Lovell Et Al
Lovell Et Al
Lovell Et Al
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.38940.355602.80 on 25 August 2006. Downloaded from on 21 November 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.38940.355602.80 on 25 August 2006. Downloaded from on 21 November 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
four to randomise patients.15 Randomisation sheets were drawn
Contacted patients from referral letters (n=91)
up at the first baseline visit and kept by the principal investigator.
Therapists randomised patients to treatment groups four weeks
Refused (n=5)
later after telephoning the principal investigator to obtain the
treatment allocation. Researchers who were blinded to treatment Assessed for eligibility for the trial (n=86)
allocation assessed patients at both of the baseline visits, the ini-
tial visit after treatment, and at one, three, and six months of Excluded (n=9)
Met inclusion criteria.
Assessed and started 1 month baseline period (n=77)
Face to face therapy consisted of 10 one hour sessions with the Lost between the two baseline visits (n=5)
therapist on an individual basis. In the first session the therapist
explained the rationale of graded exposure and response Completed baseline period and randomised (n=72)
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.38940.355602.80 on 25 August 2006. Downloaded from on 21 November 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Brown checklist score at the assessment immediately after treat-
Table 1 Baseline data of patients with obsessive compulsive disorder
ment (mean 21, SD 3.5, n = 3) than those who were followed to
treated with cognitive behaviour therapy. Values are number (%) unless
stated otherwise
six months (mean 13.4, SD 7.2, n = 65) (P = 0.07). This suggests
that the mean Yale Brown checklist score at six months may be
Treatment delivered by Treatment delivered face
Characteristic telephone (n=36) to face (n=36)
slightly underestimated for the face to face treatment group.
Mean age (SD) 33.4 (9) 30.4 (10)
Treatment was deemed clinically relevant if the mean
Mean duration of obsessive 15.3 (11) 14.9 (11) pretreatment score was reduced by two standard deviations or
compulsive disorder in years (SD) more after treatment.22 Treatment was clinically relevant in 49
Marital status: patients (72%)—27 (77%) patients in the telephone treatment
Married 15 (42) 12 (33) arm and 22 (67%) in the face to face treatment arm.
Single, widowed, or divorced 16 (44) 15 (42)
Cohabiting 5 (14) 9 (36) Satisfaction
Sex: Total scores on the client satisfaction questionnaire ranged from
Female 20 (56%) 23 (61) 0 to 32 (higher score indicates greater satisfaction). Patients were
Male 16 (44) 13 (25) very satisfied with treatment, and the results were similar for both
Employment: treatments (table 2).
Employed 25 (69) 22 (66)
Unemployed 9 (25) 10 (28) Blindness
Other 2 (6) 4 (11) We assessed the level of blindness of the independent assessor by
Treatment site: asking them to guess the patients’ treatment status at one month
Stockport 20 (56) 19 (53) of follow-up. Nine of the 72 patients directly or indirectly
Macclesfield 16 (44) 17 (47) revealed their treatment status to the assessor. The assessors
Treatment history:
guessed 35 (56%) of the remaining 63 correctly and 28 (44%)
Past psychological treatment for 14 (39) 11 (31)
obsessive compulsive disorder
Past psychological treatment for 14 (39) 14 (39)
other mental health disorder
Past drug treatment for obsessive 19 (53) 17 (47)
compulsive disorder
The clinical outcome of cognitive behaviour therapy delivered by
Currently taking antidepressants 22 (61) 15 (42)
telephone was equivalent to treatment delivered face to face at all
four follow-up time points and patients reported similarly high
are within 5 units; this suggests that the treatments are levels of satisfaction. The effect size of treatment was 2.5, which is
equivalent. Between the start of the treatment and the six month as large or larger than other studies of face to face (individual or
follow-up visit, mean scores on the Yale Brown checklist dropped group) cognitive behaviour therapy in obsessive compulsive dis-
by about twice the prespecified margin of non-inferiority in both order.3
treatment groups.
Comparison with other studies
The data for the Yale Brown obsessive compulsive checklist
The characteristics of our patients (age, sex, current use of anti-
were less complete at the six month follow-up in the face to face
depressants, and duration of obsessive compulsive disorder) are
treatment group (30 of 36) than in the telephone group (35 of
similar to other studies on this disorder.23–25 Yale Brown checklist
36). Patients not followed up at six months had a worse Yale
scores before and after treatment are also similar to other studies
that have used exposure on its own or as part of a cognitive
30 behavioural intervention.20 23 24 Sample size in our study is equal
Yale Brown obsessive
compulsive disorder scale
Face to face delivery to or greater than most other studies of cognitive behaviour
Telephone delivery therapy in this disorder.23–25 The attrition rate in our study was
95% CI low compared with other studies; this contrasts with reports that
patients with obsessive compulsive disorder often refuse
20 exposure treatment.25 Only one patient was lost from the
telephone arm of the trial. Reasons for the low attrition rate in
15 both treatment arms are unclear. Both clinics had long waiting
lists (12 months or more), so perhaps the participants were all
highly motivated. It is also possible that the experienced
therapists were particularly good at engaging patients.
Beck depression inventory
Telephone sessions were 30 minutes (50%) shorter than face to
face sessions; this equates to more than a 40% saving in the
therapist’s time. This has important economic implications. Our
10 findings support the National Institute for Health and Clinical
Excellence guidelines for obsessive compulsive disorder,3 which
5 encourage cognitive behaviour therapy delivered by telephone.
1 2
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.38940.355602.80 on 25 August 2006. Downloaded from on 21 November 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 2 Main outcome measures and effect of treatment in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder
Treatment delivered by telephone Treatment delivered face to face Adjusted* mean difference between treatment groups
Mean (SD) No Mean (SD) No (95% CI)
Yale Brown obsessive compulsive disorder score
Before randomisation:
1st baseline visit 25.9 (4.9) 36 25.5 (5.5) 36
2nd baseline visit 24.9 (4.7) 36 23.7 (5.8) 36
After randomisation:
Immediately after treatment 14 (6.9) 35 13.4 (7.7) 33 −0.59 (−3.51 to 2.34)
1 month follow-up visit 14 (7.3) 33 13.7 (8.5) 32 −0.92 (−4.31 to 2.47)
3 month follow-up visit 12.6 (7.5) 34 12.9 (7.7) 29 −1.11 (−4.60 to 2.37)
6 month follow-up visit 14.2 (7.8) 35 13.3 (8.6) 30 −0.55 (−4.26 to 3.15)
Beck depression inventory score
Before randomisation:
1st baseline visit 20.2 (10.4) 36 15.7 (8.5) 36
2nd baseline visit 19.1 (10.6) 36 14.1 (9.1) 36
After randomisation:
Immediately after treatment 11.2 (8.0) 35 9.3 (8.5) 33 −0.52 (−3.66 to 2.63)
1 month follow-up visit 12.7 (10.1) 33 10.3 (8.4) 32 0.13 (−4.01 to 4.27)
3 month follow-up visit 10.1 (8.4) 34 10.6 (8.4) 29 −1.79 (−5.65 to 2.08)
6 month follow-up visit 11.5 (9.5) 35 11.1 (9.1) 29 −2.46 (−6.38 to 1.47)
Score on client satisfaction questionnaire
Immediately after treatment 28.74 (3.6) 34 29.84 (2.9) 32 −0.81 (−2.46 to 0.84)
*Analysis of covariance: adjusted for baseline Beck depression inventory score, baseline Yale Brown obsessive compulsive disorder score, and site.
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BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.38940.355602.80 on 25 August 2006. Downloaded from on 21 November 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
27 Jones MK, Menzies RG. Danger ideation reduction (DIRT) for obsessive compulsive Sarah Hadley research assistant
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28 Fals-Stewart W, Marks A, Schafer J. A comparison of behavioural group therapy and CBT Department, Cheshire and Wirral NHS Partnership NHS Trust, Macclesfield
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1993;181:189-93. Debbie Cox cognitive behaviour psychotherapist
(Accepted 21 July 2006)
British Psychological Society, Centre for Clinical, Outcomes, Research, and
doi 10.1136/bmj.38940.355602.80 Effectiveness, Sub-department of Clinical Health Psychology, University College
London, London WC1E 6BT
Christopher Jones health economist
Department of Nursing, Midwifery, and Social Work, University of Manchester,
Manchester M13 9PL Department of Clinical Psychology, Pennine Care NHS Trust, Stepping Hill
Karina Lovell professor of mental health Hospital, Stockport SK2 7JE