21. Click the Apply button, then click OK. 22. Within the Internet Information Services applet, select the Web Server Extensions folder.

23. Select the Active Server Pages extension in the right pane, and click the Allow button.

This will permit you to load the WebCapture.asp and WebCaptureAdmin.html pages.

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24. Select the WebDAV extension in the right pane, and click the Allow button.

This will permit you to send batches to the Server from the Client.
25. Right-click the computer name within the Internet Information Server applet. 26. From the menu, select All Tasks, select Restart IIS. 27. In the confirmation box, select Restart Internet Services on MACHINENAME, where MACHINENAME is the name of your computer, and click OK.

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Capture Administration
This chapter covers the following topics: About Capture administration (page 58) File cabinets in Capture (page 59) Index fields (page 63) Batch status (page 66) Commit profiles (page 68) Users in Capture (page 130) Pick-lists (page 138) Database lookups (page 164) Batch Manager (page 180) Locked and unlocked batches (page 183)

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

About Capture administration

The Capture Administration area provides a centralized area in which to perform administration tasks that affect multiple Capture programs.
New, Delete, Refresh Use these buttons to affect the selected administration area. For example, clicking the New button creates a new file cabinet when File Cabinets is selected, and creates a new user when Users is selected.

Use Capture Administration to define or change: File cabinets in Capture (page 59) Index fields (page 63) Batch status (page 66) Commit profiles (page 68) Users in Capture (page 130) Pick-lists (page 138) Database lookups (page 164) You can also use Capture Administration to unlock a batch or verify current batch use, as described in Locked and unlocked batches on page 183.

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File cabinets in Capture

About file cabinets
In Capture, you define the file cabinets into which batches are scanned and to which resulting documents are filed. For this reason, you need to create file cabinets with the structure of your EDMS (electronic document management system) in mind. When defining a file cabinet, you define the following: its index fields. Documents are archived in the EDMS according to index field values and users search for them in the EDMS using these values. See About index fields on page 63. its batch statuses. In Capture programs, batches can be automatically assigned a status and users can assign a different status as needed. See About batch status on page 66. its commit profile(s). A commit profile specifies how batches are committed and archived to a commit folder or EDMS. See About committing documents in Capture on page 68. its database lookup profile(s). A database lookup profile provides link information to a database. Capture programs such as Index can reference the database lookup profile to search and populate index fields. See About database lookups on page 165.

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The left pane of Capture Administration lists all file cabinets under the File Cabinets headings.

Click the file cabinets Batch Statuses, Commit Profiles or Database Lookups to view settings or change them.

When you select a file cabinet, its index fields display in the right pane.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Creating, editing and deleting file cabinets

To make changes to a file cabinet, click its name (to edit its index fields) or click one of its options. Note that you cannot change a file cabinets name, but must delete it and add it again.
1. Choose File Cabinets from the Admin menu.

The Capture Administration window appears, with the File Cabinets listed in the left pane.
Delete Refresh



Click the New button shown above.

The Add New File Cabinet dialog box is displayed, prompting you to enter a name.
3. Enter a name and click OK.

Typically, this is the same name as is used for the file cabinet (or its equivalent) to which documents will be filed in your EDMS. The file cabinet is added to the tree structure in the left pane. Click the Add button to add index fields for it, or click its items in the left pane to define batch statuses, commit profiles or database lookup profiles.
4. To delete a file cabinet, select it in the left pane and click the Delete button.

Once a file cabinet is deleted, any existing scan or index profiles and server jobs associated with the file cabinet are unavailable. It also removes all index fields, batch statuses, commit profiles and database lookup profiles associated with it.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Caution: If batches are assigned to the file cabinet at the time you delete it, the batches and associated images are deleted. Youll be asked to confirm the deletion.

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Index fields
About index fields
An integral part of creating a file cabinet is defining its index fields. Users will enter values in these fields while indexing, and users will later search for documents in the EDMS using these fields. Values can also be auto populated, derived from bar codes read in by Recognition Server, selected from pick-lists or selected from a database lookup. After you create index fields, you can specify more detailed settings for them in a Capture program. For example, you might set up an input mask for an index field in an Index profile to control what users type into the field when indexing. As another example, you can specify if an index field is required when creating it here, then make the field sticky or locked in the Index profile. You define index fields for a selected file cabinet in the Capture Administration area.

Select a file cabinets name in the left pane to see its index fields listed in the right pane.

Select a topic: Adding or editing index fields (page 64) Deleting index fields (page 65)

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Adding or editing index fields

1. In the left pane of the Capture Administration window, select the file cabinet for which you want to add or edit index fields.

The file cabinets index fields are displayed.

2. 3. If needed, select the index field you want to edit. Click the Add or Edit button.

The Add/Edit Index Field dialog box is displayed.

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Complete the fields.

Field NameType a descriptive name for the index field. This field may have the same name as an existing field in your EDMS. Data TypeSelect Alpha Numeric, Numeric, Date or Float. Min Value/Max Value(These fields are available only if Numeric is selected in the Data Type field.) Use these fields to specify a range of acceptable numeric values by defining a minimum and/or maximum value. If the user types a number outside this range, the value is not accepted during a document commit. Max LengthSpecify the maximum number of characters a user can enter into this index field. (The default is 25.) Required FieldCheck this box to make the field required. Users must complete all required index fields before a document can be committed. If users leave required fields blank in Index, they can move to other fields or images, but when the batch is committed, the image will be left in the batch and not committed.
5. Click OK.

Deleting index fields

Deleting an index field makes it unavailable for users to assign index values to.
1. In the left pane of the Capture Administration window, select the file cabinet for which you want to delete index fields.

The file cabinets index fields are displayed.

2. 3. Select the index field you want to delete, and click the Delete button. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

The index field is removed from the selected file cabinet.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Batch status
About batch status
The batch status feature provides a standardized way of assigning statuses to batches. Users can search for and display batches based on their assigned status. In this area, you create the list of possible statuses. For example, you might create statuses such as None, Rush, Requires Review, and Re-scan. When creating or editing a profile in a Capture program, you can select a default status from this list that is assigned to batches when users create them. For example, you might assign None as the default status. In a Capture program, users can change the default status by selecting another status from the standardized list. Note that users can also type a status for a selected batch. You define batch statuses for a selected file cabinet in the Capture Administration window.

Select a topic: Adding or changing batch statuses (page 67) Deleting a batch status (page 67)

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Adding or changing batch statuses

1. In Capture Administration, select File Cabinets from the Admin menu.

The Capture Administration window is displayed, with all file cabinets listed under File Cabinets.
2. In the left pane, select the file cabinet for which you want to add or edit batch statuses.

The selected file cabinets options are listed in the tree.

3. Click Batch Statuses in the left pane.

Currently defined statuses are displayed on the right.

4. Add or edit a status.

To add a status, click the Add button. To edit a status, select it, and click the Edit button. The Add/Edit Status dialog box is displayed.
5. Type a descriptive status name, and click OK.

Deleting a batch status

Deleting a batch status makes it unavailable for users to assign to batches within a Capture program. If a status was previously assigned to a batch, it remains, but is no longer available for selecting.
1. In Capture Administration, select File Cabinets from the Admin menu.

The Capture Administration window is displayed, with all file cabinets listed under File Cabinets.
2. In the left pane, select the file cabinet for which you want to delete batch statuses.

The selected file cabinets options are listed in the tree.

3. Click Batch Statuses in the left pane.

Currently defined statuses are displayed on the right.

4. Select the batch status you want to delete, and click Delete.

The batch status is removed from the selected file cabinet.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Commit profiles
This section covers the following topics: About committing documents in Capture (page 68) Creating, editing and deleting commit profiles (page 71) Committing to Oracle UCM (page 74) Committing to Oracle I/PM (page 82) Configuring the commit text file (page 98) Committing using an EDP macro (page 105) Committing to a database (page 106) Selecting a document commit output format and settings (page 124) Error handling during the commit process (page 127)

About committing documents in Capture

Organizations choose to commit (archive) batches from a Capture file cabinet in a variety of ways, depending on the configuration of their Electronic Document Management System (EDMS). Organizations use the Oracle UCM commit driver or the Oracle I/PM commit driver to commit documents directly into Oracle UCM or I/PM, respectively. See Committing to Oracle UCM on page 74 or Committing to Oracle I/PM on page 82. Some organizations commit to a commit text file, which can also be used to import batches into their EDMS. The commit file can be customized to contain the information needed, but typically contains the full path to images and index values users entered. See Configuring the commit text file on page 98. Other organizations use an EDP (Electronic Document Provider) macro or a commit driver to commit directly to their EDMS. For details, see Committing using an EDP macro on page 105. Still other organizations do not create a commit file, but instead write image documents to a specified location, often for archival or backup purposes. For details, see General tab (commit file) on page 98.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Organizations may choose to commit to a database. The Capture database commit driver lets you commit to commonly used databases and in a variety of ways; see Committing to a database on page 106. You apply commit settings by creating one or more commit profiles for a file cabinet in Capture Administration; see Creating, editing and deleting commit profiles on page 71. Important points about commit profiles You can assign one or more commit profiles to a file cabinet. For example, one commit profile may commit documents to an EDMS, while another commits to a commit file. A Service Bureau might output to a commit text file containing pointers to the images, then FTP the information to clients. Still another organization might commit directly into their EDMS and create a commit file for backup, to be kept for 90 days or archived permanently. A commit profile is used regardless of which Capture program actually performs the batch commit (for example, Index, Recognition Server, Import Server or Commit Server). A file cabinet MUST have at least one active commit profile in order to commit documents. Commit profiles, once activated, are executed in order. (It is recommended that you position the commit profile most likely to fail first.) When creating a commit profile, you also specify how you want errors handled. See Error handling during the commit process on page 127. By default, images are output in their native formatthat is, the format in which they were scanned or imported into Capture. However, using commit profile options, you can convert documents to a different output format upon committing, such as TIFF, PDF or Searchable PDF. For details, see Selecting a document commit output format and settings on page 124.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

What happens during the commit process? Capture begins processing all pages. The index values of pages are analyzed to create logical documents. Any image with like index values is put into a logical document. Capture commits a batch on a per document basis. A document may consist of one or many pages. As each document is successfully committed within a batch, Capture removes the documents images and associated index data from the batch. When there are no remaining pages in the batch, Capture deletes the batch. If any image within the document fails to be committed, it remains in the batch and an error is generated. A Commit Batch audit record is added to the ecAudit table.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Creating, editing and deleting commit profiles

For background information about commit profiles, see About committing documents in Capture on page 68.
1. In Capture Administration, select the file cabinet for which you want to add or edit a commit profile.

When you click its name in the left pane, the file cabinets options are displayed.
2. Click Commit Profiles in the left pane.

The file cabinets commit profiles are listed in the right pane.
Delete Refresh


A checkmark indicates an active commit profile for the file cabinet.


Add, edit or delete a commit profile.

To create a commit profile, click the New button shown above. In the Add Commit Profile dialog box that appears, enter a name and click OK. To edit a commit profile, click its name in the left pane. To delete a commit profile, click its name in the left pane and click the Delete button. Youll be asked to confirm the deletion. Keep in mind that deleting an active commit profile might mean that no commit profiles are assigned to the file cabinet; a file cabinet must have at least one active commit profile to commit documents.

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The commit profiles settings are displayed in the right pane.


Select commit profile settings.

Profile NameDisplays the profiles name, which you can change. Commit DriverSpecify the method by which you want documents committed. You can choose: Oracle I/PM Commit Driver, which commits documents directly into Oracle I/PM. See Committing to Oracle I/PM on page 82. Oracle UCM Commit Driver, which commits documents directly into Oracle UCM. See Committing to Oracle UCM on page 74. Commit Text File, which writes a text file containing data about the committed images, such as index field values and batch information. If you select this option, configure the commit file as described in Configuring the commit text file on page 98. Electronic Document Provider, which uses the EDP macro you specify to determine how documents are committed. If you choose this option, select the EDP macro as described in Committing using an EDP macro on page 105.

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Database Commit Driver, which commits document files from Capture to a folder whose path is stored in the database or to a database table, storing them in an image/blob field. If you select this option, configure the database commit as described in Committing to a database on page 106. Document Output FormatSpecify the format in which you want documents committed using this profile output. You can choose Native File Format, Single Page TIFF, Multi Page TIFF, Image Only PDF and Searchable PDF. See Selecting a document commit output format and settings on page 124 for details. If document file already existsSpecify what happens if a document file being committed already exists. You can choose Overwrite, Abort (default) or Append. NOTE: The Append option is available only when Multi Page TIFF or Image Only PDF is selected in the Document Output Format field. If the document file already exists and the option is set to Abort, Capture stops committing the document and generates an error with the message, Document file [full path to file] already exists, document commit has been aborted. Error HandlingThe Enable Advanced Error Handling box activates custom error handling according to the level you choose from the two options below. For details, see Error handling during the commit process on page 127. It is recommended that you not enable this setting.
5. Use the up and down arrow buttons to order the commit profile(s) and activate or deactivate them as needed.

Commit profiles are processed one at a time. Capture starts the commit process by loading all the settings related to the first commit profile and begins to commit all the documents within the batch. Once the first profile has completed, it then loads all the settings for the second profile, and continues to commit all the documents within the batch, and continues this process until all commit profiles have been executed or an error occurs which causes the entire commit process to be aborted. NOTE: Because documents could be committed more than once when using multiple commit profiles, it is recommended that you position the commit profile most likely to fail first. For details, see Duplicate document committing on page 129.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Committing to Oracle UCM

This section covers the following topics: Create the Oracle UCM commit profile (page 74) Enter login information on the Login tab (page 75) Select settings on the Check-In tab (page 76) Specify dynamic metadata settings (page 78) Map Content Server and Capture fields (page 81) Create the Oracle UCM commit profile
1. In the Capture Administration window, create the commit profile.

See Creating, editing and deleting commit profiles on page 71. Commit profile options are displayed on the right.
2. Select Oracle UCM Commit Driver in the Commit Driver field.

NOTE: When archiving documents in Oracle UCM, you can choose the following formats in the Document Output Format field: TIFF-Multiple Page, PDF-Image Only and PDF-Searchable. For details, see Selecting a document commit output format and settings on page 124.

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Click the Configure button to the right of the Commit Driver field.

The Oracle UCM Commit Settings dialog box appears.

4. Complete settings on the Login, Check-In and Field Mappings tabs.

See Enter login information on the Login tab on page 75. See Select settings on the Check-In tab on page 76. See Map Content Server and Capture fields on page 81. Enter login information on the Login tab Use the Login tab to specify Oracle UCM login information. When the user commits in Capture with the Oracle UCM commit driver active, Capture will commit to Oracle UCM.

Enter the users Oracle UCM User Name and Password and the Server URL address for accessing the UCM Content Server. NOTE: The User Name and Password fields are case sensitive. Click Login. Capture logs into Oracle UCM to authenticate the user. After a successful login, the Check-In and Field Mappings tabs become available.

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Select settings on the Check-In tab Use the Check-In tab to specify where documents will be visible in Oracle UCM, how they will be named and who can view and access them.

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Document Title: Specify how you want the committed documents named in Oracle UCM. You can include literal characters by typing alphanumeric characters in the Document Title field. You can also include Capture index values, by clicking the ... (Browse) button and doubleclicking one or more index values in the Title Builder dialog box shown below. When Capture Fields is selected, all index fields in the profiles file cabinet are displayed. You can also separate words or index values by typing a space or dash. Click OK to exit the Title Builder dialog box.

Default Type: Select the Oracle UCM category to which you want the documents committed. For example, you might choose from departments such as Accounting, Human Resources or Manufacturing. Default Security: Select the security group to which to allow access to documents committed using this commit driver. Only users with permission to the selected security group will be able to work with these content items. Default Account: Select the account (if specified) to which to allow access to documents committed using this commit driver. Only users with permission to the selected account will be able to work with these content items. NOTE: You can assign type, security and account values dynamically based on a Capture index fields value, as described in Specify dynamic metadata settings on page 78. If you map values in the Dynamic Metadata table, the type you select in this field functions as the default value.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Specify dynamic metadata settings Instead of assigning a type, security and account value for all documents committed using this Oracle UCM commit profile, you can configure Capture to dynamically assign a type, security and/or account based on an index field value. For example, if a user selects Invoice from a pick-list while indexing, the documents type might be assigned ACCTG; if the user chose Correspondence from the pick-list, the documents type might be assigned MKTG.

Follow these steps to assign values dynamically.

1. Check the Assign values dynamically box.

The Dynamic Metadata Settings options become available.

2. 3. 4. In the Index Field dropdown, select the Capture field whose pick-list value will be used to assign type, security group and/or account. In the Pick-list Source field, select Capture Native Pick-list or a previously created database pick-list. In the Pick-list field, select the pick-list from those available for the source you selected.

In this example, we chose an index field called Document Type and a native pick-list called Doc Type.

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Click Add.

The Add Metadata Mappings dialog box appears. The Field Values column lists values in the pick-list not already mapped.


Check the boxes of one or more field values and select options in the Type, Security Group and Account fields.

For example, if the document type is Invoices or Receipts, the Type might be Accounting.
7. If needed, select a default setting.

The Type, Security Group and Account fields each contain a default option (as in <Default Security Group>). If <Default Security Group> is selected, the value shown in the Default Security Group field on the Check-In tab (in this case, Public) is used. This makes it easy to change the default for many mappings by changing the default value on the Check-In tab.

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Click OK.

Your mappings appear in the table.

To edit a mapping, select it in the table and click Edit. To assign the same Type, Security Group or Account values to multiple mappings, hold down the Ctrl key and select them, click Edit and select new values.

Click OK to exit the Add/Edit Metadata Mappings dialog box.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Map Content Server and Capture fields Use the Field Mappings tab to map Capture index fields to Oracle Content Server fields. As documents are committed using this driver, values entered in Capture will be written into the specified Content Server fields for document retrieval.

Content Server fields are listed on the left. In the Capture fields on the right, select an index field from those listed for the file cabinet. Click OK to exit the Oracle UCM Commit Settings dialog box.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Committing to Oracle I/PM

This section covers the following topics: About the Oracle I/PM commit driver (page 82) Create the Oracle I/PM commit profile (page 83) Select settings on the General tab (page 84) Select settings on the Direct Commit tab (page 86) Mapping file cabinets with I/PM applications (page 87) Select settings on the Filer Commit tab (page 88) Select settings on the Logging tab (page 89) Select settings on the Advanced tab (page 90) Setting up a Process configuration (page 91) About the Oracle I/PM commit driver In order to file documents directly from Capture to Oracle I/PM: the Oracle I/PM commit driver must be installed. See Install Capture components on page 20 for details about installation. the Oracle I/PM client must be installed on all Capture workstations that perform a batch commit. (Index, Recognition Server, Commit Server and Import Server can all perform batch commits.) If the Commit Server is performing all batch commits, Oracle I/PM only needs to be on the Commit Server workstations. NOTE: COLD SQL applications are not supported. Direct commit guidelines The key to successfully archiving documents from Capture directly into Oracle I/PM is to properly configure your Capture file cabinets. Make sure that field data types match. During a batch commit, the Oracle I/PM driver verifies that a specified I/PM application exists and ensures that the fields are compatible. If the driver detects a problem, it displays or logs a message and aborts the commit process.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Indirect (Filer) commit guidelines When archiving documents indirectly using Filer files, file cabinet and application names do not have to match. However, you need to ensure that your Filer file definitions are correct so they correspond to the Filer files generated by Capture. The first time you commit a batch using the Filer method, Capture generates a text file in the Commit Folder called FILEXREF.TXT. This file lists all Capture file cabinets along with a unique ID associated with each file cabinet. Use this file when configuring Oracle Filer to run in Server Mode. When you commit a Capture batch, it generates an Oracle Filer file with a file extension that represents the associated Capture file cabinet ID. You can then use these IDs to configure Filer to process specific files within the Filer folder (for example, *.001, *.002, and so on). NOTE: If you need to support multiple configurations, you can create multiple Oracle I/PM commit profiles and configure them differently. Create the Oracle I/PM commit profile
1. In the Capture Administration window, create the commit profile.

See Creating, editing and deleting commit profiles on page 71. Commit profile options are displayed on the right.
2. Select Oracle I/PM Commit Driver in the Commit Driver field.

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Click the Configure button to the right of the Commit Driver field.

The Oracle I/PM Commit Settings dialog box appears.

4. Complete settings on the General, Direct Commit, Filer Commit, Logging and Advanced tabs.

See Select settings on the General tab on page 84. See Select settings on the Direct Commit tab on page 86. See Select settings on the Filer Commit tab on page 88. See Select settings on the Logging tab on page 89. See Select settings on the Advanced tab on page 90. Select settings on the General tab
1. Click the General tab in the Oracle I/PM Commit Settings window.

General tab options are displayed.


From the Commit Methods options, specify how you want documents archived.

Choose Direct Connect to archive documents directly into Oracle I/ PM. Choose Filer File Commit to create an Oracle Filer file for each committed batch. NOTE: You can select both commit methods. Doing so allows you to keep a backup of the document indexes and images in the format of an Oracle Filer file.

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Click the tab corresponding to the commit method you want to use and select settings.

Choose the Direct Commit tab and select settings. See Select settings on the Direct Commit tab on page 86. Choose the Filer Commit tab and select settings. See Select settings on the Filer Commit tab on page 88.
4. Choose other options on the General tab.

Unique ID Field (optional): This option allows you to select a file cabinet field whose value will be replaced at commit time with a unique value. The unique value is in the form of: Capture Batch ID + the numeric file extension of the first page in the document + the number of seconds past midnight. A new unique value is generated for each document within the batch. NOTE: This value is unique to a Capture database. NOTE: This field must also be mapped to an I/PM application field within the Index Field Mappings dialog (or have the same name) in order for it to be written into Oracle I/PM. Do not overwrite existing values: If this option is checked, the specified Unique ID will retain any value that was populated by a user or Index macro. If this option is NOT checked, the Unique ID field will be auto-populated regardless of any value already in the field. By default, this box is not checked.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Select settings on the Direct Commit tab Follow these steps to select settings for direct committing into Oracle I/PM.
1. Click the Direct Commit tab in the Oracle I/PM Commit Settings window.

Direct Commit tab options are displayed.


Under I/PM Settings, enter a valid I/PM User ID, Password (case sensitive) and Server to use when archiving documents into Oracle I/PM.

The account you specify must have Create Index rights to any applications being used.
3. Click the Field Mappings button to associate Capture file cabinets with I/PM applications.

By default, the Oracle I/PM commit driver commits documents into an I/PM application based on the name of the respective Capture file cabinet. For more information, see Mapping file cabinets with I/PM applications on page 87.
4. Configure Process Integration options.

Check the Enable Process Integration box to enable the Process functionality. In the Database field, specify a Process database. Click Setup to specify detailed Process configurations. For more information, see Setting up a Process configuration on page 91. NOTE: You must have Process administrator rights. The user account is used exclusively by the Process integration as a service account to create and append Process packages. This account is not used by end users and does not use an I/PM license.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Mapping file cabinets with I/PM applications This dialog box appears when you click the Field Mappings button on the Direct Commit tab of the Oracle I/PM Commit Settings dialog box:

Follow these steps to map a Capture file cabinet to an Oracle I/PM application:
1. 2. In the Capture File Cabinet Name field, select the Capture file cabinet you want to map. In the I/PM Application Name field, select the I/PM application you want to map.

Fields in the I/PM application you selected are displayed in the I/PM Field column below.
3. 4. Select Capture fields to map to the I/PM fields. Click OK to save the field mappings and exit the dialog box.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Select settings on the Filer Commit tab Follow these steps to select settings for committing documents via Filer files.
1. In the Oracle I/PM Commit Settings dialog box, click the Filer Commit tab.

This tab is active when the Filer File Commit option is selected on the General tab.


Enter your Capture commit folder in the Filer Path field.

In the Capture window, choose Batch Setup from the System menu and copy the path in the Enter Path to Network Commit Folder field. On the Filer Commit tab of the Oracle I/PM Commit Settings dialog box, paste the path in the Filer Input field. NOTE: This path can be either a mapped drive letter or a UNC path; however, Oracle I/PM prefers a mapped drive letter. It is recommended that the path be configured the same on all Capture workstations, and the Oracle Filer program must have access to the path.
3. Select and order the Capture fields you want committed to the Filer file.

Use the left and right arrow keys to move fields to the Selected Fields box. Use the up and down arrow keys to change their order.
4. If needed, check the Use APPEND PAGES option in Filer File option.

This option instructs Filer to search for documents with the same index values, and if found, append the documents pages to the existing Filer file document.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Select settings on the Logging tab Follow these steps to set logging options. When logging is enabled, two log files are generated each day and written to the same location: a log file for the Oracle I/PM commit (whose filename uses the format EDPmmddyy.log) and a log file for Oracle process (whose filename uses the format SCPmmddyyyy.log).
1. Click the Logging tab in the Oracle I/PM Commit Settings window.

Logging options are displayed.

2. 3. 4.

Check the Enable Logging box to activate logging for the Oracle I/PM commit profile. In the Log File Location field, specify a folder in which to store log files as they are created. Select the Error Logging Only option to write to the log only if an error occurs. Select the Detailed Logging option to log all related actions.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Select settings on the Advanced tab Use this tabs options to specify how multiple documents can be created for one or more batch pages. You might use this functionality, for example, to allow users to index insurance policy documents under more than one policy number. For example, indexing users might enter 12345!67890 in a Policy Number field (where ! is specified as the delimiter) to create two separate documents-one with policy number 12345, and the other with 67890.
1. Click the Advanced tab in the Oracle I/PM Commit Settings window.

Advanced options are displayed.


Check the Enable multiple indexing values per document box allow multiple indexing (where one batch page can be associated with multiple documents).

This option is typically combined with an indexing macro.

3. In the Document index delimiter field, enter the delimiter that is used to separate different sets of index values.

For example, enter a | (pipe) character.

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Select Imaging Archiving options as needed.

Choose the Archive document images only once option to archive pages associated with multiple documents only once in I/PM. This means that multiple documents may refer to the same page in storage. Choose the Duplicate images for each document option to include the associated pages in I/PM with each document. Setting up a Process configuration This section covers the following topics: Creating a Process configuration (page 91) General Settings tab (page 93) Batch Filter Properties tab (page 94) Process Properties tab (page 95) Field Mappings tab (page 97)
Creating a Process configuration

Before setting up a Process configuration:

1. Check the Enable Process Integration box on the Direct Commit tab in the Oracle I/PM Commit Settings window.

This enables Process functionality in Capture. See Select settings on the Direct Commit tab on page 86.

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Click the Setup button.

The Process Setup dialog box youll use to set up a Process configuration appears. This dialog box lists Process configurations for the Oracle I/PM application selected in the Application field.

A checkmark indicates that the configuration is enabled. An asterisk identifies the default configuration.

To create a configuration, click New and complete the settings on the tabs. See the following: General Settings tab (page 93) Batch Filter Properties tab (page 94) Process Properties tab (page 95) Field Mappings tab (page 97) Click Save to save changes you make to the selected configuration. Click Delete to delete the selected configuration. Deleting a configuration means it is no longer available for processing documents. NOTE: Each document is processed by the first Process configuration whose filter criteria it matches. Be sure to create configurations that do not conflict. If a document can be matched by more than one configuration, Capture cannot control which configuration will be used.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

General Settings tab

Use this tab to enable a configuration and identify its name and type.

Configuration NameEnter a name for the configuration. Names must be unique for the selected application. EnabledCheck this box to activate or deactivate the configuration. A deactivated configuration is temporarily unavailable for processing. Configuration TypeSpecify the configuration type (Default or Filter). A filter-type configuration processes batches that match its specified filter. The default configuration provides a catch-all configuration that processes any batches that do not match any other configurations filters. Note that you can create only one default configuration for an application. (An asterisk appears before its name in the Process Configurations list.) Enable Filtering Based onSpecify the basis on which you want documents filtered. You can choose Batch Prefixes, Batch Statuses and/or Index Values Field. (If you check multiple boxes, documents that match any of the criteria are processed by the configuration.) After checking one or more boxes, you specify the actual criteria on the Batch Filter Properties tab, as described in Batch Filter Properties tab on page 94. If you choose to filter based on a document index value, check the Index Field Values box and select the Capture index field on which you want to search in the Index Field dropdown list.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Batch Filter Properties tab

Use this tab to specify which documents are processed by the selected configuration, based on their batch prefix, batch status or index field value.

NOTE: In order to specify filter criteria on this tab, you must select the corresponding filter on the General Settings tab (page 93). For example, to filter documents by batch prefix, you must select Batch Prefixes on the General Settings tab and specify the prefix(es) on this tab. Batch Prefix CriteriaTo specify a batch prefix, enter it in the Batch Prefix field and click Add. It is added to the Defined Batch Prefixes list. You can enter multiple prefixes. To remove a batch prefix from the defined list, select it and click Remove. If multiple prefixes are added, a batch that matches any of the prefixes will be processed. Batch Status CriteriaTo specify a batch status, check its box from the list of statuses defined for the application. You can select multiple statuses. A batch matching any of the selected statuses will be processed. Index Field CriteriaTo specify an index value, enter it in the Index Field Value field and click Add. It is added to the Defined Index Field Values list. You can enter multiple index values. A batch matching any of the specified index field values will be processed. To remove an index value from the defined list, select it and click Remove.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Process Properties tab

Use this tab to specify how documents are processed using the selected configuration.

Package TemplateSpecify the Process package template to use. Start EventSpecify the Process start event to place packages into. Attachment TypeSpecify the attachment type (if any). Attachment TitleSpecify the attachment title, by selecting one or more Capture index field names or entering characters. (Index field names are listed in brackets.) Upon commit, the index value of the selected field becomes the attachment title of the package. To select an index field, click the dropdown and choose an index field. Select additional fields to append them to the title. You can also type characters as literals. For example, if the title is [Field 1][Field 2], you could type between the two fields, as in [Field 1] - [Field 2].

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Grouping OptionsUse these options to determine how packages are grouped together. To specify Group By fields, see Field Mappings tab on page 97. Choose Append to existing packages that match the Group By fields to append the incoming document to an existing package if their specified Group By field values match. (If a package cannot be found, a new package is automatically created.) If this box is NOT checked, documents are placed in new packages even if their Group By field values match those in existing packages. Use the Field Precedence for Multiple Document Groups options to specify how you want index values handled when appending documents to packages. If you choose Do not update field values for an existing package, index field values are never modified when documents are appended to packages. If you choose Last document appended sets package field values, index field values are changed to those of the appended document.

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Field Mappings tab

Use this tab to specify required index fields and index fields whose values are used to group packages together. (You map package fields to file cabinet index fields in the Package Template.)

RequiredWhen checked, the file cabinet (application) index field must contain a value in order for the document to be placed into a Process package. Documents with missing required index values are committed but not placed in a Process package. Group ByUse this box to specify if an index field is used to group packages together. For example, checking the Customer No. field means that packages with the same Customer No. value will be appended into existing packages. Note that the Grouping Options you select on the Process Properties tab (page 95) determine whether documents are actually appended in packages: If this option is checked, documents are appended to all packages in Process whose Group By field values match. Checking multiple Group By fields create an AND condition, where a matching value must be found for each checked Group By field in order for the package to be grouped with other packages.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Configuring the commit text file

If you opted to create a commit text file when creating the commit profile (see Creating, editing and deleting commit profiles on page 71) and clicked the Configure button, the Commit File Settings dialog box appears, allowing you to change the commit files default settings. By default, Capture creates a quotation, comma-separated text file that contains the full path to each image file, followed by document index data. The images are extracted from the batch and inserted into a folder beneath the commit folder. The text file and new batch folder are created under the Commit folder you specified during batch setup. You can select commit file settings on these tabs: General tab (commit file) (page 98) Formatting tab (commit file) (page 101) Document File Naming tab (commit file) (page 103) General tab (commit file) Use this tab to specify how commit text files are written (options in the upper portion) and how document files are written (lower portion).

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Do not create Commit Text FileCheck this option to create document files but no commit text file. When this option is selected, it is typically combined with options on the Document File Naming tab so that document files are named using index field values. Text File FolderClick the ... (Browse) button and select the folder in which you want commit text files written. By default, this field displays the commit folder specified during batch setup (see Configure Capture Batch Setup on page 22). Store in subfoldersCheck this box to store commit text files in subfolders named by commit date. Select a date option in the dropdown field below. Along with Year, you can choose Year and Month or Year, Month and Day to create further subfolders for documents. File ExtensionIf needed, enter a different file extension for the commit file(s). The default extension is .TXT. Document FolderClick the ... (Browse) button and select the folder in which you want document files written. By default, this field displays the commit folder specified during batch setup (see Configure Capture Batch Setup on page 22). Create a folder per committed batchCheck this box to create a folder for each committed batch, where folders are named using the syntax BatchID.FileCabinetID (internal IDs assigned by Capture).

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Store in subfoldersCheck this box to store document files in subfolders named by commit date or index value. Check the box and select an option in the dropdown field below. If storing in subfolders named by date, you can choose Year, Year and Month or Year, Month and Day to create further subfolders for documents. If storing in subfolders named by index value, choose By Index Value(s) and click the adjacent Configure button. For example, you might configure documents to be written to a company subfolder (below the specified commit folder), and within that, by type of document, as shown below. The commit destination for a document with a company name of Acme and a file type of Financial might be: \\Commit\Acme\Financial

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Formatting tab (commit file) Use this tab to specify the fields and delimiters used in the commit file.

File DelimiterDefine the character to use to separate fields within the commit file. You can choose: Comma (default), Semicolon, Tab or Other. If you choose Other, an Other Character field appears, allowing you to enter a delimiter character. Text QualifierSpecify the character mark used to identify the beginning and end of text fields. This text qualifier is used if needed, regardless of the file cabinet fields data type. You can choose: Double quote () (the default), Single quote () or None.

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Fields to include in Commit Text FileUse this option to customize the fields included in the commit file and their order. To include a field, select it in the Available Fields list and click the right arrow to move it to the Selected Fields list. By default, all file cabinet fields are included, in the order in which they appear within the file cabinet. Below are additional system fields you can include: Batch ID (Captures unique Batch ID) Batch Priority Batch Status Commit Date Commit Time File Name (full path)the full path to the document file (for example, c:\commit\00000001.001\00000001.TIF). File Name (relative path)the path to the batch folder/document file relative to the commit folder (for example, 00000001.001\00000001.TIF). If you select this option along with the Commit Text File folder option on the General tab, this field would include only the document file name (for example, 00000001.TIF).

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Document File Naming tab (commit file) Use this tab to customize how document files are named.

Name document file based on index filesCheck this box if you want document files named using selected fields and options shown on this tab. If you dont check this box, Capture names document files using a default naming scheme that combines the internal batch ID, an underscore and a numeric identifier. Fields to include in document file nameSelect one or more fields whose values will comprise the file name. Use the up/down arrows to specify the order in which the selected fields will make up the document file name, separated by the selected field delimiter. All file cabinet fields are available, along with the following system level fields: Batch ID Commit Date Commit Time Timer (number of milliseconds after midnight) Batch Priority Batch Status

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Field DelimiterSpecify a character to use to separate fields within the file name. You can select {space} (the default), or type in a character such as a . (period). If file name consists of invalid charactersSpecify what happens if Capture detects invalid characters in a file name. This might happen, for example, if a user entered an index value containing a question mark or a forward slash character. You can choose to either remove the invalid characters or abort the document commit.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Committing using an EDP macro

If your organization commits batches directly to their EDMS, youll need to use an EDP (Electronic Document Provider) macro or another commit driver to commit them. For detailed information about writing macros for use in Capture, see the Oracle Document Capture Programmer Guide.
1. In the Capture Administration window, create the commit profile.

See Creating, editing and deleting commit profiles on page 71. Commit profile options are displayed on the right.

To commit using an EDP macro, choose Electronic Document Provider as the commit driver.


Select Electronic Document Provider in the Commit Driver field.

This specifies that you want to commit documents using an EDP macro, rather than by creating a commit file.
3. Click the Configure button to the right of the Commit Driver field.

The Macro Selection dialog box is displayed.


Select an EDP macro from the Available Macros field and click OK.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Committing to a database
This section covers the following topics: About committing to a database (page 106) Create the database commit profile (page 108) Configure the database connection (page 110) Select the database table(s) and map fields (page 114) Commit to a parent table along with a document table (optional) (page 116) Specify where documents are committed (page 122) About committing to a database The database commit driver enables organizations to commit from Capture to a variety of databases, such as MS-SQL Server, MS-Access and Oracle. The drivers flexibility allows you to customize where the document files are stored and which document index values are written to the database.
Where document files are stored

You can commit to one or both of these locations: Commit document files to a folder whose path is stored in the database Commit document files to a database table, storing them in an image/ blob field For details, see Specify where documents are committed on page 122. NOTE: You can also opt NOT to save the document files, and write only document values to new records in a database table. This can be useful when integrating data with third party applications.

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Which document values are committed

To write document index values to the database, you map Capture index fields to fields in the document database table. For details, see Select the database table(s) and map fields on page 114. As an option, you can write Capture values to fields in two tables (a parent and a document table) that are linked by a key field. This allows you to simultaneously write different values to a parent and a detail table. For more information, see Commit to a parent table along with a document table (optional) on page 116.
Main steps in configuring a database commit

Youll follow these main steps to configure a database commit profile:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Create the database commit profile (page 108). Configure the database connection (page 110). Select the database table(s) and map fields (page 114). Commit to a parent table along with a document table (optional) (page 116). Specify where documents are committed (page 122).

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Create the database commit profile

1. In the Capture Administration window, create the commit profile.

See Creating, editing and deleting commit profiles on page 71. Commit profile options are displayed on the right.
2. Select Database Commit Driver in the Commit Driver field.

To commit to a database, choose Database Commit Driver and click Configure.

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Click the Configure button to the right of the Commit Driver field.

The Database Commit Settings window appears.

Youll use the Database tab to: Configure the database connection (page 110) Select the database table(s) and map fields (page 114) Commit to a parent table along with a document table (optional) (page 116) Youll use the Commit tab to: Specify where documents are committed (page 122)

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Configure the database connection Follow these steps to connect to the database you want users to commit to when using this profile. To connect, youll need to specify an OLE database provider for the database.
1. On the Database tab of the Database Commit Settings window, click the Configure button in the Database Connection area.

The Datalink Properties dialog box is displayed.


On the Provider tab, select the OLE DB provider for the type of data you will be committing.

If you have a native OLE Database Provider for your database, select that. Otherwise, if your database supports an ODBC driver, select the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers.

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Complete the fields on the Connection tab.

The information on the Connection tab is specific to the OLE Database Provider you chose on the Provider Tab. The configuration can be different for other Database Providers. The illustration below uses the Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider as an example.

Specify the source of data using either the Use Data Source Name or Use Connection String option. The Data Source Name (recommended) is the DSN that you configured using the ODBC Manager in the Windows Control Panel. If you configured an ODBC Source while this dialog box is displayed, click Refresh to load the new ODBC Source into the list. The Use Connection String option allows you to specify all of the database parameters. If you select this option, it is recommended that you use the Build feature to create the database parameters. Enter the User ID and Password to connect to the database. NOTE: Some databases, such as Microsoft Access, may not require a user ID and password. If your database does not require them, leave the fields blank. Select Blank Password only if no password is required for the entered User ID. Selecting Allow saving of password saves the password unmasked and unencrypted in the Password field. This allows Capture to automatically connect to the database when you have finished configuring the database commit driver. Select the database as the initial catalog to use.

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Click Test Connection to test the configuration. Your test connection must succeed before the commit driver will work in Capture.
4. If needed, complete fields on the Advanced and All tabs.

NOTE: Depending on the database and OLE Database Provider used, the way you configure the database and OLE Database Provider can vary. The Advanced tab allows you to fine-tune your OLE DB Provider parameters. Press F1 to access Microsofts detailed help for configuring these options. These settings do not need to be configured with most Capture installations. The All tab shows you all of the configured properties. You can modify any property by clicking Edit Value. In general, you do not need to use this tab.
5. After you have configured your database connection, click OK.

You return to the Database Commit Settings window with the database connection configured.

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NOTE: In a multi-user environment, all workstations must have access to the applicable database resources. For example, if you configure a commit profile with an ODBC DSN, the DSN must be available on all Capture workstations using the commit profile.

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Select the database table(s) and map fields After configuring the database connection, select the table and map its fields.
1. In the Database Schema field (on the Database tab of the Database Commit Settings window), select a database schema if applicable or select All Tables. In the Document Table field, select the database table to which you want to commit. In the Parent Table field, select the parent table to which you want to commit.

2. 3.

This optional setting allows you to search and write index values to a parent table while committing to the document table. For details, see Commit to a parent table along with a document table (optional) on page 116.
4. On the Document tab, map Capture fields to fields from the document table.

Click the Add button. The Add Document Field Mapping dialog box appears.

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Select the fields you want to map from the Capture and document fields. After you click OK, the mappings are displayed in the Document Field Mappings table.

Repeat to map all fields you want. To remove a mapping, select a mapping in the table and click Delete. (To make changes, delete the mapping and add a new one.)

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Commit to a parent table along with a document table (optional) As an option, you can write Capture values to two tables linked by a key field. Typically, this option is used to search for one or more higher level values in a parent table (writing a new record if needed and allowed), and then use that information to insert records in the document table and write detailed values there. Suppose, for example, that a database contains tables called Customer (parent table) and Work Orders (document table). The Customer table contains customer ID and name fields, while the document table contains detail fields. Each table contains a Cust ID field.
Customer (Parent table) Cust ID

Work Orders (Document table) Cust ID Doc Type

Invoices (Document table) ... ...

Correspond. (Document table) ... ...

Capture provides two ways to search the parent table: Search multiple fields in the parent table (page 117) Search the parent key field only (page 120)

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Search multiple fields in the parent table

In this case, the Search using parent key only box on the Parent tab is NOT checked. Capture searches the parent table using ALL mapped fields. This creates an AND condition, where ALL mapped fields must match. If an exact match is found, Capture does not write any values to the parent table, but uses the parent key value as the foreign key in the document table and inserts the document record into the document table using the values mapped on the Document tab. If an exact match is NOT found, one of the following occurs: Capture creates a new record in both the parent and document tables that includes the key field value and mapped field values. This occurs when the Cancel commit if parent record not found box is NOT checked (default). Capture skips committing the document, continues committing other documents in the batch, and displays a message to the user that the document was not committed. This occurs when the Cancel commit if parent record not found box is checked. NOTE: When searching, Capture uses the first matching record it finds. NOTE: When searching this way, you can use a primary key in the parent table that is not used as a document index field (for example, an autoincrement field).

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

The illustration below highlights this scenario.

Capture searches the parent table using ALL mapped fields. If an exact match is found, Capture uses the parent key value to insert a document record into the document table using values mapped on the Document tab. If an exact match is NOT found, Capture either creates a new record in both tables or skips committing that document.

This option is NOT checked when searching multiple fields.

Include blank fields in search option This checkbox determines if a match is found when Capture is searching for a null value, because the Capture index user left an indexing field blank. Suppose a Capture index user entered the following values in Cust ID and Cust Name fields that match a record in the parent table, but left the SSN field blank. Cust ID = 12345 Cust Name = John Doe SSN = <blank> The following table lists possible parent table database values. The Matched column indicates whether Capture will find a match based on the Include blank fields in search option.
Cust ID database field value
12345 12345 12345 12345

Cust Name database field value

John Doe John Doe John Doe John Doe

SSN database field value

111-11-1111 111-11-1111 Null Null

Include blank fields in search?

No Yes No Yes

Yes No Yes Yes

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

The table shows that when the Include blank fields in search option is checked and a mapped Capture field is left blank, Capture searches the mapped database field for a null value, and matches the record only if it finds a null value. If the option is NOT checked, Capture excludes the blank mapped field(s) from the search.

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Search the parent key field only

When searching this way, the Search using parent key only box IS checked. Capture searches for a matching value in the key field only of the parent table. If an exact match is found on the parent key field, Capture inserts the document record into the document table using the values mapped on the Document tab. If other fields are mapped on the Parent tab, they are ignored. If an exact match is NOT found on the parent key field, the action Capture takes depends on the Cancel commit if parent record not found checkbox. If unchecked (default), Capture creates a new record in both tables that contains the key field values as well as mapped field values. If checked, Capture skips committing that document but continues committing the batch. A message saying the document could not be committed is displayed to users. NOTE: When searching, Capture uses the first matching record it finds. The illustration below highlights this scenario.

Capture searches the key field only of the parent table. If an exact match is found, Capture inserts the document record into the document table using values mapped on the Document tab. If an exact match is NOT found, Capture either creates a new record in both tables or skips committing that document.

NOTE: Since only one field is searched when the Search using parent key only box is checked, null values are not allowed. For that reason, the Include blank fields in search option is disabled.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Follow these steps to configure parent table options.

1. 2. On the Database tab of the Database Commit Settings window, select a table in the Parent Table field. Click the Parent tab.

Parent table options are displayed.

3. Select the key field in Parent Key and Document Key fields.

These fields must be of the same data type. NOTE: You do not need to designate the key fields as primary keys or define a join relationship between them in the database application.
4. In the table, map Capture fields to fields from the parent table.

Click the Add button. The Add Parent Field Mapping dialog box appears.

Select the fields you want to map from the Capture and parent fields. Repeat to map all fields you want. To remove a mapping, select a mapping in the table and click Delete. (To make changes, delete the mapping and add a new one.)
5. Apply optional settings if needed.

For information about the Search using the parent key field only option, see Commit to a parent table along with a document table (optional) on page 116. The Include blank fields in search option controls whether records are matched when Capture searches the parent table and finds null values for mapped fields. See Include blank fields in search option on page 118. Check the Cancel commit if parent record not found box to skip document commit if no matching parent record is found.

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Specify where documents are committed After configuring the database connection and mapping tables and fields, the final step in configuring a database commit driver is to specify how you want document files stored. Using Commit tab options, you can commit document files to a folder and/or a database table. NOTE: To save document values to a database but not document files, leave the options on this tab blank.
1. Click the Commit tab of the Database Commit Settings window.

The Commit tab settings are displayed.

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To commit to a folder, check the Folder box and complete settings.

In the Commit Document File Folder field, specify where you want the document files written. To browse to a folder, click the ... (Browse) button and select a folder. See the options below to create subfolders for documents under this folder. Check the Store in subfolders by date box to store document files in subfolders named by commit date and select a date option in the dropdown field below. Along with Year, you can choose Year and Month or Year, Month and Day to create further subfolders for documents. When Year, Month and Day is checked, Capture would create the following subfolders on March 28, 2006.

In the Store Document Path in field, select the field in which you want the document files full path stored. This dropdown lists all fields in the database.
3. To commit to a database table, check the Database table box and specify a database field.

In the Store in Image/Blob field, select the database field in which you want the document files stored. NOTE: The data type for this field must support long binary data.

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Selecting a document commit output format and settings

Regardless of a document images native formatthe format in which it was scanned or imported into Captureyou can convert it to a different format upon committing it. By clicking the adjacent Configure button, you can also configure full text OCR and, for the Image Only PDF format, select an image quality.

To convert documents upon commit, select an output format.

By default, document images are committed in their native format. To convert them, choose a new format: Native FormatNo conversion takes place. Single Page TIFFConverts black/white, grayscale and color images to Group 4 TIFF format. Multi Page TIFFConverts documents to multiple page, Group 4 TIFF format. Image Only PDFConverts documents to PDF (portable document format) for use in the Adobe Acrobat Reader. To specify a different quality setting for images committed using this format, click the Configure button and specify a setting in the Image Quality field. You can specify a number from 1 to 100, where 65 is the default image quality. Note that the higher the image quality setting you select, the larger the image size.

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Searchable PDFConverts documents to PDF (portable document format) with text users can search for in the Adobe Acrobat Reader. IMPORTANT: The Searchable PDF option uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) when creating PDF documents that users can search. Note that the hidden text (i.e., the OCR results) within Searchable PDF documents CANNOT be edited and may contain errors. To convert documents to Searchable PDFs, you must have purchased the Searchable PDF Option license. NOTE: By default, when the Searchable PDF format is selected in a commit profile, PDF processing occurs as part of the overall commit process. However, a PDF processing failure can also cause Capture applications to fail. To prevent this, check the box called Run in a separate process, which completes PDF processing separately from overall processing. Note that processing separately results in slightly slower performance. Configuring full text OCR settings Use this option to automatically generate a text file of a selected format containing all text found in documents via Optical Character Recognition (OCR). This option is available for all document output formats. Depending on your EDMS capabilities, the full text file can be used for document searching and retrieval. NOTE: Full Text OCR requires a Capture OCR license. To configure full text OCR settings, click the Configure button. An export settings dialog box appears:

Check the Perform Full Text OCR box to create a text file along with the selected output file that contains all text captured during the full-page OCR process. The text file is named with the same name as the output file, except for a .TXT extension.

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Select a text file format. Formats include:

Available Text File Formats (None) No text file will be created. (This is the default setting.) Text - Standard Text - Smart Text - Stripped Text - Plain Available Text File Formats Text - Comma Delimited Text - Tab Delimited Rec ASCII (Formatted) Rec ASCII (Standard) Rec ASCII (StandardEx)

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Error handling during the commit process

Use a commit profiles error handling options to customize what happens when errors are encountered during batch committing. (It is recommended that you NOT enable this feature.)

Error handling options

Check the Enable Advanced Error Handling box to make advanced error handling selections. If you leave this option unchecked (the default), any warning or critical error will halt the commit profile and commit process. This is the most conservative setting. You can opt for a less conservative setting by selecting options from the Error level fields. Depending on your selections, an error can stop the current commit profile from further use or stop the entire commit process, including any other commit profiles, from executing. See Error handling examples on page 128. Regardless of error settings, all documents in which an error is encountered remain in the batch until the error is resolved and they are committed again. As a result, it is possible for a document to be committed twice when using multiple commit profiles. For details, see Duplicate document committing on page 129.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Error handling examples Below are some examples of how error levels control the commit process if errors are encountered: If a warning or critical error occurs, abort the commit processTo immediately abort the commit process in the case of any error, set the error level for both the commit profile and the commit process to Warning or Critical Errors. Note that this is the default option, whether advanced error handling is activated or not.
With Advanced Error Handling enabled Without Advanced Error Handling enabled

If a warning error occurs, continue with the commit profileIn this case, the commit profiles error level is set to Critical Errors. If a Warning error occurs, the document in which the error occurred is skipped, and the commit process proceeds to the next document for the commit profile.

If a warning or critical error occurs, abort the current commit profile but proceed using the next commit profileSetting the commit process error level to None means that, regardless of the error, Capture proceeds to the next commit profile.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Duplicate document committing As mentioned earlier, all documents in which an error is encountered remain in the batch until the error is resolved and they are committed again. When multiple profiles are used, this means that documents can be committed more than once. For example: Commit Profile 1 commits the entire batch of 100 documents. Commit Profile 2 commits up to 50 documents successfully, and encounters an error on document 51. After the first commit, 50 documents remain in the batch. The user or administrator corrects the problem related to Commit Profile 2. User commits the batch again. Commit Profile 1 commits the remaining 50 documents again. Commit Profile 2 commits the remaining 50 documents. In the example above, Commit Profile 1 ends up committing the same 50 documents twice. In general, it is recommended that you place the commit profile with the greatest likelihood of failing at the top of the list. NOTE: You can prevent some duplicate committing problems by selecting Abort or Overwrite in the If document file already exists option when creating the commit profile. See Creating, editing and deleting commit profiles on page 71.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Users in Capture
About users in Capture
The security model you chose during configuration affects how users log in to Capture: If you chose Capture, users are required to log in to Capture and its components. See Adding or changing users (Capture security) on page 131 for details on creating and managing users, assigning them Capture access to specific file cabinets, and assigning administration rights. If you chose Windows Domain, you have two login options. To change the option, click Login Settings in the Capture Batch Setup dialog box (see Configure Capture Batch Setup on page 22) and choose a setting.

Automatically using workstation login (default): Capture detects and uses the Windows login user name to log the current Windows user into Capture. Prompt users: The Capture login screen shown below appears each time a user activates a Capture component. This allows a user other than the domain user to log in to Capture.

In either case, users are created and assigned to groups in the Windows Domain, and you use Captures Administration area to assign them administration rights or access to specific file cabinets. See Adding or changing users and groups (Windows Domain security) on page 134.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Adding or changing users (Capture security)

1. In the Capture window, select Users from the Admin menu.

The Capture Administration window is displayed, and all current users are listed under the Users node in the left pane.
Delete Refresh


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Add or edit a user.

To make changes to a user, select the user, and make changes to his or her settings in the right pane. To delete a user, select the user and click the Delete button. To add a user, click the New button shown above. The Add User dialog box appears.

Enter the user name and password the user will type to log in to Capture and its components, and click OK.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)


Assign user settings to the selected user.

Administration RightsChecking this box gives the user administrator access, including all Capture administration options. Users must have administration rights to manage batch scanning and index profiles, manage Capture macros, and access setup options. Administrators have access to ALL file cabinets. Assigned File CabinetsUse the remaining options to assign or remove access to file cabinets for the selected user. In order to use a Scan or Index profile, a user must have access to its assigned file cabinet. To assign a file cabinet, select it in the Available File Cabinets field and click the + button to move it to the Assigned File Cabinets field; repeat to add other file cabinets. To remove access to a file cabinet, select it in the Assigned File Cabinets field and click the - button.
4. If needed, click Change Password to change a selected users password.

In the Edit User dialog box, enter the new password twice. The user will use this password the next time he or she logs in to Capture.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Adding or changing users and groups (Windows Domain security)

Follow these steps to add or edit Capture access for individual domain users or groups of domain users. Adding a domain group provides a timesaving method of assigning Capture access rights to all members of a domain group at the same time. Domain groups are typically configured by a network administrator. NOTE: The Commit Server, Recognition Server and Import Server applications provide an unattended login option that uses a Capture administrators user ID and password to automate login. For unattended login to work, the administrator must be added as an individual Capture user (as described below) rather than added as a member of a domain group.
1. In the Capture window, select Users from the Admin menu.

The Capture Administration window is displayed, and all current users and groups are listed under the Users node in the left pane.
Delete Refresh


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Add a user or group.

Click the New button (looks like a sun). The Add User or Group dialog box appears. It allows you to add users and groups for the domain selected in the Domain field. To add a user, select Add users, choose a domain user from the Name dropdown field and click Add. The user is added to the list of selected users/groups.

NOTE: On a very large domain, it may take a while to refresh the user list. You may opt to manually enter names instead of waiting for the list to populate. It is recommended that you use Windows 2000 or XP when accessing this dialog box.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

To add groups of users, select Add groups, choose a group from the Name dropdown field and click Add. The group is added to the list of selected users/groups. All users assigned to this group will be assigned the groups Capture rights, selected in the next step.


Assign settings to the selected user or group.

Select the user or group in the left pane, and make changes to settings in the right pane. Administration RightsChecking this box gives the user(s) administrator access, including all Capture administration options. Users must have administration rights to manage batch scanning and index profiles, manage Capture macros, and access setup options. Administrators have access to ALL file cabinets. Assigned File CabinetsUse the remaining options to assign or remove access to file cabinets for the selected user(s). In order to use a Scan or Index profile, a user must have access to its assigned file cabinet. To assign a file cabinet, select it in the Available File Cabinets field and click the + button to move it to the Assigned File Cabinets field; repeat to add other file cabinets. To remove access to a file cabinet, select it in the Assigned File Cabinets field and click the - button.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Deleting users or groups

Deleting a user removes his or her access to Capture and any assigned file cabinets. Note that removing users with Windows Domain security does not remove the user from the Windows Domainthat is done in the User Manager. Deleting a group removes access to Capture and any assigned file cabinets for all members of that domain group.


In Capture Administration, select Users from the Admin menu.

The Capture Administration window is displayed, and all current users and groups are listed under the Users node in the left pane.
2. 3. Select the user or group you want to delete. Click the Delete button.

The user or group is removed from Capture.

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This section covers the following topics: About pick-lists (page 139) Creating and editing Capture pick-lists (page 141) Importing and exporting pick-list values (page 145) Creating, editing and deleting database pick-lists (page 148) Creating and editing pick-list relationships (page 156) Using non-relational pick-lists in Capture programs (page 163)

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

About pick-lists
A pick-list provides users with two or more values from which to choose when indexing documents. Pick-lists can significantly speed up indexing and prevent data entry errors.

A pick-list displays values from which the user chooses.

You define pick-lists in Capture Administration, then select them when creating profiles in Capture programs. This allows you to use the same picklist in several Capture programs. When creating a pick-list, you first specify its pick-list source. You can create these types of sources: Capture Native Pick-lists (page 141). Use this type when you want to enter and maintain values in Capture. For example, you could create a pick-list named Document Type that contains ten document type values to ensure that users can only enter one of those ten types. (Note that you can import pick-list values into the Capture database as well as export pick-list values to a text file; see Importing and exporting pick-list values on page 145.) Database Pick-lists (page 148). Use this type when you want Capture to display pick-list values dynamically retrieved from an external database. This is useful when pick-list values are subject to change, since a database pick-list always displays current values from a database table.

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After creating one or more pick-lists, you can then: Use them in a Capture programs profile. See Using non-relational picklists in Capture programs on page 163. Define parent-child relationships between them, as described in Creating and editing pick-list relationships on page 156.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Creating and editing Capture pick-lists

Follow these steps to manually enter or edit pick-lists in Capture Administration. For more information about pick-list source types, see About pick-lists on page 139. For information on database pick-lists, see Creating, editing and deleting database pick-lists on page 148.
1. Choose Pick-list Sources from the Admin menu.

The Capture Administration window is displayed, with all pick-list sources listed below the Pick-list Sources heading in the left pane.

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Choose Capture Native Pick-lists.

This pick-list sources settings are displayed in the right pane, as shown below. This pick-list sources name cannot be changed in the Pick-list Source Name field. The Description field describes the source, and is for reference only. The Pick-list Type field identifies Capture Native Pick-list as its type. (This sources type cannot be changed.) This source stores picklists within the Capture database. Because this source is already configured, the Configure button is not available. The Defined Pick-lists area lists the pick-list(s) defined for this source. You use the Create/Edit button to add, edit and delete picklists and their values.

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Click the Create/Edit button.

The Capture Pick-list Management dialog box is displayed. It lists picklists on the left, and values for the selected pick-list on the right.
Sort descending Sort ascending Import values Export values

Actual index value saved with the document Value displayed to users


Add, edit or delete a pick-list.

To add a pick-list, click New in the lower left. In the Add/Edit Picklist dialog box that appears, enter a name and select a data type in the Data Type field. You can choose: Alphabetic (characters only) Alpha Numeric (numbers and/or characters), Date, Float (decimal) or Numeric (numbers only). Note that, to display the pick-lists values in an index field, the pick-list must have the same data type as the index field.

To edit a pick-list, select it in the left table and click Edit.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Click Delete to delete a selected pick-list. Youll be asked to confirm the deletion. Deleting a pick-list means that the pick-list is no longer available for assigning in Capture profiles. If you delete a pick-list currently used in a Capture profile, an error message may appear to the user during indexing.
5. Add, edit and sort pick-list values.

Each pick-list value has both a display value (displayed to the user in the pick-list) and a commit value (value saved during the document commit). These values can be different. Note that changes are saved as you make them. To add a pick-list value to the selected pick-list, enter a value in the Commit Value field (and another value in the Display Value field, if needed) and click Add. If you leave the Display Value field blank, the commit value is assigned to the display value. To change a pick-list value, double-click it in the Pick-list Items table and its values are displayed in the Commit Value and Display Value fields. After making changes, click the Update button to save them. To delete a pick-list value, select the value and click Delete. Deleting a pick-list value means that value is no longer displayed in the pick-list, but does not change index values already assigned that value. If the pick-list item is part of a parent/child relationship, youll be asked to confirm the deletion. Click the Import button to import values from a text file into the selected pick-list, as described in Importing values into a pick-list on page 145. Click the Export button to write pick-list values to a text file, as described in Exporting pick-list values to a text file on page 147. The way you order pick-list values here determines the order in which they are displayed to users. Use the Up and Down arrow buttons to reorder selected values. Or, click the Ascending Sort button to sort values by ascending order or the Descending Sort button to sort them by descending order.
6. Click Close.

You return to the pick-list view in Capture Administration, with your new or edited pick-list(s) displayed in the Defined Pick-lists list. To see a pick-lists values, click its name and click the plus sign that appears. You can now specify a pick-list relationship if needed (see Creating and editing pick-list relationships on page 156) or use the pick-list in a Capture profile (see Using non-relational pick-lists in Capture programs on page 163).

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Importing and exporting pick-list values

When creating Capture pick-lists, you can import values from a text file. You can also export values youve entered into Capture pick-lists to a text file. Importing values into a pick-list Capture imports standard ASCII text files delimited with carriage return/line feeds. Each line within the text file is imported as a pick-list item.
1. Display the Capture Pick-list Management window.

In the Capture Administration window, select the Capture Native Pick-list source and click Create/Edit. For details, see Creating and editing Capture pick-lists on page 141.
Import values


In the left table, select the pick-list to which you want to import values.

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Click the Import Values icon shown above.

The Import Pick-list Items from File dialog box is displayed.


Complete the fields.

To specify the file you want to import, click the ... (Browse) button. In the Select a File containing Items to Import dialog box, choose a text file and click Open. Check the Check for duplicates box to check for and eliminate duplicate values. NOTE: Importing large pick-lists takes longer when this option is selected. Click Process. Capture imports the values and displays items added and errors encountered in the Import Status area. If needed, select another file to import.


Click Close.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Exporting pick-list values to a text file Capture writes a selected pick-lists values to a carriage return/line feed delimited text file.
1. Display the Capture Pick-list Management window.

In the Capture Administration window, select the Capture Native Pick-list source and click Create/Edit. For details, see Creating and editing Capture pick-lists on page 141.
Export values to a text file

2. 3.

In the left table, select the pick-list whose values you want to export. Click the Export Values icon shown above.

The Specify Export File Name dialog box appears.

4. Specify a name and location for the text file, and click Save.

The text file is written to the location and filename you specified.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Creating, editing and deleting database pick-lists

Follow these steps to create a pick-list linked to a database. For this type of pick-list, you must first connect to the database and then identify how you want the databases values used. For more information about pick-list source types, see About pick-lists on page 139. For information on pick-lists stored in Capture, see Creating and editing Capture pick-lists on page 141.
1. Choose Pick-list Sources from the Admin menu.

The Capture Administration window is displayed.



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Create or edit a pick-list.

To create a pick-list, click the New button shown above. To edit a pick-list, select its name in the left pane and make changes to the settings that appear in the right pane, as described in step 4. (Select the Capture Native Pick-list source ONLY if you want to create a Capture database pick-list, rather than a pick-list linked to an external database. See Creating and editing Capture pick-lists on page 141 for details.) To delete a pick-list source, select its name in the left pane and click the Delete button shown above. All information associated with the pick-list source will be deleted. Youll be asked to confirm the deletion. Deleting a database pick-list will not remove the pick-list items from the external database.
3. Enter a name for the pick-list source and click OK.

The new pick-list is listed under the Pick-list Sources heading in the left pane and its settings are displayed in the right pane.

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Complete the fields.

Pick-list Source NameThis name identifies the pick-list source. You can change it here if needed. DescriptionDescribes the pick-list source. This field is for reference only. Pick-list TypeSelect Database Pick-list. This type displays picklist values from a specified external database table. Defined Pick-lists: This area lists the pick-list(s) defined for this source. (The Create/Edit button is available only when creating Capture native pick-lists, as described in Creating and editing Capture pick-lists on page 141.)
5. Click the Configure button.

The Pick-list Configuration dialog box is displayed. Youll use this dialog box to connect to and identify the database fields you want displayed.

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Click the Configure button.

The Datalink Properties dialog box is displayed.


On the Provider tab, select the OLE DB provider for the type of data you want to access.

If you have a native OLE Database Provider for your database, select that. If not, select the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers. NOTE: For Microsoft Access database, select Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)


Complete the fields on the Connection tab.

The information on the Connection tab is specific to the OLE Database Provider you chose on the Provider Tab. The configuration can be different for other Database Providers. The illustration below uses the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers as an example.

Specify the source of data using either the Use Data Source Name or Use Connection String option. The Data Source Name (recommended) is the DSN that you configured using the ODBC Manager in the Windows Control Panel. If you configured an ODBC Source after this dialog box is displayed, click Refresh to load the new ODBC Source into the list. The Use Connection String option allows you to specify all of the database parameters. If you select this option, it is recommended that you use the Build feature to create the database parameters. Enter the User ID and Password to connect to the database. NOTE: Some databases, such as Microsoft Access, may not require a user ID and password. If your database does not require them, leave the fields blank. Select Blank Password only if no password is required for the entered User ID. Selecting Allow saving of password saves the password unmasked and unencrypted in the Password field. This allows Capture to automatically connect to the database when you have finished configuring the external database lookup.

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Select the database as the initial catalog to use. Click Test Connection to test the configuration. Your test connection must succeed before database pick-lists will work in Capture. NOTE: In a multi-user environment, all workstations must have access to the applicable database resources. For example, if you configure a database pick-list with an ODBC DSN, the DSN must be available on all Capture workstations using the database pick-list.
9. If needed, complete fields on the Advanced and All tabs.

NOTE: Depending on the database and OLE Database Provider used, the way you configure the database and the OLE Database Provider can vary. The Advanced tab allows you to fine-tune your ODBC connection parameters. These settings do not need to be configured with most Capture installations. The All tab shows you all of the configured ODBC properties. You can modify any property by clicking Edit Value. In general, you do not need to use this tab.
10. After you have configured your database connection, click OK.

You return to the Pick-list Configuration dialog box with the database connection configured.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

11. Click the Pick-list Definitions tab.

12. Complete the fields.

Pick-list Name: Enter a name for the pick-list to identify it. Database Schema: A schema refers to a collection of tables. Select a schema if the database you selected contains multiple schemas; otherwise, choose All Tables. Database Table: From the list of tables in the specified database schema, select the table you want to link. Commit Field: From the list of fields in the specified table, select the field whose selected values will be committed with the document. Administrators often select the same database field for this field and the Display Field below. However, you might want to display one fields values, but commit another fields values; for example, you might display customer names to the user, but actually commit selected customers account numbers. Display Field: From the list of fields in the specified table, select the field whose values will be displayed to the indexing user. This is often the same field as that selected for the Commit Field above. Sort Order: Specify the order in which you want database records displayed in the pick-list to the user (ascending or descending).

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

13. Click Save.

The pick-lists name is displayed in the Defined Pick-lists list at left. To add pick-lists, click the New button, complete the pick-list fields and click Save.
14. Click OK to exit the Pick-list Configuration dialog box.

You return to the pick-list view in Capture Administration, with your new pick-list displayed in the Defined Pick-lists list. You can now specify a pick-list relationship if needed (see Creating and editing pick-list relationships on page 156) or use the pick-list in a Capture profile (see Using non-relational pick-lists in Capture programs on page 163).

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Creating and editing pick-list relationships

After creating two or more pick-lists, use the Pick-list Relationships options in Capture Administration to create parent/child relationships between picklists, if needed. In a parent/child relationship, a parent field is linked to one or more child pick-lists, one of which is displayed after the user makes a selection in the parent field. In the Index example shown below, the user selects a food type in the Food Group field. (This field is the parent field and contains choices like Fruits, Vegetables, Grains and Meats.) Based on this selection, the Food field displays the appropriate child pick-list containing choices for the selected food group.

Parent pick-list

Child pick-list

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Important points about pick-list relationships You can create pick-list relationships using Capture pick-lists (manual) or database pick-lists. Before creating a pick-list relationship, you need to create all pick-lists you plan to relate. See Creating and editing Capture pick-lists on page 141 or Creating, editing and deleting database pick-lists on page 148. In our example, we created a parent pick-list source called Food Groups (with Fruits, Vegetables, Grains and Meats choices) and child pick-lists called Fruits (Cherries, Mangos, Apples, etc.), Vegetables (Asparagus, Sugar Snap Peas, etc.) and Grains (Oatmeal, Bread, Rice, etc.). Each item in a child list can be related to multiple parent items. For example, tomato could be a child item to fruits and vegetables parent items. An index profile is related to one pick-list relationship profile. Therefore, if an index profile uses multiple parent/child relationships, all relationships must be defined within the selected pick-list relationship profile. You can create multi-level relationships (for example, great grandparents, grandparents, parents and children).

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Follow these steps to create a parent/child relationship between pick-lists.

1. Choose Pick-list Relationships from the Admin menu.

The Capture Administration dialog box is shown, with the Pick-list Relationship Profiles heading selected.


Click the New button (shown above) or select a relationship profile.

If creating a new profile, youre prompted to specify a name for it. Pick-list relationship profile options are displayed on the right.

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Add or edit relationships.

Click Add to add a relationship or Edit to edit a selected one. The Add/Edit Pick-list Relationships dialog box is displayed. Use this dialog box to specify the parent/child hierarchy.


Complete the fields.

Pick-list Source: Select the parent pick-list source. This can be either Capture Native Pick-list (if using manual pick-lists) or a Database Pick-list source. Pick-list: Select the parent pick-list from those listed for the source you selected. The pick-list items for the pick-list you selected appear in the Pick-list Item column on the left. In our example, we picked the Food Groups pick-list as the parent pick-list. In the child source and child pick-list columns, specify the child source and pick-list that appear when a particular parent item is selected. For example, when the Fruits parent item is selected, display the Fruits (child) pick-list.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Click OK to close the Add/Edit Pick-list Relationships dialog box. You can now view the relationship profile in the Relationship Hierarchy area. Click the plus sign to open a hierarchy.

NOTE: If there are more than two levels in the parent/child relationship, the second level appears in bold, indicating a parent/ child/grandchild relationship. For example, the child is displayed in bold; double-clicking the child opens the grandchild list. Click the Delete button to delete a pick-list relationship, if needed. Youll be asked to confirm that you want to delete all relationships associated with the selected pick-list.

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In Index, configure the parent/child relationship and index fields.

For example, on the General tab in Index, select the pick-list relationship profile.

Select the pick-list relationship profile here.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

On the Field Properties tab, configure the Food Groups field as a pick-list and identify its source and pick-list. Also configure the Food field as a pick-list and identify its parent.
Select the parent field and make it a pick-list.

Identify the parents source and pick-list

Select each child field and make it a pick-list.

Identify the childs parent field.

Test the index fields in Index to ensure that they work the way you want them to.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Using non-relational pick-lists in Capture programs

When creating profiles in Index, follow these steps to configure a single picklist with no relationships. For details on configuring parent/child pick-lists in Capture programs, see Creating and editing pick-list relationships on page 156.
1. 2. 3. Select the Field Properties tab. Select the index field for which you want to display a pick-list. Choose Pick-list as the Field Validation Option.

Field Pick-list options are displayed.

4. In the Pick-list Source field, select the source you want to use.

If using a Capture pick-list, choose Capture Native Pick-list. If using a database pick-list, choose the database pick-list source.
5. In the Pick-list field, select the pick-list you want displayed for the selected index field.

In Index, settings might look like this.

Select the index field and make it a pick-list. Identify the fields source and pick-list.


Test the index fields as a user to ensure that they work the way you want them to.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Database lookups
This section covers the following topics: About database lookups (page 165) Creating, editing and deleting database lookup profiles (page 167) Configuring the database connection (page 169) Configuring search fields (page 172) Configuring return fields (page 174) Configuring search options (page 176) Using database lookups in Capture programs (page 178)

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

About database lookups

A database lookup provides external database searching, which can reduce data entry requirements. While indexing, a user enters a value in an index field and clicks a Database Search button. The Capture program searches a specified database field for a matching value, and if found, automatically populates other specified index fields. If the Capture program finds multiple values that match, it displays them in a hit-list from which the user chooses. Like pick-lists, database lookups can significantly speed up indexing and prevent errors.
For example, a user views the first page of a document in Index. In the Customer field, the user types in the first few letters of a customers name and clicks the Database Search button. A hit list appears and the customer selects the appropriate record.

Database Search button Hit list

Search field After the user chooses the matching search value, Capture populates one or more return fields from the database record. Return field

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

You define database lookups in Capture Administration, then select them when creating profiles in Capture programs. This allows you to use the same database lookup profile in several Capture programs. Database lookups are associated with a file cabinet. A file cabinet can have many database lookups. Depending on how the profile is set up, the user may need to complete the index field entry exactly instead of partially, and a hit list may or may not appear before fields are automatically filled in. In addition to database lookups, you can also create database pick-lists, as described in Creating, editing and deleting database pick-lists on page 148. A database pick-list displays values to the user in a drop-down list that are dynamically retrieved from an external database file. Capture provides flexibility in database searching. For example, you can configure multiple search fields, providing the user with multiple means of matching a database record. In addition, you can map file cabinet fields to different tables within a database. To create a database lookup profile, follow these main steps:
1. Create the database lookup profile in Capture Administration.

See Creating, editing and deleting database lookup profiles on page 167.
2. Configure the database connection.

See Configuring the database connection on page 169.

3. Configure the database fields to search.

See Configuring search fields on page 172.

4. Configuring the database values to return.

See Configuring return fields on page 174.

5. Select search options.

See Configuring search options on page 176.

6. Set up the database lookup in the Capture program.

See Using database lookups in Capture programs on page 178.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Creating, editing and deleting database lookup profiles

Follow these steps to create or edit database lookup profiles in Capture Administration. For more information about database lookups, see About database lookups on page 165.
1. Choose File Cabinets from the Admin menu.

The Capture Administration window is displayed, with all file cabinets listed in the left pane.
2. Select the file cabinet for which you want to create or edit a database lookup.

The file cabinets settings are displayed in the right pane.

3. Click the file cabinets Database Lookups heading.

Any database lookups are displayed in the left pane.

Delete Refresh


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Create or edit a database lookup.

To edit a database lookup, select its name in the left pane and make changes to the settings that appear. To create a database lookup, click the New button shown above. The Add Database Lookup Profile dialog box is displayed. To delete a database lookup profile, select it in the left pane and click the Delete button. Deleting a lookup profile means it is no longer available for applying to a Capture program profile. To refresh the list, click the Refresh button. If other administrators are making Capture administration changes at the same time as you are, you might not see their changes until refreshing.
5. Enter a name for the database lookup and click OK.

The new database lookup is listed under the Database Lookups heading in the left pane and its settings are displayed in the right pane.

A database lookups settings


Click the Configure button to configure the database.

See Configuring the database connection on page 169.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Configuring the database connection

Follow these steps to connect to the database you want used for the lookup. To connect, youll need to specify an OLE database provider for the database.
1. With a database lookup selected in left pane of the Capture Administration window, click the Configure button.

The Datalink Properties dialog box is displayed.


On the Provider tab, select the OLE DB provider for the type of data you want to access.

If you have a native OLE Database Provider for your database, select that. If not, select the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers. NOTE: For Microsoft Access database, select Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)


Complete the fields on the Connection tab.

The information on the Connection tab is specific to the OLE Database Provider you chose on the Provider Tab. The configuration can be different for other Database Providers. The illustration below uses the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers as an example.

Specify the source of data using either the Use Data Source Name or Use Connection String option. The Data Source Name (recommended) is the DSN that you configured using the ODBC Manager in the Windows Control Panel. If you configured an ODBC Source while this dialog box is displayed, click Refresh to load the new ODBC Source into the list. The Use Connection String option allows you to specify all of the database parameters. If you select this option, it is recommended that you use the Build feature to create the database parameters. Enter the User ID and Password to connect to the database. NOTE: Some databases, such as Microsoft Access, may not require a user ID and password. If your database does not require them, leave the fields blank. Select Blank Password only if no password is required for the entered User ID. Selecting Allow saving of password saves the password unmasked and unencrypted in the Password field. This allows Capture to automatically connect to the database when you have finished configuring the external database lookup. Select the database as the initial catalog to use.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Click Test Connection to test the configuration. Your test connection must succeed before database lookups will work in Capture.
4. If needed, complete fields on the Advanced and All tabs.

NOTE: Depending on the database and OLE Database Provider used, the way you configure the database and the OLE Database Provider can vary. The Advanced tab allows you to fine-tune your ODBC connection parameters. Press F1 to access Microsofts detailed help for configuring these options. These settings do not need to be configured with most Capture installations. The All tab shows you all of the configured ODBC properties. You can modify any property by clicking Edit Value. In general, you do not need to use this tab.
5. After you have configured your database connection, click OK.

You return to the main Database Lookups settings with the database connection configured.

The next step is to configure search fields, as described in Configuring search fields on page 172. NOTE: In a multi-user environment, all workstations must have access to the applicable database resources. For example, if you configure a database lookup with an ODBC DSN, the DSN must be available on all Capture workstations using the database lookup.

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Configuring search fields

Once youve connected to the database (see Configuring the database connection on page 169 if you havent), follow these steps to identify search fields. For example, you might identify an Account No. Capture field as a search field; when the user does a database lookup for a specific number, Capture searches an Account Number database field for a matching value. NOTE: The search index field you select must have the same data type as the database field whose values will be searched.
1. Click the Search Fields heading for the database lookup.

Search Field options are displayed in the right pane.

2. Add, edit or delete search fields.

To add a search field, click Add. To edit a search field, select it and click Edit. The Add/Edit Search Field dialog box is displayed.

To delete a search field, select its name in the Search Fields table and click the Delete button. Youll be asked to confirm the deletion.
3. Complete the fields.

Field Type: Select the type of field you want to search. You can choose Capture Field (the default) or Custom Field. Custom fields cannot be mapped to an index field. However, they can be displayed in a hit-list or they can be used to search on. For example, Recognition Server can use a Custom field to search on using a bar code value. Capture Field/Custom Field: If you selected Capture Field in the Field Type field, select the Capture field you want to search on from the list of file cabinet fields. If you selected Custom Field in the Field Type field above, enter a field name to display in the hit-list.

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Database Schema: A schema refers to a collection of tables. Select a schema if the database you selected contains multiple schemas; otherwise, choose All Tables. Database Table: From the list of tables in the specified database, select the table you want to search. Database Field: From the list of fields in the specified table, select the field you want to search. Data Type: Displays the data type of the field you selected in the Database Field above. This field is for reference only and cannot be edited.
4. Add search fields, if needed.

By specifying multiple search fields, you can provide users with more than one way to search database records and return different information. For example, you could return basic information if a user matches a customer name, but return detailed information if a user matches a Purchase Order number.

Search fields configured for the lookup.

Search fields can query different tables.

The next step is to configure return fields, as described in Configuring return fields on page 174.

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Configuring return fields

After specifying search fields (see Configuring search fields on page 172), follow these steps to specify the data you want returned from the database. You specify return fields for each search field you defined. You can also add display only fields. Display only fields allow you to display other data from the external database to help in indexing a document. These fields are displayed in a hit list for validation purposes.


Click the Return Fields heading for the database lookup.

Return Field options are displayed in the right pane.

2. Add or delete return fields.

To add a return field, click Add. The Add Return Field dialog box is displayed. To edit a return field, delete it and add it again.

To delete a return field, select it in the Return Fields table and click Delete. Youll be asked to confirm the deletion.

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Complete the fields.

Field Type: Select the type of field you want to return. You can choose Capture Field (the default) or Display Field. A display field displays data only on the hit-list. Capture Field/Display Field: If you selected Capture Field in the Field Type field above, select the Capture field you want to populate from the list of file cabinet fields. If you selected Display Field, enter a field name. For example, you might want to display a database field called CUS NO as Customer Number to users. Database Field: From the list of fields in the specified table, select the field you want to return. Data Type: Displays the data type of the field you selected in the Database Field above. This field is for reference only and cannot be edited.
4. Click OK.

The Return fields youve defined are displayed in the right pane.

The next step is to configure search options, as described in Configuring search options on page 176.

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Configuring search options

Follow these steps to specify how you want Capture to search database fields when a user activates a database lookup profile.
1. In the left pane, click the Options heading for the database lookup.

Search options are displayed in the right pane.


Select a search field in the Search Field field.

Options are specified for each search field within a database lookup.
3. Select search options.

Exact Search: Check this box to require the user to enter a matching value exactly as it is stored in the database. If this box is not checked (the default), the user can enter the first one or more characters, activate the search and Capture will match all values beginning with the specified characters. NOTE: The Exact Search option applies only to alphanumeric database search fields. When searching numeric or date database fields, Capture always performs an exact search.

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Primary Sort/Secondary Sort and Sort Order: Use these options to specify how you want values for the selected search field displayed in the hit-list, if a hit-list is displayed. For example, if searching for a Customers field, you might want customer records sorted in ascending order by a contacts last name in the hit-list.
4. Click Close.

The database lookup profile is complete. Now you can use it in a Capture program, as described in Using database lookups in Capture programs on page 178.

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Using database lookups in Capture programs

You can assign database lookup profiles in these Capture programs: Index, as illustrated below and described in Selecting general profile settings on page 301 Recognition Server, as described in Database Lookup tab on page 384 Import Server, as described in Assigning index values using a database lookup profile on page 423 For example, in Index, we first select the database lookup profile on the General Tab.

In the Capture profile, select the database lookup profile and specify if you want a hit-list displayed.

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Then test the database lookup as a user to ensure that it works the way you want it to. For example, enter Index, type in a matching entry and click the Database Search button in the toolbar.

NOTE: When selecting a database lookup profile in the Capture program, you specify whether or not you want a hit-list always displayed. If the Always Display Hit-List option is NOT checked, a hit-list is displayed ONLY when a users database search entry matches multiple values.

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Batch Manager
The Batch Manager component provides a comprehensive view of all Capture batches on your network in a Windows Explorer-like environment. Use Batch Manager to: view a file cabinets batches add or edit notes for a batch change a batchs status and priority move batches between file cabinets delete batches view information about a batchs pages, including index values, file name, location and size copy a batch from one file cabinet to another Follow these steps to use Batch Manager. For details about configuration, see Configure Batch Manager on page 36.
1. In the Capture main menu, choose Open Batch Manager from the Batch Manager menu.

Batch Manager is displayed, listing all file cabinets configured with the Capture database.

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Click a file cabinet in the left pane.

If the file cabinet has batches, they are listed in the right pane, and a plus sign appears for the file cabinet in the left pane. After you select an item in Batch Manager, a plus or minus sign indicates whether it has contents.


Click the file cabinets plus sign in the left pane. Click a batch in the left pane, then click its plus sign.

Details about the selected batch are displayed in the right pane.
4. If needed, make changes to the batch.

When a batch is selected in the left pane, the toolbar buttons become active.
Cut Batch Copy Batch Refresh Batch Pages Paste Batch Delete Batch

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For example, if batches were scanned using the wrong profile and therefore assigned to the wrong file cabinet, you could cut and paste them to the correct file cabinet.
5. Click a page in the left pane.

The pages settings are displayed in the right pane.


Click the Refresh button.

Since Batch Manager includes all file cabinets in the Capture database, users may have added new batches since you entered Batch Manager.

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Locked and unlocked batches

Capture provides a locking mechanism for batches to ensure that multiple users cant access the same batch at the same time. As soon as a user accesses a batch, Capture immediately locks it. If the users session is interrupted (for example, if the computer crashes), this user can restart his or her system and access the batch again, since the batch was locked to this user. However, if another user attempts to access the same batch, he or she will not be able to access it, since the batch was previously locked by another user. As an administrator, you can monitor user activity at any time, viewing the batches, users and workstations in use. You can also unlock a batch if necessary, to allow another user to access it. NOTE: Before unlocking a batch, you must be certain that the batch is not in use.
1. In the Capture window, select Locked Batches from the Admin menu.

The Capture Administration window is displayed, with the Locked Batches item selected. The table lists current Capture users by ID and workstation, along with the file cabinet and batch they are accessing.
Unlock Selected Batch(es)

To unlock a batch, select it in the list, and click the Unlock Batch button. To refresh the list, click the Refresh button.

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Server Administration
This chapter covers the following topics: Administration tasks (page 186) Creating scan profiles (page 187) Auditing on the Server (page 219)

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Administration tasks
Below are the administration tasks for the Server: Create and maintain scan profiles for use by Client users. (See Creating scan profiles on page 187 for more information.) Configure and maintain Server settings using the Server Configuration application. (See Configure Server settings on page 36.) Optionally, examine audit details. The program audits certain activities and saves the information in the ecAudit table in your Capture batch database. (See Auditing on the Server on page 219 for details.) Optionally, extend functionality through the use of VBScript files. NOTE: Administration changes you make to file cabinets, pick-lists and database lookups do not appear in Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administration or the Client UNTIL you restart the IIS server.

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Creating scan profiles

A scan profile defines all of the scanning and indexing settings to be used when users create scanned batches. A user must select a profile when creating a batch. When you create a scan profile, you specify settings that control how users create batches and index documents using the profile. Key settings include:

Starting the Administration program

1. Open the Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administration program in your browser.

The exact URL is determined at installation; the address is: http://<servername>/<virtualdirectory>/WebCaptureAdmin.html (for example, The Login page is displayed. NOTE: You must be a Capture administrator.

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Type your username and password and click OK.

The Administration program is displayed, as shown below. The Scan Profiles pane at left lists the names of available profiles, and the right pane displays details about the selected profile, including its description, associated file cabinet and current state (active or inactive). NOTE: By default, all scan profiles on the server are displayed. Select a file cabinet in the Display Profiles For dropdown field to display profiles for a specific file cabinet only.

From this page, you can add, edit or delete a profile (see Creating, editing and deleting scan profiles on page 189).

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Creating, editing and deleting scan profiles

NOTE: It is recommended that you do NOT make major changes to a scan profile after users have begun scanning batches using the profile. For example, if you add or remove some of a profiles index fields and users attempt to send batches they scanned before the change, errors will occur, since the data in the batch no longer matches the scan profiles settings. Instead, deactivate the profile until users have sent all batches, and then create a new scan profile.
1. In Administration, add, edit or delete a scan profile.

See Starting the Administration program on page 187. To add a profile, click the New (leftmost) button at the top of the Scan Profiles pane on the left. A new profile called <Scanning Profile 1> is added. To edit a profile, select it in the left pane, and make changes to it in the right pane. To copy a profile, select it in the left pane, and click the Copy button. You can now enter a title for the newly copied profile and adjust its settings. To delete a profile, select it in the left pane and click the Delete button. Youll be asked to confirm the deletion. When you delete a profile, it is no longer available to Client users, and they can no longer display, edit or send batches they created using that profile. NOTE: Before deleting a profile, you may want to deactivate it for a period of time. When a profile is inactive, users can display, review, edit and send batches that use the profile but cannot use it to create new batches. After you delete a profile, it is removed from the left pane. It is also removed from the Scan Profile field displayed to users upon their next login to the Client.
2. Select profile options in the left pane and choose settings in the right pane.

See the following sections: Selecting general profile settings (page 190) Selecting image settings (page 193) Selecting indexing fields and document creation options (page 195) Setting field properties, input and pick-lists (page 198) Setting up auto populate indexing (page 209)

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Setting up database lookups (page 211)

3. Click Save to save changes. Click Close to exit Administration.

Selecting general profile settings

Use the General options to apply general settings to the scan profile selected in the Scan Profiles pane at left.

Current Profile StateUse this option to deactivate or activate a scan profile. By default, scan profiles are Active. When a profile is set to Inactive, users can use the profile (security permitting) to view and edit existing batches, but they cannot use it to create new batches unless its state is changed back to Active. This option is useful when you want to phase out a profile. After you deactivate it, users can complete and send batches that use the profile. After all batches have been sent, delete the profile as described in Creating, editing and deleting scan profiles on page 189. NOTE: When a scan profile is inactive, the word [Inactive] is displayed after the profiles name to users in the Scan Profile field in the Client window. Name (required)Type a name for the scan profile. You can enter a name as long and descriptive as you want, and include spaces and special characters. The name appears in the Scan Profile field in Oracle Distributed Document Capture. Users select this name when choosing the scan profile.
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DescriptionType instructions or a description for the user. This information appears in the Profile Description field in the Client. For example, include special instructions regarding the type of documents being scanned, or explain how Oracle Distributed Document Capture creates documents using the profile.

The name and description you specify appear here. The word [Inactive] is displayed after the names of inactive profiles.

The batch prefix you specify is used to name all batches users create using the profile. The default status and priority you specify are assigned to new batches. (Users can change a selected batch's status and priority by clicking the Batch Info button.)

File Cabinet (required)Select the file cabinet in which images will be assigned within Capture. This field lists all file cabinets available. (File cabinets and their fields are defined in Capture Administration.) In Capture, users are assigned to file cabinets. Therefore, users can only see profiles that are assigned to file cabinets accessible to them. NOTE: Once a scan profile has been created and used, you should not change its file cabinet until all batches have been sent and processed by the server. Default StatusFrom the list of available statuses, select a default status for batches created using this profile. (Statuses for the selected file cabinet are defined in Capture Administration.) Users can choose another status in the Client. For example, you might set a default batch status of NONE, and a user might change a batchs status to RUSH before sending it. Batch Prefix (required)Specify the prefix to be assigned to all batches created using the profile. The prefix can be up to eight characters long. For example, enter CLMS for Claims documents.
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When users scan batches in the Client, it names batches by appending an eight-digit number to the prefix you specify. See Client overview on page 9 for more information about how the Client temporarily stores batches on users computers. When the Server receives batches from clients, the batch prefix is carried forward into the Capture batch database. Default PrioritySelect a default priority for batches created using this profile, by choosing a number from 0 to 10 (where 10 is highest priority). Users can change this priority in the Client, by selecting or entering another number. For example, you might set a default priority of 5, and a user might upgrade a selected batchs priority from 5 to 10 before sending it. Scanning TypeUse this option to specify whether Client users index using the profile and how documents are created in batches. See Scanning types and document creation options on page 212 for details. If indexing is included, youll need to select index fields as described in Selecting indexing fields and document creation options on page 195. You specify if you want users to scan only (and not index the batches), scan and index documents one at a time, or scan and index batches (scan a batch of documents, then index them later). Commit MethodSpecify how you want indexed batches committed after users send them to the Server. Choose Commit if you want the Server to commit them. Choose Do Not Commit to leave them uncommitted in Capture. (Typically, these batches are later committed in Index.) Choose Use Commit Server to commit them using the Commit Server. Profile ScriptUse this option to assign a VBScript to the profile, which extends Client functionality. This field allows you to select a script from those stored in the Scripts folder beneath the virtual directory.

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Selecting image settings

Use the Image Settings options to apply image settings to the scan profile selected in the Scan Profiles pane at left.

Image FormatSelect the format in which images will be saved when users scan with this profile. NOTE: Oracle Distributed Document Capture supports TIFF format Group 4 Compression only. This format is recommended for black and white business documents. Maximum QualitySelect the maximum color and image quality you want used when pages are scanned using this profile. Select from the color, grayscale, black and white and different resolution combinations. This field provides the maximum image quality allowed: If the users scanner is set to a lower color and/or resolution, the users settings will be used; if the users scanner is set to a higher color and/or resolution, this maximum quality setting will be used. Maximum PagesEnter the maximum number of pages allowed in a batch for this profile. For example, enter 100 if you dont want batches to exceed this number of pages. If a user reaches this limit, a message will be displayed, warning the user that the maximum number of pages allowed was reached, and no more images will be saved in the batch. When the maximum pages has been reached, the user must create a new batch to continue scanning.

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Blank Page Byte ThresholdUse this option to automatically delete blank pages from batches users scan. Oracle Distributed Document Capture will delete pages whose file size is less than or equal to the threshold value you specify in this field. For black and white (200 x 200 DPI images), the recommended value is 1500; at this setting, Oracle Distributed Document Capture can usually differentiate between a blank separator page and a page with a small amount of text. However, you will need to conduct scan testing to determine the value required. Client users can override the value you enter in the Blank Page Byte Threshold field by inserting a different value in the field highlighted below in the Settings dialog box.

Users can override the profile's Blank Page Byte Threshold by entering a higher or lower value in this field.

Brightness and Contrast SettingsThis feature allows you to set brightness and contrast settings in the profile. This can be useful if your organization has standardized on a particular scanner, and you want to control these settings for different types of documents. NOTE: Capture users can override the default settings using their scanner settings options. By default, this feature is disabled. When the box is checked, you can choose a brightness or contrast value from -1000 to 1000, where the default value is 0. NOTE: Not all TWAIN scanners respond to the default settings. It is recommended that you test default settings and standardize on a scanner, since the default settings could vary from one TWAIN scanner to another.

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Selecting indexing fields and document creation options

If you include indexing in the profile, youll need to specify which index fields defined for the file cabinet that users will complete and how theyll complete them (by typing any value, typing only numbers or letters, searching for matching values in a database, or by selecting a value from a pick-list). (If the scan profile will be used for scanning only, you do not need to select index fields.)

As part of creating or editing a scan profile, youll need to select the index fields you want users to complete and set their properties. Field properties allow you to make a field required or locked, specify an input mask (see Setting up input masks on page 199) and insert pick-list items (see Setting up pick-lists on page 205). Document Creation OptionsUse these options to specify how documents are created when users scan using the profile. For example, the program can create documents containing one page or two pages. You can also specify a variable number of pages, so that the program creates documents with all pages found between separator sheets. Lastly, you can have users decide how documents are created, by prompting them each time they scan using the profile. See Scanning types and document creation options on page 212 for details. (These options apply only when the Scanning Type field in the General area is set to 3-Scan and Index Batches.)

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Separator Sheet Byte ThresholdUse this option to set the scan profile to detect separator sheets. When Oracle Distributed Document Capture encounters an image whose file size is less than or equal to the threshold value you specify in this field, it creates a new document and deletes the separator sheet. The recommended value is 1500; at this setting, Oracle Distributed Document Capture can usually differentiate between a blank separator page and a page with a small amount of text. This value may need to be adjusted to a higher value, depending upon the Image Format and Maximum Quality settings. 1500 is suggested for low quality, black and white TIFF format Group4 compression images. However, you will need to conduct scan testing to determine the value required. NOTE: In order for Oracle Distributed Document Capture to detect separator sheets, the Scanning Type field must be set to Scan and Index Batches and the Document Creation Options field must be set to either Variable Number of Pages or Prompt User. If other settings are selected in these fields, the Separator Sheet Byte Threshold fields setting has no effect. In addition, if Prompt User is selected in the Document Creation Options field, Client users can override the separator sheet threshold you specify in this separator sheet field. See Scanning types and document creation options on page 212 for details. The Blank Page Byte Threshold field (page 194) also sets the threshold at which blank pages are detected; in that case, however, Oracle Distributed Document Capture deletes blank pages it detects, but does not treat them as separator sheets. Note that if both fields contain a value other than 0, the Separator Sheet Byte Threshold field overrides the Blank Page Byte Threshold field, which means that blank pages detected are used as separator sheets. However, if the Blank Page Byte Threshold value is higher than the Separator Sheet Byte Threshold value, pages whose bytes fall between the two values are deleted from the batch but are not used as separator sheets. Pick-list Relationship Profile: Select a pick-list relationship profile to apply to the scan profile, if needed. For more information, see Setting up parent/child pick-lists on page 207. Assign Patch Code to Documents: When creating a Scan and Index documents or Scan and index batches-type profile, you can select a patch code type. If a patch code is specified, the Server assigns the selected patch code value to the first batch page of the document. When users index a batch imported by the Package Processing Service in Index, they can navigate between document separators (assuming the feature is enabled in the scan profile).

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The Available Fields box lists index fields defined in the file cabinet for the profile. The Selected Fields box lists index fields that have been selected for the profile. In the Client, these selected fields appear in the Index area of the Review/Index window. For example, heres how index fields might appear to users in the Index area of the Review/Index window:

An asterisk indicates that a field is required.

A pick-list lets users select rather than enter a value.


Under Display Fields, select index fields for the profile.

To include an index field in the profile, select it in the left box and click the > (right arrow) button; it is moved to the right box. Click the >> button to move all index fields to the Selected Fields box. To remove a selected field from the profile, select it in the right box and click the < (left arrow) button; it is moved to the left box. Click the << button to remove all fields from the Available Fields box. To change the order in which the index fields appear to users in the Client, click the up or down arrow fields.

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Setting field properties, input and pick-lists

About field properties Use the Field Properties options to apply field-level settings for a selected field. Select a field at the top and choose settings below it. (You cannot define both an input mask and pick-list for a field.)

RequiredRequires the user to enter or select a value in the index field. (By default, index fields are not required.) An asterisk appears before the index fields name in the Client when its required. In the Client, users must index all documents within a batch before they can successfully send the batch to the Server. To be indexed, at least one field must contain data, and all required fields must contain values. If any documents in a batch are NOT indexed, a message is displayed to users in the Batch Sent Results dialog box after the send process completes, informing them that the batches cannot be successfully sent until indexing is complete. LockCheck this box to make the index field locked. Locking a field prevents users from entering or changing its value. This setting is commonly used with a pick-list to ensure users select a pick-list item. Field Validation OptionsUse these options to affect how users enter or select values. You can choose None, Input Mask (see Setting up input masks on page 199) or Input Format (see Changing a fields format on page 201).

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Pick-listA pick-list provides users with two or more values from which to choose when indexing. See Setting up pick-lists on page 205. Setting up input masks A mask is a filter that controls what users can enter into the index field. For example, a mask might allow users to type numbers but not letters into the field, or might limit the entry to four characters. If the user types a character that does not conform to the mask, the system beeps and the program doesnt accept it. For example, the mask can ensure that users enter Social Security numbers correctly.

To set up a mask, choose Input Mask in the Field Validation Options field, then enter any of the available mask characters (listed below) into the Input Mask field that appears. Any other characters you type are displayed exactly as typed.
# .

Requires a number to be entered. Decimal. The actual character used is whatever has been specified as the decimal placeholder in your Regional Settings (Windows Control Panel). This is treated as a literal. Thousands separator. The actual character used is whatever has been specified as the thousands separator in your Regional Settings (Windows Control Panel). This is treated as a literal. Time separator. The actual character used is whatever has been specified as the time separator in your Regional Settings (Windows Control Panel). This is treated as a literal.

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Date separator. The actual character used is whatever has been specified as the date separator in your Regional Settings (Windows Control Panel). This is treated as a literal. Treat the next character in the mask string as a literal. This allows you to use #, &, A, ?, >, <, a, 9 and C as mask characters. This is treated as a literal. Character placeholder. Valid values for this placeholder are ANSI characters 32-126 and 128-255. Convert all following characters to uppercase. Convert all following characters to lowercase. Alphanumeric character placeholder where entry is required. Alphanumeric character placeholder where entry is not required. Digit placeholder where entry is not required. Character or space placeholder where entry is not required. This is the same as the & placeholder. Letter placeholder where entry is required.

& > < A a 9 C ?

Below are mask examples:

###-##-#### ##-???-## ##-##-## ##:## ??

Description/How to Value
Social Security NumberExample: 123-45-6789 Medium dateExample: 17-January-02 Short dateExample: 01-17-02 Medium timeExample: 03:15 PM


Test the index field's mask as a user in the Client.

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Changing a fields format This option provides a way for you to ensure that data entered by users matches a certain format. When the user moves to another index field, the Client changes the data, if needed, to match the specified input format. (This is different from an input mask, which forces the user to enter the data before he or she can leave the index field, as described in Setting up input masks on page 199.)

To configure an input format, choose Input Format in the Field Validation Options field, then select or type an input format into the Input Format field that appears. You can choose:
Input Format
Custom Currency

Enter a custom format to be used. For details and examples, see Using custom input formats on page 203. Number with thousand separator, if appropriate, and two digits to the right of the decimal separator. Output is based on system locale settings. A date and/or time. For real numbers, changes to a date and time; for example, 4/3/93 05:34 PM. If there is no fractional part, changes to only a date; for example, 4/3/93. If there is no integer part, changes to time only; for example, 05:34 PM. Date display is determined by the system settings. Date using the system's short date format. Date using the medium date format appropriate for the language version of the host application. Date according to the system's long date format.

General Date

Short Date Medium Date Long Date

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Input Format
Short Time Medium Time Long Time General Number Fixed Number Standard Number

Time using the 24-hour format; for example, 17:45. Time in 12-hour format using hours and minutes and the AM/ PM designator. Time using the system's long time format; includes hours, minutes, seconds. Number with no thousand separator (for example, 7500). At least one digit to the left and two digits to the right of the decimal separator (for example, 7500.16). Number with thousand separator, at least one digit to the left and two digits to the right of the decimal separator (for example, 7,500.16). Select from one of the following date formats: yyyy-mm-dd yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss AMPM mm-dd-yyyy mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss AMPM dd-mm-yyyy dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss AMPM mm/dd/yyyy mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AMPM yyyy/mm/dd yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss AMPM

Date formats

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Using custom input formats

In addition to predefined input formats, you can also create custom character or numeric formats.

Character placeholder. Display a character or a space. If the string has a character in the position where the at symbol (@) appears in the format string, display it; otherwise, display a space in that position. Placeholders are filled from right to left unless there is an exclamation point character (!) in the format string. Character placeholder. Display a character or nothing. If the string has a character in the position where the ampersand (&) appears, display it; otherwise, display nothing. Placeholders are filled from right to left unless there is an exclamation point character (!) in the format string. Force lowercase. Display all characters in lowercase format. Example: A user entry of HELLO becomes hello




Force uppercase. Display all characters in uppercase format. Example: A user entry of This is it becomes THIS IS IT

! (0)

Force left to right fill of placeholders. The default is to fill placeholders from right to left. Digit placeholder. Display a digit or a zero. If the expression has a digit in the position where the 0 appears in the format string, display it; otherwise, display a zero in that position. If the number has fewer digits than there are zeros (on either side of the decimal) in the format expression, display leading or trailing zeros. If the number has more digits to the right of the decimal separator than there are zeros to the right of the decimal separator in the format expression, round the number to as many decimal places as there are zeros. If the number has more digits to the left of the decimal separator than there are zeros to the left of the decimal separator in the format expression, display the extra digits without modification.


Digit placeholder. Display a digit or nothing. If the expression has a digit in the position where the # appears in the format string, display it; otherwise, display nothing in that position. This symbol works like the 0 digit placeholder, except that leading and trailing zeros aren't displayed if the number has the same or fewer digits than there are # characters on either side of the decimal separator in the format expression. Example: With an input format of ##,##0.00, a user entry of 5459.4 becomes 5,459.40.


Decimal placeholder. In some locales, a comma is used as the decimal separator. The decimal placeholder determines how many digits are displayed to the left and right of the decimal separator. If the format expression contains only number signs to the left of this symbol, numbers smaller than 1 begin with a decimal separator. To display a leading zero displayed with fractional numbers, use 0 as the first digit placeholder to the left of the decimal separator. The actual character used as a decimal placeholder in the formatted output depends on the Number Format recognized by the system. Percentage placeholder. The expression is multiplied by 100. The percent character (%) is inserted in the position where it appears in the format string. Example: With an input format of 0.00%, a user entry of 5 becomes 500.00%


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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)


Thousand separator. In some locales, a period is used as a thousand separator. The thousand separator separates thousands from hundreds within a number that has four or more places to the left of the decimal separator. Standard use of the thousand separator is specified if the format contains a thousand separator surrounded by digit placeholders (0 or #). Two adjacent thousand separators or a thousand separator immediately to the left of the decimal separator (whether or not a decimal is specified) means scale the number by dividing it by 1000, rounding as needed. For example, you can use the format string ##0,, to represent 100 million as 100. Numbers smaller than 1 million are displayed as 0. Two adjacent thousand separators in any position other than immediately to the left of the decimal separator are treated simply as specifying the use of a thousand separator. The actual character used as the thousand separator in the formatted output depends on the Number Format recognized by the system. Time separator. In some locales, other characters may be used to represent the time separator. The time separator separates hours, minutes, and seconds when time values are formatted. The actual character used as the time separator in formatted output is determined by system settings. Date separator. In some locales, other characters may be used to represent the date separator. The date separator separates the day, month, and year when date values are formatted. The actual character used as the date separator in formatted output is determined by system settings. Scientific format. If the format expression contains at least one digit placeholder (0 or #) to the right of E, E+, e-, or e+, the number is displayed in scientific format and E or e is inserted between the number and its exponent. The number of digit placeholders to the right determines the number of digits in the exponent. Use E- or e- to place a minus sign next to negative exponents. Use E+ or e+ to place a minus sign next to negative exponents and a plus sign next to positive exponents. Display a literal character. To display a character other than one of those listed, precede it with a backslash (\) or enclose it in double quotation marks (" "). Display the next character in the format string. To display a character that has special meaning as a literal character, precede it with a backslash (\). The backslash itself isn't displayed. Using a backslash is the same as enclosing the next character in double quotation marks. To display a backslash, use two backslashes (\\). Examples of characters that can't be displayed as literal characters are the date-formatting and timeformatting characters (a, c, d, h, m, n, p, q, s, t, w, y, / and :), the numeric-formatting characters (#, 0, %, E, e, comma, and period), and the string-formatting characters (@, &, <, >, and !).



(E- E+ ee_)

- + $ () (\)


Display the string inside the double quotation marks (" "). To include a string in format from within code, you must use Chr(34) to enclose the text (34 is the character code for a quotation mark (")).

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Setting up pick-lists A pick-list provides users with two or more values from which to choose when indexing documents. You create pick-lists in Capture Administration, then select them in the scan profile. Note that you can also configure parent/ child pick-lists. Follow these steps to configure a pick-list in a scan profile. These instructions assume you have already created the pick-list in Capture Administration.
1. In Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administration, select the scan profile for which you want to set up a pick-list.

The profiles type must include indexing.

2. Click the Field Properties options in the left pane.

The Field Properties options are displayed.

3. At the top, select the index field for which you want to display a pick-list.

Field Pick-list options are displayed at the bottom. (The Parent Field field is active only when youve selected a pick-list relationship profile in the Document Indexing options, as described in Selecting indexing fields and document creation options on page 195.)
4. Check the Case Insensitive box to disregard case when users match picklist items using the autocomplete feature.

If this box is not checked, users must use the same case when typing the first few characters of a pick-list item.
5. In the Pick-list Source field, select the source you want to use.

If using a Capture pick-list, choose Capture Native Pick-list. If using a database pick-list, choose the database pick-list source. Pick-lists for the source you select are displayed in the Pick-list field.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)


In the Pick-list field, select the pick-list you want displayed for the selected index field.

For example, below a Document Type index field is configured to display a Capture Native Pick-list called Document type, which lists possible types from which the user will choose.


Test the pick-list index field as a user in the Client.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Setting up parent/child pick-lists In a parent/child relationship, a parent field is linked to two or more child pick-lists, one of which is displayed after the user makes a selection in the parent field. You create pick-list relationship profiles in Capture Administration, then select the relationship profile and configure the pick-lists in the scan profile. Note that you can also configure NON-parent/child picklists. Follow these steps to configure a parent/child pick-list in a scan profile. These instructions assume you have already created the pick-lists and pick-list relationship profile in Capture Administration.
1. In Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administration, select the scan profile for which you want to set up a pick-list.

The profiles type must include indexing.

2. Click the Document Indexing options in the left pane.

The Document Indexing options are displayed.

3. In the Pick-list Relationship Profile field, select the relationship profile.


Click the Field Properties options.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)


Configure the parent field.

Select the parent field in Field. Select the parents source in Pick-list Source. Select the parents pick-list in Pick-list.


Configure the child field.

Select the child field in Field. Select the parents index field in Parent field.


Test the index fields as a user in the Client.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Setting up auto populate indexing

Use the Auto Populate options to set up automatically indexed fields. You can configure Oracle Distributed Document Capture to automatically fill (populate) selected index fields with certain values. For example, you might want to automatically populate a date field with the batchs scan date instead of having users type it in. Or, you might want to provide a default value for a field that the user could change if needed.

NOTE: Fields do not have to be selected for display in the Document Indexing options in order to be auto populated. See Selecting indexing fields and document creation options on page 195. Available FieldsSelect the index field you want to auto populate. The Available Fields box lists all fields in the file cabinet, not just those selected for display to the user. Oracle Distributed Document Capture detects each fields data type, and displays available settings in the Properties area based on its type. PropertiesSelect a system value. (The options available depend on the data type of the field you selected.) You can choose one of the following to be automatically entered into the selected index: None (default)Select this option to turn the auto-populate option off for the selected field. Scan DateEnters the scan date, using the date format you select in the Date Format field below.

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Index DateEnters the index date, using the date format you select in the Date Format field below. Send Date/TimeEnters the date and time at which the batch was successfully sent to the Server, using the date format you select in the Date Format field below. Received Date/TimeEnters the date and time at which the batch was received by the Server, using the date format you select in the Date Format field below. Default ValueEnters the value you specify in the Default field below. Batch Name Batch Priority Batch Status Computer Name Scan Profile Name User IDEnters the indexing users ID. This can be helpful in determining which user indexed a document. Allow users to send Auto Populated batches without reviewing This checkbox determines whether documents with autopopulated fields are considered indexed. If checked, a document is considered indexed if any of its fields is autopopulated and no required fields have been left blank. This allows users to scan and send batches without opening and reviewing them. If NOT checked, batches requiring indexing must be opened and reviewed before they can be sent.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Setting up database lookups

Use this area to apply a database lookup profile to the selected scan profile.

In the Database Lookup Profile field, select a database lookup profile to apply to the scan profile, if needed. You create database lookup profiles in Capture Administration, then select them in the Capture program. Check the Always display hit list box if you want a hit list containing possible matching values displayed whenever the user activates a database lookup. If this box is NOT checked (the default), Capture displays a hit list only when more than one matching value is found. The Maximum Records field contains the maximum number of records to appear in the hit list. If this field is set to 100 (the default) and a database contains 150 records that match a search field, the first 100 records will appear in the hit list.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Scanning types and document creation options

When creating or editing a scan profile (see Creating, editing and deleting scan profiles on page 189), choose one of these scanning types: Scan Only (page 213) Scan and Index Documents (page 214) Scan and Index Batches (page 215) The scanning type you choose determines whether users enter index values and how documents are created within batches users scan using the profile. (Document Creation Options, explained on page 216, apply only to Scan and Index Batches profiles.)

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Scan Only Choose the Scan Only type when you want users to scan documents that do not need to be indexed using the Client. (The indexing could be done elsewhere after the batches are received on the Serverfor example, another user might index them using Oracle Document Capture Index or documents containing bar codes might be processed by Oracle Document Capture Recognition Server.) When users scan a batch using a Scan Only profile, the Client scans all papers loaded in the scanner (or auto document feeder) and lists the new batch in the Client window. Users must double-click the batchs name or click the Review button in the Client window to review or edit it in the Review/Index window, unless they have checked the Auto Review/Index Batch after scanning field in the Settings dialog box, in which case this window is automatically displayed. The batch might look like this in the Review/Index window:

A Scan Only batch may actually include many documents, but all the pages are grouped into a single document for review purposes. Users can add pages but not documents to them. No indexing fields appear.

The program assigned each image as a page under a single document called Doc 1. Notice that no indexing fields are displayed. Users can append or insert pages, but cannot add documents to the batch. In actuality, the batch pages may represent many documents. However, since the batch is to be indexed later, the program simply groups all the pages into a single document for review purposes. NOTE: Document Creation Options do not apply to Scan Only type profiles. Regardless of the creation option you select, it does not affect how documents are created.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Scan and Index Documents Choose the Scan and Index Documents type when you want users to scan documents that contain a variable number of pages, and to index each document immediately after scanning it. When users scan a batch using a Scan and Index Documents profile, the Client scans all papers loaded in the scanners auto document feeder and automatically displays the new batch in the Review/Index window for reviewing and indexing. (This happens regardless of whether users have checked the Auto Review/Index Batch after scanning field in the Settings dialog box.) The batch might look like this in the Review/Index window:

Scan and Index Documents batches are created with one document, but users can add documents and pages to them. Indexing fields appear.

The Client assigned each image as a page under a single document called Doc 1. Users can create new documents from existing pages or by scanning and appending additional pages. Users can also add pages to existing documents. NOTE: Document Creation Options do not apply to Scan and Index Documents type profiles. Regardless of the creation option you select, it does not affect how documents are created.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Scan and Index Batches Choose the Scan and Index Batches type when you want users to scan all documents in a batch first, and then perform post-batch indexing of the documents. The Client scans all papers loaded in the scanner (or auto document feeder) and lists the new batch in the Client window. Users must double-click the batchs name or click the Review button in the Client window to review or edit it in the Review/Index window, unless they have checked the Auto Review/Index Batch after scanning field in the Settings dialog box, in which case this window is automatically displayed. The batch might look like this in the Review/Index window:

Batches scanned using a Scan and Index Batches profile typically contain multiple documents. The selected Document Creation Option determines how documents are created.

Indexing fields appear.

The Client assigned the images as pages under several documents. (In the example above, separator sheets were used. The Client started a new document each time it detected a blank page and automatically discarded the blank pages.) Users scan and create multiple documents in a batch in several different ways, depending on the Document Creation Option you select for the profile.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Document creation options include: One page (simplex) Two page (duplex) Variable Number of Pages (separator sheets) Prompt User
One page (simplex)

Selecting the One page (simplex) option creates one-page documents. This option is typically used with single-sided documents. When users scan a batch, the Client inserts each scanned image as a page in its own document, like this:

NOTE: The scanners simplex/duplex setting determines whether it scans one or both sides of a page. If the profile is set to One page (simplex), the Client creates one-page documents, regardless of the simplex/duplex setting on the scanner.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Two page (duplex)

Selecting the Two page (duplex) option creates two-page documents. This option is typically used with two-sided (duplex) documents, such as forms with two sides. When users scan a batch, the Client inserts two scanned images in a document, like this:

Documents may contain only a single page with this document creation option. If the Blank Page Byte Threshold field is set to a number other than 0 (in the profile or by the user in the Client) and the program detects a blank page, the page is deleted from the document. See Creating, editing and deleting scan profiles on page 189 for details about this field. NOTE: The scanners simplex/duplex setting determines whether it scans one or both sides of a page. If the profile is set to Two page (duplex), the Client creates two-page documents, regardless of the simplex/duplex setting on the scanner.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Variable Number of Pages (separator sheets)

Selecting the Variable Number of Pages option creates documents with a variable number of pages. If users insert separator sheets (blank pages) between documents, the Client scans all pages until it detects a blank page, in which case it starts a new document, scans all pages until the next blank page, and so on. The Client discards the separator sheet pages, and places all the documents in a single batch, like this:

If users dont insert blank page separator sheets between documents, the Client scans all pages in the scanner into a single document in the batch.
Prompt User

When the Prompt User document creation option is selected, each time users click the Scan button in the Client window (see Client overview on page 9), this dialog box appears prompting them to specify how they want documents created.

For details about these document creation options, see One page (simplex) on page 216, Two page (duplex) on page 217, or Variable Number of Pages (separator sheets) on page 218.

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Auditing on the Server

Choose a topic: About auditing (page 219) ecAudit table (page 219) Activity IDs (page 221)

About auditing
The Oracle Distributed Document Capture Server audits certain activities and saves the information in the ecAudit table in the Capture batch database. You can access the audit tables using third party software. You can use audit information to create reports (using Crystal Reports or Microsoft Access, for instance). For example, you might build a custom report that gives the total number of pages sent per day by all users, by file cabinet. This would allow you to compare the output of Client users.

ecAudit table
Column Name ecDate ecTime ecUserID ecProcessID ecActionID Data Type Integer Integer Text Text Number Field Length 4 4 20 20 4 Description Date the activity occurred. Time the activity occurred. User ID of the person who performed the activity. Process name or tool that is logging the activity. Activity ID of the activity being logged. This number is relevant only for the process or tool logging the activity. Description of the activity. File Cabinet/Application affected by the activity. Batch affected by the activity. Internal ID assigned to the batch.

ecActionDesc ecFileCabinet ecBatch ecBatchID

Text Text Text Long Integer

225 50 50 4

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Column Name ecActionDataInt

Data Type Long Integer Floating Point Text Text Text Text Text Integer Text

Field Length 4

Description If the activity produces an integer result, that result is saved here. If the activity produces a floating-point value result, that result is saved here. If the activity produces a text result, that result is saved here. Miscellaneous information about the activity. Miscellaneous information about the activity. Miscellaneous information about the activity. Miscellaneous information about the activity. Error number for auditing errors. Error description.


ecActionDataText1 ecActionDataText2 ecActionDataText3 ecActionDataText4 ecActionDataText5 ecErrorNum ecErrorDesc

255 255 255 255 255 4 255

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Activity IDs
All scanning and indexing audit information is tracked in the same table. This section describes which activities Oracle Distributed Document Capture audits and reports in the fields of the ecAudit table (page 219). The following tables describe the data elements for Oracle Distributed Document Capture audit activity:
Create Batch
Activity ID Description ecFile Cabinet ecBatch ecActionDataText1 ecActionDataText2 1 Create Batch The file cabinet the batch was created in The Capture batch name The number of pages in the batch The Capture Batch ID

Commit Batch (both deferred and immediate)

Activity ID Description ecFile Cabinet ecBatch ecBatchID ecActionDataInt ecActionDataFloat ecActionDataText2 10 Commit Batch The file cabinet of the batch The Capture batch name The Capture batch ID The committed page count The number of documents in the batch The number of pages in the batch

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide


Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Receive Batch
Activity ID Description ecFile Cabinet ecBatch ecActionDataText1 ecActionDataText2 ecActionDataText3 ecActionDataText4 ecActionDataText5 400 Receive Batch The file cabinet referenced in the batch The batch name The name of the user who created the batch on the Client The name of the user who last modified the batch The name of the computer that created the batch The date on which the batch was created on Client The date on which the batch was last modified on Client

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

Access database 22 activating commit profiles 73 activity IDs 221 auditing on the Server 219 driver 72 errors 73, 127 mapping fields for commit profile 114 process 70 commit drivers Commit Text File 72 database 73 Oracle IPM 82 Oracle UCM 72, 74 commit profiles 68 creating 71 commit text file driver 72, 98 committing to a database 106 folder 122 table 122 committing with an EDP macro 72, 105 configuring batch database 19 Capture 15, 18 Capture database 20 MS-Access Server database 22 Server 32 Server settings 36 SQL Server database 21

batch folder for Distributed Document Capture 37 Batch Manager 180 Batch Path Setup 19 batch status 66 adding 67 deleting 67 batches unlocking 183 blank fields in database commit 118 blank pages 194 blob 123

Capture administration 58 configuring 15, 18 configuring database 19 database 20 installing 17 main window 8 security 130 Capture native pick-lists 139 Capture security 28 for distributed capture 44 child pick-lists 156 Client 9 commit database driver 106 document output format 124

database committing to 106 connecting for commit 110 connecting for lookup 169 mapping fields for commit 114 setup 20 database commit driver 73 database lookups 164 how searched 176 search fields 172 using in Capture programs 178



Version 10gR3

values returned 174 database pick-lists 139, 148 defining index fields 195 deleting batch status 67 blank pages 194 file cabinets 61 index fields 65 users 137 demonstration mode 29 direct commit into Oracle UCM 86 Distributed Document Capture where batches are stored 37 Distributed Document Capture Server error batches 36 log files 37 document creation options 195, 212 document output format 73, 124 document table for database commit 116 duplex 217

importing values into pick-lists 145 index fields about 63 creating or changing 64 defining 195 deleting 65 masks 199 pick-lists 205 required 65 indirect commit 88 input masks 195, 199 installing Capture 17 IPM Filer commit 88 Process 91

License Manager 29 locked batches 183 log files Distributed Document Capture Server 37

ecAudit table 219 EDP macros 72 for committing 105 errors Distributed Document Capture 36 during commit 73, 127 exporting values from pick-lists 145

masks for index fields 199 MS-Access database 22 committing to 106 MS-SQL Server committing to 106

fields 64 defining 195 masks 199 pick-lists 205 file cabinets 59 assigning to users 133, 136 creating or changing 61 defining batch status for 66 deleting 61 Filer commit 88 formats for output 73

Oracle database 25 committing to 106 Oracle Distributed Document Capture Client 9 Oracle IPM Filer commit 88 Process settings 91 Oracle IPM commit driver 72, 82 Oracle UCM commit driver 72, 74

grandparent pick-lists 160

parent pick-lists 156 parent table for database commit 116

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

PDF output formats 73, 125 pick-list relationships 156 pick-lists 205 about 139 Capture native 139 creating 141 database 139, 148 exporting values 145 grandparent pick-lists 160 importing values 145 using in Capture programs 163 Process settings 91 profiles commit 68 prompting users 218

adding or changing 131 assigned file cabinets 133, 136 deleting 137 in Capture 130 permissions 133, 136

virtual directory 45, 50 Windows 2000/XP 45 Windows 2003 50

Windows 2000/XP virtual directory 45 Windows 2003 virtual directory 50 Windows Domain security 130 workflow 91

relationships between pick-lists 156 required fields 65, 195 requirements for Oracle Distributed Document Capture 16

Searchable PDF 73, 125 searching databases 164 during database commit 120 security in Capture 130 separator sheets 196 Server configuring 32 configuring Capture security 44 creating or changing scan profiles 189 settings, configuring 36 Server administration 185 Server administration tasks 186 Server auditing 219 simplex 216 SQL Server database 21 status 66 system requirements 16

UCM commit 74 unlocking batches 183 users accessing the same batch 183

Oracle Distributed Document Capture Administrator Guide 225

Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

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Version 10gR3 (4/30/08)

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