Various Definitions of Law
Various Definitions of Law
Various Definitions of Law
1. Natural School
In the natural school of thought, a court of justice decides all the laws.
There are two main parts of this definition. One, to actually understand
a certain law, an individual must be aware of its purpose. Two, to
comprehend the true nature of law, one must consult the courts and not
the legislature.
John Austin’s law definition states “Law is the aggregate set of rules
set by a man as politically superior, or sovereign to men, as political
subjects.” Thus, this definition defines law as a set of rules to be
followed by everyone, regardless of their stature.
Hans Kelsen created the ‘pure theory of law’. Kelsen states that law is
a ‘normative science’. In Kelson’s law definition, the law does not seek
to describe what must occur, but rather only defines certain rules to
abide by.
Friedrich Karl von Savigny gave the historical law definition. His law
definition states the following theories.
This definition has three important parts. One, the law is a means of
social control. Two, the law is to serve the purposes of the society.
Three, law due to its nature, is coercive.
Roscoe Pound studied the term law and thus came up with his own law
definition. He considered the law to be predominantly a tool of social
The law is a set of societal rules laid down for regulation of a safe society, that
lists things that are forbidden, and the penalties that society will impose if you
are found in violation of them.